Runners bringing non-runners to the light.

We just got back all of the pics from Brooke’s photo shoot last week.  You can see a million of them on HRG Baby!

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This friend of mine from college just ran her first half marathon two weekends ago and she is now hooked on running.  She works with a million runners and they finally convinced her to join in on the fun and now she can’t look back.  I love it when runners bring people to the light (light= running).

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You know how I plan out my birthday breakfast, lunch and dinner each year (even though it is still 5 months away)?

For my 28th birthday these sweet potato fries will be present at all three meals.   I would easily choose these fries over a bowl of ice cream which is saying a lot.

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And this vegetable burrito was just as amazing.  (Utah people—> this is all from Guru’s.  Go as soon as you can and if you don’t get the fries we are in a fight)

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Brooke made sure to photo bomb a group picture.  I think she was confused as to why other people were getting their photo taken and she wasn’t invited.  

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After dinner I went to Brooke’s boyfriend’s house to hang out with his mom and dad and they gave me this cupcake.  Chocolate Heath Bar Goodness.  Yep.  

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The last little while I have been trying out Altra’s The One.  Altra is well-known for their zero drop line (your heel and forefoot is the same distance from the ground…which can really help a lot with proper running form and less impact with each step).  Their shoes are designed to help with things like shin splints, IT Band pain and runner’s knee…I am not struggling with any of those things right now but I wanted to share that for those of you that are especially because those are VERY common running injuries.  

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I chose The Ones because they are great for speed work because they are one of their lightest shoes.  They are super comfortable and more cushioned than I thought they would be for a ‘racing’ shoe.  Added bonus is that they just look fast.  (Brooke wanted to show off her fancy footwear too).  It is definitely taking some time to get my calves used to drop zero and you should always slowly build your mileage up with these but overall they are a great shoe.

My top two musts as far as running shoes goes is that they are comfortable and crazy light (because why would I want to have to pick up heavy shoes with each stride;) and both of these things are met with The Ones.  Also the wide toe box is really comfortable because each time my foot lands on the ground my toes are able to spread out and that feels like I am running without shoes on.  I like it.


Don’t forget to enter my Hit and Run 5k and Pro Compression giveaways!


Was it another runner (friend/family/coworker) that convinced you to start running?  Who was it? 

Who has tried a zero drop shoe?  Has anyone tried out a pair of Altras before?

2 most important things that you look for in a running shoe?

What was the last chocolate thing that you ate?

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I have dragged a few friends to races with me, most end up running far after the race is over! I like being able to help them “see the light!”

I am a huge fan of the larger toe space, I don’t have time for blisters or cramped tootsies!


last chocolate thing i ate: kit kat bites!


Those sweet potato fries look SO good. I’m craving some.
I’ve actually had a friend bring me to a race, so I kind of got involved through her…although, the only runs I usually do are fundraisers for cancer and things like that since I much prefer biking or swimming.


I love the photo bomb!

I think my co-blogger, Sarah, is the one who really motivated me to start running. The last chocolate thing I ate was a Snicker’s Peanut Butter Square. If you’ve never had one you should immediately. They’re delicious!


I don’t currently wear a different pair of shoes for training and racing because I am afraid of getting injured in a more minimalist shoe. The ones I wear are relatively light to begin with though so I don’t have a huge problem. I think Brooke’s boyfriend is a keeper if they keep cupcakes like that around ;) whenever my friends start running I’m pretty sure I scare them away a little because I just get so excited and won’t stop talking about running related things. It a bad habit of mine.


I’ve only been running for about a month or so now and love it! Downside my knees have been hurting really bad the last week so I haven’t been able to get out:( and I will definitely be checking those shoes out.
Last chocolate thing I ate?? Reece’s pieces!! Yumm


I get the worst shin splints so I look for stability and support. I typically get shoes that help/make me have better form. Interested in hearing more about those babies!


I get the worst shin splints too! Have you found any good shoes that help? I bought a pair about 2 months ago – super light and comfortable…but I’m afraid that may have led to the shin splints this time. :(


I started running with my fiance. He was always asking me to join and I finally gave in. I am so happy I did! It is now ‘our’ thing :) Last night I had chocolate ice cream with m&ms…double the chocolate, double the fun!


Oh my gosh, those fries! Oh my gosh, that cupcake!

I love food :)


No one really convinced me to start running but I saw my dad and brother truly enjoying it and wanted to be with them more. So I started to run and then fell in love with it.

I don’t wear zero support shoes because quite frankly my feet need support. I wish I could get away with them.


I get bad shin splints so I look for shoes with support and cushion. I typically get ones that make you have good form. Im interested in learning more about those babies


As usual, the food looks AMAZING and you and Brook look beautiful! :) The last chocolate thing I ate was last night’s fudgesicle. :) YUM!


Brooke’s photos are so beautiful!
I love when people see the light and fall in love with running! I started running young but do take full credit for my husband falling in love with it!
I’ve wondered about altra shoes. About a year ago I switched from nikes (which I had worn for 15 years!) I’m still not sold on any of the shoes I’ve tried.
Thanks for passing along your thoughts.


Just ate a handful of m&m’s right now at work.
Breakfast needs dessert too, right?


I started running track in high school because my sister did it. Does that count? Then I ran short distances all through college, but I didn’t go for long distances until I was out of school.

I can’t remember the last chocolate thing I’ve eaten. How sad is that???


My sister talked me into running, she has since quit to focus on biking but I continue to soldier on :-) I have talked a bunch of friends into running since then, everything from 5K’s to marathons so I’m definitely the running ambassador of the world, haha…!
I had a Hershey bar last night which is simple but amazing, mmmmmm…..
I just got a pair of Mizuno Sayonara’s which are my speedwork shoe and are the most minimalistic (spelling?) shoe I own. LOVE them but it is taking my calves a while to get used to them. I mix it up by wearing my Wave 16’s too- Mizuno for life around here :-)


I started running because my sister runs. She was my inspiration.

Last chocolate thing I ate was a peanut butter cup last night.

ps- love the pics from the photo shoot. Adorable.


My running shoes are Altras! I LOVE them. I was in heavy shoes prior, and when I switched to Altras, my painful shin splints completely went away. I have wide feet too, so I love that they still give me plenty of room!


I run in the Evo Cursoris by Mizuno which are also a zero drop shoe. I love them, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about Altra!


I’m not a runner, but I seriously find myself itching to start up with all the posts I read about it around the blog world. I love the passion and happiness that people seem to get from it, and although I’ve had some failed attempts to start in the past, I have to admit that I’m seriously tempted try again…


I have a pair of the original Altra Intuitions that I’ve had since 2010ish? I haven’t put a ton of miles on them (I don’t think, but I never keep track and they’re still in good shape-ish), and I haven’t worn them in a long while. Don’t get me wrong, I really like them, but I’ve mostly transitioned to FiveFingers and to be completely honest, I do most of my mileage on my garage treadmill completely barefoot. They were a great transition step down to that, and I find barefoot and minimalist training really does make me a stronger runner.


My good friend Anna inspired me to run–she talked so much about how peaceful and fun running could be, so I tried it, and learned to love it! Watching her finish her first marathon also inspired me to enter my first race.

The number one thing I look for in a running shoe is a roomy toe box. I hate having my toes too close together.


I started running after a friend mentioned that her husband and her were running a half marathon. Half marathons have definitely gained popularity lately, so hubby and I signed up last year. Little did I know I would continue to run and actually enjoy it! It’s my favorite form of exercise now :)


I need a wide shoe so that right there limits my options and now I love really light shoes and everyone says I need stability shoes but they hurt so I choose to ignore the running store professionals.
And I had some pumpkin spice m&ms this morning.


I started running on my own, but you’re right, it’s awesome to see people being brought to “the light”. :)
I’ve never tried Altras, but they’ve been on my radar recently. They don’t have anything that I think would be beneficial to me right now, but if they ever make a good long-distance trail shoe, I’ll probably be buying it!


I thought the same thing and finally buckled and tried the Altra Lone Peak 1.5’s.
Pure awesomeness. They grip amazing, the cushion holds up on long trail miles and the rock plate has saved my forefoot a million times. And best of all, they’re crazy light for how much they hold up to. I’ve been impressed. I also heard that they are actually making a Hoka type Zero Drop trail shoe coming out early next year. But I have been so happy with my Lone Peaks!


Yes, I’ve heard about their upcoming shoe that’s similar to the Hoka shoes, and that’s the one that I might be interested in. I use Hokas right now, and without them my long trail runs (30+ miles) would not be possible. My feet used to get agonizingly sore before, but now in the Hokas, my feet feel great the whole time!


I’ve never seen of tried those shoes but now I’m on the search for some since I’m doing speedwork all the time! I always look for a for that isn’t going to hurt my arch and isn’t going to make my shins hurt when I’m running. Ummmm can we just talk about those fries. I tried to make some a year ago, turned out horrible. I was doing something wrong, I just don’t know what that is haha but those. Those make me want to try and make some again, or simply just go out and have someone make some for me!!!! Last chocolate I had was a snack inbetween my classes, Almonds and Dark Chocolate for the win!


Hmm I am having IT band problems. Maybe I should try the Altras. Do you think they are mainly a speed shoe? I’ve heard that wearing shoes that are extremely lightweight isn’t good for you unless you are very speedy and strong, both of which I am working on, but not yet…


They have regular cushion & full cushion shoes too, Amy! The Intuition 1.5’s are my fave road shoe, and the Torin is their best seller nationwide with even more cushion than the Intuitions.


I feel the same way about deliciously prepared sweet potato fries and me saying that about them vs. ice cream is probably similar to the intensity of you saying it. :)

I tried a zero drop shoe for a while and ended up having foot/arch pain for a month. I had to wear a shoe with a heel in it all day every day to ease the pain. Good thing it was in winter so I could rock some boots.


My BFF Katie decided to just see how far she could run without stopping and she made it 12 miles and signed up for a 1/2 marathon. I did the same and made it 9 so I signed up for the same 1/2.
I like really light shoes as well but my toe box is wide in comparison to my heel which causes major blisters. Long story short, I’ve tried Brooks, NB, Mizuno, and I’m on Adidas right now and I haven’t found anything I love. The Adidas have tons of support but they are a little heavy. At least I don’t have blisters or shin splints though.
I ate double stuft Oreos with almond milk last night. Yum!


You would probably love the Altra’s then Marissa. They have a narrower locked in heel and a really wide toe box. My husband has a foot shape like yours and he loves his Altra’s. Worth a try I’d say. ;)


Awesome! I’m definitely going to check them out :)


All of my friends were running, so I figured I would join the bandwagon so I wouldn’t feel left out. I ended up getting hooked, and now I’m the on trying to drag them to races or to take a spin around the block! I love when runners bring other people in! It’s infectious!


I tried the Altras and they just weren’t for me. I am a Brooks Pure Cadence fan.


They have no idea, but three girls I know from middle school and high school started posting their race adventures on Facebook, and I was jealous/intrigued/inspired to see if I could do it. I look for lightweight shoes, but I’ve never tried a zero drop.


I worked for 6 months to get to 4 miles in my zero drop shoes but I got a stress fracture in my fibula. Now I wear a Brooks Connect that still allows me to forefoot strike but is better on my bones. When I was a heel striker my knees really hurt.


Brookster is so cute!!

I have to have shoes with good support, so mine tend to be a bit heavy

I want to eat those sweet potato fries through the computer-box


Brooke is beautiful!!! Heath is one of my favorites :-)


Love Brooke’s jean jacket! I just made some healthier nutella and I’ve been dipping into it every chance I get!!


My husband got me into running, he never “dragged” me per say but it took me a while to get “hooked” but now there is no looking back!


(Um, those sweet potato fries are making my mouth water!)

No one got me into running, but I sort of fell into it by using it as therapy while I was going through a very difficult time in my life when I was at rock bottom emotionally. Still using running as my therapy cause its cheaper than paying a counselor :)

Never tried a zero drop shoe – I think my calves couldn’t handle it! I do use a more minimal shoe for while I’m at the gym, but never put more than a three mile run in with them.

The most important things I look for in a shoe are stability and a wide toe box. I’m partial to the Asics Gel Kayano (but geez ow they are expensive!).

I made chocolate chip cookies last night that were pretty darn awesome. Although, that chocolate treat posted looks like it totally trumped a plain ol’ cookie!


I love trying to turn non runners into runners!!!!!! I do not do well with zero drop shoes at all….maybe I don’t give them enough of a chance though.
It was actually my basketball coach who got me into running. We had an awesome high school basketball team and I was not awesome so he wanted me to try running :). Last chocolate thing was peanut butter m&m’s yesterday…chocolate happens daily here!


My guy friend at work told me to stop being a slacker one day and I went home that afternoon and ran and haven’t stopped. I have to admit that reading your blog everyday has helped inspire me to run, too. You really love it, and I can see why now. Yesterday was my best run yet. I loved it. Now I just need to find a running buddy.


I’d like to try those shoes sometimes because I’m a big-time heel striker. Hmm.. its something to look into, thanks for posting about them.

Those sweet potato fries made me instantly hungry, they look incredible. I plan my birthday meals well in advance too, so you’re not alone in that. haha


Your blog convinced me to run my first half 2 years ago! So crazy, and so glad I was referred to your blog!!


I have Altras that i use for short distances because they make my calves hurt. Gotta ease into longer distances with them. My running shoes have to be light AND flexible.

I had mini Reese’s PB cups yesterday after dinner.


Sweet potato fries. YUM! I’m thinking about slowly transitioning to a more minimalist shoe after Richmond, but I’m nervous about how my feet will react. I have ridiculously high arches and need a neutral, cushioned shoe. Hoping I can find the right balance. Enjoyed some chocolate chip cookies at a picnic last night, but that cupcake looks AMAZING!


Actually my family and friends all told me that running was horrible for my body! I decided to start racing all on my own, and luckily found some great runner friends!


I just came up with the idea to run a marathon on my own, out of the blue, to get over a bad breakup….and I never stopped running long!

I am not a fan of zero drop for me personally, but, maybe I’ll give them a try again one day.

I LOVE birthdays and am usually thinking of mine very far in advance. Mine is now only 2 months away, and I haven’t thought of it really at all….I am more concerned now with how to dress the baby up for Halloween and Christmas!


Your blog helped me to see the light!! You inspired me to run my first half marathon two years ago. Haven’t stopped running since :)


I also chose to try the Altra “The One” shoe. I really like how light they are and they seem like a great racing shoes.

I love when new runners are born! I’ve been trying to make my BFFs into runners for years…

Subway chocolate chip cookies last night!


love sweet potato fries! My bro and sis-in-law got me into running. They had signed up for some races so i decided to join in! It was great racing with people that I knew :) last chocolate thing I ate? chocolate chip cookie before i left the house for work this morning. oops ;)


When I started dating my husband in college, he was on the cross country team, so I tried to get into running to “see what it was all about.” Thinking back on it, he was SO patient, I bet it was funny when he was out running super speedy 10-milers and I came back, dripping with sweat, saying “I just ran 0.25 miles without stopping!!!” :). Since then I’ve tried to bring as many people to the light as possible!


I would be interested in trying the Altras because I have very wide feet (normally I wear men’s shoes!). But first I have to get back to running. Then I can start experimenting!


That cupcake… OH MY! And obviously I need to go get me some of those sweet potato fries. I’m making you come with me. ;)


After running a 5k for my middle school, a friend of a friend said “hey that girl should do cross country!” and that’s how it began. I’ve been running on and off ever since and I plan on being on from here on out :)
There was some chocolate in the froyo I ate two nights ago.
Those sweet potato fries look AWESOME!


I’ve always ran, but running longer distances is very new to me (I was a mid distance trackie in my past runner’s life)…I joined a running group, Team Luna Chix Denver Run, after moving to CO and those lovely ladies convinced/coerced me into signing up for my 1st half! I think I’m going to like it a lot.

I haven’t ran in 0 drop, the lowest I’m in right now is Newton Gravity performance trainer – it has a 3mm drop

last chocolate thing – hand full dark chocolate m&ms and candy corn


I need very supportive shoes bc my feet break a lot hahaha


A few years ago I switched over to some Vivobarefoot shoes (zero drop, no cushion, 3 mm sole, nice roomy toebox) and have never looked back! I was plagued with injuries before I made the switch, and I do so much better now. It took awhile for me to adjust to the switch too (read, a year!) but now I would never wear a traditional running shoe again!

Your little girl is beautiful, just like her mama :)


I convinced myself to start running and now I hope to do the same to other people. I always have to tell people you’re not going to like it at first, but you’ll be addicted by the time you want to quit.
Two things I look for in a running shoe: Width and Cushion.

Last chocolate thing I ate was pumpkin chocolate chip cake. :D


I definitely need new running shoes. I’ve had mine since February (March?) and they’re definitely worn out…. but I’m a broke college kid! Who has $100 for new shoes?!


Love that picture of Brooke, she is a beauty just like her mama.
My older brother was the one who got me running. He is 7yrs older than me and was always the track and cross country star. I would love visiting him at UT Austin and going to see him race. He’s still the one I call when I have a running question. I would say the two top running things I look for in a shoe is if their claims are backed up by real science, I try not to go with the latest fad. I also listen to my coach and PT on what I should be wearing. And last but not least, if it doesn’t feel good the minute I put it on then it’s not going to feel good when I run, I’ve never had a shoe that I had to break in that actually felt better after “breaking them in.” The last chocolate thing I ate was a Hershey’s kiss :)

Love ya Janae, hope you’re doing well!


First of all! That plate of sweet potatoe fries looks amazing!!! I am with you on wanting that for all 3 meals!
I have tried zero drop shoes and I do like them, I don’t use them all the time though.
I look for fit and colour of course!


Um, so I just spent my first 20 minutes at work looking at the Guru’s menu and want to go now. lol.. seriously, I’m trying to think of ways to justify the 15-20 min drive from work to go there for lunch.. by myself.

In any case, I started running w/a friend casually which started after a no joke, drunken conversation. We ended up following through with our plans. I started running seriously when I was going through a messy break up and my boss at the time recruited me for a Ragnar.. I realized I was marginally talented and wanted to see how a marathon would go. Now I’m on my 5th :)


My good friend and her husband signed me up for a local 4.2-miler (Pat Tillman run) without telling me! They just said, “Hey, we signed you up for a race. Just come with your workout gear.” I super hated the whole 4.2 miles because I was an avid ellipticaller up to that point… but after I crossed the finish line, it was over. I became a runner :)


Oh my. Sweet potato fires are the best. I can never get them like that though! Would love to know what the secret is to those delicious bites!


That jacket on Brooke is so darn cute – you have the cutest baby ever!!!


A Justin’s peanutbutter cup I got for free at Whole Foods local tasting event. I loaded up on samples so I have a treat at lunch all this week :)


My sister got me into running. All it took was a suggestion that we run this half marathon together and my obsession exploded. We never ran that half together because my sister got crazy busy with full time work and a full time grad program but I totally credit her with getting me into it. It is fun because now I am the one encouraging her to get back into running now that she is almost done with her masters.


I just have to say the picture of Brooke’s feet in the little (cow?) pajamas is so adorable!


Oh my goodness, Brookers is SO amazing in all of her photos (and mumma too, how do you always look so incredible?! oh yeah, it’s that awesome and inspiring spirit of yours shining right through the lens). My mum actually caught a glimpse of Brooksters’ pics on my computer that was open and she said, “Hey, you know that Janae Jacobs on your FB? Well, if you had a daughter, I think she would look like her daughter…” I loved it!!! Last chocolate thing I ate was super random and not sure it counts–I mixed Cocoa powder and brown sugar with cottage cheese?!!


The adorableness of Brooke in all of these pictures is almost too much to handle! I have to come and get my cute fill every day! The last chocolate thing I ate is a trail mix M&M thing that (I think) is new. And brilliant.


Wow – that cupcake looks amazing :) Now, I also have a craving for sweet potato fries. Yum.


i love brooke’s fancy footwear! too cute <3

those sweet potato fries look amazing. now i have a craving for them and it's not even 9 am yet… haha ;)


I started running on my own. I had always been into walking(12 min./mile), kickboxing, etc. and one day I just started running.
I’ve never tried a zero drop shoe but have tried minimalist shoes like Brooks Pure Cadence and Saucony Kinvaras. They are fine for me on shorter runs but definitely not on longer runs.
Jealous of your sweet potato fries!!!!


When we were in Utah last month, we ate at Gurus three times– and we were only there a couple weeks. Those fries are the BEST sweet potato fries I’ve ever consumed, and I’m a connoisseur of the sweet potato fry. The sauce is also eight shades of heaven.


I like you a lot!


My sister Pamela encourage be to start running and registered me for my first Half marathon.
Last chocolate I ate was PB M & M’s one of my new favorites. I had them for the first time a few weeks ago. What have I been missing.


My boss actually got me into running. She’s a multi marathoner and sold me on the mental benefits of running. Thank god she did!


I attacked the jar of Nutella yesterday after my tempo run! I could have easily finished the whole thing…

Never tried zero drop shoes but I’m deeply in love with my Saucony Kinvara 4! 4mm drop and as light as feathers! Too bad I overpronate, so I can just use them during speed workouts and shorter races :(


Hey! I came across your blog awhile back and have been following it a bit. I’m pretty sure we went to the same Jr. High and we’ve probably crossed paths, I just can’t remember. Anyway- I think we know a bunch of the same runners. I’ll be shooting for Sub 3 at St George this weekend along with some girls you know.

For what it’s worth, the only shoes I have ran in since I had a baby in February are Altras. I’ve ran in every shoe under the sun (ran for BYU) and they have been the best shoe for me. I don’t race anything longer than a 10k in their racing shoes (the ones you have pictured), but I do all my mileage in their Intuition/Instinct, up to 70 miles a week and 22 miler. I’ve had no injuries. For me it was a seamless transition because I’m more of a toe runner and I didn’t have to train my legs to switch. So if you are a strong heel striker, it might take more transition.

Have a great day!


So awesome! Thanks for commenting and I am so happy Altras have worked so well for you! I am stoked you are going to get that sub 3 this weekend! Please let me know how it goes and if you ever want to run together please let me know!


I really don’t know who made me start running. Honestly it might be you, Janae! I started reading in January, and that month I decided to run a half marathon. So thank you :)


My sis brought me to the ‘light’ ;) hah. ANd then I ran a few races.

I think we need to go to Guru’s after yogurtland. Just saying….


My neighbor brought me into the light about 2 years ago and I’ve never looked back! I really want to try the Altras — I think I need a wider toe box!


I first got involved in running when I was in the Air Force. Obviously as a military member you have timed runs that you have to do to keep your job. So it was something I had to do. On top of that, I worked at a joint forces installation with Army peeps. Air Force people are not required to do mandatory runs unless they fail their PT test. However, where I worked a lot of Air Force people chose to do fitness runs with the Army anyway, because we otherwise caught a lot of flack (jokes about being in the “Air Farce” as an example). Kind of a matter of pride. Anyway, I was one of those idiots that chose to run just to prove that I could and eventually, I got to like it.

I wear the Merrell Pace Gloves for short runs and really like them. I think they have been really helpful in keeping me from re-injuring myself after I hurt my hip earlier this year.

I look for a good fit in all shoes…and pronation control from my non zero drop shoes that I use for long runs.

I am sad to realize I don’t remember the last time I ate chocolate. :-(


Wow. That cupcake… just… wow.

I actually own a pair of Altra Intuition’s but I am sad to say, I don’t love them. I love the wide toe box but I ran a 10-mile race in them back in May and immediately regretted it. I had given myself time to adjust to them and all that, there just wasn’t enough cushion for me and my feet were hurting after the race. I don’t think I’ve ran outside with them since. Once in a while I’ll put ’em on for some speedwork on the treadmill.

My must-haves are 1) lightweight and 2) good cushioning. Enter: Brooks PureFlow 2’s. My one true love.

Last chocolate thing I had was snickers bar chunks on my froyo a couple weeks ago. It’s sad that it took 1.5 years for my husband and I to try out the froyo place 1 mile from our house. Shameful.


Last chocolate thing I ate was a Lindt crunchy nougat last night, but I think I would have preferred the cupcake. It looks so good! And I actually think that I started to pick up running once I started reading blogs – I figured that so many people couldn’t be wrong ;-)


My husbands brother is an elite runner and pretty much the most motivating little guy ever. He absolutely supported me every step along the way of my running journey — and never made me feel like the rookie I still am :)


Haha Brooke’s photobomb is hilarious!! I mean, how could they take a picture WITHOUT her?! ;) I have to say, you are the one who brought me to the “light” with all of your talk about running!!! So thank you for that, lady :)



My third-grader is the one who inspired me at the beginning of this year to start running (again — I ran fairly often a dozen years ago, pre-kids…). Sam joined the elementary school Boys Running Club in February and started training for a 5K, so I ran along with him. We did the race together, and I loved the excitement of the event and the pride on his face when we crossed the finish line so much that I couldn’t wait to do it again. We ran another 5K together the next month, I ran a 10K a few weeks after that, and I just signed up for a half at the beginning of November (and a 5K with Sam in December, with the Running Club). So my little runner showed me the light!


I want to be invited to your birthday. That meal is making me drool on my keyboard.

I started running eons ago because the rest of my family was on a youth track team. Most of us still run! After trying a lot of shoes, I have to admit that I am in an exclusive relationship with Mizuno. :)


She has amazing EYES!! So beautiful! both of ya


I’ve been reading a lot of blogs by awesome runners, such as yourself!, for a long time and had wanted to start running/train for a half marathon. It finally took my sister signing up for her first half (she’s running it in 3 weeks!!!!) for me to take the plunge. We’re running my first half marathon together in March! I’m really stinkin’ excited, and also absolutely terrified!


I know a pair of sneakers are great when I forget about my feet when I am running. If I notice my feet, something is not right. Sometimes I can’t place the problem with a shoe, I just say something is not right and I keep trying pairs until I feel as though my feet are comfy and forgotten about while moving lol. Hope that makes sense.


I’m kind of the opposite in running shoes…I want all the cushioning they can give me. I land heavily on my forefeet and even though I’m only 5’1 and not heavy, I just need that extra padding. So I wear Neutral Plus shoes. I have a pair of Neutrals which are lighter – I like them loads but if I wear them for long runs, everything aches.


Love your blog!! Let us know how they feel. I have dealt with IT band issues for 12 years. Thankfully yoga has helped a ton, but I’m still worried that it will come back at some point :(

I’m also a Skirt Champion for pass on this code: 25TIFFM2013 to any one that wants 25% off on their order from their website!


I have quite a list of people I have convinced to become runners. And many of them are running the Disney marathon in January with me for the American Liver Foundation (….just in case anyone wants to join in on the fun)! Of course my absolute FAVORITE convert is my aunt J – 50+ years old – has run 4 races in her first 3 months as a runner and just signed up for her first half marathon which is taking place next month!!!!


I’ve had the opportunity to do 2 stake mother/yw virtue run 5k’s and one 9 stake regional yw virtue run 5k. Throughout the process I have been able to have a few (but not as many as I’d like) people really realize that they can run and that they can do hard things. It warms my heart every single time to hear someone say they didn’t think they could do it, but they followed the training plan and rocked it!


I have been looking at new shoes because I have been having knee pain after I run. I’ll have to look into the Altras.


The person who convinced me to try running was my train friend, who is a VP at a great hospital. She is still my friend, I just don’t ride the train any longer. She is sent me a text before my half last weekend. She and her hubby prayed for me to make it through without much pain. I can’t ask for better friends.


Thanks for the review, those shoes sound super comfy and fast!


Those shoes look super comfortable.

I like Niki Free’s for run/walk combo days.

my friends got me into running.

Chocolate…must be a peanut butter cup! performance apparel for all activities and lifestyles

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