My new weekly long run plan and Chalk the Block.

Here is my new weekly long run plan:

Every Saturday I will drive up to Park City to run my miles along the millions of paved and dirt paths that run throughout the city.  The views were spectacular.  I don’t think it would be possible to get bored running there.  

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10.66 miles @ a 7:34 average pace with my coach yesterday morning.  He and his wife are in town until Monday so I am trying to take all of the opportunities to learn from him as possible.  It was a great run, I felt strong and I am improving in my running form which is key because the more efficient runner we are = the faster we are.  I have a running form post HERE

Before I get on to the race portion of this post let’s talk about this cute girl.  She and I met at BYU in one of our classes and we both became health teachers at different high schools and loved it.  She just had baby #2 and her husband was running this race so I finally got to see her after years of being separated. 

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Go ahead and add Big Cottonwood Canyon Marathon to my race calendar for next year.  This was only the second year that it has been going on and there were 4,000 runners running it yesterday….I think that means it is a good one.

Pam came all of the way from Southern California to run this race and it was so so good to see her again!  Janice rocked it and Christie and Candice (not pictured) had HUGE PRs!  PS so happy Julia moved back to Utah too!

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As I was driving home my mom called and invited me eat at Chick-Fil-A with her and my niece.  This salad was kind of boring even though the picture on the menu made it look like the world’s greatest salad…so I had second lunch of cereal when I got home:)  

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Last night I took my sister’s kids for an adventure so she and her husband could go on a date.  

We first went to ‘Chalk the Block.’

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And so did the rest of Utah.

It was actually really cool and each parking stall had a different artist assigned to it where they created their masterpiece.

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My nieces and Brooke had already had dinner so we just got some quesadillas and my nephew and I split those pork nachos from Cafe Rio for dinner.  Yes, I ordered something different than the salad.  A miracle really.  

Brooke is giving my nephew the evil eye for not smiling for the picture.

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And a night doesn’t end without some ice cream.  We hit the jackpot with this one because it came with an overflowing amount of ice cream.

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Eaten while watching Mulan 2.  I really need to stop being so cool.


What was the last race that you went and spectated?

What do you order at Chick-fil-A?

Last flavor of ice cream that you ate?

Who had a long run or race this weekend?  How did it go?

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I’d say you deserve double that amount of ice cream for taking 4 kids to a crowded Chalk the Block AND out to dinner. You are Super Aunt. Checking out your running form post now.


Last ice cream I had was Half Baked (Ben & Jerry’s) — so good!

Happy Sunday!


I get the Chick Fila sandwich without pickle but with mayo. :) Not a fan of their fries for some reason–maybe the lack of seasoning? But their chicken is AMAZING.

Ice cream? Love me some peanut butter and chocolate or Moose Tracks. DELISH!


I love Chick-fil-A waffle fries!

My long run was 13.5 on Saturday – kind of a big deal for me since I’m training for my first half marathon and my previous longest was 11.5. Now a month to get faster! :)


Love your purple Lulu top. Way too cute! Can we please run in Park City together when I visit?? It looks stunning!
So ya, the Chick Fil A salads kind of disappoint me too.
Brooke’s evil eye is awesome, she cracks me up. She’s all like you better give me some of that :D


I went and watched the yeti snakebite 50k and 50 miler it was amazing to say the least


Oh, Janae, I can help you with this one. Don’t ever go to Chick-fil-A and order the salad. When you go, you have to commit and get what they’re known for – the chicken sandwich. Or, get the chicken nuggets. They are so good that I consider driving two hours to the nearest Chick-fil-A on a weekly basis.


How do you always find the BEST ice cream flavors? Seriously, I think it might be a real skill. I cannot find a s’mores flavor that I find acceptable. The brands we have in the stores around me just aren’t cutting it.


I’ve never been to Chick-Fil-A because I heard they use peanut oil and I’m very allergic to peanuts! So..yeah. Sad day.

On a happier note, last ice cream I ate was Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough… so good. Makes me wonder why I think froyo is so good because full-fat is where it’s at. And now I’m rhyming. I’m going to stop here.

Have a great day!


Wow, those chalk drawings are amazing! I can barely make a stick figure with my girls’ sidewalk chalk :) Very impressive.

21 miles yesterday – my longest run ever and my last 20 miler before my first full marathon on Oct. 6th. I had to drop out of the same marathon last year due to injury and was just devastated, so I’m a little emotional about making it this far! Thanks for being such a great motivator/inspiration when it comes to all things running!!


I ran an 8k race yesterday. The course was great and I did as well as I expected. I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten as fast as I’m going to get without doing any speed work. It’s time to start doing the speed work I keep talking about. I really want to see what my potential is! Seems hard but I’m excited, too. The picture from your run looks lovely.


You are their “cool aunt!” Haha so fun. That chalk thing is so cool! Mine would consist of a rainbow and stick figures.


Am I the only one who is sad that Chick-fil-a changed their salads?? I loved their Southwest Chargrilled Salad – not so in love with the garden market salad they have now. Yes, I am way too familiar with the Chick-fil-a menu. Four of my kids have worked there during high school. Anyway, try the cobb salad. The chicken is fried, but it tastes way better. I like the avocado lime ranch dressing.

Chalk the Block looks awesome!!


I agree about chick-fil-a salads. They look so much bigger and filling! I always either their grilled or spicey chicken sandwich.

I’m trying to push myself out for a long run right now. It’s already too hot for all of that.

How did that ice cream container even shut? So much winning!


I haven’t just watched a race since April – I had to sit out due to injury but went to watch my other friends rock it. Guess what, I just ran and did super well at a 5k yesterday – 20:41/6:39 average – A NEW PR. I’m obviously very stoked!


Last weekend I watched a friend and few of Chris’s teammates do Ironman WI.
Last ice cream was rocky road at 1am last night after getting home from a wedding. Yes I had a piece of wedding cake too… But ice cream just sounded good after we got home.


I have never seen ice cream over full. I am surprised it didn’t leak everywhere.


You needed some spicy chicken on that salad! It’s the best! That and the lemonade… :)


I really only like Chick-Fil-A fries. I know. I’m just not much into fast food chicken. Of course, now I REALLY want an order of those glorious fries…and it’s Sunday. Happens every week :) And Brooke’s cheeks are too much in that picture! She’s just adorable.


I don’t really spectate races because I’d rather be running them and none of my friends are runners….so lame. I think it’s so cool that you have so many running friends, send some my way!

No Chick-Fil-A for me.

Butter brickle ice cream, good, but fireside s’more looks way better! Thanks for the new grocery list item!!

Racing in a little over an hour. Trying to PR in the 5K today. Wish me luck!


to be honest, i don’t remember the last race that I went to to just watch. i think it must have been years ago when my sister ran a 10 miler on the beach and i had a stress fracture and couldn’t…

my bf and I stopped at chick-fil-A on our long 10.5h drive to NC over LDW. i got the same thing you did and it was also boring central. so i stole his fries and ate that, too haha.

Last flavor of ice cream that I ate was plain ole’ french vanilla! i made a cookie cake…and vanilla goes the best with that don’t you think?

I allowed myself to sleep in today (man that felt good!) and am eating something as i type this and wil head out soon for a 14 miler. hope it goes well because my runs as of late = sucky.


Took the summer off, no races or spectated…. just did a lot of running (I’m training for NYC ING)

I lived in ATL for almost 4 years… loved chix sandwhich, fries and lemonade…

Choc Chip Ice Cream with fudge for me = heaven.

QUESTION: Awesome that you have a coach… how did you find hime, does it cost a great deal to hire one???


The picture of Brooke giving the stink-eye is so funny. She is so cute! Yah, what’s the deal with Chick-Fil-A? They had some really good salads then changed up the menu to some eh’ salads. I must say I like their spicy chicken sandwich with extra pickles. Have a good weekend!


The last ice cream I had was … um … peanut butter something I think. The last froyo was vanilla and coffee :)


I am thinking you are about as cool as me because I watched Bambi 2 with my kids yesterday. It was actually really cute.

I haven’t spectated a ran lately. I should!

Last flavor of ice cream I ate was Birthday Cake, but I bought the wrong brand and was thoroughly disappointed. Even my girls didn’t care for it and they’ll eat just about any ice cream.

No long run today, but a run never the less. It will be a trail run and I’m taking my new rescued dog for the first time!


The last race I spectated was a 5k my hubby did but I will be spectating 2 marathons in the next month – Chicago and Marine Corps that my husband is running. It’s going to be hard not running Chicago for the first time in 2 years, but I look forward to being a cheerleader! I need this little break from Chicago.

I haven’t been to Chick-Fil-A in a while but when I go I always order the grilled chicken sandwich.


I second the big cottonwood race. I ran the half last year and the full yesterday and loved it. 10 min PR for a 3:03! Wish I would have seen you there yesterday I would have come up and introduced myself. You should definitely do it next year..


You always inspire me to get back outside and get MORE out of running and to really LIVE each day. Thank you for that!


Sounds like a great Saturday! I ran a PR in my ten mile race! 1:18:13 :-)


Holy moly! Brooke’s evil eye for the win!


This weekend I ran the “have a 9 lb baby naturally” race. It was brutal but I had a quick pace, finished in good time, and it was sooooo worth it. Crazy endorphin high and I must’ve won because I am taking home the sweetest, best prize ever. :) love keeping up with you on the blog! Partially because (vicariously through you), it’s my way of being back in Utah County with my family. But mostly because you’re awesome and I feel cool just knowing you.
Let’s for sure get together around Thanksgiving so you can meet my new little one. Not gonna lie, we named him Miles partially because we hope he’ll be a runner like my husband and we thought it’d be clever. So maybe when you meet him, you can give him his first running tips. :)


Congrats!! :D


So envious: love the mountains and trail running. Don’t get to experience that often here in Chicago!


You are the best auntie ever. I don’t know how u manage that many kids I have a hard time with two.
No long run for me. I tweaked my foot at my race last weekend and its still bugging me so I might crosstrain today instead.

I rarely spectate races. Mostly bc my friends and family don’t run so I’m usually the participant and they come watch.


My son and I volunteered this morning at a 5km/half marathon in our town. So cool as the world record holder for the half in the 80+ age group is a local man named Ed Whitlock-it was so amazing to see him race!


Janae! I didn’t know you were at my race! Too bad I missed you. Your friend were probably a lot faster than me haha But yes you need to do it next year. It was really well run and now that I know it was only the second year, I’m even more impressed.
I ordered a salad once at McDonalds and that was a mistake. That’s just not what those places are for! haha


How Sid I not know about this park city path?? That looks so awesome! We almost went to chalk the block too, but didn’t wanna deal with crowds lol glad you had a great weekend:)


Last ice cream flavor I had was caramel pecan and it was incredible. I had a seven mile run yesterday and it was perfect. The weather, company, legs, everything :)


I don’t eat fast food but I LOVE the diet lemonade from chick-fil-a. I could guzzle it down in no time! I need the S’mores ice cream in my life! The last ice cream I had was Turkey Hill’s Limited Whoopie Pie ice cream! Soo good!

That event is SO neat. I would love to see it considering everything is created RIGHT there and it’s unique. So, so cool.


If volunteering counts as spectating, then the last race would have been the Echo Tri. The second to last was the Buffalo Run on Antelope Island.

Both are HIGHLY recommended depending on what you are racing. Jim Skaggs, the RD for the Buffalo Run, is a true trail runner. He’s low key, puts on incredible races, and knows how to run events very, very well. Plus, he’s got the running chops. I believe he just finished his 7th Wasatch 100 last weekend. Good man.

Btw, the RD for the Echo Tri is very cool, too. I just didn’t interact with him as long.

Last night the kid-lette and I had a bit of Tilamook’s Udderly Chocolate ice cream. Gotta love my Calcium Queen (aka daughter) who craved it while she was inside and now inhales it!


Chalk the Block looks awesome! I need more information on this–might have to organize one down here in the south :)

PS: The last race I went to watch was when my girls (5 and 7) ran a knock-off Color Run Kids Run at a local high school. Lots of fun, and I really enjoyed watching the faster runners come in too!


You seriously are the coolest auntie. We haven’t watched Mulan 2 in a while. We’ve been on a Tangled jag lately. Last night I had ChocoMaca Crunch Cocobliss ice cream (made with coconut milk) and it was delicious. The last race I spectated was Napa Valley. My daughter and I went to holler for RoseRunner. It was a great day for spectating but not so much for running a marathon. Craziest spectating experience was at last year’s CIM…that monsoon weather was insane! I hope it’s better weather this year for everyone’s sake :)


Those chalk drawings are amazing!

The last flavor of ice cream I had was Skor.


Gosh, I’m really praying my husband gets his job in Draper – because I’d really like to be closer to all the happenings going on in Utah! i feel like I’m missing out on lots of running stuff being way up here :( Park City is INSANE. I’ve never seen a city so pristine with every single building looking like a cabin! I’m tempted to hit that city up every weekend just to drop in on their J.Crew Factory. They seem to always have some good items in stock compared to some of the others :)


I live in draper! I hope he gets the job too;)


Love the chalk drawing of “Where the Wild Things Are”! So cool. I have a race next weekend, so this weekend was spent tapering and taking it easy.


I love that you got to run with your coach! How fun! :) The “chalk the block” event looks SO cool. I love chalk art!


Oh wow, that is my favorite type of ice cream ever! I love Tillamook and the S’mores is sooooo good. So glad they now carry Tillamook ice cream here in AZ.

I don’t really like Chick-fil-A. I went once and thought it was okay. Sorry!

I ran 6 miles yesterday on the treadmill at the gym. Cannot wait for cooler weather so I can run outside:)

The chalk on the block looks so cool!


I wish I would have known you were at the Big Cottonwood marathon so I could have met you. I ran the half yesterday and it was incredible! It was my first half and I ran it much faster than I thought I would – I finished at 1:53! You should definitely do it next year. The course was beautiful!


Love you!!! Yesterday made my week to get to see you and chat!! We need much longer next time and pax and brookie need to meet!!!


I did that half yesterday!!! Wish I would of saw you!! Yes you for sure need to do this marathon! I love the changes they made to it from last year! I PR’d the half 1:42. LOVED the half!


I’ve never had Chick-fil-A, but can definitely tell you about ice cream! Last kind I had was banana with caramel and chocolate swirl – yum! Planning a long run later today!


Looks like a fun weekend! I had my first post-baby race this morning! It was a little painful but fun to be back in the racing atmosphere!


That ice cream looks good. How was it? I’ve been dying to buy candy corn and peanuts. My Aunt and I decided that it tastes like a salted nut roll. I’m making your chicken chili today. Thanks for all of the great recipes Janae! I was in Provo last weekend and hoped for a Janae sighting. Maybe next time!


Whoa. That ice cream looks like my idea of heaven. I want to come live with you and eat food with you!


All your pictures from your runs are incredible! I think I need to run in Utah one day.

I did a 15 mile run yesterday out in the trails of Vermont – didn’t time myself or go out with a plan – just went out to run and enjoy it. It was wonderful. Definitely need to do that more often.


I had a great race today! I ran a 5k and beat my PR from 6 weeks ago by 42 secs and I got 3rd in my age group!!! My first medal ever :D :D


The parking lot art work is amazing. When I was little at Christmas time there was this man who would paint peoples garage doors. it was really awesome and we would love to drive around looking for the painted garage doors.


i can’t believe you didn’t like that salad! it is my fave! i get it every time i go to chick. also, if you haven’t tried their wrap it is heavenly. that ice cream looks pretty good, but i can’t decide. i love love s’mores but i’m kind of over all the imitation stuff? like the recipes? they offered us s’more cheesecake and cheesecake factory last night but i had to pass. just seems too wannabe or something. okay. i have way too many opinions about s’mores!


Tillamook ice cream is the best! Fireside Smores is one my favorite flavors!


I’ve never just spectated a race, but I’m hoping to get some spectating in for a few friends soon! I don’t eat at Chic-fil-A, being a vegetarian and all, but I used to love to eat their fries. Now I don’t even eat that. Last flavor of ice cream I ate was coconut road. yum! I raced a 5k yesterday and got 4th in my age group! Missed 3rd (and a medal) by 14 seconds, but now I know I need to work harder! I’m still trying to be proud of myself :D


the last race i WATCHED was probably the victoria goddess run. it’s an all womens run with a 5k, 10k and half marathon distance. i actually ran the half marathon first and then once i was done, stepped on the other side of the fence to watch my mom and sister cross the finish line of their first 5k! makes me feel soooo proud of them, and i ran a 5k with my mom the next month and helped her shave 3 minutes off her previous 5k time! she is a rockstar :)

the last kind of ice cream i had was vanilla – simple, but it tasted sooo good with pineapple and blueberries on top!

last long run was a 10 miler on friday. i told myself to run somewhere between 6-8 miles that day, but i got in the zone and was feeling super good, so long run came early!


I ran a 20 mile race today. The first 15 miles were great, the last 5 not so much. I was 6th female so I’ll take that. I learned a few things to take with on my marathon next month! It was a beautiful course through MD and DC! Now I need to refuel big time!!!!


Utah seems so cool!!! Brooke’s face is ADORABLE in that pic haha :) I’ve never had chick-fil-a before!


Chick Fil A is honestly the one fast food place that I crave, but never get to have :(. . . I’m ALL about their waffle fries and dipping sauces. Ahhh I’m drooling just thinking about it!


Love your blog. I am sure it’s bittersweet that you have this opportunity to spend so much time in Utah with your family and friends.

Would love if you did a meet up in SLC sometime!

Thanks for the bit of joy/humor I get everyday from reading your blog :)


The last flavor of Ice Cream I had was vanilla. Sometimes I just need some traditional Ice Cream. But Tillamook Ice Cream is my favorite for many reasons: 1-) It delicious! 2-) It is from Oregon, where I live, and I am in to supporting local companies. 3-) They have “Udderly Chocolate” (used to be called Brown Cow) and it’s the best Ice Cream flavor in the whole world!

My sister lives in SLC, I have an ongoing list of restaurants you mention in your blog that look amazing and I will force my sister to take me to next time I am there.

I ran 10.04 miles this morning. It went better then expected considering the GIANT hill on mile 4. It was a new distance PR for me. Training for my 1st half marathon.


I actually just ran the Park City Trail 1/2 marathon yesterday. It was beautiful and I love all the trails. We had to stay low because of all the raining/mud. It was a pathetically slow half, but a great feeling to be back after my injury/surgery.

Utah really is the bomb.
I don’t eat Chick-fil-A. Please don’t block me from your blog.


Tillamook ice cream is my favorite!! Try the peanut butter chocolate. Heavenly. That’s actually the last ice cream I had a month and a half ago! Hoping for a big bowl to make up for lost times when I go home in a couple weeks.

I ran a 12 miler yesterday and it was my longest since having my baby. Woohoo!

Running in Park City each week would be the best!!


I have never spectated a race. I really don’t know more than a few runners and before I started running, I wasn’t really interested in watching. Yeah. Bad friend.

I order chicken nuggets at chick fil a with honey mustard and sweet tea. Brings back so many memories.

I haven’t eaten ice cream in awhile, but if I had to guess it was vanilla with chocolate sprinkles at the place with the best waffle cones. We’ve been on a gelato kick lately, and they had summer berry last time that was phenomenal.

I ran a 10k with my dad this morning. A whopping 52 10k runners, 35 5kers and 35 10 milers. I finished in 60:08, taking 1:09 off my time in just under a month. Sad I didn’t make my goal of under an hour. But happy with my improvement all the same.


Tillamook ice cream is the best- just an hour drive from where I live. The cheese factory is fun to tour and taste, and finish with ice cream!


I always get the chicken salad sandwich and waffle fries with Chick fil A sauce!!!

The last flavor of ice cream I had was maple pecan. Holy yum.

I did my long run on Friday. It was actually one of the best runs I’ve had in a while, especially considering it was after a marathon day at work!


I ran Big Cottonwood Marathon yesterday as well! It’s a great one to do but it was a leg killer! Should of done some down hill training for sure. Check out Huntsville Marathon, by far my fav marathon in Utah.

p.s. why on earth did you get a salad at chick fil a… that’s just silly!


I ran (with Avery in the stroller) 10 miles at 8:52 pace. We are getting faster!! About a month til the half….trying to figure out how much faster we can get before then!


I heard that race is super awesome–so maybe I’ll be doing it WITH you next year!!? :)

Last ice cream I had was a Magnum bar! SO good.


You really are the world’s best mom and aunt. You make it look so easy! That run looks incredible too. Park City is by far one of my favorite cities.


s’mores ice cream sounds so delicious. yum :)

you probably won’t believe this, but i’ve never been to chick-fil-a!


I usually get one of the wraps from Chick-fil-A. They’re pretty good! I actually had some Talenti Southern Butter Pecan gelato last night. Words can’t really describe how delicious it was!


I absolutely love Chick-fil-A but I live in Michigan now and we don’t have one!!! Every summer when I go back to the South to visit family, we have to go! Their lemonaide is the best. And even though I don’t eat any fast food, I eat their chicken sandwich once a year. I just heard that we are getting a Chick-fil-A in our city next year…… hope it happens!


I did a 21 miler on some gorgeous trails yesterday and I think I still am overdosing on endorphins from it! Chick-fil-a spicy chicken sandwiches are amazing and it has been far too long since I have had one. Looks like you had a lot of fun with the kids!


What a great view! Chalk the Block looks awesome! I wish they had something like that here in Tucson. I bet my daughter would love it.


The last flavor I had was also Tillamook, it was chocolate peanut butter, my favorite kind.

Looks like a fun day! You are the fun aunt for sure!


That Chalk the Block looks amazing!

I had a race this morning that didn’t go so well due to injury. Needless to say, I’ll be speaking to my doc this week.

Have a great rest of the weekend!


Ahhh!!!! I really want tat Lulu top!!! Is it old?
I spectated my hubbie and kids doing a race in May…it was so fun to be the photographer…but a little part of me was dying to race it!
I had my 20 miler Friday…it went good but fueling is an issue for me!


chalk the block— that literally looks like the coolest thing ever! Super fun!!


I ran that marathon yesterday too. It was my first one. It was good, but all the downhill killed my legs!!!


Congrats girl! You are amazing!


PS, where did you hear 4000 runners? At the race I heard 2000, but looking at the results on their website just shows 1293. Am I reading it wrong?


I just heard them say that over the loud speaker when they were announcing runners coming in! They said 1,000 last year and 4,000 this year! I could have heard them wrong though!


Oh really? Now I’m way curious! Their server was down so maybe it’s showing wrong on the results.


Spectated a race this morning, a 10k that my husband was running. Unfortunately, even though my body and legs feel more than ready I cannot really get back into running as much as I would like right now so no races for me yet (10wks postpartum). Also had cake batter soft serve…but my fave soft serve this place offers is peanut butter.


Darcey is good friends with my high school bestie Katie who went to BYU and became a health teacher too! Small world. Big Cottobwood canyon is beautiful, so it is probably an awesome race!


Chalk art is so cool- it’s amazing how talented these artists are!


I love Brooke’s expression in that picture! It great!

I had some chocolate marshmallow ice cream at my parents’ house last weekend. I hadn’t had that flavor in forever!

I ran in the Hokie Half Marathon this past weekend (at my alma mater) with a group of friends and had so much fun!


You are amazing watching FOUR kids!!! You definitely can’t exist on salads while doing that :P


All of these questions today are confounding me. I don’t know what was the last ice cream I had or race I spectated. We don’t have Chik-fil-A around here. I did run 10 miles this weekend, though.


I eat Chick Fil A about 3 times a week. It’s an obsession. I love their yogurt parfait for breakfast (and they have great coffee). They have really great fruit cups and chicken salad sandwiches. But if I am eating REALLY unhealthy, their spicy chicken sandwiches are sooooo good (Except for the next morning when you have heartburn all day. Totally worth it).


I ran the Big Cottonwood full Saturday, highly recommend it! PR’d by 11 minutes and loved it! Wish I could’ve met you after the race!


Huge congrats!!!! Lets do froyo soon!!!


No races ran for me yet- working on it though!

That ice cream looks amazing!!

* I find all my running gear!


Looks absolutely beautiful there! WHERE do I get that ice cream?!?!


Never been to a Chik-fil-A!


Your running picture looks like a cover for runner’s world or something. Amazing views! Oh, and I wish I could find that voluminous ice cream near by says my stomach.


My sister and I are two of your biggest fans and we both flew into Utah to run the Big Cottonwood Half Marathon! The funny thing is we both kept talking about how cool it would have been to meet you or run into you and there you were at the race! haha! We both PR’d and it was one of the most beautiful courses that I have ever been on! Hope to come back next year and do it again!


Huge congratulations to you two! Next time you are in Utah please let me know and we will go for ice cream!


Holy hell…. great job on the pace for 10 + miles! Being a MUCH slower runner… that is incredible to me. I live just 30 minutes from Park City. It is one of my favorite places to be. I should run there more often. Ended Ragnar there in 2011… it was incredible climbing the Wasatch Back and ending (finally) in Park City. Your right about the trails there. They are endless! Midway (by the Homestead) has some beautiful country lanes and trails to run nearby as well.


I was out in Park City for Blend earlier this year and was amazed at all the running trails. I was so sad I couldn’t run them. The area is amazingly breathtaking gorgeous. I was in all from all angles there. If I ever make it back to Utah, I know I’ll be running there :)

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