Running makes us better at life.

I actually do have the best siblings on the planet.  I get to see my sister almost daily which is awesome and even though my brothers don’t live close they have each called me almost every single day (and some days multiple times a day) since everything happened.   I told you, they are the best.

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The brother in the blue shirt shares with me the best analogies about running and life (he was a super speedy cross country and track runner in high school).

When talking about this situation that I am going through my brother tells me to just take one mile at a time.  That is the exact type of thinking that gets me through speed/tempo workouts and something that I rely on to get me through a race.  If I just stay in the day and get through the day (and sometimes hour) then clearly I can do it again and again and again.  When I look too far ahead in the future (i.e. when I am on mile 5 and start thinking about mile 22 of the marathon) then that is when I get discouraged and feel the weight of the situation.  Taking one day at a time makes everything so much easier.

Let’s talk about hitting the wall.  Mentally and emotionally when we are going through really tough times we feel like we have ‘hit the wall.’  It seems as though there is no possible way we can put one foot in front of the other when that wall is hit.

But we do.

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I have hit the wall in every single marathon that I have ran.  I hit them hard.  Did I quit?  Heck (sorry, Utah word) no.  I pushed through the pain no matter how bad it hurt.  I may have slowed down a little bit and needed extra resources like more fuel and water but I still finished, and I finished strong.   Same thing in life.  I hit the wall recently.  Hard.  BUT I am pushing through it, I may slow down a little bit and need a lot of extra ‘course support’ but we as runners know that we can push our bodies and minds to do the unthinkable.

When our legs get tired, we just pump our arms harder and we will keep going.

It is almost as though all of this running training that I have done over the years has helped prepare me for tough times in life.

We all go into our long runs and races knowing that there are going to be really tough times throughout the run but we still do it because there is nothing like that post-run high that happens when we survive and make it through something extra hard.  We realize that we are stronger than we ever thought possible.

We all know that life is going to be difficult sometimes but if we simply understand this and use these hard times to strengthen ourselves, bounce back and move forward with hope, we will be okay.

Keep running.

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You are a strong gal….remember that and keep taking one mile at a time!!!


So, so true! Be strong lady, and continue to take it one mile at a time. While it might seem like an impossible ultra marathon right now it will all get easier. Thinking of you! (And keep kicking some serious running butt- it is the BEST therapy out there!)


Great words to live by in any situation. I pray for you and Brooke every night friend.


What a beautiful post!


i LOVE this!!! I am so grateful for you and your words, Janae. You are so right. One thing I love about you is that you don’t let past injuries slow you down, you just get stronger.
Recently i had a personal challenge myself, and my dad kept saying to me- “oh this? this is NOTHING!” of course we both knew that it was something but his positivity really helped. it is these kinds of attitudes that encourage us to persevere that keep me getting out of bed this morning.


This is true of any life situation we are in. I enjoy that you used a running metaphor. Life is a collection of everything we are going through. Highs, lows and everything in between. Our best races and PRs? We had to hit some serious training lows to get there? “The worst runs of our life”…but we made it through.

I know this is another situation you will rise above and be at another great point in your life. You have so much else going for you. A beautiful child, loving family, a great training cycle thus far….plus isn’t Utah nice this time of the year? (I have absolutely no idea about Western States LOL).

When in doubt runderwear on.


Also I just dropped my pocket internet box (ie: phone) and of course it sent before I even remotely edited it. There was a reason I didn’t do sports that required some sort of coordination and holding something.


I like that term ‘pocket internet box’ I just got my first iPhone & it’s amazing!! I have a link to HRG blog under my ‘running’ folder :) Although, when it loses signal WORST THING EVER argh



Keep on Keepin’ On, Janae!


Janae, I think we’re on the same wavelength today, because I posted something very similar.

This is a really wonderful post. I love that analogy. I think people compare life to a run all the time, but most of those people have never actually run the marathon or hit the wall. You have because running has always been your thing, and you’ve always managed to work through whatever set back – even injuries. I read somewhere that your true character shows up when you’re in the dark, when life is hard, and when you’re not sure if you can make it. I think this says a lot about your character, girl.


I really love the running analogy! You are such a stronger woman and you will get through this wall. Thinking about you constantly and sending hugs and positive vibes your way. <3


You’re an inspiration, Janae! Keep on running!


You are so inspiring. I think that is such a great analogy! I also think it’s pretty darn true that running has prepared not only you, but everyone for things in life. It’s such a mental sport, and helps in difficult situations. Keep pushing along each mile, and you will continue to be amazing!


I have started using your ‘just this mile’ thinking whilst doing my runs, really helps. Although I still sometimes have to change it to ‘just this 5 mins’. I got a PB for 10k this weekend :) But of course, it’s not good enough that I beat my PB by over 9 mins, I didn’t make it under the hour barrier!! Next time I will do it xx


I love this analogy and your brother is really on to something here. :) Just keep on running and enjoy the run, regardless of what it throws at you. We are sending lots of blog hugs to you and your family!


One of my favorite posts from you, Janae <3 this is so very true and I am glad you have so many wonderful resources to help you through everything. You are an AMAZING runner so i'm pretty sure that = you bouncing back in an AMAZING way!!


You are such an inspiration even in YOUR time of need. I love your positive outlook and know that will help you through this hard time in your life!

PS. I’m from Baltimore and use “heck” all of the time!


I am hoping that you are able to heal quickly. I was also thinking about Billy and his family. I am hoping his family is able to heal as well. I know you think the world of them.


I read every post you make, but this is my first time to leave a comment. You are one amazing girl! Keep taking each mile or each hour as it comes! You’re an amazing mum and Brooke is one lucky girl to have someone as strong as you!
There are going to be tough days and days where you’ll need all those beautiful people around you – its not a weakness to ask for help.
God bless and you are in my thoughts and prayers x


I love this running-life analogy. You’re a strong person and you seem to be dealing with this whole situation in a strong, mature way. Remember, we’re all here for you!


Love it. I have no doubt at all that you will come out more than ok.


This is so beautiful and wonder and fabulous, just like you! Putting life in the context of something we know (like running) can make it manageable, and digestible.

With everything that you re going through, which I can’t even begin to imagine, posts like this help the rest of us in our own less sever challenges, so thank you :)

Sending my best happiest thoughts your way!


Love this Janae. A few years ago my mom told me, after my relationship ended, to ‘walk through’ the heartbreak- and I always think of it like putting miles between me and the awful event that happened, whatever it may be. You can insert the word ‘run’ for ‘walk’ too :) I found it helped. Stay as strong as you already are.


What a great attitude to have. Just put one foot in front of the other. You are such a strong person! Running teaches us to be patient and trust that our bodies and minds are stronger than we think they are.


I love this running and life analogy because it is so true. Sometimes I think I can get through more difficult times in my life because I am a runner. Running makes us strong mentally and emotionally. Stay in the mile is something I repeat to myself often and it is a great mantra to think about during every day life situations too. <3


You are such an inspiration Janae. Keep positive and keep healing. Your family will always be your rock!


I just got tears in my eyes! This is so true and so beautifully put. I love how you mention moving forward with hope. I, too, am a hopeful person and even when I am knocked down again and again, I still have hope for better times because I know they’re out there. And they are!

Running has made me stronger both physically and mentally and I am so grateful when I can run (I have an injury right now…ugh!).


Love it!


Your positive attitude is an inspiration to us all! Stay strong and keep on running Janae!


You are so right! And sometimes there are distractions along the course that we may have never imagined, good and bad. We just have to keep moving forward because that is what we are there for.


Great analogy and advice. The Lord will sustain you.


Tis is such a great analogy! T go along with it, remember to fuel yourself with good food, family and friends throughout this marathon of life. Take time to rest your body because it is going through a lot mentally and emotionally. Remember that God is weeping for you as you go through this tough time, but He will use everything you are going through for your good and His glory! I pray for you and Brooke!


Thank you! :-)
Beautiful post, it’s totally accurate. Love and hugs! :-))


This is one of my favorite posts you’ve ever written. I applaud you for your honestly and bravery. You are such a good example to your little girl, and she’s lucky to have you. I hope you keep posting about tough times, because as you can tell from the incredible amount of comments you’ve been receiving recently, you’ve hit a nerve with many of us, and we are all here to support you.


I love this Janae! It is soo true. Running is HARD and becomes all mental at some point. You are such an inspiration to not give up and just keep going!!


Look, Janae… I know you are going through a really difficult time at the moment but that does not excuse you from MAKING ME CRY, OKAY?! :(
But also :) :) :)


I think it’s great your family is there with you through all this. That’s what family is for. There for the good and to help you get through the bad.


Awesome post!! A great quote from Christopher Robin “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think” Hugs to you!!


Janae, you are so amazing! Your courage and strength is so admirable. May God bless you. :)


Aw, your siblings are sweet. Good thoughts Janae. Sending virtual “course support”!


Beautifully put. I hit the wall almost every day in life/running/spinning/school and my first instinct is always to freak out and think about how much I have left to do. It isn’t until I stop and breathe and take everything one minute at a time that I’m able to get through it. You WILL get through this and you will come out stronger than ever. Use those around you who love and support you- that’s what they’re there for!


you are such a strong role model for Brooke!


I love this post!! Stay strong and rely on that “extra course support” right now! Xoxo


Awesome and such positive words! I think it’s so great you have that motto going on in your mind right now.


Loved this post; it reminded me of one of my favorite quotes – ‘life is a marathon, not a sprint’. I think that goes along with what you said; we hit walls in life, it hurts sometimes, and it’s definitely a long haul.

Stay strong! xoxo


Yes, SO, SO true! I also find that staying in the present moment makes me enjoys life more. And my 2 y/o son is so good about remind me to do that. He finds joy in the smallest things and reminds me to do the same :-) Best gift I could ever ask for.


Love this!


This is a wonderful analogy. I went through a divorce as well and the only way to get through it is a minute at a time, a mile at a time. You can’t look too far ahead and heck for sure, some mornings I couldn’t even look ahead to lunch. You truly need to live in each minute and live in the present without delving too far into thinking about anything else. For some that is hard to understand but when you are going through tough times or tough miles, this method is the key to success. You are doing amazing, keep going, it will only get better. I am living proof lol.


Your family sounds like such an amazing support system!


This post makes me think of one of my favorite songs, Swim by Jack’s Mannequin. It’s a song the lead singer wrote while battling leukemia. The lyrics talk about continuing to swim when things are difficult. I like to think of this song when things are difficult for me and it usually helps me push through.


Jack’s Mannequin is the best!!! And you’re right, that song is such a good reminder to hang in there!! All a bunch of tough ladies up in here ;)


<3 you, Janae.


Great post Janae…:) I think running and life are exactly the same. I am so glad that you have a family to support you! I know in times past (and pretty recently too) I have needed my family just the same. It’s awesome having a brother to turn to as well!
Have a great day!


One step at a time for sure, Sweet Girl. You are doing a great job. I can just imagine the concern they have for you and the situation and it gives everyone comfort to “check in”. Awesome family. What a lucky little Brooke to get that in her life.


I love this analogy! When I went through my first major breakup last year, running analogies and running itself helped preserve my positive outlook on life. From what I have read on your blog, you are strong, you are surrounded by positivity, and it seems like nothing can steal your spirit. Brooke has an amazing role model in her life! Stay strong <3


Wow. You. Rock. Thank you for putting running in words so well, and being so inspiring ! You will get through this, and come out even stronger ! :)


Love this! Running is a great metaphor for life an I’m sure you’ll get trough this stronger than before!


Janae, you really are amazing – both as a runner and as a person in general. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now, but the fact that you’re able to maintain such a positive outlook blows me away. Thank you for the reminder to take things a step at a time <3


Beautiful post. I absolutely believe that running has trained me for life. Just take everything step by step and you will get through it :)


So very true, thanks for sharing!


Janae, your honesty is so refreshing! I look forward to reading everyday! Running has taught me so many things about myself…especially when I’m at mile 20 of a marathon ;) Just remember, Let Go and Let God! There is a bigger plan for you and Brooker! :) XOXO




Beautiful post, Janae. My very favorite post from you! Such true words for all of us, but we are all praying for you at this time!!


Great post! And I totally agree with running helping with life. Makes us stronger and knows we can keep going, just one mile at a time : )

I am having a hard week, and on my way to work today, seeing peeps out running, made me want to run and not go to work! I NEED to run to get all this stuff out of my head/relax me!


Wonderful post here Janae. Love to you! Such truth you write.


I legitimately have tears in my eyes. This is SUCH an amazing, well-put post. I love Oprah’s quote, “Running is the greatest metaphor for life…(etc.)” because it really is. Just like in a training run or a race, sometimes sucky things happen. But we shouldn’t let those get in the way of all the good things that have happened and are happening. Stay strong, Janae. You’ve got an army of supporters behind you, wishing you only the best. <3


Hugs, Janae. Some beautiful words we can all draw on for strength.


That is exactly right! You really do just have to take it one day at a time. There is no sense worrying about the future or dwelling in the past. Just like you get through a marathon, you will get through this.

Keep on running!


Been there (divorce) and I’m sorry. :(

When I was going through my divorce, my dad gave me some advice that has stuck with me years and years later. I was on the phone crying to him about how it was so hard and I couldn’t do it and all that and he said ‘Look at your feet, Brandi, you are still standing on them’.

Those words, even if just for a moment, helped change my perspective and give me clarity and a little peace. I could get through this, even if I didn’t know how. (and I did)

Not only are you standing on your feet-you are still running on them. And that means you are going to be okay.


I love you sweet Janae. I seriously can’t wait to give you a huge hug next week. You are so strong. I’m so glad you have such an amazing family to help you through this time. xo


You are SO RIGHT, Janae! When times get tough, my family always tells me to take things one day at a time, and it works so well, and running is the same way. I know I speak for all your readers when I say that you are such an inspiration! I’m totally rooting for you. :)


Beautiful post. Just keep running!


Oh, this applies to so much. Needed this today. Thank you, sweet girl. Praying for you.


You are amazing!


Keep running Janae xx


Brooke is a lucky little girl! I strongly believe positive parents set wonderful examples for their children and my two children are the perfect examples. Keep on running forward even if it is just one step at a time.


last year you posted about not giving up when your head says stop because your body is so much stronger. That has helped me every time I’ve hit the wall since. You are so strong and will get through this with the support of your family and your determination and strong will.


I LOVE this analogy of life and running also! Non runners would have such a difficult time understanding this, but to me, it made perfect sense! Janae you can continue to put one foot in front of the other and finish strong! You are SO inspirational as a runner and as a blogger on life! I read this post and it put so much in perspective in my own life and was SO motivational on many levels. Thank you for sharing your life w/ us!


Awesome analogy and awesome post!! So glad you have so much “course support” right now. One mile at a time…and if that gets too rough, then one foot in front of the other.


Wise words :)
I’ve also hit a wall in every marathon, haha. As you said, it happens in life, and we just have to take it one step/mile at a time and finish strong!


I can’t think of a sport that offers itself up to metaphors for life itself better than running.

You’re doing an awesome job just putting one foot in front of the other. :-)


You are so strong, and so inspirational. Know that you have people praying for you, Janae; and I’m one of them. Stay strong! We all love you!


I really love this. I just ended a four year relationship and it is by far one of the toughest times of my life as well. Coincidentally, I am also training for my first marathon! I am so excited to have marathon training to lean on right now. I know that by the time I run my race in three months I will be feeling much better. But in the meantime, the training runs and day to day help me take my mind of things. You are amazing and you will get through this. You are such an inspiration and especially now, to know I’m not alone in my pain. Thanks for doing what you do and keep rocking it! We will both be so much better off sooner than we know…


This is a beautiful post and so true. When I’m unsure about something or upset I remind myself of all the marathons I pushed through and it gives me strength.


Pushing through walls in running and in life is what makes you stronger- You’ve got a LOT going on, but you have a lot of support and you CAN and WILL get through this.


Such a beautiful post Janae! I agree with you 100%. I started running when I was going through a divorce. (not training just running to run) Since training for this marathon it is CRAZY how much I’ve gotten stronger mentally. With my anxiety, my self hate, and just dealing with life. Running is just amazing and is definitely a metaphor for life.


Beautifully said.


Very nice analogy and a good lesson for all of us to remember! I felt the same way this summer when a couple of really heavy family situations came out of nowhere and hit me HARD. At times I felt like I was carrying SUCH a heavy burden and could not bear it anymore. I hit the wall for sure…multiple times. It was during those times that I turned to prayer and gave my burdens to God (the best “course support”), knowing that only He could give me the healing and peace that I needed. I always felt better after that and continued simply putting one foot in front of the other, trusting that He would get me through. I’m praying that the same will be true for you, Janae.


Allow yourself to grieve this loss. And, allow your faith and your family to carry you and your sweet girl through this time in your lives. Running IS such a great life analogy – thanks for reminding all of us! Hang in there, kiddo.


I love this. You are one tough lady and I know you’ll get through this stronger than ever. So glad you’ve got an amazing team to help you through.


What the hell happened?


<3 you!


Amen sister. Well said. You’ve got this!!! I know you’ll make it through stronger and even more amazing of a woman than ever. Keep your chin up and your arms pumping ;) xoxoxo


Well said! You rock at marathons (no matter how hard you hit that wall) and you rock at being the best mom ever (no matter how difficult the situation). We are all here to be extra “course support” now and always :).


I just found your blog a few months back and I was instantly in love! You are such an inspiration both on the road and off!


this is the most beautiful post you have ever written. it is so true! thank you for this. i’m going to start using this in my own life. i know you can get through this janae. you are so strong…keep running! :) [[[BIG.HUGS]]]


Wonderful post!!


I love this post. I think running has helped so many people with so many different types of struggles. Running makes our minds, muscles and spirits stronger. I know that you are a strong runner, but an even stronger person. You will make it to the end of this marathon too – and just like your running marathons – you will come out on top with a smile on your face because you will have crushed the dang marathon ;)Seriously. You are amazing and so is your family. Love you girl!


So glad you have a sweet supportive family during this time. Great words to live by and to keep in mind!

Hope you have a great Monday!


Stay strong! One mile at a time is a great mantra!


Run, Janae, run! Your cheering squad is rooting for you SO hard!


beautifully said….and you’re absolutely right – you’ll get through this tough time in your life just like you got through those tough moments during runs.


You are amazing!!! Keep taking life and running one mile at a time.


This is great Janae, and an awesome way to look at your current situation. You’re one strong lady!


Beautifully spoken, Janae! You will endure and make it through this. Just keep running.


I think this is a wonderful way to look at just about any problem you are going through ! You are strong and you will get through this – like he said just take it a day/mile at a time!


You are beyond a strong person, and that is what makes you so good at making it through those walls. You got this :)


There was an article in runners world a couple years back about a woman who ran through several bad times in her life and how looking back it made her a stronger faster runner and person. Running is the one thing that is ours, no one can take it from us. It is something that is ours that is always there for us.


This is such a great post – I agree with everything you’ve said!


Great post! I’ve never thought of going through hard times like that before! Love it. Very positive and motivating!! <3


I really related to this and need to hear it right now. You’re in my prayers, and I hope you know how much you and your blog mean to me. Thank you for being such an inspiration in my life as I’m going through a really rough time right now. But you and Brooke keep me smiling. I hope you keep smiling because you are strong, beautiful, intelligent, unique, and just an incredible woman!


Such an inspiring post — thanks for sharing this. I’m training for my first marathon right now and I feel like I’m learning so much about myself and getting “better at life” through my training as well. It’s pushing me and disciplining me and making me reevaluate everything, and I totally agree with your parallels. Great post.
Wishing for the best for you. <3


I love this Janae! You have such a great family and are so blessed by them ! I am also PROUD of you for putting one foot in front of the other so you can keep on keepin’ on, one mile, minute, hour and day at a time.

It helped me to remember that my heart was still beating and my blood was still flowing…and that my divorce could not take away so many wonderful things in my life.

I keep you and your family in my prayers and thoughts. Keep going sweet girl! XO


I am really sorry that you have to go through this, but you are really strong <3 Keep running and pushing through! :) You'll beat the heck (PA word too, sorry) out of life and every other obstacle that comes your way.


These words are beautiful, Janae. One day, one hour, even one minute at a time- that’s all we need to do. Praying for you and sending you a big hug today!


I absolutely love this post. Thank you for sharing your brother’s wise words! You are truly inspiring in the way that you are handling your struggles with class, strength, and hope. XOXO


i love this post…and I just wrote a post that is very similar to this.

I recommend you read the book Run the Edge by Adam Goucher….great read that relates life to running.


Fantastic Post! Take it one mile/day at a time! You are strong, never forget it! And remember, we are all here to “support” you during your journey! Hugs!


LOVE this!
I’m thankful for running and everything it has brought to my life – strength, endurance, perseverance, hard work – on a daily basis. I think it’s really something that you can only understand if you’re a runner.
I love that this crazy thing that we do is helping you through this incredibly tough time.
You are fabulous and you’ll get stronger every day.


As always, you continue to inspire us all!! You are amazing and this is such good advice for everyone to think about. Despite your hardships, you are still helping the rest of us, Janae!! You’re amazing :-)


You have such an awesome road crew. I always wanted a big brother… Heck (trying out the Utah word :) that feels soooo different!), I wanted any sort of sibling. I hope my kids are able to do for each other what your sibs are doing for you :)

We’re all here for you, willing to provide whatever support you need :)


You’re such a great person for keeping everything so positive in your life. You’re an inspiration for me to use my strengths to overcome everything. Keep your head up and always look forward towards the finish line. <3


I read this recently and thought it might mean a lot to you right now:

What we need to understand about our Father in Heaven is that He prefers to prepare us to face the storms of life, the contrary winds, rather than to still them. So if you are past your fourth watch and He has not come, don’t assume that He is not there, that He doesn’t care, He doesn’t listen, or that you are not worthy. Assume your ship is tight like a dish. You will not sink. Somewhere in the past of your life, experiences have been placed by a wise and foresighted Father in Heaven to prepare you to face the very things that you are facing. – S. Michael Wilcox “Bread or Stones: Understanding the God We Pray To

You are strong and amazing. A beautiful mother and a beautiful person. He is there.


aww what a great post. And you are right we realize we are so much stronger than we think we are after going through tough times.


This is beautiful, Janae. I’m so glad you have great family and running to carry you through. Everything works out in the end, and I have every confidence that your life will be even MORE amazing when all of this is behind you :)


Great post Janae! That is an awesome analogy and a good thing to remember in all aspects of life.


Your ability to be positive even while going through the hardest time in your life is exactly the reason your readers adore you. This post is fantastic. It really is all about staying in the moment. When I went through the hardest breakup of my life, I hit a wall HARD. I remember laying on the floor, in a ball, screaming for a couple of hours. I felt so hopeless and lost. But, I found ways to stay in the moment and surrounded myself with family, friends, and even made new friends who are now like family. I am so glad you have such an amazing support system, and of course and beautiful daughter who loves you more than anything in the entire world. You are awesome!


Wow. What a great comparison! You can get through this Janae, just think of it as a huge ultramarathon and you’re alllmost done. You’re so close to being done and feeling amazing!


I find life lessons in running EVERY time I’m out there…

Side note: I swear, every picture you take, you look different. Its the weirdest thing. I’m a photographer so I notice these things. You could probably get away with a bank robbery is all I’m saying ;)


Great perspective.

I’m going through a different sort of tough time, and running is keeping me sane.

Wishing you and your cutie pie daughter strength and good times.


Janae, I am also going through the hardest time of my life right now. It’s been several months and some days I just feel like I can’t do it. Thanks for being a role model for me during this time. I can’t imagine how hard going through something like this with a child would be. I don’t know how to make it better, so I appreciate your running analogy, a lot. xoxo


It has certainly helped me get through things–it’s been a great mood stabilizer for me.


“No matter your struggles, no matter the depth of your pain, always remember these three things: Hold your head up, stay prayed up and never give up”

I once found this quote when I went through a tough time.
You are so young, Janae, and I’m deeply sorry that you have to go thru this.
But I know that you hold your head up and that you you never give up!

Marathon really is a synonym for life. When things got tough during the marathons I ran so far I always imagined supportive and strong people running along with me on my side to help me “stay in the kilometer”. And the next. And the next.
I’m sure, Janae, during the last seven kilometers of my next marathon in fall you will be one of my imaginary co-runners.

Thank you for that very beautiful post.


<3 <3 Yep. Just keep running! You'll hit that downhill soon — and you can spread your arms and scream "Weeeeee!"


I agree, I think running (and sports/fitness in general) is so helpful in terms of building strength for other things in life. I am thankful for years of swimming because of that! You are great for taking on this attitude… PS, I say “heck” all the time and I’m not from Utah. :)


I am reminded of one of my favorite sayings…..”How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!”
You’re doing great Janae. This too shall pass & seem like a bad dream later on.


So so true. And as I always repeat to myself when I hit my walls running, “You’ve got this!”

Janae, you’ve got this. :)


This is a great post. You are such a strong, inspiring woman. Keep running, we are all here to keep you going and to give you a big hug at the finish line.


Your optimism and strength are infectious! Brooke is so lucky to have you as a mother and role model!

This article captures everything running teaches us PERFECTLY! It’s not always about times, PRs, etc. It’s about commitment, perseverance, mental and physical strength, and the drive to get past the “hard” and succeed. I love your outlook and your reminders to not only yourself, but all of us readers as well, that there are healthy ways to cope, and it IS possible to stay positive and “just keep running.” :)


I love this. You are very fortunate to have such a supportive family. Even though I don’t know you personally, my heart breaks for you during this hard time but if there is anyone I think could pull through with a positive attitude, it’s you. Good luck and just keep running!


This is such an inspiring post and beautifully explains how I feel also. Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope you feel stronger each day. We are all pulling for you!


wonderful analogy and so happy to hear you have that ‘course support’ and keep pumping those arms lady!


This post made me cry. Thank you for being such a great inspiration and great person in general :’)


You are an amazing woman! I love this post. It is so very true. You have a wonderful family and support system. You are so very inspiring and have such a positive lifestyle. You will emerge out of this stronger. And remember, once you run a mile, it’s done, you don’t have to run that mile again, you’re another mile closer to healing. Yes there will be more struggles to get through, but you have so many people who care about you. And you have a beautiful little girl who thinks the world of you. Get her smiling or laughing, it will make you feel better. Baby giggles are awesome!


Great post!! I’m really in awe of how strong you are! Praying for you and Brooke :)


I am a new reader to the blog, and would just like to say I feel like I needed this post almost as much as you! I’ve been going through a pretty difficult time myself feeling so much weight on me and I’ve just been giving up. I just need to go one day, one hour at a time. Thank you and prayers for you and your family!


You rock, girl! Keep on keeping on! :)


I love this…. We all really are just running one great big race of life. Your seemingly infinite optimism is inspiring Janae. Thank you.


I was out of town for a while and feel like I missed a whole lot. (I know I don’t usually comment but I felt the urge today!). I love this post and think you are amazing. I am so happy that you have such supportive family.


You’re like the Dory of running! “Just keep running, just keep running”. :)

I know this sounds weird, but I really just want to give you a hug and tell you that you’re doing so well. I’m so encouraged by the positivity in your posts and I know that you will come out of this rough patch on top, and that things will fall in their rightful places and you will find the positivity in this situation.


This is the most beautiful post you have ever written I think.
<3 to you.


Needed this today! Thank you for your post.


I loved this post! I am running my first marathon in December and I keep telling myself to push through my runs, no matter how much it hurts. But I never thought about keeping that mentality in life too- that was just the inspiration I needed today :)

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