The weekly running report!

Definitely slacked on ab work and strength training this week but next week I will get back on track with that.  At least I didn’t slack on stretching.  That is one of the main things (in my opinion) that is preventing me from getting injured every 2 seconds like I used to.


50 minutes @ an average pace of 7:49. Negative splits but not by much. Legs still felt a little heavy from Saturday’s long run.


Fartlek Workout. 8 miles total.  

20 minute warm-up= running at a 7:45ish pace

8 times 1 minute at slightly faster than 5k effort (for me my 5k effort is at about a 6:15 pace) with 1 minute recovery jogs.

20 minute cool-down= running at a 7:40ish pace.

Looks like my second and my last fartlek were the fastest:

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40 minute easy run.  Garmin died but I am guessing I was at around a 8:20 pace.

16 minute abs (8 minute abs on Youtube done twice)


20 minute warm-up (running at around 7:35 pace)

Hill repeats:  8 times up a moderately sloped hill (6% grade) lasting 60 seconds with the jog back down the hill as recovery.  The effort for going up will be hard but not all out.

20 minute cool-down (running at a 7:30 pace).

Average pace of this workout was 7:19


4.5 miles at an easy pace of 8:18.


7:20, 7:22, 7:20, 7:21, 7:21, 7:23, 7:21, 7:13, 7:18, 7:29, 7:25, 7:12.  Average pace with my water break—-> 7:30  and if I don’t count the break a 7:20 pace.

And the three things that made my 12 miles possible.

1.  My mom gave me a huge bag of these little travel sized swedish fish packets.  Perfect for some mid run fueling.  Let’s see how my coach feels about this one;)

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2.  The sprinklers at mile 8 that cooled me off when it was already 80 degrees.  They could not have come at a better time.  

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3.  The cup of ice water at mile 10 that I drank so quickly it gave me a brain freeze…all I cared about was rehydrating and getting back out running as soon as possible.

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You know the drill:  Sleep in, eat, church, eat, take a nap, eat, relax, sleep.

What was the best run of your week?  What was your longest run?  Shortest run?  Did you run with anyone else this week?

Do you always pause your garmin when you are stopped at a light or taking a break? 

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I ran my longest run ever this weekend! ( I love that ill get to say this every week ha!). 16 miles! And then took an ice bath in the ocean with a seal!! Amazing morning.

You had a great week of running! :)


That’s awesome, congrats on the PDR! Another fun thing to think about: you ran more yesterday than most people DROVE. Also, seal? you really win.


Yum! Travel sized candies seem like a great idea for long runs!

What was the best run of your week? What was your longest run? Shortest run? Did you run with anyone else this week?
– I have just started running since my surgery. My first one was yesterday (probably the best because I was so happy to run again). I only did 1.5 miles. Today, I did 2.5. I will gradually increase until I’m back to where I was. :)

Do you always pause your garmin when you are stopped at a light or taking a break?
Yes. I am OCD about my running times!


I actually didn’t have a good running week. Somehow I strained/tore/did something to my right hamstring and I can barely stretch it never mind run. :( I had some good walks and a bike ride instead this week.

I don’t ever stop my Garmin when I stop for traffic. I’ll only stop it if I have to go to the bathroom or if I have to stop somewhere to get water (and sometimes I don’t do it then if I think I can get water very quickly).


so jealous of your mileage, didn’t run all week due to injury, then sick hubby, then sick baby… total blah!
so happy we are all better now, cant wait to get running tomorrow…

where is Brooke’s pic???


My best run was Friday’s 16 miler. I felt awesome throughout and finished strong with 4 of my fastest miles yet. I love runs like that!
And today I ran my speediest 6 miler at Wharf to Wharf in Santa Cruz. Great running weekend!


Best run of my week was Monday night while I was still home in WA. Took a break from studying for the bar exam and ran 4 miles along the bay with the sun setting, turning the mountains pink, and a giant full moon rising in between peaks. I had the craziest grin on my face the whole time :) Oh and I ran with my parents’ dachshunds, which made me laugh for most of the run!


Doesn’t seem like the altitude and hills have been bothering you this time around! Those workouts are solid my speedy friend. I always pause my Garmin for lights or reasons that I can not control. If it is, heaven forbid, cause i needed to walk for a second or something that I caused, then I don’t stop it. And wait until brooke gets her first brain freeze. This sounds terrible, but it is so hilarious when your kid experiences one for the first time. The look of terror/surprise/confusion on their face is priceless. Lol. Enjoy your Sunday!


Ran with my daddy-o a few times, and for my long run of 12 miles this week. That run was the best! Took way longer than yours though – I am always envious of your speed! I don’t pause my HRM during lights or breaks, but I probably would pause if I had a Garmin.


All my runs were solo this week! I like some me time though! How hard do you feel like you are going on your long runs? Is your goal to keep the 7:20 pace for every one you do?


Sprinklers on a hot run are the BEST!!! I am curious to know what your coach thinks about that, so let us know when he tells u!!!!
My best run was Monday when I did some speed. All my other runs this week were easy.
I actually DID run with a great friend of mine that we saw while traveling this wee. I nec=vere run with anyone, but this week I did. It was so fun that I did not even care thaht we were going so slow! Sometimes it is just more important to catch up with a friend than get a good run in :)!
I always pause my Garmin!!! :)


Nice job! Love when people have their sprinklers going :) Nice job with your workouts this week!!


Glad you had another great week of workouts!! I am so jealous of your speed, but I know one day soon I will be right there with you (HOPEFULLY) – a girl can dream right!?


I didn’t get a run in this week :( Moving BLOOOOOWS. Not too much longer until I am moved in and settled and then I’ll begin training for my first half!

Which Garmin would you recommend to someone (me) who has never had such a fancy device. I want/need one for my training, but I’m not sure which will be best.


Swedish fish are basically the same as gu chomps/shot blocks so your coach should be fully supportive of this.


I do stop my garmin at stop lights. I want to know what my running is like. In a race if I had to stop and go to the bathroom I wouldn’t stop it. Training, in my mind, is different. I try to stop as little as humanly possible during an everyday run but if I stop so does the watch. I LOVE running through the sprinklers while on a run.


Did you ever do a stretching post? What stretches you do, for how long, etc? I’m interested.


I always stop my watch at red lights! And then stand there looking irritated until I can turn it back on and go again ;) Some one that I knew saw me yesterday and noted my angered look. I wanted to keep going! Longest this week was 18 which was probably my favorite of the week as well, it was just an awesome long run. I really want to take cookies to the people who have their sprinklers on along my route sometime to thank them :)


Haha I love that your warm up and cool down times are my “fast” times.


Best run of my week was a 4 miler along the beach. Nothing better than running and having the Pacific Ocean as your scenery:) Longest run was 4 miles and shortest today at 1. Don’t know why but my leg was killing me, not sure if it because I haven’t been on a treadmill in 3 weeks or because I wore a different pair of shoes, but I was so mad I couldn’t run. Nope, I am a solo runner!

I always pause at stoplights and I try not to take breaks but if I have to, I pause it.

Happy Sunday!


I didn’t really have a great run this week – I guess my best would have to be my tempo run on Tuesday. I did 7 miles at average 8 minute pace. I took it easier than I usually would as my leg’s were still recovering from the race the Sunday before.


No running this past week because me, Chris, and friends did Ragbrai a bike ride across Iowa.
I took some Swedish fish for fuel, and they are magical!
Since I am just catching up, wanted to let you know your new haircut……very sassy, love it.


Nice job! I had the same lack of lifting as you this past week. Hope to get back on track this week! I also ran 12 miles for my long run on Saturday, it was unseasonably cool here so the weather was perfect for it! Just wish it could have been cool last weekend for my Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon in Chicago, oh well.


You had an awesome week of running, girl! That Saturday run is impressive! My longest run this week was 15 miles on Saturday. I always pause my Garmin at stop lights, etc. I need all the help I can get to make my times look decent. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do next week!


I got to run three days this week! Two trail runs with my older daughter and one solo treadmill run.


yay for 12 miles! hope you’re enjoying your sunday afternoon! =)


I leave my garmin running at stop lights, but I always make sure to check the difference between moving time and total time.

My runs lately haven’t been very long, I’ve spent a lot of time camping and I haven’t had the energy come long run time to complete one! I need to work on that!


I just looked back at my runs and saw that I actually did more cross-training than running this week! Probs good to give my legs a rest after a couple hard weeks with few days off. From what I did run, my shortest run was 2 miles, and my longest was 8, and that was definitely the best run all week! I’m finishing my prep for 10-mile race that’s coming up. Luckily the weather here has been cooler this week, but those sprinklers are still a gift from the heavens every time I find some!

I always pause Garmin at traffic and just look up my avg. pace and avg. moving pace on my run summary when I upload it! :)


Best run this week: on the beach on my first trip to FL.
Yes I almost always stop the clock except when I know I’m deliberately slacking….lights I can’t control, (although I wish I could)!


You are so impressive! I could never even imagine running that fast. Props girl!


Best work out of the week was a group fitness class on Wednesday! I ALWAYS stop my Garmin because it makes me sad when it says I am going slow : )


I met up with a blog-friend for the first time this morning for a 5 mile trail run. It was her first time trail running, so I was really excited to share it with her!

The day before was a struggle run for me. It was hot, humid, and my route was hilly…and it was a run that you just GET THROUGH rather than enjoy.


I stop my watch when things out of my control pop up (lights, etc) but when I need to catch my breath or rest a minute I just let it go. I like my Garmin times to be as close to what is likely to happen on race day as possible.


Sometimes while reading your blog I don’t feel like I can classify myself as a runner because you are FAST girl! Way out of my league.

This week was an okay running week for me, but one of my ankles has been swelling. I want to keep going, but my body is telling me no. Gotta listen to the body! I’m glad you had a good week though!


Best run of the week was Saturday. It was absolutely gorgeous and although my foot has been bothering me lately, I made it through the run nearly pain free. I’ve had some pain/discomfort on the top of my foot lately, especially feeling it when I point the toes up and back…has anyone experienced this before? It’s strange to me to be the top of the foot, and seems to come and go.


I was having some pain on the top of my foot a couple years ago, but for me it didn’t just come and go. It got progressively worse throughout about a week until it swelled up and looked life a golf ball was on top of my foot. Turns out it was a stress fracture and I was too dumb to stop so I ran through it. I don’t mean to freak you out, but if it starts bruising/swelling I would definitely get it checked out!


Longest run – 16 (7 with friends, 9 alone)
Shortest run – 4 (with friends)
Best run – 7 miler on Wednesday with speed work (dreadmill)

Garmin – keep her rolling for true time. I can still get good pace reads on miles without stops.


I don’t stop my watch at lights. I think of it as one of those “something came up” kind of things and unless I’m sitting there for a VERY long time, I keep it running. I only have to wait for one light during my normal run course though so it isn’t such a big deal.

You are so speedy!! You’re going to KILL your marathons this season!


I almost always run with at least one other friend except when I do my tempo run. And my two favorite runs are almost always my long runs and my tempo runs.

We had some fun family time this weekend. It was kind of laid back and I loved it!


I don’t pause for pee breaks (unless it’s super long and have to go into store or something), but I do for stoplights and stuff. Yes, the clock doesn’t stop in races but I also won’t be stopping at lights in races either. And more than anything, I want to know the actual time it took me to run my splits not wait for everything else around me. I’ve taken heat over the years for stopping my watch at stoplights but in the end it doesn’t really matter…race day results don’t lie.


I did a Boot Camp class Saturday and a 6 mile kayaking trip today. I can barely move now-lol! Mostly from Boot Camp though, wow that was rough. I think as payment for no pictures of Brooke we get 4 or 5 tomorrow-deal?


best run? 8 mile progressive run, nailed every mile faster than the last, that’s a first.

longest run? did 26.3 on my own just to prove I could, not smart but made me smile

Shortest run? 2 miles with kids XC team

pause your garmin? used to, but kept forgetting to restart


ran the Wharf to Wharf today and shaved ten minutes off my time from last year! thank you spin class!!!!


So… I am currently dealing with a tibial stress fracture. I miss running so much! I’m swimming and biking (lightly!) but I didn’t truly realize how good running made me feel. It’s a mental struggle more than anything! But I was curious as to when and how you began the transition back into running. I still have about 3 more weeks of not running, but I don’t want to start back too soon. Did you run/walk? Or try running fewer days per week? I’d appreciate some advice!


Longest Run: 14 miles in Central Park on Saturday. This was also my best run because, although I didn’t push too much, my time for the first 13.1 miles was faster than my time for the last half marathon I ran in May :)
Shortest run: easy run on Monday (4 miles) while waiting for my stuff to dry in the dryer ;)
I ran both by myself and with my running team!

Yes, I always pause my Garmin when I stop!


Yes – I do pause…do you?


My best run was an 11 mile trail run with 10 waterfalls along the way! I was pretty slow, but it was a gnarly trail :) I did a 4 mile x-train/run Sat with my BFF and that was super fun. She’s faster than me, but I’m stronger so this was the perfect combo for us.
I always pause my Garmin!


I think you are the cutest runner, etc. and I love your blog. My question is, are you ever in a bad mood and pissed off? Would you ever write about?


Great week!! :) I have no doubts you’ll pull out all the workouts for your abs this week! ;) Stretching has been my main focus too!! I’m still not running but I feel like I’m making progress with the knee :)
I hope you had a great Monday!!


My shortest run was 5 miles & my longest was 9 on Sunday. First time I’ve gone that far! The last mile killed me but timewise it was my best run!


My best run was definitely my long(ish) run Saturday morning. I have been struggling a bit on my long runs this summer, so it was a nice change of pace to feel strong and motivated. Maybe getting up an hour earlier, while not fun, is necessary to get the nice morning air…not to mention, it’s so flippin peaceful!

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