Q&A and Overtraining

Q:  What happens when I decide to turn my alarm clock off and go back to sleep in the morning?

A:  I have a date with my treadmill and sweat my face off because my body naturally overheats when there is no air rushing by me like when running on the roads.

Luckily my run today was only 30 minutes at an easy pace which was probably all that I could have handled on the treadmill.  I had my finger above the stop button at 29 minutes just waiting for it to hit 30.

Okay, I am being a little dramatic, it actually was really nice to read while I ran. I am reading Is Everybody Hanging Out Without Me by Mindy Kaling.  I am really enjoying it so far but then again I like almost every book/movie/tv show… I am easy to please.

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Afterwards I did my Runner’s Core DVD and I wanted to show you the metronome and it is hard (for me at least).  The video has you do 15 repetitions (1 repetition= going to the left and right side)…try it!

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I know I go on and on about how much I am loving having a running coach but just deal with me talking about one more reason.  I used to be the queen of overtraining (especially before I got pregnant with Brooke) and it did not get me anywhere but injury city.  Now that I have a smart person coming up with my plans and I’m not making up my own thing I am avoiding falling in to this trap again.  It was always hard for me to take ‘easy’ days but now that I have it on my schedule I am really good at following it.

THIS is an excellent article about overtraining and how to modify your training to avoid this problem. Here are some keys signs that you are overtraining.

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I figured out why I am so obsessed with donuts.  While I was out on errands this morning I realized I pass by this donut shop MULTIPLE times a day.  That is why they are constantly on my mind!

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All of the sudden Brooke is walking around the room.  She uses her walker and pushes it forward and then moves her little legs real quick to catch up to it.  I really can’t deal with this growing up thing.

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Please check out THIS Sports Bra Drive that goes through June 20th for Ethiopian youth!


Mom’s with little ones:  what are some new things that they are doing?!?!

Tell me about one of your favorite core moves for me to try out!

What are you reading right now?

Have you ever dealt with overtraining?

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Interns get the best lunches! Joe was always going to awesome places. Noah imitates everything I say and makes animal sounds when he sees them. So fun! I am no stranger to overtraining… I really have had to learn how to keep myself in check.


My little boy is 3 1/2 and he’s using new words all the time. Now he’s at pre-school, they’re often words I haven’t taught him or used, and that’s so strange. My current favourite of his words…’palella’ – what helicopters use to fly with. Propellors!

I don’t think I’ve ever phyiscally overtrained (I’m lazy at heart) but I do think I mentally burn out. I have a big half marathon in SF this weekend and then I’m slacking off for a month, doing some cycling, running shorter distances and having some fun!! Can’t wait already.


My 3 month old son has just discovered his hands! he is obsessed with them! Also we heard a few giggles this week. I am happy he is growing fast now because his personality is getting more apparent! :)

Right now I am reading Life of Pi for the second time… I like it better the second time around! :)


I just finished it for the first time and loved it but it took me a long time to read it! Maybe I should try reading it again?


I can’t get into Life Of Pi, I’ve picked it up & put it down several times. I want to like it but it’s not interesting me. I won’t give up though!


Max has learned to climb up onto the dining room table…..

He also thought it would be great fun to climb the bed, then slide back down head first (he knows how to get down the normal way – he thought this would be more fun, it wasn’t).




Forgive me for laughing.

My hub was 4 months old when he lowered himself out of the stroller and onto the ground. His Mom had no idea he could do it til he did.

His grandmother thought he’d either be something brilliant or uh-oh. His Dad saw his potential from a very early age and reassured his Mom he’d make her very proud one day.

Surely your son is showing his potential, too, even when it might seem overwhelming at times!

FYI- The hub served for 13 years in the Army, made the most of his arm skills in the Special Forces, and is making his Mom very proud with his writing.

All the best,



I have no idea how in the world you can read and run at the same time!!!! :)


I came to say the same thing. I can’t keep focused on one single line , nevermind read a whole paragraph!


I thought the same thing. I am kind of unbalanced on my treadmill and if I try to look anywhere but straight ahead, it won’t be good. I’ve had a few close calls…..


have you heard of cronuts? yep. croissant + donut. http://ny.eater.com/archives/2013/06/cronut_mania_11.php


Oh my goodness… I need that right now!


I think it is so important to pay attention to those over training cues. Thanks for sharing! I know in the past there has been times when I can almost check off every single one.
Love plank moves of any kind.
I just started the book wild. So far I love it.


If you’re not already familiar with Caspar Babypants, consider checking him out. He has a song entitled “A Thousand Tiny Doughnuts” that often gets stuck in my head.


I may or may not be planning Susanna’s Halloween costume around his songs. :-)

A hidden core exercise would be shoulder stand. It’s wonderful for draining the blood from the legs, too, and so much more. It might not seem so core-oriented, but yeah… I’ll take it and relax with it any day.


Spiderman planks are fun for oblique work. Reading ‘a place of yes’ by bethanny frankel- I need to meet her!!


I’m definitely a regular reader, but I rarely comment … but I jut have to say, I can’t wait to read Mindy’s book! Do you watch The Mindy Project (TV show)? If not, you definitely should … one of my current faves. I can’t wait for the second season this fall!! :)

Also, good luck with the form changes. So glad you have a coach to help you. Over a year ago, I attempted to change my form completely and switch to minimal WAY too fast … I ended up with a bunch of ankle and foot injuries that still flare up from time to time. I should have done my research and taken things slowly, but you know us runners, always excited to try the next big thing … haha. Anyway, good for you! You’re already an amazing runner; I can’t even imagine how much more awesome you’ll be if you perfect your form. :)


I have been there and done that when it comes to over training. The book I am reason is called Run by Matt Fitzgerald. It is about being smart with your training. And I think the best core moves are probably planks. You can do so many variations.


I don’t normally read anything while I’m finishing up a manuscript of my own – I like to stay in my characters’ mindsets instead of others’ creations – but I have Allie Larkin’s WHY CAN’T I BE YOU ready and waiting for when my draft is done!


I just started Brain Training for Runners. I’m only on the first chapter but it’s already really interesting


My 13 m/o is starting to say more words. Some of them are very clear, like cow and shoe. And others sound like qihopxciouup#&#, so we’re still trying to figure those out! ; )


Currently reading “Bitter is the New Black”

I might currently be overtraining. I have a half at the beginning of July and our bike trek at the end so where my running rest days used to be are now 2 hour long bike rides. I am a yes to the 10 lbs ankle weight one on that list.


My little guy (8 months) is pulling himself up on everything. He’s also sleeping through the night (which is fantastic!)
I’m currently reading tons of running magazines and Dan Brown’s Inferno (when I can keep my eyes open).


I’ve definitely suffered from overtraining before… multiple times if I’m really being honest. That’s actually part of the reason that I decided to go cold turkey on structured workouts and take a more relaxed approach… I still haven’t figured out the whole “exercise smart” thing. And right now I’m reading And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini, but I’ve been wanting to read Everybody Hanging Out Without Me, so that’ll probably be on my list next.

Happy Tuesday, Janae!


I just bought Eat and Run but haven’t opened it yet! Planking is my fav ab move. Reverse crunches are another fav :)


That metronome move (I’ve also heard it called windshield wiper) is one of my least favorite!!! Lately, I’ve been trying to do all sorts of plank variations.
I’m impressed that you can read on the treadmill – I’ve never been able to master that!


Nobody ever took me out for dinner during my internship! What a life. Seriously. Having rest days and easy days planned on the schedule makes it so much easier to follow. I don’t know why but it’s the idea that the coach knows what they’re doing and so it must be okay I think. I know when I’m not in season I try to make my mileage shoot way up but when I have even a rough guideline I’m much more likely to follow it.


I love doing core work on an inclined bench with a 25 pound weight OR a plank with a 25 pound weight on my back. OOOH it hurts so good when I’m done!!

I’m reading Killing Lincoln by Bill O’ and Martin Dugard. Obviously the first mentioned author is a very controversial figure in the media but this book is very good, very a-political and ALL about history with no sway towards one side. It’s a fascinating read! I’m also always reading books by Hakan Nesser – he’s a Swedish murder mystery author!

Sadly – I was the queen of overtraining. In February I ran about 66 miles and in March I ran about 122. In April I had to sit out from running and was barely able to put in 50. I’m overcoming my weaknesses and learning to rest and not add on miles where they shouldn’t be or try to make up for them.


I can’t say enough about Ally and her website. This is my fav sequence. It burns so good! http://yogisanonymous.com/Online-Yoga-Preview.php?id=1217


Hunter is starting to give us a lot of social smiles lately – I just love it!! It makes my whole day.

Favorite core move I love to hate: planks!


OOOH we do those metronome in hot yoga and man they are KILLER! My abs hurt just thinking about it right now!


Such good points about overtraining! I think I overtrained last summer/fall for the Chicago Marathon and wound up DNFing due to an injury. I think sometimes as runners we tell ourselves we’re being hardcore by training through anything when resting is the best idea. Having a coach to suggest to you when it’s time to push hard and when it’s time to rest sounds really, really helpful.


My 2 year old has learned how to cross her arms and say “I do not like it” or “I do not like you” and then stomp away. I am bursting with pride at this accomplishment. Sarcasm is involved here.


Dealing with overtraining symptoms now :( ran 3 marathons in 7 months… Not my best idea but I just love running! When my IT band flared up recently, I knew I had to truly rest! Needless to say I’m reading “Run Less, Run Faster” :).


I’ve dealt with overtraining, and though I’m fortunate I’ve never been injured, I tend to get sick when I overtrain (i.e. a cold). It’s rare to happen but when it does I immediately know that I need more rest!


i have to add that mindy kaling book to my reading list!! right now i’m reading “if you find me.” it’s pretty deep, but i think teen or YA-themed… i’m loving it.


My 15 week old has just started to giggle – it melts my heart! I used to be terrible with overtraining, but since having a baby I definitely take it a lot easier now. Jillian Michaels has some awesome core workouts, anything of hers is sooo hard but great!


Overtraining, hello exercise addiction! I’m the queen of overtraining. Believe me, I know what that’s like……


Right now I’m reading a Philippa Gregory book. I love her books, so it’s a good thing she’s written lots of them!


I’m in the middle of three books right now! Drop Dead Healthy, Salt Sugar Fat, and Kill as Few Patients as Possible: And Fifty-Six Other Essays on How to Be the World’s Best Doctor. I have a really bad habit of starting books and not finishing them…


reading memoirs of a geisha, loving it! danggg i need to put myself into law school – the food is motivation enough :D i’m not training for anything, but i’ve definitely gone through over-exercising…. i would wonder why people even took rest days, they should be exercising every single day! silly me, rest days actually contribute to your well-being (both physically and mentally) :) i love how your treadmill welcomes you and knows your name!!


My favorite “love to hate” move is one in Blogilates Model Ab video … you lie on your back on the floor, raise your legs to straight in the air, press your heels together, put your hands beneath your tailbone, draw little circles in the air going each direction, then make the circles big.
I’m saving books for a 10 hour bus ride tomorrow; J.D. Robb In Death series
I think that is why I used to hate running; I thought I had to do it every day and get faster and run harder every time, which made me hate it and feel like a failure when I didn’t.


Ooh I love talking books!! I read that Mindy Kaling book last year – really funny! :)

Right now I’m reading two books… The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver (good so far- just started!) and my boyfriend and I are reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown which I’m loving so far and he’s really enjoying too. Highly recommend it :)


Bahaha..my 10 month old is doing the exact same thing right now. She uses her activity table instead though. I love watching her little legs play catch up after she realizes she’s about to fall if she doesn’t walk towards the table. It’s beyond cute.


My 8 month old boy, Archie, has been crawling for about a month and pulls up and walks himself everywhere. It’s out of control. I just can’t handle it. They grow up so quick!


I like to use the stability ball and do a jack-knife kind of move where you pass the ball from feet to hands.


I am over training big time and now I am facing despair. I have a few races this summer and a relay coming up. I am almost close to just saying after the relay, I am going to lose the money on the other races and just start over after some rest. What do you do when you over train and have races coming up?


Honestly… You made need to skip them! There will always be more races you can do but the most important thing is taking care of your body!


Ok, that donut shop definitely used to be a Pizza Hut! Lol!


Lawyers get amazing lunches–daily. My husband sends me pics and it really bothers me when I am eating a dang apple at my classroom desk! UGH! Yes, I am overtraining….. but how to stop?!! Training is my job!


Thanks for the overtraining reminders. Just shared them on the blog. Funny how you can over train even when not training for an event, etc. I need a coach to tell me what to do. HUGS lady! I’m going to keep on learning from you!


I’m training for my first 1/2 marathon in the fall and I love reading your blog for inspiration! Also, I’m following your Bangs friend and her training :)

I’m doing my first attempts at tempo runs and speedwork, so i’m unfamiliar with the vocab….what are strides?? I see them in your blog a lot for your coach’s exercises and curious.


My 5 month old rolls both ways and started blowing bubbles this week. too cute.

I usually only run 3x a week to keep from overtraining… even during marathon training!


I cringe writing this but hey, I have to share it with SOMEONE!! This morning my 5 year old little boy was using the potty and he yells out, “Hey mom, I found some hair on my b*alls. Yes he did. I didn’t know whether to be horrified or to laugh. So I laughed while being horrified. Just wait for the fun things you get to experience as Brooke gets older, lol!!

And for the record, it is just peach fuzz, lol!!




I always go for the classic plank for core work..and I like reverse sit ups!


Don’t worry, the envy-inducing lunches are *mostly* for summer associates. Once he’s actually working, he’ll have to bring or buy a normal lunch like the rest of us. [Except when the summers come, and he gets to take THEM out.] We went through the same thing. Now, I angle for an invitation to the summer associate dinner thingies (sometimes spouses are allowed), because MAN the food is usually awesome! :)

Having a corporate-lawyer-spouse involves trade-offs. Sometimes, those are invites to fancy dinners, as a trade-off for many late nights at work. Ah, well…. Hang in there!


ok seriously I have gotten sick every time I have run lately! The whole two times! I know I am not over training, but honestly..I hate getting sick


All those symptoms of over training I have-but I think I have them because I’m a teacher! LOL. The growing up thing? Wait until you are an empty nester….


I actually listened to that book while running. I liked it, too


I read the same book this weekend! Mindy Kaling is one of my favorite people. I just want to be her best friend after finishing that book!


My daughter is 5 months old and just today I was thinking that she seems older than yesterday! She follows me around the room with her eyes and she giggles all day long. I can’t believe how quickly it goes!

I am the queen of overtraining. On the list of symptoms, I def used to experience a number of them. I’ve been really good after getting back to running since having my daughter…and no injuries yet!


Wow, I love that your treadmill welcomes you by name! That is awesome! :-)


I want to try that DVD. I was just looking for some new workouts to do. Is it worth the price?

My kids are constantly doing new things and growing up no matter how often I remind them that it’s against the rules. I just want to bottle up their personalities at their current ages so I can save them because they are just so much fun right now!


I am reading Bart Yasso’s “My Life on the Run.” I picked it up when I saw him at a recent race expo.


I am currently training for my first half marathon this fall.

My youngest just got a walker for her birthday (last week) and she is slooooowly pushing it around our apt. I now spend a large portion of my day turning her around when she pushes the walker into a wall.


6 inches with weights…. lay flat on ground, take a 5 or 8 lb weight in hands and extend your arms with it over your head and your feet are hovering over the floor. lift up your legs and lift up your arms with the weight in hand and crunch….go back down to starting position wihtout touching floor and start again.


I have been doing that 8 minute ab workout on YouTube! It really works! :) Right now I am reading a few books (I LOVE to read) 1. Once a Runner 2. Food Fight 3. Baking cakes (my theme is typically running and food :)


I have pretty much every symptom of over training without being injured. I did just take 2 days of rest last week and it didn’t make a difference I actually felt more tired.

I do a core workout daily at the gym and dislike planks but I should do those too!

All this donuts talk is making me crave them too!

No little ones right now.. but I can’t wait until my daughter’s baby is born in December.. seeing Brooke makes me super excited to have a baby around once again… my youngest is 10.. far from a baby!


Overtraining sucks. And yes, having a coach is AWESOME!


Yes Mindy Kaling is the best, I love her book and her show!


My reading material these days consists of people, us weekly, shape…I think you get the idea :)


I’ve been doing the 8 minute ab video, too. His unitards really are the best. There is a version on youtube that is the video but just the “change exercise beeps” instead of his “you’re doing great, gang!” commentary…


Gabriella has the same walker- she loves all of the lights and sounds. I turn it on & she just starts giggling. It is the best! She pulled herself on it yesterday (for the first time!!!) – I had the break on & she just kept doing it- she is getting SO big!! They BOTH are!


I am reading that book too- I think she is super funny!! Have you read Bossy Pants by Tina Fey? That’s next on my list.


Currently I am reading “Mile Markers: The 26.2 Most Important Reasons Why Women Run” by Kristin Armstrong. I also just read RUN! by Dean Karnazes. His book was amazing!!!!


My 17 month old daughter just learned to say “turtle” yesterday — “Turt-Tell.” So cute my heart almost busted open. Amazing and devastating all at the same time. Amazing = little girl is SO SMART! Devastating = OMG, she’s growing up! :'(

I am currently reading “The Happiest Toddler on the Block” by Dr. Harvey Karp. Good info for anyone on that journey!


Overtraining got me a mega injury that I am just now starting to bounce back from :( Actually just started my own blog and my first post is about this exact topic…


I have definitely overtrained and feel that most of the time I am just under the overtraining mark! I got injured last summer (a little white water disaster with my four legged daughter) and that + my overtraining led into a major case of thoracic outlet syndrome and I was shut down from any upperbody exercise in December of last year (aside from demoing in class – i’m a fitness instructor). I was injured in June of last summer… it is now June of the following summer and I am STILL shut down from doing any upper body exercises aside from what my PTs give me. This TOS SUCKS!!!

On the flip side I have some AMAZING exercises for your core on my favorite piece of equipment, the TRX! IF you have access then I’ll send you a list or video demos of a great core workout… well everything you do on the TRX (if done properly) will activate your core BUT I’ve got some killer specific exercises to give you an all around ROCKIN core :-)


speaking of donuts… have you heard of CRONUTS?! they’re a croissant/donut hybrid and they were sampling them on live with kelly & michael last week. i’m not a huge donut fan (please don’t hold that against me ;)), but i was literally drooling!

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