My last hard workout of the week.

Somehow I completely spaced plugging my phone in last night and the birds woke me up instead of my alarm.  After I woke up I went straight to the lake to get my workout in.  The lake is where every person in the city that wants to work out early goes so I always feel super safe running there early because people are everywhere.

I won’t have anyone to watch Brooke tomorrow morning so I had to switch my training days around and get my last hard run of the week in today whether or not my legs were tired.  

The workout was 2 miles at 7:45, 1 mile at 7:15 and 5 miles at 7:00 (PS all of the workouts I have been posting lately are continuous miles, no breaks).  For the last five miles I tried to do each mile 1-2 seconds faster than the last to save me from boredom of running the same pace the whole time and it worked.  

My biggest tip for accomplishing a ‘hard for you’ run is to stay in the mile.  As soon as I think ‘I have to do FOUR more miles at this pace’ I want to stop but if I just think about the mile I am in it helps so much to finish the run strong mentally and physically.  

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During one of my laps I saw a girl whipping out pull-ups making them look SOOOO easy and as I passed I told myself I could at least do one and I would at the end of the run.  I did 1/2 of one.  You’d think with all the 8 minute arms youtube videos that I am doing I would be able to do at least one but nooooooo..

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Hey you never know when you will be stranded in your car and need at least 20 sports gels to survive off of.  

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After my normal breakfast I went on a short walk with a friend and when I walked in the door I was starving again.  That is what tempo work does to me.

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This is one of my all-time favorite snacks because a) I love large doses of fruit in one sitting and b) I love fruit and yogurt.  I tried the peach Chobani for the first time and loved it.  

We finished off my last day in Southern California at the beach club.  PS Brooke does not like sand.  It takes her about 30 minutes to get used to it before she will sit in it.  

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Can you do a pull-up?  How many? 

What was the last kind of yogurt that you had?

What are your Friday night plans?

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I can’t do even one pull up, so I feel ya! Those things are hard!
I think the last yogurt I had was a Yoplait Greek yogurt – Strawberry flavor. I’m out now though so I need to get some grocery shopping in!
No plans! We’ll just see how the evening unfolds. Have a safe trip home, girl!


Funny story… 2 years ago I got my husband a pull up bar for his birthday. But really I got it for myself, because I wanted to be able to do pull ups. There for a while I worked up to 5 pull ups. However, I have not used the bar in a while so I will be lucky to even do 1.
Friday night plans… Dinner with a girl friend, then maybe some celebratory ice cream and movie with the husband. He just took his last medical board exam for this year! YEA!!!!!


WOW! Tell him congrats! Girl, you got up to 5….can I have your autograph?


Haha. Thanks.


I have never done a pull-up in my life. I don’t understand how people can do them. I hang there and my arms just do nothing! But I bet Pull-Up Girl was secretly mightily impressed as you flew past!

I love yoghurt…my fave is plain Fage, ideally with apple sauce in. Might have some this afternoon now you’ve suggested it.

No big plans tonight…but tomorrow I have an hour off to go trail running. Already very excited.


This morning during my long run (@ 5AM!!) I followed your advice from a previous post and made sure to stay in the mile and not think about the overall distance and it totally worked!


Caitlin! That seriously makes me so happy! Way to go on getting up early and doing your awesome run!


My life goal is to do one pull-up, truly. I have zero arm strength, too, even after doing lots of planks and push-ups and stuff. Apparently not the right stuff for pull-upping ;-)

great idea on the yogurt in the melon! I’m totally going to try that!

My Friday night is super exciting…not ;-) Going to visit a running store while DH is riding intervals with the bike club, then heading to a coffee shop to get some writing done. I might even throw in a cake pop just for chuckles, LOL.


I USED to be able to do a pull up…now not so much anymore. I really need to work on that! My Friday night plans consist of dinner and a movie at home with the husband. I want to get up in the AM to get a nice double digit run in so need to make sure to get some good rest :-)


I don’t even know if I can do 1/2 a pull up. My arms are so weak!


That beach club looks SO awesome!!! I want something like that!! What a gorgeous place to run, too! Love it. I also love your advice to stay in the mile- I just started getting back into running and will keep that in mind when I start running more than 1 mile!! ;) (baby steps, right??) As for a pull up, still can’t do one. It’s crazy, cus I do strength work ALL THE TIME and yet. Can’t do one pull up.



I so want to learn to do pull ups – there’s a great video on meals & moves blog which demos steps to achieving a full pull up. One day…
I had peach flavoured muller yoghurt this morning, dipping a “breakfast biscuit” into it. Yummy :)
Think I’d enjoy yoghurt in melon. What a good idea!


I wish I could do a pull up. I am so proud I could do a few regular push ups. I think it’s crazier when people do one handed pull ups and/or push ups! Don’t worry Janae, those 8 minute arms + canteloupe eating = a pull up waiting to happen.

It’s summer solstice so I plan on being outdoors for the rest of the day! Yay for the first day of the summer! (I live in the northeast and it’s not perfect weather like you have in Southern California)


I could not do a pull up to save my life!!!


Like 2 years ago I told myself I was going to “train” to do one full pull up from hang. It took me a month, no lie.
The day I did it Chris took me out for celebratory dinner.


Girl. You killed that workout! And way to go on the 1/2 pull up ;) I can do 2. On a GOOD day. lol.

I had a key lime chobani flip for my morning snack and it was DELICOUS! I love cantaloupe with cottage cheese. Ross things cottage cheese with fruit is just plain wrong. He eats his cantaloupe with honey and a lime squeezed over it. Weird.

The fam and I are going to see Monsters University tonight and I think I might be as excited as the kids are. Having kids is a great way to have an excuse to do the things you would want to be doing anyway, but having it look a little more ‘normal’. lol. Did that even make sense?


Great workout!!! Noah hates sand too! Our Friday night consists of a trip to the park and a family walk :-) I can’t wait.


The last kind of yogurt I had was Oikos Key Lime. It’s sooo yummy!! We’re going to the first Ribfest of the summer tonight!! I’m so excited about all the junk food.


I think I can manage 1 pull-up but that’s about it, I used to be able to do a lot more, but I guess my arms just aren’t up to where they used to be…again, this was when I was a competitive swimmer so makes sense I suppose.
Great job on your half pull-up ;)
No plans yet so far, except seeing my family which will be lovely!


I last had strawberry yogurt!


I can’t do a single pull up. I even made it through the entire p90x program and couldn’t do a pull up on my own. Oh well. Tonight I am going to watch a high school marching band show. My husband teaches one of the bands. Should be interesting. Especially since I’m going again tomorrow night to see the same bands do the same field shows.


I can do about ZERO pull-ups. I’m ok with that though. ;-) I agree with Brooke…sand isn’t my favorite thing either. Girlfriend can hang out with me on a towel!


Pull-ups? HaHaHa! I few years ago I worked and worked on doing pull-ups until I was able to do two with bad form. Now I can do ZERO!

Brooke’s reaction to sand sounds like mine! :-)


I’m pretty sure I can’t even do a pull up in my dreams… My upper body strength is seriously a laughing matter. And I’m with Brooke on the sand… it gets everywhere and it’s hard to walk in… That might have something to do with me being Canadian, though, and us having a serious lack of beaches around here. I’m a lakes and forests kind of girl :)


I could do 1 pull up with some help if my arms are half way bent.. straight NO way!
Hate Yogurt so I never, ever eat it! I know. .. strong word but it’s true.. I dislike it that much!

Drinks, apps and bonfire with all the neighbor-friends + kids (they out number us adults!) Good thing we have adult drinks to cope… ;0)


I can’t remember the last time I tried a pull up so who knows lol I have been working out my arms and abs a lot lately and feeling good so I’d better not bruise my ego by trying a pull up anytime soon;)


Way to rock your workout this am! That beach club looks amazing. I am proud to say I can do 5 pull-ups, break, then do another 3. Ha!!!


I can do a total of 0 pull ups. True story. My arms are weaklings. That run sounds reag hard, not gonna lie. Tempos are hard for me mentally but staying in the moment makes it a thousand times better. Tell Brooke she’s not alone in disliking sand. I work at a beach and still hate it.


I still can rock some pull ups, I was the champion as a kid!

My 2 year old can not stand sand. We thought she would get over it but she still screams every time she has to sit or walk in it. It is nice though because if i put her on a beach towel she will not move away from it!


I can’t do any pull-ups either. I spent ages doing arm and back weights and I still got nowhere near being able to do them. But I so wish I could do them. Maybe one day…

The last yogurt that I had was some black cherry one, which I didn’t like. I have a heaps of Chobani in the fridge at home as I got given some for free last weekend, so I should start eating them instead as they are all delicious!

Friday night has been and gone in Australia, however my husband and I went out for dinner with friends to a Mexican tapas restaurant – delicious. Then for dessert we had hot chocolate and chocolate waffles. So yum!


Janae, I so am impressed that you can even do 1/2 of a pull up. That’s actually one of my goals, but I still need help from that machine at the gym..

Can you write a post about when you eat gels? Do you eat them when you’re doing a workout like the one you posted today (i.e. a shorter workout but high intensity)? I’ve got my routine down for my long runs, but I wonder now if I should be fueling on my shorter but faster runs?


The secret to pull-ups is back strength…and I still have a ways to go, but I’m closing in on my first ever unassisted pull-up!
For some reason the yogurt/melon combo freaks me out…..I don’t ever eat them at the same meal, let alone let them touch on my plate. :)


I am so far from being able to do a pull up but I have been working on it. I am determined to get one! My Friday night plans are to catch up on the sleep I lost last night from the Heat game :)


Definitely working on the pullups thing…I can do 3-4 chinups though! ;-)


I can’t do a pull up at all! So embarrassing when I try!! We have really different yogurt up here in Canada but when I’m in the states I love chobani!! Currently waiting for the ferry to go visit to of my amazing teacher friends in Vancouver! I am so excited that I feel like jumping up and down like a little kid… Not super acceptable when you are by yourself haha


Assisted pull-ups count, right?!? I have been doing them at the gym with a little less than half of my body weight. I’m trying to gain some muscle to get rid of the weight in my legs that running isn’t touching. I had yoplait mixed berry Greek yogurt earlier which isn’t my favorite but worked. Off to the store to try and find non-running shorts!


I can’t do any pullups! :(

But I really need to be able to because I’m doing this race called the TOUGH MUDDER! 10 miles of obstacles—some of which require pulling yourself over things!! eeeeekkk


I can’t do pull ups. Frustrating because when I was a competitive gymnast I could do a ton. I use to always beat the boys in PE in grade school when we did them.


I’m about to eat and head to bed! So exciting, I know. I have to be up super early for a half marathon in the morning. They are predicting 97% humidity in the morning so it should be a ton of fun;)


Love your advice to stay in the mile! Many moons ago, pre-babies, when my hubby & I were gym rats, I could do about 6 unassisted pull ups. Sadly, I can no longer do even one! Sigh. They are definitely one of those.exercises you have to keep doing or you’ll lose the ability. Made a smoothie with frozen banana, fresh peaches & peach yogurt after a sweltering trail run today. Yum!


My last yoghurt was an Apple & Cinnamon Chobani. NOM.


I just did some pull ups today at the psrk when my boys were playing. I did 3 and a half. The most I’ve done lately is 4. Feels good:)
My boys might not be friends with Brooke because they would probably live in a sandbox if they could! But at her age they were the same way but with grass.


What a great running workout! How is the form-change going? I’m curious because I’m in the process of overhauling my form, and I’m frustrated …

I’m up to 5-6 continuous pullups, and I have to give all the credit to rock climbing. I wouldn’t have been able to do one to save my life, and then I started climbing a few years ago (at 31). When I attempted a pullup a year or so later I surprised the heck out of myself by being able to do not just one, but a few! I bought a pullup bar this fall and absolutely love being able to walk down the hall and crank out a set when the mood hits. It’s very therapeutic :)

Have a wonderful weekend!


About a million years ago I could crank out 15 solid ones in 45 seconds. Now I can do a couple of shrugs. lol Pull-ups are a fairly specific motion. They’re actually mostly lats and not arms if done correctly. Doing lat work will help some.


I am so impressed that you woke up so early without an alarm!!


I had a wonderful dinner date tonight with just my mom. I had panko encrusted pangasius with a Dijon glaze. AMAZING!!!! #bestnightever.
PS.i can’t do a pull-up. :(


Yeah, I would have been right there with you doing half a pull-up. :)


The last time I did a pull up was never. ha.
Went out for mexican tonight followed by maple walnut ice cream in a waffle cone! Thought about frozen yogurt but ice cream was too tempting!


Love reading about your workouts:) You are rockin’ it with the running. I love a good tempo! I agree 100% – the only way I get through a hard tempo is by staying in the mile. It kills my brain if I think about how many I have left.
I have gotten up to 8-10 pull-ups! I love pullups, and pushups – such great, convenient strength training.
And, I don’t love yogurt, but my little guy had a peach chobani for lunch! It was the kids last day of school, so we took them out for burgers and froyo – perfection.
Enjoy your last night in Southern CA!


I’m lucky if I can do one. Pull ups are killer! I have a tub of Greek Vanilla in the fridge which gets a few spoonfuls a day. Tonight I got ready for the garage sale tomorrow!


I really want to be able to do a pull up and I’m working on it but can’t do it yet


Buy a set of pull up assist bands off Amazon. You will be amazed how much they help. I do CrossFit so we use the bands until you can work up to doing an unassisted pull up but they are so helpful in allowing you to build up your strength while using good form.


I definitely can’t do pull ups. Way too much upper body! All of my strength is in my leggggsssssss. Plans for tonight = resting and eating carbs. First half marathon bright and early tomorrow!


I can do one pullup and it takes every ounce of strength that I have. I need to work on those, I guess!!

My Friday night plans were supposed to be date night (long overdue) with my hubby but my son got pink eye so we ended up at urgent care and doing a family date night. Ah well, it happens. I just hope we don’t have to wait another 3 months before we go out alone!!


I’m at about half a pull-up too, no worries!

I eat strawberry or blueberry Greek yogurt every day at 10 am for snack time. I think it’s totally acceptable for grown ups to have a designated snack time.

My husband and I went to a Mexican restaurant with his family for dinner tonight. It was all kinds of wonderful and amazing.

PS- I bought new Mizuno Wave Rider shoes today- AND THEY ARE WATERMELON COLORS! I knew you would like them.


i can probably do about half of a pull up, also.

your chobani/cantaloupe bowl looks PERFECT!! i need to try that sometime. i have a watermelon that i haven’t cut up yet – maybe i can try it with that? :) i had fage greek yogurt last night (my fave!).


I can’t do any pull-ups, but I want to because my husband would be super impressed. And he told me that he would brag to all his friends about me.

Tonight we went to the park and my husband ran with some friends and then they got the slackline out. No running for me, I’m still resting my angry IT Bands, but I had to hang out with my BFF and her baby so it was better.


I cannot do a pull up without assistance. I use the gravitron at work. I love it. The last yogurt I had was fruyo by Fage. It was strawberry and delicious!


I cannot even tell you how happy I am to read this pull-up story. Just tonight I tried to do one at the park and I couldn’t even begin to do it. Of course my 9-year-old son can do them easily. Whatever. His butt is smaller.


I can do about 3 pull ups and then I die; one of my end of summer goals is to be able to do 15 pull ups and have them feel like simple sauce

I last had a yoplait light strawberry thick and creamy

I am crashing so that I can run 5 miles tomorrow morning


My son was terrified of sand until he was about 20 months old. I have no clue why, and it totally caught me by surprise.


Haha! My kiddo did that with grass. He loathed it!


Pull up? I can barely do a push up.

Friday night was girls night out to celebrate a friend’s birthday. Lots of fun!


I can’t do a single pull up and I never have!!!
Just had baby #2 and I need a new one piece swimsuit for the summer…can you please tell me where you got yours??? I have been admiring it for weeks now:)


Congrats!!!!! It is from j crew and it is a super long tankini!


Awesome thanks!!


Ugh…I can’t sleep hence the 3am comment. This is why I should never drink alcohol after 8pm. And I only had one beer. Last night, I went out for sushi and a drink with my good friend, Laura.

I wish I could do a pull-up. I feel like I should be able to do at least one with all the upper body I do.


There is this place I have been to for a conference for the past two years and it has bars for pull ups in the grounds. Last year I tried to do one and couldn’t. This year, having now been a member of my local gym for 6 months, I went to the conference again and tried another pull up – I managed ONE (barely)! I give up on pull ups, running is much more fun anyway!


I can not do a pull up :(
And I love peach yogurt! Yum!!


You can do it!!!
On my bday this year I had a goal to do my age in pull-ups….32….not!


My first thought when you said a girl was whipping out a pull up and making it look easy was that she was changing a toddler’s pull up. I am so deep in mom world.


I’ve only ever done one pull up in my life and it was in middle school. I have weak noodly arms.

That beach club looks way better than ours!


I recently managed to do a real pull up on my own with no assistance. best. feeling. ever.


Completely unrelated to your questions, but I have been using your long run tip of staying in the mile, and it has helped me tremendously! My last few runs have been farther and faster, so thanks for the inspiration!

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