Just get through THIS mile and a DELICIOUS GIVEAWAY!!! GIVEAWAY CLOSED!!!

You know those runs where you can kind of predict how the whole run is going to feel during the very first 10 steps?  That happened this morning. I didn’t sleep well because Billy was gone studying (I guess studying for the patent bar and being an intern is a little stressful and takes some time) until late and I always get sucked into reading until really late when I am by myself.  

Oh and the brownies.  I don’t think those were very helpful…brownie hangovers=  the worst.  

I had a hard run on the schedule and I am stubborn so I wasn’t going to skip it.  I knew I was in trouble during the warm-up mile but I decided to focus on THE MILE I was in and not even think about the next one.  I repeated over and over again, just get through this mile and it helped me so much to finish strong and not worry about ‘how am I going to do this for x more miles?’

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Splits: 7:45, 7:13, 7:12, 6:42, 6:41 and last 1.5 @ 7:11ish.  Followed by a little cool down because I still had a few minutes until Billy was leaving so I took advantage of it and did a slow jog.

I like this little tradition of mine that I do right after my run when Brooke is still snoozing.   Stretching and Ellen.

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This below picture is NOT to show you my oatmeal but to show you how tired I was after this run.  A) I couldn’t even put my t-shirt on correctly.  Inside out and backwards. (I hate being in a sweaty tank because it makes me freezing so I change as soon as I get home).  B)  I couldn’t even eat breakfast without spilling a few times on myself.  We will see how the rest of this day goes.  

The sad part is that I spilled five more times on myself after I took the picture.

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The FedEx man brought us a package a while ago  The FedEx man always makes us happy because he brings the best stuff.  The package contained all sorts of goodies and Brooke was shocked about how much goodness came out of that backpack from NOW Foods.  The slender sticks (what Brooke is playing with) are really helping me to drink more water (remember how that was a goal of mine?) because they are delicious.  The grape flavor is my favorite.

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Don’t you just want to jump into this bag?  I was excited to try stuff out from their Real Foods section and they did not disappoint.  The Raw Energy Nut Mix had the perfect mix of nuts and raisins and made for easy snacks.  Great for a boost of energy at my ‘3 o’clock and I am ready to go to bed’ time.  

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One lucky reader will get a backpack full of goodies from NOW Foods!!!  Good luck!

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To enter giveaway from NOW Foods tell me what one of your favorite running mantras is or leave a comment saying anything you want!!!  You could even just say, ‘I want to win!’

Giveaway ends on Sunday June 16th!!!


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This is something that we used to yell during our high school track workouts: “I’m a Runner and I can do it!!!” (because I think we can all agree that runners can do just about anything they put their minds to!)


I like “don’t compare yourself to others” & I also like to pretend I’m running a marathon. My entry doesn’t count because I’m in the UK, but I wanted to get involved :)


I sort of acquired this one but I think its genius!

“I am Anton Kuprichka with cleaner hair”

What can I say it works …


“Keep moving forward!”


Just put one foot in front of the other!


Go! Go! Go!!!


during long, boring runs my subconscious takes over and starts to chant, “here we go, karen, here we go! hoo! hoo!” over & over again.

that’s the closest i have to a running mantra.


My running mantra is on my Road ID. “Just keep running” even if its a fast shuffle, walk or etc. Just keep moving!


Breath and just keep going! I always tell myself, Michelle you choose to run and be greatful you are able to run! Better enjoy it :)


I always tell myself that I know I can do this..get out of my head…my body is stronger than my mind and do not quit.


I have palm trees all along my road so my mantra is usually “just go until the next tree!” Then the next, then the next and the next after that! ;)


I always like to chant ” You are strong, you are a marathoner!” and up the hills I say “push and pull (expletive) this hill!”
And I LOVE trail mix!!!!


I always tell myself – The faster you run, the faster you’ll get home. (There are some days I just want to go out and run for enjoyment, there are other days that you just have to get the miles in…. this mantra works better for the latter).


That trail mix looks delicious!!!!!

I always remind myself to pump my arms and then my legs get going :)


My mantra is “I will feel so proud when I am done!”


I focus on my form. Thinking about my feet, arms and breathing helps take my mind off “How much longer?”


I always remember the story of the little engine that could……who brings all the toys over the mountain because the big train broke, and won´t give up because he has to bring all the toys so that the little boys and girls will be happy….something along those lines. It has been at least 15 years since I´ve read the story but still when I am on a terrible hill i think…..I THINK I CAN I THINK I CAN I THINK I CAN…..and then when I get there I think…..seee???? I could! If you don´t have this story already get it for your little sunshine, I´m sure she will love it.


i want to win!


My favorite running mantra is “cant stop, wont stop.”


Girl…you rock! I want to improve my mile repeats so badly. I’ve just slowed down and I need to get that fast pace twitch back!!!! Great training run. I also HATE being in sweaty workout clothes. Yuck!run. My favorite is “Fear No Distance”


I run for me!


Several….”Just don’t quit”…..”The harder you work…the harder it is to surrender” (Vince Lombardi quote”…..”Never, Never Never give up” (Winston Churchill quote) and several others….repeat over and over and over….


My mantra is you are stronger than you think.


I usually just tell myself “you got this”, or remind myself that I made it through childbirth without pain meds so I can certainly keep on pushing to the end of a run! lol

Oh and I really want to win because Monday is my birthday :)


I dont have a mantra, I usually just think about the big bowl of ice cream I am going to eat when I am finished with a long run!


My running mantra is just keep running just keep running to the tune from Dory in Finding Memo singing just keep swimming just keep swimming.

I laugh and forget about how tired I am. Works everytime!


I always tell myself “just keep going, no giving up” and the good old “the quicker you do this the quicker you will be done” (if its a really hard run).


My running mantra is “just keep going”. It really does help. Great splits on the run :D


You can do this!!! You are stronger than you think:)


“I am strong! I am doing this!


I would love to win this!




My mantra is ” do this for you, it is your time”


I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 or the You got this…..you have done it x times before.


Finish! F I N I S H (saying each letter)


“push harder than you thought you could!” Then when I do I feel awesome :) When I’m having a not so great run I always remind myself that I’m lucky to be healthy and strong enough to keep putting one foot in front of the other.


Run for those who can’t :) thanks for the fun giveaways!!


My mantra is “you will feel amazing when this is over” and it usually works! thanks for having these giveaways!!


I don’t know if I have a running mantra. Maybe I just don’t know about it! I really want to win those goodies though! :-)


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” phillipians 4:13.


Run faster, better high after!


harder, better, faster, stronger :)


I don’t really have a mantra I just always try to “catch the girl in front of me!” even if no one’s there, I know I’ll eventually find someone.


I want to win :)


Well, I’d certainly like to win! But, my running mantra for the tough spots is always, “just get up the next hill,” or “just focus on that next big tree.” Then, I find a new focal point and try to always keep looking forward. It’s so easy to get drawn into looking down or losing focus and losing all your momentum, especially when the going gets tough.


Never have found a mantra I don’t feel dumb saying… but another way I give myself a boost us to run by storefronts or other large windows and discreetly check myself out…. and am always surprised by how awesome I look running down the road. Always makes me feel stronger and more motivated.


Like you, I try to focus on the mile I’m on, that way I don’t stress out about the miles ahead and zap all my energy stressing. I also love the sayings “somebody who has less time than you is running right now” and “Whether it’s a 7 minute or 14 minute mile, a mile is still a mile.”


I don’t think I have a running mantra. I love seeing photos of you watching TV AND your laptop. You are the ultimate multi-tasker!

I want to wint those goodies!


I tell myself to just run at least one mile. Usually after that I feel great and am good to go for the rest of my run, but that first is always the toughest for me.


I always pick a spot in the distance and guess how many steps I think it will take me to get there. Then I count my steps to that point to see how close I was. I keep repeating this until I’m finally done!


I usually end up repeating “just 30 more seconds! I can do anything for 30 more seconds!”…. for a lot more than 30 seconds :)


I usually tell myself “you are strong” during a tough run.


My mantra is pretty simple, I just keep telling myself “you can do this!”


Come on!!!! Get going! This is normally in my last mile when I am beat and I want to finish strong.


My personal running mantra when things get tough is “the mind is willing, the body accepts.” For the girls I coach at Girls on the Run, I like to use: “I am strong! I am awesome! I can do this!” repeated out loud to encourage them. :)


I say repeatedly, “Strong – healthy – No pain – No weakness” when I run… I figure if I saw it enough, it’ll happen :)


I usually just keep telling myself “You can do this! keep pushing and it will be over soon!”


Keep going!


I want to win! I love nuts and raisins!


Like my wrist tattoo says “Just Breathe” :)


I try to say, “you’ve got this, you’ve done it before, it’s only a little bit farther this time.” I also like to remind myself that if it’s hard, it’s making me stronger!


I have tried running mantras and they never seem to work! Although “I want to win!” could be a pretty good mantra ;)


“You are STRONG”


My mantra is “constant forward motion.” It is the only thing that got me through my first marathon!


I usually repeat to myself, only 10 more minutes, you can do this for 10 more minutes.


“Just Keep Running, Just Keep Running”
in the sing song voice that Dory does on Finding Nemo (Just keep swimming).

You can even change it up if you are doing a triathlon!
Just keep swimming, just keep biking, just keep running…


I know I can push through the wall!


My mantra is, “Just please don’t get passed by the 80 year old… please don’t get passed by the 80 year old…” But they’re really fast so they typically pass me.


I always tell myself that my body is stronger than my mind.


Running mantra… well currently not running I have a biking mantra / get yo ass to the gym mantra. It is basically “you never know when you could hurt yourself and NOT be able to bike / lift / whatever, JUST GO” and so I go. I was such a sad baby right after surgery so as soon as I was able to go to the gym I did. Thank yo lucky stars!


My mantra is “just keep running”, kind of like Dori in “Finding Nemo” :-)


Just one more song! I say it over & over until I’m done!


You got this, you got this.


Instead of saying “run one more mile,” I always say “one more block” or “just run until you pass the street sign” (for example), gives me an extra push, and usually if I make it that far, I just keep on going! I’m a beginner, so just getting out there makes me feel accomplished!


This is going to sound silly, but my mantra is “long and lean.” When I am feeling tired and sluggish during a run, I tend to shuffle. I’m somewhat tall and have long-ish legs, so for me to shuffle is kind of unacceptable! Saying “long and lean” over and over (to myself, of course) is a reminder to myself that I need to take advantage of my legs and have a longer stride! No shuffling!


I just try to think about other things and not running! I want to win :)


I always say, “I could stop now, but why should I?!”


My mantra is “you can do it!” Short, simple and sweet…and helps!!


Mine is “Push it, girl!”

Oh, and I want to win! ;)


My mother in law told me this morning that I was her inspiration as she is now up to 2.5 miles of running! PS. I want to win! :)


On those don’t wanna run days, I always say, “you’ll feel so much better once you just get this over with”.


I’m really digging your “just get through this mile.” I’m going to have to remember it for those days when I have to bargain with myself to keep going. My mantra is “relentless forward motion.” It matches my breathing (3 breaths in, 4 breaths out) and has gotten me through some tough runs.


My mantra: You are not going to die, so suck it up and get it over with.


I don’t have a mantra but I like to bribe myself to finish an especially hard run (such as a coconut bar). Mmm


My mom always yells “Run your own race!” and my sister always says “Suck it up” It sounds harsh, but no one knows my running better than her. Usually I am just being weak or have mentally given up, so hearing her yell suck it up always gets me back on track!


I dont really have a mantra…just feel like Im always saying “1 more mile”


I want to WIN! :-)


My daughter had a stroke at age 8 due to sickle cell anemia and now walks with braces, so I say I’m running for krista and for those who can’t run.


When the running gets tough, I always find myself referring back to Tom Hanks’ quote for A League of Their Own. “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. The ‘hard’ is what makes it great.”

Gets my feet moving every time.


Woo hoi!


I like to tell myself, “You’re blessed to be able to run. You’re doing this because you have the luxury of CHOOSING TO, and you love it. You’re healthy.” Always helps me to stay positive and keep myself grateful.


You are stronger than you think.


I constantly say, “Keep Moving”.


You can do it!


My mantra is I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me :)


Running mantra……”Each step is a step closer to the finish.” Love it!

Oh, and I WANT TO WIN:)


My favorite mantra is “Don’t give up on yourself”, it’s really hard in the marathon sometimes to keep the mental strength ~ Plus, I WANT TO WIN!!!


When its getting tough I stick on 2 songs. Past the Point from Hilary Weeks and Alive from Krewella


When I am having a tough run or having a hard time getting motivated I tell myself to just do it for 15 minutes and if I want to stop I can — 10 times out of 10 I feel better and keep going!!!


on hard runs i just think how PROUD and STRONG i will feel at the end… “it’s going to be worth it, it’s going to be worth it!”


I don’t have a running mantra – but I better get one soon! Chicago Marathon training (my second marathon!) just started!


I always tell myself I can do ANYTHING for 30 minutes and that i am always glad i did it afterwards.


I like to focus on the the miles that I completed instead of the ones ahead. It’s more motivating to me! Plus really good music helps!


I want to win!


My mantra is usually “You got this!” and of course I WANT TO WIN!!!


My running attitude is, the faster you run, the faster you finish!! :)


My mantra is kind of like dory’s from finding nemo: “just keep going, just keep going, going, going!”

PS I want to win! :)


Any hard running day is better than an injured running day! I just remind myself how grateful I am to be healthy and running again!


I really don’t have a running mantra, however if I get lucky enough to run outdoors, I try to focus on objects, such as the fire hydrant, or bridge, etc.


I always think about how far I’ve already gone (this only works when I’m more than halfway through) and that the rest is easy compared to what I’ve finished already. OR I think about the delicious calories I will be able to intake thanks to my run!


I want to win! Food is the best.


“I’ve done this before… Ok, maybe it’s not so bad… That tree up there isn’t so far away… Crap, my iPod just died.”


“pain is temporary, quitting is forever”. It usually works :). Oh, and CHOCOLATE! SMOOTHIES! REFUELING! :)


I want to win!


I want to win! Running is awesome :)


I tell myself that there are many people with injuries, illnesses, etc. that would LOVE to have the opportunity to run everyday like I do. This puts a little pep in my step!


I want to win!! Also when I’m running and tired I tell myself. You can do this your tough, or I try to remember inspirational quotes from remember the titans. : )


Pick me!!


Sounds ridiculous, but “Be a badger”… For some reason I think about a badger furiously digging a hole and associate tenacity with badgers. It sounded much more convincing in my head…


I want to win! :)


ALMOST dONE i want to win!!!


I just like to think about how awesome it feels after I complete a run. ESPECIALLY those runs I really don’t want to do:)



I say this a lot when I’m running!


Mine is to Keep Going, one foot in front of the other..


I recently started a job as a heart transplant coordinator and everyday I work with people who physically cannot run even if they really want to. So my new running mantra is “run for those who can’t.” Simple, but makes me appreciate the body and heart I have:)


My favorite running mantras is… “Come on Crissi, you CAN DO THIS!”
Then I take a deep breath and keep running!


I WANT TO WIN :) :) :)


“It will take me even longer to WALK home!”


My running mantra is as long as I can take a full deep breath in, I can go faster! Also, when I first started running, my dad always said “if you can run around Lake Harriett (3mi) without stopping, you can do anything.” Always makes me smile!


If I’m not feeling a run, I always like to tell myself to just make it to a certain point and if I still feel bad, then I can stop. However, usually I feel much better once I hit the point!


Just keep going! Just keep going! It works every time!


I tell myself “just glide.” It makes me feel lighter, and like I can run forever!


I say “I feel great, I feel great” over and over and that usually works. :)


30 more seconds. You can do anything for 30 seconds.
Next thing I know, it’s been a few minutes. :-)


“Run your run” is one of my favorites. Reminds me to stop comparing myself to other runners and enjoy my own journey! :)


“I want to win!” No seriously, during races and hard runs, what I keep repeating to myself is: “PAIN IS TEMPORARY, PRIDE IS FOREVER!” So true.


My high school xcountry coach always used to tell us, “One more mile!” Sometimes it works, other times (like during mile 18 in a marathon) it doesn’t. I think I need to borrow one or two from this comment section…


I just keep telling myself the faster I run the faster I’m done on those rough runs :)


I always repeat, “you are strong” to myself whenever I am feeling weak or like I want to stop during a run. It helps me suck it up and keep going!


While I enjoy running and races, I live by this
“Life is a journey not a race”


I just keep telling myself it’s for my own good…do it for me!


I’ve started to try to think about how strong my legs are that they can get me through my run. And I always pray, giving thanks for my ability to run. It’s calming :)


This is one my husband helped me come up with while I was having a difficult time during a race. “Stronger, smoother, smoother, stronger….BANGARANG!” It’s to remind me with each step I’m getting strong, and to make sure I’m running smoothly. The other word is from the movie “Hook.”


I love the idea of focusing on each mile, although sometimes I get super irritated that a mile hasn’t passed long enough. So instead I do…”get through this song” which helps pass the time a little faster. Also, I WANT TO WIN!


“One foot in front of the other”


Brooke makes me want a baby. Lol. Too cute!


My mantra is ” Stick to your tast till it sticks to you.
Beginners are many but enders are few.
Honor, power, place, and priase
will always come to the one who stays.
Stick to your task till it sticks to you;
Bend and it, sweat and it, smile at it too;
For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile
Will come life’s victories, after awhile”. (not sure who the author is)


Mine is “You got this! You didn’t work this hard to walk! You got this!”


Pick me :) :)!!!


I want to win! My mantra is “I’m stronger than I think, I can do this!”

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