An important question that has nothing to do with running or food.

It was borderline weird how obsessed I was with finding Brooke the perfect pair of jelly sandals for this summer.  I think that I just have so many fond memories of the adventures I had as a kid in my jelly sandals as a kid that I needed to find her the perfect pair.

Payless won my heart… especially when they gave me a $4 off coupon which made the sandals only $5.99.  Love the high that comes from 1. finding exactly what you want 2. an awesome deal and 3. when sparkles are involved.

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She only kicked them off 4 times yesterday afternoon (which is exceptional compared to her last sandals where she would kick them off 4 times every 10 minutes).

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We went to Downtown Willow Glen to meet a friend and her little boy (ps those thighs) to walk around the shops and for the most amazing creamery.  

I believe a big part of my happiness comes from the fact that I eat so much ice cream.  The twix topping also helps.   I have only been to this creamery once before and I have to say that this place beats every single other froyo/ice cream place I have ever been to.  They make it for you and give you a ton of froyo (this was the mini!) and it is extra creamy.  


I had grand plans to make a broccoli, quinoa and edamame dish for dinner but when Billy called me on his way home from work he told me that he had been craving our leftover pizza for dinner all day long.    I guess tomorrow night I will attempt to make a real dinner.  

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For all of you lovers of running with music….

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This website is full of songs with fast beats to match your running!

I have a skin care question for you.  I am on the hunt for the best face wash in the country.  I have been using this stuff for a while but I don’t think it is working….

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What face wash do you use?!?!  Tell me what you think about it.  I need your help desperately!!!

What was the last good deal that you got?

Tell me a toy, food and clothing item that remind you of childhood?

-Pogs (and polly pockets and pound puppies), Dunkaroos (squeeze-its and lunchables) and jelly sandals (and overalls, shoes that light up when you walk).  

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If you don’t mind spending the money you should try SkinCeuticals. It is by far the best product out there at least for me. I have literally tried every cheap, midline and expensive face product and this has been the best. I have used the clarifying cleanser as well as the micro-exfoliating scrub and the gentle cleanser. All are wonderful depending on what you are trying to accomplish. I have to say that from everything I have tried the brand works best with its own brand. I have mixed and matched and never really liked the results. Their creams and face lotions as well as the serums are really amazing. I am a little obsessed with facial products and hair products. They are my weakness in shopping other than running gear and clothes for my kids.


Can you buy this in the store? Also, if you don’t mind answering – what is your skin type? I am ALWAYS on the hunt for skin products!


Amy, so sorry for the late response. You can buy this in specialty stores that do facials typically. Day spas are the best bet to start with. Go to the skin ceuticals website and they have a find our product link. I have weird skin and it can be really oily and dry at the same time and then other times seem like normal skin. I wouldn’t really call it combination. My skin type has changed over the years especially during and after being pregnant with both kids and this product has remained my to choice. I have tried other things and always come back to this brand. How this helps.


Not gonna lie – I totally rock adult jellies in the summer! I found an awesome deal on strawberries while I was at the grocery store today. $1.99 & buy one get one free!

I love Aveeno face wash. I use the clear complexion cream and it is fabulous.


Clean & Clear – Morning Burst!

Last good deal I got was yesterday at Target. Jeans that fit well for $22.99.

Toy: He-Man and She-Ra….or Jem!
Food: Kraft Mac & Cheese. ….or Totino’s Pizza Rolls!
Clothing: Big shirts (with some sort of knot or tie) with bike shorts. And Scrunch socks!


Thanks for this post!! My face has gotten awful in the past month so I need to switch it up. I think I’m going to try coconut oil…my friend uses it and saw dramatic results.

I was obsessed with trolls. My god I have like 100 of them packed in my parents basement:). And I ate those sodalicious fruit snacks everyday at school! The root beer ones were awesome.


I had a lot of luck with coconut oil! I actually mix coconut oil, honey, and white sugar (I also sometimes add vanilla extract) and it really cleared up my face!


I was going to recommend coconut oil! I have not had a single blemish since I started using it over a month ago and my skin is super soft and it just looks healthier. It is cheap compared to other stuff, only $7 for the jar at whole foods and you just use a little bit of it each day. I use the same cleanser, cetaphil, but the oil has totally changed my skin!


Hi! I am so curious about using coconut oil! I keep hearing such great results, but have no idea where to start! How do you use it as a face wash? Do you just keep the jar in the bathroom and scrape it off the top as you wash your face? Does it become a liquid with warm water? I have no idea! Is there a certain brand that is better than others? Thank you everyone for your help!


I wash with Nutribiotic fragrance free sensitive skin cleanser. It is sold on or for something ridiculous like 3-4 dollars for 16oz, lasts like 9 months, and is pretty much all natural, no parabens or endocrine disrupting/synthetic materials. And it has Grapefruit Seed Extract, which is anti-microbial so it keeps blemishes at bay. The fragranced is also good, and it isn’t as “natural” smelling as the unscented/sensitive.


I meant to also say, I use Beyond Costal mineral sunscreen that is like glue on your face, and I only have to wash it 2x to get it fully off with that cleanser, as where with other ones I have to wash with olive oil, then wash 3-4 times with cleanser, to remove. It removes eye makeup with little to no problems, just be sure to spend about 10 seconds on that area massaging the cleanser into your face. It rinses clean, and its just all around fabulous. Natural, anti-bacterial but not harsh, non soap but a gel that foams really well, and cheap like I am!


Cetaphil is amazing. But I can’t stand the facial cleanser. I use the Gentle Skin Cleanser and use it both to take off my make-up (mascara/eyeliner/anything really on your face) and then just wash my face with what’s left. Plus, it doesn’t dry out your skin!


I’ve used that Cetaphil for a long time as my “shower” face wash. But before bed I use Clean & Clear Morning Burst (which is kind of ironic, I guess!).


I use coconut oil as a make-up remover/face wash/moisturizer, and I love it! I also like Mary Kay Timewise 3 in 1 cleanser and moisturizer. Both make my skin really soft and healthy looking (and I’ve heard coconut oil has natural SPF??)


I love jelly sandals as well!!! I also remember pogs and polly pockets! They were so much fun!!!!!! But I think Barbie tops my choice of toys from my childhood! I LOVED Barbie!


I switched to coconut oil for washing my face and it has made HUGE difference. I hardly get any break outs now and my face is so much more smooth. I mix it with baking soda a couple times a week to add a little exfoliation.


I use a cheap brand from Walmart, but I used to use proactive and absolutely love it! It made my skin so clear and glow. Ever since I got pregnant with j I can’t use it anymore. It gives my whole face a rash:(


Hands down the best face wash that I’ve ever used and will continue to use forever is Neutrogena’s Acne Stress Control face wash! It is great!


Cute shoes! For face wash:

******Rhonda Allison is amazing, pricey, but worth it and will last a long time. We use it at my work and most skin care professionals use/recommend the brand. I suggest the green tea or pumpkin cleanser. Love the pumice and brightening exfoliate scrubs too!



We weren’t allowed to get jellies because my mom said they weren’t good for our feet (which is probably unfounded)–thank goodnesss you got her jellies!

I use Clinique 3-step and also those Neutragena remover-wipes.

I had a Fisher-Price kitchen with fake-food and pots and pans–I loved it. I also had an Easy Bake Oven. And I had a convertible cradle/bath-tub for my baby dolls.


I definitely remember jelly shoes! Tons of colors too!


i’ve been using clinique no.2 clarifying lotion (purple) since 6th grade and never had to worry about skin issues (knock on wood!) except for the occasional period pimple. and i don’t even get those anymore! in the shower, i wash my face with either st. ives apricot scrub, olay cleanser, or biore. i try to use st. ives when i know i’ll be indoors, and one of the other two if i’m going outside — exfoliating poses more risk for sun damage! i also am religious about putting on facial lotion with spf 15 (i use olay) after showering and 20 min before leaving the house.

last good deal? hmm maybe some cottage cheese marked down to 49cents, and it wasn’t even expiring for another 3 weeks!


I love Dr. Bronner’s peppermint liquid soap! It is so refreshing. Plus it’s organic which I like.


-I use ProActiv. It is kind of pricy, but I used to have terrible acne and it not only cleared up my acne but made my skin look really great. I recommend it- it is awesome!! And you have different steps and I change up the steps (use a lot of it, use less of it, skip a step here and there) and that I think keeps your skin routine interesting and how it keeps working well for me.

The last deal???! Goodness I can’t even think!

The first thing that pops up to me from my childhood is food (of course) and that is Toaster Struttels with the cream cheese frosting. My brothers and I used to LIVE off of those :)


Noxema! The big blue tub – it is so amazing. My grandmother swore by it.


For the past 4 months I have stopped using any face wash at all and just use a face wipe to clean off makeup at night and wash my face with water in the shower and that’s it! I haven’t had a breakout this whole time which is very unlike me. I still have oily skin but that doesn’t seem to change whatever product I use (and I’ve used TONS in my 27 years). I don’t think I’ll ever use a face wash again!

also…I love jelly sandals, I had them as a kid, good times! :)


Neutrogena All-in-One Acne Scrub has done wonders for my skin. Also, face masks made with raw honey, lemon, and cinnamon made a major difference!

Pogs, jellies, and dunkaroos were all huge when I was a kid. I also loved Polly Pockets!


I used to use that cleanser, but I switched to the bar version of the same thing and I am much happier! “used to use” that sounds weird!


I use Arbonne Facial products – all natural, no parabens, no chemicals that are harmful – and they work!


I’m obsessed with Philosophy’s Purity Made Simple gel. Not cheap, but I’ve had it since early this year, I use it once or twice a day and I’ve only used 25% of it.


Try mario badescu! Fill out a skin evaluation on their website and they’ll send you free samples of recommended products!


Ahhhh those jelly sandals!!!! Too too cute! I love St. Ives face wash :) Their apricot scrub is a favorite that I’ve used forever, since my mom bought it for me back in high school. Love. It.



Try Tea Tree Face Wash (gel not the foam) from The Body Shop! It is amazing! Both my husband and I have been using it for years are love it!!


I use biore face wash and it’s the only thing that works for my adult acne probz haha. That froyo looks insanely delicious and I need to check out that website! Been in a slump lately with my workout jams.


Can I just swim in that froyo?! I’m not even kidding IT LOOKS PERFECT


I use Clean and Clear… Plain and simple… Plus the astringent. I like it. I use Oil of Olay cream. A older lady once told me about using it when I was like 16 and always used since! She had amazing skin.
The last good deal was at the outlet mall… We had additional 20% coupon plus military 10% and everything was marked down 25-50% already. Oh Yeah. Memorial Day Sales.
Jelly shoes for sure! I lived in those things when we were kids! Strawberry shortcake doll.. Ummm smelled oh so yummy! Plus all my super cool Barbies.. I had the mansion and the airplane. Ahh the good ol days! Plus the Cabbage Patch Kids… I loved them too! I could just go on and on… Haha


I use Aveeno clear complexion. It comes in a foam and scrub and I alternate between the 2 daily. I loooove and they smell great too!


Try PCA skin face wash for oily skin (: You can buy it online on amazon and I am not kidding.. this thing is like amazing!!! And it’s only 18 bucks, so it doesn’t hurt your wallet.


I use Neutrogena Naturals facial cleanser. I used to use Clinique, but this stuff is cheaper and sometimes I can grab a great deal with a sale and coupon!
Foods that remind me of my childhood are popcorn and homemade grape juice. We used to have it as a snack almost nightly (yes, I come from a family of nighttime snackers!) and my mom made the best grape juice ever from grapes in our backyard!


i’m a simple gal and use st. ives apricot scrub. target brand even. gently exfoliates and leaves me refreshed. i’ve been using it for probably 15 years! wow i am old!
squeeze its. that takes me back for sure.
ramen, eaten smashed in the bag uncooked. a little strange but it was cheap and tasted good like chips:)


I’m all about deals! Anyway that I can save money is a win for me.


My face has gotten the best results from using a gentle bar soap like dove, but I set that bar of soap aside for only my face, no handwashing or showering with it. Then the other really important things for me not to break out aren’t about a type of soap, but more about making sure to actually wash my face every night before bed and make sure to change my sheets every week so I don’t sleep on a dirty pillowcase.


you should try the oil cleansing method – which uses castor oil and another oil of your choice (olive oil, grapeseed oil, or sunflower oil are pretty common) !! it is great and leaves your skin feeling amazing from the first time you try it :)


Noxema – old, old school! My grandmother used this all her life and despite being quite the sun-worshipper, her skin hardly had a wrinkle her whole life!!


I used that same face wash for years too! I switched to dermalogica. It’s not cheap, but it’s amazing. I stopped using make up remover when I noticed the oil was causing white heads around my eyes. The dermalogica is gentle and removes my eye make up!


I LOVE Cetaphil.
But… I’m pretty sure that it only works for me because my skin doesn’t take much work. I have “mild combination skin” which I’ve taken to mean as “my skin is basically awesome if I don’t change the perfect balance of amazing I’m blessed with”.
You know, just being modest. Haha.

I have known people with oily skin to have good luck with Clean and Clear products, and people with dry skin to do better with the more natural skin care lines, because the skin is more likely to absorb the vitamins.

And of course, hormones change everything. So once a month I still break out. Then I get pretty home-grown and use a homemade face scrub.
I use about 2T used coffee grounds and 1t baking soda.
If my skins feeling oily, and I can tolerate it, I’ll wipe my face with vinegar after I rinse the mask off.

But I’m just weird.

Hope this maybe helps you some how!


I am obsessed with Neutrogena grapefruit cream cleanser. I haven’t been able to find it lately…just the liquid version that is nowhere near as good as the cream version. The smell of the grapefruit just makes me happy. I am intrigued by the coconut oil. It scares me to put oil on my face but with do many people saying it works, I am up for trying it!


Geez I’ve been using Cetaphil too and I’ve been having crazy skin problems. Thanks for this post that sparked so many reco’s!


I use Philosophy’s Purity Made Simple (not the foaming kind, but the liquid cleanser). It’s about $20 for the bottle but it lasts a long time….it takes off all makeup and is gentle enough to remove eye makeup – a little goes a long way & it makes my skin feel so soft and clean.


I am also looking for a new face wash and after scrolling through the comments I’m leaning towards trying coconut oil, I already do a pre-brush of my teeth with it (supposedly it helps with whitening?) But please let us know what you end up trying!


I use Cetaphil in the AM when my face is really already “clean” but I use Neutrogena grapefruit scrub post-workout in the evening. Cetaphil moisturizer after both. But now all these recs have me curious about coconut oil!


I use the oil cleaning method. It sounds absolutely absurd but I’ve been using oils for several months and I love it! You can find a lot of research on the Internet


Hi! I am so curious about using coconut oil! I keep hearing such great results, but have no idea where to start! How do you use it as a face wash? Do you just keep the jar in the bathroom and scrape it off the top as you wash your face? Does it become a liquid with warm water? I have no idea! Is there a certain brand that is better than others? Thank you everyone for your help!


I loved jelly sandals when I was little…well I was in elementary school when they became big. My dad and I had gone camping in Taos and went swimming in the Rio Grande ( again years ago when there was actually water;( ) one of them fell off. I was so devastated. We searched but no luck. That was the end of jellies for me. I had such good memories as a kid in those things.


I love Cetaphil, but I also use Neutrogena Ultra Gentle also. I also use a Clarisonic electronic cleanser and I love it!


I use Simone France and I swear it is the BEST thing I have ever done. I’ve been using it about 6-7 months, and my skin has never been better. It is a little bit pricey, but it’s so so worth it.


Face wash: I use Juice Beauty Green Apple Gel Cleanser and LOVE it. My skin has been amazing since I started using it – no breakouts and smooth skin. I also love their whole green apple line, especially the peel, which I use once a week. Get on their e-mail list because it’s pricey, but they send out deals sometimes.

My last good deal was a Skirt Sports running skirt (my new fave!) for $15 on clearance at Marshall’s!

Toy: Shee-ra
Food: Pudding Pops – I wish they still made them!
Clothing Item: Rompers – I don’t know why they came back.

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