9 ways to make this week a great running week.

Some weeks our running is kind of tough.  We may be tired from the previous week of training or maybe we are experiencing a little mental burn out but if we do all that we can do to have a great running week…. I think we will.  

Today is the day to do some things that ensure you have a great week of running!

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Here are some ways that I am going to make sure that this week is a great week of running.

1. Go grab a water bottle right now.  Carry it around with you wherever you go this week and hydrate hydrate hydrate.  My running feels so much better when I drink enough water especially now that it is getting warmer. 

2.  Buy a few new songs for your running playlist.  It is crazy to me how much a few new songs that I love make my runs so much more enjoyable.  I am addicted to music.  

3.  Make a plan.  You may not want to make a detailed pace/distance/time plan but you could at least write out an idea of what you want to do each day this week and make sure you schedule in a rest day or two according to your personal needs.    When I take enough rest days I always end up having way better runs that week because of it!

4.  Include some of the 15 Best Foods for Runners in your meals this week and also take a look at these 10 Eating tips for Runners!

5.  Sleep.  Our runs go SOOOOO much better when we have been getting enough sleep.  This week make a goal to get into bed a little bit earlier.  While I have been in Utah I have been staying up way too late watching episodes of Friends on my computer in bed before finally calling it a night.  This week I will just watch one before bed instead of my usual 12 to make sure I get more sleep.

6.  Stretch.  Do some yoga.   Set aside just FIVE minutes (or hopefully more) each day to stretch after you run.  Your body deserves it.  When you run you put a lot of stress on your body so make sure you do it a favor and stretch it out afterwards so that it lets you continue to run injury free:)

7.  Don’t neglect cross-training.  I am learning slowly but surely about the importance of strengthening my core, glutes and hips to avoid injury.  Schedule in time this week to fit in some strength training and actually do it.  Most of us can’t run every single day without getting injured or mentally burnt out so take some time to cross-train this week because that can help you build your fitness too.  Here is a full list of all of my favorite cross-training activities.  It is a great supplement to your running and can help strengthen you to hit those paces and distances that you are building up towards.  

8.  Set a goal for the week.  Have something to work towards.  You could make a goal as simple as making sure you do all of your scheduled rules or getting down to the track for some speed work.  Make a goal to think positive during your runs or to try out running with a running group!

9.  Tell yourself it is going to be a good running week.  I strongly believe that our expectations shape our world.  If we go into this week/a race/a new training cycle believing that it is going to be a good one then it will.  Our thoughts can make or break our running!


Yesterday afternoon I got to babysit my cousin’s 16 month old.  He is adorable and Brooke had a blast with him.  

Strollers are probably the best invention in the world because it kept babies and Janae very happy on a very long walk.  We even found a cul-de-sac of love while we were out.

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I was babysitting because my cousin and his gorgeous girlfriend (now fiancé) got ENGAGED up in Sundance.  Really though, if you come to Utah you actually have to go to Sundance!

Weddings are my favorite.  I can’t wait.  

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I will babysit for any of you reading whenever you want as long as you bring me back treats like this when you get home like they did.   These are equivalent to gold in my mind.  

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What is your tip to make sure this week is a good running week for you?!?

How much sleep do you get each night on average?

Are you good at drinking enough water or is that something you are trying to work on?

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That’s a lot of kids to babysit!! Thanks for the inspiration for the week!! I need to get on a new playlist!


I’m going to take advantage of running this week and look forward to an off week next week in Cancun :-) On average I get 7-8 hours a night and if it’s less I usually nap. Definitely don’t drink enough water… It’s so plain.. I love crystal light and flavored waters though! I need some tips on how to drink more for sure.


How to drink more water:

*Leave a bottle of water right inside the door of the fridge. When you are thirsty or working in the area, grab it, drink, and refill. Repeat. (It works wonders for me.)

*Start off the day drinking 10 or 20 oz of water. It’s something I’ve loved and it’s helped.

*Set smaller water goals. It might sound silly, but sometimes non-water people need to build up to bigger water goals in my experience.

*Set a timer (mental or real) to drink water- even just 5 oz every 3 hours or so.

Hope this helps. Enjoy Cancun!


I am definitely using your timer technique to drink more water (iPhone timer) as I drink coffee like it’s water. Which is probably not good.


I drink lots of coffee too, I know I need more water.


I just set 6 alarms on my iphone – reminders to go off every day at the designated time (3 hours a part). The alarm sounds like a Harp so I will maybe begin equating drinking water with heaven! ;)


I like the idea of setting small water goals. I definitely need to start drinking more water! I’m also a Crystal Light fan.


Is this the trip that you were between the vacation and furniture? If so, I am so happy to see you chose the vacation, I don’t think you’ll ever regret it!! Have fun……I’m jealous.


When I was running trails often back in good ole Virginia, I’d always make time to stop and either have dog time or enjoy the views time. Though my pace would slow, I knew and accepted that these were special treats to running on that set of trails.

Oh, and sort of related-ish. I finally finished an outfit for our little girl. It might just put it on her when we go for a run, as it’d be fun to see the stars twinkle or shine. Plus, it’s perfect for a Memorial Day run!



This is perfect timing! My running has been less than impressive lately so I woke u this morning vowing to get more rest and hydrate tons. Sleep is a BIG factor in my running. Second is food and water. Tonight I’m going to buy a few new songs too :)


I’d babysit for desserts like that too. But for real, your running tips are definitely good ones. The last one is something I’m working on- telling myself it’s going to be a good run (or in my case… race. I almost always have enjoyable runs but not races). I probably sleep 7-9 hours a night. If I get too much more or less than that, I’m a grumpy monster.


Great tips! I’m really good about drinking water. I have my water cup with me all day long!
Awesome looking desserts!
P.S. Happy Mother’s Day to you yesterday!


I drink a ton of water! I always have my water bottle with me (my husband calls it my security blanket haha!!) I get around 8-9 hours of sleep- if I get less I am grumpy and definitely not as good at running!


I try to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night. I used to be closer to 6, but I feel so much better throughout my day if I’ve had enough sleep. I think I will always be working on drinking enough water. I always make sure I have a water bottle with me to remind me to drink a little more often!


Usually I get 8 hours of sleep at night.

This week I’m not running and hoping it helps heal my stubborn ITB. Hopefully that’ll be a good tip to myself to have a good running week later on!


Esh – good luck, I had a horrible attack of ITBS last month and this month my ITB is at about 92%. Yoga routines are great stretches for ITB – especially ones that focus on the legs


I definitely need to drink more water and sleep more. I think lacing up the shoes is half the battle. Maybe I need to invest in locklaces to make it that much easier!


I tend to get 6.5-8 hours a night. Seems to be enough for me.

I am pretty good at drinking my water. I have my water cup with me at all times and refill it 2-5 times a day. Sometimes, I like to put a small piece of fruit in it for a new flavor. Strawberries, cantaloupe, and cucumber are my current favorites.


Congrats to the happy couple! I try to get 8 hours, but I normally get about 5 or 6. It seems to be sufficient along with a huge coffee in the morning :)


I map out my running week and my off days/cross-training days.

I sleep on average 7 hours a night, though yesterday I was up for 21 hours straight and today I’m lagging. On holidays, being an early riser can be brutal especially if you know you have a night baseball game ahead of you (I’m one of those people who can’t nap during the day).

I drink coffee like it’s water, so no.


These are awesome tips! Some of them I definitely need to incorporate more into my life. I, too, find it a lot easier if I have good, upbeat songs that I’m not yet bored of. It makes the miles fly by!

I get more than enough water at school, but ever since I’ve been home, I don’t think I’ve been drinking nearly enough.


It’s a plsaeure to find someone who can think so clearly


Aww congratulations to them! These are great tips and some adorable kids :)


I’m a greedy sleeper; I need 8-9 hours to feel my best, but I don’t usually get that much! I always take a drink of water (even if it’s just a sip) every time I go into the kitchen for something, and I carry a bottle in the car at all times. It works wonders! I’m not a fan of going to the bathroom all the time, though. :) Great tips! Ready to rock this running week!!


Thanks for the great running tips! I’m slowly rebuilding my running base, so I need to take a page from your book and get more serious about stretching, strength training, and core work. Last week I ran four days for just over 30 miles. That’s the most mileage I’ve done in a week in a long time. All of my runs felt really good, but today is going to be an easy day in the pool to give my legs a break! Swimming is a great total body workout, and the flipturns are good for the core too! It’s like a crunch at the end of every lap!


P.S. I wish I could get 8+ hours of sleep every night, but that NEVER happens. I usually settle for 7, depending on whether the girls stay up late or get up early.


Good points! I drink a LOT of water (mostly in the form of peppermint and green tea at my desk at work) but never get enough sleep. Working on it though! I’ve recently starting taking magnesium powder at night which helps muscles to relax, and it’s starting to improve my sleep.


Drinking more water is definitely something that I need to work on. I so agree with you on the music tip. When I have new songs to run to, it makes my runs speed by. I get about six hours of sleep. That’s probably something I should work on too.


I can’t wait for running this week because I finally got a garmin! That should be enough motivation for me this week!


Oh my gosh – I have all ten seasons of Friends on my computer and watch it almost every night before I go to bed! I knew there was a reason I loved your blog, hehe. Those treats look delicious!


Between all of my recent injuries, I haven’t had a good running week in a long time. I’m looking forward to the day I can love running again!! This is making me realize just how much I miss it!! Ps happy belated Mother’s Day!


Go on a fun run, with no time or pace expectations and just enjoy the fact that you can run!
8 hours :)
I go through phases, winter is tough and summer is easier. I also find being at work easier too since I set goals to drink my 750mL water bottle before lunch and another one after lunch.


My tip for a good week: foam rolling! I’m a huge believer in the benefits of sleep, too. I try to get 8 hours every night. I often feel like I stay up later than I should because of family things, but family’s important, too. :) I’m really bad at drinking enough water, I think. I always wake up dehydrated.


I so needed this!
I am running my FIRST half marathon this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for the tips Janae! I know my coach told me I need to go to bed earlier and I know I need to be better about water. Instead of having my usual coffee first thing in the morning, I’m going to try drinking water first.


Getting more sleep is something I definitely need to work on. My body seems to like to wake me up after 5 or 6 AM, and while I have no problem with early mornings, the late night’s are definitely starting to take a toll. Averaging 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night? No good. I can pull it off for one or two days but eventually it starts to catch up with me and I just feel like a zombie. I don’t see my body letting me sleep in, so it’s probably time to start going to sleep earlier.


Really great tips, thanks! And hey, how come that cookie only has like 3 m&ms? That ain’t right! Sleep: I get about 6-7 hours. I aim for 8 but it takes me a long time to fall asleep. That and twitter is hard to get off of at night! Water: I’m working on it. I have a water bottle that I carry with me all around work, if I carry it around, it helps. But too often I’m tempted by Starbucks or Sonics sodas…


I always take my water bottle with me everywhere I go. Just kind of a habit. Somehow I still forget to drink water though, especially in the hours leading up to a run it seems. Not cool.


I drink A LOT of water… which as a teacher can be a problem. Good thing my buddies next door to me are runners as well so we cover each others backs (like runners always do) even in the classroom!


I totally agree in the power that positive thinking can have on your running!


I am great at drinking water during work week, drink ~70 oz during work itself and then more in evening. It is the wknd I have issues with making sure I drink. (I find lack of hydration can play into my mood at times too…so should work harder on wknds for this)


What is that delicious-looking pastry in the middle? I want one!


It is a chocolate and peanut butter rice Krispy treat! It is incredible!


Thanks for the tips and the reminders that the pre-running stuff is often more important than the actual run often times. And, Sundance is beautiful and a must visit for anyone in Utah. The Foundry Grill restaurant is amazing!


I think sleeping and eating enough are the two biggest components for having a good running week. I try to get at least 7 hours a night but aim for 8. Sometimes this means going to bed at 9 or 9:30 but I know how important it is to sleep.


Your tips couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m so hoping to have a better run week this week than last week. I tried to do way too much physical activity last weekend and then was averaging about 5 hours of sleep per night all last week. This was, obviously, not a recipe for success. Sleep is so important, but for some reason, I also prioritize Friends episodes (on Nick at Nite) over sleeping an extra hour or two. I’m also pretty lousy at hydrating myself, which likely also contributed to my exhaustion last week.

The most important tip for having a good running week is taking my running clothes to work with me, changing into them before I leave work for the day, and stopping at the running trail to run before I go home. Otherwise, it is too easy to succumb to the inertia of the things I need to do in my apartment.


Great tips and cute pics! I think 9 -10 hours is my ‘normal’ that my body would enjoy :) I get 8 on average I would say (dont know what the heck I am gonna do when I have kids one day!!). I try to drink a decent amount of H2O thru out the day, it is really the only thing I drink other than coffee and alcohol!


Your always so positive and upbeat, thanks for the running tips! And those treats look yummy!!


That was so sweet of you to help–congrats to them!!!! I love weddings toooooo!


I think making a training plan is a great way to make yourself run, atleast in my case. Once I see it on paper I feel like I’m obligated to go, which I usually don’t regret once I get out there.


I’m just going to try and stay positive and think positive things, even when I am dreading my speedwork lol.
8 hours :) or else I don’t function too well….
I’m pretty good at drinking enough water, a couple weeks ago I had to start drinking less water, because I was drinking so much I was depleting myself of nutrients.


stretching and foam rolling are key for me, as well as not running every day! Back to back days tend to make my injury flare up, so I have to resist!


I need at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night or else I’m pretty grumpy the next day.


I love those tips! I always drink lots of water. Congrats to the happy couple!!


These are great tips! Here in ut it was already 70 at 6:30 this morning! I’m loving it but it means I def need to carry around water. Those treats look delish!!


Oh, I definitely always need to drink more water – I’m pretty sure I”m constantly dehydrated! I always have water with me, but I hate drinking it on its own. Crystal Light makes me all jittery for some reason, so I am on the prowl for a new alternative. Aaaand, those treats looks SO good!


I usually drink enough water because it’s almost all I drink, and I know how important it is. But I totally agree that it is so dangerous when runners don’t drink enough water.

I usually get between 7-8 hours of sleep a night. If I get 8 hours of sleep, I feel great!


Thank you sooooo much for the motivation!! Allergies are kicking my butt right now & I need something to look forward to.


Great tips for having a great week of running! I really love the one about water. I totally agree with you in saying that when I drink enough water my muscles feel so much better! More hydrated! This sounds really weird but I have a water jug, as my friends call it, about 1.5 liters. I fill it up 2 to 3 times a day! I know it sounds crazy but I carry it with me all the time and it really is so efficient! I sleep about 8 hours on average a night. I seriously need this sleep or I am not a nice person!


My tip is easy: sign up for races! Besides the fact that I love racing, signing up give me no choice but to train for them! Doesn’t matter if it is a long race or a short one- just sign up, download a plan and stick to it! That’s how I make sure it’s gonna be a good running week for me- I envision my race before and during every run so it doesn’t matter how hard/boring my run can sometimes be because I have a goal!

I sleep 7 hrs per night- I’m very strict when it comes to sleeping because if I sleep less than that I don’t function properly during the day. I wish I could sleep 8hrs but that never happens!

I drink plenty of water, always had… at least 80 oz/2.5lt per day! Running or not running, water is so good for you!


I’m REALLY trying to work on drinking more water. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me!?
I always have a great running week when I get at least 8 hrs of sleep (most nights I get 9) and when I give my body a good carb filled breakfast.
I usually go with Oatmeal. I’ve found the right balance of fullness for my run. If I over stuff myself… running is no fun.


i’m glad you posted this. already this morning i’m thinking about how i don’t want to run after school and how i am just too tired. this was a good reminder that if i get off my butt and do it i will be happier. if i just make up my mind it’s going to be good, it will be. gracias for this. happy running week!


I always always always carry a water bottle with me! As a result, I have to pee all. the. time. but hey! that’s how I know I’m pleny hydrated! It really does make a difference!! I love these tips of yours for running- THANK YOU! I’ll be using them this week :)



Water is key for me for sure. I carry a camelback water bottle with me everywhere.


When I’m in a running rut I try to remind myself that it’s something I WANT to do. No one is forcing me! I do it for my health, my sanity, my enjoyment. I also try to revisit times when I’ve been injured or sick and unable to run and remember how much that sucked. Don’t take the ability to run for granted.

I sleep 6-7 hours per night. I’ve been trying to work on sleeping more but I’m not very good at sleeping.

During the work day I keep a giant cup of water at my desk with rubberbands on it, I take them off as I finish a glass and my goal is to have no rubberbands remaining at the end of the day. It’s amazingly effective.


I forced myself to take a rest day today eventhough I wanted to run, but after an 18 miler yesterday I knew my body could use the rest. I’m working on hydrating and rest this week for an upcoming marathon in 2 weeks.


Great tips! I’ve been struggling with hydration lately, and finally brought a quart sized water bottle into work to make sure I’m getting enough in during the days. Glad you’re having such a great trip spending time with your fam!


THANK YOU!!! I am sooo tired today and really needed some tips for making it a good running week. I love those ideas. I’m filling up a water bottle right now ;)


I find nutrition and rest key to having a good run. If im dead tired or didn’t sleep well my legs feel like lead the whole run. And nutrition is key so you don’t bonk half way thru your run.
I also do yoga twice a week to stretch out any stiffness and for injury prevention.


Thanks for the helpful tips! And wow you are amazing for being able to babysit that many kids!


I am focusing on my physical therapy so I CAN run again!

But lesson learned. Cross training, stretching and strength training are so important to prevent injury.

I Definitely do not sleep enough. Maybe 5-6 hours a night.
But I bring my eddie bauer water bottle with my everywhere and pee like a pregnant lady. At least I’m doing one thing right. :)


I know that I don’t get enough sleep! I probably get around six to seven hours per night.

Love your tips! I think scheduling runs in your calendar is so important, especially if you don’t get up and run first thing in the morning.


Its going to be a great running week because the weather in L.A. is gorgeous! i cant wait to get out there and run at the beach. and i leave for San Francisco on Saturday to run Bay to Breakers!! can. not. wait.

I sleep about 7 hours a night. i’m a cranky bear with less.

i keep a water bottle on my desk all day.

thank you for all your wonderful tips! i’ve learned so much about running through your advice!


Great tips! For me, sleep is really what makes or breaks my week! I try to get 8 hours a night even if I’m getting up at 5:30 – which means early bed time! I also try to sleep in at least one weekday and get 9 hours that night.


Definitely needed this today! Thanks so much!

I pride myself in my ability to keep hydrated. I drink a minimum of 100 oz of water every day, I can tell a huge difference in those runs when I haven’t had enough water!


Focus on my goals: I want to run a half marathon in September

6-7 hours

I really need to work on fluid consumption ;)


I get about 4 hours of sleep on a good night. It’s not nearly enough I know and I’m really working on getting at least 6 hours a night.
Water,water,water! As odd as this sounds…….I don’t like water. I’ve ran multiple half marathons without taking a sip of water! I’m working hard at improving my H2O intake even more so than my sleeplessness issue.


I really love this post! I often realize I haven’t been drinking enough water when I’m five minutes into my run. Great tips!


I usually get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. And since I normally wake up at 6, that means I go to bed pretty early. A 23-year-old grandma, if you will.

I’m pretty good at drinking water when I’m out and about since I always carry my Nalgene bottle with me, but when I’m home I prefer to drink copious amounts of tea, which, while delicious, isn’t as good for keeping my hydrated.


I agree with the second one! I love to add to my playlist and I’m constantly searching for new music. I associate music a lot with running and think back to specific routes I used to run at different times of my life just because I hear a song on the radio.


I will make you treats if you come babysit!


I totally agree that thoughts shape our future. And cross training is definitely a must to avoid injury!


I will make you treats if you let ME babysit Brooke!! I really don’t get enough sleep or consistent sleep. Sometimes I just stay up too late. I need to work on that. I drink PLENTY of water. I use to only drink diet cokes. Then I had my first kidney stone. Now I constantly have a bottle of water with me!


Janae! I don’t know if you remember me from BYU, but I read your blog and think your daughter is so darling. I had to post on this because I just about died laughing when I saw the pictures of you in Utah. My brother-in-law just got married and the cul-de-sac of love was part of the decorations of his reception! Too funny


Loved this post. I’m coming off a minor but terribly annoying injury – strained disc in my back – and am officially on day 16 of not running. I think the thing keeping me same is that I’ve been so diligent about doing the bike (not my favorite…) so that I’m at least getting a little bit of sweat on and pumping some endorphins. That being said, goal for the week is to run 1 mile with no pain! (Ugh, that sounds pathetic…) – but my tip is to know your limits and listen to your body. If my back tells me to stop, I shouldn’t ignore that, right? ;)


My niece is the pastry chef at Sundance!… you probably ate some of her baked goods… Yeah, Sydney!…


That is so cool! They were incredible!

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