2 things I am mad about and free food is the best food.

This picture is going to tell you a few things about me.

Photo 2  1

1. I am weird for taking pictures of myself while I am running.

2.  I DIDN’T WEAR SUNGLASSES and my eyes burned the entire time so I kept them closed.  As I was walking out the door to run I remembered my sunglasses were upstairs and I was too lazy to go get them which is ironic because I was about to go out for a run….

3.  It was really hot outside.

After the run my coach has me doing 4 x 10 squats and lunges and then level three of Runner’s Core.

At 9:45 a.m. this morning I begged my SIL to go get pretzels with me.  Since I knew it was my last day here I definitely needed one.  It is so cool because this particular place makes them when you order them… they aren’t sitting around for hours before you eat them and that is why they are so good.

Photo 3

While I was in the store getting our pretzels they were giving out FREEEEEE sandwiches.  They are trying to promote their new line of sandwiches and were giving them out for free.  Since we had 2 adults and 3 kids they gave us 5 sandwiches!

I was just a little beyond excited about the situation.   Don’t act like you don’t wear sweat pants when it is 90 degrees outside too. 

Photo 4

The beautiful parmesan happiness.  (PS don’t worry… fixing my nails is already on my list of things to do when I get home).

Photo 5

And the free sandwiches.

DSC 2705

I am kind of mad about two things from my trip to Arizona.

1.  I didn’t go get soft pretzels every day that I was here.

2.  We didn’t master the ‘all three kids napping at the exact same time so that we can watch Chopped’ thing until my second to last day here.


In approximately 4 hours and 28 minutes I will be with my bestest friend Billy.  Three weeks is way too long.  We decided this is the last time we can do a full three weeks away during his finals…. from here on out 1.5 weeks is my max amount of time away from him.


If you could choose to live in any state that you wanted… where would you choose to live?

Favorite carbohydrate lately?

-Large soft pretzels.

Tell me about 3 things about yourself…. I think this is going to be really fun so I think you should do it.

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Hawaii of course!!

I hate forgetting sunglasses

I love hot water

I love almond butter on chocolate almond cookies with almond milk… too much?


Yum, a delicious pretzel and free sandwiches, awesome!!


I think I’d want to live in Hawaii. Not permanently but for a little while it’d be near. Second choice is North Carolina just be a use its really pretty!


I’ve never tried running in glasses but I can definitely relate to being too lazy to get something before you run. There’s something about that extra set of stairs that just turns me off to the idea. I eat pretzels every day for a snack but I can’t tell you the last time I had a soft pretzel. That needs to change stat


Oh my, the pretzel looks so tasty!!


I love free stuff! I don’t care what it is, if it is free I want it!
Three things:
1. I have a twin sister.
2. I always have a camera, not just my phone, with me although I never use it.
3. I am sore from running my first marathon on Sunday (that is not news to anyone since I am telling anyone who will listen to me)


Haha! I ran my first half on Sunday and I think the whole town knows! :)


You are awesome. Sorry you left your sunglasses…I am the same way. Can’t leave the house without them! I would choose to live where I do, in CA! Fav carb recently is crepes…can’t stop making them!! Recipe here if you’re interested: http://karainthekitchen.com/?p=704
Three things about me: 1. My girls are both napping and I should be doing 1,000,000 other things but I’m here instead :) 2. I was my high school’s Homecoming Queen 3. I love to travel!


Any state I could live in would probably be Colorado. That’s where my husband and I honeymooned and we loved it!

My favorite carb this week is really a sweet! My husband made brownies with pecans!

Three things: I’m fairly new to running. I have an almost two-year-old daughter that loves her jogging stroller. A Disney run is on my bucket list.


I can’t imagine going three weeks away from Mike…well, maybe if I could have Bungee, but then I’d feel really bad that Mike was all alone.

I’d probably chose Hawaii. Is there any other logical choice?

Three things about me:

1. I’m so weirdly attached to my dog that I have her name tattooed on my shoulder.
2. When I was little, I was convinced my name was Kari Anne Louise because Louise was my mom and sister’s middle names. Nope, I’m just Kari Anne.
3. I bake like crazy when I’m not running.


That pretzel looks delicious. Let’s see three things about me…hmm

1. I’m really overwhelmed at work and have a ton to do but reading your blog seems like way more fun

2. I just started running in sunglasses and don’t know how I ever survived without them

3. I’m one of those weird people who think my dog is the most amusing thing ever. I seriously spend hours laughing at him


Boo to being overwhelmed. I want your dog!!!!!!!


I spent 3 weeks away from my husband in January when I went to the UK and we both decided that it was too long and 2 weeks was the max we were happy to be apart. It made me secretly happy that he felt the same way too!

Welcome home!


Illinois because that’s where all my family is!

Three things:
1. I am running my first half marathon in August…and I’m nervous!
2. I could eat Mexican food every single day.
3. My family is the most important thing to me!


I love your 3 things! I’m running my 1st full in Oct, and I am nervous too!


Good luck girls :) I ran my first last Saturday… you’re gonna have a blast!


I made cookies that are my new favorite carb. Mash one ripe banana, mix with 1/2 cup oats, a dash of vanilla extract and cinnamon – add some chopped walnuts and carob chips (about 1 Tbsp or so of each) form like cookies and bake at 350 for 10 min. It is so yummy and they end up being just over 50 cals each. Mmmm.

I would love to live in a busy city like NYC…but not permanently. I also wouldn’t mind having a winter home in AZ or even St George so I can abandon the month of January in Utah. Oh how I loathe it. But other than that, I love it here.

After writing daily novels on your blog and hanging out IRL, I am not sure I could think of 3 things you don’t already know about me. Kinda sad on my part. Perhaps I should shorten my comments by a paragraph or five….ya, that is not going to happen ;)


Cute top, where’d ya get it?! I’d like to get some more racerbacks :)


Those pretzels look AMAZING. My favorite carb of the moment are rosemary and olive oil triscuits. I’m obsessed!

3 Things About Me
1) I am finally able to run again after 6 months of PT for a running injury.
2) I’m a vegetarian with a cat named Meatball.
3) I watch the Vampire Diaries (SHAME)


the vampire diares is my new guilty pleasure! (shame)


Aw, 3 weeks IS a long time to be away from one another. He has to be especially going crazy not seeing Brooke! But it will all be worth it when you’re reunited. I hope he gets a little bit of down time to enjoy you ladies! :-D


I’d love to move back to to NC, or back to the Middle East.

I am in love with all kinds of pasta.

Three things about me:
1. Running keeps me sane. I don’t know what I’d do without it.
2. I am currently writing a dissertation.
3. I left my best running friend on the other coast and miss her! I need someone to run marathons with now. :-(


Yummmm soft pretzels are hands down, unequivocally my absolute favorites food! Ever!

Extra salt and mustard please :)


I would live in Colorado, hands down! I’m finding my favorite carb again at the moment, as I seem to be having issues with gluten lately…but it used to be BREAD of any type! :)

3 Things About Me
1) I’m a hot yoga addict with a running problem. Good thing we have a running group, so we can all meet and be yoga addicts together after we run in the mornings…
2) I’m an interior designer.
3) I have 2 dogs, a cat and 22 chickens. We live on a (very small, 20 acre) farm.


If you could choose to live in any state that you wanted… where would you choose to live? I would live in the mountains in Colorado – practically my whole family is there already!

Favorite carbohydrate lately? Crackers and pasta.

Tell me about 3 things about yourself…. I think this is going to be really fun so I think you should do it.

-I’m organizing a marathon team for the American Liver Foundation to run this year’s Chicago Marathon

-I am also recruiting for runners to run 2014 Disney with the ALF…so if you’re interested, there are spots open!

-I am running both the Chicago Marathon and the Disney Marathon and am aiming to BQ at both races! I will of course regress to my 3 year old self for a minute when I see Goofy.

-Something non ALF related, I’m pacing runners for a beginner runner’s 10k program


I want free sandwiches! Once, we were using a church’s cafeteria for a lunch gathering, and before that, Subway hosted some shindig for someone and they had left over sandwiches and gave them all to us. It was wonderful!

Three Things About Me:
1. I’m deathly afraid of bugs. I found a centipede in our sink today, killed it with a wooden spatula, and then refused to wash dishes until my sister came home and stuck it in the trash.
2. My attention span is shorter than my 10 week old puppy’s is.
3. I played piano when I was young but quit after not very long because I had a really mean Russian teacher who made me cry every lesson.


Ha ha! I hate bugs!!! If I kill one I make my husband pick it up.


Oregon or Northern Cali for sure. I’ve taken a few road trips down the west coast of the States and I fall in love with Oregon every time I drive through there. That being said, I wouldn’t mind spending some time in Hawaii, but I don’t think I could live there forever… feels too far away from everything.

1. I’m kind of addicted to coffee.
2. I couldn’t find a pen, so I’m currently writing with a blue highlighter.
3. I have a tendency to trip up the stairs.

Safe trip home, Janae!


I live in Oregon and I LOVE it! It’s a beautiful place to live!


For me it would have to be California. You can do everything there, beaches, snowboarding, and awesome trail running. 2nd would be Colorado.

My favorite carb lately has been Kashi cookies…totally Emma from @amomrunsthistown’s fault!

1. Quirky fact: I was raised catholic and attended a protestant University and my husband was raised Protestant and attended Catholic University.

2. My ancestors had one of the original land grants from the King of Spain about 3 centuries ago in Texas. We don’t have the land anymore because it was taken after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Texas just passed a law to compensate the families that lost there land.

3. My eyes water when I pee.


Dying…hilarious response.




MOST IMPORTANT THING TO TELL YOU: I got a frosty waffle cone from Wendy’s. Amazing. Can’t wait for you and Billy to go on your date. I would live in a place that actually experiences all four seasons…in Pittsburgh it’s either 30 degrees or 80 degrees!

Three things about me:
1. I can’t run in sunglasses because I’m wearing my actual glasses!
2. I might get to teach another Spin class this summer!
3. I like to clean/organize. Ex: I did both of my brother’s laundry today and color coded their closets. I really need to get a life. ;)


If I could live in any state right now, it would be Colorado. I think it seems beautiful, and it’s closer to my parents in Omaha :-)

Fave carbohydrate: Goldfish, always goldfish (cupcake, pretzel or french toast flavored are the best)

3 Things:
1 – I love cupcakes.
2 – I just bought 10 mason jars because I think they are so cute, and now I want to make everything in mason jars.
3- I’m going to Newport, RI on Thursday for my BFFs wedding!


3 weeks is so long! i don’t think I could even go longer than a weekend…maybe a week if i HAD to but not longer.


I would probably never move away from Southern California…but if I had to maybe Hawaii or New York..pretty cliche answers haha

My favorite carb right now would have to be wheat thins…I hadn’t had them in forever and then I did and now I am hooked!

3 random things about me….

1. the sight of blood makes me really nauseous
2. i cry when i see a cute or sentimental commercial on tv
3. i am obsessed with 30 rock and the office and am rewatching all of their seasons on netflix right now!


I love the mountains – so Colorado!!!! :)


1. I share a birthday with my mom and grandpa (her dad!)
2. I do not like seafood.
3. I can’t bite cold things. It hurts my teeth even thinking about it!


I’d want to live somewhere by the coast – east or west doesn’t matter. And preferably not too far from the mountains either.


Oh goodness those pretzels look AMAZING!!! And yeah, 3 weeks?! I can’t even imagine!!!! Glad you’ll be reunited soon! :)



I moved from wi to nc and I love it here. Two hrs to the beach and two hrs to the mountains. I think my second choice would either be ca or co.


I’d live in AZ for sure… It’s home to me and all of my family lives there. I miss them so much! Hopefully one day we’ll get back there. QT is a great AZ perk too. ;) Never had their pretzels though. I need to try them!


1. I love QuikTrip! ;)
2. I wish I could live in California so I would have more local marathons I could run (I live in Phoenix and there’s only a few here… I travel to Cali for a lot of runs)
3. My favorite carb is pasta with TONS of marinara – yum!

Btw did you try the cinnamon sugar pretzel there? It is by far the best…. Sooo doughy and sugary and delish! ;)


There is a QT in Arizona? They are huge and everywhere out here in Oklahoma but I didn’t know they were in Arizona….AWESOME! Do they have the 69 cent drinks during the summer there, too?


Ummm you and billy are the cutest. Cant wait fo y’all to be reunited :).
1) I am about to be finished with my first year of teaching Thursday @ 11:30. I can just feel SUMMER is so close!!
2) Im getting married in 46 days!!
3) Did I mention I’m almost on summer break?!

-fav carb: garlic bread.
-state to live in: Florida…I need a beach near me at all times (why I live in Kansas is beyond me)


I’d live in SF/Oakland, but only if I could afford a house. My favorite carb is always and forever BREAD. Three things about me: I used to live in Hawaii and it’s not nearly as cool as everyone thinks it is (though it’s pretty cool), I have a cat and think she needs a dog brother asap, and I’m running a half marathon on Saturday.


Probably California (if that is where you live now) and also because it is hot, but does not have the humidity that PA does.

Rold Gold Pretzel Sticks

1) I love your blog and I spend waaaay too much time on it
2) I love to run but on days like today I wish there was a way to bring an AC with me
3) I love frozen yogurt from Sweet Frog (please come to PA so that you can try it with me!) ;)


I NEEEEED a soft pretzel now – those looked too good!!

I’m so glad your little family will be reunited SO soon!!! :)


Mmmmm soft pretzels!! Delicious!

Three things about me;

1. I have an identical twinner

2. I tried iced animal crackers for the first time ever two days ago and now I’m addicted. Doh!

3. Places (like deli’s) where you have to walk straight up to the counter and order give me anxiety. I need a menu I can hold in my hands and a couple of minutes, dammit!


QT is the BEST!! I like to indulge in their vanilla cupcake cappuccinos. They are a sleepy mama’s morning life blood.

1. I was adopted at 2 years old, and when I arrived in the US, I could only speak Korean!
2. My son was born on Christmas morning. Best birthday day ever!
3. I had never run more than ten minutes in my life until last year, and after I started I ended up running 1,012 by the end of December! Now I can’t stop! :)


I’d live in UT, CA, WA, or maybe ME.

The hub and I have a list of 5 things for where we live: good/safe cycling roads, good hospitals, lots of culture, near a large body of water or mountains, and ?? We always forget the last one!

Ogden fits that for us. We’ll move one day, but for now, we love it. We might even stay an extra year if it’s best. (I’m soaking in the mountains as long as possible. We hiked almost to the top of Mt. Ogden today!)

Since that all about covers 2 things about me.. 1 more= I’m a yoga teacher and have been guiding my hub with his practice which is paying off to help him regain his left side strength. (After his near full paralysis on the left side, it’s wonderful to see him back in action in a smarter way!)


I could live in FL…and I live here now. Hoping to never leave!! It’s hard to believe that you and Brooke have been away from Billy for so long! I bet your reunion is going to be the cutest.

Favorite carbohydrate lately has been Skinny Pop Popcorn from Sam’s Club. It is all natural and only has three ingredients. I could eat an entire large bag and not feel bad about myself.

Three things about myself: My favorite color is pink, my favorite food is pickles, and I am fluent in Spanish, although it is not my first language. :D


Janae. Run, don’t walk and tomorrow when you get a chance go get a gel manicure. I got my first yesterday and it was just about the best decision in life. It’s a little pricy but if you have an Ulta near you it’s much cheaper there and it looks ah-mazing.


Those soft pretzels look seriously delicious. I really shouldn’t read blogs right before dinner. :) Hopefully forgetting your sunglasses once will mean that you will always remember to wear them in the future. I know I’ve been needing mine lately to keep the bugs from getting in my eyes. Three things about me: 1) My fave carbohydrate right now is Swedish fish, 2) the main stone in my engagement ring is a sapphire and I love it (didn’t want a diamond), and 3) raspberries are my favorite fruit. Have a great day!


I have a sapphire too! We eloped and got the ring later but I loved the sapphire. It’s husband’s birthstone and that meant a lot to me. :)


I’d live in Washington or Oregon! But I don’t mind MN!

Three things:
1. I love to vacuum
2. I didn’t get a smart phone until about 2 months ago
3. I recently became addicted to the Mindy Project and can’t wait for season 2!!!


i LOVE mindy project too!


If I was going to go to the States: California. If I remained Canadian: BC. Either way, apparently I’m all about the West Coast.

Popchips and sweet potatoes have been enjoyed a lot lately!


i can’t imagine ever moving away from southern california, but if i had to move, i’d either pick colorado (because it’s beautiful and i have family there) or hawaii!

my favorite carb lately is BREAD. i love making sandwiches for lunch with either eggs or turkey, plus hummus and avocado. i just can’t get enough!

1. i recently finished grad school with a degree in psychology.
2. i have 2 dogs, a dachshund and a terrier/poodle mix.
3. i collect monkey stuffed animals.

have a safe trip back home!! :)


The first question is very easy. I would definitely live in Colorado. My husband and I are constantly trying to figure out a way to move there.


3 weeks is definitely a very long time to be away from your bestie! I think the longest I’ve been away from Josh is 3 days/2 nights! lol

I would definitely live some place nice with an ocean or beach… Florida, the Carolinas, Hawaii, California…

Fave carb of the moment is mac and cheese lol…


1. I would choose to live in California
2. I’ve had the Pink/Fun song stuck in my head for days
3. I could really use some chocolate right now


I am so bummed that I missed the meet ups while you were here. I had conflicts with both times, but that means you have to come back next time during B-man’s finals.

I didn’t know QT had soft hot pretzels!! Maybe it’s better I didn’t…obsessed :-)


Free sandwiches for everyone? Wow!

Three things: I’m a personal trainer, I have two amazing sons, and I love to garden!


Have you tried Aunt Annie’s Pretzels? They are the ultimate BEST ever!!! I love pretzels and could eat them all day long.. love the crispy ones lately..

1.I have 3 children 27, 13 & 10
2. I am remarried.. 14 year anniversary tomorrow 5/22
3. I love Spagettios!! Favorite food of all time!


I wish so badly I had places around me like the ones where you seem to visit/live. Seriously, made to order pretzels?! Awesome! I would definitely get a cinnamon sugar one. Mmmm.

1. Being a math major, I refuse to use a calculator to do math… Unless it’s absolutely needed.
2. I watch Jeopardy every single night and average about two correct answers throughout the entire show.
3. I had a sleepover as a teenage and set the fire alarm off at 3 AM because we burnt pizza in the oven. My parents were not happy with this one.

Safe travels!


I love living in CA!
I also love all carbs, but noodles with a pad of butter are a staple for me.
I hope you have a safe trip home. FYI finals during 2L and 3L are way less demanding and you wont have to stay away for long:)


I ALWAYS wear sunglasses. I have tons of them everywhere so I’m never without.
I think I would like to live in Colorado if I had a choice, though Cali would be cool too!

1. When I was younger I was on a water ballet team (a.k.a. synchronized swimming)
2. I didn’t start running until I was in my 50’s.
3. I ate an entire pint of ice cream by myself for supper last night.


Haha! I know how you feel about forgetting your sunglasses. That exact same thing happened to me today as I left work–pedaled out of the parking lot on my bike, realized that I had left my sunglasses on my desk, was too lazy to go back and get them, thus my eyes burned the whole way home.

Three things: (1) I have 34 chicks in my basement right now, (2) though I have a day job, I also buy and sell stocks and options, and (3) I am going to be running a 50-mile race in 3 weeks!!!


I’d love to live in South Carolina. Favorite carb = whole wheat English muffin with pb on it.
3 things:
I am a physical therapist.
I have too many bottles of nail polish.
I follow too many blogs!


Bahaha I did the SAME thing with my sunglasses a few runs ago, so funny you mention it being ironic because it’s so true. My eyes hated me.


State: Hawaii–either on Maui or Molokai. Carb: garlic texas toast! About me: 1) I usually don’t remove my chipped nail polish before repainting them a new color–I just put enough coats on to cover the existing layer. 2) I am running my first 10k (and second race ever) in a week and a half! 3) I just graduated from nursing school.


Congrats on finishing nursing school wahooooooo! You are going to rock your upcoming 10k wahooooo!


thanks for all the “wahooooos!” You are a great cheerleader :)


I’d live in New York, New York for sure.


I think if I could live in any state, it would have to be either North Carolina or Tennessee…love the Carolinas, but Tennessee is closer to family so that’s a tough one. Three things about me: 1. I have always been athletic, but have never really “enjoyed” working out – except I love the feeling afterwards or 2/3 of the way through when you feel like you are on top of the world! 2. My first baby is due in 49 days! 3. I have lived in 2 countries, 5 states, and about 17 different houses.


Three things about myself:

1. I haven’t done any running since September. I miss it.
2. I have the cutest little girl in the world (besides Brooke, of course! ;) )
3. I think I have a bigger sweet tooth than you do! ;)


Three things:
1. I just farted. And it smelled.
2. I really want some Hot Tamales. The candy, not the food.
3. This one time, on HRG, you replied to my comment and it made me really happy because you rock.


Hahahahah you are seriously hilarious!!!!!


Ha ha! That’s awesome!


I would live in Oregon! I have a cabin on the coast and I love how it is both mountainous and coastal, best of both worlds!

Favorite carb: fruit? idk, that pretzel looks amazing!

3 things about me:

1. i have 13 siblings!
2. i am left-handed
3. i am the best aunt ever!


I am sooo jealous! We have QT stores here, but they do NOT have soft pretzels at all, not to mention fresh made!


Soft pretzels for the win. For reals. I love making them from scratch but I also loooove buying them fresh from Pretzelmaker or wherever.

Have a great trip back home to your Billy. :)


I’m so in love with Texas that I can’t imagine ever living anywhere else, but that’s what travel is for, and I do love to get out and explore other places.

Ummmm favorite carb lately? COOKIES. Cookies count as carbs right? Carb/Sugar/Delicious :)

1. I feel really strongly about onion rings.
2. I have a freckle on my uppper lip that is always causing people to tell me that I have chocolate on my mouth (although 90% of the time that is true also)
3. It’s only TWELVE DAYS until my birthday!


Free sandwiches!!! So jealous! That is awesome!

I’d like to try NY or CA. See what it’s like out of a small town. My fav carb lately is pasta. I’ve had it the past 4 nights in a row. No shame.

3 facts about me is hard… 1. I got a 33 on my math ACT 2. I have 5 awesome cats 3. I’ve never had froyo.


Free food is always better than bought food :)

Three things:
1. I have a stress fracture in my ankle and an inflamed IT band. I’m running a half marathon a month from tomorrow. Uh oh
2. Raspberry green tea is nectar of the gods
3. I have 3 weeks left in my senior year!


Yay for going home :)
Three things:
1. I hate to cook :-p
2. I want to get my mile time down to 8 minutes
3. I pray for my own classroom everyday :)


I LOVE California-don’t get me wrong. But if I could live anywhere it would be back in NY but the lower tri state part not the cold upstate part. Miss it every day


Fave carb….homemade Mac and cheese.
3 things….
1. I have a fear of vomit
2. I long for my own running blog
3. I would love to come to CA to meet Janae!!!! :)


Hmm- Can’t say I want to live in the states, but I would live back home in Ontario instead of Saskatchewan. (Brr)
Three things
1. Have my first race back after baby ( just a 10k) this weekend!
2. My favorite food lately has been avocado, especially avocado sandwiches with a fried egg on top.
3. My favorite thing about the warm weather is the market here, mainly because there is an Indian booth with real chai tea!


Have a safe trip hope! I’m sure Billy is missing you as much as you are missing him! And now I want soft pretzels…

1. I think I’d like to live somewhere near the beach, but in a place not too crowded. Maybe southern Oregon or Central California. I live in NW WA now and like it but I would love some warmer, drier weather.
2. My favorite carb is, and always will be, Cheez-its. Which is why I don’t buy them. I have no self control and that color orange cannot be natural so I try to avoid them.
3. Three things about me: 1)My birthday is in July and I will be 42. I’m not ashamed to admit that. Partially because NOBODY guesses I am that age. Good genetics and a “young” attitude makes people think I’m in my late 20’s/early 30’s. 2)I LOVE to cook and am pretty darn good at it. 3)I have 3 cats and a dog, who are my fuzzy children. (I have a couple 2-legged, non fuzzy children too.) My 4th kitty passed away in February at nearly 19 years old.


My BF and I are long distance for the next year because of Grad School. We see each other every two weeks – three weeks seems like 13!

I’m on a bagel kick right now for my carb & my life goal is to live in a state where the temperature never dips below 65.


I would have to choose NY because my family is there! Horrible weather but I miss them!

Favorite carb – they are all just so good. Do cookies count?

1. I’m looping with my 3rd grade class up to 4th grade next year and I’m really excited about it but it’s a secret.

2. I can somehow find time to run and read blogs every day but often don’t have time to put laundry away for weeks….weird.

3. I’m trying to PR in the marathon for my third time this year on Sunday and if I fail again I think I’m going to retreat into a cave and change my time.

Enjoy your trip home and being reunited with Billy!


New Jersey! I love it here and never want to leave!

My favorite carb is and will always be bagels.

Three things about me: today marks one year until I am a Physician Assistant and done with graduate school! I’m running ZOOMA Annapolis with my sister who has never run a half in two weeks, and I only take notes using multicolored pens… it makes it more interesting!


New Jersey is the state that’s closest to my heart, but I really think I’d love to live in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington) – although then I’d have to move my whole family out with me! :)

My favorite carb lately is probably…fresh bread from the breadmaker! :)

3 Things About Me: I have a relatively new-found love of sour gummy candy, thanks to your inspiration to put sour gummy worms on my froyo. / I love thrift stores. / On my To-Do list for this year: Go zip-lining.


Would love to live out West, in the mountains. Not exactly sure where, but would love to be close to so much great hiking.

3 things about me – I married my best friend & high school sweetheart. I love to travel & try new things – this year I went to a ‘traditional’ (aka nude) spa in Germany. I am addicted to Fountain Coke.

So excited for you to see your hubby/BF soon!


I like living in Oregon just fine (I get island fever in Hawaii). We moved here from Nevada, so this is still paradise to me.

Three things (I’ve seen at least one of these here already):
1. My first half marathon is Sunday and I’m not just nervous, I’m actually afraid. I’ve been training for weeks and weeks but when my long run was 13 I bonked terribly after only 7, having paid no attention to what I had to eat the day before. Intellectually I know I can do it but…
2. I love to can and preserve.
3. I really want to knock of the five pounds I gained traveling this past month, but don’t dare now because of number 1.

I can’t imagine three weeks away from my old man. Two is the most I’ve been able to accomplish!


1. I have a feeling I am (kind of -spent a lot of time growing up there:) ‘from’ the same area of AZ where you were this week. I recognize a lot of the pictures an dplaces you went!! :)
2. I don’t have babies yet, but I do have two fur babies! My little dog, who I rescued about a year ago, i call my “first born” lol :) and my new kitten I got in Feb!!
3. I agree with you three weeks is a long time! I guess the heart grows fonder but i am sure you will be SO happy to see each other! Longest hubs and I have been apart was 1.8 (yes i calculated the .8) and it was rough!

bonus no. 4: i look forward to your blog every day and love our email chats!!!! :)


When you first mentioned that you would be separated for 3 weeks I couldn’t imagine it. but now that its passed, it seems like you did a great job of filling your time!! Is there anything special you planned for billy while you were gone to help him with studying? care packages, etc?


Gosh it feels like u have been without him forever. I also am wondering with all of the comments you get if you can read them all. B


me too! Sometimes I don’t want to bother with a comment because I feel like there’s no way mine will matter with all of them…yet I still want to throw my thoughts out there!


I do read them all!!! I do it on my phone:)


I had no idea QT had pretzels! Heaven help me there is a QT less than a mile from my house. That pretzel will be mine tomorrow!!

If I could live in any state it would be back in southern OR. Or Kauai, Hawaii!


I really had a thing for soft pretzels when I was pregnant…it’s been too long since I had one!

1. I am a new mom. My baby girl is 4 months old and her name is Annabelle.

2. I started my blog a few months ago (thanks for the inspiration).

3. I have a 2 year old Boxer mix named Molly (our first daughter…LOL).


I would live at the beach in our condo full time if I could! I try to convince the husband of this necessary move daily, but he reminds me that his silly job wont allowing him to live there! ;)


Three things?
1. I never run without sunglasses, even if it’s dark out. My eyes dry out in the wind.
2. I’m a pharmacist, but I never took a college math class…I CLEPed all of them and saved a ton of times and money!
3. I correct grammar errors on public signage. I carry a Sharpie in my purse just to be the grammar police.


Ha! Good for you on #3! We are the grammarians about whom your mother warned you!


I live in California and want to stay here. I love the weather!
1.) I am training for my 1st full marathon
2.) I have a 17 month old son
3.) My dog’s name is Dexter (yes, after the show Dexter)


Ohh soft pretzels!! I wish they will sell them in New Zealand!! Loved Aunty Anne’s pretzels when I went to US.

3 Things:
1. I love sleeping and will gets very grumpy if I don’t get more than 7 hours of undisturbed sleep.

2. I love collecting pocket tissues especially bubble gum scent ones with cartoon prints.

3. I am scared of tabby cats.


Best things to see while in Chicago


Hahaha I do the same exact thing. I’ll forget something I need for the gym or for a run, and I know exactly where it is, but actually walking back in the house and upstairs to get it? Way too much effort. As if the run I’m about to go on is effortless. It makes sense at the time…haha


I love QT! We have a QuikTrip on every corner here in KC.


Once you master the simu-nap….you never turn back!


Ooh favorite carb? That’s a hard one… there are too many to pick from. :) I absolutely love English muffins!


I can make balloon animals.
I’m obsessed with popcorns. All kinds!
I’ve lived in Austin, Chicago, LA and now NYC.




I love love love California- the weather is amazing and the people are so nice! BUT deep inside I know I could never leave NYC….

My 3 things:
1. I’ve been living in NYC for almost 7 years but I was born and raised in Rome- my whole family is still in Italy.
2. After the last episode of Gossip Girl, I’ve been depressed for weeks (same thing happened with Desperate Housewives).
3. As a child, I hated running. When I was 11, our PE teacher gave me a medal because I had been finally able to run a whole loop on the running track. Now I couldn’t possibly live without running.


Oh my gosh I just finished Gossip Girl and I am literally depressed too! Best show on Earth! I honestly don’t know what to do with myself :(


I live in Oklahoma, and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else! :)

I love hawaiian bread…who doesn’t? Or pasta.

3 things:
I just lost my best dog friend on Monday :(

I haven’t been to they gym in 4 weeks!

I have to sleep with an eye mask and earplugs b/c I’m super light/sound sensitive. Aren’t I fancy and special….

I want to try that runners core thing…I need some motivation to do something other than just running.


If I could live in any state it would be California and specifically San Francisco :)

My favorite carb lately is definitely always candy…I have a serious problem.

3 Things about me:

1) I started running in January 2012 and haven’t stopped since. I ran my first half back in April and I’m going to train for a marathon this Fall!
2) I’m 5’10” and I used to hate it, but now I love it :)
3) I’m married to the most amazing guy in the World and we’ve been together for 8 years (married for almost 3) and it’s been the best 8 years ever!


Well I love Mass best (2nd generation Boston Italian girl) but I think Vermont or Washington State.

Sweet potatoes FOREVER. I esp like them with peanut butter. Seriously.

1. I think animal wearing people clothes are hilarious. Dogs in scarves? I laugh until I have tears. Why is it so funny??

2. I have to really concentrate when walking up or down stairs. I will fall in either direction. It’s an issue. I think running stairs would be a good way for me to die.

3. I love arts and crafts so much. When I was 10 I made a quilt by hand. I was very interested in the Shaker era quilts and I decided to make one, without a machine. It was a mess but I really loved trying!


Three things:
1. I have a twin sister, who is my best friend (only third to #1 God and #2 my hubby).
2. I’ve only been married for 5 months and already have baby fever like crazy! Can’t wait to start growing our family. :)
3. I dream of doing My first half marathon next year at the San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon in 2014! That would make me SO happy!

Great questions!


Wow, that pretzel looks AMAZING!

If I could live in any state it would probably be somewhere like south carolina where it’s warm most of the time but there are still seasons AND i can still live close to the water. TRIFECTA!

Favorite carb lately is yellow corn tortilla chips. This is a byproduct of making guacamole 5x/week.

Three things:
1. My next half marathon is in 2 weeks and I am very excited!!
2. I just celebrated my first wedding anniversary 4 days ago.
3. I am wearing a teal skirt to work today and I feel SASSY :)


Hands down Florida

My all time fav is pasta

1. I hate peanut butter
2. I think drug free child birth was less painful than running my 1st 1/2 marathon
3. My hubby makes the best homemade BBQ chicken pizza (and we just so happen to be having it tonight!!!)


I think I’d like to live where my parents live….in Palos Verdes, CA. Or, I think I’d like to live where my bro & SIL live: Bellevue, WA.

I am loving, LOVING, toasted sesame bagels with butter.

About me:
1) I’m at work right now and I’m wrapped up in a blanket most days. Yes, I work in an office. But at least it isn’t a snuggie!
2) I am going on Day 3 of limiting my artificial/sweetner intake…..it’s not easy!! I’m craving McDonalds Soft Serve like a beast! ….but I would feel better if I dropped about 10-15 pounds before my next “serious” marathon in September.
3) I have two of the world’s cutest nephews. They are twins and they are six months old. I am as in love with them as an aunt can be!


three weeks is a long long time!! You guys are strong!


1. This is my first time EVER responding to a blog!
2. I had a partial knee replacement when I was 18 years old thanks to gymnastics. That was 18 ago!!!! Wow, I’m old!
3. I just ran my first half marathon on that fake knee last month.


I live in Oregon and I really love it! But if I had to choose somewhere else to live, I’d pick somewhere sunny. Oregon’s beautiful, but the constant rain does get to me sometimes.

My fave carb is pizza!!!

3 things about me:
1. I’m running my 1st half marathon in June!!
2. I love baking… It feeds my love of carbs!
3. I work at a gym.


I am in LOVE with the soft pretzels from Target ~ the cinnamon ones or salted, doesn’t matter. Can barely make it in the front door without stopping for a pretzel!


Cant wait to hear about Brookes reaction when she see’s her mummy :)

Well the three things about me are : i am a mummy to two amazing, wonderful girls
: i surf and have been for years, one of the other hobbies that feels amazingly good
:running is my addiction, but after my long run this morning, i feel completely zapped and i have to go to work, oh poop :(

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