How will they survive?

I seriously don’t know how my family is going to survive now that Brooke has left.  Brooke is the life of the party.  

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My mom took us up to the airport and for the car ride she had a strawberry buttermilk frozen dessert waiting for me to eat on the way.  She was having book club at her house last night and these were the treats she had for them and I was lucky enough to get to eat the first one.  

Once she gives me the recipe I may charge large amounts of money to give it out because it was that good.

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We got to the airport really early (my mom is extremely punctual;) and so we did cool things like take cheesy self-portraits in the bathroom.

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And of course eat some sweet pork tostadas at the Cafe Rio IN THE AIRPORT.  Best idea ever (besides whoever came up with the idea to make donuts) to have one in the airport.

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And my prayers were answered when there was an empty seat on the plane so that Brooke could have her own seat.  She flies like a champ when she can be independent and have her own space and the calculator always helps.  She was busy solving some big equation.

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Just before we landed….Not bad.  

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My brother and his wife picked me up from the airport and brought me back to their house.  This is the first time I have been to their house and one room in particular stood out to me.  PS remember that my sister-in-law was the girl that I met a long time ago in one of my spin classes and then set her up with my brother.  Spinning has brought them a lot of happiness.

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What gym/workout equipment do you have at home?  What do you WISH you had as far as workout equipment goes at home?

Are you usually early, on time or late to things?

What airline do you usually fly on?

-Usually Frontier but lately Southwest.

What are the temperatures going to be where you live today?

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The weather in Columbia, Mo. should be beautiful today! In the high 80s, but I’m running this morning so it’ll be about 75. And I’m always early to things, unless I know the group/person I’m meeting is always late in which case I get there right on time, because it turns out to be early.


No home equipment sadly! Just a few weights! We also usually use southwest :-) today the high is 80 and I am so thankful the cold is gone! Glad y’all made it to az safely!!!


I’m a at home treadmill lover. Just wish my garage was more glamorous! I WAS the early girl until I had a kid… now I’m totally the late one.


We have a treadmill and a weight bench at home then some random equipment – kettle bells, yoga mat/strap/block, exercise ball… I am always early to things. I like to settle in. I usually fly Southwest too. They are usually a little cheaper. Today is supposed to be low 60s here but just a few miles inland is supposed to hit 70!


For a second I thought that was a baby spin bike next to the regular one. I have a home gym but I never use it. We have the standard weights and machines and cardio equipment but I’ve never been a machine lover. My parents always make me get to the airport really early but when I drive myself I usually have just the right amount of time to check out the good snacks before I board the plane.


Ha – I thought the same thing! Wow, if they had a spin bike just for their children….


It is going to be about 80 degrees again here in Chicago – I love it. Thankfully the 7 months of winter is gone for good (we had a really cold day a few days ago…the last one)!

I’m usually early to things but lately I’ve been a few minutes late to everything, which means I should probably set my watch a few minutes ahead (yes, I wear a watch regularly, it’s really a shame that a lot of people don’t anymore).

I always fly United – my parents signed me up for a United Mileage Plus card when I was 4-years-old so I’ve just been racking up points. I used them all last year on round trip tickets for myself and my cousin to go to Europe. The MP card obviously turned out to be a fantastic present for my parents to give me at 4.


I sometimes want a treadmill at home, but I don’t think I would get enough use out if it. Home provides too many distractions. I’m much more efficient at doing full-force workouts in the gym.


We have 2 bikes, a trainer, weights, and other smaller pieces of equipment and some others that get re-purposed into training equipment.

I’m an early person, but the hub is an on-time person. He had to shift his early Navy brat ways into on-time Army ways at OCS.

We’re scheduled to be a high of 82 today. A lovely break from Monday’s 90s.


All I’ve got at home is my trusty foam roller, some ten pound weights and a yoga mat. But I would KILL for a treadmill, maybe one day when I’ve got the extra space and extra money!

Today is going to be muggy and rainy here, with a high of about 78. That would be perfect for me if it wasn’t so dreary!

I am an early person, I hate to be late!


Hubby has a turbo trainer for his bike and a weights bench but I avoid them like the plague! I work for easyjet and therefore use them, and today in Hertfordshire UK its freezing! Autumn has pushed back in out of turn!


I’ve got some free weights, pull up bar (obvi not for me…), jump ropes, and yoga mat. I really want a treadmill though. Our temps are already hitting upper 80s so it’d be great to do some runs in the AC :)


I am always on time. If I’m late, people worry that I’ve died in a car accident or something.

We have a treadmill and a bike trainer in the basement. It’s pretty much my favorite room in the house, if it wasn’t so scary and dark.

Today it’s supposed to be a balmy 63 degrees here.


My dad is a pilot for Delta, so that’s usually how we roll. I have a treadmill and a few dumbbells and I would love to have more weights. I want the recipe for that dessert!


I have a spin bike, and some other weight stuff. I wish I had a treadmill. I am almost always late to things. I really try not to be, but I just don’t give myself enough time to get ready and then get from point a to b. Today it’s going to be in the low 70’s with some thunderstorms.


Nice exercise room! I’m glad you had so much fun with your family. Brooke is so lucky you’re willing to make the trip so often.


When my son was a baby we flew a lot and I would be so happy when we got an empty seat too! I have a concept2 rowing machine and a smooth fitness treadmill. I would like to have a bike, elliptical and a
Cross country ski machine.


We have a treadmill but I’d love a stair climber, a rowing machine, and one of those nifty little stands so that I could use my bike inside! I think it’s in the 50s here right now and there’s a chance of thunderstorms all day, which I like. I’m probably going to run in a little bit and then make some lemon bars!


I prefer being early to things, especially things like work and the airport. I’m usually the 1st, 2nd or 3rd person at my school. That way if there is an accident on the freeway or a problem with the car, (or I realize that forgetful me forgot to prep some vital part of my day) then I have a time cushion with which to work.

Workout equipment in my home is sparse: an exercise ball, yoga mat, pair of 3 lb weights, foam roller, Jillian Michaels workout DVD, and a pass to the gym where they have everything else.

The weather here today will be unpredictable. We just came through a few gray days and we are on the upswing back to sun, but we might not quite get there yet. I’m hoping for sun though, as I am taking my grade 4s on a field trip into Vancouver!


That smoothie looks so good! That’s such a cute story about your brother and sister-in-law! Boston has been COLD the last few days- i’ve had to take my scarf back out!


I just purchased a treadmill last winter and it is the best purchase I ever made :) We have free weights and my boyfriend is working on convincing me that we need a spin bike.

It was 35 degrees yesterday and is supposed to be 82 today. Pittsburgh weather is crazy!


Awesome that you got an extra seat for your flight! Just makes things easier with little ones. I’m a Delta Frequent Flier. Thank you business trips for racking up enough miles to fly the family to Hawaii!

We have a treadmill, bike trainer, free weights, and balance balls in our basement. Heading downstairs for a strength workout in a few…

I really like to be early to things, but with two little girls, it doesn’t always happen. It always takes longer to get out of the house than I think!


I had to leave all the good exercise equipment (treadmill, bike, mini trampoline) at my parents’ place when I moved out, so I don’t really have much in terms of workout equipment at home – just some weights, a stability ball, and a yoga mat. I’d kill for a treadmill desk, though :D I do all my best thinking when I’m moving around, so being able to walk and blog at the same time would be pretty awesome.


We have an old elliptical from my BF’s parents and some resistance bands and 10 pound weights. I’d love a treadmill, bike and full length mirror. In other words, I’d like my own workout room :-)

I’m usually early or on time – I hate being late.

I love Southwest, but being on the East Coast, I also love Virgin America and JetBlue

Not sure about the weather yet…we’ll see when I step outside ;-)


That pink shirt (in the bathroom selfie) is the cutest!!!! Where is it from?!


Thank you! It is from gap!


Hey, it’s cool to get to the airport crazy early. Really cool. :-)

And your dad looks great – so happy, healthy!


I want an elliptical for the winter months!
I whine when I have to run in cold weather!
The weather man said it was going to be in the mid 60s here in NYS.
Hopefully he is right, it has been chilly the past couple of days!


I really wish I had an elliptical at home…to cross train and attempt not to get injured while running :).

I usually fly Southwest or Airtran because Southwest is usually the cheapest option.

I think it is going to be 80 degrees in Baltimore today! Although, it is cool and raining right now so we will see.


I always get looks of great disappointment when I show up anywhere without my kids! People don’t like to see me without them! Haha!

I really want a treadmill, but the options are endless and it is impossible to make a decision. The online reviews don’t help at all – there’s always someone who loves/hates every machine!!


That’s pretty cool that you set them up! I didn’t know that.

The weather in the Bay Area (particularly San Francisco) is too windy, too cold and too gloomy! Hmph.


We have weights, balls, a bench, pull up bars, body bars just no cardio equipment yet! But I want to get a treadmill this fall.
Early – always, I hate being late.
Usually US Airways.
About 65 out today!


My workout equipment is just a set of dumbbells! But it’s all I really need.


That is so cool that you get to spend so much time with your family while Billy is finishing up finals. That would be so fun!

I used to be super on time and even really early – then I lived in Latin America for too long and I’m always late now. And then I had a baby and I’m even MORE late. It’s embarrassing. And it’s not even the baby’s fault, but he’s a good excuse.

I would love weight machines in the house. And a pool, if that counts (since it can be used as exercise equipment…).

I love flying Southwest – they are the best. I know a Southwest pilot and I asked him if it was as cool of a company to work for as people say and he said definitely yes. So, that made me like it even more. I also love that I don’t have to pay for my bags. Best deal in town.

Today it is suppose to be 81* and I am so excited. It has been kind of chilly (low 60s) for a while and I am so ready for hot, hot, hot. Of course I am in a sweatshirt because it hasn’t warmed up quite yet, but I have hope.


Brooke looks so happy to be taking selfies in the mirror! :)

My sister plays tennis competitively and my dad’s a big workout geek, so we actually have quite a lot of workout equipment. We have a treadmill, a few dumbbells, some resistance bands, one of those big bally things (I forget what they’re called), a medicine ball, jump ropes, and a few other goodies here and there!


My husband has a full room of weights, which I lovingly call the “torture chamber”. I wish I had a treadmill, I like going to the gym though and am not sure how productive I would be working out at home.


Brooke is such a great traveler! I think she’s been on a plane more than me :)
I am always early. Even when I try to be late, I’m early :)


What gym/workout equipment do you have at home? What do you WISH you had as far as workout equipment goes at home? I don’t have any right now. Use my mom’s elliptical sometimes. I would love one of my own. And I am also on the hunt for a treadmill! I have the perfect corner in the finished basement in my new house!!

Are you usually early, on time or late to things? I am always early. Hate being late.

What airline do you usually fly on? Whichever is cheaper with the fewest number of layovers.

What are the temperatures going to be where you live today? Today will be almost 90, muggy and scattered thunderstorms. Should be fun.


I would LOVE a spin bike in my house! My ideal set up would be a treadmill, spin bike, rower, and free weights. I’d be all set!


I love that Brooke knows to smile for a camera already. Model status.

The gym at my condo has a treadmill, a beat-up elliptical, a beat-up stationary bike, and some old weight machines. Needless to say, it’s not a very good gym. I wish that they had a rower, but I have to drive the 5 miles to school to get to a rower. Ugh, first world problems. I’m always early to things…. it’s a trait I inherited from my dad. Even when I try to be late..I’m always early. It stinks. I usually fly Spirit. I used to fly Delta but then they left me stranded in Atlanta overnight due to bad weather and were less than helpful in helping me figure out the next step. So, I try to avoid them whenever possible.

It’s going to be a beautiful 82 for us here in FL, which is cool for this time of year. It’s funny to live in FL when we say “we’re having a cool front” and it’s 82. Floridians.


All I have at home for workout equipment is my roller, a yoga mat, and some free weights. I can’t wait until I have space to put a treadmill!!

It is supposed to be in the lower to mid 70s in St. Paul today- perfect running weather!


I would love to have a treadmill in my living room. I would walk whenever I was watching TV. I would also like weights between 10lbs and 30lbs. Gosh I would be so happy! And a wall of mirrors. Does that count?


I’m usually right on time. It drives me crazy when people are late.


We inherited an unused recumbent bike a few years ago, and it’s cool (or whatever), but what I really want is a treadmill. So about a year ago, my husband did a ton if research and found a really good…elliptical. I wasn’t dying for the bike, but at least it didn’t cost us anything. I hardly use the elliptical because it just doesn’t fit me. It feels like I’m going to fall on my face. Like I’m leaning forward. I can go as long as ten minutes on it before I gasp for air and want to puke and/or die.

I want a treadmill.

The weather forecast here, until October, is 90s-100s, clear and sunny. Hot and dry. All the time. I wouldn’t complain, except that there’s absolutely no variation. It gets really boring.


That’s a beautiful sunset picture. I have a treadmill at home, but I would also like to get a rowing machine. The temperatures here are going to be 90 with humidity around 1,000. Wish I was anywhere but here!


Treadmill, bench press, leg press, some thing for lower back, and a machine you can use for tri’s or back. Usually early or on time but most the time on early, very few times am I late. I haven’t flown in so long lol and even then I can’t remember what we flew on. In the 80’s today!!! Going to be nice since it’s been so hot lately


Oh that is such a cool home gym! I have a treadmill and a bike in my gym and it’s an awesome set up. I love having the option of stayin in. That sunset was beyond gorgeous! Have fun in AZ!!


Awww, Brooke and the calculator! What a little smartie :)


I love what a great flyer Brooke is! It gives me hope that I can travel with my baby too, haha. Maybe she’s going to be a math whiz with all those calculations!


Here in NH, it started off COLD this morning at 35 degrees (I still rode my bike to work anyways!!), but it will be close to 70 this afternoon. I wish I had a treadmill at home, but my parent’s have one, and they only live 15 mins. away, so I use theirs whenever I want. All I’ve got at home are some free weights and a trainer for my bike.


Looks like a spin class match made in heaven. Love that they have matching bikes. If I had home equipment, I’m not sure I would use it. I work from home so I love getting out of the house and running or escaping to the gym for an hour. I do have some light weights and a stability ball though. Gotta so something during commercials :)


Whaaaat?! Since when do they have a Cafe Rio in the SLC airport? I had no idea!

Glad you guys made it to the good ol’ AZ safely! I’m sure it’ll be nice and warm there for ya this week. ;)


I want Cafe Rio now. You’ve mentioned it wayyyy tooo many times and now I think i might have to fly to get to one.


If it is professional I am early/on time if it is social I like to make an entrance… obviously :)


I have a treadmill, medicine balls, weights, jump rope, resistance bands, and a pull up bar. I wish I had a better treadmill and a spin bike :) One day I will.

Before I had kids – early. Now, if I have the kid with me – late. If I don’t have my kids I am usually on time. I may be using the term usually pretty loosely.

I usually fly Delta – we get sky miles on our credit card. It is how I got to fly to DC and to our cruise for free :)

It is supposed to be warm here. I just got back from my run and it was already getting warm. It feels perfect right now, but the last few days when I have walked Anna to school in the afternoon, I am sweating. I hate how Utah has no Spring. I swear we go Winter to Summer.

That sunset is gorgeous! I hope you have so much fun in Arizona!


I need to give my 7.5 month old a calculator for entertainment. He can see our phones or remotes a mile away.


I really wish I had a treadmill at my house. That would be freaking sweet.
I used to be so punctual but ever since I spent a lot of time with this guy who was always late, I just haven’t been able to get back to being on time. I know I need to get back on track, but really there’s not much motivation.
It’s in the 80s here today! So nice.


I always fly SOUTHWEST!!!! Best airline ever! And I wish I had a treadmill!


I have the same spin bike :) I also have a treadmill but it is so old and loud that I don’t use it. We have a bowflex and free weights. I’m more of a gym gal though so besides the spin bike once every blue moon I rarely go into the “gym” room. Brooke is just as cute as can be!!!


I always fly Southwest if I can. Two free checked bags is my heaven. it really encourage my unhealthy habit of overpacking.

I don’t have equipment at my house (YET), but once all my college loans are paid off, I plan on having an elliptical and treadmill. But my free weights and yoga mat do me good for right now.

I live in Seattle and even though it is sunny and beautiful right now, it will probably rain and be 50 degrees in an hour. City of lies.


It feels like summer here today!! A pleasant change of pace from the high of 50something we had on Sunday. Stupid Ohio.

I want to buy a treadmill so badly but the boy thinks we need to buy more practical things (like a washing machine, new vacuum, etc.) first. I don’t get it.

Where is your shirt from? I love it!


Tell him a treadmill is practical;) thanks girl… It is from gap!


They let you bring your food in? Awesome! I feel like Dallas airport would not let you! Or maybe Im just unlucky!


I fly Alaskan airlines (my brother works there).


I have a trainer for my bike at home, which is really convenient, especially in colder/windy/rainy weather (which is more common here than I’d like).

Also, Brooke is probably the most photogenic little lady I’ve ever seen.


Your mom sounds like a sweet, generous lady. It was so nice of her to have that frosty treat waiting for you. I hope I’ll be that kind of mom someday. :) My at-home gym equipment includes a treadmill, a yoga mat, and some resistance bands. I’d love to have a treadmill someday with a few more bells and whistles (like the ones that can use Google Maps to simulate a running route), but I’m pretty happy with what I have. Have a great time with your brother and his family!


Greetings from South East Texas! These last few mornings have been in the mid -60’s with highs peaking in the low 80’s…with only 70-80% humidity. We fly American Airlines, which is back for another 2-year contract, and is trying to undercut South West Airlines. One of the garage car spaces is our converted “gym” with treadmill, spin bike, elliptical, stretch bands, dead weights, and lots of fans. But our favorite workouts are walking the great outdoors…miles and miles of both city and park roads.


I wish I had a Trx at home. I love that thing so much and it would make doing strength training at home so much easier


I really wish I had a treadmill and a rowing machine. Sadly, I only have free weights (which I do use) and a yoga mat (which I NEVER use). I am a member at 24 hour fitness and there is on located 0.8 miles away, so it is basically inside my house (?)

Sadly, I’m usually late… I used to be ridiculously late, to the point that my friends used to lie to me about what time to show up. My husband has been a really good influence to the point that I’m actually on time quite often and when I am late, it is usually only 5-10 minutes.

I feel lucky that it is only going to be 95 in Vegas today. The last two days it has reached 100!! I’m just not ready for that kind of heat!


I really need to find a Cafe Rio and see what I am missing out on… do they exist in PA?!

We have a treadmill, heavy bag and lots of boxing equipment at home (and a ping pong table… if that counts as exercise. My husband is pretty competitive so he gets fairly sweaty playing it… gross, I know). I am going to be getting a bicycle mount soon so I can turn my mountain bike into a makeshift stationary bike for crosstraining!

I am habitually early, except this week I have been about 5 mins late to everything and it is making me CRAZY. No clue what is going on.

It’s supposed to be 70ish here today – I hope it happens!


We have a treadmill at home. I am more a Crossfit girl. So, I’d like to have a pull-up bar, barbell and weights, etc… In the 80s in IL which is very nice! Just wish I was sitting by a pool rather than inside at a desk:(

If I had it my way all the time (or most anyway), I’d be a little bit early to things. But with my husband and two little girls, that isn’t always the case!!

Enjoy your trip. Nothing better than being with family!!!


“besides whoever came up with the idea to make donuts” hahaha YES to this. :) I have a stationary bike that I loooooove at home and use almost every day, but I would really like an eliptical too! I just need a bigger space first to fit it ;) Also, if we’re being greedy, a treadmill would be nice too. Just sayin’. Have fun with your brother and sister-in-law!!!!



Sweeet home gym!!!! I want a TM one day + more free weights & kettle bells, but for now, I’m always at the gym, so don’t need one at home!


That was a great sunset photo from the plane! Since I’m a trainer I have a lot of equipment… stationary bike, elliptical, BOSU, dumbbells, kettlebells, TRX, squat cage with attachments, but sadly no treadmill. I do take my clients outside to run, though!

I have frequent flier miles with United so I almost always fly with them.


I’m a Continental girl…er…I mean United now. Those are my big ones, but I fly U.S. Airways (similar, especially on my international trips) sometimes, because the flight goes to my United miles. I hate American. i would fly Southwest more, but they are just too expensive. Oh well.


It’s in the 90’s here in Missouri! Woza!
I have a treadmill from the 80’s here at the house and it does work so I use it when I have no other options but I really want a nice new treadmill bonus if it has a tv built in. Ahh, heaven.
I am always early to everything. I get mad fun of a lot because I am never fashionably late to anything, even work.


SOUTHWEST!!!! I LOVE them!!! BEST service EVER, free bags, the coolest little planes (you can really feel the punch in a 737 takeoff)


It is going to be tough for your family to be away from that cutie! My parents went to Europe and didn’t see my baby for two weeks, and my mom went into MAJOR withdrawal.


It’s in the 80s today (NC) woo hoo! Summer has arrived!
I usually fly American Air or US Airways just because they go everywhere that we fly to!
I dont have any gym equipment at home because I am the WORST at working out at home, i get so distracted. I wouldnt mind having a cycling bike though :)


I have a treadmill at home but I wouldn’t mind a spin bike as well!

I try to fly southwest when I can because I hate points but I usually got for whatever is cheapest.


…not warm enough :)
I always fly with spirit airlines
We have the trusty ‘ol treadmill for the winter months, an elliptical, and we also have a bike trainer


I’m usually on time to classes, early to races, and late-ish to parties. Generally, I try to be just a little bit early to most things.
Hehe, Brooke is such a smiley baby! She must make so many people smile!


I don’t have anything at home….but sometimes I wish I had Chuck Norris’ “TOTAL GYM”, or an elliptical.

I am usually the one person of my friends who is ON TIME.

I have been going to Seattle a lot lately (the brother and SIL have twin boys!)….so Alaska or JetBlue.

It’s supposed to be in the mid-70s in Manhattan Beach today! sun is just starting to poke out!


One of the saddest moments in my life was getting to the SLC airport early just to go to that Cafe Rio and then finding out they weren’t open yet even though they claim that they open at 6am. Lies! Such cruel lies.


I would file a complaint. That is just not right.


The only thing I have at home are handweights, a band, a Swiss ball and a yoga mat! I’d love to have an at-home gym, but I’m usually able to get it done with what I have.

Brooke on the plane = adorable.


I used to always be late, but since being with my husband, who is always early, I’m getting better.

It was 40 degrees today, which felt really warm compared to how it’s felt this past week!


I love that you hooked your brother up


I love that you hooked your brother up and look at them now! Haha what an awesome room :)


Usually fly Southwest. In fact, flying out tomorrow to KC for my nephew’s high school graduation. Of course….I found a half to run on Sat. morning.
I’m crazy punctual!!!!!!
Enjoy AZ!!!!


I’m glad you had a safe flight, I hope you’re having an awesome time!


Girl, I just have to say that you are looking great these days! You look super strong, you seem to be glowing with motherhood and running, and you just look prettier than ever! Kudos to you! :)


You made my night! Thanks girl!


I am always early. I am so paranoid about being late, I leave like extra early and plan like an hour to get somewhere that only takes me 20 minutes.


That’s a very cute self portrait


Do strangers stop you all the time and tell you how adorable B is? I can imagine all the comments.

I usually fly Alaskan because the majority of flights I’ve taken have been to Oregon or Washington. I flew Hawaiian last year to Maui and that was a dream!

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