Weighing Yourself: The Scale

I have written a few posts in the past about my issues with the scale.  For years I would weigh myself every single day of my life and the number that popped up would determine how I felt about myself that day.  Not a fun way to live right?!?  Over two years ago I wrote about my decision to stop weighing myself.

That was one of my best ideas ever.  I stopped the obsession with the number on that little machine cold turkey and it helped my brain/happiness levels/health a lot.

During pregnancy I decided that I wanted to continue to not know my weight and instead just have my doctor tell me how I was doing in terms of being on track with my weight gain.  That too was an awesome decision because it took the stress off of gaining weight and I didn’t even worry about it.

Then something crazy happened.

Two weeks ago I was in the bathroom at the gym and I thought, ‘hey, I should weigh myself because I really have no idea how much I weigh now.’

I got on.

Saw a number (might I add it was 20 lbs more than I weighed 3 years ago).

And it didn’t produce any emotions.  It was just a number.

I feel strong, healthy and very fulfilled with my life right now so how could a number change the way I feel about myself?

My worth is based now on being a good (at least I like to tell myself that I am) mom/wife/sister/friend/daughter and I love that I have finally come to a place in my life where I realize that.

I came home and realized that I wasn’t in a bad mood…. I used to completely avoid the scale and I realized that this was the first time I was completely unaffected by the number.

Brooke has helped me a lot.  I actually just posted something that I wrote when she was just 2 months old of what I did to help me feel good about that post baby body of mine at the time (when your uterus is still 10 times bigger than normal and your body is still recovering from delivery) so if you want to check it out, it is HERE.  I really want to be the best example ever for Brooke and that includes having a healthy body image.

DSC 0777

(Took this picture this morning as she was CRAWLING (scooting) herself over to come snuggle with me)

I am sure a few years ago I would never have thought that I would be okay and not even care about getting on the scale and seeing a number higher than what it used to be but it happened.  It feels really good.  I probably won’t weigh myself very often just because I don’t know why I would but next time I am at the doctors office it will be awesome to just get on the scale facing forwards and not allow the scale to determine how I feel.

How often do you weigh yourself?  

Does the scale affect your mood?  Has it in the past?  

How do you gauge where you are in terms of your health?

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I love this post. Last year my roommate had a scale and I literally weighed myself every morning and was usually pretty upset every time… it was a problem. Now I don’t have a scale so I only weigh myself when it is convenient… it is still a little but upsetting sometimes but I am definitely making progress. My fiance’ is suggesting that we don’t buy a scale for our house in June and he may be right… he always tells me that it is just a number and that the number doesn’t matter.


OMG—She is the cutest little girl EVER!!!!!!!!! I’d kill to have baby blues like hers :)
As a runner, I must admit that I do weigh myself….every.single.day. I do not beat myself up over a fluctuation though. If it goes down, I get a little chipper. If it goes up, then so be it. Maybe I will try not to hope on the scale for the next week to see how it makes me feel!


Ahh, it’s really nice to read this. I’m 7 months postpartum and I still struggle with my post-baby body. But I’ve definitely come to the conclusion that I LOVE my body now. It’s gone through so much, is capable of so much and a number on a scale or a pair of jeans shouldn’t define my happiness with it. And I agree, looking at my daughter makes it all worth it. There are much more moments of pure joy to enjoy with her than making myself feel bad for having a few extra pounds. I think you look fabulous, rock on mama!


Weight is such a struggle for so many and it’s awesome you no longer are “owned” by the scale. I wish more women could focus on being healthy instead of comparing numbers. Great job!!


Love this post. :) I think I mentioned this a million times already. Your baby is the cutest baby on earth! :)

We have a scale in our bathroom so every time I take a shower I weigh myself. It fluctuates but now I don’t get all that emotional everytime I step on the scale. It’s just a number as long as I stay active and eat healthy. :)


Brooke is the CUTEST!!!!!!! How do you not spend all of your day kissing that face!!!!


1. Good for you!
2. I think you are crazy beautiful, inside and out. You come across as truly genuine and that is rare in the world of blogs.
3. I never weigh myself because it is never of any benefit to me. Just thinking of stepping on the scale makes me anxious. I had to go to the doctor several weeks ago and asked her not to tell me my weight. The nurse was kind enough not to say it out loud but I, accidentally, saw her write it down. I was devastated. I was still recovering from an injury that had me out of the running game for nearly 6 months and was 6 lbs heavier than the last time I had been to the doctor (the year before). Writing it out, seems so silly and trivial but those 6 lbs crushed me and still haunt me to this day. Knowing my weight is never a good thing. I’m a shorty and every lb gained is noticeable. Anyway, I LOVE your new attitude about the scale!


Oh Janae, I love this post. How wonderful to look back and see how much you’ve grown in the past few years and how much stronger you are now. I found this post quite emotional to read, I am so proud for you.

I do weigh myself every day. There was a time when doing so made me unhappy but now (older, slightly wiser, now a mother) I find that it’s just a little sense-check that yesterday I ate too much cake and today I need to eat better. It doesn’t have quite the emotional power that it used to do.

Really happy for you!


I am right with you.
I went through an eating disorder time in my early 20…during college. weighed myself everyday. Then got better….but stopped weighing for the very same reason. Often when you are athletic the number on the scale doesn’t reflect how you look…i have found. So i just chose to be ok with that…and be ok with my size 4.
I haven’t written about this but have shared it ….as I had quite a transformation this summer. I was at a convention for the company i represent. They were challenging everyone to make a commitment to get healthier, lose weight, exercise more etc. so we could really be an example to others. They had curtains in the expo and we were to go weight ourselves behind them, then commit by writing it down…what our goal was. I actually couldn’t do it..I started to get so emotional…as I shared that with some of my friends, they were SO supportive. They said we don’t see you as a person full of fear…we see you as strong….a leader….a wonderful women…..They challenged me to face that fear , which by the way I thought was ALL gone, right then and there. So they walked with me to that curtain and went in with me as I stepped on that scale. It was OK….and what a relief and transformation I felt. its funny how you think that you have completely conquered something, and something triggers it.
I am proud of you and proud of what you have accomplished. I hope we can all continue to share our journey with other girls and women….and help them see that the number on the scale does not reflect what is inside….
thank you for sharing ….and letting me share.


Its hard to believe that post was two years ago. It was one of the first I read from you! Anyways this is yet another great post and so eye opening. Although I’ve never had an eating disorder and rarely talk about my job (I work a bit with college students with eating disorders among things) but I can tell you I gave up the scale when I started seriously running. I haven’t owned one since and while I’ve weighed myself a handful of times in the last few years, I like you, have just come to terms with it. It’s not a running PR that I’m driven to change…it’s a number. I hate to watch (runners especially) think that a lower race weight makes them faster. The only thing it adds is another numbers obsession they don’t need.


This is beautiful. I want to print it off and tape it to the wall.


Glad you are able to feel good about yourself no matter what the scale says. I used to let the numbers drive me crazy but now I couldn’t care less. I’m healthy and in a good spot in my life and no number will change that:)


I think you have to take the number on the scale with a grain of salt. It can fluctuate quite a bit, even within 24 or 48 hours. A specific weight doesn’t necessarily indicate health.


This post actually made me cry because it just dawned on my that I DO use the scale to determine my mood for the day. I know (or at least like to think…) I’ve become a pretty bad@ss runner having tackled a 20k trail race while training for my first half marathon (next month – eek!) but there are many times I still don’t see myself as a runner. I’m not really sure why I would ever think hopping on the scale would change that… Thanks for this post and for the links to the others. You’ve made my day brighter and I’m going to try and resolve to move that “thing” to another room (possibly the basement…) and just live life, love running and remind myself that I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in – probably since I was a kid.


Great post! I too have struggled in the past with the dreaded scale, but like you I cut cold turkey about 6 years ago. And guess what? I’m the healthiest (and oddly enough) the smallest I’ve ever been! I have a strong passion for all things healthy and natural, but I don’t limit or deprive myself either… All about balance! Love your bloggie, keep up the good work mama!

~ emily


I am in the process of trying to lose a little weight, but I am doing is slowly (only 0.5-1lb a week) and healthily. I weigh myself once a week just to “check-in” but I’m not as obsessed about the number. If the scale is a little higher one day, it doesn’t make or break my day. Once I reach my “goal” weight (which I did not pick arbitrarily or pull out of thin-air or some dream), I will probably ditch the scale, because I’ve taught myself how to live healthily and treat my body right.


Awww look at this big blues! Brooke is so darn cute!

I used to weigh myself a lot, and I would be depressed if I was even a pound or two over where I felt I needed to be. I started not weighing myself about a year ago, and just go on what I feel. It’s been great! I do occasionally step on a scale, but I’m determined to not let the number get to me, just like you mentioned in your post. Thanks for writing this.


I never weigh myself because I just don’t care. As long as I can run and fit in my clothes I’m good. But I am so happy to see how far you have come with your body image issues! You have a great life, a gorgeous baby and you can run crazy fast. It’s all good.


Wow Janae, you should really be proud for how different your perspective of the scale is now compared to only two years ago. This will be very important for Brooke as she grows up. Having a mother who was totally comfortable in her own skin (mind you my mum, and who family, does keep fit!) really helped me grow up to be the same. I don’t really weigh myself because I’m indifferent to the number. I try my best to eat healthy and keep fit, and if my clothes fit the same and my self-confidence stays high then that’s all I need!


This post makes me so happy for you!!

I was a lot like you pre-baby. The number frustrated me. Defined my day, week, month. Then I had my first baby and well… it’s so not a priority now. Maybe it’s maturity, maybe it’s realizing that you carried a PERSON inside of you for 9 months, but whatever it is I am thankful for it because it has changed the way I treat my body.


I used to obsess over the scale especially when I was training for my first half marathon when I gained about 5 pounds. I think it was mainly muscle (at least that is what I told myself). Now I only weight myself a few times a month and don’t stress if the scale goes up or down a few pounds. I figure if I feel good then that’s all that matters!


Oh my gosh!!! That picture!!! I actually teared up a little bit when I saw it. That is such a great age when they are starting to get mobile and discovering everything and you are still their world-awesome! Great post. We women really do have issues with outside appearances and numbers-frustrating. I think you look awesome-healthy, glowing, and happy!


This is awesome!!! I too have had the scale obsession and come to terms with teh fact that it is healthy and good to see a higher number than I used to. I always think that when I’m 80 I don’t want to have wasted my whole life obsessing over a NUMBER (and no one wants to hug a skinny grandma…) Thanks for writing this :-)


What a great post!! {love that picture of you and Billy, ‘both prego’}. lol. Since joining a gym in Nov. 2011, I had a goal in mind just to lose ten pounds and just get in better shape overall. I weighed myself every single day until I got down at least ten pounds. And I’ll admit a few months after gettign to my goal weight, I was still a little obsessed with the scale. I have maintaned my goal weight for over a year now and I still weigh myself here and there but I’m def. not as obsessed anymore.

It is just a number and I am just happy that I’ve kept up, for the most part, of still working out and recently trying out Bikram Yoga and love it, and eating healthy still and just maintaining the weight. If I become pregnant, I am a little freaked out at getting huge, and then more so worried about after the baby is born and getting in shape again, but I feel as long as I don’t eat for two and eat hardly any crap, i’ll be good. :)


I try not to weigh myself too often and I usually do it once a week or so. Today, I weighed myself and I was one pound OVER the weight that I told myself I would never go over (although I understand weight fluctuations over days) and I was only 2 pounds over my “regular” weight, but I’m sad to say that it made me super sad this morning. It also fueled my workout this morning though, so something positive came out of it. I only let it let me get down for a short period of time, but I can’t even believe I let it get me down, especially because I’m an advocate for positive body image. As I sat on my floor this morning being sad, I was such a huge hypocrite, I’m embarrassed to admit it. But I need to admit it and let it go!


So ironic! I just wrote a post about this very thing this week!
I am very affected by the scale and I become obsessed with checking it multiple times a day. I’ve decided to stop weighing myself because it only makes me sad. I go off of how strong I feel, how my clothes fit, what kind of food I’ve been eating and that I crave. Things like that. I am trying to develop a better body image and I think not getting on the scale will go a long way for that.


Ahhh, love this post! I used to let the number on the scale dictate how my day went as well….now I turn around when the Dr weighs me too and have no idea what the actual number is. It’s so freeing! btw…even 20 lbs heavier, you look fantastic and thin!


Sadly I still weigh myself almost daily – I REALLY, REALLY need to get over that. Any tips would be appreciated :)

PS – this is THE CUTEST picture of Brooke EVER. I love her big blue eyes!


Thank you so much for this post! I love your blog, and your first post on not weighing yourself is actually what brought me to your site months ago. I have been recovering from disordered eating and exercising and was doing a search for inspiration from others who had stopped their obsession with the scale, coincidentally! I think you are so brave to share these struggles, as I was embarassed to share how much the number on the scale really did control so many aspects of my life for so long. It is so liberating to love your body for all the things it can do and the strength you really have, rather than letting numbers define you, whether they are calories or pounds. Thank you so much for sharing and keep up your wonderful writing! Have a blessed day!


Your weight alone does not provide enough information about how well you are managing your health. BMI is a slightly better indicator but doesn’t indicate body composition. It is possible to be under the normal weight range for your height and still too fat, or to be over the normal weight range and be lean, even too lean!
My Withing scale provides weight, BMI, and % fat mass. The % fat is based on the lower body only and also varies with hydration and how moist the feet are. So even that must be taken skeptically.
I weigh myself daily to note trends before they get away from me. I lost 45 lbs to get down to normal weight over a decade ago and now notice a slow weight gaining trend over the last year. I’m still in the normal weight range for my height and on the lean side in my body composition. But now I’m a little more conscience about my diet because I don’t want to be fat again.
Knowing your weight, BMI, and body composition is like knowing your cholesterol level. Part of being responsible for your own health. Daily weighting is not needed, but helps me by forming a habit.


When you said 20 lbs heavier than 3 years ago, I thought holy crap she must have been a stick then because you look awesome now! So I went back and looked at some of your very first posts – you were way thin. I think you look better, stronger, and more beautiful now!


I wish I didn’t, but I weight myself daily (more than once a day if I’m being honest, sigh). I am working up the courage to tell my husband to take away my scale, but it is a crutch. Just this morning I got on and the number was higher than I wanted it to be and I’ve been in a funk all day so this post really resonates. The fact is my pants still fit, I still ran as fast and strong this morning as yesterday when the scale was a different number and I’m at a healthy weight already. I’m impressed you were able to cut it out!


GREATTTT post!!!

I used to have issues with the scale too–but it doesn’t phase me anymore. I don’t really ever step on it, because I don’t care what it says. I am fit/strong/healthy and haven’t been this fit ever! So a number should never have to tell me how I FEEL. How I feel matters most!


Love this post. I think I hit the heart button 10 times. I weigh myself once or twice a month. Any more than that and I definitely start obsessing.

Now I make sure my clothes still fit, but I don’t want to be thin. I want to be strong, healthy, and comfortable in my own skin.


I recently lost 30 pounds and I did it by weighing myself often – as in everyday. But I gained all the weight because I stopped weighing myself. Now, I weigh myself weekly. But I will admit that the number on the scale affects my mood. Maybe one day I can get to a place where I don’t weigh myself or my weight doesn’t affect my mood but that’s not right now.
I am currently trying to lose a few more pounds and weighing myself once (or twice) a week helps keep me accountable.


You should be really proud of yourself. The scale is something that I think I will always hold negative feelings toward. I try not to weigh myself too much (because it does put me in a bad mood) but its too hard to not get on it sometimes.

I try and gauge my health based on how I feel. If I feel healthy and strong, then I’m going to feel good about myself.


I do weigh myself everyday. I feel that it drives my decisions that day as far as what I eat in a GOOD way. It’s a health thing for me and I often find I know my exact weight before I step on the scale. I know myself that well. It works for me. It doesn’t alter my mood (Unless my clothes don’t fit well) but drives me to try and eat healthier which is a life long struggle of mine.

Everyone needs to do what works for them. I’m envious of those that don’t feel the need to do it but I’m a little OCD with numbers!


I sooo needed this today! Thanks for the reminder that weight is just a number :)


Brooke’s eyes are seriously the most amazing shade of blue!!

I weigh myself every once in a while when the mood strikes. I feel like it’s good to know how much you weigh in case it dips or goes higher than usual so you can adjust how you’re living. Then again, I also sometimes weigh myself before and after I pee just for a fun science experiment. :)


Love this! I think about this a lot ever since finding out we are having a girl–I don’t want her to be dependent on the scale like I once was. Strength, independence, confidence–those are the things I want her to embody and own!! Brooke you are gorgeous! I love those baby blues!!!


It always amazes me how your posts just seem to magically fit into my life, but they do! I usually do not weigh myself and haven’t probably for at least a couple of years, but decided to the other day when I saw a scale in my grandparents’ bathroom. I was REALLY unhappy with the number and haven’t been feeling well about it since. The ridiculous thing is though that I am probably the thinnest I have ever been in my life right now and probably the most healthy. SO- needless to say, I NEEDED to read this post! Thank you for reminding me that it is just a number and doesn’t measure your health or how you should feel about your body! :)


Love love this post!! I too believe that weighing yourself does not equal your self worth. A number IS just a number. Being stretched out from pregnancy is a gift. What if we as women stopped weighing ourselves and just started getting healthy?! What would your health number be?


Great post! I weight myself about once a week just to make sure I’m where I should be; although, how my pants fit is a better way for me to tell! What a cute picture of Little Miss Blue Eyes! :-)


Good for you! This is really such a huge deal…as anyone who has EVER dealt with weight issues knows.

I used to weigh multiple times daily, and it really did control my mood. The more I stay active, the less I weigh myself, and the less I care about the results. I had the same experience as you just this weekend. I looked at the scale and realized I had no clue what I weighed. When I stepped on, I realized my weight was just exactly what it always has been since I finally stopped obsessing. My body knows how to manage itself as long as I make smart choices.

Long story short, I really identified with this. Thank you for sharing, and good job!!


I’ve also had a very tumultuous relationship with the scale. I also used to weight myself every day and became obsessed with it. Now I try to avoid the scale as much as possible but if I do get on it can have a big impact on my mood. That’s so awesome you were able to weight yourself without letting it affect you and I hope one day I can do that too.


Good for you!! It´s great that you can now weigh yourself and that the number doesn´t mean a thing! Unfortunately, I weight myself often and feel crappy when my weight goes up. Lately I´ve been stuck at a plateau (a couple of pounds over my happy weight) and the numbers just don´t seem to go down. I think I might try to not weight myself for a week or two and see how I feel. I would love to free myself from the scale!!


THANK YOU for wanting to be a good example for Brooke that includes a healthy body image. The other day, a friend shared with me this story about how a gal was posting a picture of an 11-year-old girl in order to advertise a diet that involves replacing meals with juicing. The picture caption stated something along the lines of, “If an 11-year-old can do it, so can you!” There are so many issues that frustrated my friend and I: teaching a young girl about her body and self-worth, teaching that same girl (who’s body has a long ways to go in terms of development) that it’s OK to take an easy route to lose weight, and so many other issues that just avoid the RIGHT option, which is a life-long healthy lifestyle and diet.


I love this post! I used to base my mood on the number on the scale as well, I was an awful person to be around if the number wasnt what I wanted it to be. It has been about 3 yrs since I broke up with the scale and I have never felt better about myself. I have learned to love and appreciate my body for what it has done for me and for the races it has carried me through.


Thanks for talking about this! I love your blog and admire how active you were throughout pregnancy and now as a mom. I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant with my first, and although Ive been fairly active (but stopped running around week 23), I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous for my post-birth body. It’s nice to know there’s such an easy and convenient solution :)


I didnt want my babies to be girls because i was afraid i would pass my negative body issues onto them. What a loss for me. I love my boys but a daughter would have been so sweet. I was afraid i couldn’t raise self confident, happy self assured girls.


The scale is what caused a lot of my initial issues because I liked seeing the number continuing to go down. I don’t weight myself every day now (Thankfully) but if I do step on the scale it’s to make sure I’m not losing weight. It’s wierd how much a number can effect you. Your pants will fit until you get on the scale and see you’ve gained a pound or two, then suddenly the pants seem a bit too tight in an area. It’s ridiculous. I’m so happy to hear you’ve parted ways with your past. <3 you


I rarely weigh myself because it definitely brings up bad emotions. I used to weigh myself at least once a day, and like you it would totally determine my mood and how I felt about myself. I feel soooo much better not knowing that number, it doesn’t define who I am!


This made me cry. I am going through something very similar…recovering from anorexia and 20lbs heavier than I used to be *happy* with. It’s a slow struggle but I am 11 weeks pregnant and I care for my babe far more than I care for my self image. Thank you so much for posting this. You are the BEST blogger ever. Let me know if you’re ever in San Diego and need a hug…I have one loaded up for ya :)


I weigh myself 1-2 times a day. My weight fluctuates 1-3 lbs/day and for some reason this fascinates me. It doesn’t affect me emotionally so I don’t see it as s problem. I let the way my clothes fit and how I feel be more of a gauge than weight.
Brooke is gorgeous BTW.


This makes me SO happy. You have no idea. I haven’t weighed myself in 7 months and I’m so much less stressed. I think it’s awesome you have reached that point and I hope that a few years down the road I can feel that way too because it’s really something we should all strive for. I love this post. It’s such a great albeit taboo topic to some degree that needs to be addressed more often. Numbers should not define us or our health.


That is great that you have reached this point with the dreaded scale. It would do me some good to not weigh myself. It totally affects my mood. My husband hid the bathroom scale so I only weigh myself once a week on the wii now. I want to stop weighing myself but I am not there just yet. Almost, but not yet. Dumb scale. It is ridiculous how much it affects our mood or feelings of self worth.


Yes all of the time! I don’t know why because I should be more concerned with how clothes fit and how fit my body is, and I feel good about both of those things. I like that you are honest about having issues with it in the past! I actually turn around at the doctors office when I get on the scale so that it doesn’t effect me… working on it :)


I used to be ruled by the scale too. I would watch the numbers and try to make them what I wanted. Now, I have realized that it’s about how I feel. If I feel good and feel like I am strong and healthy, then those numbers shouldn’t mean much. As I say this though, I do still feel a pang of guilt when I step on the scale in the doctors office and notice that I weigh the same or slightly more than I did before. I feel guilty because I don’t care. That is until someone else is keeping track of it for me! I can honestly say though, that I can fit into my clothing way better than before and no number can change the way I feel about that!


I weigh myself every day and I need to stop –

Really appreciate your story, Janae! Very inspiring and as always, Brooke is the most adorable baby on the planet.


Love this post! You are awesome Janae!! Seeing Brooke’s baby blues every day must make you so happy :-)


I weigh myself at least once a week, just to see a number. I’m realizing I’m losing weight from my new job, but its not the best set up for weight-loss because I’m not eating on a regular schedule. I’m worried I’m losing muscle mass (which I don’t want, I’m a runner!) and not extra fat. I used to let a number effect my whole life. Only because my mother suffered (and still suffers) from a form of an eating disorder so I am used to seeing a scale and relaying on it to make me feel good about myself.
Thankfully, its not that way anymore. In fact I just go by how my clothes fit. I think its best to give your daughter the healthiest body images possible and not having a scale in the mix is the best way to do so. You go HGR Mama!



Also, I haven’t had a scale for almost 2 months. Sooooo liberating!


I love this post!
I have to admit I had an unhealthy obsession with weighing myself too. If the number wasn’t where it was the day before, it affected my mood, my day, and how I viewed my body. It was almost like I was punishing myself. My mom and I had a LONG talk about it a few years ago and I stopped. I gave my scale away and have not weighed myself in over 2 years! I love not knowing because I don’t feel pressure to meet a ‘requirement’ and I feel better about myself than I ever have before. I also think I’m a lot healthier now than I ever have been before, especially mentally. My family and my boyfriend tell me that all the time and have been supportive of this whole process.


Congratulations on overcoming that demon!

And Brooke is pretty much the cutest thing ever :)


Oooh Brooke is so cute! That is such a beautiful picture.

I don’t weigh myself either. I don’t know when I stopped. Probably about a year ago when I started training for my first half, and for the first time was on a consistent exercise schedule and was eating right (consistently!). I moved a few months ago, and the scale is one thing I didn’t pack! In fact, I renewed my driver’s license a couple of weeks ago, and I just had to guess what my weight was!


At 35 years old I wish I could get to where you are with the scale. While it doesn’t necessarily dictate what kind of mood I am in for the day, I do put too much emphasis on it. I go through phases where I won’t weight for weeks at a time and then I hop on hoping I will see a lower number but it rarely happens. The good news is that I am at a number that my body seems to like, a number that allows me to eat what I want without gaining and a number that has leveled out after giving birth to two babies! BUT I still wish it were lower!!


It’s been about two years since I have weighed myself as well. My mom is the one who actually gave me the idea because she hasn’t weighed herself in about 15 years, and she has maintained her weight pretty well. She always told me your weight was just a number and nothing else, and I didn’t really realize how liberating that thought was until after I stopped weighing myself.

My weight does not define me anymore. Allowing a number to make or break me when I have experienced how strong my body is to run a marathon or do “real” push ups, is ridiculous, and can only set me up for failure. I hope that others come to this realization as they read your post.


Janae! This is awesome! Thank you for sharing such an honest and real post. I too battled with my weight on the scale for years, even to the point where I lost a lot of weight because I was controlled by the scale. My body was not happy with me. I remember a time where I couldn’t even eat a cookie at a party because I was afraid it would translate to a number I wouldn’t be happy with. Flash forward to today and I am happily eating cookies, being healthy and totally clueless as to my weight (expect when I go to the doctor – I am about 15 lbs heavier than I was a few years ago but I look great and feel better!) Keep up these awesome posts…we all love you (and your pictures of Brooke and Billy!)


I freaking love you and that picture of Brooke is absolutely priceless. You truly look better than ever Janae and you are one of the most beautiful people I know inside and out. I can see it in your eyes how happy you are and it really makes me giddy! Happiness is so SO much more than weight, money, or PR’s and you have that all figured out and I love the example you are. :)


I’m so happy for you that you have overcome your obsession with a certain number on the scale. That is amazing. Since I’m having a little girl myself, I’ve been praying that I would get past my own body image issues so that I would not pass those insecurities on to her!


Deep in the depths of my eating disorder, I was weighing myself 40-50 times a day at least. Now, I don’t weight myself at all. It took three years to get to this point, but Janae, you were spot on when you said that there is more to life than just that number. I have an infinite number of things to keep me smiling about throughout the day. Knowing that particular number won’t increase or decrease my love of life. To me, the only number that matters these days is how much I’m loving life on a scale of 1 to 10. And that number, I hope, will always be skyhigh!!
Thanks for this post, I think that it’s something that many will need to read. :)


I am so happy to hear this. I feel like more and more of my friends are weighing themselves less and it’s helping them be so much happier. I weigh myself maybe once a month if I’m lucky, and that’s only because I happen to be around a scale. Otherwise, it’s all about how great I feel while hiking for work, running for fun, and enjoying life in the outdoors. :)


I love this post!

I don’t weigh myself everyday because I don’t own any scales. But if there are any around I can’t help myself!

Sometimes it can really affect how I feel about my body. I know it’s ridiculous because what the scales say really shouldn’t matter if I feel healthy.


I love this post. In the middle of my ED, I would weight myself multiple times a day and that damn number would most certainly determine my mood, what I ate, where I went, every single little factor of my day. I have come a ways since then, but I limited my scale usage to once or twice a day. Bad, I know. I admit, I do get freaked out when I see the number go up. This past week especially. It’s hard to relinquish that horrible feeling and control. I’m so glad you did.

Brooke has a very strong and healthy mama. :)


I have to weigh myself twice a month as I’m trying to lose weight. It does affect my mood when I see that I’ve gained or haven’t lost especially when I’ve been working hard. I stopped weighing more than twice a month because I saw how it affected my mood.


Love this post! This is a big deal. I’m so happy for you Janae!!
Thanks for being honest about your experiences and sharing this part of your life with us.
I do weigh myself a couple times a week. I look at it pretty objectively though and it doesn’t affect my mood. If I’m up a few pounds I’ll just eat a little less and I feel fortunate that it doesn’t really evoke any emotion from me. More just a fact.
I’m all about feeling good, being healthy and happy in life.


She is SO CUTE! And it’s great that she is your motivation to set a good example and have a healthy relationship with your body and body image. I’m sure delivering a baby helps you to see your body for what it can DO instead of the force of gravitation exerted upon a body.
I used to be obsessed with numbers and that would be the determinant of my mood (number of calories, number on the scale, number of hours exercised). I’m glad I’m not OCD about numbers anymore!


You are amazing and are such an inspiration! Thank you for being so open to discussing such a tough topic for females! I wish we lived in a society that supported the power of healthy body image and self confidence! Beauty truly is from within :) Can’t wait to pool run with you on Friday. Good luck on your first land run tomorrow!


I absolutely love this post, Janae. I love that you decided to give up weighing yourself, but I think it’s even more awesome that you can go back to knowing what you weigh and not let the number dictate your mood – that’s real freedom right there. In the depths of my ED, I was weighing myself multiple times a day and the number I saw would affect how I acted and how I felt about myself. I gave up weighing myself when I decided to take recovery seriously, and I think that’s a big part of the reason that I was successful. I went years not knowing what I weighed, and I was honestly nervous to jump back on the scale because I had no idea how I would handle a number that I knew would be higher than it was in the past and I didn’t want to fall back into bad habits. But lo and behold, I saw the number and didn’t care. Being away from the scale for that long made me shift my focus to the things that really matter in my life and put a lot less importance on something that essentially didn’t matter. These days I never weigh myself and only step on a scale when I go for a check up… that’s how I like it :)


I dont weigh myself very often anymore. I like to use the mirror as a gauge because the scale is just a number.


Cutest baby ever!!!! You came to terms with one of the hardest thing a woman can do. Great example.


Thank you so much for sharing this- you are awesome!!


Ughh! Thank you for writing this! I used to be OBSESSED with the number on the scale too – pretty unhealthily when I was in high school and college. In the past several years I’ve made the same pact with myself and now I rarely have any idea what my “number” is! It’s so liberating and really, it doesn’t matter. I know I have a strong body that can run far, lift weights and participate in killer Crossfit workouts! I actually had a Dr appt today and of course went through the dreaded ‘weigh in’ and you know what? When she told me the number I just thought ‘hmm, ok I guess that’s nice to know’ but I FEEL great, so that number didn’t even matter to me!


Great post Janae! I know this is something every will struggle with at some point in their lives. I am up about 10lbs from a year ago and some days its tough, other days not so much but the bad days are days when I weigh myself… funny how that works ;) I think it is great to trust your body, eat well and be active and call ti quits there, no scale needed!


I weigh myself every Thursday.

I got to a point where, similar to you, I was weighing myself daily and it was making me crazy. I finally made myself stop because I was only hurting myself and even now, when I weigh myself and the number has gone up I shrug and say “next week I’ll bring it back down”. I don’t think I can get to the point of not weighing myself at all- it’s a nice thought though.

I gauge my health by the amount of activity I’m doing and how I feel while doing it as well as how my body feels- I have a really crummy reaction to junk food and I’m a veggie addict. So if I’m eating a bunch of crap I feel AWFUL.


I loved this post! First, Brooke is absolutely the cutest little girl ever! But, I too used to weigh myself every. single. day. And my mood was completely affected by what that number was. It wasn’t until I stopped weighing myself completely that I was able to focus on getting healthy and living a fulfilling life not based on a number. I have no idea what I weigh right now but feel great about myself both mentally and physically. I’m personal trainer, fitness instructor and am currently opening my own gym so it’s so important to me to be healthy not only for myself but for my clients.


I am so guilty of weighing myself (sometimes even twice a day!) and letting it ruin or make my day. I have toyed with the idea of throwing it away and just letting myself go on my measurements or how my clothes fit me but to be honest I’m scared!


Thank you for this… Maybe I should throw my scale away! I definitely notice it makes me in a bad hood if it doesn’t tell me what I want it to!


This post is perfect timing for me as I just gave up the scale! I love this post!!! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being so real and honest. You’re pretty much my fav ;)


The ONLY scale I step on is at the doctors office and I tell them beforehand I don’t want to see it.

I think people need to remember that the number is incredibly deceiving. I am 5’9″ with a medium body frame so I will never weigh at HEALTHY 120-130… If I’m that low on the scale I need to eat a burger, or 20. That number should NEVER dictate who I am or what my value is to the world or to others.


You are awesome! I’m so glad you had that moment!!!


Great post Janae! I love your blog, and now as a pregnant runner I love to scroll through your old posts and reread about how you ran with a pregnant belly. Keep up the wonderful work.


You rock! :)
I’ve started weighing myself recently… because I felt blah and bloated all the time… realized I had put on about 10 lbs… not of muscle… and it kinda freaked me out… I realize that getting back into shape is a slow journey and weighing myself isn’t going to help matters any… but fitting back into my favorite jeans without feeling like i’m gonna bust the seams will be a great feeling :)


I weigh myself everyday, but at this point I am okay with it. I think it is an important metric to determine if I am making enough good decisions and fewer bad decisions. It has definitely not always been this way, and I have struggled with ED in the past, but I have definitely been in a better place since I got out of the military. I just can’t beat myself up too much anymore.

Also, I love that you are in a better place for Brooke. I aspire to (one day!) be a good role model for someone, but it’s a journey.




I love that sunshine onesie! This is such a great post, because sometimes I feel like it sneaks up on me and all of a sudden I’m going from just checking my weight every now and then, just to know, to checking it every day if not multiple times a day. :/ and that can be such a bummer way to live! So I try my hardest to go by how my clothes fit and how I feel in my own skin.


:D!!! This post made me feel so excited and proud for you! I’m so glad you shared it with us! You’re such a beautiful person, inside and out, Janae!


Thank you for this post! I’m hiding the scale in the garage RIGHT NOW. And omg those beautiful blue eyes! That’s got to be one of my favorite pics of Brooke so far!


Beautiful girl and fabulous post! I, too, weighed myself everyday for 2 years. I stopped 8 months ago and have no weighed myself since. I am a super strong, super fit, super athletic chick and as long as I can fit into my size (X) jeans then I am happy.


I weight myself on week days only. I think scale usage is such an individual habit- for some people they really need to often in order to motivate self-control. For others, it’s a negative thing that fuels self-loathing. You have to do what makes you happy.


How often do you weigh yourself?
-I honestly weigh myself every day. Maybe even multiple times a day. The number doesn’t usually bother me. But I’m obsessed with knowing.

Does the scale affect your mood? Has it in the past?
-It used to affect me in the past more than it does now. I’m generally happy with my number.

How do you gauge where you are in terms of your health?
I’m above average, I would say. I’m active, I have a lot of strength and stamina. I eat decently healthy. AND I’m happy!


I don’t weigh myself often, probably about 4 times a year. Sometimes my weight is low and I’m surprised. You weigh 20lbs more than 3yrs ago? You don’t look like you have 20 more lbs, did you not have much muscle 3yrs ago?


I was thinking the same thing!


Great post!


Amazing post!! Seriously, what could possibly be more important than being the best mom/wife/everything you can be? Nothing. Especially not whatever number pops up on the scale. I also don’t weigh myself, haven’t in about 6 months or so…my clothes still fit, I still exercise and eat healthy, so really what does it matter?


Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this :) You couldn’t have chosen a better picture to post of Brooke for this post :) I admit I have bad feelings about the scale sometimes. But, then I think of my daughter. I think…I would NEVER want her to have negative thoughts about her body because she’s perfect to me and I love her more than anything. I then think about my mom, and what she would think if she knew I sometimes had bad thoughts about weight/scale/body image. It would be heartbreaking to her because I know she loves me for ME :) So, I push those thoughts out of my head and remember what’s important in life :)


Lately I’m also weighing myself about every day. In the last year I’ve lost 30+- lbs by running, and now I’m just curious where my body is going to “settle out” :). Gorgeous pic of your daughter!


hands down, this is the best post you’ve ever written (and i seriously love all your blog posts). THANK YOU! i am currently struggling with my body image and it really helped to read this. i want to work toward having a healthier body image for myself. i’m not a mother yet, but i plan on being one someday and, just like you, i want to be a good role model toward my daughter! thank you again, janae <3


Thank you.


There was a time when I couldn’t weigh myself. Most days now I can… But only because I have my biggest fan (the hubby) to remind me he loves me no matter what! I determine how healthy I am usually by how my pants fit ;-) had to start weighing myself for accountability though when they got a little TOO tight… God bless those who love us no matter what, but sometimes I wish he was a little more honest for my health’s sake!


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post. I struggled with anorexia in high school (I was already thin, but not thin enough in my mind) and overcame it during my college years. I would weigh myself 3 or more times a day, it was consuming my life. Now, at age 26, I rarely weigh myself. Maybe once a month? Though I do still struggle with that high school girl who dreads gaining a few pounds, I honestly don’t care about the number anymore. It really is such an amazing feeling to know if the number is higher than the last time, it doesn’t matter. It’s all about how I feel. I know now as a runner, I need my body to be strong and able to handle what I put it through. If that means gaining a few extra pounds due to the awesome muscle I gain or from that extra cookie I ate after my run, then so be it. Thank you so much for your awesome post today. Women need to be reminded of this more often!!!


Thank you so much for this post! It made me feel a lot better about my own decision not to weigh myself. I was worried that if I accidentally saw found out my weight a year or two from now, I would freak out, but the fact that you have made such peace with that silly little number gives me a lot of hope :)


I am soooo happy to hear you are happy. I haven’t weighed myself in forever because I am so scared of the number.

I haven’t read all of your comments, but if you are still breast feeding you need to maintain a certain amount of fat for proper production.


How often do you weigh yourself?
once every two weeks or so, I will admit it makes me annoyed if i’m not feeling healthy AND the number is changing. but if i’m feeling healthy and the number is different than i remember and i just assume it’s fluctuations in water/fat/muscle and my body is working on stabilizing. one thing it has taught me is that if i eat this cheese burger or cake or whatever it won’t really make a big impact on my weight, especially if i’m working out/ eating right otherwise. what does make a big impact is water, and i have no qualms with drinking a lot of water and gaining water weight! in my mind that means i’m healthy.

How do you gauge where you are in terms of your health?
that’s a toughie, i usually think “well i’m exercising, just not eating right” or vice versa. i try to listen to my body for rest days and when i am dying for one that is another sign that i don’t think i’m doing so well. in fact, on sunday and monday I slept for a total of like 14 hours! definitely a sign that my body was a bit cranky with me.


I simply LOVE this post ! It reminds me that our weight isn’t so important after all, even if I weight myself way too often (every day or two days…). I wish sometime I’ll be like you and won’t care at all. I’m eating well (most of the time), exercises quite often (3-4 times a week), drink so much water that I feel like I’m going to explose and will run my first half marathon in less than 60 days. What could I do more, right ? Still, number on the scale affects me but I’m working on that so that when I’ll have children they won’t be obsessed with their weight as my mother taught me to be. I think that if you eat healthy, exercises and take care of yourself just like you are showing Brooke right know, she’ll be HAPPY with who she is and that’s the best gift you can give her for sure.


I have never been a numbers girl and never even owned a scale of my own. I just go by how my jeans fit :) Now that I’m pregnant and have been actively trying to gain wait – twins need a lot of food – it’s kind of weird to see my weight all the time. I’m trying not to let the high numbers get to me – I just keep telling myself that I’m growing healthy babies!! At this point I’m not even planning on buying a scale to track my progress after the babies are born.


I love everything about this post! Scales can make people feel horrible about themselves, and it’s not worth it! Like you said, it’s just a number. I am starting to not weigh myself as much because as long as I feel good about myself and am happy that’s all that matters. Thanks so much for sharing! :)


I used to weigh myself everyday. I haven’t weighed myself in over a month now because I know that when I do I always get in a bad/sad mood. I was recently married and one thing that really helps me feel good about myself is how my husband speaks to me about my looks. It is really encouraging to hear things like “I’m so proud of how healthy you ate today” and “your workouts are really paying off.” Especially when I don’t feel any different. I am still working on being/eating healthier but I am trying not to get to down on myself.


I have a history of anorexia/exercise bulimia, 8 years without issue and I am way beyond it but I do not weigh myself. I do not know if I will ever be ok with weighing myself, nor do I see the need in doing it unless I am losing or gaining weight rapidly ( not happening). I get annoyed by the nurses at my doctor’s office as when I say ” no that is okay” they persist and get huffy. I always say, if the doctor really wants my weight I will let you do it. My doctor never ever wants my weight! When I was pregnant with my first I was weighed backwards. I have no idea what I gained, it was freeing. Why do they not suggest that with more pregnant women?


8 years, that’s fantastic. I real testament to how far you’ve come.


I do weigh myself every morning. It’s a habit and until I lose the baby weight I will probably continue to do so. It doesn’t get me down though. If the number stays the same I’m not discouraged. It’s more the fact that once I reach my pre pregnancy weight I’m gonna celebrate :)


I love the line about “worth is based on being a good mom, friend etc and not on the number on the scale.” I have struggled back and forth with weight my whole life and sometimes I forget that I my worth is not a number its a state of being. What an adorable picture of your daughter and those beautiful blue eyes:)


I love everything about this post. You are such a wonderful example and it’s beautiful to see you living your life with so much joy and love :)


Thanks for this post. I’ve really been doing some soul searching lately and have realized that I do suffer from disordered eating habits. I used to binge eat in high school and college, and then in my mid-20’s did a crash diet and dropped about 40 lbs. in a crazy short amount of time. I managed to keep it off and have slowly lost more weight over time, and even though I really made many healthy changes, I became more than a bit obsessed with my weight along the way. At my lowest I was only slightly underweight, but to me that became my new normal and when a few lbs. crept back on this year, I found myself in a panic and feeling heavy again, even though rationally I know that a BMI of 19.2 certainly does not indicate that.

I have two daughters and my biggest hope is that they never ever struggle the way that I have with diet, weight and body image. I know that as much as I try to keep my struggles private, if I don’t get it under control before long, they are going to be old and savvy enough to catch on. So, if not for me, I need to learn to be kinder to myself for them so I can be the role model that I want them to have in their lives.


This is such a great post! I am currently in the middle of my weight loss journey (I have lost 29 pounds), so weighing myself is sort off important to me so I know my progress. However, recently I have started weighing myself everyday instead of once a week, and it’s starting to be bad news! When the numbers is higher than I’d like to see, then I can’t stop thinking about it all day and it affects my mood. No good! Thanks for the reminder!


You look more and more beautiful. Chris says smokin hot!


I have the same policy. I typically only weigh myself at the doctor’s office, once or twice a year and I don’t even like to know then. Whenever I’ve started weighing myself on my own I get too focused on the number. I like to judge progress based on how I feel and what shape my body starts taking.

This is so GREAT for you to pass on to Brooke. We need to build our daughters up!


Wow, what a great post!
I have no idea how much you weigh, but in your pictures you always look slim, well-muscled, healthy, and glowing!

I have to admit, I have a terrible time with the scale. I’ve tried not weighing myself so often (actually due to one of your past posts). But when I do, I’m generally not happy about whatever number I see. And then I start thinking things like “you run ‘x’ seconds faster per mile for every lb you lose ” or I look in the mirror and dont like this or that. I really appreciate you modelling how you’ve developed a healthier attitude towards weight. I hope I can be more like you!

PS Brooke is just beyond beautiful!


My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and I’m freaking out thinking about the weight I will gain. I’ve never gained weight in my life (besides freshman year of college!)…it freaks me out.


I weigh myself almost every day but I didn’t start until recently when we got a scale at our house. Before we had a scale, I weighed myself a few times a year and I was 20+ lbs heavier than I am now (and happier with my image). I’m worried that if I stop weighing myself I’ll gain the 20lbs back…which is irrational. Thank you for this post, you’re a great example to follow.


Great post!!! I am so thrilled when women give up the idea that skinny is the goal as opposed to being “fit.” A person can be thin and incredibly unhealthy. I love it when I see “strong is the new skinny” tshirts in the gym. I am my best self when I chase performance (a 5k PR, achieving a weighlifting goal, etc). The scale is irrelevant if I am performing to my best ability and constantly improving.


This awesome! And you look amazing right now, so happy!

I randomly weigh myself but the number doesn’t change too much. I have an odd balance of eating semi healthy food and staying active enough to work it out. I’m afraid of the day my body changes its mind about this, but I’ll use it while I can!

My body image is based more around how my clothes fit and how I feel in them! I haven’t bought new jeans in years…as in I desperately need new ones simply because these are getting a little too holey!


I have struggled since being a teenager with different types of disordered eating. I always said I wanted to get these issues in order and gone before I had kids because I didn’t want to pass the fears, insecurities and self-hate onto my children (esp daughters I may have). For the most part, I have overcome most of the worst patterns of disordered eating, but still struggle with my thought life. And so after having baby #2 (a daughter) last year, I found myself getting obsessed with losing the baby weight. Sadly I started weighing myself again, something I knew better than to do and hadn’t done in years but I did it nonetheless. So began a renewed obsession with the scale. After several months of an emotional rollercoaster with the scale, I decided to have my husband hold me accountable and ask me when I got back from the gym if I weighed myself. My consequence if I did: no gym time for a whole month! That would be killer for me. And I am so blessed to say I haven’t weighed myself since and have been so much happier and joyful for it! The frustrating thing for me is what a slippery slope ED’s can be. It just takes one or two little moves and I can find myself back in obsessive thoughts and actions in regard to my body, what I eat, etc. So for me, I have to be cautious when I think things like, “Maybe I could weigh myself today.” I am not saying others can’t weigh themselves. I am just saying I can’t. I am trying to be honest with myself about what has been a trigger for me and what can still be a trigger for me.


Probably my favorite post — b/c it’s something I needed to read. I don’t weigh myself anymore b/c I struggle to make a healthy distinction between the number and what it means to my health and happiness. I weighed each morning for years and after being married for 2 months my husband mentioned that it concerned him (rightfully so.) We’ve now been married over 5.5 years now and I now only weigh myself once a year or so


I needed this today. Thank you.


Great honest post janea! I haven’t looked at the scale in probably a year. Last I checked I was 136….I’m not even 5’5 and everyone else “fit” that was my height-ish weighed at least 10 less. However I think I lead a healthy lifestyle. I do strength training/weights, cardio, and my diet hits all the food categories! Sure, there are areas that could shed a roll, but I am happy with the way I live so why let it get to me?!


Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment and it’s so good to hear you are in such a happy place and that what is important/mood determining has changed. I am sure you will be an AMAZING role model for Brooke.


Brooks eyes…wow! Beautiful baby.


As someone who has suffered from an eating disorder in the past, this post really hits home with me. I used to live by the scale and if the numbers didn’t continue to go down, I was not happy. I no longer live like that, but I do find myself slipping back into old habits now and then. After I had my first child (she is now 10 weeks old), it was awesome to see the pounds come off daily due the loss of water weight and all that other stuff ;). However, once the numbers stopped dropping I started getting anxious about weight loss and getting my body back. I too use my baby girl as motivation to do what’s best for my body, so that I can hopefully set a good example for her when she grows up.

Thanks for this post, it is great to know that we are not alone.


Wow janae! You really inspire me! I am in high school right now and I really suffer with obsessing over my weight! I totally know what you mean by the scale dictating your mood for the day! You really just made me realize to not worry about my weight, but how I feel! I’m challenging myself to stop weighing myself everyday! Thank you (:


Great post Janae.
I don’t weigh either…I did go through a period where I would weigh every couple of days and it made me crazy.I finally got so sick of worrying about it-and I *knew* it shouldn’t matter-I finally just stopped.That,and just “letting go” of any restrictive habits I had(that was a little harder:))-honestly I have 2 kids and I want to be a good example for them.I think you are doing great and you look gorgeous!!


I get on the scale a few times a week, I try to limit it as much as possible. It is just a number. I just gauge on how I am physically, mentally and emotionally feel.


Yeah. I love this, and your honesty, and you. For the longest time i was controlled by the scale. I would weigh myself several times a day, before eating, after eating, before/after working out etc. Crazy. I had gotten better about it, but still weighed myself often. And then this last time i moved, i took the batteries out of my scale, and simply never put new ones in. It made me really anxious at times, but after a while, i became okay with not knowing. Then just recently i started weighing myself at the gym, starting off by saying it would be once a week. Which of course flew out the window. This evening i had a great run, and was able to go my longest distance in some time, and felt really good. And then before i left i weighed myself. for no reason. And i was upset by the number, and no longer felt good about my accomplishment. Which is so insane! So thank you for reminding me of that. Perfect timing with your post as always. I’m really proud of you. Thanks for sharing.


This is such an amazing post. Thank you for saying such wonderful things. The scale doesn’t define any of us. Being an inspiration to your baby is about a gazillion times more important. I probably weigh myself every other month or so, but I can usually just shove myself into my skinny jeans in order to gauge how many brownies I can consume for the week. :) mmmm, chocolate.


I havent weighed myself in months, not because I am at peace with the numbers, but because I am terrified of them! I struggle with stress eating, but have at least kept my weight in enough control to fit into my clothes by training and running. I fear that the number is still higher than it used to be though. Over the summer when I am on break from college I will probably train harder and eat a lot better, and start weighing myself daily again. I like seeing the number when I need to, but I won’t go completely crazy if I take a few months off.


Thank you for this post. I think it’s common for girls to have obsessed about that stupid number at some point in their lives. It doesn’t mean anything, but we give it so much value. Before I started running, I weighed myself everyday, just to keep things in check. Now, as a runner, I couldn’t care less what the scale says. I weigh myself about once a week. If I’m down, great. If I’m up a couple pounds, so what. I can run farther than I ever have and am in the best shape of my life. That’s how I gauge my health.


I used to weigh every day, then about once every two weeks. Today I haven’t weighed for over a month.

Have you noticed that your food intake is different now you’ve had Brooke? Or is it the same as pre pregnancy?


That baby face!!! She is just THE cutest pie!

Really glad you are in a good place in terms of your strength/fitness/weight. At one point, I believe you mentioned being too light for consistent cycles and being able to conceive, so it’s awesome that you’re naturally gravitating to healthiness :) And you look blissfully happy, fit, and healthy, too!

Now that I’ve changed some of my own eating habits and started CrossFit, I don’t care much what the scale says + my weight has stayed more stable anyway. I don’t have to weigh myself to figure out how 4-6 lbs of bloating weight will make my clothes feel; day-to-day, it’s pretty much the same.


This is a great post!

I’ve been feeling a bit down lately with the weight I am (I lost about 10-15kg after my second baby and have since put 3 kilos on. Seriously – it’s 3 kilos!!! That’s nothing but every time I was getting on the scales it was making me feel worse and then I was just eating more biscuits… Ummm…. cycle much??

So thank you for this post – I have been training for a half marathon and running lots more than normal so I’m going to take heed, stop weighing and just keep healthy and fit. I can do it! (when I have a weak moment, I’ll just come back and read this!) You look fantastic btw!!


You sounds like you’re in such a good place! That’s wonderful!

I, very purposefully, do not have a scale at home. However, that means when I see one at someone else’s home, I tend to hop on. :-) Weird, huh? I probably only weigh myself 4-6 times/year. I feel better assessing how I’m doing by the way my clothes fit and how I feel in the areas of cardiovascular and strength health. I don’t feel at the top of my game right now, but for coming back from an injury, I think things are going pretty well.


I don’t weight myself at all. I hadn’t for a year and then January 1st I started again. Be careful because it can suck you back in quick! I threw the scale away once again last month. It’s just better that way.


You know, I had never really weighed myself (of course I had bad hair days and days I did not feel my best), so it was not and issue for the longest time. Then, I went through some challenge times, and for some reason decided to take it out on myself and got obsessed with the scale for a bit. It could have gone down a VERY scary path but I snapped out of it before it got really bad.

What made me change my mind? I realized I was so self-centered and the scale was literally taking up hours of time everyday. I got tired of wasting my life away and decided I could do much more impactful things with my time. I have not looked back since and I am SO much happier!

And I did the same. When I was pregnant, all I cared about was the health of my baby, as well as my health. Crazy how taking care of another little one will do that for you :-) Plus, when you think about how critical we are with our negative self talk and how never in a million years would we speak to our child that way! Really puts it in perspective.

Thanks for this post.

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