Turns out you have to do more than run to run.

 It’s just a little windy out today so I was ‘forced’ to run on the dirt trail this morning.

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It was beautiful.  

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I will be sticking to the 5k distance this week and then increasing my mileage 15% each week.  

I used to think I was cool stuff because I would wake up, put on my running shoes (and two layers of lip gloss because running with dry lips is my biggest nightmare) and go for my run.  I also thought I was pretty cool to be able to just finish my run and move on with the day. Not anymore.

Now my coach has me spending more time doing drills and stretching than actual running.

Before my run I am spending time doing:

Arm circles

Arm Cross overs

Front leg swings

Side leg swings

Trail leg

Knee to chest

Figure 4

(examples of these drills in the video)


It feels weird to be warm before starting running because I used to just use the first mile of my run to start warming up.  HERE is another video from Runner’s World of some form drills do to before speed work or a tempo run.

And after my run I am doing foam rolling and the Performance Stretching DVD with help from Brooke.

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PS I am obsessed with my new jacket and love that they added on to it the #runhappy part:)  I was definitely running happy this morning even though I feel like I have lost a lot of fitness, it doesn’t matter because I am out running!

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 Now we have two food things to talk about.  I have good and bad news.  Which one do you want first?  Okay, the bad news is that I found the first thing that I don’t like at Trader Joe’s…. their Raisin Bran.  It must not have any sugar or something because it let me down.  Let’s be honest, I will still eat it though.

The good news-  I found the best banana bread recipe.  It is here but it doesn’t say to add chocolate chips so make sure you do anyways.

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Please check out Shelly’s fundraising website.  She will be running to raise money for center research in honor of her Dad.


What is your exact routine before you start a run and after?  Is it different for different types of runs?

When was your last RUN HAPPY moment?  What made it a run happy moment?

Ever had something from Trader Joe’s that you didn’t like?

What is some good news about your day?

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Yum that bread looks really good! I use the first mile of my runs as warm up as well, guess its time for a change. :)


gorgeous pics and that banana bread looks incredible! I still have yet to have something from trader joes that I dislike! {I tried their veggie chips for the first time on Saturday…um…duh?!} amazing!

Good news for today: meeting a friend for dinner and we’re having Mexican!!


My run happy moment was last night running wooded trails! So peaceful!

I guarantee if you try this banana bread recipe it will be your new favorite: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/janets-rich-banana-bread/detail.aspx I PROMISE. I add chocolate chips to mine too.


I am the WORST at warming up before a run! I spend more time making sure my headband is on correctly. I’ll have to check out that video and make it part of my routine, thanks!


Usually before and after any run a stretch my shaky limbs out ;) I try to make sure I get it every single time, but alas, I fail occasionally! I”m also really bad about a “warmup” run…usually my first mile is my warmup! (Or so I think hahah!) Depending on the distance, I’ll take more (or less) time stretching!
As for TJ’s um, we don’t have one around here =( Sad, I know. Please don’t rub it in! I ogle all the fab stuff floating around here and pretend!
Aaaand good news for today is that my run will be outside this eve since it’s finally gorgeous here in Virginia! Woot woot!!!


That trail looks beautiful! My run routine is lace up and run, and stretch afterwards… so not awesome, but not awful I guess? I had a really good running week last week but am taking this week off because tomorrow… guess what… I’m off to France!


In college we did all sorts of warm up stuff (45 min worth!) now my first few miles are warm up! That trail looks beautiful! Please take me there! I haven’t found any other person that likes the TJ sweet potato tots but I love them…


Yum. Banana bread. My last run happy moment was my 7 minute half marathon PR yesterday. Yay!


Last run happy moment: my 5K PR!

GOOD NEWS IS WAY TOO GOOD TO BE IN A COMMENT. Must share details with you & the blogging world soon… :) :) :) :) :)


I <3 foam rolling!


I tend to just use the first mile as a warmup. Sometimes I stretch. It’s awful how lazy I am in everything except the actual run. I did just read an article about how stretching is bad…there is so many conflicting opinions on EVERYTHING that I don’t know who to believe.

I had a RUN HAPPY moment yesterday. I ran 8 miles which was the farthest I’ve run since before I was pregnant (with my now 5.5 month old). I felt strong and I made it and it made me happy.

My 4 year old started swimming lessons today which made him super happy, but really just made me sad because my “baby” is getting so old! I was more nervous than he was.

That banana bread looks good–I’m in the mood for Banana Chocolate Chip muffins, but maybe I’ll have to check out that recipe instead.


My Jillian Michaels dvd uses a lot of those warm-up moves so I guess I should use them before I run, too! I always look forward to your posts since we seem to have injuries in common right now and it’s helping me stay positive.

My “Run happy” moment came at mile 6.2 of my 15k yesterday when a friend said she was going to snag her medal and run with me for the last 3.1 miles!! I really forced myself to watch my pace and not over-do it so it was a true test-run for my half marathon and it was amazing! 1:33:58!


trader joes can do no wrong in my eyes :)

good news – i’m home in chicago for the week!


my last run happy moment was on friday when my friend and i went trail running with our kids in strollers!!! it was such a buzz, i am still grinning three days later!! utterly brilliant.

glad you’re on the run again, and pain free. you’ll get that fitness back, you made a wise decision!


Chocolate chip banana bread might be the most delicious dessert masquerading as a breakfast food that there ever was.

I’m starting to figure out that I’m going to need to spend a lot more time focusing on stretching and post run routines if I want to continue to be injury free, it’s a tough lesson and it kinda stinks :(


Before runs I always foam roll and I use my first half mile as a warm up. After my run I also foam roll and do a lot of different stretches and yoga poses from Yoga for runners.

My last run happy moment was this weekend because I ran my first race with my son. I am so happy that he loves to run. It will give us something to do when he becomes a teenager and decides we don’t have anything in common.

I’ve never tried trader joes before.


Ughhh stretching always feels so good, but it’s SO HARD to make myself do it! Or at least, do enough of it. But I know how important it is, so I need to start making it happen! Also, banana bread with chocolate chips is an excellent choice. I love that sweatshirt- great colour!! :)



I try to do leg swings before and some after and some stretching after too…..but I am not doing very well with thaht and I am starting to notice too!!!! MUST do better. When I got runners knee I followed the drills at the beginning of this you tube video and they worked awesome and for awhile I kept them up but I must say I have been terrible about it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSA-xfbSv6Q….you will love the cheesy music in the background!
Happy momont todayy was my speed work! 4 mile repeats on the track. 6:28,6:26,6:30 and 6:22. So happy to have the last one the fastest. @ mile warm up andcool down made it an 8 mile happy day! Plus I am making spinach artichocke stuffed chicken!!!!
And to top it all off it the NCAA finals and if Lousiville wins I win my bracket!!!!


I do stretching after but I don’t really warm up. Oops. Bad Alyssa.
I had a pretty good run on Saturday, so that’s probably my most recent Run Happy moment. I just felt strong! It was nice.
Good news today…I’m going with friends to BWW to watch the big game tonight! That will be fun :) Trader Joe’s sugar cookies are ok but definitely not the best I’ve ever eaten.


I can see doing 6 minutes of warm up. Why I’d watching the video feel more like 30?


My coach described as a painting project. Before you can actually slap on any paint you have to do a ton of prep work. Then the painting part (the run) is really quick and easy. Then you have to clean up. It used to freak me out when I’d get 4 miles of warmup, drills, strides, etc in before we even started our “workout” but once he explained it to me for some reason it just made sense.


That analogy makes total sense. I always hate the prep work but it makes the paint job look so much better. It’s also true that you can’t really enjoy the painting you did until the room is all cleaned up and looks like a finished product.


I don’t really warm up before a run, unless it is a workout. After my run: I stretch, foam roll, and do drills (I love leg swings and whatever you call the exercise at 2:17 in the video). Some days are better than others but I try to do a little.

One thing I for sure did not like at Trader Joe’s is the frozen burrito (nothing compares to Amy’s Organic Southwest). Otherwise it has all been decent!


I miss the days of “just running”, too. I know one reason I’ll never be an “elite” runner is that I just don’t have the time, energy, or patience for all the OTHER stuff you have to do just to be able to run!


What a gorgeous run! PS: Send me your banana bread :)


I should really start warming up before my workouts to. Not a bad idea! Your coach might know what he is talking about after all :)


Oh gosh my PT used to give me these drills to do before my runs.. I seriuosly did them maybe 3 times haha. I’m always anxious to start my runs, or don’t have a lot of time and would rather run for 40 minutes instead of drills for 10 and run for 30 etc.. but don’t listen to me because I get injured A LOT ha. I’ve learned I can only run 2 days a week and cross train the others so I’m happy with that.

My last happy run was today! I had enough time to run on my favorite dirt trail- plus it was warm out so I could run in shorts/tank! I’m jealous of your year round weather.

I don’t think i’ve had anything i didn’t like from TJ’S- I would just add a spoonful of sugar to the cereal.


I’m so glad you’re running is feeling good! I love that coat. Anything that says RunHappy wins my heart. My last run happy moment was this morning… for some reason it felt more incredible than usual! Maybe it was the nice cool breeze.
(P.S. Was the wind crazy at your apartment last night? Our house felt like it was going to blow away! So much fun!)


If i’m in the gym I usually warm up on the elliptical and do a few stretches, and if I’m running outdoors I’ll do a few stretches and then some warm up moves that I learned from Jillian Michaels videos!


Congratulations on being back to running!

I’ve just done a speed session and I did a 10 min warm up jog, hmmm, might need to be looking into more stretches/warm ups etc…

Lucky I’m making banana bread today so I can try the recipe – bad news – no choc chips in my house :(


That looks like a really pretty place to run. Booking my flight to CA now so I can run with you.

Before my run I put on my shoes and make sure my Garmin has satellite. After a run I try to remember to stretch. I always stretch at least a little after long runs.

Last run happy moment: the color run 5K I did this weekend. It was truly a fun run, I didn’t worry about pace at all, and I made new friends.

Good news for today: I think I’m finally getting over a bad cold I’ve been fighting.


My surprise happy moment today was learning that my hub’s mother is willing to help me make a special race onesie for Susanna in 2 weeks when we visit- the day before the race!

I love my mother-in-law!!


What is the race onesie going to say? I’m dying to make something cute for my daughter to wear when I run!


The race is the Save the Frogs 5k in Seattle on 4/29, so the onesie is going to be a frog one. It’s hopefully going to have a 3D component, but my m-i-l and I are still working out the details so I don’t have a picture of it yet. I’ll share a picture of it when we have it done!

Your response has me thinking of how we might make it a running shoe instead. Hmm…. and thank you!



My runhappy moment was yesterday when my hubby took the baby for a run and I caught up with them. So fun!!

Sometimes Trader Joe’s produce goes bad before I can consume it. But I guess that means its fresh ;)


I love your new jacket and the lulu headband!! Soo cute. Anything is better if it makes you runhappy. Especially when it says it right on what you’re wearing. I really struggle with not bumping up my mileage too much right after being injured so I give you major props for taking it slowly. I’m the first to jump right back into long runs and pay for it later.


My warm up high knees, butt kicks, touch my toes with feet crossed, arm circles, a lot thats in the video.

My last happy run with this past saturday, the Hollywood Half Marathon. My first half marathon! I did it in 2:21, which was 20 minutes faster than i thought i could do AND i was in zero pain afterwards!! not bad for being 50 yrs old and my first one. plus it was a hilly course. i was HAPPY!! and p.s. – anything from Brooks make me happy. love their Pure Flows!


I sent this page to my email so I can watch to video at home and do it. Thanks for posting this. I’m like you, I normally don’t warm up.


I have a run happy moment any and every time I run dirt trails. I try to get out at least once a week.

I never warm up. I just start running…I know you’re SUPPOSED to warm up…but it just seems so tiring.


i always just start running and warm up like you said. but actually it makes a lot of sense to do some other moves to get warmed up.

and we pretty much love what trader joes has to offer except their cheerios. so maybe it’s a cereal thing.


I love the drills in the video, and I love my foam rollers, but I really should be better at stretching!

My last happy run was a few weeks ago when I ran 15 miles with a friend. It had been a while since we’d been able to run that far together.


I’m really bad about just going out and running without doing anything beforehand and just jumping in the shower right after the run. I really really need to get better at that but there’s just never enough time.


It”s funny how many different things you need to do to succeed with running. and that banana bread looks amazing!


Ooh, the banana bread looks good.

I’m terrible at stretching before and after running. I just like to run and get on with my day, too.

Today was a happy run! I ran faster than I have in a long time and actually felt good.


I never do a warmup before I start running. It’s a horrible habit, but I don’t do a warmup of any kind. My first mile is my fastest!


I am totally guilty of skipping the warm up and letting my first mile stand in (I know it’s bad!).

I am just so jealous of all those who are able to enjoy Trader Joe’s, because here in Birmingham, Al, we have to do without. (Let the pity party ensue).


It sounds like you’re doing great with the extras to make sure you stay away from any further injury! I don’t think I’ve ever had anything from Trader Joe’s I didn’t like.


Never ever ever get the pre-made brownie batter at TJ’s. It’s already mixed up and you just pour it in a pan to bake. Sounds delightful, I know, but it is terrible.

Can’t remember my last run happy moment :( I haven’t gotten back into running since my son was born 10 months ago. I couldn’t run during pregnancy, so it has been a while. Maybe now that the weather is nice…

Thanks for writing a fun blog! I started reading it because we have the same name… Doesn’t happen too often! Now I’m hooked :)


Your name is janae and you have a ten month old?!? We are meant to be bffs!


ahh i’m guilty of skipping stretching and properly warming up before running (or exercising in general).

holy cow, your banana bread looks amazing!! =)


Trader Joe’s produce I have been disappointed with, but there are so many other things I love. Their corn bread mix is great and my kids love Joe’s os. Also love using their pancake mix. I don’t usually warm up before a run :( I should though.


I also don’t love their rasin bran. But their froze brown rice is amazing. I tried it last night and it changed my life. Also, their reduced guilt brownie mix is all pretty amazing.


Bailey, I just had their rice today with a piece of salmon – I stirred in a little preserved lemon pesto and it was awesome!


I don’t have much of a routine for running. It’s really hard for me to run in the morning on an empty stomach, so I usually run after work. I guess my routine would be to drink a ton of water throughout the day at work and make sure I have a snack before I leave so I can get right back out the door ASAP when I get home.

Good luck with your training! Hope you can get back to your lovely long runs soon. :)


Chan, try a handful of nuts in the morning to get you through your workout. Works for me!


I’d rather run in the evening as well- I have much more energy saved! Howvere, Sunday’s long runs have to happen in the moning…so I’ll try Emma’s trick! Thanks!


I have made banana bread (with both dark and white chocolate chips) TWICE this past week! I’ve also taken down both loaves with little help from the hus. My “run happy” moments mainly consist of some sun, about 65 degree weather, and being outdoors surrounded by trees (not passing cars). I’m digging that jacket!


I never warm up before running but I’m great about cool downs. My last run happy Time was during my run in Miami. Running through the neighborhood i grew up in is the best:) I’ve been craving banana bread for a few weeks so I can’t wait to try this recipe!


What is your exact routine before you start a run and after? Is it different for different types of runs?
-Well my start consists of me getting dressed, then picking my music, then I run. Haha. That’s my “warm up”. Afterwards, I do some stretching for my legs and hips. Not as much as I should though.

When was your last RUN HAPPY moment? What made it a run happy moment?
-TODAY! Not only was it beautiful out for the first time this year, but I PR’d on my 5 mile time! Best time ever!


I need to do better about warming up. Usually my first mile is sluggish and then I start to feel normal. Perhaps if I warmed up first that first mile wouldn’t be so dreadful. And now, I’m off to make banana bread! Mmmm.


I always use the first mile as a warm-up. I generally get up, get dressed, drink a glass of water or two, then head out. If I’m doing a longer run, I’ll fill up a water bottle to take with and maybe eat something super tiny to get me through the run until breakfast time. This morning was a runhappy moment for me…I was just happy to be awake and outside running with the sunrise :D

Good news for today: Got a good chunk of a paper I have due in a couple weeks that I have been stressing about.


Hmm good news about my day … well, I’m officially at 40 weeks today! But the not-so great news is that she hasn’t decided to make her appearance yet. But that’s OK! I went shopping and got to spend time with friends, so I suppose I can wait a little longer to meet her. Fingers crossed she comes in the next couple of days!


I help run a 2 hour track practice on Tuesday and Thursdays – the first 1/2 hour is always a warm-up – followed by drills and then some running – followed by a circuit of some sort. Lots of stuff – but we don’t “run” for two hours :-)

My own running, I don’t really do much of a warm-up – it is a timing thing, I’m lucky to get 30 minutes of free time to run (especially during track and field season). BUT – I try to work out with my team


I always run on dirt, even though I have to stop and empty my shoes sometimes!

My last run happy moment was yesterday, when I finished ten miles on hills in a cold north wind. That’s my longest long run yet (training for my first half marathon) and while I almost quit at mile 9, I thought to myself “Jeez, you’ve just run nine and only have one to go! Why quit now??” I remembered something I read that says the only mile you have to run is the last one, so I was one happy camper when I finished!

Thanks for the video on drills – I usually only do a couple of quad stretches, and run slow(er than normal) the first mile.

I haven’t found anything I don’t like at Trader Joe’s, but then I’m not a cereal fan (I know, I know – now we’re in a fight)…..


Thank you, Janae!


I can’t wait to read how all these changes in your running positively impact your running! I def do dynamic moves prior to running and am glad you that are,too!


Banana bread!!! I want!!! Looks deeeeelicious!


Great video — I definitely need to be more diligent about doing things like that to warm up!

I made Banana Bread this weekend too with many, many chocolate chips — it’s the only way!! :)


I’m going to have to still some of those warm up moves! We did a lot of those before Volleyball and Basketball Practice but I’m not very good at warming up before long runs anymore:(


My last run happy moment was this morning. I got to test out my brand new trail shoes in some brand new to me trails! I am on a trail running roll. Some good blogging news about my day is I wrote one of my favourite posts to date! Man I love blogging.


That trail run looks like HEAVEN!


I just run! I probably should warm up, haha. I have banana bread upstairs, going to get some now. I really want to go to a Trader Joes so bad!!


I just warm up by walking or jogging really slowly. After the run, I’ll stretch out my muscles… but I haven’t done other routines for a warm-up.
It’s pretty windy up here in SF, too!


I made an excellent banana cake with browned butter frosting for a co-worker today, it was her birthday. It was a huge hit


All your pre-and post run work will pay off! Plus, if Brooke is by your side, it makes it even more fun!! :)


Ok- you’re not gonna like this. There is one thing that I don’t like from Trader Joe’s and it’s one of your favourtite items: the champagne pear vinaigrette with gorgonzola. Sorry! On the other hand, you’ll be happy to know that you got me addicted to the mandarin chicken!

I had an happy run today! It was one of the slowest runs in my running history- I met up with some people from my running team that I had never met before and their pace was much slower than mine (which is unbelievable- usually I end up running by myslef during our meetings because the other runners are too fast!). However, it was the first official day of spring in New York City, so I enjoyed a beautiful run along the river! Plus, it’s always so nice to meet new people ;)


My latest run happy moment was finishing a half marathon and not having anything hurt in an injury type of way :-). I am very injury prone :-(.

Part of my post-long run routine is to stretch, ice, and have some chocolate milk!

I am totally making that banana bread…with chocolate chips.


My boys and I love banana bread with chocolate chips!


That banana bread looks delicious!

How does Brooke always look so happy and adorable?


I need to be doing drills and stretches before and after. I never do and look where it got me. Ugh. So glad you’re back to running pain free friend. And LOVE the jacket too!


Since dealing with adducter tendonitis, I’ve been trying to take time to warm up before running… but why is it so hard to stick to?! :) My good news this week is that I got the ok from my coach to do my last 20 miler before my marathon in 3 weeks! Cute jacket… Brooks running clothes are awesome!


I am in desperate need of a run happy moment!! I had my gallbladder removed a little over a week ago and I cannot WAIT to get out and run again!


I’m hoping today will be a run happy moment after a pretty disastrous long run this past weekend.

I’m glad you’re back to running!


I never used to warm up or cool down either. I thought running slow the first mile was good enough. Well after a year of off and on njuries, I started warming up similar to what you’re doing now. It makes a huge difference. Glad to see you back running!


That jacket is great! My routine changes depending on the day for my runs. During the week I typically run during lunch (pending no meeting conflicts) so if that is the case I eat breakfast at 6am, change quickly around 11am and head out the door, I sometimes stretch and do abs but depending on the distance I just hop right in the shower, I have been known to stretch in there. On the weekends for long runs it is totally different. I wake up, eat, wait an hour, and head out. I will again sometimes stretch but rarely, I am working on it : )

Glad to see you out and running again!!


My first real (albeit short) run post-injury this weekend definitely was a #runhappy moment. I’m still flying high and can’t wait to try it again later this week. I’m so glad you got your #runhappy in too. :-)


I spend 20 minutes pre-run wondering which running clothes are the least dirty… But I’m thinking maybe I need to incorporate something else, as well.


Like you in the past, I really don’t have a routine before, I am trying to stretch a little bit more, but I typically just put on my shoes and go.. maybe that is why I am having so much calf pain…I had run happy moment on Sunday when I ran with my husband. We never get to run together, he is in law school, I hardly see him! I am not a fan of the Chicken sausage at TJ’s I feel it is too mushy or something. One good thing about my day yesterday was I went to Target!! :)


My run happy moment was last Wednesday when I completed my first double digit run and signed up for a half marathon this weekend! I AM SO SO SO EXCITED!

Also, it is an absolute rule that you HAVE to add chocolate chips to banana bread…or well anything actually! I looked it up ;)


Mmm… banana bread. I know what I’m baking this week. :)

If I’m running outside, I just use the first 1-2 miles as warmup. If I am inside on the treadmill, I walk for about .25-.50 miles really slow to warm up. Either way I’m not doing any stretching or crazy movements until after my run. My running “coach” (technically she isn’t my coach but she’s the president of my running group and a certified coach and trainer) has actually told me NOT to stretch before running because, as she put it, your muscles are like taffy – think about stretching a piece of taffy when it’s cold, right out of the wrapper. It will snap. Now think about stretching a piece of taffy after you’ve rubbed it in your hands for a few minutes and it’s warm and flexible. That’s why she advises we stretch after, but not before. But that is just one person’s opinion!


Definitely interested in looking at those drills! I usually use the first mile as a warm-up right now too and never really thought much of it.


I enjoyed a RUN HAPPY moment with my husband over Easter weekend. We were visiting family, and with plenty of willing, free babysitters to watch our girls, we were able to go for a trail run together. We rarely get to run together anymore because we have to divide and conquer to get in our workouts. It was so nice to enjoy the trails together. Looking forward to a race we’re both doing in a few weeks. Of course, my husband will be WAY ahead of me, but at least I’ll see him when he flies past after the turnaround.


O0o0o0o0 I ALWAYS add chocolate chips to banana nut bread! It’s the best combo! Glad you’re back to running! Yay.


Cute jacket! You are the epitome of RunHappy!

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