So much to tell you and a RAY-BAN GIVEAWAY!!

Some days I feel like I just have so much to tell you about so sit back and relax because this is probably going to be a lot.

Spin this morning was a great one. Allergies have completely attacked me this spring and so I was up for good pretty early this morning and not in the mood to spin. I tried to be grumpy but about 5 minutes into our ride the endorphins took over and wouldn’t let me continue to be grumpy. Exercise. Does a body and mind good.

So our fancy personal waterfall (that is what I tell Brooke it is called so maybe that is why she likes it) that we have keeps her entertained for 20 minutes straight. Sometimes she just closes her eyes and puts her hand under for a little while. It is adorable.

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I am wearing my new Toms from my aunt! I was showered and ready for the day by 9 a.m. That just doesn’t happen.

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I strongly believe that simple foods really are the best foods. My two examples that will convince anyone about this fact are: toast (with pb and jam) and cereal. Eating it while sitting on the ground makes it even tastier.

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A reader sent me an email with THIS workout. I watched it yesterday and just watching it made me tired and a little dizzy. If you are looking for a fun new (free) workout… try it out. I think I might give it a go tomorrow!

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As you know, I am obsessed with sunglasses.

I don’t know how to run without them and if I leave my house and forget them I make Billy turn the car around to go home and get them.

I have a new favorite pair (my personal photographer decided to go to school today and Brooke hasn’t learned how to take a picture yet… hence the self photograph).

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The Sunglasses Shop sent me a pair of Ray-Bans This is my first time trying out this brand (I usually wear Oakley) and I absolutely love them.

The Ray-ban Wayfarers (I chose the Light Havana Crystal kind but they have tons of different colors to choose from!)

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They are comfortable, I think they look pretty awesome and they are super durable (which is necessary for me). The other cool thing about them is that they fold up and fit into a super small little case… it is sad how excited I get about things like this.

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To enter giveaway for a chance to win a pair of Ray-ban Wayferers:

-Leave a comment on The Sunglasses Shop Facebook page saying ‘Enter Hungry Runner Girl’s Giveaway!’

Giveaway will end on 4/30/13!


A reader emailed me asking for YOUR opinion on running watches!!! If you have one and you recommend it will you please tell us what you have and why you like it in the comments!!!

Does anyone else have allergies right now?!? Ever had seasonal allergies before?

Absolute favorite simple food/meal?

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My favorite simple meals are Annie’s gluten free mac & cheese (which I’m currently craving!) and peanut butter and honey toast (which was breakfast).


I love Annie’s!


Yay! Thanks for this giveaway. This is awesome! I love Ray-Ban! :)


I really love the Garmin 310xt. It has the heart rate function and a map function that I use all the time and love. I also love being able to hook it up to Garmin Connect and track my progress


I love the bath pic. That is pure, simple bliss. I needed to see something uplifting. Thanks!!


Peanut butter and honey, or veggies with hummus currently! Allergies are the WORST! I hope it gets better for you!!! Love the picture of Brooke and your waterfall :-)


Um, I love those sunglasses.

I’ve done Iron Strength. My husband and I do it at least once a week. It’s no joke. Well, I’m a wuss so don’t go off my standards.

I need those Tom’s. They are freaking adorable.


I love Mac and cheese or anything a 4 year old would like. As for watches, I’ve only ever owned a garmin 405 for my fancy watch and I am not a fan. It does so fast and takes forever to find the satellites so I stick to my Walmart timex with flowers on it. It never fails me.


I love my Ironman watch, it was $35 on Amazon. It works really well, but I haven’t tested the waterproofness yet


I wear my Timex Ironman to swim laps and have never had any issues with water damage.


That’s the only kind that my husband wears. I tease him that it’s true now that he’s finished an IronMan race. Simple works best!


I am on my third timex ironman! One stolen one lost. I have a GPS watch but I have so many of my routes memorized I just use the timex


I need a recommendation on running glasses. I love mine but they are so old and falling apart. Can anyone tell me about a pair they love?! Thanks!


I <3 sunglasses.


i LOVE my Garmin! I usually wear it on every run! My fav snack right now is banana with peanut butter! SOOOO amazing!
Left a comment!


Glad someone else shares my love of sunglasses. I wear my Optic Nerve sunglasses everywhere. They’re great on runs and rides too.

I’m pretty lame when it comes to running watches and rock it old school with a classic Timex Ironman watch. I always have it on. Always. I have so many pictures from weddings and other special events with my trusty Timex on my wrist.

Right now my fav simple snack is homemade cinnamon raisin bread with nutella on top. Yum!


Could Brooke be any cuter with her “waterfall”? That’s precious! I really love the Ray Bans, I’ve been wanting a pair for a while now! I just did a race on Sunday and thought to myself how badly I needed a pair of sunglasses, I think those would be perfect!


I LOVE MY GARMIN!!! and I live in oklahoma, I always have allergies!!


LOVE PB and raspberry jam together on english muffins! Cereal and oatmeal are great as well. Allergies are okay for now. I most likely just jinxed that, though.


Oh man. I get seasonal allergies (which is why Spring is my least favorite), so I’ve been dealing with on and off itchy eyes, running nose…the works!
I just discovered grilled pb&j and oh my goodness it is sooo good! Definitely a new simple favorite!


I have allergies!! They suck! And I never had allergies until this year.

I got an allergy test–turns out I’m allergic to dust! Dust!!???? not even a cool allergy…


I actually think I am one of those people whose body chemistry messes with watches. I’ve gone through three Garmins and they all work great for like a month and then start going nuts with wrong distance, paces, etc. So, I probably shouldn’t recommend any.

I’m so excited for your giveaway! I love my bright pink wayfarers and was just thinking I needed some more!


I desperately need a pair of nice sunglasses. Favorite food(s) would be pancakes and peanut butter, oh peanut butter ON pancakes. Mmm….


i am obsessed with pb noodles!


I love my Ray-Bans but they are too expensive for athletics activities so I stick to Tifosi for running. They are awesome because they don’t slide down your nose when you sweat.
I have a MotoActv watch that I really like. It’s fairly intuitive and you can put your music on it.
Simple meal = Multi-Grain Cheerios FTW.


Fave simple meal: brown rice with sour cream. I buy Daisy b/c it only has one ingredient, and I think it’s important to eat things that contain the fewest…well, things! Rice and sour creammmmm…… There is a reason sour cream ends in and ‘m’. mmmmmmm. :) See!? dreaming about it now!


Soured cream is the BEST!


what a happy baby… adorable!

simple meal.. avocado and turkey sandwich with tapatio


I love my Garmin 610. I love the virtual partner feature, battery life and I’ve never had to use the feature that can help you if your lost.


virtual partner? That sounds cool!!


Here is a video


I am looking for sunglasses!!! I was looking into Oakley.
When Oakley’s are your fav??
Those Ray-bans are cuhhhutte!
It’s so great how babies/kids are entertained by the simplest things!
I love me a simple pb&J or pb&b sammich!!
Never gets old!
Oooooh I look forward to the watch comments
as I am looking for one as well :)


I have the Garmin Forerunner 610 and am totally in love with it!!! The one drawback (for me) is that it’s a bit heavy and the first few times I wore it I got a bruise on my wrist from it moving around on my little wrist. I tightened it so it wouldn’t move which fixed the problem :)


I need a recommendation on sunglasses for running… I have issues with comfort (either them being too tight or the nose piece gets annoying). What kind do you use/love?

I am obsessed with apples+sun butter almond butter! Its the best pre-workout snack!


I love my Garmin Forerunner 10! It’s simple but I feel like it’s all I really need/ want in a watch! My favorite simple meal/ snack is toast either with pb, nutella or cookie butter!


ooooo now those are some cute sunglasses! She is going to have the same message on her facebook wall allll day!


My allergies are SO bad right now. They’re making it really hard to get out for a run. I heard this year is worse all over the country!


I recently got the Nike+ Sportwatch GPS and love it! I think one of the greatest things is that website you use to upload your runs. In addition when I am running inside I can use the Nike pod and unload my runs to the same site. Plus its super simple to use. Sometimes simple is just better.

Ceral for sure! If I lived alone I think I would make ceral dinners once a week, but not sure my guy would like that too much.


Ahhh I LOVE your Ray Bans!!! That is amazing that they fold! So cool! of course, I entered, because I have always wanted a pair of wayfarers! :)

Also, Brooke in the bath tub with her eyes closed is so cute. I totally get it. That water feels so cool :)



I have a Garmin Forerunner 110 (in black) and I love it. Works perfectly, extremely easy, logs distance, time and pace, splits etc. Doesnt have a HR but can be given one I think. Only issue I have is it can take a while to get signal sometimes but I do live in a city!

Also omg I love love love raybans shape. Thanks so much for this giveaway :)!


Cheese pizza! Or cheese melted between two quesadillas. I love my Garmin 305 even though it looks like a computer on my wrist


Those sunglasses are exactly like my real glasses… I think that means I need them :)
My favorite simple snack is a honeycrisp apple with a packet of Jason’s Peanut Butter. Deliciousssssss.


You just gave me another reason to love you, I am addicted to Honey Crisp apples. I have about 15 in my fridge, no joke!


Totally with you! Honeycrisp apple with peanut butter!


If you mix half PB and half plain Greek yogurt, it makes a delicious dip for fruit, especially apples and bananas. Yummmmmmm!


i just posted on their facebook page! and favorite simple meals are cereal and milk and graham crackers and pb and banana, and pasta with grated cheese!


I’m curious about running watches too and was going to do a post on it asking for opinions, but you’ve beat me to it! Curious to see what everyone has to say! My favorite simple food is oatmeal with peanut butter and chocolate chips. Or just plain oatmeal. I love oatmeal so much that I worry I am an old person.


Done and done! I hope I win, those sunglasses are super cute!

Fave simple foods: Arugula with olive oil, lemon juice and s & p. And I LOVE buttered sourdough toast. Oh, and dates stuffed with nut butter. Yum!


I want to enter the giveaway, but I don’t have a Facebook! :(


I wish I didn’t have a FB, it sucks valuable hours from my life! lol


I really like my Garmin Forerunner 10. It is simple but super easy to use and all I need. I have the neon green one and think it looks pretty cool too :)


Brooke is absolutely adorable! Are her eyes really that blue? Do you enhance the pictures at all?!?! Such a pretty color!


I love that style! And it’s so cool that they fold up. I would choose the wayfarer style too.


Wish I could say that I have allergies right now…instead we got snow here AGAIN today :(


I have the Nike+ GPS watch and I love it! It is very simple to use, and I love the motivational comments and the run analyses on the Nike+ website. I also like how it compares you to other runners! But it is the only watch I have used so I’m not sure if other watches do this too. :)
My favourite simple meal is spaghetti with olive oil and garlic!


I LOVE my Nike as well!! I just bought one for my dad! And sometimes the motivational comments crack me up… I love it though! And the way it keeps track of all your workouts online is so convenient! Glad you are liking yours as well :)


I was going to get the Nike+ but I didn’t! Ugh. Spaghetti is the best meal ever :)


I used to have really bad allergies when I lived in LA. I blamed the smog. I don’t have it as bad anymore, thank goodness. Although it seems I get a cold and then am congested for weeks afterwards. I don’t know if that has anything to do with allergies or not.


I only get seasonal allergies while pregnant. Seriously. Pregnancy messes me up.

I love that she closes her eyes to really get the feel of it. Oh I like her. She will also probably the youngest person to learn how to take pictures. With you as her mother, I do not see it any other way.

Why is your aunt just giving you Toms? And is she looking into adopting new people to love (*give things to)?


The waterfall picture is BEYOND adorable. (I feel like I use the word “adorable” excessively on your blog.)

I used to own a pair of Ray-Bans!…and then we lost them when we moved. Sad day. :( Definitely entering this though!

I currently have a Garmin Forerunner 310XT, and I love it. It’s capable of having 4 “things” (time, pace, etc.) displayed on a single screen, and it’s super customizable. It’s also can be in water up to 50 feet deep, although the GPS conks out when it is in the water (which isn’t a problem for me, but might be for someone else). I love the fact that I can take it out in the rain and not worry at all about if it’ll be damaged in any way. It can also be used for biking. It’s been rated as one of the most accurate watches on various sites. It’s a tad clunky and awkward-looking, but it doesn’t feel heavy to me when I’m running. The battery also lasts a pretty long time–I only charge mine every two weeks or so. The newer version, which apparently is better in water if that matters to you, is the 910XT, I believe? But the 310XT works well for all of my needs!


Yes to the allergies. Uggggggggggggggg my eyes itch.

Simple food. Bread and butter.


LOVE this! I’ve been watch shopping for forever and just haven’t committed to anything- can’t wait to see the comments!

Simple meal: Veggie burgers + cheezy kale, TJ’s giant white beans in pasta sauce (with the spaghetti sauces in a jar) aside brown rice and steamed kale, TJ’s veggie dumplings with their edamame succotash and some ginger soy dressing.


Doneee! I have a garmin forerunner 405cx and love it. It’s pretty small, light, and gps loads quickly.

Oh and I’m right there with you about fav simple foods – pbj and cereal are my go-to’s. Also, popcorn. :)


Love the Ray Bans! They are adorable on you too.

I couldn’t agree more with you on the PB&J on toast and cereal thing… I’ve been eating those two foods constantly lately! They’re quick, easy, and so darn good!

Love your new Toms! Very cute!


Folding sunglasses! Amazing!

I’m running tomorrow, but I want to try out some of that workout.

One of my favourite simple meals is toasted english muffins with butter and cereal.


I love garlic spinach bread! It’s so easy and SO delicious! I have a history of seasonal allergies, but since the weather hasn’t been consistently warm my haven’t started acting up. I woul assume there are more allergies in California than Utah!


I have a Nike GPS watch and LOVE IT!!! I got my dad one for christmas!! I highly recommend it!

Yes allergies— to CATS and to spring time : ( I don’t mind the cats since I don’t like cats anyways (very much a dog person) but I do hate that ever spring I am constantly sniffing, itching, and sneezing!! so annoying for runs!

Favorite simple meal is VERY simple!! — Can of black beans, can of mushrooms, canned chicken, canned tomatoes w/chillies, and frozen kale– Throw all into a microwavable bowl, with salt/pepper, oregano. Microwave for 2:30 mins.
BOOM DONE! ——>I then like to serve with tortilla chips and use the chicken/bean/veggie concoction as a “dip” !!! yummmmmmmy


Cereal and pb&j…. The best and so fast and easy


I used to get the itchy watery eyes when I was in San Jose all the time, but now that I’m in SF for most of the week, it doesn’t really bother me. I guess there is a wider variety of trees in San Jo’?
Cool giveaway :D


I think my favorite simple meal is smashed avocado on toast with salt and pepper. Yum!


Love my Garmin 10. It really is the most affordable (cheapest), but GOOD running watch out there. I first learned about it on a post HRG did a while back!


my favorite simple meal is either toast with avocado or scrambled eggs with veggies. mmmm :)


Love those sunglasses! I entered :)


I have a lot of allergies and in spring 2011 I had to stop running for a little while because they were out of control. The allergist gave me xyzal and they have not bothered me once since. Spring and fall are the worst. Hopefully you can find something to help combat them for you.
I have a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses that have no hinges and feel like they weigh about a gram. They are so light!! Love them but you need to hands to put them on and they don’t fold up. Your daughter is absolutely adorable in her pictures.


I can’t leave the house for longer than 1 minute without sunglasses. It’s bad. My favorite simple food is a fried egg. Unless french fries count. Then it’s definitely french fries.


Ahh I adore Ray Bans! Glad you joined the club. :) Also, my dad bought me a trainer for my road bike today and I set it up in my living room so it’s like I have my very own spin bike! All very exciting.


Every meal of mine is simple, lol. I looove my Toms! I’m looking at finally getting a running watch. I don’t use anything! it would be nice to know my pace once in awhile. I feel like your posts correlate with my life really well!!


I’ve did the Ironstrength workout all winter. It’s crazy hard, but I really think it has helped me get a lot stronger and become a better runner. Be careful the first time you do it cause it made me SUPER sore for the first two or three times!!!


If you’re looking for a watch with GPS, I highly recommend anything in the Garmin line. I have had a Garmin 405, 910xt and now a 210. I have loved them all. I love loading everything up to Garmin Connect to keep track of my progress and maps and most of the watches have features where you can customize interval workouts and things like that.


I have the Garmin 610. It is awesome. I love the touch screen and the sleek look. I have petite wrists so I didn’t want a huge watch. This one is perfect for me! Added bonus is that is black and blue!!


I love pb&j!


Excited about the Ray-Ban Giveaway!! And I would love recommendations for a pair of sunglasses that you love for running – reasonably-priced ones, since I’m a teacher ;)


Enter Hungry Runner Girl’s Giveaway!
(and yes, my allergies up here in Utah are out of control right now. Plus I ran the SoCal Ragnar in weekend last weekend, so I had to deal with CA allergies over the weekend, which are of course different than the UT ones.)


Fav simple meal = oatmeal and pb. I eat it EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I live in the city that was ranked #1 worst city for allergies in the US. Thank GOD I don’t have any allergies!


Ahh the workout looks hard!


Awesome giveaway!


My favorite simple combo lately is cracker (or thin toasted crispy bread) + cheese + jam or honey. It can be goat cheese with raspberry jam or parmesan and honey or cream cheese with chipotle apricot jam. Its so easy, but tastes super gourmet.


Those sunglasses are amazing! I literally just broke mine the other day and am so devastated at the prospect of needing to buy new ones.

Fav simple mean: avocado, goat cheese, saltines. Best combo


meal, not mean


I put anything I want to take with me next to my sunglasses so I won’t forget the item; because like my keys, there’s no way I’ll leave the house without them. Just popped over to the Sunglasses Shop Facebook page to enter. Wish me luck!


I LOVE MY GARMIN! You can’t beat it :)


I just watched that workout video online yesterday. I want to try it too. It looks like a good one. I have the Garmin 405cx and have really liked it.


Favorite Watch: Garmin 405CX (w/HRM) or Polar FT7 for a non-gps option.

Allergies: I have the worst seasonal allergies! Its been bad since Febuary…. sore throat, running nose, congestion, sneezing, itchy palms. I started allergy shots last July and hope to overcome this dreadfulness very soon!

Simple food: I love frozen waffles w/PB for a pre-run snack. Eggs and toast are a staple meal at our house.

Thanks for the giveaway!! Brooke is soooo adorbs in the tub :)


I love my Garmin Forerunner 10. It’s my first watch and I’m not a techie so it’s easy enough for even me to work. You can’t go wrong with cereal as a simple meal! I love your shoes. And that picture of Brooke and her waterfall is priceless!


I have the Garmin Forerunner 10 and it is so awesome!!!! Its pink and small and does everything I want. The battery only lasts 5 hours and there isn’t a heart rate monitor so if I ever run a marathon I might get something more heavy duty but right now doing 5ks, 10ks or even a half its perfect for me! I never have allergies which I’m so thankful for. My favorite simple food is almond butter and honey on bread with a glass of milk.


I LOVE my Nike+ GPS watch. I sync with the Nike+ website and love that you can add friends and set goals.

I also love this giveaway. I need a new pair of sunglasses


I did that Iron Strength workout for the first time yesterday and did prob 1/3 of the reps recommended. I’m literally sore all over my entire body today – I can barely move! I want to keep doing it and get passed the soreness.

Would love to win this giveaway! Sunglasses are my love language. ;)


The garmin forerunner 10! Super easy to use, great durability and light on my wrist! I have the pink one!


Too cute!


I love my Garmin Forerunner 10!
It is light weight and so easy to use!!!


Cheerios and milk!


Yay awesome giveaway! I’m the exact same way with my sunglasses, I always carry two pairs in my purse just in case I lose one or am with someone who forgot theirs because I am blind as a bat without mine. Plus in the summer I can keep them on and hang out outside all day and not have to wear makeup, little trick :)

I don’t have a watch yet, so I just use the MapMyRun app on my iphone, but for my birthday I have dropped about forty three million hints for the new purple Garmin 10!

Favorite simple food is hands down PBJ sandwich. Satisfied me at 9 and will most likely satisfy me at 90. Delish!


Tree pollen really does a number in my chest…I’m glad I don’t have a problem with sneezing though.

Simple food…apples with peanut butter, toasted bagel with almond buttter, waffle wtih peanut butter and maple syrup!


Okay, seriously that picture of Brooker in the tub is heart-melting. So so so sweet. What a beautiful little one! :) <3


Bacon. I love bacon.


Cinnamon raisin toast with nutella on top, side of strawberries. Yum. Love how fuzzy background Brooke is eyeballing your PB toast!


I really dont think it gets any better than warm, fresh, fluffy, homemade bread with butter and jam. HEAVEN.

Also, I usually have terrible allergies in the Spring. As i’ve gotten older, they havent been that bad. Knock on wood.
P.s. I am having IT band issues. I havent been good about stretching lately and its super tight and tender. My sister is in Physical Therapy school and gives me tips and stuff to help me out! =)


I don’t have allergies but my poor pup does. He gets them when the weather changes in Spring and Fall. I feel so bad for him, I wish it were me instead. Is that what it’s like to have kids? ha ha.

Favorite easy meal is omlettes, scrambles or just eggs in general. I could eat breakfast for lunch or dinner any day!


Brooke in the tubby! I love tubby pictures! :)
I just entered the giveaway. My husband is a Ray-Ban LOVER (he has an eye condition and Ray-Bans seem to give him the best protection from the sun)… are the glasses you’re giving away unisex? I’m going to have him enter anyway, though!


this would be really exciting to win a pair of new sunglasses, they sunglass shop is fantastic (and I love ray bans.)
hugs, Katherine


(I meant to say, I commented on their facebook wall!)


How freaking cool is a Ray Ban giveaway?


I wish I had allergies, I’ve got a bad cold!!!! My favorite simple meal is veggie soup in my crock pot. So easy, cheap and healthy!!!!!!


My absolute favorite food is bananas. It’s a shame I can only eat so many at a time (or risk a stomach ache). I also enjoy cereal immensely – I like Cheerio’s or Frosted Mini Wheats!

I’m so glad you asked about watches – my birthday is in a month and I’m eyeing the Garmin Forerunner 10 but I’m always open for suggestions!


I NEVER had seasonal allergies in my life until this spring. I thought I had pink eye that just kept coming back and then someone finally told me it was allergies. I felt real smart.
I have Garmin 3500 I LOVE IT! I got it half price around Christmas time. My BF and I have duels before races to see who gets to use it.


I commented on their Facebook wall. I think my favorite simple food/meal would be scrambled eggs with cheese and an English Muffin. Yummy!!!!



Allergies are such a drag. I’m fortunate enough to break out in hives once in a while! So fun. Thank god for Claritin and indoor exercise eh?

Brook makes my ovaries hurt. She’s too cute :)

I looooove Oakley sunglasses. Life changing.


I love my Polar HRM – although it doesn’t have GPS, I love it for the heart rate monitor function and it was very affordable at $70!


I am in love with the Garmin 10 and the Garmin 310 XT. The XT is expensive and I would only recommend if you are doing other activities other than running (biking/swimming). I have horrible allergies right now, my whole body hurts somedays and I can’t really run outside because of them! So I am stuck on the tmill! My favorite simple meal is salsa chicken in the crock pot!


favorite simple meal, stir fry chicken vegetables.


LOVE those glasses!


I commented on their facebook page. I would LOVE to win a new pair of sunglasses! :)

I love my Garmin 10 watch — it is user friendly and light weight. It also doesnt hurt that it’s pink. :) I wish I knew they were coming out with a purple before I got the pink.

Yes, I have allergies this year for the first time. :-/


Super cute shades! Thanks for the giveaway :)


Favorite easy snack-greek yogurt w/salsa and black bean chips, sooo good!


Oh and for a quick easy meal-omlette/eggs with toast!


I love Ray Bans!! I always wear sunglasses so these would be perfect. It is so awesome that they fold!!


I would say eating all the peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon but that’s usually more my simple appetizer than meal…


Oh my goodness….I have had my eye on those bad boys for ages! Absolutely love the folding wayfarer ray-bans! Fingers crossed!

Favorite meal…probably cinnamon chex with bananas…can’t get much easier and yummier than that! :)


I love my Garmin Forerunner 10. This is my first GPS watch so I went for a “simple” version but it still does SO much! I love that I can upload all my data into Garmin Connect and see my progress. I also love how comfortable and wearable it is.

I have serious allergies at the moment… but yet no warm weather to go with it? NOT FAIR.

My favorite simple meal is chicken fajitas. I make this at least 1-2x/week. The only real cooking involved is quickly chopping up some chicken tenderloins and pan-frying them with spices, and then everything else is just chopping up veggies and toasting a couple tortillas!


Woo this giveaway is awesome! Brooke is so stinkin cute.

My allergies are the worst. I’ve been taking a lot of allergy medicine…


Hope your allergies are doing better today. Allergies SUCK..plain & simply suck :/
I’m borrowing your ‘waterfall’ idea in a few weeks, once we get G in the tub- she’s still in her little tub, but getting too big…TOO QUICK. Oh my gosh, this morning I put her in her swing only to realize she is TOO big for it..when did that happen?!?!?!? These girls need to slow down :)
Random, but I seriously want to get those sunglasses in black for Craig. I love how they look on him. I actually sent him a picture through text on monday of those glasses telling him I wanted to buy them- he likes them. I’m thinking Father’s Day present maybe..??


I CANNOT SAY enough good things about the Garmin 610!!! It is seriously AWE.SOME.NESS. The touch screen is AMAZING and yes it is pricey (got mine practically brand new on Craiglist for about 1/4 of the price though) but it’s INCREDIBLE!!!


Thanks for the giveaway, I just entered on their FB page!


I love my Garmin Forerunner 10. Simple and easy to use and I love their website for analyzing my runs!


Bean burritos are by far my favorite simple meal. In less than 15 minutes you have a jam packed delicious protein dinner!


allergies are ridiculous. feel better! the other day I was driving and there was so much cottonwood that it looked like it was snowing. crazy

i love the chicken sausages at trader joes, they have so many flavors and they dont have the sausage casing (which super grosses me out) which saves me from having to peel it off


I loved by Garmin FR10 until my dog chose to eat it last night.. :( so I’ll be in the market for another sooner rather than later I hope, so seeing people’s recommendations are great! I love spinach and feta chicken sausage tossed with brussel sprouts.. so easy, yet sooo delicious!


I have allergies and they are poop. I LOVE eating toast with PB2 and Apple Butter….or an Apple with PB2…or a banana….or anything with PB2…the unsweetened dehydrated mango from Trader Joe’s is the bomb.


I need peanut butter and jelly in an IV ;) I have a Nike watch but I want a Garmin!


Just entered. Thanks for the giveaway! :D


Thanks for the giveaway. I love my garmin forerunner 110. It’s easy to use and not so bulky. Love everything about it.


best giveaway ever. I am addicted to sunglasses and Ray-Bans are my fav :)


That picture of Brooke with her eyes closed enjoying the water just made my whole life.


i’ve kind of been eying some ray-bans for a little while now, but don’t want to spend the money on another pair of sunglasses…thanks for doing this giveaway!

ultimate simple food that still has so many options? CEREAL. hands down. :)


I think the Iron Strength Workout would be great for me to try! i want to get in great shape! :)


I run with the Garmin 210 and I love it!! I recently upgraded from the 205 and at first I didn’t like the upgrade, but now I’m used to it and I love it!!


I left my comment!! I use my garmin 210 :) Obsessed


Ah boo. I wanted those sunglasses!! I don’t use Facebook :/

Love your blog and reading it everyday ;)


I have a forerunner 910tx and I love it of course :) and yep, dealing with severe allergies and it totally blows. I feel tired and spaced out most of the time because of it.


Enter me, please!!
my post:
Samantha Tedesco
[email protected]

thank you!


What an awesome giveaway! Comment posted on their fb page!


I posted on FB.
What a great giveaway.
Thank you!


Fav simple snack:
Greek yogurt mixed with all natural crunchy pb and a spoonful of honey. Add nuts for added crunch!

I use the Garmin Forerunner 110 and it works great. One drawback is that you can’t see the pace for each mile after the run is completed.


Thanks so much for the giveaway! I do have seasonal allergies and they are awful! :( I can’t find much to relive them.


I entered to win! What a great giveaway!


amazing pair, thank you!!
I entered as “Gloria Grahame”


I left my comment on their FB as Despina Vnt
Thank you for a great giveaway and post!!


I entered on FB!


Is it too late? oh darn. Last one wins the race! hehe thanks though, love your blog!! Your my most favorite person. :)




I just found your blog through the Sunglasses Shop Facebook post about the giveaway, and I’m so glad I clicked! I love your blog already just from clicking around :) Thanks for this giveaway, and I’m glad to “meet” you! Have a great day!
I’ve officially added you to my Google Reader, so I’ll be following! <3
Those glasses are AWESOME! I've always wanted Ray Bans, but I can't bring myself to shell out that much on sunglasses while I'm paying for school, etc.
I commented on their Facebook page!


did I win??

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