Fill in the blanks.

I figured out a way to make cleaning your entire kitchen (they charge you lots of mula if it isn’t perfect) fun.  

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A bag of the fish and Glee while you work.

Bangs Friend came over to add to the party.

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We did it, everything is moved and cleaned.  The purple shorts were mandatory for the deck scrubbing, don’t be jealous of how attractive they are.  Brooke is terrified of the vacuum unless I hold her while I vacuum and then she laughs at it?  I think she thinks I am her body guard.  

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It is a really good thing that the Costco pizza came in a three pack because we had it again last night. This time I really went overboard and put it on a real plate instead of a paper towel.  

Hot sauce goes on everything we eat.

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After dinner Billy went back to school to work on a final (I am really mad at his professors for planning a final during the time we are moving) and Brooke and I hung out, blogged (I blogged, she sat on my keyboard) and hit the sack early city. 

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This morning’s spin playlist:

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Fill in the blanks:

Today I am going to ______________ and at some point I will eat ______________ and I really love today because ___________________.  

My answers:  Today I am going to spin/organize/play with Brooke and at some point I will eat a caesar salad (and chocolate after) and I really love today because it is going to be 81 degrees!

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My dog is afraid of the vacuum…too bad I can’t carry her around while I do it. She just hides in the corner.


LOL – mine too! Mine runs around and barks at it. Totally crazy but hilarious at the same time.


Today I am going to eat Froyo because my roommate didn’t want to go last night. Rude. I’m making frozen pizza for dinner tonight! When the weather gets warm, I get lazy. Swedish fish are the perfect fuel for anything


Today I am going to paint my nails and at some point I will eat my last chunk of Easter egg and I really love today because the sun is actually shining!


That reminds me! I need nail color. Which color are you doing?!


They are now proudly electic blue :)


Argh! I mean “electric”!


Today I am going to run and I am also going to eat a sweet potato and I am excited about today because I get to see my boyfriend after work!


Today I am going to do some more house hunting and at some point I will eat my new favorite lunch- Trader Joe’s tequitos and I really love today because it is already over 60 degrees, I’m wearing a t shirt and skirt, and I’M NOT COLD! Woo 80 degree days!


Today I am going to go to work, and at some point I will eat a salad, and I really love today because it’s supposed to get up to 79 degrees!

I just wish I could spend some time outside!


Today I am going to run stadiums and at some point I will eat tacos (per usual) and I really love today because it is a very sunny hump day :)


Today I am going to fly from Indiana home to California. At some point I will eat burnt toast with my grandma before I go. I really live today because I get to see my grandma and whole family before I go ad my husband and kitty when I get home.


Today I am going to run 6 miles with hills at some point I will have brunch and drinks with my friend, Marie, and I really love today because I’m finally getting my much needed sports massage!


I am a huge fan of the Costco pizza. I always get the cheese, and you just can’t beat $2.50 for a whole pizza. I’m currently putting together a playlist for my upcoming marathon in just over 2 weeks, so I’ll definitely be checking out the songs on your playlist–thanks for posting it! Good luck with the rest of your move!


Today I am going to PT for my ITB injury then to get my hair cut, then I will eat (I’m not sure), I really love today because I am OFF!!!!


Ick – good luck! I have the beginnings of one – I’m getting a massage today and need to start stretching really well. Hopefully I can fend it off!


Do y’all know what caused your IT band issues? I keep seeing people having them so I’m nervous to get one myself! Speedy recoveries for both of you!


Emma – My IT issue probably is due to one of two things, most likely a combination. 1) Overtraining – you really should only increase you mileage 10% a week – no more. 2) Not stretching properly – I always skimp because it’s tedious to me. A foam roller is a great thing to use to stretch out before and after runs. You can also use a foam roller for strength training too- Massages are also great things to get, I have one this afternoon (and thank god, my muscles are so tight). The main thing to look for with IT issues is pain on the outside of the knee and when you get that, stop whatever your doing ASAP and rest to recover. Swimming’s a great alternative so it biking because they are non-impact sports.


Thanks so much for the great information! It’s funny I think stretching is tedious as well Maybe I will learn from your mistakes! By the way if you want some compression socks to help out with your training I’m having a giveaway on my blog until Friday!


Today I am going to ride my bike by the Cherry Blossoms and at some point I will eat the soup I brought for lunch and I really love today because of the spring weather.


Today I am going to clean my house and go to dinner with friends. At some point I will eat pasta! I really love today because Im off but it’s in the 30s and snowing in Minnesota :(


Sweet friend! Ugh Wednesdays are killer days, but this is forcing me to be positive.
Today I’m going to teach all 6 group ex classes and eat a spoonful of pb for lunch and enjoy spending my day teaching beacuse I’m healthy and strong enough to lead exercise classes all day.


Today I am going to work til 530ish and at some point I will eat something for dinner, not sure what though, and I really love today because it’s going to be 85 degrees here in South Jersey!

I hope to hit the gym or run outside but the past three days I’ve been going to bed around 1am…I feel I should just go to bed as soon as I get home! :-/


Today Im going to work/bike/run, and at some point I’m going to eat greek yogurt with honey strawberries and granola (YUMMMM!), and I really love today because it’s sunny :)


Today I am going to take on one of the biggest challenges of my teaching career so far and then run 5 miles when the day is done. At some point I will eat Turkey Meatball soup. I really love today because I get to try out after-school running in a park that is very close to the school where I just started teaching last week.


Today I am going to work and run on my lunch, and at some point I will eat my soup, yogurt, and fruit, and I really love today because it’s one day closer to the weekend. :)


That is funny that Brooke will let you hold her while vacuuming. I am excited to actually run today. I have a little cold but I am tired of not running. Rather than running in the rain and getting even sicker I am going to the gym at my husbands work. I will disinfect everything I even look at so I don’t get anyone else sick. I am guessing no one else will be in there since they all have to… you know… work.


Today I’m going to take the dog for a walk and at some point will eat chili and I’m excited for today because my husband comes home from a trip!


Today I am going to work and grad school (ugh) and I am going to eat McAllisters Deli for lunch (because PTO is bringing it in) and I really love today because it is going to storm and I love rain. :)

Can I say again how adorable Brooke is? Love that she laughs at the vacuum if you’re holding her. So cute.


Today I am going to go to school and run afterwards, and at some point I will make and then eat delicious vegan banana bread complimented by a yumlicious green smoothie. I really love today because I’m going to go to the farmers market with a friend that I haven’t seen in a while!


Today I am going to query lit agents/go for a long walk/finish a great book and at some point I will eat pasta and I really love today because the weather is beautiful! :)


Today I am going to do the best I can on my exam and at some point I will eat peanut butter out of my brand new jar and I really love today because it is a beautiful day already and there is no reason not to appreciate all the good things in my life (regardless of exam outcome..which you might have picked up – will not be good)!!! Happy unpacking!! Just love the pics of Brooke!


What a great outlook on life! Hope the exam goes well!


Today I am going to work/exercise/watch our sons first T-ball practice and at some point I will eat jelly beans. I really love today because the weekend is halfway here! Have a great day :)


Today I am going to scrub my kitchen and bathroom floors and at some point I will eat a spinach and pear salad and I really love today because we’re half way through the work week!!


Would you like to come over to my house and do some of that scrubbing please?


Ha. Why not?!? I’m trying to deep clean my house on top of last minute wedding planning, so I’m committing to 1 thing/day.


I hear ya. Stay busy other than thinking about the wedding. Congrats by the way! Miss being engaged :)
PS Im having a Pro Compression giveaway on my page, but I’ll just give it to you if you really come scrub. My hubby might even give you his new pair too!


Today I am going to get through work, a run, and apartment cleaning and at some point I will eat pulled pork and kale and I really love today because it will be 90 degrees and my roommate will finish packing (she is moving out) so I can start cleaning the kitchen.


Today I am going to run 7 miles and treat myself to a pedicure and at some point I will eat frozen yogurt and I really love today because I am playing hookey from school to enjoy the 84 degree weather! (Shhhhh…)


Today I am going to run 7 miles, go to work and at some point I will eat the chicken mango, pineapple, avocado salad and I really love today because I have my running group tonight!


Your kitchen scrubbing method is exactly how I cleaned and set up and entire apartment by myself when we first moved to Singapore, and my husband was working a bajilliondy hours a day. It was fabulous. Season 2, though, ’cause that’s what was free through Amazon Prime at the time. ;-)

Today I am going to hang with family and at some point I will eat (drink?) skim milk and I really love today because we don’t get skim milk in Singapore.

I know that sounds terribly weird. I’m not a fat free fanatic or anything, but I miss skim milk, and watered down 2% just isn’t the same…


Today I am going to swim laps and enjoy lunch with a friend. I will definitely eat dessert tonight because life is too short to cut out sweets. I really love today because it’s sunny and warm, making it really hard to concentrate on work!


My youngest also likes to be held when I vacuum. But my oldest likes to follow me around with her little toy vacuum. I should really get her a functioning one since she enjoys it WAY more than I do!


Today I am going to go to two classes and then the gym and at some point I will eat ginger chews (I’m obsessed, although now I want some swedish fish) and I really love today because it IS TODAY and every day should be appreciated!


Today I am going to read a great book to our daughter and at some point I will eat salad. I really love today because I get to spend it with my family as both my hub and I are work-at-home parents.

PS We are grateful for the opportunities that we have to make our realities our reality!


Today I am going to tutor and hang out with Elmo while at some point eating a roasted veggie cashew spread wrap, and I really love today because it’s warm outside.


Today I am going to a Nike running party and at some point I’ll eat grotto and I Kiev today because I’m wearing flip flops!


TV and candy make any job more manageable :)

Today I am going to volunteer at the hospital and at some point I will eat an almond butter and jam sandwich, and I really love today because I’m meeting my mom for lunch.


Today I am going to BE PRODUCTIVE IN MY STUDYING_ and at some point I will eat _A BISON BURGER__ and I really love today because _I AM APPROACHING LIFE WITH A SMILE!


Today I am going to go to work and after get to the gym and at some point I will eat a hard boiled egg (totally craving right now) and I really love today because its finally supposed to be nice out, c’mon Spring!


Today I am going to lay around because I have a stomach bug and at some point I will eat crackers or pretzels and I really love today because the sun is shining so I’m hoping I can cure my stomach with some sunshine.


Noah is also terrified of the vacuum most of the time. But sometimes he laughs at it it’s the weirdest thing! Today I am going to intentionally enjoy everything I do because life is too short not to :-) and I’m super excited to get to run with my old high school coach and teammate this afternoon!!!


Today I am going to do school and at some point I will eat sweet potatoes and I really love today because I am going to try a new workout plan


What workout plan? Mmm sweet potatoes!


Today I am going to work and get lots of shit done at work and and at some point I will eat tuna salad and I really love today because I get to go run outside after work.


Today I am going to grocery shop and at some point I will eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I really love today because I am super sore from the last two days of hard workouts.. plus the sunshine is out :D


Today I am going to clean my house and at some point (dinner) I will eat grilled pork chops and pineapple and a salad with bleu cheese and I really love today because Francis (my boyfriend) is coming home from work at noon!


Today I am going to run 5 miles/do laundry and at some point I will eat peanut butter and jelly on toast with coffee and I really love today because it’s my husbands day off!


Today I am going to T.O and at some point I am going to eat CAKE! and I really love today because I am visiting my Master’s program to decide if I want to accept the offer :D


What’s TO? Congrats on the Masters program!


Toronto :)


Today I am going to take care of my and 2-week old son and at some point I will eat birthday cake oreos because they are vanilla and I can’t eat chocolate candy anymore because my baby doesn’t like it when nursing and I really love today because it is SUNNY in Washington, DC.


Is it sad that I have never heard of birthday cake Oreos?


Of course not!!! I just discovered them myself and they are AMAZING! :)


Today I am going to get new mixing bowls/ baking equipment (I’m in desperate need and I’ve been putting it off for way too long), at some point I will eat sushi and I really love today because its my grandmother’s birthday!


Today I am going to workout with my mama friends/try to clean the house and at some point I will eat a chicken salad and I really love today because the weather is suppose to be perfect!


Today I am going to enjoy a rainy day and at some point I will eat enchiladas from the dining hall and I really love today because I get to meet my new staff members for the residence hall I’m living in next year!


Today I am going to run/lift/DO MY ABS TAPE (I am a champ at putting off the last one) and at some point I will eat a salad with my new favorite homemade spicy ranch and I really love today because we are halfway through the school week!!! :)


Today I am going to the office (shocking) and I will have a smoothie. I love today because it is Wednesday! And that means Survivor!

The Kidless Kronicles


Today I am going to _proctor the state 3rd grade reading assessment (PSSA)__ and at some point I will eat _PIZZA_ and I really love today because I already got my run in and it is going to be in the 70s here in PA today


Today I am working at an big event for work and at some point I will eat my black bean and rice salad. I really love today because I get to go on a trail run with my sister after work! (I really don’t love today because it’s supposed to be 90…we apparently skipped spring).


I am going to do homework and go to class today and eat mangoes because they are delicious! I am grateful for today because it is beautiful outside!


Just smashed up mangoes with kale and broccoli for the little one. Haha. Not as yummy!


Today, I am going to read/do laundry/actively rest in the form of shopping (if I put on real clothes instead of clean sweatpants after my shower!), and at some point I will eat more jalapeno coleslaw and other random foods to be determined, and I really love today because it’s warm and I’m alive and Wednesdays are MY day to do things for me.


Today I’m going to take a rest day and at some point I will eat some delicious chili we made on Monday and I really love today because I get to come straight home after work and spend time with my husband and animals.

So excited for your new apartment!


Today I’m going to the gym (Curves) and at some point I will eat a Greek yogurt and I love today because I get to hang with my bestie!


Today I am going to work, run, tan & go to my son’s t-ball practice(I have laundry & bathroom cleaning to fit in there somewhere too!) and at some point I will eat a yummy salad I made for lunch, a handful of peanuts, a granola bar, strawberries & spaghetti & meatballs for dinner and I really love today because the weather is BEAUTIFUL & it’s HUMP DAY!


Today I am going to get an MRI on my stupid stress fracture and at some point I will eat (drink!) the fat tire beer that just came to New Orleans and I really love today because it is my “short” day at work and there is no reason on earth why I should have to stay late today!


Today I am going to (well plan to) do yoga, go for a jog, then do an hour of blogilates workouts and at some point I will eat a delicious spinach wrap and I really love today because it is one day closer to Friday!


Today I am going to coach at GPP, play with my kids, tackle the laundry and at some point I will eat whatever the heck I want and I really love today because I know its not my last.

Way to go on getting the kitchen all organized!! I bet your excited to get brookes nursery all set up!


Today I am going to acupuncture, and hopefully go for a bike ride and at some point I will eat avocados (all ready did!) and I really love today because my mom had a successful surgery and I an go visit her in the hospital.

Have a great day! I’ll help you unpack and I’ll even bring the cookies!


Today I am going to hug my doggies and at some point I will eat chocolate and I really love today because I will soon eat chocolate.


Today I am going to the park with my little man and at some point I will eat veggie lasagne and I really love today because it’s going to be hot!!!


Today I am going to YOGA with my favorite instructor and at some point I will eat my yummy salad with TJ’s turkey and that amazing champagne pear dressing and I really love today because its going to be a gorgeous day!


Today I am going to do an Insanity workout and at some point I will eat some Greek yogurt and I really love today because I get to sleep in my own bed tonight!


So excited to see your new place! I am sure Swedish fish could be motivation for just about anything, haha.


Today I am going to take a deep breath and at some point I will eat delicious leftover grilled veggies and I really love today because I am alive to enjoy it.


We put hot sauce on our pizza and all of our food too!! So delicious :)


A fill-in-the-blank? This is SO EXCITING!

Today I am going to BE AT WORK MOST OF THE DAY and at some point I will eat CHOCOLATE and I really love today because THERE’S ONLY TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY GETAWAY WITH MY HUBBY.

My 2-year-old son hates the vacuum too. He always needs to sit on the couch (apparently, it’s the “safe” spot) with his sissy and his bibi (blankie). He watches the vacuum intently and seriously the entire time I’m using it.


Today I am going to lift weights at the gym after work and at some point I will eat my boyfriend’s leftover shrimp green curry and I really love today because I am wearing a summer dress because it’s going to be 84 degrees!


Today I have done my SPEED WORKOUT before work, and at some point I will eat ICECREAM and I really love today because it is HUMP DAY and my boyfriend is buying his bike and we can cycle together this weekend!


I’m so jealous of your 81 degrees! It’s supposed to be in the 30s here and it’s currently 24.

Today I am going to clean my house and run 4 miles and at some point I will eat Taco Chili and I really love today because my house is nice and warm even if it’s cold outside.


Today I am going to do some work-related things that scare me, and at some point I will eat something from the vegan-friendly restaurant I just discovered near my office, and I really love today because I am forcing myself to be better at my job!


It’s suppose to be 87 here. I think I’m going to die while I run outside!


Today I am going to squeeze in a pilates reformer class and a 3 mile run on my lunch break and at some point I will eat a whiskey river BBQ chicken wrap (because we’re going to Red Robin tonight) and I really love today because I am having a great hair day.


Today I am going to do a speed workout and at some point I will eat my delicious strawberry spinach salad (with cucumbers, cranberries and shredded almonds) and I really love today because it’s the blogging Twitter Chat party and I get to “hang out” with my blog friends :)


Today I am going to work and go to 2 meetings. (Sounds terrible, but the meetings are with some really fun people, so actually looking forward to them) At some point I am going to eat a spinach, strawberry, walnut, and feta salad. Today is awesome because I have a couple of shows to catch up on and so some late night couch time is in order.


Um, can I steal the 81 degrees part? It’s raining here.

Today I am going to clean my house and at some point I will eat all the leftover goodies from my birthday yesterday and I really love today because I have the best life ever, how could I not love every day?


Today I am going to register for fall semester at my college and at some point I will eat a blazing buffalo chicken sandwich from Publix (YUM!) and I really love today because it’s beautiful outside and I get to have a baby free date night!


27! I repeat 27 degrees for my run in Utah today. Soak up some sunshine for me. :)

Love ya Janae!


Today I am going to work & teach BodyPUMP and at some point I will eat Tortilla Lime chips (my fave & a craving) and hopefully a 7-11 slurpee and I really love today because the sun is shining & I get to go to bed early & sleep in a bit tomorrow!!


Today I am going to run 3.3 miles because I have my first half marathon this weekend (!!!) and at some point I will eat froyo because I already woke up today thinking that I need it and I really love today because it is gorgeous out!!!


OMG this is like Mad Libs!! Love it!!

Today I am going to reluctantly do speedwork on the treadmill and at some point I will eat water ice if I can convince the hubs to take me to Rita’s and I really love today because it is one day closer to the weekend. :)


Today I am going to work, run and go to pilates and at some point I will eat peanut butter and I really love today because the sun is shining!! Hi Janae! Have a great one :)


Today I am going to get some work done and at some point I will eat some fresh STRAWBERRIES because they are fresh and delicious and I really love today because wednesday is my “me-time” day!!!


Today I am going to buy a chest freezer (!) and at some point I will eat a black bean quesadilla and I really love today because it is my Monday and it’s already Wednesday.


Today I racewalked 6 miles with my BOB and 2 year old, along the way we stopped at 2 parks and I will spend some time cleaning house and preparing my lesson plans for work tomorrow. At some point I will eat eggplant parm leftovers and likely finish some of my toddler’s hummus because no matter what. she will only eat 1/2 of it. I love this day because it is gorgeous, I get to spend one on one time with my 2 year old. I love my 5 year old but she rarely takes a breathe to stop talking so one on one time with the little one is nice!


Today I will run/pack for Boston/clean (maybe) at some point I will eat BBQ chicken from the crockpot, we just have to decide if its on pizza or on a baked potatoe, and I really love today because I was EXHAUSTED when I went to bed and slept until 11!!!


Today I am going to impatiently wait for my daughter to decide that she’s ready to be born … and at some point I will eat ice cream because I can … and I really love today because it’s one day closer to the day I get to meet her!

(Can you tell I’m a little impatient over here?! Haha!) ;)


I hope she’ll be ready soon ;) I can only imagine how impatient you must be…


Girl, I AM WITH you. When are you due? We’re due 4/19!!


Today I am going to train my clients/run/lift weights/write my blog and at some point I will eat a big salad with chicken and avocado and I really love today because it’s finally spring!


Today I am going to take a rest day and at some point I will eat a huge cupcake and I really love today because it’s our end of year cheerleading banquet, hence the cupcake!


Today I am going to a Postal Service concert with my BFF!!! and at some point I will eat In N Out burgerrrr and fries yuummm and I really love today because it’s already beautiful and it’s not even 10 am yet :) It’s supposed to be 84 here, YAY!



Brooke is getting so big!

Today I am going to REST AND THEN WATCH NEW GIRL and at some point today I am going to eat a WARM BROWNIE WITH ICE CREAM and I really love today because its HALFWAY TO THE WEEKEND! :)


Today I am going to try to enjoy my rest day and at some point I will DRINK an Aprol Spritz and I really love today because spring is here!


Today I am going to go to yoga and at some point I will eat steak (for dinner tonight!) and I really love today because I am alive and well. :)


If you have no tried Cholula hot sauce…do it now!!!! It’s more expensive than others but omgosh it is sooo worth it!!


Today I was going to work :-( and at some point I’m going to eat some yummy key lime Greek yogurt and I rly love today because I got to run 3 miles and it felt great!


Tonight I am going to rest because I am sick. At some point I will eat Greek yogurt with strawberries. I love today because it is one day closer to Saturday, and that is when I have two wedding showers! :)

I also want to say, I love how real you are on your blog. There are times when things are just hectic and you don’t have time to eat or cook a healthy meal, so pizza is just a must. Thanks for putting that out there for people to share. :)


Oh fun, it’s like REAL LIFE mad libs!

Today I am going to [work my 2nd to last day at my job before maternity leave, yay!] and at some point I will eat [pulled pork tenderloin that is currently sitting my crockpot at home probably driving the puppy nuts with all the yummy smells] and I really love today because [I am one day closer to meeting our little girl, due next Friday!].


Today I am going to take BodyPump and at some point I will eat a ginormous salad and I really love today because it’s sunny outside and I know I need to make some good changes in my life for long term success.


Today I am going to get outside and soak up this beautiful 90 degree sunshine and at some point I will eat a homemade meatball calzone and I really love today because it’s so freaking beauuutiful outside!


Today i will run my first 4 miles in my new cute Brooks skort. At some point i will eat my detox salad and i love today because its sunny and almost 80 degrees in So Cal.


Today I am going to rest my legs for Boston and at some point I will eat lots of pizza since it is catered at work and I really love today because its warm out.


Today I am going to work since I already went to the gym which happens to be there I work… and at some point I will eat these amazing MEXICAN STUFFED PEPPERS I JUST MADE and I really love today because I had an awesome treadmill workout today and I’m getting faster AND I signed up for two races today.


Today I am going to do some schoolwork and watch my favorite soap and at some point I will eat some wheat angel hair pasta with too much parmesan and I really love today because it is a beautiful day in SoCal!


Today I am going to pretend to be at work, but really be working on homework (it pays to work for your school!) and at some point I will eat pasta and more grapes (I had grapes for lunch, yum!) and I really love today because it’s cold and I get to wear layers! I love layering!


Moving is so stressful! It looks like you’re making progress!


Today I am going to wish for rain to stop and dream about sunny, breezy, outside-running days; and at some point I will eat chicken enchiladas smothered in guacamole because, damn it, it’s spring time; and I really love today because Mark is off work and we get to spend the ENTIRE day together watching House of Cards on Netflix. :)


Totally random but Bangs Friend looks just like girl from Fresh Beat Band on Nick Jr. Obviously I watch too much tv with my kids. :-)


Today I am going to go to work for 12 hrs… Blahh and at some point after work I will run with my nurse co-workers and I really love today because life is beautiful and we have lots to be thankful for!


Today I am going to do a tempo run and at some point I will eat dark chocolate with sea salt and toffee and I really love today because my son has soccer practice and there are few things cuter than a bunch of 4-year-olds trying to play soccer!

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