Playlist, battle wounds and another important question for you.

Taught another early morning spin class.  Good news:  no pain at all….. that whole running thing (other than in the pool) may be returning quite soon.  

LOVE the Run song by Flo Rida and On Top Of The World is probably the best song ever to start your day with.

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I also did some rowing (6200 meters) and my hands are starting to show my new rowing obsession.  I am probably getting that blister from wearing my ring while rowing but the first thing Billy said after I said yes when he proposed to me was, “You probably should never take that ring off.”   I kind of have a tendency to lose everything.

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Brooke is quite in love with the shoe laces on my Ravenna 4s.  They entertained her for 15 minutes straight.  

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Bangs Friend and I are reconsidering our idea to have carrot cake on Easter and are thinking about making one of the below cakes (click on the picture for source):

A)  I will always love Peeps.  

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B)  Whoever thought of making a cake and then surrounding it with candy is a genius.  


 C) Almost to cute to eat…. almost.  


D) Or should we stick with making carrot cake?  I am faced with so many tough decisions each day.

Carrot cake

I think this cake looks awesome but I have no idea how to make it…

Easter Cake SRGB Logo

(PS if these cake pictures didn’t make you drool a little bit, I am worried about you)

Which cake should we make… A, B, C or other… link please.

What are your true feelings about Peeps? Love them or think they are the worst food ever created? 

What is the best part about cake:  Frosting or the cake part?

-Frosting without a doubt.

Married/engaged people: Do you take your ring off to exercise?

-Never ever ever. 

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My vote is other… Just fill your Easter basket with jars of frosting and spoons and you’re set ;-) no need to waste time, go straight for the good stuff!

I hate peeps. Sorry :-(


That’s brilliant and would actually make a really cute DIY Easter gift. I’m imagining baby food jars filled with layers of frosting and candy alternated.

Chocolate frosting- M&Ms- chocolate frosting- peanut butter M&Ms- etc. Tie with a cute ribbon, attach a spoon, and voila!



Man I love that last cake.

I take my ring off for weights because its a litte loose. I really need a ring saver so it stops spinning around!


You should make the Carrot Cake but with the decorations of the first cake…that way you don’t have to make hard decisions


Totally! Exactly what I was thinking. And who says you need to just choose ONE cake?


Great news about your leg! I’m on a timeout from running, too, so I’m in the saddle a lot.
I always take my ring off to workout. I can’t wear it with gloves when I run in winter or bike gloves in summer. Whenever I wear it to swim, I’m always scared it’ll fall off!
All those cakes look awesome- it’s all about the frosting! I found this cute and easy recipe I’m going to make:


No I do not take my ring off. EVER!!!


If you love peeps, then you should probably make option A….but if you are like me and could take them or leave them….That carrot cake just made my list!!


I got a blister from my rowing the other day, too. I’m proud!


Why don’t you make cupcakes and decorate them how you like. You can make some carrot cake, and others the cake flavor of your choice- and/or freeze the leftovers.

I routinely take off my ring and so does my husband. He smartly buckles his ring around his watch strap. I just keep my ring on my nightstand.


Carrot cake all the way! My husband’s aunt makes the most bomb carrot cake ever, and we spend every Easter with them. I just found out they won’t be there this weekend and I am beside myself…I literally dream about that carrot cake!

Also, I NEVER take my rings off.


I love that peeps cake – so cute!!!! I am definitely a peeps fan…only on Easter though, I don’t go for those Halloween/Christmas ones.
What about a cake with Jelly Beans? Those are my all-time favorite Easter candies!


I love your shoelaces too!! :)
I love the third cake.. too cute and chocolate?! Double win!


I love to bake but I would probably skip all of that and go buy Costco’s carrot cake. No comparison- it’s the best in the world!

I never, ever wear my rings when working out. They get in the way lifting and they just bother me when running. I can’t handle the feeling of them on my sweaty fingers!


I’d vote for the carrot cake just to get the cream cheese icing…yummm! If you find you’re really into rowing you should look into finding an indo-row class! I’ve been taking them and they have great spirit and things never get dull. I’m in Ohio, but I’m sure gyms elsewhere have them!


I just about never exercise in my wedding ring. We both take our rings off all the time… is that bad? ;) We wear them during the day but don’t sleep, shower, sweat etc in them.


Frosting is the very best part! I still vote for carrot cake :)

Not married but I’m pretty sure when the time comes I’ll be like you and not taking it off because I have a bad track record with losing things!


I wouldn’t say they are the WORST food ever created, but I don’t like them…and I pretty much eat any and all sugar, so that is saying something.

Craoot cake. Those other cakes may be cool looking, but we both know that eating that carrot cake will taste better. Send me a slice ok?? And frosting is definitely the best part..unless it is the grovery store bakery frosting. That stuff wityh lard is gross to me.

I have to take my ring off. I get ‘chingers’ so badly when I run!

I am so happy you were able to spin with no pain. Next up running!

I want to squeeze those rolls on Brooke’s thighs! Gah! So cute.


Hi, Janae! I used to cox for my college rowing team and had just been hopping on the erg more often when you started posting erg workouts. I’ll let you in on an easy tip: wear weightlifting gloves while you erg to spare your hands blisters. They’re cheap and still give you traction for the erg handle. Some rowers want calluses as protection against new blisters with oars and outdoor elements, but since you’re not planning to scull or sweep anytime soon (or are you?), I say, spare your hands and your ring!


I vote carrot cake!!! It is so easter-y. But only if you do cream cheese frosting. Peeps are kind of gross to me.


I vote either A or C!

I like Peeps. and I’m not ashamed of it.

Frosting HANDS DOWN! I don’t really even like cake that much.


Okay the Peeps cake is just way too cute! I’d go with that one.
I LOVE Peeps.
The best part of cake is definitely the frosting…. but only if it is really good frosting. I hate that super sugary, crunchy kind.
I never take my wedding ring off for exercise!


I vote cake c!!! Thank you for the playlist using them for my outdoor cycling rides!! Where did you purchase the band around your waist for running?


The first cake. Definitely. And send me a piece while you’re at it :)


I think B or C!! I’m going to make devil’s food cake chocolate cupcakes and then top with Easter eggs for extra cuteness!!! Can’t get enough!


Peeps are super gross…too sweet for me. But, I’d make a cake surrounded or covered in candy any day.

Been working out without my ring lately, bad case of the flesh eating away at my ring finger from too much water contact. Maybe I should make my husband do the dishes from now on? :-)


I have the rash TOO! Have you found any solution?? Mine developed while I was pregnant, and has yet to go away. I wake up at night scratching my finger SO bad, it’s terrible.


You have to go get a prescription from your dermatologist called Clobetasol. It’s a topical ointment you have to use when it starts to flare up. It really works!


i wish i like cake, chocolate, and/or peanuts… cant help u there… have never had a peep, again not into sugary stuff..
married here, i only wear my rings when i go out, i dont like anything in my fingers, sux cuz there is so much cute jewerly..

hope ur well enough to run soon, but take it easy girl…


Make the easter bunny’s bottom cake…I love it!!!


Whoa, you have to make more than one cake! A and D are my favorites :)


The Peep Bunny cake!


I vote you make 2 cakes: the bunny cake and carrot cake. I started to get blistered from rowing/TRXing with my engagement ring but kept wearing it. I only take it off to shower or swim :)




Do you wear Ravennas while running or just pure flows? I am having a major shoe dilema. I am trying to find shoes I just love and also kinda trying to go more minimal….I might just be being too picky! I just tried 8 miles in the cadence today.
I am sorry but I must say I hate peeps. I saw a science experiment that kids can do where you put peeps in various liquids and watch how they won’t hardly dissinigrate even after days! Personally I woud go with some oreo and pudding dessert myself :).
Sometimes I take my ring off but always put it in the same spot…but I probably shouldn’t …I am pretty good at losing stuff too!


Those cakes look fabulous! I’m not a huge fan of peeps =( As pretty as they are, I just can’t eat them…the Bebe’s on the other had devour them! I haven’t decided what kind of dessert to make yet either! Hopefully I decide soon! I have family coming over Saturday!!!!!


I never wear my rings when exercising because my fingers swell so much.

I would just eat plates of frosting even if there was no cake.


Carrot Cake!!
I take my rings off for kickbox class and when I swim. But I am crazy when i take them off. Checking a million times that they are still where I put them. Today I needed my stopwatch app on my phone, so I put my iphone in a sandwich baggie-sealed-put it in another baggie and added my rings in there-sealed again.
Classy, I know! Anyway-I was freaking the entire swim that someone would walk away with my phone and rings.


Use some weight gloves when rowing. I wear them all the time if/when I do weight since I get blisters easily. :)

I do take my rings off and securely put them away. I lost one necklace from my husband (bad bad Sonia) but am very very very cautious when it comes to my wedding ring.

I’d go with the carrot cake and the decor from cake #1 easy. :)


Peeps for the win! You really need to try them stale, they take on a whole new level of deliciousness! I, obviously, think you should go with option a! I would alternate between regular peeps and the chocolate mousse ones!


B!!! And yes, frosting is the best part in cakes!


I always take my ring off to row, but then I tie it into my shoelace so I am staring at it the whole time and won’t forget it. Other then that I don’t take it off.

Peeps – I know this ruins our friendship, but I think they’re nasty.


I vote for carrot! You can’t go wrong with it :) I’m already dreaming about my plate on Sunday…


There are some adorable Easter recipes on Pinterest.
As for my ring I use to ONLY for body pump because it was flattening my ring. Then I got weight lifting gloves so I always keep it on now.


I’ve never tried peeps! In fact I’m not actually sure what they are!

I don’t take my rings off to exercise but I do when I wash my face. Those suckers are scratchy!!


PEEPS are the greatest Easter candy ever invented. I don’t believe in them any other time of the year, but for the Easter goodness they can’t be beat. Therefore of course I vote for the Peeps cake. I tried to make one last year that had yellow Peeps around the outside and then chocolate chips all in the inside and it was supposed to look like a sunflower. Mine looked pretty lame, but it was delicious.

I wish I could wear my wedding ring all the time because I’ve been in love with it for the past 23 years, but about 3 years ago I started getting a really bad rash when I wear it to exercise. Perhaps from the sweat? Anyway, it comes off for running and weight lifting, but goes right back on after my shower.
I’m super happy to hear your IT band is getting better. I’ve battled that one off and on for the past 3 years and it can be so frustrating. Good job hanging in there and doing what is needed to heal it right.


I’ve made a cake similar to the last cake, its incredibly easy. Just bake off 2 or 3 8″ round cakes of whatever flavor you want, make some “crusty” chocolate buttercream, get an off-set spatula and just go up and down to create the bark effect. That bunny is more than likely marzipan which is available at Whole Foods, Publix, etc.
Its super, super easy!


I take my ring off when I remember. I feel naked without it though, especially if I am exercising with the BOB Duallie. I sometimes wonder what others must think, if they think I am a single Mom with 2 kids. No one I am sure has ever noticed at all, just my paranoia. I made sure to always take it off when I did my Masters swim team. My husband lost his ring on our honeymoon swimming!!

I secretly like peeps but I tell my husband they are gross. I do that because he thinks I am a health nut and I never ever cave. Keep my secret safe. I buy Easter candy for his basket and perhaps some gets stashed away for me….


Oh my gosh I have literally been DREAMING about cake every night. I am a frosting fan. I used to keep a can in the fridge and have a spoonful (of five) for dessert every night. Not my healthiest moment, haha. My husband hates it so I never make it to avoid eating the entire pan myself. Eat so much cake for me.

I always take my wedding rings off when I exercise. They are just a little too big and spin around on my finger even without sweat, so add that in the mix and I can’t get them to sit still.


You do realize you have the cutest baby ever right?
I was going to say B because I love Kit Kats but when I kept scrolling and saw that picture of the carrot cake I changed my mind. I haven’t had a good piece of carrot cake in a very long time so I vote for it! I don’t think I like Peeps but I can’t remember if I ever have tried one. They just seem like they would taste good. Maybe I shouldn’t even go there. Have you tried wearing your bike gloves (I assume you have some) when you row, that should help with the blisters? and you can still wear your ring! Frosting-always the frosting!


Out of the 3, I would choose cake B but carrot cake always wins for me (I even had it as my wedding cake). I think it wins because of the frosting. The frosting is without a doubt the best bit :)

I usually take my rings off to exercise then spend the whole time panicking every time I realise they’re not on my finger. It would probably be better for my nerves if I just kept them on!


I take my rings off all the time!! Plus, Im a bio and anatomy teacher and we do multiple dissections of dead preserved organisms…I ALWAYS leave my ring at home so I don’t have to worry about gloves, etc. and I don’t wear it when working out either, especially during crossfit!


The other pictures are great, but the carrot cake made me drool the most, so I say stick with that one.

never ever take this ring off either.

I’m still waiting for the day you do a virtual spin class. I will have my trainer up and ready!


Love your playlists- lots of songs I forgot about!

those cakes are awesome- I love the look of the 1st one w/ the peeps and m&m’s- so colorful. I like peeps in small doses- jelly beans are by far my favorite easter candy.

Frosting always wins over cake in my book- unless it’s an ice cream cake :)


Just curious… how long do your row’s take? What min/500meter do you try to aim for?
Rowing is my new obsession!!!! LOVE it! soooo hard though!!

Oh and thanks for being awesome! I literally jump for joy when I see a new post by you : )


A! Just because I love all the colors. But I would pick D if you could figure out how to make it. Too cute!

Peeps? Cute, but I don’t eat marshmallows.

What is the best part about cake: Frosting or the cake part? Frosting! As long as it is buttercream frosting!


I’d make one of the fun Easter-themed cakes (A, B, or C) because you can have plain ol’ carrot cake any time :)

My rings come off when I run outside because I’m weirdly paranoid about getting attacked and having my ring finger cut off (I know). In my defense, my ring is pretty darn sweet – a princess-cut purple sapphire for the center stone :D


BTW: did you ever see that Malcolm in the Middle episode where the oldest brother eats like 100 peeps or something?


Make a carrot cake and decorate it like cake B! It’s way too cute not to do


I made a cake like the first and second one for Christmas two years ago, but around the side I put Reeses peanut butter trees. OMG. That is all.


I only wear my wedding band except for special occasions. I have lost my diamond once and needed major repairs after that. So for the sake of the ring, I don’t wear it.
Peeps are awesomely cute. But not for eating.

The Kidless Kronicles


First time commenter — I just love your blog! Thanks for being so real and funny. And for real, your daughter is on another level of cuteness!!

I always thought I would never take my ring off, but as it turns out, my fingers swell A LOT when I sleep and work out. If I wear it to sleep more than a few nights or during more than a few sweaty workouts, I get a rash. I’m apparently not allergic to the metal; my doctor said it’s just the combination of sweat and being tight around my finger. So I always take it off to lift weights and at night. It always either goes in the ring box in my purse or on the pretty porcelain ring holder I was gifted from Anthropologie by a friend. =)


Make carrot cake and cover it in peeps ;)


I vote for carrot cake!! I had a friend make me one yesterday to celebrate our soon-to-arrive baby, and it was delicious!! :)


I made cake B for a boyfriend and it was a HIT! Expect a sugar high for days, though. I cannot stand peeps, but marshmallows in general have been weirding me out lately.. It’s a shame.


Frosting is the BEST part! I’d eat all frosting if it didn’t make me sick!


Is this a normal thing, to make one cake and ONLY ONE cake?


That’s easy – make ALL of them!


I vote all of them ;) But if you can only make one, then I’m completely in love with cake B, but that might just be because I have a serious obsession with KitKats and Mini Eggs. As for the cake vs. frosting debate, I used to think that I had it completely figured out and that I’d take frosting hands down, but now I’m not so sure anymore. There are times where nothing satisfies like a doughy and sweet bite of cake.


Glad to hear your healing! YAY!!!

I have to take my rings off when exercising, I get way too sweaty!!!


those other cakes may be cute but carrot cake is so delicious…I mean really.


I love the Kit Kat cake! I would say the last one, but I think you’d have to be a professional to create it! I take my rings off to exercise. In fact, I take my rings off when I come in for the day. I don’t feel completely relaxed unless all jewelry is off!


I vote cake C !!! I never take my ring off to exercise. I love it to much! …and I have tendency to lose things!


That kit kat cake has been on my list forever now (with M&Ms instead of eggs) maybe I’ll finally make it this weekend!

I LOVE people who are cake people instead of icing people because then we can trade :)
As always Brooke’s adorable little face just makes me smile :)


Carrot Cake! You can eat your cake and veggies too! (I’m making it plus I LOVE cream cheese frosting!)

Love peeps except I only want to eat one and then my craving is satisfied.

I like to have cake with my FROSTING! LOL

I take my ring off if I’m going to the gym from home. But if I’m going to the gym from work, I keep my ring on because I don’t want to leave it in the car or in my gym bag.


Cake is one of my favorite things in the world. But I can’t choose between the cake and the frosting. I have to have a balance of both! One just isn’t good without the other.

I don’t leave my house without a wedding band on. But I do 99% of my workouts away from home with a plain white gold comfort fit band that we bought for cheap. It allows me to exercise without worrying about banging my diamond into things and equipment, ect. Plus this band doesn’t seem to cause the blistering that my regular set does. I don’t always wear a ring while at home though. I hate the feeling of water under it and yet I wash dishes all day long. So at home my finger is bare.


I used to take my ring off to run – even sometimes placing it in the little “tray” on the treadmill – until I did that one day in the cardio cinema at Gold’s (dark room) and the tray had an opening in it, through which my ring fell, hit the belt, and catapulted across the room. They had to turn the lights on in the room and 2 other people were crawling around on the floor with me trying to find it. Thank God we did find it – but I was mortified! Never again!


A is my choice! Lots of sugary goodness! Don’t do traditional on Easter! You have all the other days of the year to make a traditional looking cake!

And peeps are so yummy! I haven’t had one yet this year! I need to get them now!


Cake B! They’re all so cute =)


I take my ring off but I always put it back on right after I’m done! :)


I love peeps!!!!
My wedding ring is off more than on as it just gets in the way while doing hair. Also when coloring and wearing gloves it bugs me to have my ring on.
Still voting for the carrot cake. You simply cannot go wrong with that. Just buy some Peeps, Kit Kats and M&M’s and all will be good. :))


Cake A!!!!!


I think carrot cake. Want to know something weird? My mom likes stale peeps. Gross, right?!
I always wear my rings, I hate to take them off…but ever since I got pregnant with G I am now allergic to them :( It’s awful…but I still wear them, even if I feel like I may scratch my finger off.


I think you should make carrot cake and DECORATE it like one of the above. I like the last one but that takes some serious artistic skill. I think you should do B but put Peeps on top with the Easter Eggs :-) More candy = More deliciousness. Plus, bunnies always need to be on a carrot cake ;-)


B. Definitely B.

I’m honestly not a huge fan of cake. But when I do eat it, I like a bit of cake and a bit of frosting (as long as it’s GOOD frosting) in every bite. :)

I do not take my rings off, pretty much ever. I’m probably not supposed to swim in them, but thanks to my big fat knuckles, and living someplace it’s always hot (hot weather = fatter fingers, for me), those babies aren’t budging. And they are safest on my finger! ;-)


I vote for the M&M cake for sure! It’s adorable! I don’t care for Peeps, but they hold a special place in my heart (funny story). I think icing is the best part of the cake. :-)


Cake B made with carrot cake.
Peeps= ewwwww…
Cake or frosting: frosting , 100%, with out a doubt.

I’m married. I never exercise with my rings, I do a lot of kettle bell work and weights, my rings would be rubbed right off, if I wore them.


I don’t like peeps. Once my friend put one in the microwave, it was pretty cool.

I take off my engagement ring to exercise but never my wedding ring. I take it off and put it in the same spot every time so I won’t lose it.

Why don’t you make one cake for the next 4 days up to Easter?


Not a fan of Peeps but thanks to my mom I still get them in my basket every year (and I’m in my 30s!).

I got to watch a Peep eating contest once. It was not pretty!:)


Have you heard of graston therapy? Worked wonders on my it band injury. I also jumped a lot of rope for a killer workout. Didn’t bother it band.


I say go with option B and just make it a carrot cake!


Why don’t you make carrot cake….but make it look like one of those cool cakes on the outside? You can eat the candy off, then eat the cake…….it’d be like 2 desserts in one!!!


FROSTING is forever my favourite part of a cake. The bunny ones are so cute! And of course candy on cake? Genius. I do take my rings off to exercise, usually, but I exercise at home, so I know exactly where it is at all times and know it won’t be stolen/lost :)



I have to take my ring off because its too big. If I get too sweaty it will fall off, has happened! But I also have to set it on my phone so I remember to put it back on right away


B!!! Cake surrounded in candy is always a win:)


I *always* take off all my jewelry while exercising (or going to the beach/swimming). When I was a kid, I went swimming and somehow I lost a bangle that my grandfather gave me when I was born…after that, I stopped wearing jewelry when exercising. I figure it’s all safer in my jewelry box at home :)

cake > frosting. I’m actually trying to convince my fiance that we should have a cake without frosting for our wedding, but he’s not buying it so far…


My students, who listen to hip hop & rap, don’t know who Akon is. How sad is that?!

The only question about peeps is: are they better fresh, or stale?


Yay for no pain!!

Eek… I love almost all Easter candy/chocolate except Peeps…sorry!!


Cake B. Definitely cake B.


While I think the cakes with candy are genius I am a huge carrot cake lover so I say stick with that plan, that’s the only thing I am eating on Easter


All jewelry, including wedding ring, comes off pretty much as soon as I get home. Can’t stand to sleep, exercise or shower with my ring on. Some mornings I forget to put it on, but the way the skin is indented and flaky under the ring, there is no doubt I am married!


Choose cake A, it looks like the most amazing thing ever. I really don’t like peeps (I would just leave them out on cake A) and frosting is most defiantly the best part.


We’re having carrot cake, but now that I see these fun options, I may buy some peeps to put around the side, so cute!!!


Who says you have to limit yourself to ONE cake?

I’m not sure if I’ve ever had a Peep. They seem kind of creepy. Like a Twinkie. But I typically stick with chocolate related candy….or gummy things.

Hmmm… It depends on the cake and the icing. Sometimes I like the cake more….sometimes I like the icing more. Like my mom’s icing — I can just lick that off a spoon.

And yes, I take my ring off for weight lifting and swimming and rowing. I don’t want to scratch it with weights. But I run with it on. But it goes back on right after my shower.

How do you like your Ravenna 4s? I wore the 3s for a while last year, but I ended up getting a huge callus on the inside of my right forefoot. And then I got a blister deep inside the callus. And after I cut open the blister (self surgery = fun) and it healed for a few days, I ran again, and I got a blister on the inside of one of my toes. I never get blisters. I ended up getting some injinji socks and wore them and another pair of shoes the rest of my vacation, but I had to wear the injinjis with a pair of Adrenalines later that summer. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color of your Ravennas, and I want to give them another try, but I don’t want them to eat my feet.


I vote for C! That bunny is cute. If not, then just plain old carrot cake.
I like peeps but they’re not my fave. Marshmallows are yummy tho.
I’m gonna be THAT person… I like the cake more than the frosting. =)
I never take my ring off either! I’m married & proud of it. I sometimes take it off when I sleep but I got the hubs right next to me.


I take my ring off when I sleep because my skin gets suuuuuper dry. But not when I’m working out! I took off my engagement ring off the first time I ran a half marathon after I got engaged and I couldn’t put it back on until the next day :-/ Never again!


NEVER take my ring off and I have mad callouses on my hands from rowing and lifting!

If the cake has cream cheese frosting, it is hands down the best part!


Don’t stone me, but I hate peeps! I don’t know why because I love marshmallows but the taste is just very unappealing to me. All the other cakes look amazing, but I LOVE carrot cake (especially if it has cream cheese frosting!), so my vote is D :)


I always take my ring off to work out, mine is a little big and I worry it would somehow fall off when running and it hurts to wear when weightlifting. I love carrot cake, so I vote for that.


Carrot Cake! And I always eat the cream cheese frosting first!
Peeps are disgusting!
Married; I never take them off!


My wedding ring hasn’t fit since my first child was born many many years ago. My engagement ring lost the diamond 2 houses ago and 3000 miles ago. I look so unattached. You would never guess we’ve been married 27 years from our fingers.


Never ever take my ring off but I almost had heart failure back in December when the diamond fell out. Luckily my hand was in my pocket when it happened….luckiest thing that’s ever happened to me I think! My ring is a family heirloom from my husbands side so I would be in extra big trouble if I lost it!


I love cake B because I’m obsessed with kit kats and robin eggs. I can’t WAIT until Monday for Easter Candy clearance sales!!! YESSS. Score.

Brooke just shows SO much personality in these pictures lately, she is getting so big so fast! Love that cute girl!


if you make carrot cake you won’t be sorry when you are eating it.


Gotta have that Peep cake! But not really for the Peeps – way more for all the M&Ms on top! Brooke has some of THE. BEST. baby bangs I’ve ever seen. My wedding and engagement ring have actually gotten too big since I’ve started losing weight, so I don’t feel comfortable wearing them until we can get them resized. It’s better to keep them in one safe place in my apartment!


What she said!!! …”Gotta have that Peep cake! But not really for the Peeps – way more for all the M&Ms on top!” Couldn’t have said it better myself!

And no, I never take my wedding or engagement ring off since I also have that pesky problem of losing Everything. Lol! Plus, we’re still very much newlyweds – will be married 4 months on April 1st!! – so I just love to stare at it, think of the hubby and smile. **Yes, I’m a sap & proud** :)


I think you should make cake B and make it a carrot cake!!! And I love peeps! But my favorite easter candy is jelly beans :-)


I vote B because it looks like it would put me in a serious sugar coma and isn’t that what Easter candy is all about?

I never take my ring off to exercise, but all I’m doing right now is running. My husband has lost a little weight since we got married, so if he doesn’t take off his ring when he swims or runs, it will fly right off. I swear that ring is like a cat with 9 lives… it’s been lost and found so many times!


I made the kit-kat cake last year! I wish there was a way to include a picture… my boys LOVED it and they are begging for it this year :)


Use a carrot cake recipe to make the bunny!!


I made that Kit Kat Cake for a party last year and it was a HUGE hit! And do you know how Peeps are even better? In Smores! Seriously—try it! (You’re welcome!)



I’m a fan of tradition carrot cake, but if all of those things were on the side.. I couldn’t say I wouldn’t dip into them!
I’m not a big fan of peeps or marshmallows for that matter, but send all the chocolate my way!
I would have to say both, but it has to be proportioned so that there’s like 25% frosting to 75% cake, call me crazy but I think it tastes best that way =)


I don’t take it off to run (unless it’s crazy early and that’s only because it isn’t insured yet and I’m paranoid about being mugged), but I always take it off if I’m going to be doing weights. My ring is gold so I’m worried about it scratching/wearing down. I feel so naked without it though!!


(c) is ridiculously cute.
I take my rings off when exercising as I’m more concerned that they’ll fall off when my fingers are all sweaty. Perhaps you could get some light weight-lifting gloves? I wear them when doing weights or rowing, they stop my hands from getting sore.


D – carrot cake… Because I am a total FROSTING girl and cream cheese frosting with a little bit of gooey carrot cake is a DCT! I never take my ring off either. And peeps are best if you let them get stale & hard before eating them. Try it.


Y’all need to make a cute Easter-y cake. I have a (small) bakery busines and have 15 Easter-y cakes to make! 100% of the profits go towards our adoption fees. I may attemp the tree stump cake, thanks for the idea! I take my ring off when I work out and I use to love Peeps. It’s been years since I’ve had one.


The last one that you dont know how to make shouldnt be too hard, its just beautifully decorated. Its likely to be 4 or so sandwich cakes (circular, relatively flat) stacked with frosting between each then covered in choc frosting. Theres a small bit scooped out the side (not too much or will overbalance) and the frosting is piped out to look like tree roots. Then the flowers you can buy in cake shops or large supermarkets and the bunny will be several pieces of white rolled fondant icing put together :)

I say make that ;-), failing that, carrot cake topping is ACE


If you don’t tire of Easter candy quickly, and haven’t already stocked up, I would go with Cake A for Easter sake. You can make the carrot cake anytime. Or all three and have guests. ;-)

I think Peeps are too sweet, but they are really cute to look at (or decorate cake with).

I love plain cake, but if it’s cream cheese frosting, I jump on the bandwagon of frosting. ;-D

I always take my ring off to exercise because I have a problem with clumsiness/knocking it off of things.


Have you thought about investing in some weight training gloves? I LOVE mine. They fit over my rings so I don’t ever take my rings off AND I avoid blisters.


I always take my rings off to work out but my husband never used to….until he lost his wedding ring at a Warrior Dash


There is an ice cream place here that has Peeps ice cream. I can’t decide if that sounds amazing or terrible. I’d make the first cake.

I rarely wear my wedding rings. I think part of it is that I take them off to sleep/exercise/cook, etc. and I rarely leave the house, so I never think to put them on in the morning. Whenever we leave the house together, though, Mike will ask, “are you married?” to check to see if I remembered my rings.


Make the carrot cake then decorate it with the Peeps or Chocolate bars tied around the outside; best of both worlds :)


I love when you put your playlists up-you help me keep my running list updated ;)


I’ve got to say, I’m a traditionalist and think the carrot cake sounds the yummiest. However, I think I’m going to go the easy route and do some three ingredient treats (shredded coconut and honey baked with chocolate drizzled on top). I actually never wear my ring when I’m working out, but I’m not the one in our relationship who has a tendency to lose wedding rings. :-)


I love cake A! So cute! I am not a fan of peeps. I like the cake part, the icing is to sweet for me. I only take off my ring when I am lifting weights, I am scared to death that I will pump it on a weight and pop off the diamond! I do but it back into the ring box though, like you I am scared to death that I will loose it!


I like A. I’m a big Peeps fan and the mountain of M n M’s on top looks wonderful. And I feel you on the losing things. I’m very accident prone, so I lose things and then tend to step on them and break them. It’s a bad combo.


I like cake 1! I saw that on Pintrest and considered trying to make it. I’d have to opt out on the green “grass” (icing) though. That’s way over my abilities :) If it doesn’t come in a box, it’s too hard for me.

Peeps… eh. Not a big fan. Cute decoration though!

Frosting. Fo sure. Unless it’s my favorite cake- a cookie cake-then it’s the cake.

Yes, I do not wear my rings when I run. My fingers swell. I do have my husband’s name tattooed on my ring finger (under my rings) so it’s kinda like they are still there :)


B for sure!!!!

Nope never take off my wedding ring. I am afraid I would lose it too!


Carrot cake is my favorite ever! So I say stick with that… even though those other cakes are super cute :)


I’m loving cake B!! I think I just may have to make that for Sunday! I can eat a row of peeps any day of the week, but I could also live without them. The frosting on the cake for sure!! I DO take my rings off!! eek! I’m just weird though. I hate to sleep with them on, shower/swim with them, and cook and clean with them. Other than that, I wear them. lol. :-)

Brooke is just always so fun to see…she makes my day !


Meant to also add that I don’t like working out with my rings on, either.


make C WITH CARROT CAKE!!!!! win win win =]

omg frosting without a doubt. i always give my bf the cupcake from which i’ve just licked off all the frosting… classy and lovely, i am! ;-p



Here’s a genius idea if I say so myself (and I do) – make one of those cute cakes but make the inside carrot cake! I’m sure someone else has thought of that idea already haha.

FROSTING no question at all! I also am now gluten free so I actually can’t eat the cake part unless it is GF, but it’s all just a ploy so that I can get away with only eating frosting. (Just kidding, it’s actually real, but I do LOVE having an excuse to just eat icing and not feel bad!)


Oh also, my parents have the BEST marriage ever – my dad likes cake and my mom likes frosting, so whenever they get pieces of cake, my mom gets 2x frosting and my dad gets 2x cake. Win, win.


I think several cakes are in order! And candy can go on all of them! Oh! Or maybe in them!

I love peep because they are my dad’s favorite, and they remind me of him!

I take my rings off… :( My ring is loose, but I’m afraid to have it sized down any more. It also gets caught in my hair. But I love it so much!!

So happy about your IT band! I thought easing back into running would be hard, but it isn’t! I was so worried I would want to over do it, but I’m just so happy to be able to run, and the fear of hurting myself again is definitely making the “easing into it” part really easy! Horray for recovery and learning from our pesky injuries!


I’m in love with carrot cake so that’s my vote.

I kinda don’t like frosting… or cake (carrot cake is my exception). We had pie instead of cake at our wedding! I really just don’t like cake that much.

I always take off my wedding ring to go for a run or I just wear my wedding band. I don’t want to lose it along the way or have some scary person try to take it from me. If I’m at the gym or taking a class, I usually keep it on. :)

Happy Easter!


i just DIED looking at these cakes… so yummy. make the peep one for me!!!!


Wilton makes easy-to-use shaped cake pans. They have them at A.C. Moore and Michael’s! I made a sheep one last year for my in-laws and it was a hit! Also, I LOVE Peeps. They are one of my favorite Easter candies, especially the dipped-in-chocolate ones. And I NEVER take my wedding rings off. Even taking them off to clean them makes me anxious.


Um I would eat any of those cakes!! I love the Peeps one though because it’s so cute and I love peeps!! :)

Best part of Carrot cake = FROSTING!

I never take off my rings unless it’s to put lotion on in the bathroom so I just place them on the counter so they don’t get all nasty, but I put them right back on!


Make the carrot cake!!! Yes, the others are super cute but we all know it is about the taste and not the looks. It is seriously hard to beat carrot cake!!!


OMG that Peeps cake looks amazing! And, also like I might go into a sugar coma from even being near it. But I’ll still vote for that one since it is the most colorful. :)
On that note, obviously… I love peeps. I know I’m going to sound like an anarchist here, but I’m not really a big frosting fan, so cake wins as far as the BEST part. And no, I never take my rings off to exercise, and I just noticed I have a callous in the exact same spot as you so now I know why. :)


1. I always love the titles of your blog post. 2. So weird u asked if we ever take rings off….I NEVER do but have started wearing my band only to the gym/at work. I work in healthcare with elderly and I don’t want to scratch the oldies! :) but it makes me feel naked womp.


Go with A. I love peeps, but only if they have started to get hard. That is how my Mom likes them so I guess I just took after her. I rarely wear my rings to the gym because I don’t sleep with them on and I go to the gym at 6. If I go after work then I leave them on. I have calluses regardless if I wear my rings or not.


I always take mine off to exercise! I just got engaged 6 months ago so I am still getting used to it.


frosting is the only part of the cake that i eat! then i swap plates with my husband and he eats the cake while i eat the frosting. :)

i take my rings off the second i walk in the door from work. i can’t stand to have them on while exercising or working around the house. i have a really high setting though, so i’m always worried i’ll damage it!


I think you should make the bunny cake first….then, once the Easter candy goes on sale on Monday, stock up on all the goodies and then make the others with all the candy! (I always load up my cabinets the day after Easter!)

Peeps…..they’re okay – I muuuuch prefer Cadbury mini eggs or Hershey eggs (with the candy outside!)

The whole point of eating cake is because it’s a socially acceptable way to eat gobs of Frosting….. (though, I’ve been known to eat gobs of frosting straight from the bowl or can!)


My vote is still for carrot cake. And the frosting truly is the best part, especially if it is cream cheese frosting! And I have to take my ring off while I exercise b/c it’s a big too big and if anything happens to the diamond my husband will divorce me…

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