Pool Running 101: it is actually kind of awesome.

I’m a rule breaker.  The sign on the wall of the pool area said no running but I showed them and did an hour of running in the pool…muhahaha.

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I actually really liked it.  Sure there were times of boredom but between listening to my music (I have waterproof gear from back when I swam a lot) and the pool zumba class (started 1/2 way through my workout), I was pretty darn entertained.   My legs felt like jello after some of the intervals, pool running is not joke.

The slide was very tempting, too bad it was closed.

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My workout went like this:

5 min w/u

2 sets of 5 x 1:30 hard (30 second recovery)

(2 min easy between sets)

30 min steady state pool running with a few 30 sec hard intervals

5 min c/d

Some things about pool running:

First I recommend watching some Youtube videos about it.  Here and here are some great ones.

-Put your belt on snugly around your waist and jump on in to the deep end (I am doing it so that my feet do not touch the ground but you can also do it where you do make contact with the pool floor).

-The Hydro Belt keeps you stabilized and efficient.  It takes the work out of trying to stay afloat so that you can use you focus on running and proper form!

-Stay nice and tall throughout your run (this will really work your trunk muscles).  Keep your back straight and pump your arms the same way you would when you normally run with a 90 degree angle at your elbow.  Keep your arms to the side of your body.

-Some people move forward while pool running and some people barely move around at all.  Either way is fine.  You really do not need very much room to pool run… maybe just 10 yards or so.

-Drive your knee up and then drive it down (don’t angle foot down).

-If it feels easy you are probably slowly swimming, not pool running.

I will continue to add more tips in blog posts as I learn more about it but I feel like I got a killer workout and that this really will help me keep up my fitness until I am running around like normal again.

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Brooke wanted to show off her running skirt and running tank.  She loves it.

Lunch was my latest favorite salad of a grilled chicken breast, feta, strawberries, cranberries and my favorite Brianna’s Poppyseed Dressing.

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Directly followed by my latest must buy at TJ’s item:

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Brooke is snoozing and my eyeballs are very sleepy… time for a 20 minute power nap.  It is actually amazing how I have trained myself to fall asleep within 90 seconds of lying down no matter what time of day it is.


Does it take you a long time to fall asleep?

When was the last time you had peanut butter?

What was your workout today?  Inside or outside?

What has been your latest lunch favorite?

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Oh my goodness please tell me where Brooke’s outfit is from? I need to find one for my two year old! By the way, my 4 month old little boy looks like he could be Brooke’s brother. He has a ton of brown hair and the same bright blue eyes and chubby “little” cheeks!


I think it’s from Target (the champion symbol on the skirt!)


It is from Target! You have to get it!!! AHHHH twinner babies:)


Shut up! Brooke’s outfit os outta control awesome! I want a little girl just to do that to her (and I am kind of indifferent to kids)! Love those TJ granola bars!


You almost make me want to try pool running!

Love Brooke’s outfit! So cute!


Og my goodness I can’t believe they make baby running gear (since they can’t even walk lol… or maybe I can!) Thanks for the pool running info! I always knew it was a great alternative and I know it will keep you in great shape! It doesn’t take me long to fall asleep at all. Staying asleep is the issue! Today I had honey roasted pb and it is divine.


They even make infant Nike tempo shorts! I think HRG had a picture of Brooke wearing them with her “running genes” onsie.


Pool running sounds so hard to me! Favorite lunch has been chicken salad made with avocado…Brooke’s running outfit is adorable!


Pool running sounds hard! I think I would feel silly, though, so I’d have to bring a pool running buddy along with me :)

Lately it’s been taking me forever to fall asleep, and then I wake up many times at night. It’s wearing me out! I don’t know what the deal is. I usually don’t watch tv or use the computer the hour leading up to bedtime, because I’ve read those can make it hard for you to fall asleep.

I had a PB & J sandwich last night as an evening snack (since we ate supper at like 3pm yesterday)

This morning I did a level 1 30 day shred workout. I completed the 30 day program last week, so I wanted to see how it was to go back to level 1 this morning. Some stuff was really easy and others were hard!

Latest lunch favorite is a cracked black pepper turkey sandwich and clementines :)


Sounds like the pool running was a success! Today’s workout was 4 miles and then JM 6 week 6 pack dvd – it all felt good! I don’t take naps because if I do then I’ll be awake until 3 am! Otherwise I fall asleep within 5-10 minutes usually :D


Brooke looks absolutely adorable-LOVE the outfit. And I’m glad pool running went well!

On average it probably takes me about 15 minutes to fall asleep.

I had peanut butter Saturday…only reason I haven’t had it since then is because we bought Nutella.

My workout was 3 miles on the treadmill while the kiddos napped.

My favorite lunch lately has been fried egg sandwiches and veggies with hummus.


I have peanut butter almost every day. Yum! I had it today on some sugar free banana bread I made over the weekend. My workout today was a 7 mile outdoor run. It felt good to get up and run before work.


Brooke’s outfit is so adorable. I love workouts in the water. I haven’t done actual pool running except when we do it in water aerobics. :) Very fun. I have been wanting to try the aqua zumba for a while now. Your salad looks so yummy. (PS. I just signed up for my first marathon)


AHHHH that makes me so so happy! What marathon?


CIM (California International Marathon) in Sacramento. It’s a long ways away Dec. 8, but I am already nervous as heck. haha.


My first marathon is in October and I’m terrified. Yesterday I did my twelve for a half in two weeks and all i could think was well-I’m half done!!! But won’t we be proud of our selves when we do this!!


I fall asleep SUPER fast! It’s not even funny. One of my old roommates says one time I fell asleep in the middle of my own sentence haha

Does the peanut butter in my Reese’s Egg count? If yes, than today :)

Today I did 30 Day Shred Level 3.


That is so great you are pool running. I attempted it a few times while injured recently and even had an injured friend come join me for the fun. I wish I lived closer, I would come run with you! Now that I’m running again, I know I should continue to do some pool running to help the injury from coming back, but I have yet to force myself back to the pool.


I am eating PB now while reading your blog. lol. Not even joking. With raisins.

I fall asleep as soon as my head hits a pillow. No joke. Ross learned very quickly in our marriage that if he ever wanted to talk to me, he had to do it before I laid down or it was going to be merely a one sided conversation.

I did a 50-ish minute bootcamp class today (I forked over the dough for a 1 month membership because I am tired of our rec center) where we worked our chest and triceps until I was shaking and then I did a 5 mile run. I am excited to hear more about this pool running because I should probably be doing it. I have had a naggiging hamstring pain for months now and I keep running on it and it is getting worse. I probably shouldn’t ignore it anymore :/

My mom called me on Saturday because she was at TJ and wanted to know if I wanted anything. Naturally I pulled up your blog so I could read her your list of favorite things. lol. Now let’s just hope she got them all. And oddly enough she told me she already had those bars in her cart because they ‘screamed Megan’ :) Love my mom.

Latest fave lunch is an uncooked tortilla (they are the best) cooked & topped with hummus, cucumber, red bell pepper and turkey lunch meat. Yum!

Brooke is the cutest! I want to buy a running skirt (they have some cute ones at ON) for Anna for the sole purpose of them being adorable.


That salad looks delicious. I’ve had those bars from TJ’s and they are pretty good. I’m in a Kids Clif Bar phase right now. I can’t get enough. And they are so cheap at TJs!


When was the last time you had peanut butter?
It’s actually been a while… guess I should go get a spoon full.


I had no idea Target made sporting wear for babies, she is so adorable.


Been pool running lately, I think I have tendonitis in the back of my knee. The pool running actually still hurts. I’m just screwed!!!! I have a Half on Saturday and I’m very very worried. There are only 21 hills!!!


I’m in recovery mode from the race yesterday so I just have 30:00 on the elliptical and some arms weights.


Loving Brooke’s outfit! She is so stylish. ;)


I just bought those TJ’s granola bars!!! I go there at least 2 times a week!! Love that place! Where do you find Brooke’s runni g gear in that small of a size?? So adorable!!


I have a small pool in my backyard and I’d love to pool run in it, especially when injured, but I don’t know if there’s enough space. I’m excited to hear more about how it goes for you!


OMG Brooke is adorable!! My son is almost 2 and I think he needs some running gear ;) I think I need to look into pool running as my ITBS is not resolving and actually stopped me at mile 2.25 of my 5k yesterday! I thought I was going to have to limp to the end but thankfully after about a minute of walking I was able to jog and still finish under 30min.

As for peanut butter – 2 hours ago? I used to avoid it at all costs for some reason and now it’s one of my favorite foods, ever. I get the natural peanut butter and drizzle about a tbsp over blueberries, raspberries and bananas with my breakfast. If I’m looking to have a bad snack at night, I do the same and add either a small amount of cool whip and/or dark chocolate chips. Is that weird?! It sure is delicious.

As for sleep – I tend to fall asleep pretty easily now. However, if I have a race I will spend a lot of time procrastinating going to sleep by getting things ready and once I do lie down, it takes forever to actually fall asleep. Before I was this healthy I would generally take 30-60min to sleep and it was awful.

I’m so glad I found your blog!!!


I’m so intrigued by pool running! It sounds great, especially when you’re recovering from an injury.

My workout this morning was a run outside – I had to race to beat the snow! :( I want it to be spring already, I’m so jealous of your CA weather!


By the end of the day I am so tired, it takes me no time to just fall asleep!
Brooke is adorable her running outfit!!!
I had some peanut butter with lunch, I was craving an apple and peanut butter. YUM!
Workout was inside, we got 10 inches of snow. Recovery on the treadmill with a quick 3 mile run and 2 mile walk.
My favorite lunch as of late is chicken sausage


Why is it that I can fall asleep anytime anywhere for a nap, but when I go to bed I lay there for 15 minutes no matter what.
I’ve been doing spinach, strawberries, feta, and walnuts as my side salad for lunch.


Great job! That sounds intense, I feel a bit intimidated by pool workouts, maybe one day I’ll be brave enough…


I wish I could fall asleep that fast! It doesn’t take me a long time, but I think it’s amazing when some people lay down and are asleep within a few minutes.


Love pool running!!! Actually….I think I may need to start adding this in. I’m injured too :( but I’m allowed to run still, it’s just super painful for longer distances so pool running is a good call!


Thanks for sharing the aqua running tips! Cannot wait to give it a go!

Did you find a one-piece swimsuit is necessary vs. a two piece?


That exact salad you had today is my favourite lunch ever!!! Also, greek yogurt with cottage cheese and fruit. YUM. Now you have successfully made me want to swim SO BADLY. I think I’ll be doing that in my near future. I used to swim regularly at college, after my classes, and I miss it so much! I never knew about waterproof music stuff, though! That’s so cool!



I did 8 miles this morning in absolutely gorgeous outdoor weather! It was actually the longest distance I’ve ever done, which I realize will now be a weekly occurance now leading up to my 1st half marathon in May! I’m getting excited!

I have a peanut sensitivity and can sometimes have it and sometimes not. Right now I’m in a phase of not being able to tolerate it, which makes me kinda sad.

I fall asleep within about 10 min, but then I toss and turn a lot at night. I’ve been spending the last few years trying to improve how I sleep (restricting caffeine, early bedtimes, being active enough during the day).


Omg Brooke looks so much older in that picture!!!! And your pool looks so fun! I feel like I would get so bored with pool running – like it would be fun the first time but after that I’d go crazy. Like a treadmill without TV or music… Haha basically how I feel about swimming laps. You should suggest they install a TV right by the pool!


Brooke’s outfit is precious! I swear she gets cuter by the day. Too adorable!

I had peanut butter today… and on most days. It’s an addiction. :)


I am intrigued. And this will help with the IT Band issues? How do you know when you can go back to regular running?

The Kidless Kronicles


When it doesn’t hurt anymore:)


You rebel you ;) I always got yelled at by the lifeguard when I ran around the pool as a kid. Talk about a killjoy. And you have to teach me your sleeping ways! I have no problem falling asleep at night, but I can’t fit many naps into the day because by the time I fall asleep it’s time to wake up. And I have to admit that I’ve never tried the strawberry and chicken combo in a salad, but I’m thinking it’s going to happen for dinner tonight.


BROOKE oh my goodness. Cutest baby EVVERRR. I want to try pool running now!!!


Brooke looks absolutely adorable! I love little kids workout gear ;) It depends on what I have going on that day as to how long it takes me to fall asleep! Could be .2 seconds, could be an hour! Crazy! Today was actually my day off =) Love the recovery days!


Little girls clothes are sooo cute. I need to find some cool baby boy clothes :-) or have a girl.
Ummm… peanut butter is an every day essential for me. Breakfast, lunch or dinner. Doesn’t matter it’s incorporated somehow and I LOVE it!
So great to hear your workout was a success. Pool workouts always seem to make me a little more tired. That’s why I lam in love with the pool and chlorine effects on my eyeballs.


I had never heard of pool running before, glad it worked out for you! And omg, could Brooke be any cuter in that outfit?!


Brooke has the cutest outfit! Pool running can be a good workout. My coach went to nationals doing nothing but in water training. He said he would have sweat dripping down his face by the end. But water ZUMBA? THAT is a workout I want to try…


Freaking hard workout, but LOVE it! I’m so glad to read your post cuz this is exactly how I’ve been pool running. ( workouts intervals are a little different ) I move forward, I feel like it makes it far less boring. Thanks for your post, confirms I’m doing it right. :)


I always feel so bad for people who say they can’t or don’t nap! Its a skill I perfected in high school and, while I don’t do it as much as I used to, sometimes nothing feels better! I just joined a gym with the pool, and seeing this pool running thing sounds way more appetizing than swimming laps. :)


I’ve been swimming lately b/c of an injury but am too chicken to try pool running. I haven’t seen anyone else at the pool doing it but they do have the belts. I want to run so bad. Maybe it would help curb my need to run? You are helping me get up the nerve to get over to the pool and try it!
I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Poor hubs could be midsentence and I’m out like a light.
I haven’t had peanut butter since September. Took a vacation without our little man who is allergic and ate it everyday we were gone. Barney’s Almond Butter is an amazing alternative though!
My workout today was a 1 mile run on the treadmill-lets hope I can walk tomorrow-and elliptical. First run since 2012. Nervous to start back up!
My new favorite lunch is this salad at Annie’s Eats–YUMMY!


I’m obsessed with Brooke’s running outfit! I did some pool running coming back from a stress fracture. It is hard! I haven’t had peanut butter in forever, I’m an almond butter girl now.


I usually fall asleep pretty quick – within 5 or 10 minutes. However, if I’m stressing about something I can stay awake for hours on end. Not fun at all.


Thank you so much for the videos and tips!
Pool running has always confounded me and this helps quite a bit!


That pool is nice. Where is it at? I have to agree the slide is tempting.

Brook is soo cute. I love the outfit! She’s rocking it!


Thank you for posting about your experiences with aqua-jogging. I am working through a lower back injury, 8 weeks out from my next marathon and just order the belt so I can try this. Your posts have been very helpful!


Crazy that I didn’t know “pool running” was an actual workout! Love Brook’s outfit….I have 2 boys and I think if had a girl, I would be bankrupt. I actually just had peanut butter yesterday at my mom’s. Is it gross that I put it in my oatmeal?? She was disgusted with me. I am not allowed to keep it in my house because my husband and I will eat the whole jar in a day. No joke. I did an easy 3 miler on the treadmill today after 7 yesterday. Can’t wait for spring to come for real, not just on the calendar, so I can get outside more! Hope your injury heals quickly!


*Brooke’s ~ I don’t want you to hate me for spelling her name wrong!!!!!


Glad you liked pool running! I was a bad runner and skipped my run after work :/ sometimes a little running hookey is just what the mind/body needs!


So glad you’re doing the pool running. I’m sure your coach will fill you in, but the transition from pool running to streets is almost seemless. If you pool run for a few weeks or more, I believe when you move out to the streets (or trails if you can, that’s easier), you still do a bit of a ramp up of shorter times than you were doing in the pool, but it’s a much faster ramp up than if you were cycling or doing other XT. It’s only about safely bracing your body for the impact, not worrying at all about cardio or miles since those are replicated in the pool.


I LOVE water jogging! Been doing it for the past 9 years now – and all of a sudden it’s popular – people used to look at me like I was crazy :)


Love, Love, Love Brooke’s outfit!
Does it come in my size?
Just had a spoonful of pb tonight. Love me some pb.
Inside crossfit tonight. Had to skip a couple of the stations b/c I have a pulled hip flexor :-( I’m going to see a PT Monday.
Don’t really have a favorite go-to lunch right now. I really should plan my meals better (like you!)


I think it may be the hair and the tank, but Brooke really looks like Billy in that picture!

I am super excited that they make running skirts that small. That is one of the cutest things I have ever seen!


Does it take you a long time to fall asleep?
30-60 minutes. Wish it was quicker

When was the last time you had peanut butter?
Yesterday night. I will be having more tonight as well for a snack

What was your workout today? Inside or outside?
I did a 5 mile run inside on my treadmill due to a snow storm. Then I did a fast mile later in the evening to test my speed.

What has been your latest lunch favorite?
SALAD! I had one today and I packed one for tomorrow! Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, red peppers, onions, avocado, mozzarella, and zesty Italian dressing.


You mean that there are some ppl who can’t remember the last time they had pb?! I have to have it daily! I also eat the same lunch daily……the oatmeal I made for b’fast that I never get a chance to eat thanks to my high school students keeping me too busy. ;-) I’m glad pool running went well and you weren’t bored. Brooke’s outfit once again wants me to go buy baby workout clothes for our future baby!


Ok I am so glad you posted the photo because I totally assumed that pool running was the same as pool walking- as in you would be running laps in the pool, haha!


Brooke’s outfit!! Squeal!

Pool running sounds legit, my friend. I love the pool. Can’t wait for the sun to come out!!!


I am so impressed by the pool running! It sounds so hard. Stupid question but do you run on the spot or do you run along the width of the pool? I can’t work it out!!!


I did pool running for a month when I hurt myself training for my first half marathon. That is why I was able to finish the race. I would do my tempo runs in the water!


Pool running sounds awesome and exhausting! What a great alternative!

Last Friday morning I made peanut butter cookie dough overnight oats…that was the last time I had peanut butter and it was yummers!

My workout today was indoors do to the cold chill moving into New England. The gym was PACKED after work so I had to jump on the elliptical. I hate when that happens but I made the best of it!

My latest favorite lunch is Morning Star spicy black bean burgers on a deli thin w/ avocado and salsa…obsessed!


brooke’s running outfit is pretty much the cutest thing ever!

it’s been a while since i’ve had pb, but i was recently on the biggest sunflower seed butter kick. so yummy!


Why don’t running skirts look that cute on me???
I ran 9 miles this morning. 5 miles with the rest being 1:10 hill repeats with equal recovery.
Hmmm…..last time I had PB was about an hour ago!!! A nice hefty tablespoon of the Planter’s cinnamon granola energy PB. LOVE THAT STUFF!!!
I am the exact same way as you….fall asleep in less than a minute. My problem is that I can’t stay asleep.


Good work with the pool running!
I also can and do fall asleep very quickly, and always have been. I cannot imagine how fast I’ll be able to do it as a sleep deprived mom with a newborn (T-minus nine weeks – eek!).


Last time I had peanut butter was Sunday with PB French toast. Mmmmmm.

Today’s workout was a 5 mile run including hill repeats (3 different hills, 5x each). When I finished my last one, two boys playing nearby clapped and cheered (LOL). That was pretty awesome. I followed it with an arm circuit and lots of stretching. I feel powerful today!


Am I the only one that thought pool running was actually moving all over the pool??? I had no idea you stay in one place!! I have been running for about 13 years now and my mind has been blown haha!!


Woke up bright and early and went pool running. Luckily there was music playing at the pool because I don’t have any gear. Pool running is so weird because your heart rate stays artificially low so you don’t feel like you’ve gotten a hard workout but then all you really want to do after the pool is lay down and put your legs up. At least that’s been my experience.


You must try the TJ’s Peanut Butter and Oat Bars. They taste more like a peanut butter cookie than an oat/granola bar! Soooo good!


I can imagine that the Pool Zumba class was fun to watch! :)
Glad you’re finding ways to run when you can’t run…


Pool running is new to me, but I’m definitely interested. I try to swim once a week during the summer (outdoor pool = work out + tan. win-win). I bet all the resistance in the water will make you a stronger runner.

Girl, I’m in a sleep coma the minute my head hits the pillow. I can’t imagine how exhausting life with a little one is. Glad you got to power nap :)


Nice! Sounds like you got a pretty good workout in!

My workout today is crazy speedwork at the track. Should be interesting!

It usually takes me a while to fall asleep. My husband falls asleep in like 2 seconds which drives me crazy!


I had to STOP buying those Trader Joe’s bars because I would sit at my desk all day and just stare at them. Eating just one was never an option. They turned into my crack and I had to put them down. They are SO so good.

Also, I saw Pretzel’s covered in Butterfinger crumbles the other day. I didn’t buy them, but jesus christ did they sing to me.


I LOVE those granola bars. 2 boxes in my cupboard right now.
Thanks for the videos on aquajogging. I admit, I had lots of questions but did not know where to begin. So I will likely be incorporating this, especially if running gets even more difficult as I get bigger pre-baby!


I am the same way! I can sleep anywhere, any time of day. I just close my eyes. Drives my boyfriend CRAZY.


Cute outfit Brooke!


I would never think of mixing chicken with strawberries but I think you have done it a couple of times so it must be worth the try!


I tried to just leave this comment, but I don’t think it worked? First, I had the same thought about “No Running” when I was pool running.

Second, do you get chaffing from your belt or from water running? I bought my own acqua-jogging belt and, this never happened to me before, but I got crazy chaffing yesterday after water running for an hour.


Saw your blog! Nice!! I have several injuries due to not resting after several half marathons and a full and then speed workouts. At 50 I’m finding out I have to rest. So I’m jumping into pool running. Hope I can use the hotel pool of I’ll drive 30 minutes. Please tell me what music gear you use to swim with since I’m going to train for half ironman soon. I’m not a fast swimmer.

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