A baby genius and will you be my running partner?

Brooke is a baby genius for many reasons but here are two of them from yesterday:

1.  She already knows how to pose perfectly for pictures.

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2.  She can FEED herself with a spoon.  Okay, she only did it one time but it was incredible.  She kept reaching for the bowl and spoon as I was feeding her and so I finally let her have it to see what she would do.  She grabbed the spoon out of the bowl and put avocado in her mouth.  Very proud moment in our home.  (Good thing I always have my camera attached to me at all times)

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I have a new tradition that when she eats avocado, I eat avocado too.  I have been reading about how good avocado is for a baby’s brain development and decided my brain could use a little brain developing too.

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I really really love avocados and I was double lucky yesterday because I had them at dinner on my tacos too.

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A friend invited us over for the most amazing tacos and she even had freshly juiced orange juice for us… my desire for a juicer has come back after drinking that.

Brooke made a new friend.

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Please tell me you have heard of the Yonana?  Basically you put a frozen banana and other frozen fruit in the machine and it comes out looking like ice cream and it is super creamy.   

Our friends made this for us for dessert.   My sister has a Yonana machine and it brought back many memories of making this with her.

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Brooke even got her very first Yonana experience.  She had plain banana and LOVED it.  

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Don’t be surprised if you see a picture of me standing with a Yonana machine in my kitchen with a huge smile on my face in a post within the next 24 hours.  

I am really starting to fall back in love with working out early (going to yoga again this morning).  I am definitely a morning person (I wake up, open my eyes and automatically want to start doing stuff and ask Billy every question in my brain) so it is nice to be awake again during my favorite part of the day (actually my favorite part of the day is dinner while we watch House Hunters).  Not sure what I am going to do when I can run again and want to run early because I simply will not run in the dark by myself and I will be doing way less treadmill running.  Anyone want to come move next door to me and be my daily early morning running partner?  I will make you a big delicious pancake breakfast every morning after we finish our run.


Who has a YONANA machine?  Ever tried it?

Are you a morning person?  What would be your ideal time to wake up?

What food are you REALLY really loving lately?

Will you run in the dark?

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Brooke IS a baby genius! That first picture is precious! Noah is 16 months and still struggles with the whole spoon thing… he’d rather pick up food with his hands and throw it at the wall. Fun times! And I would love nothing more than to come live next door to you and be your early morning running partner! We started at 4:45 this morning so I feel ready :-) Have a great day!


4:45?! Oh my goodness, that’s incredible! What helps you get up that early and get your day started? When I see how dark it is only at 6:15, I just want to crawl back under the covers!


I don’t run in the dark either – at least alone, I would if I had a running partner! But unfortunately I currently do not, and do not anticipate moving to California anytime soon! :P Also I have never heard of Yonana before but it sounds amazing!!!
I’m still a student but yes I’m actually a morning person. I frequently wake up between 6-7 which is about 15 hours earlier than a normal student :P Needless to say my friends think I’m insane!!! Enjoy yoga! Hopefully it helps to improve your IT band.


I only run in the dark if I’m running with someone else and we’re in a place with street lights and a HUGE shoulder.

I’m not really a morning or a night person. I think my ideal time to wake up is 7am-ish.


I have really been loving cauliflower lately! I cannot get enough of it & am even making pizza crusts out of it.


Like to get up around 7, not too early!

I love the curiously cinnamon and curiously strawberry cereals at the moment, so not healthy but SO SO delicious!


I don’t LOVE running in the dark, but if I have to I will.

I’ve slowly evolved into a morning person and I really love it. There’s nothing more satisfying than waking up early and knocking out a good workout, or some stuff on my to-do list :)


It looks like you have a little model on your hands! ;) I’m definitely a morning person too. The early morning is easily my favorite part of the day, and I always feel so good when I get my workout in first thing! And I think I need one of those Yonana Machines – yum!


Yonana machines are AMAZING! Love some chocolately banana goodness!

I refuse to run in the dark, it’s just a safety thing for me, I feel more comfortable when I know my surroundings.

I love that you are already starting Brooke on the avocado love, she is a total baby genius.

My latest food addiction (not healthy at all) is plain lays potato chips. I know, terrible.


Mornings are my favorite, and I prefer waking up between 5 and 530. The amount of work I can get done in 3 hours then is astounding. Then, as my dad says, it’s time for a mid-morning nap!

I’ll run in the dark pending the area. I prefer track workouts if I need the simplicity or a new route sometimes.


I really don’t mind running in the dark (if I know where I am and the sidewalks are clear of snow and ice). It feels like I am going so fast! I am for sure a morning person. I’m usually up at 6:15 or so, even on weekends!!

Brooke looks so cute…what a little model!


I don’t run it in the dark either. I’m not really a morning person so I’m always trying to squeeze my workouts in after work. I think I would prefer to do them in the morning so I wasn’t in a rush at night, but I just can’t wake up early!


I tried to give Evan some avocado and he wasn’t a fan. I didn’t believe it so I tried to feed it to him three more times but each time he hated it. He would turn his head, shut his mouth tight, and swat my finger or spoon away. I then tried to give him coconut oil and he ate it up. So, I guess he hates avocado. How is that possible – it’s a super food???

I hate running in the dark but I’ve done it. When I was training for Marine Corps Marathon I had to do my long runs starting at 4am. It was scary. I ran in the middle of the street because I was afraid someone would jump out of the bushes and get me. Nothing happened but I was so relieved every time the sun started comping up. I did eventually find meet a girl who was willing to do some of the runs from me – I decided an angel must have sent her my way.

Pretty soon it will be light out in the morning and you can go early without being scared!


I reaalllly wanted a yonana but I also found that putting frozen bananas in a good processor works, too! I’m definitely a morning person- my eyes open and I’m ready for the day!


I am definitely a morning person and ideally would be up every day between 6 and 6:30.

I will only run in the dark if it’s morning. For some reason running in the dark at night feels different than running in the dark in the morning to me…like morning is safer, and the world feels more calm.


I am a morning person if I can get to bed at a decent hour, if I am up passed 10 it is really hard for me to wake up at 5:30. With a husband, pug and twin girls it isn’t always easy to get to bed by 10. I am glad you don’t run alone in the dark, it isn’t safe for so many reasons! I won’t run in the dark alone either, move to Sherwood OR and I’ll be your running partner. You’ll love it I promise! Great family community and you have an instant friend!


If I didn’t run in the dark I would pretty much never run. I work long hours so its the only time I get to run. I am more of a morning person. Even with my reduced work schedule right now I’m still awake around 5:30 and out of bed by 6:30 at the latest.


I have been wanting a Yonana machine for over a year. My husband does not understand its purpose …. Yes, it’s a problem between us.


Yes! I’m packing my bags now. I need a running buddy! I’ll just take the apartment you’re living in now. I bet it comes with Swedish fish in random nooks ‘n’ crannies throughout the house.


I’m from Aus, so never heard of the Yonana machine but you’re making me want to look it up!

I do like early mornings before the two babies wake up but it’s just the thought of getting up that is the hardest. Once I’m up, I’m fine!

I’m having a bit of an obsession with Oreos lately. Again, being from Aus these still seem like such a luxury for us. And they’re constantly on sale for $1 but I really MUST stop buying them….Or maybe I could just run more!

It is starting to get darker earlier here and it is a tough one. I don’t like to run in the dark – the other day I braved it and as the sun was coming up, I could feel a shadow running up beside me… I jumped out of my skin Turns out it was just me and my shadow! Now I know why they use the saying “scared of your own shadow” I was that scared of running in the “near dark” that I did it not once but twice. Seeing as I am training for my first half marathon, I am going to have to get used to it… got to get the miles up somehow!

PS Great blog – love it!


Don’t feel bad-I live about an hour from Hungry Runner Girl and have never heard of it either!


oOOoh that’s cool that avocados are good for a baby’s brain and that Brooke likes to eat it (pretty coordinated for a baby to be able to spoon-feed herself!).
And the Yonana machine sounds so cool! This is my first time hearing of it and now I want it :P


I am a total morning person! I usually wake up around 5, read and blog until 6, and then go for a run until 7/7:30. So much to do before I get to work!


I need a yonana machine ASAP! Lately I can get enough of runny eggs and sweet potatoes!


I could not imagine anything better than living next door to you. I mean that in the least creepy, stalker way possible. I hate running in the dark but the only time I ever consider it is if I have someone with me. The avocado pic of Brooke is too cute :)


I love running in the dark. When we lived in CA (very safe neighborhood), it was my FAVORITE time to run. I had a dog though that was FORCED to run with me.
I am definitely a morning person. Right now that baby W is sleeping, I get a little extra time to myself. It’s kinda nice. Good Morning to you and everyone else. I hope you have a great day.


Yonanas don’t sound that good to me. I actually prefer my bananas kinda under-ripe, green, and firm. It’s weird, but whatever.

I AM a morning person…I think I’d ideally like to be in bed around 11-11:30, and wake up around 5:30. But, I have a flexible schedule and a husband who often works into the evening – so I usually end up staying later and sleeping in later. But I do really hate missing the productivity of those early morning hours!!!!

I can’t lie. I’ve been loving brownies lately. Ooops?

And I’m lucky enough to live in a place that is SUPER safe, so I can run pretty much anywhere, anytime – and my husband doesn’t even worry. Thank you, Singapore.


I am quite impressed with Brooke, what a smart cookie. :) I’m a morning person, I usually wake up before my alarm goes off at 6. Mornings really are the best and it feels so good to work out in the morning (or just sit around eating breakfast!). I said I was going to run in the dark this morning but ended up not having to because of ky schedule. I’m just too scaredy for that!


Hello Baby Gap model!! How cute is she?!
I bet you are one proud mama. :)


I make something similar to the Yonana stuff and it turns out like soft serve.

Here’s the recipe!



Oh my gosh I have never heard of a Yonana machine but I NEED ONE OF THOSE!!! Thanks for sharing! Brooke gets cuter by the day!

I don’t know if you have ever heard of the “sock doc” but his insightful and cutting edge running injury posts have helped me heal stubborn running injuries …. here is the link for ITband TRUST ME it is worth a look! http://sock-doc.com/2011/03/itb-frictional-syndrome/ I hope you recover quickly!!!!


I want a Yonana! It’s on my list of must have kitchen gadgets.
I love my juicer by the way. It’s honestly not hard to clean, you just soak it then rinse in some hot water and you’re good to go. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old and we make fruit vegetable mixtures that they love.
Right now I’m loving egg sandwiches. Ezeikal Break with strawberry fruit spread and an egg on top.


I had a Yonana machine, but I did think it worked very well. I had a food processor that did the same thing, maybe even better. I was pumped when I got the Yonanas machine, but so sad when I realized it did not work well! I am such a morning person, my husband is as well, so we are really fun at night when we are both asleep by 10! :) I am digging an egg white omelete with ketchup, some fresh fruit and oatmeal on the side. YUMMY!!


omg I would LOVE to come run with you! Not sure how everyone would feel about me moving to CA though… And I’ve run in the dark before, but I do it in Chicago and never go anywhere without lots of street lights and where I know I’ll see other runners. Only once did I run at 5:15am when it was pitch black and I had to go through the park to meet my running group at 6am… that was super scary. And a bad idea. Every sound totally freaked me out!


Brooke is to cute! Give her a spoon when you are feeding her – it will help with her trying to grab at the bowl and spoon with food on it.

I just heard of the yonana machine recently! It sounds like a great idea and so yummy!


I’m pretty sure that Brooke was born knowing how to pose perfectly. She’s seriously like the cutest baby ever. Gah!

And I’m most definitely a morning person. I’d have to say that my favorite time to wake up is around 6 and I’ve been doing it pretty naturally for a few years now. That being said, sometimes I feel like I’m going to pass out by the time 9:30 PM hits, but lately I’ve been able to stay up till around 11 or so. Is it possible to be both a morning person and a night owl?


My Mom has one and loves it, I just use my food processor to make banana soft serve, there is no difference. I love adding peanut butter into the mix!
Love mornings! 6:30am is a good time.
Almond butter and thick toast. Have to have it every single morning.
I am not a fan of running in the dark even with other people!


I LOVE my Yonana machine! It’s the perfect substitute for ice cream. Yum!

And I’m on a fruit smoothie kick. Every morning I combine bananas (clearly I have a thing for them), berries, juice, and plain yogurt. The thought of a delicious smoothie helps get me out of bed in the morning.


Ill move next door! This negative degrees in spring is killing me. Chocolate chip pancakes please! :)


I won’t run in the dark at night. Noooo way jose. I’ve never heard of a yonana machine. I think I need to look it up now. It may have to become a new edition to my kitchen.


I want a yonana machine now that you wrote this! I used to run alone in the dark when I was on campus because there were ALWAYS people milling about if anything happened to me. But ever since I moved to a place on my own in a suburb of Madison, WI I won’t go out alone…too scared! And this winter has been so cold. I’ve become a baby-I won’t run outside and I despise the treadmill so basically the conclusion has been a very dwindled running season in terms of mileage… spring is welcomed any day now!


If I lived just a smidge closer to you I would run with you in the mornings because there are days where if I don’t do that I simply can’t run. Last fall I did it and ran in the dark by myself every morning at 5. I loved how peaceful it was, but I couldn’t run fast and one day got spooked by a creepy car so I don’t do it anymore.


So good getting your rear to yoga! I am definitely lacking in the morning workout routine right now. I am blaming baby, I think. She makes me sleepy.


In college I slept easily until 10, 11, or noon even. Now, I can’t sleep past 7, but I love being awake early in the mornings. It’s my favorite time of day!


YES I will move to be your daily running partner! :)
But you have to promise me a teaching position somewhere in the area!
I hate running in the dark as well!
But I am a morning person and prefer to run in the morning!


I would LOVE to be your daily running partner. I’m totally like you though – hate running in the dark. For some reason it doesn’t bother me so much at night, but I hate it in the morning. Probably because I’m half asleep in the morning already.


Ugh. I used to be a morning person – and I can be for spin – but for some reason the only time I can run in the morning is for a race! I definitely have a hard time doing anything but sleeping in the dark, which makes it tough when the sun doesn’t come up until 7:30!


I will come be your running partner, but you’ll have to run super slow like me! :)


I am really loving captain crunch cereal lately. I saw it in the grocery store and thought “I haven’t had that in years!”. So good :)
I used to run in the dark in my old neighborhood all the time. I actually really enjoyed it.


Have you heard lately that Brooke is adorable? She is such a cutie!! I have heard of a Yonana machine and I want one SO bad!! Sounds amazing.

I am so not a morning person but trying to make myself one (have been running before work in AM for past 3 years). My husband is a jump out of bed and chipper morning person and I don’t get it.


I want a Yonana machine. I might have to go buy one ASAP!

I tried the morning workout thing…It worked for me in the past when I didn’t have to be at work until 9, but now that I have to be at work at 7. It’s not happening. I did try though. I set the alarm, and then hit snooze.


We like waking up around 7 or 8…


when I was a night owl I used to love running in the dark. with street lights of course! I also did a running group after work that would run in the dark during the winter – with headlamps :)


I get up between 4:30 and 5:00 so I can get my workout in before getting my kids off to school and going to work and I will not run alone in the dark, either. I cannot WAIT for it to start getting lighter in the mornings around here (Midwest) so I can run outside instead of having to drive to the gym to get on a treadmill at the crack of dawn.

I’ve never heard of a Yonana machine but you can bet I’m googling it today.


Are you a morning person? What would be your ideal time to wake up?
YES! I love my mornings… I get up at 4:50 AM at least 3 days a week, for my morning workouts, and am up by 5:30-6 AM on regular weekdays.

What food are you REALLY really loving lately?
That’s a tough one… haven’t been loving anything TOO much lately, which is Really Weird for me. :-p Oh, does my Green Machine Naked Juice count? I’ve been LOVING that stuff first thing in the morning.

Will you run in the dark?
No way… I have ZERO energy at night, unfortunately. So if it doesn’t get done in the morning, it just won’t get done. ;-)


If I had to choose between a juicer and a yonanas machine I personally would go with the juicer, but that’s just me! I tried to go to a 5:30 yoga class this morning, but couldn’t fall asleep last night so I ended up skipping it. I usually do my runs about 5 pm when its still light out.


I’m definitely a morning person. That’s when I’m the most productive.


I’ll be your daily early-morning running partner! I’m looking for one myself all the way in NC. How about we meet in the middle in Kansas? ;-)


I worked out super early before school for the first time ever today! It was so awesome and I am in such a great mood now! Lately I am loving TJs tomato soup!


I would get totally sad when Luke ate avocado but would “waste” some – you know dribble down his chin or fall in between his legs in the highchair – because I just love avocado so much! But there ar always a few bites for Mommy too!!!


You so don’t need a Yonana machine to make that. All you need is a food processor. Just add the banana’s, some milk to get things moving, and I always add some peanut butter because banana’s and peanut butter belong together. Save the money on the Yonana and just get a food processor that you can use for multiple things


I have never heard of Yonana before reading this post. Is that a crime? I may have to look more seriously into this!


Last winter I was pretty good about getting up before work for runs. This winter, not so much. I am working on becoming a morning person again for the Spring. I DO run in the dark though. I use flashing reflectors and Knuckle Lights to see and be seen.


I won’t run in the dark either. If I need to fit in a run super early, I try to wait until it’s juuuuuust acceptable enough because it gets brighter pretty fast. When I don’t have to get up for anything, I’m a fan of the 8am or 9am wake-up time. It’s somewhat early but not crazy.


Someone commented on my blog asking if I had heard of the Yonana machine and I hadn’t. But after doing some research, I am bound and determined to get one! They look amazing. I just hope it’s not like every other “cool” appliance that ends up in the bottom corner cabinet.


I LOVE my Yonana machine!! Our favorite is strawberry and banana, of course. I like trying new flavors…cinnamon, mix in a little peanut butter…yummy!!

I would never run in the dark, I’m actually scared of the dark and the movie I Am Legend did NOT help the matter.


I’ll run with you!! I prefer working out early. the earlier the better!! I made frozen banana ice cream (by a food processor) the other day. I had the frozen banana, chocolate and peanut butter. All things I love. but, I hated the taste.


I have not historically been a morning person, but lately mornings are the only time I have been able to fit my runs in, so I’ve been waking up around 5. I’m still getting used to the idea of running in the dark – it kind of terrifies me – so I’m still sticking around streets where I see lots of other runners and haven’t yet ventured onto the bike paths that I normally run on. I would LOVE to have an early morning running buddy, but I have my dog and he’s pretty good at motivating me (and making me feel safer in the dark)


I totally want to move next door to you and be your running buddy. But you’re way too fast. And I’d have to leave my family because my husband will never move from WA. But in my mind we are running buddies (and I’m not some freak who just stalks you).

I’ll run in the dark, but not by myself if I can help it. I’d rather run in the dark alone then run on a treadmill though.


Why are you doing less treadmill running?


That is what my coach told me to do:(


I’m in the Peninsula and would totally go on early runs… except my pace is twice as slow as yours!


Um you KNOW I will be your running partner if it was before work!!!!!


I totally want to move next door to you and be your running buddy. I need to wean myself from the treadmill too, but it’s too dark with the time change to run outside in the mornings. Darn!

Brooke is beyond adorable!


You can do that with a blender. Just put in a frozen banana, a few tablespoons of milk or non dairy milk, and some frozen fruit and it also is like ice cream.


I’ve never heard of a Yonana machine before. Sounds interesting.
My ideal wake up time is 4am. I love to run in the dark and running alone doesn’t bother me at all. For some reason I really don’t like running in daylight at all.
Fave thing to eat lately is miniature robin eggs. Yikes! Pretty soon I will literally be sick from them. Not to worry….. then it will be onto Reese’s PB eggs. Alternating between the two work great!!


I love waking up early enough to start my day with a workout! But no running in the dark for me. I prefer to get up about 15 minutes before sunrise. It’s just enough time to get dressed, potty, brush my teeth and head out the door. Love being outside while the world is just waking up.

Avocado is one of the best foods ever! It is one of the food items that is always in my house.


I’ve never tried Yonana, but I really want to now! That looks soooo good!

I hate running in the dark and I’m an afternoon runner so I’m happy that daylight savings time has finally changed.

I just bought a juicer yesterday at Crate and Barrel and I LOVE IT!!! We juiced for the first time last night, and I saved it for breakfast this morning..so so so good. Definitely get one!


I realllly am not a morning person. my ideal wakeup time would be like 830 honestly. that is sort of my “natural” wakeup time where i dont hate life haha.
i am LOVING strawberries lately. I think because I was allergic to them for so long… but ive noticed my allergies changing some over the last few years so i decided to give them a try again and i can actually eat them so i am making up for lost time :)


Ummmm totally had a dream last night – AND BROOKE WAS IN IT.

I think this means I read your blog too much?


Such a little doll, such pretty eyes.

I have been crushing on avocadoes lately. Grilled chicken and avocado, baked salmon and avocado, avocado with a little olive oil and lime juice as a dressing…yeah it’s almost getting out of hand!


I am not a fan of that frozen banana stuff! Everyone says “it’s just like frozen yogurt” but to me it’s just like banana and I don’t really like bananas. I’ll go out for FroYo though :)

Also, I responded the first time you asked about juicers and still stand by the fact that I love ours, and it’s not hard to clean, the trick is to clean it right after use (don’t leave it sitting there all day). We got the Jack LaLane juicer from Costco. Approximately $100.


I don’t know how she does it, but Brooke just keeps getting cuter and cuter!!


I have a Yonana and it is the best thing ever! Especially because of my serious love for froyo.


Check our Target, they had juicers on sale earlier in the week!!!!


Brooke is the cutest! Ever! I am so NOT a morning person. I can’t even talk to anyone for at least an hour after I wake up. I’m not a happy camper if you try and be chatty with me so early :) I love sleep!


I ran once in the dark and was so freaked out the entire time I decided it wasn’t worth it. I think my 20 year old self would be so disappointed but I am definitely a morning person and was thinking that I should get up even earlier to get more done before work. 5:20 is the norm right now.


I wish I could be the person to roll over and fall back to sleep but once I’m awake my mind is turned ON and I’m ready to go. It’s one main reason I work out in the morning, too, because I’m already wide awake.

I’ll move next door and we can be injured buddies and sulk while eating pancakes and watching re-runs of Boy Meets World and any other show on the planet!


I’d love to move next door! I used to be a total morning person until I married a non-morning person =P But having a running partner would be great motivation to get back into the habit of starting my morning early!


I don’t have a yonana machine but I make banana ice cream in the food processor with frozen bananas and peanut butter. Delish!

I don’t run in the dark. I’m way too fraidy and clumsy!


Aw I love the avocado love!

I’ve never tried the Yonana machine but I love the idea of it!


Yey for early morning runs, soon it will be light early!!!


I’ve seen the Yonana machines before but never want to spend the money…I’ve made mine in a blender with frozen banana (pb & chocolate chips as well) and it tastes great! I can’t pass up real ice cream or froyo tho ;)


Brooke is most definitely a baby genius! And I so want a Yonana machine now! Never heard of it before, but it sounds like an amazing idea!!!



I think you’ve sold me on the Yonana Machine and Brooke is adorable!


I am getting a Yonana machine as soon as I can find my gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond! I’ve had my eye on it for 6 months but somehow my card is misplaced :( I HAVE to find it because I really want one. I am a TOTAL morning person. My favorite thing to do is to get up and run right away or to get my workout in. I won’t run in the dark though. I’ve had too many weird experiences in the daylight that I do not want to risk it in the dark by myself.


Model and baby genuis… Brooke’s got beauty and brains. :-)

I’m totally a morning person, but don’t like running in the dark alone. I do sometimes out of necessity, but prefer not to. I’ve never heard of a YONANA machine.


Ooooh! I will! I will! (I seriously wish!)

My ideal time to wake up? 6. But I usually get up at 5:30. I will run in the dark if someone else is with me.

I have tried yonana. It was just ok. But I am not the biggest fan of banana. If there is PB or almond butter with it, then that totally changes the game, however.

I just bought some dark chocolate PB and I have a feeling when I open that jar, it will become my new favorite food :) That Brooke sure is gorgeous. YOu guys are in for it when she is older ;)


Brooke is adorable and extremely photogenic!
My mom needs one of those YONANA machines bigtime.
I do like to run in the morning… it’s nice to be able to walk around all day knowing you did it!


You don’t need a yonana machine – I do the same thing in a blender or food processor. All you need is frozen banana + fruit and whip it up!


i used to wake up at 5 to run in the dark before being to work by 7:30. fun stuff. and in rainy washington no less. it was actually really fun looking back. i got to witness the sunrise every morning. i don’t remember the last time that happened. with the hubs in night school we tend to stay up late together because that’s our only time together without kids. but i do love mornings. so much possibility for the day:0)

i haven’t tried a yonana machine but i have blended frozen bananas in the blender and the blender did not like me afterwards.


Yonanas are amazingly awesome! Lucky me, I just received one. My personal favorite is with peanut butter and mini chocolate chips. Avocados with sea salt are the best!


I am so not a morning person but I would really like to be one.
I so want a Yohana machines but I just bought a slow cooker so will wait a bit lol


I had never heard of a Yonana machine and although it looks yummy bananas make me throw up! I really hate that because I know how much my body would benefit from the nutrients in them but my mom says I even threw them up as a baby. Weird huh?

I am not a morning person at all, but I will wake up to go running if I have someone to go with. I met another military mommy who makes me get up Saturday mornings to run with her. I prefer afternoon runs or evening runs if I’m going alone, unless it’s going to be hot then I take advantage of the cooler temps in the morning.

Lately, I’m loving peanut butter on toasted oatmeal bread with Golden French Toast Coffee! Yummy….I’m going to go make some right after I type this :)

I ran often in the dark when I was in my early 20’s, but then I got chased by a car full of guys and had to jump a fence to avoid them from continuing to follow me so I don’t do it anymore unless I have a partner.

It would be awesome if I lived next door to you, my 2yr old little girl would have a playmate and you would be a great running/working out partner. Besides you always seem so happy, who doesn’t want to be around that?!!!


I don’t know, with two overly active running in the dark minds, we might freak ourselves out so much we will be hiding under the covers before making it .25 miles. You’d still make me pancakes for the effort, right?


I love seeing Brooke’s smiling face! Such a happy little genius! I do not have a Yonana machine, but I do the same thing in my Blendtec and it turns out perfectly. I am a morning person and my ideal time would be 7ish. I don’t mind running in the dark, but my hubby does not like me too, so i usually at least wait until the sun is at least on the horizon.


OMGosh! My 18month old loves avocados!! I’ve been feeding them to her since 6 months! So good for them. We both eat one for lunch everyday :) I am such a morning person too. It’s nice to feel accomplished before 8 am! Pancakes are definitely on my top ten lately. Especially after a good run! I would totally move next door to you! The weather here in Chicago is getting really old. Hopefully spring will show up soon :)


If I don’t run in the morning, often it doesn’t happy at all, so that’s when I go. I also like it to be cooler. (I live in Florida so it’s really never too cold in the morning!)

I live in a neighborhood where the houses are all on 5 or 10 acres and people have horses and lots of outside dogs in their fenced yards. It is fairly rural but not complete boonies and the high school bus picks up at 6:25 am and people drive the kids to the bus stop. I run around 5:45 or 6 and wear an Amphipod Xinglet with the light up LEDs and also a headlamp. People give me plenty of clearance! I am not so much worried about the boogie man as I am about bears and coyotes! The barking dogs make me feel safer somehow. They stay in their yards but they go crazy if they see a stranger.


Have you tried banana and avocado? Yummy. You will fight Brooke for the last bite.


If you already have a food processor, it does the EXACT same thing as the Yonana. Plus, you can obviously do so much more with the food processor. I love bananas with peanut butter and a little cocoa powder!

I’m not much of a morning person now, but I think it’s because I’m forced to be up for work by 5:15…


I used to run in the dark sometimes when I lived in my hometown, but I would never do that alone now. I’d love an early morning running partner!

I’m a morning person, but I can also sleep anywhere, anytime, so I don’t always get up early! I’ve learned not to talk to my husband too much on a morning! He doesn’t like early rises!

I haven’t heard of the YONANA machine. I’ve made frozen banana ice cream in the blender before, but that machine would make things so much easier :)


I need to become that morning runner! I keep saying once it warms up it will be easier to wake up and run, 20s here in Chicago just isn’t cutting it as warm enough for early morning runs :(


Are you a morning person? What would be your ideal time to wake up?
-Not really, though I have naturally been waking up between the hours of 7 or 8 am. AHH!

What food are you REALLY really loving lately?
– Anything that has carbs. Does that count? Well, I’ve been pigging out on Starburst Jelly Beans all week. And since you mentioned avocado, I thought I’d mention that I’ve been making grilled turkey and avocado sandwiches. They are to die for!

Will you run in the dark?
I’ve done it before since it was dark upon returning from work. But now that daylight savings is in full swing, I am not missing night time running. Though, it may be beneficial in the summer to avoid high temps!


I just bought a Yonana machine today at a race expo!!! My kids argued over who got to hold it on the way home. Bring on homemade Yogurtland(ish) treats!


Yes, I am totally a morning person. I do run in the dark with my headlamp but I am done with that for a while, so right now I am not running in the dark. I would love to live next door to you. Ashley and Brook could play together. However you would be leaving me in the dust so I don’t think that I would be a very good running partner!


I’m definitely a morning person too! I’ll be up in the morning doing stuff, going for runs, before anyone else is even up! #winning


No way to running in the dark! I am a morning person and the perfect wake up time is sometime around 7-8 AM.


Ooooh, come to Houston!! I’ll run with you in the am!! I like running early enough to where I start when it’s dark and run the last few miles gawking at the sunset. …but my husband doesn’t let me run alone in the dark, and most all of my running buddies don’t feel the same way I do about 5am :)

I’ve been diggin on spinach salads with tons of avocado, feta, TJ’s light champagne vinaigrette, and a side of naan…..annnnd now I’m hungry


I would totally be your running partner!

I’m definitely a morning person. My brain starts racing the moment I wake up! Not sure my ideal time of day though. :)

I run in the dark all the time! Trail runs with a headlamp and well lighted neighborhoods. Fun times!


I will be your running partner! No problem! Let’s just convince Craig we need to move to CA immediately. :D …maybe he will like the idea of having a pancake breakfast ever morning!
I was wondering how good the Yonana machine was- like if it was actually better than just a food processor? I was THIS close to buying it about a month ago, but didn’t know if it was truly worth the price.


I never run in the dark – I live in a tiny little town, and the only place I can really run is along the two-lane highway that runs through it. I just don’t think it’s very safe for me to do that – sleepy drivers, etc.

If I lived in California, I would totally be your running partner!


I made my husband buy me a Yonana!! Can’t wait to use it tonight!


Sometimes I am a super creep and stalk your old posts. And came across this one. And Brooke is wow! How grown up is she now. These pictures are great!

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