The longest New Year’s Resolution I have ever kept.

Nothing like baking some triple chunk brownies at 8 a.m.  My apartment smells like Ghirardelli heaven.  I am actually making them for a friend but of course I had to sample one to make sure they taste perfect.  They do.  I don’t think I will ever make homemade brownies because I think the box mixes are perfection.

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I don’t think my IT band was ever injured but it was VERY tight and sore… does that make sense?  I think I took rest days just in time and so today I decided to give it a try since it was feeling back to normal again.  I made sure to foam roll like crazy before and after and I got in 4 miles without any tightness.  I wanted to go more but played it safe. 

After foam rolling I did my push-ups.  I set a New Year’s Resolution to do at least 12 push-ups a day and so far I have kept up with it… longer than my normal 1 week of doing my resolution.  There have been a few times that I do my push-ups at 11:59 pm because I forgot to do them earlier but at least I got them done.

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I have forgotten what to eat for lunch when I don’t have leftovers to eat.  Lunch time is usually Brooke’s ‘want to be held no matter what’ time of day and so it is either leftovers or the simplest meal ever for lunch.  PS do people really split one can of soup?  Those stats are for half of the soup…. am I strange or do people really just eat half a can of soup?  PPS I don’t know if it is possible for me to eat soup without cheez-its in them.

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I know that you have all been dying to know my ranking order of the latest Chobani’s that I have…  

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(Blood Orange will always be my most favorite)  1st: Raspberry with chocolate chips  2nd: Caramel with pineapple chunks  3rd: Pear and 4th: banana.

And just because my latest obsession with GS cookies is out of control, I have some fun facts.  I guess all of you voting for thin mints being the best type are on to something because it is the most popular kind.  (the green bar represents the boxes of cookies sold in millions).

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WOW Jennifer… that is a lot of cookies to sell.  

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Have you kept up with your resolutions this year?  Which ones?

Box mix or homemade brownies/cake?

What is the best part about your Wednesday?

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I have also been doing push ups! And abs! It’s a miracle haha. Um box mix hands down! Add in a roll of cookie dough for pure perfection :-) Favorite part about Wednesday will be making red velvet cookies with white chocolate chips with the husband tonight (heart shaped of course!) I am shocked at those cookie results. Thin mints are just not where it’s out. Disappointing, America.


Lol you never fail to be the first commenter! I’m impressed! ;)


I was first on yours today too haha. I have a lot of time on my hands around 4 pm!


I love some brownies from scratch, but you’re right, those Ghirardelli boxed brownies give homemade ones a run for their money.
I’m all about the whole can of soup too. Goldfish are another great addition to soup by the way. ;)


I agree. Goldfish are the best in soups! And I don’t think anyone only eats 1/2 the can.


I got some great news from my brother today! He got 100 on a super hard test to get a promotion for his job. Really pumped! :)


Um I pretty much die during my knee pushups at pump- no upper body strength whatsoever! Half a cup of soup is like eating one poptart- hello who does that?!?!?!


YES! Less computer/internet during the day so I focus more attention on the boys! And blogging on a more regular basis!!! =) =) =)
I did pushups for the first time in years (so sad) the other day. I managed 15 straight without stopping. It’s sad considering I used to be able to upwards of 40-45 when I was in the military. UGH!


After school, watched the bachelor from last night and had a doughnut as an after school snack.


Great job with your daily pushups!

I usually make boxed brownies since they’re amaaaazing but when I have energy I make my own chocolate mint layered brownies :)

Best part of my day was actually enjoying a treadmill workout during my lunch break (I usually die of boredom on the ‘mill)!


I have kept mine so far, to get back to a regular workout schedule!
Either or, depends on the time I have but you can really dress up a boxed mix sometimes!
Best time will be tonight when I am at home in my sweats, post workout and eating quesadillas.


Brooke is the happiest baby I’ve ever seen. But those brownies sound amazing. I hope you saved yourself a few for later too because I would be very upset if I couldn’t taste what I made. I guess my kind of girl scout cookies aren’t very popular. I just don’t really like them and trefoils are the plainest kind!


I didn’t make any resolutions this year, the first time in a long time.

The best part about my Wednesday is group run day. Even though I run with the same people almost every time I run Wednesdays are the most fun for some reason. I think because Mondays are speed so we aren’t really a group and Saturdays are long run which are my least favorite.


I am going to pick a random challenege and do a number of push-ups the are = to the date. Like, today is the 6th so 6 push-up!


I’m kind of surprised thin mints are the most popular!
Brooke is kind of the cutest!
I didn’t actually make any resolutions this year, I decided to not this year since I tend to get a little too obsessed with them.


I have been trying to do push-ups too! Not necessarily as a new years resolution but because I am trying to be a faster runner and I know doing something other than running will help (although I know this fact, I rarely do it!)
I did the foam roller 2times and both times I thought it was sooooo painful I could just hardly stand it! I am not sure if that means I was doing it wrong or doing it right and should keep doing it! I bought a roller bar thing instead and just roll it over my muscles after a hard run….much less painful!
I loved that today was a nice slow 6 miles (and in beautiful 40 degrees which for Iowa is warm at this time) after a speed day yesterday and a steady 7:40ish pace Monday.
Oh yeah…box mix for sure…I am all about convenience and ghirardelli is the best!


I also eat a whole can.. and I’m usually still hungry haha but Cheeze Its in soup?!? Girl, you’re a genius!!


My best part of Wednesday so far has been a short run with my dog! But I plan on eating some ice cream later so that might win :)… If only I had a brownie to put in my ice cream!!!


Best part of my Wednesday: finding out my 9 year old cousin is selling girl scout cookies! Samoas, thin mints, and tagalongs, here I come!


Good job on the push-ups! I made a NY Resolution to follow a cleaning schedule every day so I don’t get too bogged down with cleaning on the weekends. So far, so good! Every day I do my 45 minute listed chore and the house is always clean! :-)

And I lovvve boxed brownies too. I tried to make homemade ones once and they came out dry and hard. For all the work, I’ll just go box mix every time :-)


I wish that Jennifer was in my girl scout troop back in the day. 10 day Europe tour?! I think my troop went camping for a couple days once… New Years Resolution is to complete my first half marathon which is at the end of this month!!


I love pushups I curse their name while doing them, but I love how like running they show progression and you getting stronger. Now that I am more pregnant I am doing wall pushups or knee pushups only as to not stress out the belly!


I don’t normally set New Years resolutions, instead, throughout the year if I realize there is something that I should be doing I try to do it. So as of Monday I am doing a plank a day. I have read of lots of people who have done a challenge like this before and I agree, sometimes it is right before bed when you get down on the floor but at least you are doing it! :)

Homemade all the way! :) (that being said I’m single and cooking/baking has been part of my growing up experience)

Normally Wednesdays are Wicked Workout Wednesday, but I’ve been going steady since Sunday so this Wednesday is going to be a rest day :) Plus, I’m going out for dinner with my parents who leave for Belize tomorrow.


My resolutions have been to eat healthy and lose those last few pounds – so far, I’ve lost 6 pounds since January!
I love Funfetti box brownies – so so so delicious!!


I love boxed, but I was introduced to from scratch brownies that were really better than Ghiradelli’s. Shocker, I know.

But, speaking of Ghiradelli’s brownies. I’d love one right now under a sundae from Ghardelli’s Square in San Fran. Or better yet, in California Adventure.


I’m somewhat on top of my resolutions, not as much as I had wanted but hanging in there :)

I got two Ghiradelli boxes in the pantry. They really should be made soon since I may or may not be giving up chocolate for Lent ^_^;;

Best part of Wednesday thus far? mmmmm. making my first batch of waffles ever.


BOX MIX! There is only one homemade brownie recipe that I have found is worth eating, but the boxes are so much easier (not to mention cheaper!)

The best part of my Wednesday was my MIL taking my boys and me out to eat for my birthday :)


Yes, I’ve kept my resolution. I am in Week 5 of p90x.

Loving it!


The best part if my day was volunteering at my local
Food Pantry. Feels so good to give back!


I adore how Brooke always photo bombs with such a sweet happy face! I made some get-healthy resolutions this year that I’ve been keeping: floss daily, move my body (currently doing P90X 5-6 days/week), eat more cleanly. It feels great.

And definitely BOXED. Why mess with perfection?

Also? I am the weirdo that eats half a can of soup. BUT I’m trying to lose weight and track everything on My Fitness Pal so I have to make some sacrifices!! :)


I just had to comment about the soup – same here!! I was eating the TJ’s lentil soup yesterday (so good), and looked at the serving size and it was half a can. What?! Who does that?
Glad to know I’m not alone.


That’s such a good idea! I SUCK at push ups, something like this might really help me!


Great idea for a smaller # of push ups per day… I tend to aim for 50+ a few days a week, and then if I’m not feeling it, it’s really hard to be motivated. Agreed on the soup- who eats half a can?!


I don’t even understand how anyone could sell that many cookies. INSANE. I’ve “helped” my daughter sell about… 50 boxes. Samoas and thin mints are the best sellers for sure.


How on earth did she sell that many boxes of cookies?!?!?

I cannot wait to get my order! YUM!!!!


I have kept up with my resolutions. So far. Except the hiking/trails. Because I have been hurt. The knee can’t take the downhills yet.
BOX. Definitely.
Best part of Wed was that I went and bought a bundt cake. It is for Friday. But still, I have it!

The Kidless Kronicles


You just inspired me to do some push-ups! Thanks!

Good info on the cookies. You just inspired me to eat some cookies! Thanks! haha


I have actually been sticking to my resolutions to floss and be more adventurous. Longest I have ever stuck with it!


I love your flossing resolution! On a related note, I did a project on flossing for a Health Psychology course once. It’s strange, but it was a hard habit to adopt!


I’m with you on box mixes – so easy and so tasty, so why mess? I’ve made both cake and brownies from scratch a few times and could hardly tell the difference so I’m all for the convenience of box mixes :D And half a can of soup? Yeah no. I’d probably end up going through half a can just taking sips while I was waiting for my soup to heat up.


I’m a homemade girl myself for baked goods, but with that said I’ve had some boxed mixes that were revelations.

This is silly, but the best part of my Wednesday was getting this dorky Buffy tshirt I had ordered online. I never used to be into tshirts but lately I’ve been ordering all these nerdy pop culture ones. I try to justify it by saying they’re sleep/workout shirts, but in reality I just want a bunch of things with Buffy or Doctor Who splayed on them!


Great job on the push-ups! I don’t know that I could do one, even. I’m glad Brooke is there to supervise it all.

I have 13 New Year’s Resolutions and I’m making my way through them. Slowly. I keep saying this summer I’ll catch up.


Have you kept up with your resolutions this year? Which ones?

-I have kept up with all of my resolutions so far this year! 1) save the $ to week of what it is ($1 week 1, $5 week 5, etc… I’m on week 6 and still saving!) 2) working out at least 5 times per week. 3) making a new recipe each week… tonight I’ll be attempting homemade granola bars :)

Box mix or homemade brownies/cake?

-Always box mix…. who has times to make them from scratch!??!

What is the best part about your Wednesday?

-Coming home from work knowing my favorite shows are on tonight, it’s snowing outside & it’s my rest day!


I am in love with the Chobani raspberry with choc chunks! its so heavenly.


I made goals – so I am still working on them – I want to run 1000 miles this year, and PR a few races.

I will have to look into that Girl Scout cookie record! Dearborn MI is the headquarters of Ford Motor Company – I wonder if she was able to hit them up to make a corporate purchase…hmm…. *As a side note – I was just there today working on a vehicle project…my meeting would have been better if there was Thin Mints. :)


Your brownie conclusion is like my Mac n Cheese feelings, nothing will ever be better than the Blue Box!


I have kept up with my new years resolution! It was to try new things, and so far, so good. My blog was one of them…and I’ve kept at it so far ;) I prefer box mixed brownies and cakes, but I prefer made-from-scratch cookies and muffins… I bought ready-to-make chocolate chip cookies and they just don’t taste the same to me.. maybe because they’re missing that extra ingredient: love (aka my spit because I taste everything). I’m disgusting.

The best part of my Wednesday was the free froyo I had for dinner..and the fact that the old lady who works as our secretary announced that she is a catfish.


Best part of my wednesday is that I had only one one-hour class and so much free time. I’m running a few errands, practicing guitar, working out, doing my readings for tomorrow, and resting up! It’s nice to have a breather in the middle of the week!


Here in Canada we only have two kinds of Girl Guide cookies (or at least we did when I was in Guiding and had to sell them). We had chocolate mint cookies and a box with one row of chocolate and one row of vanilla. The chocolate ones were just like Oreos. The vanilla ones were my favorite by far.


Mmm brownies!

I’m glad your run went well!!


Hi Janae! I’m writing to you, from Singapore. It’s now 850am on Thursday for me, so in retrospective, the best part of my Wednesday WAS…

going to bed knowing that I’ll be at the airport today to see a friend from college! :) (Background: I went to college in the States, my friend’s from Estonia. I thought I wouldn’t see her for at least a year after graduation…Glad I was wrong!)

Also, Brooke is a beauty.



Do you and Billy ever debate who Brooke looks more similar to? What’s the verdict? ;)


My resolution was to drink 2 green smoothies a day and I have actually done it! It’s kind of amazing considering I never really followed through with mine either.


Wednesdays are actually my awesome day. I do not work and my 5 year old goes to school and I hang out with my 2 year old. I love to hang out with the two of them however I drop my oldest off just in time for school so we have extra time and then I pick her up early or pick her up with the BOB Duallie. So most of it is the best, except for the errands and cleaning part. I got to sit down and drink coffee, I got to sit down and eat breakfast, who am I kidding, I got to actually eat breakfast and remember I ate it!

One funny thing. We had mandarin orange chicken tonight from TJ. My oldest saw the bag and freaked. She is not into anything new lately. I threw it out there on a whim and said,well the hungry runner girl eats it and she tried it. Go figure, she has no idea who you are!!


I LOVE cheezeits in my soup! I discovered it one day when we were out of regular crackers.

I have had a tight tight knot in my calve muscle for the last two days and have tried to foam roll it and massage it out and it seems like it’s here to stay!!! I may throw a huge fit if I don’t get to do my long run on Friday.


Dang, that’s a lot of cookies! My favorite are peanut butter patties!


You know, there was this episode of Winnie the Pooh (so odd writing that; I grew up in Russia and Russian has no articles so we always called him Winnie Pooh) where Tigger keeps failing at New Year’s Resolutions, so he ultimately resolves to jump around on his tail. And everybody’s like – but you do it all the time! And he’s like – that’s the point!

I did that this year – I resolved to do the things I really have fun doing. It’s been working out great ;)

And the best part of today was.. probably my first run in the snow!


Alot of people doing lot of pushups and planks this month! I’m definitely keeping up with regulat pushups for once!!


I am so jealous of your Chobani flavors! My grocery stores don’t have any of those – I’ve never even seen the ones that say “bite” before! Now I desperately want pear Chobani.

I generally don’t make New Year’s resolutions because I end up not doing them and then feeling bad about it the next year. But I like your idea of 12 pushups a day… that seems doable! I may have to join you on that one.

And my Wednesday was awesome. I took a few days off from working for the Mouse and flew home to visit my family in Colorado. This morning I went shopping with my mom and somehow found every awesome sale that was there and everything in my size! Then she treated me to lunch because she’s the best mom ever. I spent the afternoon snuggled under a blanket playing on Pinterest, and then did a great workout. Today was perfection. Now if only I had some of those brownies…


I have never seen a baby smile as much as Brooke – amazing!


I don’t even KNOW how Tagalongs isn’t higher up that list! Those are definitely my fave :)


I never make New Years resolutions simply because I don’t keep them. Good reason eh? :/?
Boxed baking is the only way to go. Fool proof and oh so yummy!!!!
Best thing about Wednesday is that tomorrow is Thursday. Today was an off day and tomorrow will be a 7 miler hopefully outside. We are forecasted to get 10.8 inches of snow. Oh well…….at least I have some fun new treadmill workouts to try out.


I’m glad your IT band is feeling better. Foam rollers are miracle workers. I’ve been pretty good about my resolutions–practice yoga more often, increase my running mileage back to what I was running last year–so I’m pretty happy with where I am, I think.


best part of today was the run i got to go on at lunch in between craziness at work. very enjoyable!!
my husband sometimes says “oh, we can split a can of soup?” and i just look around like “with who?me?” cause i seriously cannot understand how or why you would split 1 can! i could easily eat 2, nevermind 1/2!


I so want to try Chobani’s new flavors, we got some bites from them, so yummy


That’s an insane amount of cookies to sell! I should probably look into who I bought cookies from in 2008, because there’s a prettyyyy good chance that I contributed to the purchase at least 10,000 boxes of thin mints from that girl.

People who only eat half a can of soup are insane. Or not very hungry. I always demolish a whole can and still need sides and snacks an hour later!


As much as I love home-cooked food, boxed cake will always be my preference over homemade!


I completely agree :)


I always get annoyed when I am expected to share a can of soup. Those suckers are SINGLE SERVING in my book.

Ghirardelli box brownies are the chocolate And I am really impressed by how well you are taking care of yourself! Go, Janae!


First of all, Jennifer Sharpe is a boss. I love her.

Second of all, I totally agree with the soup. If I can fit it all in a coffee mug, I will not share it!

Best part of my Wednesday is being OK with taking another rest day after the Surf City marathon. I feel good knowing that my body is doing what it needs to do to heal and recuperate. Walking is so relaxing! It also feels good knowing I am letting my body move but still recover at the same time (if that makes sense?).

BTW, Brooke is sooo cute! And looks so much like you!


Quick answer- no one I know eats only half a can of soup, thats crazy!


I always eat the whole can of soup, too. I also think the serving sizes of pasta are ridiculous. Who actually eats that small of an amount?!


There is no way I could split a can of soup, it barely fills me up to begin with.

My new year’s resolution was to unsubscribe from all of the promotional emails, etc. that I was signed up for. So far I’m keeping on it!


That’s just wrong that they consider a can of soup 2 servings! And…most people don’t even realize they’re eating double servings. I remember once my hubs ate an entire bag of cheeze balls and when I gasped at him, he was like, but there’s only 7g of fat! Um …. per serving! He ate like 12 servings – or something crazy. I taught him how to read the label. Funny….


That brownie mix trumps any other brownie mix by a long shot. And it’s at Costco….so clearly the serving size is proof of how good it is.

Resolution: I really wanted to run a marathon this year, and I signed up, so that’s a step in the right direction


Boxed Brownies, Homemade Cake, for me.

I’m so glad to see the Pear yogurt made it on your list. Our local store just started carrying it and I was afraid to try it for fear I wouldn’t love it as much as I have built it up in my mind.

I probably shouldn’t think about yogurt as much as I do, apparently.

Love seeing your happy little lady!


I like the shortbread best. Simple. Classic. There there 5 in a serving… :) But no one else seems to ever like those!


Cheez its in Campbell’s soup was my FAVE before I had to go gluten free. Loved it. I used to eat the whole can too. My soup consumption has been reduced greatly due to lack of GF choices, but now I try to stick to about half the can and just pair it with something else.


That’s a lot of cookies….

I didn’t make a very specific NY resolution, but I just wanted to be happier and healthier (I already considered myself happy and healthy), and it has been great so far! I’ve been working on making time for myself, date nights, quiet time, praying, reading my Bible, working out, family, etc.

Pushups are my favorite exercise! Try doing them suuuuuper slowly – 8 counts down and 8 counts up. That makes my arms shake like crazy!


My resolutions was they typical to lose weight and so far I am down 10.5LBS! I like your idea of 12 push-ups a night, I think I am going to “steal” your idea!


Call me weird but I like putting hot cheetos in my creamy chicken ramen noodles. So so good. I think I will start doing pushups and situps everyday now.

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