Why did I wait so long…

to start watching Parenthood.  At least 500 people have recommended the show to me because they know I love tv and they know I love drama and so I finally tried it out on this morning’s run.    I am so emotionally invested already and I have a feeling that I am going to look forward to my treadmill runs even more now that I know I get to hang out with my friends on my deck while pounding out the miles.  

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Do you see Brooke’s reflection? I did 9 miles at about a 7:47 pace.  I wanted to do speed work today but my race is on Saturday and I want to be able to at least finish the 13.1 miles of hills and so I am saving my legs and the rest of my week’s runs will stay very easy.   Billy is home today so he watched the Brooker.

I learned my lesson big time on Saturday to wait until after my run to eat my egg sandwich so I ate it for lunch instead.  I tried to take a picture from the side of the gloriousness (1 egg, cheese, 2 slices of bacon) but the siracha red hot sauce did not look very appetizing.

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For the past 3.7 years of my life (aka the same amount of time that i have been married) Billy and I have made a goal to come up with a weekly meal plan.   It will make grocery shopping easier if we have a plan and this way we don’t end up eating frozen meals from Costco every night of our life.  We really want to stick to it but obviously if Bang’s Friend invites us over for dinner or something like that we can always change around our plans;)  We are also planning our bfast and lunch (pretty much the same everyday) because somebody named Mr. Billy forgets to eat lunch somedays (WHO FORGETS TO EAT LUNCH?).

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I also want to make my weekly dessert meal plan but it is taking a lot of time to complete that because I have so many details for it.  

PS Brooke is so over napping or sleeping the last 24 hours so she is hanging out on my lap while we type this.

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Do you do a weekly meal plan?  Have you ever?  How do you decide what to make for dinner?

Any good ideas of things you are making for dinner this week?

How do you taper for a 1/2 marathon?

-The race is on Saturday so I will take Friday off and keep my miles easy this week.

Current favorite TV show?


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This post made my day! A lot of my employees say how they forget to eat breakfast and I am like “who forgets to eat!” This has never happened to me. Also I love parenthood it only gets better lots of laughs and a few tears but a great show! Have a great day!


Aw, thanks! You slhuod go for it with your own blog! I had been feeling this urge to start one for awhile but was a bit nervous. I did a lot of research before, though, and filled a notebook with ideas to write on. That really helped to get me started. Yes, you can subscribe to the blog via different ways. I find the best to be through email, which there is an option on the right side to put in your email address. Also, I saw you liked the site through facebook. I think that’s another great and easy way to stay on top of the posts. Even though I only post about 1 -3 a day. Good to hear from you!


Since I hate grocery shopping, I plan 2 weeks ahead of time for my meals. I love doing that!


It has been an adult dream of mine to create and STICK TO a weekly meal plan:) I have not been able to realize this dream yet. I think it is because I am such an “in the mood for” eater. Thank goodness for nearby grocery stores!

Good luck, Janae!

P.S. I love Brooke’s little shoes!


We don’t do weekly meal plans, but we do pretty much eat the same meals every week, so grocery shopping is really easy. Tonight we’re having corn chowder. It’s going to be amazing, especially since it’s snowing right now.


I never decide on dinner until that day… I WISH I could be that organized! I can’t wait to hear how the half goes! I bet you are super excited! What is your goal? Or are you doing it just for fun? Either way you will ROCK it :-)


Failed to mention I do indeed have a detailed dessert menu for quite possibly the next 6 years… Priorities!


I love menu planning! It really organizes my week!


I haven’t watched parenthood yet! I’ve got so many other shows to watch & don’t need to add another. :)

I keep saying I’m going to start a weekly meal plan but it kinda stresses me out. Ha! I never know my mood & what I’ll be craving in each day. We’ve been eating in more since the new year so I should work on a list.

When doing a half I normally take thurs/fri off before but I’m not as strong of a runner as you are.

Glad Billy is off today! Wish my hubby was off!


I can’t help but comment…I just blogged about my obsession with parenthood today on my blog: http://themspiveys.blogspot.com/. I am embarrassed to say how many episodes I watched this weekend when I should have been doing my long run :)


I don’t know how people forget to eat, that has NEVER been a problem for me! I have always done a light week before my halfs, and taken Friday’s off. I don’t know how you keep up that pace on a treadmill. Treadmills and I don’t get along :-).
I LOVE Parenthood, such a good show, I have been addicted since the day it came on.

I just found your blog last week (through the Runners World question, what blogs do you read) and love the inspiration and the fact that you love food, well that just hooked me. Thanks!


I try to do a weekly meal plan but usually it falls by the wayside when i get and am too tired to cool dinner. perhaps i should start prepping my meals on the weekend :)

well, i have only done 2 1/2s but i take it easy with the running, maybe only doing 2-3 miles twice during the week or supplment it with swimming and yoga.

Current favorite TV show: catching up on Dexter, but LOVE Modern Family.


I just started watching Parenthood while I run too. I’m only two episodes in, but I already love it. I usually come up with a meal plan to loosely follow. Not all of the meals happen, but at least we have some sort of a plan.


I just got hooked on parenthood too! I use it while i run as well…it makes time go so much more quickly!


I absolutely love Parenthood! Possibly even more than I liked Friday Night Lights… that’s a LOT. ;) We just finished the first few seasons on Netflix, and now I can’t wait for the current season to get to Netflix since we don’t have regular TV. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long wait though…
I make a meal plan every week. It helps me figure out my grocery shopping and keeps our grocery budget in check. I usually get ideas from blogs, Pinterest, cookbooks, or we just do our usual favorites.


Parenthood is the best show on tv! I’m terrified it’s going to get canceled, I don’t know what I’ll do!


I have never EVER forgotten to eat. Even in labour, eating occurred to me.


That’s awesome!


I would be lost without meal planning. I love it. And maybe too obsessed ;)
This week on our menu – grilled tuna wraps and sweet potato fries, coconut chickpea curry and quinoa, quinoa greek salad and chicken and fish tacos with mango salsa.
I usually taper a week out with only a coupe 5 km runs that week.
I am loving New Girl.


love parenthood! even the music is so great. watch the one maybe two weeks ago with Kristina going to the in laws about Max and puberty – hilarious!
we just started a menu plan last week, and we have 10 years more marriage on you… I screwed it up by the second day… and my kids haven’t let me forget it…
My fave- also Dexter!! also need to catch up!


I don’t usually make a weekly meal plan but we eat a lot of the same foods, so I keep that in mind when I grocery shop. The kids are picky…and so am I!
Tonight, we’re having chicken and cheese quesadillas.
I love The Biggest Loser, Once Upon a Time, CSI, and Supernatural. Thank goodness for DVR!


I meal plan every week! I’m looking forward to this week’s because I LOVE baked potato soup!!


Parenthood is definitely on my list of shows to watch.

I am a diehard meal planner- I sit down every Sunday morning with Pinterest and recipes and make a list and go shopping. I pretty much love it.


I should probably start meal planning more so that I don’t wind up eating cereal for dinner so often. Aww heck… even if I did plan my meals for the week, 2 or 3 of those nights would probably be devoted to breakfast for dinner anyways ;) Right now I just wing it depending on what I’m craving and how much time I have, but when I start having to cook for someone other than myself, I’ll probably spend more time planning.


For the past 6 years I did a 2 week menu plan without fail. Now that I am not working fulltime, only part time and trying to stretch our budget I actually have revamped my plan! I go to the grocery store with some recipes in mind but I pick up some sale items. It saves me about $20 a grocery trip so far. That has helped me feel better (even though we are very much ok with my working part time, it just helps me feel better!!). I also have a 5 and 2 year old. If it looks different, the immediate responses is “I do not like that”. If we say just try it, the icky face is already there before the first bite is tried and that poor first bite never has a chance. So I am struggling with meals.
Oh and I absolutely love Parenthood!! I DVR it and it is my nap/quiet time escape on Wed. I also just got into The Practice but sadly the series is ending. Army wives is cool too however it went down hill last season. Those and Modern Family are my only shows. Biggest loser is good too when I catch it.
I have a running question. I am in fairly good shape, I racewalk (true rules following former competitive racewalker). But due to time I wanted to start running and I have a 1/2 marathon in May. I am 3 weeks in, was doing great, actually did 3 miles at a good pace without problem running (added in a few extra miles racewalking after it). In anycase I now can not run due to knee pain at the front, no swelling. I also have very slight tingling in my foot but I had bunion surgery 6 years ago and they said that could be a side effect, just never experienced it. I am getting new shoes and I was thinking about a knee stabilizer/support. I am taking at least 3 days off from running and then going to build again slowly. It annoys me because I could easily go out and do 8 or more miles racewalking but running 3 miles has done this to me!! Any suggestions!!


I am so happy you started watching Parenthood!!! Wait till you get all caught up — this season is SO, SO good and you will do a lot of crying. I just got one of my best friends to FINALLY watch it and she loves it too!


I LOVE Parenthood. I’ve been a fan since it started. I do meal plan. I make the plan every Saturday then head to the store. It really helps us stay on budget and we try new things when I actually search for recipes.


current fav tv show is raising hope. it was my favorite before, but right now i am loving it again.
i do meal plans for dinner yes! mostly to help with grocery shopping. otherwise i forget stuff or buy a bunch of random things and i want to stay on my grocery budget dangit!


I’m guilty. I’ve forgotten to eat lunch before. Not often, but a few times. I do have an excuse though. I teach preschool, and somedays there are just SO MANY crazy things going on that i have to deal with (i.e. 3-year-olds peeing all over the place, throwing up their food, or tired kiddo meltdowns). When crazy days happen, I literally don’t have 2 seconds to eat one bite of anything. By the time I can sit and eat, my metabolism has already given up on me, I no longer feel hungry, and I just “forget” to eat. I’m usually pretty grumpy when I get home on those days :)


I don’t think I’d ever forget to eat! I don’t drive here, so I get my groceries delivered- planning is a must!! I’m really looking forward to salmon with spinach and baby potatoes this week (:

I’m addicted to Nashville, ahhh so much drama!!!


I don’t plan meals but I know I should. It’s such a good habit to get into. I don’t understand the “forgetting to each lunch” thing either. My grumbling stomach makes it very clear when it’s ready for the foods! And I probably shouldn’t admit this, but one of my favorite shows right now is Vampire Diaries. So addicting!


Have you heard of Deals to Meals? LOVE it. It plans my meals for me for the week, and even shows me where to get the best deals on everything. I save about $300-$400/month on groceries (5 kids, 3 of them teens, and a big-eater husband :), and I don’t have to spend too much time planning it out. I think it’s available for CA, too.


I am following the same taper plan for my half marathon this weeked to. I love meal planning – I think it takes lot of the stress out of the week when I know what is for dinner already and don’t have to spend extra time thinking about it!


I do a Sunday Setup and make two or three big meals to have leftovers for lunch. Then my husband makes one dinner a week and I make two. The other nights we do sandwiches or left overs. I try to make the more complex recipes on Sundays and save pastas and easy stuff do weekdays.


I have been told to watch parenthood more than a dozen times as well. Maybe I will actually watch it one of these days.

I hate those phases where kids think sleep is an optional thing. Sorry friend. I hope this is short lived, for your sake especially!

Fave TV show- Revenge, New Girl or Parks and Rec

I do weekly meal plans. I am already at the store enough as it is and there is no way I want to drag myself and the kids there any more than is necessary. I usually plan it around what sounds good and what is on sale. The only problem is for this week, I planned and shopped last Friday. And now everything I planned doesn’t sound as good anymore and I wish I had planned Tikki masala w/naan instead.

Your run was awesome. You are amazing, as always. Please send some motivation my way. I have never had a streak this long were I have no desire to exercise. What is wrong with me?!


I love Parenthood:-) I wish my favorite shows were in production all of the time;-) Your daughter just keeps getting cuter! We’ve also had the weekly meal plan goal for some time, but haven’t yet put it into practice…would be nice to avoid those, “What do you want for dinner?” questions…

Good luck on your race this weekend!


We always have a meal plan! Or at least I think of 6 meals that I want during the week and shop for that. How do other people know what to shop for if they don’t plan? That is very confusing to me. Plus then you get to think about eating even more! Win win. Glad you like Parenthood!


We make a weekly meal plan but really try to only make 3-4 meals and then have leftovers because we’re busy and it’s nice to not have to worry about making dinner.

Parenthood is amazing, so glad you got a chance to watch it!


My aunt makes a weekly meal plan & I know it makes her life a whole lot easier. I should really start doing it, but Eric & I have such different tastes we usually end up eating two completely different meals.

My current favorite TV show is Nashville. I also love Up All Night & was really excited to enjoy the ridiculousness of the Kardashians last night.


I don’t watch much TV..I’m sooo behind on these tv shows!
You have great variety in your diet – I CAN NOT COOK, so, no meal planning for me..everyday is an adventure to figure out what I’m gonna eat!!


Love love Parenthood! Be prepared to cry (or almost cry) during every episode.


ymmmmmm. i’d come over for dinner any day this week.


I always have some sort of plan, but I find I don’t need a to plan a different meal for each night of the week. I usually find a grocery store package of meat to be about 4 servings (2 each for me and my husband) so I plan to cook one 4 serving meal 2-3 times per week. I don’t know why I find that so much more manageable than cooking every night, but I really do. It does mean I usually don’t have leftovers for lunches, but I either grab something easy or buy a salad at work. Do you read Ali on the run? She had a post recently where she asked about how people plan their life/food and she got so many good responses (including mine ;) jk). I think it is fascinating how different people make it work!


PS: I had to stop watching Parenthood because it made me too emotional. I think I prefer comedies!


I do love reading your blog! And it has inspired me to add long runs during the week in addition to the weekend, although my “long run” is a much shorter version of yours!

I do meal plan, I sit down with the circulars on Thursday nights and a glass of wine and plan out every meal through the following week. But before I do that I grocery shop in our freezer to see what leftovers can be used, and what is in the pantry to avoid buying unnecessary food. I just went to Trader Joe’s today since I was off and bought their seasoned brussel sprouts, so I will add to the menu if something looks good. If I don’t meal plan I find myself running to the store almost every day and spending WAY more.

Good luck!


honestly i usually just stick to the same thing since its easy and i don’t have to think about it lol i usually keep the week easy and take the day before the race off, just so that i don’t get stupid and go for a long run or decide i’m going to run at race speed and injure myself. favorite show….once upon a time by far!! if you haven’t seen it, you should :)


We meal plan 2/4 weeks of a month on average. Sometimes we don’t because of night time plans, out of town, etc. so sometimes it’s easier not to buy and plan everything or things go bad in the fridge. We bought 1/4 of a cow so that’s one way we plan our meals– hamburger, steak or roasts (which are perfect for the crock pot in the winter). Another way I plan for meals is Pinterest. I have a lot saved up in my food section and I just skim over and see what would work for the week. I have tried A LOT of recipes off there and lots are gold stars in my book. This week we have chicken tacos, pork loin with potatoes, chicken and dumplings (Pinterest recipe!) and ham casserole planned with leftovers the other nights because we plan to double each recipe (excluding pork loin). Good luck! :)


I made a meal plan for this week for the first time in at least a month or two! I posted it on my blog today: http://bit.ly/WlSMmt. I really don’t like grocery shopping (we don’t have a TJs, so I feel like that would make a world of difference), so we end up getting takeout more than we should. We need to be better! Your meal plan sounds great! You should link to the recipes. I’d love to try loaded potato soup. That sounds yum!


I just started watching Parenthood too and I agree, why did I wait so long to start?! Love it.


My Mom was a diligent weekly menu planner growing up. She’d sit down with the food ads and base meals on that. I usually try to get grocery shopping done on the weekends and do a “big cook” on Sundays and eat off that for a few days. As the week goes on my desire to cook meals goes down. So I’ve accepted this and eat more simply later in the week (pasta, sandwiches).

Speaking of food, excuse me while I much on Brooke’s delicious legs in the last pic. Nom Nom baby legs!


“Parenthood” is SUCH a great show! It got me through a summer of being pregnant, haha! I cry EVERY episode and now that I’m all caught up, it’s TORTURE to wait for the next new episode!


I wish I could do a weekly mean plan. I’ve thought about it many times. I don’t know what’s gonna sound good though. I change my mind about food too easily. I pretty much stick to the same breakfast though- its oatmeal, greek yogurt, and coffee. I look forward to it when I head to bed.

Good luck with your race this weekend!


I really think I need to make a weekly dinner meal plan, I think it will save me a lot of money! And apparently I need to watch Parenthood, you’re the thousandth and one person to tell me it’s good.


oh my goodness. Keep a tissue box on your treadmill while you watch Parenthood. I think I cry (happy and sad) tears every.single.episode. And don’t wear mascara. :)


I used to love Parenthood, but I kind of forgot about it until recently. Then I saw in a magazine the other day that the mom (I think her real name is Monica Potter??) has breast cancer on the show, and now I’m curious to watch it again. It’s definitely a good one!


I hate to “big” grocery shop so I run in every 2 or 3 days and just get what I need for a couple of days. I know it’s more expensive, but that’s how I have to deal with it. I love, love, love, love Parenthood. My mom just started watching it too after seasons of me telling her she would love it. Can’t watch it without tearing up at least once though! Your meal plan looks great! I’ll be right over-lol!


Parenthood is GREAT! I’ve watched it since it first started (though DVR is my best friend since there is no way I can make it up til 11 anymore). Are you starting at seasons 1? If so – it just gets better… and more dramatic. I promise!


I watched all four seasons of Parenthood within a month. Seriously, BEST show ever. I think I cry with every single episode.


Love love love Parenthood! Glad you finally checked it out. You won’t regret it!


I don’t need a meal plan cause I eat the same thing every day haha but I like the dessert meal plan idea!!!


I would love to be more organized and meal plan for the week. We both work so it’s pretty much….what do we have and how easy is it to make. I have only done one half so far but it is my new addiction! I tapered the week before keeping it to under 6 miles only a few days and complete rest the day before. We are obsessed with The Walking Dead, Big Bang, Mike and Molly. ;)


I have been married almost 7 years and I have gone back and forth between having planned meals (1, 2 or even a month in advance) and winging it. For me it really worked well in the beginning to have one because I really knew very little about cooking so it helped me learn. I also think having a meal plan saves on groceries even if you don’t shop sales or coupon. At this point we have a handful of staple meals we all like and so if the day doesn’t turn out as planned and we are tired or sick or whatever we have the things in the house to make a go to meal (e.g. spaghetti).


I have been trying to meal plan and then shop to the plan. But it doesn’t always work. The yummy thing for this week is a chicken enchilada casserole. I am trying to make one new recipe each week.

The Kidless Kronicles


I do try to do meal plans from time to time – they’re super useful and help keep us on track when it comes to eating right. My favorite TV shows right now are all reality TV – Real Housewives of the OC and Dance Moms!


I always say I’m going to meal plan and then I epic fail. I am trying to be better now, though, because last semester I spent so much money on food from the cafeteria.

I did making something semi-exciting tonight, though, which will hopefully serve for some good leftover-lunches this week! Soba noodles with peanut butter and shrimp — I know it sounds sort of health food-ey, but I swear it’s good!


I LOVE a weekly meal plan. It totally takes the guess work out of making dinner (and other meals) and for me, it saves lots of time! Love it!


yes we always meal plan. i made a menu planning board out of a dollar store picture frame and a dry erase marker. i drew up a little template in ms paint and printed it out to put in the frame. works well for us!!

if we’ve planned a meal and then end up getting invited out for dinner we usually just bump everything down one day.


We’re fine with leftovers, so I’ll pick a couple things to make for the week and then make enough for a couple days.

Tapering for a half? I usually just take it easy the week before.


Parenthood = awesome!!! I’ve been a fan since the beginning as I love Lauren Graham (she has a novel coming out!).

What program did you use to make your mealplan picture? It looks really nice


I do plan dinners weekly. Although between our two schedules, that’s usually only 2-3 meals. What I really need to plan is lunch–I tend to eat the same couple of things over and over again.


I somehow waited until this newest season to watch it as well.
I’m hooked and cry at least once in every episode. It’s SO good.


I plan 2 weeks at a time, but we have to make a few mid-week stops for fresh foods. I don’t like old produce!


I just noticed Parenthood was added to Netflix. After seeing all the new stuff they added, I have a date with Netflix soon. :)


I love the *idea* of a menu plan and things work really well when I do even a general one. I just have a hard time sticking to it! Looks like I’ll have to add Parenthood to my TV-watching list when I get my treadmill (hopefully soon!).


We keep trying to put together a weekly meal plan but we can’t seem to plan more than 3 meals ahead of time. Glad you finally hopped on the Parenthood wagon! I am a big fan of Parenthood and am super invested in that family.


I am trying my best to start making meal plan, just to help me save money on groceries! Wish me luck!


I love the weekly meal plan… with soccer and work and theater… it makes things so much easier.
SO GLAD you’re watching Parenthood. We LOVE the show. You will continue to be addicted, I’m sure!
Lotsa leftovers this week. We are renting and the fridge is small. I am trying to make room in there. :)


I LOVE PARENTHOOD! I am on season 3 right now on Netflix!!


I don’t meal plan, but that would help me a ton I think. I need to stop being lazy and do it… I think you might have motivated me enough to actually do it and stop winging dinner every night.


Have you heard of the “Food Nanny”? She is an LDS mom who wrote a cookbook! It is FANTASTIC! The hubs and I started using her cookbook and meal planning website every week and now we have expanded our menu since we have the meal planning thing down. Seriously…I hope you read this post because this cookbook with not only change the way you eat, but change your life!

Now I’m going to start adding my runs to our meal plan so I don’t have to think about it in the mornings…er…so I can plan out how big of dessert I can eat after dinner :)


Omg I’ve watched Parenthood… it’s hilarious right. I stopped though since I don’t have cable and I usually forget to watch it on my iPad (I think there’s an app for whatever channel it’s on.) Right now the Boyf and I watch Dexter, just started Season 4 on Netflix… omg have you seen it? I’m addicted Aggh!! (aghh = excited!)

As for meal planning. I usually go in “spurts” of doing so. Some weeks I’ve got’er all planned out. Others, like this week – not a clue. It makes for difficult decisions.


love the meal plan..yum!
i need to start watching parenthood, i always hear about it too!


I loooovvveee the idea of making a weekly dessert menu!!! ;)


Do you by chance have an easy recipe for Cioppino?
I’ve been looking for one :0)


Hey!!! We bought it from Costco! I really want to try and make it someday though!!


It’s crazy for anyone to forget to eat lunch but even more so for a runner like Billy!!!


First time visiting your blog here & I loveee your little slogan (Its rude to count people as you pass them- out loud. hahaha).

I am obsessed with meal planning. I think it has to do with being a runner- I love to plan runs, I love to record how far/how fast I ran and in the same token, I love to plan meals & shop by the book (I don’t record my intake though, usually). Awesome post! Love insight into a fellow runner’s brain/habits! Good luck at your race!!!


You are so right!!! We love plans! Thanks for your awesome comment!


Great work on the meal plan. I’ve been saying I was going to do that for the past two years. I’m thinking I’d need to plan for 2 weeks as our nearest “big” town and grocery store is 60 miles one way. Happy tapering!


JANAE! I’m freaking out a little bit because after reading this post I sort of feel like you are inside my head. I had the EXACT same lunch as you! I mean EXACT. Trader Joe’s greek mango yogurt, egg sandwich (except mine had turkey bacon), baby carrots, and banana. FREAKY.

Also, I’m in love with Parenthood. You’re going to be even more obsessed as you get further along. Are you starting watching on Netflix? That show is like the most incredible emotional rollercoaster EVER.

I really try to plan my meals out, but if someone asks me to go get a hamburger and sweet potato fries I’m not gonna turn them down. That would be rude.


I try to have a weekly meal plan, if not on paper then at least in my head. I base it off of what we have in the freezer already and what is on sale at the store. For instance, I have two pounds of ground beef that I can use this week for hamburgers, stroganoff or tacos depending on what the family wants or time permits. We definitely save money with planning.


how DID you last that long without getting into Parenthood! haha…i was a little late to the party, but last year i caught up. i’ve always had the biggest crush on Dax Shepard. hehe

when i taper for a race i cut back for that week, do my last light speed session 3 or 4 days out and run a super easy 3-4 miles the day before. u’ll do great!


I want to come over for dinner. :) Every week I say I’m going to plan out dinners, but we too end up eating Costco frozen dinners. Ha ha. I’m excited for your race!!!!


I could not survive without a weekly meal plan! I get a weekly organic produce delivery, so I plan around that and what is on special at the grocery store. I also keep my freezer / pantry well stocked, stocking up on highly used items when they are on sale. I keep a list of what’s in there in a word doc, add and delete as needed, and then have the weekly meal plan at the bottom. That way I always know what I have to plan the next week of meals!



Your dinner plan looks great!



I try to plan our meals a month at a time and it saves us so much $$! You’re right about knowing what you’re having/making makes it so much better when it is time to make dinner.


I am so happy that you have started Parenthood. I love, love, love that show. My husband and I caught up on it before the 4th season started, so we’re a little sad right now because next week is the season finale. I’m 100% emotionally invested with the Bravermans. And Peter Krause can do no wrong in my book. ;-)
I always do a meal plan. I think that’s the Type A personality from my childhood still trying to hang on a little. I usually plan 2 weeks in advance and then I only have to do one big shopping trip and a few small ones in that time to get fresh fruit, veggies, milk. It saves us a ton of money and it’s less stressful for me.


Too funny – I just wrote a post about weekly meal planning. I am trying to cook and prep as much as possible on Sunday so that week day meals are quick and easy. I made Tuscan White Bean and Roasted Garlic Soup in the crock pot while also making Chicken and Herb Skillet with Potatoes and Carrots. It is definitely worth the time it takes to plan meals.

I don’t really do anything special to taper for a half. Usually I run 10-11 miles a few Saturdays before the race and then the week before I run 6 miles and then do some easy runs for the rest of the week. Nothing too specific. I usually only do serious tapers for full marathons.

My favorite TV show is NCIS, but I also like Chicago Fire and Glee. I also just watched the entire season of Smash in two days while I was on vacation and thought it was pretty good – the new season starts soon so I’m excited to see it.


My husband teases me how much effort I put into our weekly meal plans but I love finding fun new recipes and making my grocery list :)

I need to give Parenthood a shot too, I’ve heard it makes most moms/wives feel like they’re normal! Did you know there’s a Hulu Plus app for ipad? We use that to watch all of our shows and my kids use it for their shows too. That way you don’t have to use your computer outside ;)

Have a great day!!


I try to plan what to make during the week most of the time because otherwise I have brinner and frozen pizza way too much. I usually go to my Pinterest board for inspiration.


Haha I can honestly say I’ve never forgotten to eat, I can’t understand when people do that!!

I don’t have specific meal plans but I have a general idea for what to make – usually any leftovers are brought to work for lunch the next day which works out well.


I never forget meals. Ever.
I don’t do a written meal plan, but I try to play around what we have going on every week, which is always different.
One idea/recommendation I have for you is buying a rotisserie chicken and using that for a few meals in a row. You can do all kinds of stuff with that, and reheating it doesn’t dry the chicken out!
I also tend to make a big meal on Sunday that extends into leftovers for a night or two (like jambalaya, turkey chili, roasted chicken, turkey meatloaf), which makes things easier since I don’t get home until 7pm after work and the gym.


I need to get on a weekly meal plan! It’s make life a bit simpler!

I am such a parenthood fan. Am sad tonight is the last episode for this season :(


Ha! So great! Having a weekly menu plan is one of my New Year’s Resolutions! I love it! It failed last week, however, with our colds turning into the flu :(. Currently my weekly menu is written just on a piece of paper, but I was inspired by a cute DIY weekly menu dry erase board, that I plan on making this week :)

Current favorite TV show: Once Upon a Time


We use to not have a weekly meal plan and we ended up eating out all the time and spending too much money and needed bigger pants. Finally we committed to a meal plan and I just decide what we’re going to eat all week, all meals and snacks- based on what we want, as well as trying to switch it up and not eat the same things all the time. I also always cook meals for 4 (it’s only myself and my husband-to-be) so that way we have dinner for 2 nights- saves $$.

This week we’re having veggie plates, a pasta dish with roasted cauliflower and a tahini sauce, and blt’s with tempeh bacon.

We love Parenthood!!! I also really like Nashville, Scandal, Revenge, Parks and Rec, New Girl, and The Mindy Show.


Oh and I use Evernote to make my list- it syncs from your computer to your iphone.


HI! So I do meal plan. VERY helpful for grocery shopping and my type a personality ;) So how do you watch tv on treadmill- is it with hula? or iTunes? it gets expensive for me!


It is through Netflix which is about $10 a month! Try it!!!


i love Parenthood, I’ve watched all previous seasons (I’ve been a Lauren Graham fan since Gilmore girls, I’m so glad to see her in that show!)
we have a weekly plan too, it really makes shopping easier, but it’s fun to see that we eat very differently, given that we live in France (no PB&J here…!)

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