Decisions, Decisions.

I went to Costco yesterday for something other than food.  I went because we get all of Brooke’s pajamas there and she is is need of some new ones because she just keeps growing;)  I was outraged while I was there because I saw THE PERFECT shirt for her but the smallest size that they had was 18 months.  Rude.

My mission is to find a shirt that tells everyone that we are BFF’s.  

IMG 7602

Just because I didn’t find the PJ’s or a shirt that fit her didn’t mean that I couldn’t walk around and eat all of the sample (this is a great time of year to go for Costco samples because they have every Super Bowl food you can imagine to try).

Billy had to stay at school until super late so Brooke and I did cool things like watch a video that Chelsa sent about Galen Rupp.  He ran a race (1 mile in 3:50) and then after the race he did a 4 mile tempo run (in 18:41) along with some more sprints.  Incredible.

The best part about the movie is at the end of the workout… do you see the yellow bag he is holding?  Those are Swedish Fish.  I knew I was onto something with my candy consumption.

DSC 7288

When B finally got home we ate meatloaf, baked potatoes and a spinach salad. For the meatloaf I used THIS recipe.

Since it is impossible to make meatloaf look pretty… I put it in the background of the picture.

DSC 7299


Now I have a VERY important question to ask you.  My friends and I take our Super Bowl foods very seriously.  I do not want to lose friends by making the wrong decision on which treat to bring.  SOOOOO…. pretend like it is Sunday and you just got to a party, which dessert would you be happier to see:

A) THESE seven layer bars (7 layers= graham cracker crust, chopped walnuts, semi-sweet chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, shredded coconut, sweetened condensed milk).

Seven layer bars main

B)  THESE salted caramel brownie cookies.

Photo oct 02 5 18 49 pm

C.  Make both so that I can make more friends.

D.  Other:  please include link.  

Which one should I make?!?

Have you ever ran a race and then continued your workout and did more running after the race?

What is your most common post race/hard workout food?

Last green food that you ate?


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OMG definitely C!!!! Make both, and if you mail some to me I promise to also be your friend! :)


SALTED CARAMEL BROWNIE COOKIES! If you aren’t making them, I’m going to!!!!!


I hope you still bought that shirt! She will fit in it faster than you can imagine ;-) My vote is hands down BOTH!!! You can never have too many friends! I am making cake batter puppy chow:
It’s perfect for snacking. I cannot wait to hear how the dessert making/eating goes! I don’t even know what teams are playing Sunday but I am way excited anyway!


C!!!! The more the merrier, plus you can eat the leftovers next week.


You should probably make both. :) Those 7 layer deals look great. I go for anything with a graham cracker crust. Yum!


I am in charge of desserts as well. Will be checking back on this post to see your decision. I need new recipes.
Last green I ate was wasabi. Sadly, not a vegetable but good nonetheless.


both. definitely make both.

thanks for the costco tip, maybe i’ll swing by in search of superbowl samples on my lunch break :)

last green food for me was also spinach, i threw some in a lentil crockpot soup i made!


A. 7 layer bars are the JAM!


I’d go with the cookies. I’m not a fan of seven layer bars, but that’s because I really hate coconut.

My most common post race food is a banana. Not too exciting, I know.

Try Target for pajamas. That’s where I get all of Ella’s!


A!! And you should also send me some! Thanks for the Costco sample tip!


I say make B and D:
It tastes amazing, and is a fun party food since people can take as little or as much as they want. I used Skor bits instead of pb chips- heavenly!


Yes to this suggestion! Times a million.


Ah, Costco, the bane of my checking account’s existence. I’m headed there tomorrow with a list as long as my arm – gulp!!

Definitely the salted caramel brownie cookies! Those look awesome!!


I am a huge fan of the 7 layer bars, so that would be my vote. But if you have time……make both, everyone loves options.

Most common hard workout food (?) is a swig of DMD.


7 layer bars are my favorite!!

BUT sticking with the football theme, i have a winner for you!


I was definitely going to link to this too as another suggestion! Yummy and cute!!


You have to try oreo balls! They are amazing….you will definitely make the most friends with those!:)


7 layers are one of my all time favorites! However, those other ones look fantastic…..make both. Food always helps make friends :)


C. C is always the right answer :D I definitely say go with both. That kind of decision is way too difficult to make, so going with both is the only rational option. Buuuuuut if you can’t, then I’m going to side with the bars.



Or these delicious slutty brownies


Or oreo pudding bars

Clearly I’m an Oreo addict.


Totally make both!! Favorite post workout food in the Summer is a spinach/banana protein smoothie and in the winter oatmeal with nutbutter.


B! those looks absolutely amazing.


Both cookies look delicious, but just to make your decision even harder, what about Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars ( or Carmelitas (


I love how your blog isn’t just about running and races. It’s about your life, food and you share it.. along with the love of running. Some other running blogs only talk about racing.. It get boring for us not so serious runners.. yours is always interesting! Thanks for keeping it real.


Definitely make both. It’s the only way.

I’ve run before a race (well, to the race) and then raced to get a full training run in. It was rough, but awesome because I was done with a 19 mile run a lot earlier than I would be on a normal day.

I had spinach in last night’s soup.


That video of Galen is the best. I may have watched it twice yesterday….but it’s just that I’m getting pumped to see him run in person this weekend at the NB Grand Prix in Boston!

I have continued on to do a workout after a race though MUCH slower than him.

I say you make both desserts. You know you can never have too much.


B, hands down. Last green thing I ate was roasted broccoli. It’s my current fav way to eat it :)


Salted Caramel Brownie cookies! Never heard of or had those before.


BOTH BOTH! You can never have too many desserts!! :)


B! For some reason the butterscotch chips in picture A look like chickpeas and it’s throwing me off :)


C but if you have to choose just one, go with A. They look soooo good!!!


Make both…DUH! On a healthier note, last green things I ate were broccoli, zucchini & avocado (all part of lunch)!


I love Galen Rupp. I’d say bring both desserts but if you have to choose one, I’d go with the cookies. Those sound awesome. I’ve kept running after a race a few times. I do it any time I run an uncertified race and the distance comes up too short. I ran a 5k this past weekend (you’d have liked it, it was called the Hypnotic Donut Dash, and I did eat a donut hole at each of the five donut stations on the course!), and the course wasn’t certified. My watch had it at just short of 3 miles, so I ran hard through 3.1. I’ve also had long runs a few times where I’ve incorporated a race. Like if I have to run 18, and there is a half I want to do, I’ll either do the extra 5 before or after, or split it up. But in that case, I don’t usually race the race — it’s either marathon pace or even tempo pace, but usually not actual race pace for whatever distance that race is.


A! B looks good too…. okay C! <– that's my final answer. Of course, an informed decision is better than a guess – send samples and I'll let you know which one. :-)

I think you should get that shirt for Brooke – she will be that size before you know it!


E) Make the salted caramel brownie cookie and mail them to your favorite reader from Jacksonville, FL! LOL- A girl can try, right?


7! Layer! Bars!!!!!!!!!

I’ve done longer races as tempo/marathon paced runs, then tacked on miles for my full long run workout. If the entry is cheap (like local races in smaller cities), it’s a great way to get some diversity – and maybe a few cheers! – during a long run (and water!). But I definitely wouldn’t blow a bit race fee on a part-of-another-workout race.

Then again, I also wouldn’t/won’t crank out a 3:50 mile, so….

I’m having post-workout food issues at the moment. Let’s table that question.

But! I just ate a big enormous salad. Lots of curly green leafed lettuce. Plus tomatoes, cukes, and – most importantly – FETA. *chomp!*


7 layer bars!


I think those cookies look amazing! My other suggestion would be anything with a peanut butter/chocolate combination. Have fun! :)


Seven Layer Bars! Those look so good.
I have not, usually after a race that most activity I do is a good walk to keep my legs moving.
Either a protein shake (workout) or chocolate milk (running) or Starbucks (races).


Obviously both!


I say make B!! However, I would not be against seeing both at a party! Last green food I ate = broccoli. And it will probably be the next green food I eat too :)


Those 7layer bars look like a bar from the heavens… and my mouth is now watering!

I always want Chocolate milk after hard runs or weight sessions. Nom.

I had steamed snap peas. Still working on eating normal foods again since wisdom teeth and I cannot wait to eat a massive salad!


You are an over achiever-you know you will do both. But you can’t beat the 7 layer bar-I’m not a huge brownie fan.


I LOVE seven layer bars but the second option looks amaznig too!!

And if you ever want some crazy awesome unique cookie recipes, you have to check out Lovin’ From the Oven. I gain 20 pounds just looking at her stuff! haha

These cookies are so so so good!!


Those salted caramel brownie cookies win hands down! But I’m also dying to know how these babies taste:


I’d rather have the seven layer bars! Seems like there’s everything I could want in one dessert. Making both couldn’t hurt though…


Can we discuss that Brooke is almost always smiling your pictures? Love her.

And I’d go with the 7 layer if you have to pick one, that way people can cut it in half or take multiple depending on how much sugar they want (aka the sane people will take 3), or just do both!


B – Carmel Brownie cookies.

I had a race last year that I got my first runner’s high from and I was floating on air the rest of the day and really felt like I could and wanted to go run again later the same day. I didn’t. But I can understand doing it.

I seem to enjoy Pita / Hummus after a good run lately.


Mmmm Salted caramel brownie cookies!!
You need to go back for that shirt… unfortunately Brooke will be that size before you know it!

Brussels sprouts. I used to hate them… but now it’s love.


I vote for the brownie cookies! How can you go wrong with a dessert that combines 2 of the most popular desserts!? The bars do look tasty too…yum! I just started reading your blog and am loving it. It’s great motivation while training for my first marathon!


Salted Caramel Brownie Cookies…I may have to whip some of those up because I’m drooling!!


The brownie cookies, definitely. And can you share how the meatloaf turned out? I’ve got a pound of ground beef in the freezer just begging to be turned into something other than hamburgers……


It was really good!!! I wish I would have cooked it a few minutes longer than the recipe told me too though! Try it!


Ooh, my vote would be for the salted caramel sandwich cookies because I love caramel, but you can’t go wrong with more desserts. ;) I usually have some Endurox R4 after my longer runs, but maybe I’ll have to try the Swedish Fish for recovery. They are incredibly delicious.


Oh my goodness….they both look good but my mouth watered big time when I saw the pic for choice B! YUMMO!

You can find great PJ’s at Children’s Place if you have one near you….so cutie patootie!

Brussel Sprouts are the last green thing I have eaten.

I love a bannana or greek yogurt after a run…delish!

Brookster is getting so big and man oh man is she AAAA DOR ABLE! Love her big beautiful blues!




While I LOVE 7 layer bars, I have learned that a lot of people don’t like coconut or nuts in their desserts. So I say bring both, but if you want to only make one, then do the cookies (which sound amazing) and then if you have left overs, send them to me ;) Or if you are up for suggestions, these are easy and bomb diggity:

Also, the cake batter puppy chow someone suggested earlier is mighty tasty. I could give you a list a mile long, so maybe don’t consult me. Lol.


Well, I was going to pick B., but since you gave us option C I think that’s definitely the way to go!


Definitely the salted caramel brownies….they look so good I am adding them to my Super Bowl menu.


Definitely C! Make both! You really can’t go wrong with seven layer bars – everyone loves them!

After my interval workout this morning I made a chocolate protein smoothie with 2 cups of spinach in it. It was amazing. :)


Brownie cookies. Yum

I think my Costco in redwood city might have had those manliest in smaller sizes. I got the strawberry ones for my Brooklyn.

Not a race because I don’t really race much but I do a boot camp almost everyday and sometimes I feel like a good run’s hard and all I’m just full of energy sometimes.

Last green thing: broccoli with out meatloaf also

Post workout food protein slake or something high in protein


I am going to go with C. BOTH!! I can’t decide either. I love desserts with coconut in them and brownies are my weakness, so both!

My post hard workout “food” is always chocolate milk. It really does help with recovery for me and I am not a milk drinker.


B or C for sure!!! :) I have to know how B turns out!!!


I vote C for both because I just can’t choose!!!! I’m having the hardest time trying to decide what to bring…why is that? ha. I feel like we put unneccessary pressure on ourselves to make THE best thing ha.

My last green was spinach too!! Last night I made a smoothie with banana, avocado, spinach and greek yogurt. It was SO GOOD!


B. I have to be careful with nuts (allergic to cashews and possibly others) so I don’t like when they are baked goods, and I don’t like coconut. :)


OMG, those salted caramel brownie cookies look HEAVENLY! I don’t really like coconut though, so maybe that’s swaying my vote. Please let us know how whichever you make comes out!!


I’m new to your blog so I’m not sure if you are into online shopping (that’s my favorite way) but etsy has some super cute Mommy’s BFF shirts. Like this one

It’s a little on the expensive side but it also comes with a bow…


Ahhhhhhhh thank you! That is adorable! I have to get it!


I have an epipen and a pack of Benadryl that would love to meet the walnuts in the 7layer treats, so personally, I’d go with the brownie cookies. But that’s just me. If none of your friends have allergies I’d bring them both cause they both look delicious!

Last green thing I ate: green peppers

Post-race food: a big bowl of cereal and an apple. And then probably everything I can get my hands on for the rest of the day!




Make both! The more the merrier with desserts and more desserts = more friends, I know this from experience. Not to mention both of those sound AMAZING. Leftovers would not be a bad thing :)

I just ate a kale and avocado salad, which was super green!


B! Those cookies look awesome! Last green thing I ate was also a spinach salad…not too surprising since I eat one about a thousand times a week…or something like that.


BOTH! The shirt is too cute. Buy it! She will wear it before you know it!


Both – but if I had to choose, the 7 layer bars – those are my FAV!


We got so many great Carter’s clothes from Costco too! Thankfully, we have a Carter’s store by us and they offer some amazing deals on clothes. 75% of the boys’ wardrobe is from Carters =)
I have had the 7 layer bars before – that EXACT version actually – I’ve made them too – super duper easy!!! And they are unreal and amazing. So I vote for those! xoxo


You should absolutely make the 7 layer bars, then get in your car and drive south to give me some. Thanks.


Salted Caramel Brownie Cookies! Oh my word, they look amazing.

Post workout food? Banana, cottage cheese, crackers.


The cookies!!


ahem, i’d just like to state for the record that i’m making your SMORES bake for super bowl sunday, that should totally be an option :)


7 Layer Bars are 100% worth a splurge!!!

I just started racing a year and a half ago — usually after the race I’m spent LOL

Afterwards my favorite thing is ice cold water and a frozen banana chocolate PB protein shake!

Hmm Last green food I ate was the green bell pepper in my egg white breakfast casserole (thank you Crock Pot)


My vote is for C! Not that you could go wrong with either one, but both are very delicious to not make ;-) Also, that shirt for Brooke is SO cute! I need one of those for my daughter!


I vote for 7 layer bars!

Post workout food – if craving salt, a big salad with tons of dressing; if craving sugar, frozen yogurt.

Target is advertising their “biggest baby sale of the season” on all sorts of baby clothes and gear… you might try there for Brooke’s PJs.


Well if I was eating the desserts I would vote neither, because I don’t like chocolate (I know FREAK), but if I had to go by appearance…I would vote the cookies! Salted carmel seems to be the rage right now.
Last green thing was the chopped up small broccoli in out mac/cheese…sneaky!!


Both!!!! Always choose more dessert.

I’ve ran to a race, ran the race, and then ran home before (I’ve done this for 2 races).


If I had to choose just one, I would say the Salted Caramel Brownie Cookies (do they come in gluten free?). But to be realistic, you should make both…they look delicious!
Last green thing was pepitas in my oatmeal…does that count?
You should get the shirt for Brooke now and she can wear it as a dress…it is super cute! :)


Um, I would definitely bring both, but if I had to choose I would pick the 7 layer bars, delish! Hope you have a wonderful super bowl party!


I vote for the brownie cookies! They look delicious. I’m sure the party guests won’t be disappointed either way because you’re the queen of desserts!


C, duh, but if you only have time to make one, definitely B!!

The big question is… did Costco also have those shirts in adult sizes so I can wear one and let the world know my mom is my bff?


Salted caramel cookies! I have a really good recipe for something very similar, and they’re always a hit at parties. Costco is the best place to go for samples. That’s how I have found a lot of my favorite foods actually.


B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


C!! And just in case you need another option, here’s a link to one of my favorites: self-frosting nutella cupcakes. So easy and delicious!!! (Plus then you have 1/2 a jar of leftover nutella) ;)


Brownie cookies, definitely :)


Uhmmm I need those 7 layer bars.. And the last green food I ate was asparagus at dinner last night :)


1. Buy the shirt anyway, she’ll grow into it!

2. Both, the answer is always make both.


B!! Those look unreal.

I had a 16 mile training run that I couldn’t find the will to do so I signed up for a half marathon on a whim and then ran 3 miles after. It worked perfectly. I was excited about the half and still pumped afterward enough to run three more miles (and they seemed short after the longer run).


7 Layer Bars!!!


Omg! I can’t decide, they both look so good! It’ll have to be C, (Both)…and you can send me the leftovers(IF there is any!)….


My husband would vote for the 7 layer bars, hands down. He absolutely loves those and I only tend to make them during the holidays. Those cookies look pretty darn tasty too! I’ll vote for doing both. You would be our family’s BFF if you brought those over!!!


7-layer bars, for sure! When I made them, they stuck to the bottom of the pan very badly, so I advise you to put tinfoil down on the pan before you start pouring in the ingredients. I used this recipe–

Add in some peanut butter and some delicious peanuts or almonds– I almost forgot to add nuts when I made mine, but the nuts get toasty and so delicious!


Oh gosh, I might have to make those 7 layer bars. I haven’t had those in forever….
I say make both, but I’ve been thinking about these caramel brownies forever and they look easier than the cookies:
so you can also make mint frosted brownies:
and cover all your bases:)
PS: Brooke keeps getting cuter! How can you stand it!


Duh – BOTH! They look super yummy. I also buy all of Luke’s PJs at Sams Club and love their samples. :)


I’ve been looking everywhere for a good video of G. Rupp – maybe there are some more of them out there now! Incredible! 7 layer bars fo-sho.


How could you choose between the two…? But if I HAD to, I’d go with the first ones. Coconut is the bomb.


While both of those options look very yummy, I am going to say D: Other. You have to try these Billion Dollar Candy Bars ( I made them at Christmastime and had a hard time not eating the entire pan of them. They are soooo good!


I say go for both! Both look delicious!! :) YUM!!!


Salted. Caramel. Brownie. Cookies. Wow. I will probably be making these this weekend!


Make the seven layer bars. Or these
And yes, I did a 10k and then did a few more miles later that day to get all of my miles in.

The Kidless Kronicles


Salted caramel brownie cookies. Hot dang, those sound uh-maz-ing!


Last year I ran a 5k in the middle of a 17 mile run… super fun! And it included running across the Golden Gate. My go-to post race food is kind of boring, always a salad with chicken. The last green food I ate was broccoli and chard :) Those seven layer bars look sooooooooooo good!


The answer is ALWAYS C!

You should make those little meatloaf “cupcakes” where you bake little meatloafs in a muffin tin and then top with mashed potatoes, that would make it pretty. I have wanted to but never seem to find the time or patience.


Both! Every one needs new friends!


I would pick the 7 layer bars.. But I’m obsessed with Coconut :)


Okay, so I haven’t made these yet but I REALLY want to:

I have no idea how you are going to pick! But I have a soft spot in my heart (and on my thighs!) for 7 layer bars!


I want to reach through the screen and eat one of the salted caramel brownie cookies so obviously THAT is my choice!!!!


THE COOKIES!!!!!! If I saw those cookies, I would steal the plate and hide so I could eat them all to myself. Thanks for sharing the recipe! I am changing my potluck item for the SB now! :)


Definitely make both!!
I ran before and after a lot of races last year because I was training for my first marathon and my long runs needed to be longer than the half marathon. It was interesting how I got all the mileage in but I did.

How does a person seriously get their body to even move that fast? It’s beyond my thinking. (thoughts from an older, slower runner)


Trust me, You will thank me later :)


I plan on making salted caramel brownies and crack dip for the Super Bowl!

And you should order a shirt for Brooke from Etsy!!

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom


Holy heck that dude can run fast! That is just insane!!!

New to the blogging world –


I NEED you to make these. Don’t think, just do. Consider your life changed.

Chocolate Cherry Chunk Brownies


I really hope there’s chia in that meatloaf.

Last green thing was my UNpaleo kale soup that was DELICIOUS.

You must make both treats. And you must tell me where the party is. I still have time to make travel arrangements.


C, obviously.


These are all great ideas and they get better as they go down. :)


OH MY GOODNESS… cutest things ever. Thank you for showing me her blog.. I want to make her monkey bread now too!


Salted caramel brownies hands down!!!!!!


If you have a little extra time, you should make my buffalo chicken dip :)

3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
4 cups (2 regular sized bags) shredded cheddar (I like to use mild or sharp)
1 1/2 cups ranch dressing (I use light if I can.. but regular works too)
1 cup Frank’s hot sauce (<– Frank's is key- you HAVE to use it ;))
1 80z block of cream cheese (I use fat free)
Tortilla chips

1. Cook chicken breasts however you like (I like to bake them at 400 for 25 minutes or cook them in the crock pot over night) and shred with two forks
2. Soften cream cheese up in microwave safe bowl for about 1 minute, stirring every 30 seconds.
3. Add chicken and mix
4. Add cheese, hot sauce, and ranch- mix well
5. Transfer to a 9×13 dish and bake uncovered at 325 for 25-30 minutes. Serve with tortilla chips!

It's really good, has a little kick to it, and always goes over well! After I bake it I like to transfer it to the crock pot (I know your lid is shattered :( but maybe a friend has one you can borrow?) to keep it warm. I'm sure it's been made a million times, a million different ways, but.. it's delicious and a perfect Super Bowl snack :)


That sounds like heaven….. Billy would be so happy!




I would go for both, but if you have to pick one I would go for the brownie cookies because they look amazing!


Um both of those look absolutely amazing and I think you should make them both. There is nothing wrong with 2 desserts ever!

Last green thing I ate was spinach too! It’s my favorite :)


mmm.. both look delicious! I think I would like number 2 tho!

I saw this recipe and thought it would make a great superbowl treat


holy moly i cant even explain how badly i want those brownie salted caramel cookies~!!!


Make both!

Have you found It lets you print your own slogans on baby clothes…I had a personalised onesie made for my newborn baby boy and have had several more made for friends or for my dude as he grows up. They’re fantastic and wash really well!!! You could easily do Mommy’s BFF or anything like that!


I’d go with the 7 layer bars!! There is something in there for everyone…7 things to be exact :) lol


C. I cannot freaking decide, but i want both right now! ha


C! All the way, C. can I come to your super bowl party so I can just eat all the desserts? My post race food/hard workout is usually a peanut butter protein smoothie.. or basically anything with peanut butter.

Last green thing I ate.. spinach? green peppers? I don’t know, I eat green foods at almost every meal…


OMG those both look amazing. I think the 7 layer bars are to die for…I have made that recipe before!
Here is a great link for more amazing bar recipes so you can even make more friends…


I didn’t realize the 7 layer bars are from the Browneyedbaker! you probably already have seen these other bar recipes :)


I am equally in love with seven layer bars. I also have a profound love of oreos, so last week I was inspired to combine the two. The pan almost didn’t make it to work because they were so Heavenly. (I’m pretty sure Oreos make anything taste amazing…) (I apologize in advance for the fabulous iPhone photography skills.)


Hey Janae:)

I’ve been reading your blog for years now- and I LOVE it so so much. I’m from Germany and also a teacher and a runner! It is so much fun to read about you and your life. It’s even more fun to read now that you have Brooke!!

When I saw your super bowl food and the cookies a thing I found on pinterest crossed my mind: It was a mixture between cookies and brownies and they were called : “Brookies”. I just thought you might like that :-)

Keep up the positive attitude and everything else. I’m probably one of your biggest fans!

Please excuse any mistakes- English is my second language ;)

Have a great weekend with your lovely family,


SARAH!!! Your comment absolutely made my day! You live in Germany?!? That is awesome. Sounds like we have a lot alike. Okay, I just found the Brookies and they made me smile so big. I have to make them! Your english is better than mine:) I am going to have to post about these Brookies. Thank you so much and have an amazing day!


Wow, those salted caramel brownie cookies sound incredible!! Seriously my mouth is watering.

The last green thing I ate (actually drank) was the green monster smoothie drink. So yummy.


The cookies!


I would definitely bring A, those are always a winner.

And D…

You’re welcome :)


The better than crack brownies are to die for!!!


Oh dear god, make both!!!


Please make both and send some to me! They are both amazing!!

I have run a 5k and then continued running because it was long run day.

Last green food was broccoli.


Option C!!!

Swedish Fish are my absolute favorite candy and I had a brief thought a while ago to try them as running fuel but thought it would be silly. But now that I know I’m not the only one….I’m going to do it! Thanks for the inspiration.


C. BOTH!!!!! :)


the 7 layer bars look amazing to me right now…


B :) I want those!!!


Wow, those salted carmel brownie cookies look amazing! That’s my vote and I might have to bring them to the Ravens fan club on Sunday. GO RAVENS!!!!


SALTED CARMEL COOKIES!!!!!! (If you want to still be my friend ;)


The cookies!!! They look delicious and unique! YUUUUM!!!

Whatever you make, I’m sure it’ll be delicious. You are a cookie and brownie expert! I think your guest will be in great hands!


Definitely salted brownie cookies! BTW, I do love the 7 layer aka “magic bars”, there is no doubt they are delish, but I just think they have been around the block a # of times, whereas the salted brownie cookies would be exciting and new for most people.


Salted caramel brownie cookies with ice cream!!


I looooove seven layer bars, so I’d go with them :)


I hope you bought that shirt anyway, because it’s so cute. Word of wisdom from a mom of 4–18 mos seems HUGE now, but she’ll be in it in six months time or less. Hard to imagine, but such is life with a baby. My vote is definitely for the cookies. I’m drooling…


You should for sure choose choice C. They both look amazing! I love seven layer bars..but I am really intrigued with those brownie cookies.

The last green thing I ate were PICKLES! :)


New follower…make the brownie cookie one – I have to now!

I ran a 10k 2 years ago while training for a half. I needed to run 12 miles for my training plan, so I ran the race, then turned around and ran all the way back to the start!

Last green thing was sour apple chewy sweet tarts! I do eat veggies, but you asked for the last thing….;)

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