I think I had too much caffeine.

So I may have ‘accidentally’ (okay, it wasn’t an accident, I was really tired and needed a little something something) had some caffeine via a crystal light yesterday morning at 6 a.m. I haven’t had caffeine in probably a year and I think it may have gotten into Brooke’s system because in a 14 hour time span she slept a total of 2 hours yesterday. We had plenty of time to entertain each other.

Brooke wanted me to show off her latest awesome tongue trick that she showed me as we were sitting by the pool chilaxing. Doesn’t she have the coolest sideburns ever?

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As you can see by her eyeballs this little girl was wide awake. Most bloggers use cool table clothes and backgrounds for their pictures of food but I use a baby for mine.

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My CUTEST friend Pam (she is running the Chicago Marathon on Oct. 7th) sent a fun box of goodies for Brooke and also this amazing curry sauce mix for me after I told her how much I am loving curry.

It doesn’t look very great but believe you me, it was amazing. Let me give you a helpful tip in life: When making rice, do not follow their serving suggestion. I made the ‘2 servings’ size of rice and it forced me to convince billy to go on a diet and cut out cabs in order to eat his portion of rice too after I ate my ‘serving’ in two bites… remember Janae, next time double it. I put chicken, carrots, potatoes, onions and cauliflower into the sauce mix.

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I know you are all going to ask me this but no, I did not go to culinary arts school (you are all thinking it based on my beautiful presentation of the apple slices).

My cute bangs friend texted me on Sunday night and said that they had too much chocolate cake (is that possible?) left at their house and they needed me to help them get rid of it Monday night. I am glad I have such a good reputation for being a human garbage disposal:)

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Close up on the heaven that my friend in the blue is holding. It is her famous candy corn and peanut combination (remember, 1.5 peanuts per candy corn is the winning combination).

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The most delicious chocolate cake ever.

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I love the name of the cake and it really doesn’t get any healthier than this:

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Moral of the story: Janae shouldn’t drink caffeine, curry and chocolate cake make a person happy and my baby is probably a genius because she can do cool tongue tricks.


What is your workout today?

-I am going to run some easy miles and spend 23 quality minutes with Jillian Michaels.

Anyone running the Chicago Marathon? Anyone ran it in the past? Anyone want to run it in 2013 with me?

How often do you drink caffeine?

-Usually only before races or long runs (I used to be really addicted to diet coke but quit) but I learned my lesson yesterday and won’t be having it again for a while.

Do you have a favorite rice dish or food to eat with rice (I have a lot of brown rice to use:)

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I consider myself a pretty healthy gal but… diet soda is my downfall. Honestly, I don’t think the caffeine even affects me anymore… whopps!

Sounds like you have the world best friends,impromptu cake parties, yes please!


You are seriously hilarious. I drink wwaayyy too much caffeine, but I’m pretty much addicted by this point so I just drink my eighteen cups and get on with my day.


I drink caffeine all day long…I have a keurig…


I would LOVE to run the Chicago marathon with you next year! Let’s make that happen. ;)


I think i am going to have to try that cake recipe!

Flow yoga class today and maybe some easy biking. I would say I have 3-4 servings of caffiene a day…I am trying to cut back to 1-2, but I hate the bad headaches that come w/doing that!

Have a fabulous Tuesday!!!


I am planning on Chicago for 2013 but will probably be a good 40+ minutes behind your Kenyan pace!!!!
My workout this morning was 6.5 tempo miles. Core work later tonight after the kidlets are in bed :)
I’ve eaten at least 3 bags of candy corn with peanuts since you first posted that combo a week ago! It is snack crack!!!!


Edie,Great post! Congratulations to you, not only for accomplishing your cnallehge, but being willing to take that cnallehge on. The thing that strikes me most about this is the idea that we (I) have to be willing to set a new standard for ourselves. That’s what you did. Your standard used to say cafffeine is ok. You changed it to say, no caffeine. Way to go!About a year and a half ago, I started doing 10 pushups a day. That was 70 for the week. The next week it was 11 a day and so on. Today, I did 80 pushups (yes at once). I’m not sure how far I’ll go, but I now know at age 55 that I’m doing more pushups daily than I typically did back in my college wrestling days.Again, kudos to you!Joe


I just detoxed from coffee 2 weeks ago. I drank way too much. I am definitely going to have to try your “bangs friend’s” cake recipe!!


You are SO funny. I swear. I cracked up as soon as I saw the name of your post. Then the picture of Brooke all wide-eyed with the curry. Holy crap. My coworkers must think I’m nuts, sitting over here laughing out loud.

That is really good curry. I’ve had it before. I’ve never put cauliflower in mine though, I bet it’d be good!

I drink 3 cups of coffee a day:-) One is the very strong black coffee from starbucks.

I pretty much use brown rice (or quinoa) is most of my dishes. You can put anything on rice. My daughter’s favorite is when I sautee some veggies w/garlic and brown some ground beef with it and put worchester sauce on it. I throw some seasonings in there and let it simmer a bit. Good stuff. If you do it though, I’d go for the low-sodium sauce because it’s way to salty otherwise. I hate salt though.


I used to drink caffeine in the form of coffee like there was no tomorrow… Within the past several months I’ve cut way back though, and it’s been good for me. I still have the occasional cup of (caffeinated) hot tea, and I’m sure I’ll drink coffee again after pregnancy, but nothing like I used to.

P.S. I tried that candy corn/peanut mixture last week… It was gone in no time. ;)


i have a cup every morning…(and used to be addicted to Diet Rite too!) – anything more than a cup and it effects my sleep.


Too much chocolate cake?? Does that even exist? I drink caffeine all day long thanks to my multiple cups of green tea…and add in my 2 daily cups of coffee, it’s no wonder I’m buzzing!


My workout this morning was 30 minutes of power walking (mixed in with some push-ups and weights).

The only caffeine I drink each day is a cup of coffee in the morning (either a Medium from Tim Horton’s, or two small cups at home). No other caffeine for this gal the rest of the day – I wouldn’t be able to sleep!

Chicken and rice is the best! I have no idea how to make it (other than including the chicken and the rice) but whenever I have it time stops. :)


My workout today is a quick treadmill run before doctor appts. with my oldest.
Have you tried the Nike Training Club app? I love it. Options of 15/30/and 45min workouts. They are tough!
I love stir-fry. So easy to throw together.


Curry is the best!! The curry in that box is probably my favorite meal EVER. I just had it last Sunday :) mmmm so good, now you are making me crave more!

And your little girl is soooo cute!


I generally have a little caffeine everyday in tea or coffee, but I definitely don’t need it to function.

I don’t really have a workout today, I’m taking a rest day for taper. I WILL be taking Bungee rollerblading/running, though, so at least I’ll be outside and kind of moving while she pulls me along.


Lol that’s crazy that caffeine affects you so much! Sadly, I think I take in too much caffeine because it doesn’t seem to affect me too much. Although I haven’t been sleeping the best lately, so I’m thinking about cutting back a little and seeing if my sleep improves. I have a cup of black tea in the morning, then a small cup of coffee a few hours later, and then a cappuccino or latte in the afternoon. Eep. Actually that sounds like a lot lol. Alright, alright… I’ll cut back.


I have a monstrous Costco bag of brown rice and use it for everything. But mostly I make it on Sunday night in a big bowl and then I have it as a base throughout the next 4 days or so since it takes so long to make during the week. My fave is chopping up all my leftover veggies, toss in some canned tomatoes, spices and beans and we have Italian rice bowls or as my kids call them – too many vegetables in one place.


My mom just sent me a box of that curry sauce–she makes curry all the time, so it’s a little taste of home :)

Running the Chicago Marathon! 11 days!!!! I think I am equal parts excited and nervous because this will be my first marathon.


Caffeine in the form of coffee every morning! Love this random post! ;)


I’m running Chicago!!! This will be my 4th marathon (and maybe last). Tapering now, so today’s workout was 3×1600 at 10k-40s pace + 1 mi warmup and cool down. Brooke is absolutely adorable!!


Yes, I am running Chi Town in a couple of weeks – actually on my 44th birthday. This will be my 3rd running of this race and only because after time I have raced it I know I could of done so much better. (I am running NYC marathon in November too because I picked and have never been to New York, so we are excited about that too.
I too loooooovvvveee coffee – in Canada we have Tim Hortons Cafe and Bake Shop that I hit every morning for my XL with 3 creams – yummy.
Enjoy your day with your family.


Aw! Brook is SO cute!!!

I’m running the Chicago! My very first marathon! I am SOOOO nervous!!!!!!


-Workout today = upper body and core strength training that I did this morning before work and this evening I’m going for a walk with a friend!
-I don’t drink coffee, soda, or tea, so really the only caffeine I get is from chocolate :)


I have to work late so today will be a rest day :)
I would love to run it on day! Maybe 2014 though!
I do not have caffeine any more. I used to drink one cup of coffee every morning but stopped because it was making me jittery, decaf for me now!
I love making Thai Fried Rice with egg, veggies and pineapple!


I love Caitlin @ HTP recipe for Santa Fe Casserole for rice, its so yummy! Its a great meal that makes a lot and you’ll have leftovers for lunch.


The only caffeine I can handle is through my chocolate. Coffee, tea, etc will keep me up forever and give me the shakes. Not good. Also, I have never heard of too much chocolate cake, only not enough chocolate cake.
And brown rice is perfect for stuffed peppers :)


I wouldn’t worry about the caffeine too much. Babies like to keep you on your toes and just when you think you know what’s going on…bam! Mckenna used to go practically No Nap somedays just to be feisty. Maybe Brooke just wanted extra Mama time!


Today is a rest day for me! I’m getting a massage instead :)


We should run Chicago in 2013 and try to break 3 hours together ;)


I’ll drink one cup of coffee in the morning but LOVE Starbucks iced coffees and am addicted to their iced green tea soy lattes (YUM!!!). Just got back from running the WHM in Nashville this past weekend (my 3rd)…not sure if I could run a marathon-13.1 miles seems to be enough for me but who knows!! Good luck! And I LOVE curry- every fall I make my curried butternut squash soup and it is DELICIOIUS! No one in my house eats it so its all for me:-)


i have that same pumpkin serving dish, think i bought it from either walgreens or target YEARS ago. and it looks like curry scares little brookie, she has a cute little look of panic! i don’t know how you’ve lived without caffeine for a year, i can barely go a few hours without it!

running the cm12 with the hubby this year, which is exciting. no time goals, just the goal of having fun and supporting him during his venture back into marathoning. hopefully i’ll be there in 2013! you can stay at casa kelly here!


I try not to drink any caffeine these days. Coffee is my best friend, but I hate hate hate being addicted to even one cup. It’s really annoying. So, I’m all about the decaf these days. Tea is my main way of caffeine because I don’t think it’s worth it to worry about how much caffeine is in a bag. Meh


I AM RUNNING CHICAGO!!!!!!!! Can you tell I’m excited? And I need some candy corn. I haven’t had any in like over 2 years. That’s just wrong.


Love curry and cocolate (not together, of cource) but could definitely pass on cc. I don’t even know how it’s possible, but the intense sweetness makes my teeth hurt!

Here’s an awesome rice recipe for you – http://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-brown-rice-bowl-with-tofu-and-lemongrass-166713. We make it with tofu, but I’m sure you can sub any protein and it would be just as good!

So so sad (like depression mode) that I won’t be running Chicago. Metatarsal stress fracture earlier this summer, followed by some intense bursitis after ramping up training in September has sealed my fate. Definitely next year though – and hopefully IMS Arizona in Feb!


I didnt start drinking coffee regularly until I started dating Kevin…now I have a hot thermos of it every morning. On the upside, it got me to stop drinking diet coke as much..I typically drink diet soda without caffeine or just club soda..and not nearly as often as I used to. it DOES make me into a jitterbug sometimes though…caffeine i mean ;)

woohoo i’m running chicago!! I cant believe how quickly its coming up, its insane. I’m going to enjoy this taper period as much as possible!

todays workout was an hour of crosstraining and some weights.

I usually just throw veggies or whatever into my brown rice and call it a meal, lol. i love it with stir fry the best though!


If I’m not preggers then (which would be kind of depressing actually) I could be ready for a marathon next year. Im just an hour north of Chicago so that would be a decent first marathon for me. Sign my up!

I love curry. I have a recipe for curry made in the crockpot. Rice is a side we have a lot. With curry obviously, with salmon, teriyaki chicken… that’s all I can think of right now.


I just literally threw away the candy corn in my house b/c I could not control myself around it!!!

Today a quick run at lunch, maybe 3-3.5 miles…

If I ever ran a marathon I think I woudl want it to be Chicago, it looks awesome. Maybe the half someday…

Fully addicted to caffeine – coffee EVERY morning! But I try and limit it just to that although some days I sneak in a Cherry Coke Zero in the afternoon…

Stiry fry is always good with rice!


Caffeine is in my blood!

My workout today is a quad heavy leg workout and some sprints and stairs!


Haha this post makes me sympathetic to my mom–I guess I was NOT a day sleeper as a baby. I wasnt fussy but I did not sleep. I just laid wherever she put me and watched her all.day.long. SO I hope that Brooke wasnt fussy even if she was awake :)

I am hoping to walk 6 miles today….taking all my self control not to run yet but I WILL heal my injury then be back with a vengeance ;)


I went for Thai food on Saturday with a friend … anything on a Thai menu + rice is fine by me :)


Ran 5 miles this morning. Felt like I was running in glue.
No on Chicago. But good luck! Heard it is a FAST course.
I have one cup of coffee each morning. Then if I eat out, I will have a fountain soda. But even then I choose caffeine free diet coke if they have it.
TJ Orange Chicken over rice. Or any of the PF Changs meals you can get at the grocery store.

The Kidless Kronicles


I have one cup of coffee every morning. I seriously look forward to this one cup more than anything else in my day. Well, not anything but it comes close! I guess that is what will happen when you have a near 5 month old who doesn’t like to sleep!

I may or may not have just copied and pasted that cake recipe into an email to myself so I can file it away. . . until this afternoon when I make it. :)


Coffee is my jam! Oh and you have me totally hooked onto peanuts and candy corn.


I love rice!! All kinds of rice actually. Yellow safron rice is so good, but I think just steamed and brown rice is my favorite!

My workout yesterday was a 3.3 mile run. I have a 5 miler race this weekend and I’m coming off of an IT band injury so for the first time in a while my knees didn’t hurt (hallelujah!).

I unfortunately drink coffee every day. I don’t like soda so I don’t get my caffeine from there, but I need my coffee every day!!


God willing I will make it 4-5 miles today. More would be great!
The hubs and I are hooked on stir fry and rice right now. The secret to fantastic stir fry is sesame seed oil, red pepper flakes, and a little Szechuan sauce. Yum
You can make Mexican Brown Rice with a cube of Cons Mate to go with tacos or whatever too. Just boil it in chicken broth/stock and add one cube of the Cons Mate. Ta Da Tastiness!


Run today – 5 miles while my son is at soccer practice in the evening. It’s going to be cool, the sun will be setting and I am really looking forward to it! :)

I read your blog the other day when you suggested the 1.5 peanut – 1 candy corn ratio treat. I wasn’t convinced – but now I know I should always trust you when it comes to candy suggestions! What was I thinking? I EAT THIS EVERY NIGHT NOW!!!

2 cups of coffee in the AM and a Diet Coke at lunch 8D


I have (very hot and very caffeinated) coffee before each run. Perks me up, and, this is way TMI but it helps get everything out before a run if you know what I mean.


Ohhh I really need to stop reading your blog on my break at work… You always make me crave food that I have no time to go and try to find. Thanks a lot, I will now be dreaming of candy corn all day! Gah!

So I’ve decided that Brooke looks just like Billy sometimes but also your little niece (not Curly, the older one). Not sure what it is, but I think she looks just like her!

I’m IN for Chicago!! I just ran my first marathon and made the terrible decision to run a marathon with only 38 other people… and in a hurricane. Because there were so few runners (and I’m slow), I ran almost the entire thing ALONE and there was almost no one out cheering, or at least the crazy rain/ wind blew them away before I got there. I’d LOVE to run a marathon where there were other runners and spectators around, I feel like it would make miles 20-26.2 less painful!!


I’m a huge coffee drinker. I gave it up for the most part while pregnant so I cannot wait until I have this baby so I can get my small but necessary caffeine fix :)

Rice is one of my favorite food staples! I love it with a big bowl of steamed broccoli mixed in and stir fry sauce….also good with fish and soya sauce.


I drink a huge cup of coffee every morning. Thankfully it doesn’t seem to affect my little Eliza who’s 1 month old.

I’ve never run a marathon but I actually researched marathons yesterday, including the Chicago marathon, after reading Ultra Marathon Man. I mean, if Dean can run 200 miles non-stop, I think I can run a marathon!


Is that Edward Cullen? On the poster behind the bangs friends gang?


I did 3.250 miles this morning on the treadmill. I’m increasing speed like you talked about in a recent post but I’m increasing every two minutes instead of 1 minute. I’m gonna get my miles up there!!

I drink a cup of coffee every morning! Need my coffee!! Its funny because I didn’t start drinking coffee until this year! I never had caffeine before this year. I don’t drink sodas.

I just love Brooke’s facial expressions! Babies are awesome!!

I eat rice a lot. I love curry and I add lots to it. Usually its brown rice. I add cream of chicken soup or beans, or chicken & cheese…

Also, that choc. cake looks great. I need to try that recipe because all those ingredients make it sound so much better.


I’m doing Chicago but you already know that! Pam and I may even get to meet up if we can coordinate our schedules :)


I LOVE curry, so tasty. Now I need to make some. I like the brown rice. Costco has a great frozen brown rice, just pop the bag in the microwave for 4 minutes and you have perfect brown rice that is very tasty.

I used to drink tons, stopped when I found out I was pregnant. I have had a few half/caf cups to combat some killer headaches.


One time I tried the Crystal Light with greet tea & caffeine. I was jittery for hours. I drink coffee every day and never feel like that. It was crazy.

I just signed up for a duathlon that has a hilly bike ride so I’ll be working those hills today with a side of strength training.


Don’t forget that chocolate has caffeine too!


I <3 caffeine. I'm pretty sure crystal light is caffeine-free, though, isn't it?


I used to be able to drink caffeine day or night with no problem, but after I had my second baby I became SUPER sensitive to it. Now I can get enough from the teeny tiny bit that is in decaf coffee and that’s about all I can handle!


I don’t have a ton of caffeine. But I’ll drink a pop here and there {guilty pleasure} and sometimes I’ll have coffee {but not much since I’ve been pregnant…it just doesn’t sound good} but I’ve found at least during this pregnancy coffee makes me way more jittery than pop.

The boys and I just got back from a 2 mile walk on a beautiful fall day. I might try to motivate myself to do my prenatal workout video later too…


Yummy curry! We have a similar box (several of them… always a staple in Korean household).
Oh, man! I have a big cup of coffee every morning, so I always have caffeine in my system in the morning.
I quit Diet Coke, too ;)


Oh my gosh, Janae! I might die without caffeine. I go to bed excited about my morning cup of coffee. Am I crazy? well, yes. I already knew that.

oh Brooke!! I just want to squeeze her! She is too cute!!

I am totally known for being the human garbage disposable. In fact, I often don’t even need to bring a lunch to work because people drop me off all sorts of goodies that I eat throughout the day. Not sure if that’s a good thing…


I generally have one cup of coffee every morning. Occasionally two, but if I do, it’s decaf for the second.

I try not to drink too much pop, but may have a Diet Dr. Pepper here and now.


I’m running Portland the same day as Chicago! Poor Portland gets so overshadowed by Chicago. :) Maybe someday I’ll do Chicago instead (they’re always the same day) but the possibility of running in 80 degree heat terrifies me.


Oh, and my Jillian DVD is in the mail, thanks for the recommendation!


Yum the cake looks great!

Golden Curry, woo! Japanese curry mixes are so good, I love making curry with them. I always have at least one block in my apartment at all times, haha.


I love that curry. I make it the same way minus the cauliflower. But it causes me to eat way too much. I think my favorite way to have rice is fried rice, though.
I drink ice tea all day and usually a can of Dr Pepper.


mmm cake! I have a coffee in the morning and a coffee pre-workout. It really gets me going!

And wait– what?! You didn’t go to culinary school?!


I love Golden Curry! Though I haven’t had it in a looooong time. Probably since college when my Japanese roomate made it all the time ;) Must find some asap.

I had a can of Pepsi on Sunday because I was dragging in the studio and it was the only thing I had there (Dad left it in the office) . I haven’t had soda like that in ages and I literally shook, I could barely hold the paintbrush. My teeth ached sooo bad and I ended up with a headache blah. :( lesson seriously learned.

Going to cycle class at the gym today and tomorrow I will do a small 3-4 mile run. 1/2 marathon on Oct 7!! aaaaaah!!


Oh I had a crazy caffeine addiction but as soon as I got pregnant I cut all caffeine out. I’m now 17 weeks and allow myself 1 Swiss water pressed decaf coffee per day…maybe I was just addicted to the taste because it seems to do the trick.

Workout today- long run yesterday has left my hamstring sore so I spent 90 min on my spin bike and did some upper body work.


Caffeine every day in order to survive. Haha actually for me coffee doesn’t really keep me awake, I think I just rely on the routine of drinking coffee in the morning. A good morning run is just as good at waking me up as a cup of coffee!


Sooooo, you’ve done it, Janae. You’ve motivated me to start Jillian’s 30-Day Shred today as cross-training. Any tips to get through her workout?? :)


I don’t drink much caffeine–if ever, but i def DO feel a difference when I do. Hahaha.. That chocolate cake sounds/looks amazing.


Add chocolate chips to the candy corn and peanut mix and I SWEAR it tastes like a Snickers bar!!! It was actually a tradition in our sorority and we served it at every sisterhood event haha.


Workout today: Ran 2 miles this morning and one hour of Zumba later.

Caffeine: I don’t really drink it. I might have soda and/or a latte/cappuccino once every 6 months.

Rice: One of my favorite “I need to use these veggies and I don’t know what make for dinner” meals is rice mixed with – whatever veggies I have on hand diced up, sausage (chicken or pork) diced and sauteed, and some herbs/spices/sauce to makes it tasty. I always add pepper and onions but have also used cauliflower, broccoli, broccoli flower, asparagus, snow peas, potatoes (sweet and white), green beans, carrots ….you see where I’m going? Anything works!


I had a friend once take excedrin because she had a headache from lack of sleep with her newborn… when she was telling me about it, I just about died laughing because excedrin IS a TON of caffeine.. no wonder her little babe wasn’t sleeping!! Thats the worst!
I am an addict.. pre-workout or mio energy..


I love curry. I make it often because my boys love it. I make it with chicken and a frozen mixed bag of veggies along with onions and potatoes. I’ll have to try it with cauliflower. : )

I’ve never ran anything longer than a 10k. I would like to try a half-marathon. Some day….

I have to have coffee and/or green tea in the morning.

Since your such a candy corn fan…have you seen the new candy corn oreo cookies?? I’ve seen them at our local grocery store and it make me think of you. If you happen to get them let me know what you think. : )


I’m running Chicago! It’s my first marathon, so excited, nervous and scared!


I want to run the Chicago Marathon with you!!! I live here and am working up to my first one! Next weekend I am running the DIVA half marathon in Long Island and next year I would love to attempt my first full marathon and would love to do with you!!


I. Love. Curry. I seriously cannot get enough of it right now. I definitely cooked up some tofu, eggplant and other veggies with some curry sauce in my slow cooker and it was a magical combination. You should try Trader Joe’s red curry sauce, it’s the stuff curry-flavored dreams are made of.


That cake recipe looks delicious – I don’t know if I’ve ever had cake with sour cream in it!

I drink a cup of coffee every morning. Sometimes two. I love my Keurig!

Today I took a Butts and Guts fitness class!


Does the cake have any frosting? :) Brooke is a cutie and I love her hair!!!


So glad you asked this question because I was dying to know and stalking the comments to see if anyone had asked/answered…and I totally just
out-ed myself but whatever! :)


I try to avoid caffeine — it has the same effect on me as alcohol does … I go a little nuts! haha.
Chocolate cake booty call = best booty call ever!!


The name of that cake is the “Man Catcher Cake”.. both appropriate, but I like Man Catcher better. It works! :)


my workout was abs and arms….my hip still isn’t feeling good enough for cardio and it’s making me CRAAAZY. i gave caffeine up about 1.5 years ago and it has totally helped with my anxiety levels and the wide-eye thing. i’ll have a chai latte if i’m feeling super low on energy since that has some caffeine in it.

ps. looooove that picture of picture of brooke with her tongue out!


I am running Chicago!!! SO EXCITED!!!


Yess run Chicago next year!!! With any luck it might be my first marathon ever!

P.S. Brooke is too cute!! The perfect backdrop if you ask me ;)


I will take care of Brooke in 2013 so you can run it!


Really want to try your friend’s cake recipe this weekend!!! Does it have a frosting??


Nope! Try it! Is so good!

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