Tuesday Tangents!

(shorts, bra, tank)

9 miles @ 8:26!

SHE TURNED THE CORNER. It was her first day back to school after getting her tonsils out.

The school had a dance festival and Knox shocked me with his dancing skills.

Brooke was back to soccer too!

Now for the tangents…

*It’s super fun when the asthma kicks in even harder at the end of a workout because of alllllllllll of the pollen in the air.

*On Saturday I did this workout (try it, it’s a fun one)…

*While the speed paces ended up being pretty similar to the time I did it in 2023, the float paces were faster on Saturday, so I’ll take it as a win.

*Friends that bring candy for fuel to share during the run are my favorite types of friends.

*Lifting session with Andrew in the garage. I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying a garage that isn’t 5°.

*My SIL is so lucky to get a tattoo of my brother’s face for Mother’s Day! He sent me the link, in case anyone else is looking to make a tattoo of their face to give to someone.

*Andrew didn’t think of the face tattoo but he did find a Princess Diana t-shirt and sweatshirt on Etsy that I want to wear every day now.

*Yesterday, I met a little baby who was recently the receiver of an organ transplant at a hospital where Andrew works often. It was so sweet to see the beautiful side of what Andrew does for work in organ donation.

*I read an article about Hyrox races and it was my first time hearing about them. Has anyone reading done one of these?

I would love to hear about any races that you have done that you have done that are different than the normal races!

Have any tangents for me today?

Mom’s reading… did you get anything on Mother’s Day?

I need to get my hair done soon… I’ve been thinking for a few months now about growing it out… or should I keep it short? What length is your hair currently?

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I finished The Women by Kristin Hannah and cried, it was so sad. But I flew through it!! Such a good book.

My hair is short right now which I like, but it doesn’t fit in a ponytail so braiding before a run takes longer. Waiting for it to grow just a little bit so I have the option for braid or no braid!

Glad Brooke is feeling better!!


Cried cried cried. So glad that you loved it. I think I might have to read it again. I bet your braids are the cutest. Thanks Mariah, you too!


Your SIL’s SHIRT!! Amazing.


Right?! She is the coolest! Have a great day, Marianne!


So glad Brooke is feeling better and getting back to her normal things!

My hair is a little past shoulder length, it is finally growing again after 5 years of practically nothing. I miss my long hair.

My husband built me a beautiful porch swing after I couldn’t find what I was looking for to buy. I am looking forward to many hours spent relaxing on it once the weather finally warms up enough to go outside.


HE BUILT YOU A PORCH SWING. Okay, that is adorable. You are going to have so many great times out on that porch and I hope the weather gets warm enough asap so you can use it more. Thanks Mindy, have a beautiful day!


He is amazing! He looked at a few pictures of things I liked/didn’t like. Took a few measurements of our neighbors swing of our neighbors swing and then went to work. It was built 3 hours later. The sanding/painting process took a bit longer. He built one faster than I could have had it shipped here. I’m am spoiled in so many ways!


A face tattoo… Ha ha ha. Your brother cracks me up. And your SIL’s shirt is hilarious too.
Yay for Brooke getting back to regular life. What a relief.
My hair is about the same length as yours, maybe a smidge shorter, and I am loving it. When my hair gets longer, it starts looking really thin and stringy. But I am older than you, so I am sure that has a lot to do with it. Oh, will you please send me the link for the hair tool you use? Thanks!
I’m heading to the gym in a little bit. I am trying to get back to my regular gym and strength routine again. I love doing a fun and challenging treadmill workout (thanks Peloton), and then a good strength class. I want to try the TRX class, but the timing is a little off, so we’ll see.
Have a good Tuesday Janae


They are the funniest couple ever! It really is so nice to have shorter hair in the summer too… so maybe I’m just going to keep it. Of course, I adore it: https://shopstyle.it/l/caaXC I hope you love it too. Way to go at the gym. I would love to try a TRX class too. Thanks friend, you too!


My husband and I did a race when we’re still just dating, back in like 2008, called Mountain Warfare Training Challenge.. it was a 10k that took place on a the US Marine training base up near Mammoth (CA). It was super challenging with all of the obstacles, and even more so because neither of us had ever run a face longer than a 5k before that! It was such a cool race, and the training is what got me to catch the running bug! I think it was a week later that I registered us for our first half marathon (first and last for my husband, ha, he didn’t get the bug like I did 😉)

My hair is currently very long, mid-back length and I am always thinking about cutting it. I used to cut it every few years but it’s been awhile. It is A LOT easier when it’s shorter, but I always miss the length!
Your hair looks fantastic no matter what you do! You and your sister totally get the hair award!

So happy to see Brooke is on the mend!

Have a great week Janae!


Ummmm that sounds extremely challenging. I love that you guys did that together when you were dating. I love that it helped bring out your running love. Haha that sounds like Andrew… he doesn’t feel quite the same way that I do about running. I bet your hair is so gorgeous! Ohhh thank you, I always see my sister’s hair and want to grow it out. Have the best day, Anniemarie!


Annemarie – I’ve done that Marine Mountain Warfare race too! I actually forgot there were obstacles (although the shorts I wore still have a big stain from the freshly painted wall we had to climb over, I was probably supposed to clear the top, oops). I just remember how steep those first couple miles up were. And then to see the Marines in full uniform with packs cruise right by… respect!!


I have done Deka Fit. Even competed at the age group division in their World Championships. SO MUCH FUN! It is 500m followed by a fitness zone x 10 (different zones). Hyrox is on my goal list. Love this type of competition.


Amy. You are my hero. World Championships? Amazing! Have the best day and thanks for inspiring me!


I’ve loved my chin-length hair for the past 5-6 years now. Sometimes I talk about growing it out, but I end up joking that I can’t because it’s become a personality trait of mine to have short hair, lol. It kind of has! I love that short hair is a style without needing to style it. Also can’t argue with 5-minute total to blowdry it if I need to! I love your short hair, and you also look great no matter what you do with it – long, short and in between!


This is the absolute truth… the 5-minute blowdry thing trumps my desire to grow it out right now haha. I bet your hair is so cute! I hope you are having a beautiful day, Katie.


Really great gifts this Mother’s Day—a Theragun Pro & a new hiking daypack from REI. The secret to these fantastic gifts is that I bought them myself instead of dropping hints, haha! My kids also showed that they really know me—recovery bath salts, chocolate, and plants. Perfection.


I just donated 11″ of hair to Locks of Love and then a bit shorter to even everything out, so it’s right at the top of my shoulders. It feels SO short now haha I’m already looking forward to growing it out again, but won’t be keeping it super long anymore… but long enough to not have a nub as a ponytail haha It does feel so much lighter for summer, so that’s already a plus!

Yay for Brooke going back to school! I bet it was hard to miss since it’s the end of the school year so that’s when all the fun starts for them… *and mayhem for us parents* Our oldest is finishing up her first year of Kindergarten, so this is the first time we are having end of school year activities… plus it’s my husband’s birthday tomorrow and then my youngest turns 3 next week and then my oldest turns 6 at the end of the month.

For Mother’s day, we went out for a short bike ride to the park for the girls to run around a bit. On Sat, we went to a park with my In-Laws side to celebrate May birthdays/Mother’s Day and my youngest was VERY tired… When we got home after her nap in the car, she looked like she got hit by a truck and her temp hit nearly 103! Early bed time for her and amazingly without any medicine, despite us trying SO HARD… she woke up feeling great! After the park, we went to my parents to play in their backyard. The weather was perfection and the girls also hand made me some really cute gifts.

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