I sure do miss my professional belly photographer, I am sure Billy misses me make him take 200 pictures too.

Photo copy

-I want sushi so bad it hurts right now.  If you put any beautiful pictures of sushi on your blog for the next 1.5 weeks we can no longer be friends.  

-45 miles this last week.  All of them were on the treadmill and they felt so good compared to the week before.  Heat tries to kill me.  

-Why can’t Tums taste like swedish fish?  I don’t know what is worse..  heart burn or chalky tablets.

-Everything is making me cry this week.  Billy called to tell me that our apartment kitchen cabinets were a different color than I thought and I had a complete breakdown.  PLEASE tell me that is normal.  

-I had a dream that I was in labor for 58 hours.  It stressed me out so bad that it woke me up and I had to go upstairs and have a bowl of ice cream. 

-My dad passed me a note today in church saying how excited he was to meet her.  Refer to the 4th bullet.  Mascara was everywhere.  

-I really can’t believe how fast the time has gone by.  It feels like it was just last week that I was in the Shopko restroom taking my pregnancy test.

-Back massages have never felt so good in my life.  

Where were you when you found out you were pregnant?

How long were you in labor for???

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You are too cute! Enjoy your last few weeks!


You are seriously the cutest pregnant chick! It kills me :)

I don’t have kids, nor am I pregnant, so I can’t answer your questions haha!


45 miles with less than two weeks to go??!! You are seriously insane/amazing/my hero/lots of other adjectives and/or cliched words I can’t think of because it is late.

You look so awesome too. Just sayin ;)

I found out I was prego both times right before I left to get on an airplane. First time woke my hubby up to say ‘hey, its time to take me to meet my boss-it was a work trip-oh and by the way, I am pregnant!’

24 hrs with my 1st. About 6 with my 2nd. Sooo much better the 2nd time around! I am sending those good labor vibes your way..well, I will once you get to Cali! Good luck tomorrow! !


Haha I love that you were in a public restroom when you found out. I found out I was pregnant with my second in the bathroom at Target. I just couldn’t wait until I got home. I was in labor for 12 hours with both of my boys. Its not too bad :) You are so close! Good luck!


I was always at home when I found out. My labors were not fast. The first 2 were a good 24 hrs. The epidural helped speed things up each time. And finally realizing that I didn’t want the water broken was the best realization EVER. Good luck!


Great belly shot, wowza’s! I found out at home and my first labor was 30 hours second 10 hours, I was induced both times. Your completely normal, it’s got to be one of the most emotional time of your life:)


Girl you got this!!!! I was very active like you (working at the sports med clinic helped (: ) and my little guy (just turned 3 months on the 8th) came a week early. Labor was very easy and only lasted 5 hours. Hearing all the horror stories helped prepare me for the worst and it ended up being the most amazing experience. Just call for the epidural early and you’ll do awesome :) I found out I was pregnant in my bathroom at home but was so scared I didn’t tell my hubby till that night after I got home from work. :) PLEASE keep me updated. I bet it will happen sooner than later.


I found out at home. We were trying that month and I had a vivid dream that I got a positive test so I got up and took one and sure enough it was positive! I had to take 4 more that day to believe it haha
I’m due in 9 days(!!!!) and slightly freaking out. Praying I have a short/nice labor!!! This is my first.


So normal! Out of two pregnancies, I don’t think I ever got through one Publix commercial without tearing up (sometimes sobbing)!
Hard labor only lasted a few hours each probably because not having an epidural helps things go faster and more smoothly (in my opinion).
Good luck! You look amazing!!!


I found at home with all three of mine. My first labor
Was 13 hours (induced) and my 2nd and 3rd were c-sections. Never had contractions with either.


With my first pregnancy, I cried at everything! Seriously! Then when she was born, I think I cried even more – but each week it got better. That was something I was not prepared for. This pregnancy (23 weeks now), I am way less emotional and I have no clue why.
Congrats on your 45 miles – I had to stop running a month ago – so depressing. But at least I can still power walk :)
Cheers…all the best in the next few weeks. It’s such an amazing time for you.


You look so good and happy! And your dad is so cute and sweet!..I would have started bawling too, lol. Haven’t been pregnant yet so can’t answer the other questions. ;)


so close! it’s okay, i cry like 10x a day and i’m not even preggo.


YES – the emotional roller coaster is normal!! Just wait. . . it doesn’t get any better after baby comes. Ha!

I found out I was pregnant by our fertility dr calling and telling me that my blood pregnancy test was POSITIVE! (We did IVF to get preg) I will never forget that moment as long as I live. I was at work, in a meeting, and I ran out to answer the call and within seconds of hearing the news the floodgates opened = no makeup left on my face. :)


I was at work when I found out. My labour was 4 hours and not bad :)
Runners tend to have fast labours so don’t worry; it is easier than hill repeats!


Seriously….just a couple of hours of labor…get the epidural and its no big deal. ;-)

Ah, the pregnancy test….I will never forget the first time I took one….I forgot to let it sit for 1-2 minutes and I expected a line immediately so I threw it away thinking I wasn’t pregnant, then days went by and I bought another…..same situation…..finally, I read every SINGLE word on the package….took the test a third time and WAITED.

It came back positive…..and b/c I didn’t empty my garbage that week I guess I found the other two tests I had previously thrown out…they too were both positive. ha! Patience ….something I have slowly developed through having children…and now our second puppy. ;-)



I bought my pregnancy test at the grocery store then went home and took it!! I’m so impressed with your running still!! So now I’m 26.5 weeks and my hips started hurting this week while running so I gotta figure out how to work with that because I’m not stopping running. I ran 26 miles at 26 weeks. Ha! I should keep my miles consistent with my number of weeks haha


I miss Shopko…

I was super late, and had been taking tests a few different times, they were all negative..I had left one on the bathroom sink, and the next morning there were two lines. I freaked out and ran out and bought a digital, so there was no mistaking.


I was at home when I found out. 12 hours of labor (home birth).

Try the Tums ‘Smoothies’. Much better than the regular ones!


WOW you look amazing! I can’t wait for your beautiful little girl to be born and yes, I am dying to know her name :)

I didn’t realize I went into labor until my water broke… then my hubby and I drove to the hospital and on the way I called my ob and told them my history and that my water broke (my little girl found a comfy spot in her mama’s belly and never moved, she was breech), so by the time my water broke at 12:45am, my little girl was born a little over 2 hours later at 3:06am. So, for me it was super short :)

As for where my hubby and I found out I was pregnant was at a McDonalds on our trip to see our parents in NY. I took at least 4 more tests on the 4 hour drive!!!


Can’t wait to hear about your California adventures… can you believe your baby girl is going to be a Cali girl :)


You look adorable! I am with Brittany….with all your activity, you might go sooner than later. My first came at 36 weeks after a 4 hour ride on a rail trail….broke my water on the hamstring curl machine….eeewwww, I know. 6 hours of labor. Second one they induced at 38 weeks because she had stopped growing…. 7 hours of labor. Third was a c because he was breach. Definitely recommend the epidural. As athletes, we do plenty of hard things to prove our toughness to ourselves. I wanted to be able to be present and enjoy this experience….not prove anything to anyone. Wishing you a safe and speedy delivery!


You are almost there:-) I was in the work bathroom and ‘only’ in labor for 6 hours…was not nearly as bad as I thought!


My husband and I had just gotten home from visiting my mama for Christmas. The whole week there she’d made comments asking if I was craving pickles. I wasn’t having morning sickness yet. I wasn’t showing. We hadn’t even told her we’d gone off BC. Yet mama’s know best, I guess. On a whim the next morning when I woke up I took a test. We were in our apartment bathroom, my husband was brushing his teeth and I tested (sexy right? clearly we have no boundaries). I remember the first line appeared and I thought “that line is way too close to the tester to be a test line…” and then a second line appeared! I thought I was seeing things. I yelled “holy crud I’m pregnant!” while in complete shock, jaw dropped, staring at myself in the mirror. My husband immediately dropped his toothbrush in the sink and hugged me. 10 tests later (1 taken by my husband–ya know, as a test– he wasn’t pregnant, no worries) we were finally convinced :)

Labor will come within the next 11 or less days! YIKES! So…they teleport out right??


That is so cute of your dad!!! You have a great family!


You are sooooo flippin cute. I can’t believe your 9 months pregnant and look like you do. You should see me at 9 months. I look like a HOUSE! Granted this is my third pregnancy but wow girl. Your amazing!!!! Can’t wait to see that adorable baby!!! xoxoxo


Had to laugh when I read Shopko restroom! Target restroom for me! Officially I had a pregnancy test from the Dollar Tree that I had taken at home a few hours prior but didn’t believe it and needed a more reputable test from Target to confirm!:-)


You are such a cute pregnant woman!

Also, I think anyone would cry about the cabinets ;)


I’ve taken a few tests in public restrooms before, but when we found out we were pregnant with this little peanut (due in 7 weeks!) I was at home. I had taken the dog with me to the Dollar Store (classy) top pick up a cheap test since I hadn’t been feeling well. I also picked up a bag of cheap chocolate heart candies to “lessen the blow” in case it was positive (we weren’t really trying). Anyways, after the cheap-O Dollar Store test came back positive, I went to Rite Aid and bought a pack of a more expensive brand. The cat and dog were REALLY wanting to get into the bathroom while I was taking the tests. PRIVACY!?! And then I did a lame-O job of “hiding” the tests and my husband saw them immediately when he got home from work. Our little girl is due at the end of September!


You look so cute! And I had a breakdown this weekend when I looked at the baby’s room and realized that I still had SO much left to do before he shows up.

I realized I was pregnant on a trip to Guatemala. I was taking a group of college kids on a study tour (with a professor) and I started feeling exhausted and nauseous every single day. It was not fun – I had to act excited and energetic so that the college kids didn’t start complaining, but inside I just wanted to sleep all day! I took the pregnancy test when I got home and it was positive.

I haven’t gone into labor yet – hopefully a few more weeks to go. I really hope I’m not in labor for 58 hours. That would not be fun! I’m sure your labor won’t last that long either. I’m hoping for maybe 8 hours start to finish (from first labor pain to birth of baby). We’ll see though!

Good luck to you!!!


oy 58 hours of labor would be brutal!! I feel like it was just yesterday you shared that cute little picture of baby running shoes to announce your pregnancy! You are going to be a wonderful mommy!


You’re so darn cute! And so darn close! Very exciting. Soak up the last couple of weeks and then get ready to have your world rocked!


That is so so sweet about your Dad passing that note!


You’re precious! :)

The first time I found out I was in my church bathroom ha! :) I was in labor for 19 hours.

I JUST found out I’m pregnant on Thursday. I took the test at home. :) I started a couch to 5K training on May 1. I’m excited to see how this running while pregnant thing works. :)


I am so excited for you.
Do you have a PO box or anything set up if any of us would like to send a gift?


Tums makes something called Tums Freshers. They are basically Tums in mint form. MUCH better than the regular Tums. I get mine at Target…maybe you’ll be able to find them near you?


For my first pregnancy, I found out at home. Just knew I was very late and wasn’t surprised when it turned positive.
For my second pregnancy, I found out at work…in the restroom of course. I was planning on waiting until after work to pick up a test and see, but I just knew. So, I rushed out at lunch, grabbed a test, rushed back to work and sat in the stall until the test was done. HA! And my husband worked in the same place then, so I actually sent him an email asking if he knew what the lines on a pregnancy test meant. Maybe not the best, most creative way to break the news, but I just couldn’t wait.
I was in labor with our twins for about 3 and a half hours. And about 2 and a half with our son.


Wow… you are looking as cute as ever!! The time has definitely flown by!!
We can still be friends because I’ve never even tried sushi before let alone post pictures on my blog ;)
also… i’m not pregnant … yet… so i was no where when i found out ;)


I never comment but I am always reading!

Both times I’ve taken a pregnancy test it’s been in my bathroom at home. Even though I stayed overnight in the hospital the night before, I wasn’t induced until the next morning, I was in labor for 12 hours with 3 hours of straight up pushing. I had such a hard labor and then they had to use the vaccum suction thing on my little boy’s head to get him out, his head came out super long, poor baby!! I am 25 weeks along with my second, so I have high hopes for a better labor this time! We’ll see.


Ahhh Janae you are too cute!!! You’re in the final countdown stage!! Soon she’ll be here!!


I was at home when I found out. I love reading the stories of people who can’t wait to get home to take the test!
22 hours of labor for me, but it wasn’t all hard labor. The epidural slowed things down after the first few whirlwind hours.
Take care of yourself and enjoy these last few weeks!


I was at home. and i was only in like active labor for maybe 12 hours. I slept through some of it. thank you epidural


Wow. You are REALLY on the home stretch!

I’m 30 weeks pregnant and found out when I was home alone, and my husband was at work. I actually forgot that I took the test and was shocked when I walked into the bathroom and saw two lines!


You seriously are the cutest pregnant lady. I NEVER looked that good!
5 labors for me and none of them the same- ranging from 15 hours down to 4 hours. Mine were always shorter when I was induced as opposed to going into labor on my own. I think you being so active and strong can only help- I bet your labor will go quick (quick-ish at least- it never feels quick while you are in the middle of it!).


You look freaking adorable. And you are my running hero. I remember being in our apartment at law school when I found out I was pregnant with my first. I was totally shocked and excited and terrified all at the same time.

My first labor was 8 hours, my second was 5 hours. Just right for me: not too long, not too short.


I’m 36 weeks pregnant. I found out at home and took a test after school. My husband told me not to worry and was at home but on the phone with a kent. I took the test, it was positive, and I started balling. My husband was trying to comfort me and talk to his client at the same time. He thought I was crying tears of disappointment. I was in shock!


16 hrs – only really bad the last 4 hrs


I took a test at home, although we both pretty much knew it was going to be positive…and then a blood test at the doctor’s a day later confirmed. I ran a half marathon that weekend and was thinking about my sweet baby the entire time! I kept running until week 36 when terrible sciatic nerve pain forced me to quit. But I did the stair climber and elliptical until the day I delivered.

Labor was 23 hours! Tough, but you can do it – and you don’t really have a choice! :)

Good luck with it all! The first days and weeks after the birth were much more overwhelming than I anticipated, but as everyone says, it gets MUCH better and easier. Start walking as soon as you can for your mental and physical well-being – I used to walk three times a day and started on the elliptical with very light resistance after 4 weeks. I am very excited for you!


I was at home when I found out I was with child, I love that you were at Shopko :D My water broke at 5 pm and after 12 hours on “PIT” and watching the babies heart rate drop with every contraction they finally did a c-section. At about 3 am I asked if we could just do the c-section and get it over with. It was soooo scary to sit and watch the heart rate drop. I can’t wait to hear all about your experience and I REALLY can’t wait to see her beautiful little face :) Good luck. I will miss you like crazy!!! I hope you are really expecting a call when we are in San Fran cause we’ll be calling you :)


We did IVF so no exciting story of taking a pee test and finding out I was pregnant.

Labor was 2hrs and nothing like I thought it would be!


ha – I already cry at the drop of a hat so I think it is perfectly normal. I almost cried thinking about your dad passing you that note in church – how could you not turn on the water works!


I have been through a couple of Economy size bottles of tums smoothies since the beginning of pregnancy, so I second the previous commenters suggestion of the smoothie kind. They are at least a little more pleasant than the regular ones when you’re having to take them all. the. time. I’m 33 weeks now, and last week my heartburn suddenly got even worse, it was literally all day long and tums weren’t even touching it. I started taking Zantac, at the suggestion of my midwife, and it was AMAZING. If yours is getting bad, it may be worth a shot.


Looking good! I was in labour with my first for about 6 hours and with my second ( a little girl who just arrived last week on August 4!) for about 5 1/2 hours. Not all labours are long :)


You are so freaking cute! Try Zantac it will be your best friend!!

I was at home when I found out I was pregnant. There was tons of screaming and crying (in a good way) :)

I was in labor was 4 hours (1st baby) I only pushed 1 time she came flying out. Not kidding. When I get pregnant with out 2nd child I am scared he/she will be born on the freeway.


I was at home! I was in labor about 17 hours.

You will do great!!


You are so adorable! I ate lots of tums when I was pregnant. Sometimes I would drink a little milk to also help calm down the heart burn. Your whole family is just so cute. We were at home both times when I found out I was pregnant. I was sure I was pregnant since I was several days late. We were so excited. I was in labor the first time for 35 hours. I stopped progressing and had to have a c-section. I was induced because my water had broke and honestly labor wasn’t awful. I got an epidural about 22 hours in. I was more worried about my son since he was 5 1/2 weeks early. My second labor was about 12 hours. I stalled again and had to have a c-section. How were your mom and sister’s labors like? It’s likely yours will be similar. Since you are staying fit, your labor will probably be easier. Labor is what you have to go through to get your little girl. After she’s here, you’ll wonder why you worried so much.


Try Tums Smoothies version. Way better. However, they still don’t taste like Swedish Fish. :)
Have you ever played the flashlight game with your baby girl?


So sweet, I love your posts! Your comment about your Dad totally made me tear up, so sweet. I am NOT looking forward to the heartburn again (7 weeks with #2) that part is the worst!

Both times at home. Though this second time I was pretty sure one morning when I stopped for a bagel and had an intense random craving for orange juice, I knew it!

You probably don’t want to know… I was 10 days late, induced with TONS of pictocin, 26 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing and then a c-section.

So glad #2 is going to be a scheduled c-section and I don’t have to worry about any of that crap.

As young and healthy as your are I am sure your labor will go just fine!


You are so cute! I know nothing about pregnancy, therefor cannot verify the feelings of tears caused by cabinets being the wrong color. But I can verify that Canadian swedish fish taste better (!!!) than American swedish fish.

Just kidding. I have no idea. But I love them. Maybe they are different?


you are the cutest pregnant girl ever!! It is unreal! I’m so excited for you to have your baby girl so soon!


Try the berry smoothie Tums, I love them. And she will be here before you know it and you will be feeling great again!


you look so good, janae!! absolutely gorgeous, as always. love your dress, too!

and how sweet of your dad! i would cry, too, for sure.


You look beautiful and So happy!!


You are so adorable!! Thank you for letting us all be part of this journey with you!

Your Dad seems like the sweetest guy in the world! TOO cute!!!

Side note: Have you tried the peppermint flavored Tums? They’re a little more like Altoids or mints… easier to get down. Just a thought!


Cute as always! I can’t believe it’s almost here. I remember when you made your announcement! :-)

Um, I was late w/ my period but was always irregular to begin with and off the pill since we decided we were going to try that month. I went over to the CVS, picked up a preg stick, went back to work and decided to just pee on the damn thing. I remember praying to the mighty Gods, “PLEASE BE POSITIVE! PLEASE BE POSITIVE!!!!” and there it was, those two little lines.

I was induced at 40-weeks and 1-day. Doc broke my water at 9:30 am. I was in active labor for 4.5 hours and pushed for 5 minutes. BEST.DELIVERY.EVER! It really didn’t feel like I had a baby. I think it hurt more to run a marathon. LOL Of course, it’s a different kind of pain. Okay, wait, I have a better one. It hurt so much more to get my eyeliner tattooed on than to give birth. THERE!


My labors were 24 hours with #1, 16 hours with #2, 12 hours with #3. #4 is due in about 16 weeks (I currently look as pregnant as you do at 8.5 months of pregnancy and I’m only at 5.5 months – sigh). I’m hoping to continue the downward trend in labor and have this one in under 12 hours!


My first labor was 6 hours and my last two were ~2 each. Holding the 12 hour old one now :)


Note from you Dad is the SWEETEST thing ever. I think I would start crying too!!!
Hard to believe she is ALMOST here! :) SO EXCITING!!


I was in labor for half a day with my first one. Got easier after that! Don’t worry, the crying will go away after a few weeks after that little bundle of goodness is here. Gets worse when you see her ;)


I was 4cm dilated at 35 weeks. At 38.5 weeks I was 5cm so they induced me (my labor had to be carefully monitored and we didn’t want it to happen when I was far away.) From induction to delivery was 6 hours, but only because my OB waited an hour at the end to walk over because she thought I’d take much longer. I’m hoping this time around is just as easy!


Looking good Mama-To-Be! Enjoy the last stretch before you get to see her!


Your baby belly is so cute!

Let’s see – my last labour was induced, so that only lasted 7 hrs. But my other three were roughly 24 hrs – but don’t let that scare you! The first half I just thought I was having false labour, it wasn’t really all that bad. It didn’t get intense until I was actually in the hospital. And then I had an epidural. I like pain free. ;)


I’m cracking up that you did your pregnancy test at a store. All of my pregnancies were discovered/confirmed at home.

My labors were relatively short. My first was 6 hours and my second time was a whopping 1.5 hours. Yeah, they told me if I have a third to just camp in the hospital parking lot once I’m full term or I might not make it there….


You are like super women. I think the most I’ve ran in a week was 20 miles, and I’m not pregnant, haha. I can only hope to be as fit as you when I (God-willingly) have kids someday ;)


haha ahhh your dream!! 58 hours would be pretty epic..dont worry im sure your delivery will be no problem at all! im SO excited for u! i cant believe your little ones almost here..how crazy!! btw, that so sweet of ur dad :) i would totally cry too!

we’re at 36 weeks…so not to far behind u! every time i get a cramp or something i think, omg is this it? so far, no :)


Oh sweetie! The emotions are running high and you will be probably be crying even more once you meet her! And I know you will be so excited to finally be in your new place in Cali especially with that dishwasher!


Love the belly!!


I found out at my house. With four pregnancy tests! I just needed the reassurance that I wasn’t crazy I guess. I have one child and one on the way. The first labor was 22 hrs with about 11 at the hospital. But, he was facing the wrong way and stalled out. I often wonder how much faster it would have been if not for that fact. Take care of yourself and travel safe!


I was in my classroom bathroom at school! My friend picked up a test for me while I was tutoring…

I has induced, and it didn’t take that long. I think I went in the hospital at 5 am and had my daughter at 5 pm, so the hard part was less than 12 hours. No problem!


I was thinking of you this week having to make the move to Cali. Glad all is going well for you.

I was at home when I did my pregnancy test and I didn’t have any labor at all because
Daniel was breech so I had a C-section.


By the way your freakout over the cupboards is normal – you are nesting! I cleaned my whole house the day before I was scheduled for the section!


I was in labor for 55 hours, 2.5 of those hours were pushing. I did it all natural. It was HORRIBLE but I have the sweetest best baby a girl could ask for so he was worth it :) You know something insane? I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat!


Um, I’m not pregnant and I can’t handle 45 miles/week. I’m super impressed.
You’re already in labor as I comment, I’m sure it will not be 50+ hours. I was in labor for 6. It was fast and awesome. Good luck! I hope it is all going well for you.

Oh yeah, pregnancy. I found out at home before my husband was up. I went to work with the test in my purse and kept it a secret all day until I got home. Hardest secret to keep ever!


I read this blog everyday but this is my first time to comment. You are amazing and remind me of me when I was your age! I have a 3 and 5 year old (both girls) run 30+ miles per week and take 4 boot camp classes a week and just left my job of 6 years to help start a magazine LivingFIT Dallas. I took my first pregnancy test at work (The Dallas Mornng News)! I was in labor for 18 hours then had a c-section. Second was a scheduled c-section. Cherish this time as much as you can…it goes too fast! Next week my daughter starts kindergarten! I can’t wait to see the next update!


My sister is a teen mom, and even though it was her first kid she only had an 8-hr labor and only had to push for 18 minutes!


I agree you are adorable! I mainly follow your facebook page and just now discovered your blog!

We were on vacation and I was taking a test every week… it finally was positive so I woke my husband up and told him. His response was “congrats”. SERIOUSLY! So i tried again and next response was “good job”. Ok so he was very tired and asleep. He later was stoked!

I was in labor for 18 hours. I was standing in a pharmacy in uniform (I’m in the Air Force) and I thought I had wet my pants. I was so upset I remember thinking really as if pregnancy didn’t give you enough problems you have to add wetting your pants to the list!???!!! Well 2 hours later I finally went to the hospital where they confirmed my water broke. I had an epidural 9 hours in. GET AN EPIDURAL! :)

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