Leaving my legacy.

Today started off in the absolute best way possible.  I was awake just looking at Facebook on my phone and facing Billy and all of the sudden he started laughing so hard even though he was still asleep.  I started laughing hysterically and that woke him up and I begged him to tell me about the dream he was having that was making him laugh so hard.  He was dreaming about a keyboard on a soda that he was using to make up a story on the computer about an alligator on a mattress.  Clearly hilarious.  He dreams about computers and I dream about nachos.  

Once he went to class I set out for a run and did 8 miles with an average pace of 9:45.  For the last .05 miles I got to an 8 minute pace and it felt really really fast because the air was rushing by so much faster than I am used to now.  

I really like staring at my shadow as I am running now that I am pregnant, I like it so much that it almost made me trip 4 times along the way.  


I want to send out a public thank you to Mr. Gas Station Guy that let me use their restrooms even though I wasn’t going to buy anything.  I am not even exaggerating when I say that he saved my life.  

For the first few miles my calves were crazy tight and so I cam home and rolled them for a full episode of The Hills.  A bag of cheetohs on the ground, keepin’ it classy at the Jacobs’ home.

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After a quick shower I went to Mer’s (that is what we call my grandma) house to pick her up for our date at the Pizza Factory.  

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Below is how our plates looked 4 minutes later.  My salad was gone and so was my breadstick and it looks like she barely even made a dent in her salad.   How did one of my peas roll all the way over to her plate?

Photo 1

Mer is one more person I am going to miss like crazy.  She is the funniest person you will ever meet.  As soon as things got serious with Billy when we were dating I knew that we would be moving to California but I feel like it snuck up on me WAY too fast.  

Since I was in the area and had a bag of swedish fish with me I had to make another stop.  

Photo 2 1

I am trying to leave my legacy of candy with my family so they will always remember me.  That sentence made sense in my head but probably not to anyone else.


I am hosting a twitter party on Monday, July 30th at 11 am PT with SOYJOY.  Join us to talk about summer fitness!  #Tweetjoy  @SOYJOYUS..


Do you remember your dreams?  What are some of your most common dreams about?  Ever woke up laughing from a dream?

Do you have any super tight muscles right now?

Do you ever have to stop at gas stations/grocery stores etc for potty breaks during your runs?

Swedish fish or a piece of milk chocolate?

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Agh, my calves are always brutal! Me and the foam roller are BFFs :)


Hi Janae!
I’ve been a long-time follower of your blog, I pretty much love it and am semi-addicted :) Please don’t think I’m a wacko. Haha.
I’m a (very) novice runner and am looking to invest in my first treadmill. I have NO idea where to start and you were the first person that popped into my head. I know I’ve seen it on the blog before, but for the life of me can NOT find the info.. what kind of treadmill do you guys have? Would you buy that same one again and if not do you have any recommendations?
I really appreciate it!

Thanks :)


HEY SARAH!! Thank you so much for your comment!! You are so sweet. I am stoked that you are wanting to get a treadmill. We have the Nordic Track C900 and both absolutely LOVE IT! I would definitely buy it again. We haven’t had any complaints, it has worked out perfectly for us. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Thank you SO much! I will let you know how it all goes! You’re awesome!! :)


One time my husband and I were sleeping curled up next to each other on my side of the bed. Then he says sternly and upset…”Fine! I’ll just go lay over here!” and he rolled all the way over the other side of the bed, the entire time he was asleep. I laughed so hard and then went back to sleep. In the morning when we both woke up I asked him if he was mad and me and he said no and was really confused and asked why. I told him what happened and he was dying. To this day we have no idea what I did to him in his dreams. Now its a joke when I am picking on him he will say “Fine I will go lay over here” and rolls away from me lol


Oh my goodness, your story made my day! Fine, I will go lay over here…HILARIOUS!


You will have to do it to Billy. It is amusing I promise :)


My calves have been really tight lately too. I need to spend some more time on the foam roller and with my friend, the Stick.

I have to go with milk chocolate over the fish, sorry!


I will forgive you about the fish thing:) YES, you spend some time with the stick!


My little boy laughs in his sleep sometimes and it’s magic. Last night, I had my anxiety dream about having exams very soon and not having been to any of the classes. I don’t know what I’m anxious about but I know that’s what it means. Weird. My other anxiety dream is about having a pet and not giving it water and it dies of thirst. This is a little grim. Sorry.

And also grim…I use petrol station restrooms all the time. I do try and go back and fill my car there at a later date!!


That is adorable that he laughs in his sleep! GOOD LUCK on your tests coming up, you are going to do amazing!


Thank you…but that’s the weird thing…I finished my degree 15 years ago and haven’t had any tests since. How weird is my brain??


Your shadow is pretty great! Think about the positives, at least you’re moving to Cali! You could be moving away from your family to somewhere that isn’t nearly as great at California!
I often have to stop at gas stations or coffee shops to use the bathroom. It sucks, and I’m always scared they’re going to say something to me!


You are so right Abby, thank you for helping me with my perspecitve BIG TIME!




No worries! I am in no way minimizing how hard it will be though. You guys are so brave!
Whenever I think of moving away from our families, I get heart palpitations!


Milk chocolate. No doubt about it!

I have strange dreams all the time. My husband woke me up from a dream just the other night. He said I was breathing heavily and he thought I was having a bad dream. When I woke up my head my tilted up like I was gasping for air. It did go along with the dream though. I was dreaming I was being sucked under a dock in a lake. I had found an air pocket up under the deck right when my husband woke me. It was strange. I was just wondering why he was pushing me at 3:30 in the morning.


Oh my goodness that sounds like a crazy scary dream girl! Glad your husband ‘saved’ you:)


Hi Janae! I am totally a Swedish Fish gal. Also my calves are always super tight. Do you recommend massaging them myself if I don’t have a foam roller?

Also, will you have a gym membership in NorCal or will you just go to the SCU gym? I believe spouses are free! If you do, let me know..we can be gym buddies! (When I’m not in class or studying :P)

I look forward to meeting you!! I’m driving up to SJ on Aug 5th and I’m beyond nervous. I wish my BF was moving with me :(


HEY YOU!!! I am seriously so beyond excited to meet you soon:) It is getting so close. We are going to have to go to the SCU gym all of the time and eat swedish fish together after:)


I cannot make it into the gas station or grocery store. I went in someones tree line yesterday. This hot weather is like constantly sticking my finger in hot water.

The legacy sentence: total sense, and I love it :)


You gotta do what you gotta do! I knew that you would understand ha, our minds are very similar!


hahahahaha. LOVE that picture of your shadow. It’s super awesome. I wish my husband would remember his dreams so he could share them with me!!! I always tell him about mine.


I had to stop in at a pizza joint to get a glass of water and I was dripping sweat. I’m sure that made everyone happy; eating pizza and seeing me sweating bombs.

I’ve never tried goldfish on a salad before, it’s good?


HAHA. Great dreams you guys have! I don’t ever remember any of mine!

I totally have tight/sore muscles right now–my lats and delts and traps & triceps are on fire! I have to teach BP tonight too…so this could be interesting! ;)

I think leaving family is SOOO hard!


I always have dreams about my brother committing violent acts. That is completely not like him. He loves people and gets along with everybody. However, I always find myself having to clean up his murders. (?) lol.

When I woke up this morning my legs felt really tight. I used it as an excuse to do Yoga and now I feel a bit better. I’m thinking about having a nice long date with the foam roller later.

As for the swedish fish or milk chocolate, I’m going to shoot for the stars. Milk chocolate wrapped in swedish fish. ;)


I’ve been having a lot of dreams recently that I’m pregnant! Haha! And no, I am not currently with child. I have no idea why pregnancy keeps popping into my dreams!


I often stop into gas stations/grocery stores on my runs. I just try to pretend people aren’t staring at me!


I never remember dreams, I’m so jealous of people who do! And my calves are always tight!! I sleep in compression sleeves a lot… Haha


My calves/shin muscles are SUPER tight. I have been running on a treadmill lately, and on Monday I ran outdoors for the first time in a long time and I shouldn’t have ran so far! Needless to say, I could barely walk yesterday.
I hope, that one day, when I am like one week away from having my baby, that I can run 8 miles under a 10:00 pace :)


Most of my dreams lately involve someone chasing me, trying to hurt/kill me, being kidnapped, or all of the above. Weird.
Yess my hips are super dooper tight, I need to follow your example and foam roll.
Milk chocolate all the way, I love love love chocolate!


Sometimes my dreams are so vivid and I remember them. But most the time I do not. My husband has woken up several times from my ramblings in my sleep though. :) Good thing I don’t sleep walk anymore! My quads are sooo tight! I have a date with my foam roller tonight. My friend and I have stopped at gas stations before but we try and map our runs to be by Starbucks’ because their bathrooms are always clean. You can’t make me choose between swedish fish and milk chocolate. I love them both too much to choose.


I wouldn’t say I take a potty break at the gas stations during a run, but I will stop for a Slurpee. I ran the DesNews Marathon yesterday and was TEMPTED beyond belief to stop at the 7 Eleven at Mile 24 for a Slurpee. From now on I am not racing without my wallet.


CONGRATS ON THE DES NEWS MARATHON!! You are incredible. A slurpee at mile 24 should become a necessary part of aid stations!


I totally stop in at gas stations and grocery stores and even sometimes…. construction worker’s port-a-potties if no one is around to see!!!! Shhhhhhhhh don’t tell :)

Chocolate to me is always better than anything!!! But I love the sentimental value of swedish fish!

And my calves are always super tight… so bad so that when I get out of bed every morning I get a calf cramp… I really need to roll out because I have already strethed and that doesn’t help!!

I’m sorry you are going to miss all your family and friends so much! Luckily, with those people in life you are super close with, your relationship can really get even better when you are far away. They will always be there :)

Have a lovely rest of your day!


I dream about my cat hating me and attacking me….then when I wake up I hug her haha

No tight muscles at the moment, but will most likely have them tomorrow….oh dear..

On the way to a race I ran into a gas station, the guy looked at me weird…..then I sprinted to the bathroom after he gave me the key….

dddaaaarrrrkkkkk ccchhhhooocccoooollllaaaattttteeee :)

Come check out my blog: http://runningsprinkles.blogspot.com


Hamstrings are super tight (as usual since I am a runner :) ).

I use gas stations and Dunkin’ Donuts all the time for potty breaks during runs. Except now that most of mine are at 5 a.m. it’s really hard to find enough places open that early!

Swedish fish all the way, baby! Yum!


I knew I loved you… our taste buds are so alike. Roll out those hamstrings:) I bet it is near impossible to find potty stops. 5 am… you go girl!


Lololol that dream is hilarious. I wish I remembered mine! :-/ I’d rather have laffy taffy or pretzel m&m’s. ;) maybe u can FaceTime w Mer!


You are so right about face time! Thanks!!!!


It is too sweet that you had a pizza date with your grandmother. I’m glad you had a good time with her. Moving away from family is always really hard.

My calves have really been bothering me lately, too. I definitely plan to spend some quality time with my foam roller tonight. :)


eeeeeeeeeee! I LOVE your belly picture too! It’s even cuter in your shadow :)
I seriously wish we had a pizza factory here…just so I can eat the breadsticks. Like 10 of them!
I never remembered my dreams until I got pregnant, now I always remember them…and some of them are SO intense. I’m sure you know what I mean with those pregnancy dreams ;)


When I’m stressed, I have recurring dreams about killer whales or tornados. Sometimes both, haha.


I would love nothing more than a bag of the jumbo red swedish fish right now. SO much better than the baby ones!


I’d choose swedish fish with a side of dark chocolate. I’ve definitely had to stop at a gas station bathroom!! lol. it’s better than the alternative. your belly shallow is awesome!


Hmmm Do I have to choose chocolate or sweedish fish? What about twizzlers? Oh and probably my favorite thing ever ever is Trader Joe’s red licorice. I don’t think they have it allll the time but lately they do. I have had to actively avoid it so I don’t consume barrels of sugar….

You have to be curly’s favorite Aunt/person ever. I mean sweedish fish ARE pretty great :) And now she can come visit you and you can visit her and you guys will have so much fun when you get to see each other. Cali isn’t too too far!

I always remember my dreams. I had the worst one ever last night… I broke up with my fiance. I wanted to call him when I woke up to run this morning but thought quarter til 6 would be too early…. :)


I am jealous you live so close to your grandma now! Mine is a plane ride away! I am sure your nieces and nephews will always think of you as the aunt with the candy. I have an aunt who calls herself the gum lady and I have another aunt who is the candy lady! They have been that since I was little and now I am 24 and still the same way!


Right now Swedish fish!!!! But I did just eat an ice cream bar… So I guess both?? Haha
My calfs were a little tight on my run today too. Foam rolling cures all!


Milk chocolate all the way and I love the gold fish on you salad! ;)


I have pretty crazy dreams. Sometimes I remember them. I haven’t woken up laughing from one before, but my kids laugh in their sleep from time to time. I’m talking belly laughing. I love that they have fun dreams.


Oh, I bet that is so cute to see your kids laughing in their sleep!


I always give my nieces and nephew candy so they’ll always remember who their coolest aunt is ;) haha I’m really glad I’m not the only one who watches old episodes of The Hills!


I constantly have a tight/weak hip flexor, I’m trying to remedy it though.


Yay! The Hills! I miss that show.

Swedish fish all the way! I’m not a huge chocolate fan, but I love gummy, fruity and sour candy.


Netflix has all of the seasons on instant watch in case you want to re-watch them. YOU ARE SO SMART about your candy preferences:)


SWEDISH FISH all the way!!!!!!!


Katie, thank you for answering correctly:) Swedish fish are way better!


Yes. I did 120 squats and then went to boot cam where we did 70 more jumping squats on a bosu ball. Now I can’t even air down. I have a foam roller but can’t Even figure put how to USe the darn thing!!!! Booo


Milk chocolate all the way!! My muscles are so tight right now..and in the most awkward place to: my abductors! Stretching at the gym has temporarily become a no-no!!


My boyfriend always has interesting dreams and remembers them. I generally don’t remember them… Boo.
BTW, I love your running pic with your shadow!


One of my sons has been waking up lately laughing like crazy in the middle of the night, too! I keep thinking he’s crying, so I go to check on him, but he’s just giggling away. I wish he remembered what was so funny! But, it makes my day (night) when it happens. <3
Swedish fish FTW, of course! Mmmmm…..may have to pick some of those up this weekend when I'm near a Target again.


My husband laughs in his sleep all the time (like it wakes me up) and he doesn’t remember his dreams like ever so I never find out why he is laughing! He has also had complete conversations with me that he doesn’t remember because he was asleep. Once in college, I called him to say goodnight and we talked for a good 7 minutes, my phone proved it, and the next morning at breakfast when I brought up the conversation he had no recollection what so ever! He said he actually went to bed 30 mins before I called him. So yea, he does weird things in his sleep.

I’m more of a chocolate gal. What about chocolate covered swedish fish?


I have dreams where I’ll wake myself up laughing or crying and then the dreams never make sense when I try to explain them to Mike. Go figure.

I could really go for some swedish fish right about now.

Your shadow cracks me up. I bet the gas station guy was like “oh man! Pregnant lady! She can have whatever she wants!”


I have to say I’ve never woken up laughing from a dream, but I did have Bud talk to me in his sleep one night that was very sweet. He told me I should have a garden party. When I asked him why, he said in a very sing-song voice “so people can bring you presents!” I get a kick out of him talking in his sleep. And he never remembers it the next morning.


I can’t even tell you about the things Peter has woken me up from. Bad bad lol.

I am in full compression today for all the tightness going on from my work outs this week.

I always feel guilty when I go to a gas station and don’t buy a thing and use the restroom. I try to slink by unnoticed which I am sure means he totally notices me.


I often remember my dreams, although I wish I didn’t. Mine are always stressful: either people trying to kill me, trying to save my brothers, or being blisfully happy with someone and waking up to realize that someone isn’t really here anymore. ugh.

BUT I have woke up laughing once.

Yes, the muscle that runs through my glute and connects to my lower back. It’s been tight for over a week and I can’t seem to find the right streach or roll to get it loose.

Milk chocolate!


Haha love the candy legacy!


Chocolate! PS I want to be a running machine like you when I get pregnant! :-)


I’m pretty sure every muscle in my body is tight right now. Things are not pleasant. I need some quality time with a roller, a lacrosse ball, and stick, and if all else fails a priest.

I use gas station bathrooms all the time. By the time I make it there I am usually moving so fast and look so paniced that they wouldn’t dare stop me for fear of having to clean up the mess.


SWEDISH FISH! My absolute favorite candy in the whole world.


I have gone in gas stations, random porta potties, and ducked behind trees. Also I am a very thirsty person and being thirsty while running is very stressful to me, so I will ask random people in their yards or driveways to top off my water for me.


I get stressed when I am thirsty too! I need start asking for water too!


What’s weird is ever since I got married in March, I wake up a lot LAUGHING really hard too!!! Wakes me and my hubs up everytime and he just laughs at me haha


Swedish fish, no question.

You are so cute pregnant!


I am told I laugh in my sleep as well =)

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