Gaining Weight While Pregnant

Something that I was worried about before I got pregnant was how I would deal with gaining weight.  Luckily I have felt really great most of the time but I am a girl, hormones are real and every now and then we just don’t feel good about ourselves.  The good news is I have only had 3 major meltdowns which is a lot better than I thought I would do.  That first trimester is always tough because people have no idea that you are pregnant and just think you are gaining weight for no reason.  Plus, when you throw in crazy amounts of hormones and crying over everything, I am proud that I have only had 3 meltdowns (1 to my mom, 1 to billy and 1 to my doctor).  The biggest one was when my doctor accidentally said my weight (remember I am not weighing myself when pregnant because numbers make me crazy) and the number was more than what Billy weighs.  I started bawling because I passed up my husband, for some reason that really bothered me.

Being pregnant is hard, there is no doubt about it but there have been 4 things that have helped me the most when it comes to dealing with my body changing.

1.  The excitement of the baby.  It makes pregnancy a lot easier when you know that you have the best reward in the end and it is all you can think about.  Since the day I found out I was pregnant I wanted to do whatever I could for her to make sure that she is healthy.   When I realize how important her health is it makes me feel ridiculous for ever worrying about gaining weight or the fact that I now need 3 sports bras.   Knowing that if I want her to be healthy then I have to put on the right amount of weight and listen to what my doctors say about exercise, weight and nutrition.

2.  Getting ready. The pictures I put up on the blog are taken when I have make-up on and decide to put on something other than running shorts but 90% of the time I am sitting on the couch in pjs and no make-up. It is amazing how much better I feel about myself when I put on makeup and do my hair.  Yes, I am shallow but you can’t say that getting ready doesn’t make you feel better too.  Little things like painting my nails or attempting to shave my legs (even though I fall over in the shower every time I try) has really helped me to feel good during this time.

3.  Running.  This has been huge for me.  For a few miles each day I feel like myself again.  I feel confident.  All 3 meltdowns that I have had regarding my body (don’t ask how many other meltdowns I have had about other things in the last 35 weeks)  occurred on days I didn’t run.  Running really helps me to realize how amazing my body is rather than feeling like I am not good enough.

4.  My sister has been an awesome example to me.  After each of her three kids she was able to get back into shape and over the years she has actually gotten faster and stronger!  This helps me realize that it is only 40 weeks and before you know it I will be getting back to normal slowly but surely.

Billy impersonating me:

DSC 2834

The biggest guilt that I have had throughout my pregnancy when it comes to nutrition is the fact that I felt like I ate so much healthier before I was pregnant.  I feel bad that I don’t eat as many veggies as I should or that Kraft Macaroni is the base of my food pyramid.  I wish that I felt like healthy foods more often so that I could give her better nutrition. I just have to remember that nobody is perfect and that I am doing the best that I can do.


Was it hard for you during pregnancy to gain weight and seeing your body changed big time?

Did you ever feel guilty for not eating healthier when you were pregnant?

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I totally felt guilty about not eating healthier when pregnant, but I was sick for the whole nine months and had to just eat whatever I could keep down or whatever wasn’t making me feel sick that day. My doctor just always said to remember the baby will get what they need from you and to just keep doing what you can. It made me feel better to think that way.

Gaining weight was also hard for me, but I managed to keep it mostly baby weight and it came off really quickly after having my baby. I felt like I had gained a lot of weight when I hit 35 pounds but then my baby came out weighing over 9 pounds and I felt a little better. :-)

You and Billy are super cute! I can’t wait to see what your little girl looks like!


You look beautiful! You are one of the slimmest pregnant chicas I have ever seen, when I was pregnant my bump was your size by 20 weeks! I was able to bounce back just fine and actually ran my first marathon when Lily was 13 months old. Hang in there, your little girl is going to change the way you view your body more than you could ever imagine. You are doing a great job!


girl, you are AMAZING!!! this post was so brave for you to write, and i LOVE that you keep it REAL! that is definitely my number one fear in getting pregnant – gaining weight. i’ve struggled with weight issues in the past, and know 100% that it will be very difficult for me. but i LOVE everything you said, and think that you are a ROCK STAR!!!! this baby girl is so lucky to have you and billy as her parents!
so much love your way, Janae!!


Ya. Billy is pretty close to your height, no? That makes a huge difference! But I hear you. I weighed what Ross weighed the day I delivered Annabelle and I was mortified. My sisters have husband’s who weigh 200 + lbs, so they didn’t get it. But like your sister, I have lost the weight both times and I have NO DOUBT you will too. I swear if you are one of those who is back down before you leave the hospital, I will smack you (out of jealousy , of course) and it wouldn’t surprise me.

And if you think doing all those things make you feel better about yourself now (not shallow) then wait until those first weeks post partum. Lol. I think I did just about anything I had control over to make myself feel SEMI normal again ;)

You are gorgeous and you are doing great. Don’t get down on yourself. Your daughter is going to have the best mommy and role model ever!


I was the kind where no one could tell I was pregnant till I was about 8 months. Since I carried the babies so far back it made a lot of movement hard during pregnancies. I wasn’t really a runner before. I actually even left the hospital after my first in normal clothes not maternity! After my 2nd it took a while but I finally got to a good weight. After my 3rd I was a busy working mom and never lost much of the weight before getting pregnant with #4. 3 and 4 are exactly 2 years minus 5 days apart. #4 is now 13 months and I am still struggling to lose weight. It is hard and I just keep trying. I want to cry because I was always the uber skinny girl that could eat anything and lose weight. Now, :( I will just keep trying and it will come. You are so lucky that you can run while pregnant, it will help in so many ways. Good luck and have lots of fun in the last couple days. make sure you take time for yourself once she is here and snuggle with her lots because they really do grow up fast.


I had such a hard time with weight gain. But I still remember enjoying my food for the first time. Babies will get plenty of veggies once they start baby food. So no worries about not as many veggies now. The hardest part for me of the weight gain and body issues was afterwards. For 9 months my belly had been tight. And then afterwards it’s like a mushy pillow. So be warned. And know everyone’s belly does that. I know from reading your blog (too much) that you like Jello. And your belly will be like that for a week or two. But enjoy it!


Ahh girly…wish we were neighbors so we could talk about all this fun stuff! Being pregnant is such a joy and blessing and it definitely “Outweighs” the weight gain:) I just savor in the fact that there is a super healthy baby in me…it makes every pound totally worth it!!! Pretty sure I’m gonna surpass my hubby in weight too ;) Enjoy this season though…it’s gonna be over sooo quickly!


I gained 55 lbs with my first! But like you, I was just doing the best that I could at the time. It took some work but it DID come off! As long as you are feeling good that’s all that matters. You’ll lose any gained weight so easily because your body is still so fit :) But, no matter what anyone says about how it’ll be alright, it is hard to see our bodies change, isn’t it?!


I had a hard time with the pregnancy weight, even though I gained the average (28 with 1st pregnancy, 29 with 2nd pregnancy). My problem, as I saw it, was I gained all over, not just in my tummy area. I felt huge everywhere.


Naw don’t worry about being heavier than Billy!! All three times my mum was pregnant she got heavier than my dad (and my dad is 10 inches taller). It comes off! And she ate KFC burgers for lunch everyday. Guess what? We turned out fine…
(kinda biased opinion I suppose) :) Your body knows what it wants and you’re doing an awesome job of fulfilling that!!


I haven’t been pregnant but all I can say is don’t worry! You look amazing, you’re keeping up your running while preggers, it’ll be so easy for you to get back in shape (not that you seem out of shape right now!) once you have your darling girl. Of course we all get down on ourselves every once in a while, but that’s normal (happens to me all the time and I’m not pregnant!). Keep it up and you’ll be back to normal in no time!


I’m glad that you are able to talk about weight and weight concerns. Sometimes, I feel like it’s a little taboo to vent about weight when you are at a normal weight, but I definitely understand what you are feeling as someone who only weights about 15 lbs less than her fiance, which means I will definitely surpass him when I become pregnant in the future. My plan of attack is to make Nick eat everything I eat so that we can gain weight together… ;-) Just kidding, like you… I will focus on the big picture!


I’ve never been pregnant so can’t comment to this but you look amazing. The fact that you’re still so active and that it’s so innate in you, the weight will come off. :)


I think we all feel prettier when we get dressed up and look nice. :) You look gorgeous in all of your photos and I’m sure you’re gorgeous even when you’re not wearing makeup.

I’ve never been pregnant (putting that off for a few more years), but as a feminist I do think that there’s an incredible amount of pressure on women to be the “perfect” mom and only serve your kids organic food, not ever let them watch TV, etc. It’s unrealistic and unfair because every woman winds up feeling inadequate. You love your baby so much, which is the number one most important thing. I’m sure you’ll be a great mom.


I’ve obviously never been pregnant, but of course I can totally understand how hard it can be to gain weight – even though that’s what’s supposed to be happening! For the record though, you do look fantastic. And I really admire how you’ve been keeping up more or less your normal running mileage, I seriouslly hope that someday when I’m pregnant I can do that too! And of course all the extra pounds will come off once you give birth – and because you’ve gained the necessary weight, eaten what you WANTED rather than restricting or feeling like you “should” be eating something, and ran a lot…your daughter is going to be healthy and have all the tools to do amazing things in her life! mac and cheese = your baby gets to carb-load too. See, you’re already training her to be a great runner :-D


hey sweet girl, you look AWESOME. So dont you worry about a thing!! what an adorable mommy-to-be!


I gained way too much weight, but I’m in better shape then I ever was before getting pregnant. I agree with you pregnancy is HARD and I think you are doing a great job. I wouldn’t worry about your weight… look fabulous!


I think you look amazing!

I know exactly how you feel though. I struggled with weight issues for so long in high school and collage and thought for sure that it would be really hard to put on weight while pregnant, but I’ve been surprised at how easy it has been. I’ve had a few breakdowns too – like when the doctor said to “slow it down” at my second prenatal visit. I was mortified and felt so fat and ugly. It took me a while to put what she said behind me and realize that everyone gains a different amount of weight and it’s all fine. My sister gained 50 pounds and was two sizes smaller than her pre-pregnancy weight 9 months after giving birth (and she doesn’t even know what exercise is). The thing I find the hardest is people making comments about my size. I know that they don’t mean it negatively but it can be hard hearing things like, “You look huge already, you’re gonna be so big by the time the baby comes out!” or “You’re as big as a house!” and things of that nature. It makes me so self-conscious to have everyone so focused on my body and constantly reminding me of the fact that I’m getting bigger and bigger.

And the reality is, I’m not that huge. I’m not sure how much weight I’ve put on but it’s still in the normal limits. And I’m eating fairly healthy (like you, I could eat more veggies) and walking every day (running made me bleed so I had to stop super early on). I’m just trying to stay focused on the fact that I’m actually growing a human in my belly and that he is my first responsibility. I also want to make sure I keep that same mind-set because I have a feeling that as soon as he’s born I’m gonna want to lose all the baby weight, but I have to make sure I eat enough so I can breastfeed him. Restricting or exercising too much can really limit the amount of milk I produce and I don’t want to sacrifice his health just so I can lose weight faster.

It’s hard, but congrats on realizing what’s important (and on only having 3 breakdowns)! We are due at almost the same time (I’m due 9 Sept.) so I love reading your posts because I feel like I’m going through similar things. Too bad we don’t live closer because I’d love to have a friend like you to vent about all things pregnancy!


Hi Janae! I have just started reading your blog and I wanted to say it makes my day. You look AMAZING! I am about to deliver my third baby in 5 years and the whole weight issue has always been a tough one. I never stepped foot on a treadmill or ran outside until my 2nd child was 12 months old. I developed a love of running and lost 30 pounds very easily. When I got pregnant this time around, I was in the best shape of my life and determined to keep running. Unfortunately because I have asthma my doctor did not recommend me doing it. But I did everything else I could up until 7 and a half months pregnant and it’s made a huge difference. The weight will come off, especially for you. You are so fit and have a great attitude. And even pregnant with my third I still put makeup on every day – it makes me feel like me! Congrats on your baby girl, you will be a great mom:)


That picture of Billy is so funny. You guys are going to be such fun parents!

I think knowing how much you running means that you will definitely get back into shape. If you don’t, how will you run, you know?


I’m not a numbers person either but at my first midwife appointment she asked if I would go weigh myself (I didn’t know that you just do it and then tell them your number…not a huge fan!), and I was shocked by the number. I have my next appt on tues and I reeeeeally don’t wanna do that again. Just because I’m not concerned about the numbers. I would like it better if they could just weigh me and be onto the next thing!!

I just like not worrying about numbers – pregnant or not. My main focus is to feed my little growing baby but still try and stay in shape! I can’t say I’m completely happy with my body right now, but everything is worth it when it kicks!!!!


Tell your midwife to weigh u backwards and that can make her aware of your concern. I’ve done this at the Dr though I feel its a red flag to my eating disorder that I try so hard to hide.


Chris is built like Billy and back in my need to gain weight days I think the meltdown quote was something like “but I am supposed to be the petite female.”

Love you, you look amazing!


I think it’s so great that you’re so open to talking about the struggles and hard parts of pregnancy. Although I have several years before I even want to think about getting prego, (and should probably locate a nice man first), you’re already putting my nerves about the future at ease. Anyone could tell how excited you are and how much you already care for that little nugget in your belly!

So, the fun question: Do you think you’ll want another or more?!


You are so brave to write this post! I havn’t had any little ones yet but I know gaining weight will probably be an issue when I do. I will have 100 breakdowns compared to your 3! Like you said, you have to remember how great your body is for producing that healthy baby. My sister lost all her baby weight and then some afterwards and is the healthiest she has been in her whole life!!!


Pregnancy weight gain is definitely weird. I’ll say though, I’m loving my pregnant body more and more as the weeks go on (probably because it actually looks like preggo belly instead of a beer belly!)
I’m almost at 30 weeks, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I’m kind of scared to see what happens over the next 40 weeks. So far, it’s been pretty smooth sailing. But like you said- I’m going to do everything I can to make sure BABY GIRL has the best chances of growing strong :)

As far as “eating better” goes- I wish I could spend more money on organic/all natural/free range food (just because the names sound cooler), but I know I’m getting in a wide variety of foods for our little one to grow!


You are going to bounce back to your pre-pregnancy weight no problem. Just think about all the fun walks and runs you can go on with your new little one.
ANd it’s true how you fel better by just Getting Ready. I felt horrible this morning and looked it too. As soon as I did my hair and makeup I felt a lot better.


you are beautiful and I love that picture of you and Billy! hahahaa


I think it is a control thing! I’m 30 weeks with my second and I think I struggle the most because I know I’m eating healthily and exercise and I’m still getting bigger by the minute. It’s hard to accept!
Ive been pretty good with my eating-I struggle at things like birthdays ect because it’s so tempting to eat party food like all the kids!
I try to focus on getting stronger and believing in my body. for example It’s easy to get down about your mile per hour time but I try to focus on finishing my run rather than the time.
A bad day can always be made better with a run and a set of well painted toe nails.
I lost all the weight no worries but I still get concerned about losing it this time. Breast feeding really helped me too.
You look amazing by the way!!


Don’t beat yourself up. I felt the same way. You look amazing! Like seriously amazing! I gained 65lbs during my first pregnancy and I am feeling so good about myself now :)


You look smaller than both of my friends who are expecting in October! I hope to look that fit when I’m pregnant!


I totally agree with you — it’s just so different to have your body change so much! As I was running yesterday morning, I was worrying about passing my husband in weight — but then I realized that I won’t be passing him, my baby and I will be! It made a HUGE difference in my outlook to realize that it’s not just you but also this amazing human being growing inside you!


I had struggled with my weight since I was 12. Once I became pregnant at age 28…I finally felt a relief. I could eat what I wanted, people wouldn’t give me grief (I’m a teacher, too…so there’s always food in the teachers lounge and crazy coworkers who actually would chide me about eating some of it…I’m a PE teacher, so I think they thought I only ate 100% healthy?!?!), and I could actually enjoy food. I stayed true to my roots of eating as healthy as I could, but like you, sometimes veggies did not make it onto my plate. And the SMELL of chocolate grossed me out. Now, 2 years out, I find myself struggling with my body size and not being able to use the “I just had a baby” excuse any more. So enjoy your pregnant time and know that everything you are doing is for the GOOD of your little girl. You are a beautiful woman, both inside and out, bump and all!


and by ‘struggle with my body size’ – I mean that I am back to the size i was pre-baby…but it’s still a ‘struggle’…like it was beforehand. I haven’t come complacent…I think I actually are harder on myself now than I was before I had my little man. But then I think about all I have done (marathons, pushing a baby out of me, playing from 6:45 AM until 8:00 PM with him)…and that puts me back into perspective.


Great post!! I am nearing the end of the first trimester and not feeling so hot! All of the healthy foods I loved before now make me sick and I feel like I am eating really bad. It is also hard when you are trying to hide the pregnancy from people and you don’t feel good. You look awesome and you are inspiring, its good to know I am not alone.


I am not pregnant and don’t have kids but I think as a woman this issue relates to all of us. Thanks for being honest about it because it is hard to see the scale go up regardless of the situation. I try to put things into persepective and it helps; there are people out there going through worse things that I am and we are blessed with our health! :)

Side note.. how does your sister have three kidssss..goodness she doesn’t look old enough and she looks fabulous after having them!! You will be the same :)


I’m such a closet…well not really cause I’m not ashamed…kraft macaroni and cheese lover. Especially now that I’m pregnant. I add sour cream and cheddar cheese to it and OMW it’s amazing. You should try it.

I’m also not loving the gaining weight part to this whole preggos thing. Running has been awesome and I totally agree with the makeup. Sitting in sweats with wet hair all day is not recommended if you want to feel good about yourself. :)


I also had a hard time when my weight surpassed my husband’s (and he’s not too much bigger than me to begin with!), but when I started adding up the weights of everything I was carrying (baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, extra blood volume), I felt a lot better and tried to think of it as a different sort of weight workout for a few months! It came off fairly quickly after my kids were born and I was nursing and getting back in shape came in its own time, too. It took longer after my twins just due to the fact I was exhausted and I had fewer opportunities to get out on my own with three very little kids. But, I now feel stronger than I have in years and have been gradually getting faster and faster, even surpassing some of my pre-kids PRs! Now it feels even better, though, because I get to be an example for them in showing how to achieve goals you set for yourself.
BTW, that photo cracked me up and has totally made my day!


I am so glad I am not the only one who is super worried about gaining weight during pregnancy. I really want to start trying to have a baby but I have a bit of addiction to races. I told myself after I finished my Half Ironman in July that would be a good time….but then this stupid heat caused them to shorten the race so now I am still training to do that 70.3 in September. I am glad I found your blog and can see that someone has actually continued to run during their pregnancy. I showed my coworker your blog and he believes you will have abs after you pop that little baby out. I just hope that when its my turn I can follow in your shoes and continue to run during my pregnancy. Thanks for being such an inspiration and sharing your journey.


What’s hard is that you forget what your body normally looks like and as soon as the baby comes out you’re all, “I look so skinny!!” And then you try on some of your “normal” clothes and you can’t even pull them up over your hips. That’s when my meltdown’s happen.

After baby #4, I’m about 3 -5 pounds away from where I want to be right now but my thighs are NOT going down and I’m getting frustrated. My shorts and pants are loose in the tummy and look like they’ve been painted on my thighs. ::sigh::

back to you, though. You will bounce back so fast you’ll surprise yourself. Baby #1 is ALWAYS the easiest. And, I don’t think you look big at all, now you just look like a normal person instead of super skinny! :) hang in there!


I think every pregnant woman should read this blog. That was very brave of you. You’ll probably never know how far reaching your example is. With my first I gained more than I wanted to and it was really hard, but he was a big healthy boy and the weight came off and I was able to run again. With this pregnancy I’ve been more obsessed with my weight gain, which isn’t a good idea. It’s really hard! I already feel like my belly is huge and I am only 25 weeks. But the truth is weight is a number and you have been active and healthy. Don’t worry about the veggies, you can start giving her those in 6 months ;) thanks for your example and honesty.


I agree with all that you’ve said concerning gaining weight while being pregnant. It can be tough! Esp when we can be so overly critical of our bodies!

Seriously though, you look absolutely amazing! I’m 4’11” and am preggers with twins. I have NO WHERE to hide any of my weight gain haha. When my doc told me to expect to gain 40-50lbs I almost died!

I just said “goodbye” to the first trimester and I am already feeling like a blimp! Long story short, but I am not able to run. I’m allowed in the pool.. so deep water running has been my main choice… but still, I miss running! I’ve just been living vicariously through you lol! Oh well, as long as the babies are healthy, that’s all I care about!


Thank you for this post. I am 22 weeks pregnant and I don’t mind the belly getting bigger but the extra weight in other areas is extremely hard. I’ve never been a big weigher, I always go off of how I feel and how my pants fit and I’m definitely not feeling great with the extra weight. Your post helps me realize I’m not he only one that it bothers. BTW, you inspire me with your runs, they are all long runs to me and you look beautiful!


Thank you for such an honest post. I am not pregnant but would like to have children eventually. I have struggled with my weight all of my life and while I am finally now at a decent (though still slightly overweight) weight and healthier than I have ever been, I do fear gaining weight. Even knowing it is for a greater purpose, I’m still scared that I’ll morph back into my old self, won’t be able to get the weight off, etc. Luckily I have a pretty good gym and gym “family”, but I’m still nervous. Thanks for walking through this with us and showing us your fears and struggles and how you’re coping. It’s so helpful to know that you can get back to where you were and perhaps be even stronger (like your sister). Best to you Janae! I still think you’re the cutest preggo ever. Love, love, love your joy and that you share it so freely with the world. Definitely a gift.


Janae! You look amazing:-) I understand the struggle though. I also surpassed my husband’s weight, but for such a good cause. I’m happy to say that I’m 9 month’s post-pardom and thinner than before I got pregnant. Breastfeeding REALLY helped me to take the weight off along with getting back into running & watching my portions. Are you going to name your little peanut after Paycon (sp?) off of Make It Or Break It? :-) Watched that on the TM this am & thought of you. PS: any tips for a first time marathoner? I’m by no means fast, but am making a sub-5 attempt (just finishing will be reward enough)…my first marathon will be less than a week after my precious boy turns 1! Follow along @ I can use all of the support I can get!!


I will admit that it was hard for me to gain weight, too. And I only gained around 20 with each pregnancy, even though both babies were nice sized (7.5 and 8.2) at birth. But people were actually a bit mean to me for NOT becoming huge, some suggesting it was harmful to the baby, etc.

I’m so glad it has all gone well for you–you look adorable! And since you have kept in shape throughout, the weight will seriously just fall off. Good luck with these final weeks!


Ay ay ay! When I was pregnant with our twins, I had a certain weight I thought I shouldn’t go over and when I hit it, I had a breakdown at the doctor’s office as well. Looking back, I realized it didn’t matter at all. I was very healthy, other than gaining more than the recommended weight (even for twins). All my other stats were stellar when I was pregnant. And I was able to lose the weight after I had them.
I tried not to feel guilty about my unhealthy cravings when I was pregnant. From about 4-7 months, the only thing I wanted for breakfast was a bag of microwave popcorn and a Coke. Regular coke, in a can, icy cold. And I had it, nearly every day. Once in awhile, I’d worry that I was caffeinating my kinds too much, but in the end, I realized that worrying would have probably done more harm than my Cokes. I ended up carrying them to 37 1/2 weeks and they were born with no problems at all.


I don’t have any input seeing as I’ve never been pregnant :) but I think it is so awesome how level headed you are being. I think I will have a really difficult time with it when I’m pregnant! You are the cutest pregnant lady ever btw!


Awesome post, very real! Almost all women can relate to the idea of not wanting to gain weight but put into perspective your little girl will be worth having to wear all those sports bras, plus some! I have to say too, if you sis has three kids and looks that amazing, your genes are on your side!!!


Honestly, when I’ve seen your pictures throughout this pregnancy process, I’ve been like, “dang, she looks great! I hope I can maintain a look like that when Im pregnant!” Seriously, and I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. You look great and look to be the absolute perfect weight : )


Great post Janae! I’m not pregnant but have all those concerns about pregnancy – and I’m the eldest sister so I have to go first no fair! It’s great reading this because it helps me realize I’m not the only one with irrational fears related to gaining weight [and if my doctor told me I weighed more than my fiance I’d freak too.. even though we aren’t that far apart now lol].

You are ADORABLE and you’re going to love your baby so much and y’all can run and be happy together!!!!

P.S. great pic of you with Billy preggers lol


You look so great and so fit! I think it’s awesome you’ve been running throughout your pregnancy. You are a great example to lots of people.
I had a super hard time with weight gain both times I was pregnant. It’s like my body had mind of its own and despite my efforts to eat well, there were a few times when I gained 10 pounds in one month. I felt awful about myself. It also didn’t help when after I had my first baby my sister-in-law brought over some pants and shorts and said, “Here, you can borrow these, they are huge.” After she left I tried them on and they were all way too small and I had a total breakdown because I felt like an elephant. Boo. On the bright side, my body bounced back pretty quickly and I gained a lot of respect for what my body can do.


Billy is such a good sport in that photo! Haha that had me laughing out loud!
Thanks so much for being open and honest, Janae. I have had some hard times emotionally dealing with the weight gain I’ve had from my hip surgery. It was unavoidable but it definitely takes it’s toll mentally.


You are already a good mom.


besides your belly, you can’t even tel you’re pregnant. You are a very beautiful pregnant woman!


I’m not just trying to suck up to you buttttt…. just the other day I was talking about pregnant friends showing up on facebook with my best friend and how they don’t always look the best. I pulled up your blog and showed her you and said I think you might be the best looking preggo I’ve ever seen! You look amazing and I hope I can look that good pregnant some day!! At least you have pregnancy to blame on the meltdowns! I don’t!



I totally get where you are coming from, I am not pregnant nor will I be in the near future, however I have lost about 15 pounds and even gaining 1 back sends me into a crazy obsessive cycle.

I think when you have struggled with weight in the past it is easy to get stuck on your weight and the way you appear. But let my tell you, YOU are awesome and look amazing! If I can run 1/2 your mileage if/whenever I am carrying a child I would be ecstatic!

Keep up the great running! You don’t have long now :D


I am sooo glad you wrote this post. This is of course my biggest fear as well when it comes to having a child. I feel as if I am not going to deal with gaining weight well at all…but I keep telling myself that I will be able to get it off once the pregnancy is over. You look awesome!!


I’m almost 11 weeks pregnant and I feel bad that my diet is not as “healthy” as it could be. I used to love grilled veggies and salads. But, the texture of the vegtables just feels so gross right now. I’m loving plain white starchy carbs (bread, potatoes, pasta). I think it was very honest of you to post your thoughts about your body. Most women feel this way. It’s hard to watch your fit body go through so many changes. Be grateful that you are still able to run :) I think you are doing great Janae. You are on the home stretch now!!! This is the last 5k of the marathon.


My obstetrician threw up all 9 mos of all 5 of her pregnancies. Couldn’t even keep the prenatal vitamins down. She has 5 healthy kids anyway. Her words: “God knows what He’s doing, so I just spent 8 years of college learning how to catch.” lol

Eat healthy when you can (as you have been), enjoy all foods when you can (as you have been) and move when you can (as you have been). See?! You’re rockin’ it already!


Janae, You are beautiful! I struggle too with body image issues. It is one of my biggest concerns before my husband I decide to have kids. You are truly an inspiration!


PS… I love seeing your pregnancy progress. Keep posting those pictures.


It is really hard. I am pregnant right now and almost in the second trimester. I have already gained 5 pounds and I am really disappointed with myself. Just know that you are super tiny compared to pretty much any 8 month pregnant woman I have ever seen. This is my second child and I am already visibly pregnant.


I know how you feel!i ate paleo before getting preggo and then all I could eat was carbs. The weight comes off way faster than you think, especially if you run and workout before and after pregnancy. I had my baby 4 months ago and my six pack is already starting to show again. Don’t believe the saying “9 mos on 9 mos off” either. I lost all mine in about 2.5 months and judging by your exercise you can too. I posted my diet and workout plan on my blog if anyone is interested. (I am a former trainer.)


*exercise ethic. Ahhh posting on my iPad sucks.


hi! first time commenting on your blog :)
just had to tell you how ridiculously awesome you look. i can’t believe you are so far along because your bump is so small, and you are so small, and so toned, all over!!! what pregnant woman looks like that in spandex?! seriously amazing, and i have no doubt, you are the envy of every preggo woman out there (and probably even the envy of some not-pregnant women out there).
and how the heck are you running 40 miles/week, 8+ months pregnant?? i’m a marathoner and have never gotten my mileage that high, not pregnant! wow!! so impressive.
love reading your blog! it inspires me!! :)


Oh I totally surpassed my husbands weight last week! You are smart for not checking in on yours. I was good for the first trimester or so but now that I am 18lbs heavier its starting to get to me. Like you said its all for VERY GOOD reasons and I dont feel fat or pudgier at all. I feel like its all belly and boobs. Its strange huh? I know once I have our little lovely boy and can get back in shape I will feel better about the weight gain for next time. Now its all about the unknown, how much will I gain total? How long will it take to work off? When will I feel strong and fast again after the baby? Your sister is definitely an inspiration! I wish I had more gals around my age who are active I can look up to locally.

P.S. – I know people say it all the time but you look so great! I am sure even without makeup and in sweats you still kill it as a pregnant lady ;)


You look amazing! I know what you mean about numbers… but eff em! You look great and feel great and that is what matters!


i worried i might struggle w/ pregnancy weight gain as i have formally struggled with anorexia. BUT praise GOD pregnancy had almost the opposite effect on me. i felt confident and secure in my own skin and truly loved my changing body. sure i had a few moments where i felt fat and wished away some new spots of cellulite (ha!), but what normal woman wouldn’t have these moments? i agree with all your suggestions in this post! i don’t run but staying active via walking was so beneficial. i also have a sister who has birthed three kids and she is an amazing role model!


Have you looked at The Shape of a Mother? (It is a book and a website.) It celebrates how awesome our bodies are and how the changes that happened, happened for such a special and amazing reason (growing a healthy baby). Anyway, maybe it’ll help you feel empowered on your down days?? Either way, I think you look healthy and gorgeous and try to remember that the most important things about you are your spirit and your heart, and for those two things bigger is better :)


You look amazing btw – I would not weigh myself or look at the # if I were you either though, why worry about the # when you clearly look and feel fantastic!!

As for the not so healthy choices, I wouldn’t worry that much about it – You seem to have a great balance with everything you eat and man, all that running!! That has to balance it out!!

I agree, the WORST part of being pregnant is that beginnign stage where no one knows, but you feel huge but in a just gained weight way, not a pregnant way – there is no bump yet, etc. That part was hard for me but after that I was sort of ok with it. I dind’t eat horribly while pregnant but I definetley indulged WAY more than usual!! You will have no problem getting back into shape, just be patient after! i actually eventually got into way BETTER shape a couple years post baby – I’m still below pregnancy weight and in better shape physically than before I got pregnant


I just wanted to chime in and say that I don’t think you’re being vain at all re: doing your hair and makeup. A little story:

My first year of law school, there was a girl in my class who was extremely smart (she ended up at the top of our class) and not someone who I would describe as materialistic (she was going for a public interest career instead of a big law firm job, even though she had the grades to land the big law job and make lots of money). She had been feeling depressed and started seeing a therapist during our first year. After a couple of months, she realized the therapist wasn’t helping, so she decided to stop seeing her and use the money to get a blowout at a fancy salon every week instead. And you know what, it helped her! She said that the self-confidence boost from having fabulous hair was exactly what she needed to improve her mood.

Moral of the story: it’s important to feel good about yourself, so do whatever you need to do to make it happen, and don’t apologize to anyone!


I love that you’re so honest. I wasn’t fond of the whole idea of gaining weight before I became pregnant, and it is weird to see the number on the scale rise. But now, I love my bump so much, and I’ve kind of forgotten about the whole weight gain thing. As long as I am healthy and the baby is healthy, I am happy. Plus, I know that I will eventually lose the weight. You look fantastic, by the way! :)


Janae, you rock!


You need this shirt!


AHHH I totally do!!!


During my pregnancy I, too struggled with gaining weight even though I only gained 29 lbs. During my first trimester I was so nauseous that all I did was eat breads and crackers and since I use to abstain from carbs I gained 5lbs immediately and my boobs went up 3-4 sizes to a 30G (I felt huge is an understatement!), but I definitely enjoyed allowing myself to indulge without guilt for once in my life. And to make my body issues worse during my pregnancy and post pregnancy was that my sister who is tiny was due a couple weeks ahead of me and gained less than 15 lbs (yes you read that right!, okay I am still a little bitter about that ha) and so it’s very frustrating for me to be struggling to lose the last 10 lbs of pregnancy weight while she left the hospital in her size 0 jeans. However, knowing that my daughter, who just turned 5mo is healthy, happy and beautiful makes my weight gain less of a big deal, because she is so worth it. And, I totally agree with running, since I started running again in May (I’m not a RUNNER like you Janae; I wish I could put in the mileage you do!!) it definitely makes me feel better about myself! Now, I just need to start learning how to portion control again because I still eat like I am pregnant… damn being pregnant was fun to be able to really enjoy food without worrying about a little thing like a calorie :)

Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, you are an inspiration and a ridiculously adorably cute pregnant lady! BTW your blog is the only one I read and your writing makes me want to start my own blog! It has such a positive energy and love for running that is contagious, I find myself WANTING to run after reading a post from you about another GREAT RUN you had, and it has me really thinking about getting into running races…..


Kara, Thank you so so much for your comment! I really appreciate you and YES PLEASE start a blog. I want to read all about your adorable 5 month old and all about your running. YES, you have to sign up for a race…better yet lets find one to do together!


Oh my gosh I needed this post today! I’m 22 weeks, was gaining slowly in the beginning, and then a week that I got hand foot and mouth (caught it from my toddler, don’t ask) and could barely eat anything, I gained three pounds. I wanted to THROW my scale. Instead of being thankful that baby was continuing to thrive, I couldn’t understand how exercising daily, eating healthily, I could jump so much in one week. We need to remember that weight is truly nothing but a number, and if you are eating within reasoning, exercising if you can, and enjoying your pregnancy, you can’t really hope for anything more!


22 WEEKS WAHOOO!!!! Congrats girl. Isn’t it crazy how there really is no control over the weight gain during this time, our body knows what is best! Here’s to enjoying our pregnancies!


Long time reader. First time commenter. I just wanted to tell you that I see pictures of you on your blog and think you look AMAZING. It honestly looks like any bit of weight you’ve gained went all to your belly. You look happy, healthy and in awesome shape (still thin!). My mom was the exact same way while pregnant… running and just had a big belly by the time 9 months rolled around. In fact she went running the day before I was born! I can only hope to look as good as you when I get pregnant in years to come :)


Hey Victoria, thank you so much for commenting and for your sweet words. You are the BEST!! Your mom went running the day before you were born? That is the coolest thing ever! You will do the same thing!


You are great! Every “runner” friend that I have has gotten faster after having children. You can thank your baby girl for helping you reach your best potential!


That is SO good to hear!!


The weight gain is HARD for me. I hate watching the number go up and having no control. I KNOW it is for the baby and I KNOW I can lose it. I’ve done it twice and actually weighed less when I got pregnant this time than the first 2, but I still struggle. And I have always weighed more than my husband (he’s 5’6 and very small) and I hate being pregnant because I end up weighing so much more than him. I think you look great–for what it’s worth :)


You are doing/looking so amazing! I can see why you would be worried though. I’ve never been pregnant but right now I’m not afraid of my pregnant body. I AM terrified of my post pregnancy body and the anxiety I’m certain I’ll have if I don’t get my body back as soon as I THINK I should. It’s all a learning process I’m sure.

You’re beautiful and everyone knows you’re doing your best


Great honest post. You don’t look like you have gained any weight since I saw you last month. BEAUTIFUL!!! Billy looks good too! HA! I also like that it is coming from someone that is fit and wanting to stay that way after the pregnancy. When I was pregnant with my 3 it seemed like unless you started out over weight, gained a ton while pregnant, or it took a ton of time to come off, no one wanted to have this discussion with me. I felt like because I was fit to begin with, they were making me feel like my worries weren’t as valid as someone’s that was not fit. I am a woman though, so no matter what, at sometime we all tend to think a like and have shared worries.

It has never been about numbers in my case. Because I have spent most of my life feeling like I am shaped like a boy I enjoyed the 6-8 weeks after delivery. I was able to feel more feminine for a little bit. You do begin to wonder if the weight will come off and if you will be able to do the sports/activities that you did before the pregnancy at the level you did before. Totally normal. If you gain too quickly or begin to gain too much your doctor will let you know.

As for eating properly. There were weeks when all I ate were watermelon and pizza hut bread sticks (no huge love for them before being pregnant – just a few weeks during the 3rd preg.). I vividly remember hitting week 32 with my 3rd, lying on the bed and crying because I had forgotten what it was like to not feel totally nauseated and getting sick several times a day. The hubby was trying not to laugh while doing a good job of comforting me. I laugh at it now, but it was really how I felt. Cravings were different with each pregnancy. The doc will tell you that the baby will get what it needs.

My first OB/GYN told me on my third trip into his office for fluids – do to terrible sickness (13 weeks along), that even if I didn’t get out of bed that day or even shower to put “my face on”. I didn’t have to do my hair, or get dressed. He said that he had learned over the years that women felt a little better if they felt they looked a little better. He encouraged me to shower (sometimes they didn’t occur until the afternoon or evening because of nausea) and get my hair done, clean pjs on and then get back into bed while on bed rest with them.

You are doing great! You are doing everything a doctor would ask his/her patient to do! Very excited for the 2 of you!


First and foremost, YOU look AMAZING and will bounce back into shape so quickly that people won’t believe that you have a newborn. :-)

I was worried about gaining weight too — but I had a bit of a rough pregnancy when it came to eating — I’m not sure if this was more fortunate for me at least — I couldn’t eat any greasy foods. I puked. When I thought it was over, I ate five slices of pizza and two chocolate entemmann doughnuts and I puked. HAHA But yeah, I am probably one of the few women that did MIND being pregnant at all.

Post-pregnancy, I looked at pics I posted and I was like, “WOW, i posted that picture of myself?” LOL – but it just made me realize that I have gotten pretty far post-pregnancy.

Looking forward to seeing your beautiful baby girl!!!!


I ran with my first until about 30 weeks and still gained 43 lbs. I had a 9 pound very healthy and very strong baby boy. I ran a half when he was 4 months old and a full at 9 months. Now I am 17 weeks with number two and am running and teaching bodypump and trying not to look at the scale. My biggest breakdown the first time around was when a friend of my husbands who is a pro bike racer texted him a picture of his scale and I weighed 10 pounds MORE. I lost every bit through resuming my normal exercise routine and didn’t diet at all. I was nervous about dieting and breastfeeding. Your body can do amazing things! Hang in there and soon it will all be worth it!


Oh my gosh i love that picture of you and Billy!! haha The heart with the hands is classic!!! Please frame that!


I’ve read your blog for a long time, but have never commented. This post, however, really made me want to. My husband and I are the same height, but he has a much smaller frame than I do. He always has, and always will, weigh less than me. It was a bit hard to take when we first started dating, but now it doesn’t really matter. Two kids later, I’m actually thinner now than I was when we started dating (or have been at any point in our relationship). Really, it’s all due to running (and some cross training thrown in) and trying to eat well. I never lost all the weight after my daughter was born and was so unhappy with how I looked after my son was born, I had to do something. Now, I’m in the best shape of my life and two awesome kids. Having said all that, my stomach is a hot mess and probably always will be (my stomach muscles herniated with pregnancy #1 and got worse with #2). I do, however, love my body now more than ever. It feels strong and powerful. I hope you feel the same after your daughter is born!


Hey Janae!! You look amazing!! I totally understand the fear of gaining weight while pregnant. While I was pregnant (my daughter just turned 1), I didn´t gain weight until the 4th month, and when I started gaining weight, it was like 5 or more pounds per month… in the end I was almost gaining 5 pounds every two weeks, I was desperate. As soon as my daughter was born and started bf, the weight came off and now I weigh less than before pregnant. You look great and I´m sure you´ll bounce back quickly! I wish you the best of luck and keep posting lots of pics.


haha ahh ur so cute. i totally agree about the nutrition. i didnt think id be as bad as i have been..but ive totally used pregnancy as an excuse! everythings healthy so im sure its fine…but i should absolutely be eating more veggies…i swear after she comes i will :)


I am in the same boat as you. The first tri was definitely the hardest with weight gain..looked like I always ate too much, instead of it being a little baby in there.
Now I love my mini bump, and actually TRY to show it off..hey you only have it for a few months, mine as well enjoy EVERY second of it..and those sympathy pregnancy door holds, or elevator holds, or extra food never hurt ;)
I agree, I did eat healthier BEFORE being pregnant, not that I eat terrible now, but I do enjoy a few more sweets than I did before…but honestly, I promised myself that I WOULD when I got pregnant…since I missed so much with all of the anorexia stuff during high school, I wanted to be able to ENJOY sweets again. Hopefully that makes sense :) & I LOVE the impersonation Billy is doing ;)


My first pregnancy I did not workout at all during it and ate whatever i wanted and I gained 60lbs! And it was super tough getting rid of the extra 30lbs I had left over after the birth. This pregnancy I’ve been running and walking and eating better but for some reason I’m still gaining weight like crazy! I think my body likes extra padding while being pregnant :). Knowing its only temporary helps and the little bundle of joy at the end is worth every pound!!!

You look fantastic btw so you shouldn’t worry! I have no doubt you’ll be back to pre pregnancy weight in no time :)


Girl, you are still TINY. i know that me saying it doesn’t change the way it makes you feel, but i’m sure it’s going to just of you after lil miss is born. you are truly encompassing the “pregnancy glow” – in a good way, of course!! I don’t know anyone < who is running 7+ miles a day at almost nine months. you are rocking this -pregnancy!:] <3


you actually look smaller now (of course not including belly) than several months ago in pics, imo! either way janae…your thighs are smaller than 98% of the women I know who ARENT preggo. hahaha…. you are gorgeous girl! Seriously!


You are beautiful and you are doing great Janae!! Thank you for setting a GREAT example for all of us!! :)


Hey Janae! I know this is not pregnancy-related, but I can completely relate on the weight-gain front. My mom has been in the hospital for the last six months (and the better part of the last ten), and as a result I have essentially stopped working out entirely, and I eat all. the. time. I am with her every possible second, so going to the gym, going to school, my whole active lifestyle, etc, has pretty much been put on hold lately. It may not be as black and white as pregnancy (in that weight gain is unavoidable), but I try, unsuccessfully most of the time, to remind myself that this is a super stressful, unexpected turn of events and in order for me to be there for my mom 110%, I have to temporarily give up some things I used to depend on. Sometimes it physically hurts me to look in the mirror, or try to put on old clothes. I often feel like I will never look the way I used to look, and will forever be this humongous whale. In reality, I am still at a healthy weight, but I have gained a noticeable amount and I just FEEL downright repulsive. Anyway, I’m sorry for the long post. Just wanted to say that I, like most of the other commenters, can identify with the self-consciousness that comes with gaining weight. I also know that sometimes things happen (pregnancy, illness, life-gets-turned-upside-down) that can leave us with negative thoughts that feel like they will never go away, or that just make us want to sit down and cry, or bury ourselves in a corner far away. But I try to remember that “this, too, shall pass,” it is ultimately a temporary challenge, and that in the not-so-distant-future, things will be a lot different. A really, really, great, wonderful kind of different, that will have us feeling good again.
I wish I could tell you how much I love reading this blog. You bring a smile to my face every day.


Michele, thank you so much for sharing what is going on in your life. I am truly so sorry about what is going on with your mom and she will be in my prayers! You are doing exactly what you should be. People come first. Nothing else matters compared to our families. I bet that all of the stress and not working out is making you feel awful but PLEASE let me know what I can do to help. I am always here to email and be pen pals with. I am thinking about you and I hope that she gets better asap. You are an amazing daughter and you are helping your mom so much! Please keep me updated!


I have been following your blog for about one year now. I just want to let you know how refreshing your honesty is! I, too, was very worried about how my body would change during pregnancy. I HATED having huge boobs! At the same time, I was much less judgemental toward myself as I knew that my body was doing what it was supposed to do and I ended up feeling very beautiful during my pregnancy. All of my pregnancy weight came off eventually (hung on to 5lbs while breastfeeding) but my body is shaped differently now. I am also much stronger and faster, too! Anyway, you look so happy and beautiful and I have no doubt that you will bounce back when your body is ready :)


You’re all belly, girl! That is going to melt right off – you look like a healthy pregnant Mama!


Thanks for writing this post!


I’m still in my first trimester and already feel super awkward in my body! I’m trying to also keep in mind that its only 40 weeks and then I can work my way back to the “normal” me. I feel super fatigued and a little sick on runs right now–I keep reminding myself that I’m not training for a race right now but rather making a baby and prepping my body for child birth. I’m sure I’ll have a few melt downs over my body in the months to come.


What a great post Janae! You’re so inspirational and REAL. That’s something I love about your blog… you’re honest.

Love the picture of Billy and you at the end :)


No worries, your body will bounce back in no time especially keeping up with running. I ran through most of my pregnancy and most of the weight came off very quickly. The last few pounds sometimes like to stick around for a little while especially if your breastfeeding but they will all come off and you’ll be a fantastic mom. Note about labor: since you’ve been running prepare for a quick labor. My labor ended up only being 4 or 5 hours and I attribute that to the running and staying fit. Best wishes to you!


I’m so glad you posted this. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I’m the smallest and healthiest I’ve been but I still struggle w/ the weight and not eating as well as I should. You are right, it’s just a small part of the big picture. This was a great reality check for me!


Hi Janae!

Found your website because of your interview with Ash (one of my training partners). I cannot believe how much we have in common-I teach HS health and PE, assistant coach xc and track, and ran my whole pregnancy (literally, my water sprung a leak while running on a treadmill)! My son is 2.5 months old so it was very recent. Now I’m surfing through here and loving it! Very cool!


Hey beth!!! Wow we really are so alike! This makes me so happy! How long did you have to wait to start running after delivery! 2.5 months wahoo!


I waited two weeks, although I could have ran sooner. I was powerwalking for those two weeks, and my hubby really did not want me to run since my doc told me to wait, but at the two week mark, I braved it and took it easy. I think the thing that’s harder to deal with moreso than the gaining weight while pregnant is having to deal with the weight on post-pregnancy. Right after your bundle is born, you will be super fluffy! Lots of water weight! That will take about a month or so to calm down. I’m at the high end of my weight now but nowhere near where I feel comfortable. It’s just going to take time. I honestly feel worse about my speed than I do my weight though. (Also a Brooks ID person.) =) You should email me or find me on Facebook!


Good for you to wait the two weeks! I have a feeling Billy will be like your hubby. I forget about the ‘after’ part with weight gain! My sis always told me it takes 9 months to put on the weight, give your body plenty of time to lose it! AHHH how can I find you on Facebook? I would love to be Facebook friends!


About the weight gain…it was hard seeing those numbers go up and up and up! I, too, surpassed my husband! I ended up weighing about the same at the end of each pregnancy and also starting at about the same weight. The least I gained was 37 lbs and the most was 42. And YES…I definitely ate more healthfully when NOT pregnant! LOL


With my first it was so hard seeing by body change. At the time I was a full on gym rat and was in the best shape of my life. Getting pregnant was not in my plans anytime soon so I wasn’t prepared. With my second boy I craved candy nonstop…chocolate peanut butter cups to be exact. When kade came out huge and was 16 days early, the first thing I said to the doctor was, ”Is it because I ate so bad?” He assured me it wasn’t lol.

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