8 ways to make yourself love running even more.

Dinner last night was REALLY delicious but I am not going to lie, it was a little too quiet.  My nieces and nephew were not at dinner and I missed their little personalities so much.  Okay, I have to stop talking about it otherwise the tears will stain my keyboard (even though it is already sticky and stained from lemonade and pot stickers).  I will just make up for not hanging out with them yesterday by forcing them to go swimming with me today.

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My mom made some homemade chocolate buttercream frosting to top our yellow cake and it is always my job to frost the cake because it really is one of my favorite things to do in the world.  It is therapeutic.  My mom, sis and I actually took a cake decorating class ten years ago and it is one of my favorite memories ever.

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The best part of the night was watching the Bachelorette with our friends.

We enjoyed grape soda and popcorn.  I love grape soda so very much because it tastes just like melted grape otter pops.


I haven’t always loved running, I definitely DON’T love running for the first 2.3 miles of every run (that is how long it takes me to warm up) and the part that I love most about running is the last mile and the endorphin high after but I can honestly say I love running.  You are welcome for the best run on sentence ever.  Some days are awful, some are amazing but there are a few things that you can do that I think might convince you to love running even a little more.  My main goal in life is for running to take over the planet.

Here are a few ways that I think will help you to love running even more:

1.  Switch up your workouts.  Doing the same 3 mile route is boring or hitting the treadmill for 60 minutes every day at the same pace (I’m one to talk;) is lame sauce.   Add in different lengths, speeds and routes and you will start looking forward to doing different things.  I found these AWESOME speed workouts from Runner’s World Complete Book of Running.

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Photo 2 2

2.  Sign up for races.  I ran for almost 8 years without ever signing up for a race (I ran a few track meets in 10th grade but that’s it).  They always intimidated me and I thought I would never be good enough for them.  My friend convinced me to run a marathon with her and I was hooked.  The race environment is so much fun and having a race on the calendar is a great way to stay motivated.

3.  Take off the pressure.  Getting down on yourself and stressing out about running is not going to make you love running.  Instead realize that you are going to have bad races and bad days and that you run for the way it makes you feel rather than always winning or getting a new pr.

4.  Learn about it.  I swear that if you learn more about a subject and all of the details you grow to love it more.  The more I research and read about running the more I love it.   Learn about all of the amazing benefits from running and working out.  Research the proper gear, form and racing techniques to make your runs more enjoyable because running in the wrong shoes or with the wrong form is not so fun.

5.  Realize that it takes time to really start loving it.  Billy used to wonder why in the world I would choose to run if it wasn’t while I was playing another sport.  Now he misses running so much while his IT band is healing.  I think that once you can run about 5ish miles comfortably then you will start to like it more, it is a hard thing to start but stick with it and be consistent.  Fake it to make it.

6.  Take breaks.  I am a huge fan of taking a rest day each week. I always take my rest day on Sundays and I swear that Monday runs are my absolute favorite.  Our body needs rest and we will get burnt out without it.  Give yourself a break and I bet your bottom dollar that you will enjoy the run after a break so much more.

7.    Another thing I used to never do because I was way to nervous to try it out was to run with other people.  I didn’t want to mess up their workout or worry about taking a potty break.  Now I look forward to my runs the most when I know I have a buddy to do it with.  It is the best, free way to hang out with friends and family in my opinion.

8.  Be your own biggest cheerleader (this has a lot to do with #3).  Our thoughts and perception shape everything in our lives.  Finishing a run telling yourself you are so slow and that you are the worst runner ever is not going to help you to enjoy running.  Instead try telling yourself that you are the bomb.com and that you just ran ____ miles and how awesome that is!  I think that one of the main contributors to running my marathon pr was how positive I was with myself that day.


What makes you really love running?  Anything to add to the list to help people to enjoy running more?

What is your normal rest day?  Does it change?

Do you put a lot of pressure on yourself when it comes to running or working out?

Bachelorette peeps:  Were you happy with the ending?

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I feel like nuumber 5 is so important for new runners! Most people think they hate running becasue, hey, your’re supposed to right? Starting to run IS hard. Like you said it take TIME to come around.

I ran for three years before I joined a running group. I just assumed I would not like running with others. Yeah I was wrong. I love my 40-50 year old friends now haha!


Great post! I think if you don’t really love running you won’t stick with it. I absolutely agree that signing up for races really increases the enjoyment factor. I love the sense of accomplishment of crossing the finish line and the fun of being out there with all of the other runners. I also think finding a community of people who are also excited about running is also helpful, whether it’s online (if you don’t know any runners or don’t live close to a running store or club) or in person.


good list-signing up for races, running in groups and meeting new friends…deserving your food!


This post couldn’t have come at a better time! I seem to fallen into a running funk but deep down I know it’s only temporary! Two things which are helping me now are to:
1) Take the pressure off: I refuse to force myself to run and have only been 1-2 runs a week lately and that a-ok with me…all about quality right!
2) Change up your runs: When I’m really not feeling it but still want to run (wanting to and not wanting to run at the same time would only make sense to a runner), I usually opt for interval runs: the time flies and it leaves me on such a high!


Running, like nothing else, makes me feel ALIVE! Running takes life and puts it into brilliant color!! Even when they are slower runs, or I am in a funk, or I am sore……I still get this grateful feeling for what are bodies can do and are capable of. Running reminds me what a gift life is.

Chris is off to work, I am having a date with the couch, coffee and breakfast :), and the bachelorette……….I’ll let you know my thoughts after I watch it.


My current rest day is Friday and sometimes Sundays. It has been Fridays AND Sundays up until yesterday. My run last night was really pretty night so I might keep it. What I really love about running is that I can just go out the door and start. I don’t have a treadmill and I cancelled my gym membership. It forces me out the door and into the fresh air which I really love.


I just started running about two months ago and I’m happy today say I’ve come to really enjoy it but for some reason this past week has been harder than normal. These tips are exactly what I need right now!


So I’ve been reading your blog for about a month now, and I LOVE it. I hardly ever comment on blogs, but I just read that your husband is still struggling with his IT band.

I had a bad bout of ITBS right before my first ever marathon, found strengthrunning.com (I swear not trying to plug a blog) and enlisted the help of the author as my coach. The reason I am commenting here, though, is because this routine cured my ITBS in a week or so:


It hurts so badly when you first start, but it is one of my most favorite post-run workouts now.

What makes me really love running is how clear it can make my mind. I’ve had some trepidations to go back to church (long story), but running is my time to pray, be thankful, and just clear my mind. My rest days change every week because I usually get lazy around Wednesday and start skipping runs. I do put a lot of pressure on myself, but that’s only because if I start skipping again, I know I’ll feel worse, and ultimately I just get lazy haha. And I haven’t watched the finale yet!


Thank you for not saying who won!!!! HAha I don’t have a TV so I have to watch on Hulu after work tonight! I take 1 rest day a week but it tends to vary. I actually took 2 last week (pre-half marathon, I was worn out and needed them!) and then one today since the half was yesterday. Haha I desperately want to go running right now but 1) I have to go to work and 2) I know it’s just best to wait one day! So hard.


I totally agree!! The first 2-3 miles are always the worst and then magically my grumpiness fades and I love every minute of the run after! I totally get in workout ruts/routines and put pressure on myself to run faster than the previous time I did the same workout. I try to remind myself to listen to my body vs. crazy brain!


LOVED LOVED the outcome of the Bachelorette! I really hope they work out! :)


It is my “me” time and a form of stress relief for me.
Sign up for fun races, ones that are maybe a obstacle course or a color run with friends/family. So much fun!
I have two – one during the week that changes and always Saturday.
I used to when I was training but have been focusing on being more laid back about it now, and if I miss a workout it is no big deal! Life does go on.


I take the pressure off of running by taking the dog with me. She’s slower than I am, so it always feels like I can go faster and gives me a confidence boost. Plus, she always looks so happy when she’s running that it helps me get back into it.

My rest day is usually Sunday, but sometimes I’ll take a different day off if I’m particularly tired.


There’s a secret about your post. ICTTYBIHTKY


Fridays are my usual rest day but sometimes I have to switch it if I have something else going on. I usually put a lot of pressure on myself if I sign up for races and it makes me anxious/not enjoy running as much which is why I don’t race often at all (that, and I don’t like crowds). I still train 6 days a week even if I don’t have a race and that’s just because I like pushing myself and seeing how far/fast I can go. Have a great day! :)


I have never been what I would classify as a “runner.” However, in the past few years, I have started to add running into workouts, and now I’m training for my first half marathon! I still have a long way to go, but I’m getting there. It’s a great stress reliever, and I love the feeling after a run.

I always take Saturday or Sunday as a rest day, and sometimes I’ll take a day during the week too.


I love all 8 of them! They are soo true! I keep hoping that one day my boyfriend will be like sure I will do a race with you and run with you! He ran track in high school and played soccer so I know he can do it!


I absolutely love frosting/making cakes! I would make all my friends cakes in college for their birthdays and they still ask me to now and I can never turn the opportunity down!! Also, I totally agree with you on the running, have to take the good days with the bad and always run for yourself!


That maroon color top looks so pretty on you! That is definitely your color my friend. ;) I love all the running tips! As for the Bachelorette, I’m beyond happy with the outcome!


Okay sorry but I am going to skip the other questions and get right to the bachelorette! SO FREAKING HAPPY!!!!!! Dean sat through the full three hours too and I was so impressed. We had popcorn as well :)


I was disappointed at first, but then got over it once I saw how happy she was. I think they are super cute together and HOPE that they actually get married and stay married. :) It was fun to see Ashley and JP again, too!


One thing that has made me love and stick with running for years is being a member of a running group and running with friends. Having a support group and being in the camaraderie of other runners has truly made a positive impact on my life.

Oh, and my rest day is always Fridays since Saturday is my LR day! Also recommend having a day where you cross train and work different muscle groups.


I’ve been running for years, but it’s still so difficult for me – even 5ks are a challenge. I have tight calves which doesnt help, but I wear calf sleeves. Any advice? I’d love to be faster and run longer!


I ran last night, was supposed to run today, and then my longest run on Wednesday. My run schedule is so wacky due to my work schedule (how rude!), but last night was a hard 3 miles. My lower legs felts like they were about to explode they got so tight, and when I stopped it was a throbbing pain. I made the decision to take today as a rest day and allow myself 2 days of rest before running again. I normally give myself 1 day of rest in between runs, so I’m happy for the extra day!

But it takes a long time to learn when to stop and go, and it can be very hard to actually stop and listen to your body.


Rest days are always hard for my mind but definitely make my runs or workouts the next day a ton better. You’re right–our bodies need a break once in a while!


I do love love love running, though it took time for me to fall in love with it! That first few months you run aren’t that enjoyable, you really have to push through them to love it. I love your tip about not being hard on yourself- and it’s so true. It’s so easy to forget how awesome running is when you get caught up comparing yourself to others.

I wanted to mention to you that I thought of you on a long run yesterday! It was my first 18 mile run (the furtherst I’ve ever run!), I’m just under 7 weeks out from my first marathon. When I hit 16 miles I was beyond exhausted, hurting, my legs were tightening up and I was struggling badly. I thought of some of your older blog posts where you talked about how much you love running and the day you ran something like 28 miles just because you were loving the run so much. Your enthusiasm for running is contagious and it reminded me how awesome it is to be able to run, and it helped me to pull through those last 2 miles!! :)


love this post!!

Running is my form of therapy…I get deep in thought during most of my runs and even during the worst runs, I never regret getting out there. The sense of accomplishment that running can bring you is so amazing.

my normal rest day is sunday…there are random weeks where I may have 2 rest days, but i never work out on sundays..that part usually never changes.

i dont like to put too much pressure on myself with running or working out but I can definitely admit where there have been times that ive been too hard on myself :(


I would also add that if you don’t feel like running one day for whatever reason, then listen to your body and don’t. Pushing ourselves beyond what our bodies are calling for leads to injury, and mental fatigue. We get burnt out. If you feel yourself getting burnt out then take an extra day. It won’t hinder your fitness, in fact, it will probably make you stronger.


Reading your blog helps me love running more because you’re so enthusiastic about it! I swear, sometimes I think running sucks. Then I read your blog about how fantastic it is, and it reminds me that I feel the same way 99% of the time.


I LOVE this post. I started running in March…and my husband is better at it than me (which really isn’t fair since I’ve been begging him to start running for two years!). I have athletic induced asthma, so I always feel like I can’t even push myself because it’s hard enough to breathe when I’m just jogging! I really needed this post :).


Great post Janae! I love all of the advice.
The only time I put some pressure on myself is when I race. I always want to do well and beat my previous time. BUT. If I don’t I do not get upset. I just try harder next time :)
I love races. They’re so exciting and fun!


This post is great!! I’ve been super unmotivated but there are definitely some ideas in here that I am excited to use to jump start my running, again! Thanks!!


This is what I needed to hear!! Especially the fact that you don’t really like the first 2.3 miles of your run and that being able to run 5 miles comfortably makes you start liking it more. I have always admired runners but have never been one. I have run a couple of 5k’s but I’m pretty slow and haven’t really committed myself to seeing what my true potential is. This post is definite food for thought. Thanks Jenae! PS. You are DARLING pregnant!


I love running, it lets me clear my head, I also love running in the morning, I plan my day while I am running. My rest day right now is Monday because I do my long runs for marathon training on Sunday. I do pressure myself sometimes about running… like I had to do a half marathon three months after having a baby and a full marathon 9 months after. I actually signed up for these races while pregnant!


I also take Sundays off. I run 4-5 days a week and try to fit in something else on the 6th day.
And I do put a lot of pressure on myself with running. But I also know that I am better about sticking to a plan, even if there is no race in my future, than just winging it.

The Kidless Kronicles


I have been waiting since last night for you to post about the Bachelorette! I knew you would be super happy with the outcome! I thought she kept it classy and I was glad that it was just the two of them in the end, and not the typical drama of telling somone no.

I thought it was totally adorable when Ricky came out in the end and they all walked off together (and I wonder how they made her keep it all a secret while the show was airing).

Hopefully they make it and stay together for the long run!


I agree that running with others will make you enjoy it more. I started running by running in a training group and it was great o have all that support and accountability.

I also agree with learning more about it. I started reading blogs and articles to learn more as I was starting out and it got me super into it. Now I know all this awesome info and random stuff and know more than my husband who has been running for over 10 years.

My rest day is usually Wednesday since it usually a long/busy day. I think it’s nice to have a break in the middle of the week.

I don’t put too much pressure on myself but sometimes I need to to keep my motivation up. If I don’t push myself no one else is going to right?

I think part of what makes me enjoy running (because I cannot say I love doing it yet, although I love everything about it) is the accomplished feeling. Being able to say I just ran X miles is awesome.


First of all, super happy about the end of the bachelorette! I felt like Emily was genuinely happy and excited, which is great. Hope it works out for them!

Great tips on how to make running even better. Also, I’m curious about how you became such a fast runner. I’m sure a big part of it is natural talent, but when you started running, what was your average pace per mile? Did you improve quickly or pretty much just start out at lightening speed?

P.S. I’m still loving the pure flows. I’m glad you wrote about them and that I was so easily convinced that I needed a pair ASAP (I got the pink ones, by the way). That is one of the things that is making me love running more right now.


I agree…I think you need to be able to run at least half an hour before you start to enjoy it! And I need a race to motivate me to train – if I don’t have anything to work for, I tend not to work!!!

I run every other day, so get several days off per week. I can’t imagine running six times per week, i think my legs would fall off!!! Maybe I should try to up it a little though.


I do put a lot of pressure on myself when it comes to running and getting workouts in. I like being in shape, and I never want to be OUT of shape. I am finding it tough though, trying to balance home life with working out. I get up as early as I can (6:30-6:40am but it should be 6:00am to get done the things I want to!), so that I can finish my workout before the day starts and get home at a decent hour to make dinner…but “life” gets in the way sometimes, then I stress about missing these workouts.
I have started winning age group awards, and I am stressing about my 5 mile race this weekend. I should never have looked at my time from last year (about 36 minutes) because I am going to psyche myself out of running well!
We are going to put a lot more effort into making a baby starting in September, which will mean shorter runs and no serious half marathon or ANY marathon training. Apparently I can’t “have it all” like I thought I could. Oh well, running will always be there for me when I can get back to it, right?! :)


You really summed up the exact way I feel about running in that first paragraph, “I haven’t always loved running”…….. I love all of your tips, especially the one about running races. You’re right it is such a fun atmosphere.


This post is so good! With the hot, summer months I’ve been in such a running funk because all of my runs have been so unbelievably hard. I agree with all of your points and I think another one is that if you listen to music while running, creating a new playlist always helps me. Nothing’s better than jamming out to some new music during a run. :)


A much needed post right now since my runs have been pretty crappy the past two weeks! I think one thing that makes me love running more is an early morning run- knowing I am out there by myself, doing something good for my body that so many others aren’t! It definitely takes me a while to get into the right mood in a run, and I’d say the first mile or two I’m ready to call it quits- so I always make sure to run in a direction that I can’t turn around too easily! My rest days vary since my day to day schedule is always changing between work and school. I definitely put a lot of pressure on myself in terms of working out, but I have to say I’m a heck of a lot better now than I used to be!


Thank you so much for the tips! They are very very true, especially for new runners who need motivation! Can’t wait for you to have your baby!


SOOO happy w/ending! I was very afraid that she was going to make the wrong decision. Didn’t see the “loser” hee hee, as dad/husband material at.all.
I actually was more concerned that she wouldn’t be the right fit for him. She seems so into her looks and material things, and I ended up LOVING J. I have become quite jaded about the bachelor franchise and watched it mostly with alot of eye rolls, but found myself literally sobbing at the sight of all 3 of them together. <3. I truly, truly hope it works and that everyone is really happy. They need to stay out of the spot light and just be real. If she would have chosen any one else, I don't think that would have happened. J will keep her grounded. :)


My normal rest days are Thursdays and Saturdays.

I love running because it gives me an excuse to work on my rock tan! ;) but, seriously, I love the stress relief I get from running and being able to push my mind further than it thought it could go!


LOVE this post!! I love running but sometimes I dread it – I’ve started taking more breaks and I have a running buddy. Both helped so much! But I will say I want to try all those different kinds of runs!


Loving running for me is about the feeling at the end. If you focus on how you are going to feel at the end of your run then it makes it that much more enjoyable because you know you are working towards being happy.

I rest 2-3 times per week right now, at least once on the weekend and once during the week. My ankle is still healing and I just getting back into running so it is important to do this gradually. Running 20+ mi per week didnt happen overnight the first time so I cant expect it to happen that way this time—this is really hard for me to remember though.

I try not to put pressure on myself with running but its hard after having to take so much time off. I read your posts about returning to running after an injury and they have really helped me. I try not to compare myself to where I was at but its hard at the same time. I just try to focus on how far I did go not how far I didnt or how how fast I wasnt.


I love this running love post :) It cracks me up because I’ve been trying to convince hubs that if he can just push through the beginner uncomfortableness of running, it can be pure awesome! He doesn’t believe me…YET! Ha!


Awesome list. These are definitely the things to remind myself of when running is hard. And signing up for races is my single best motivation to keep going.

By the way, I nominated you for the Very Inspirational Blogger Award. You can check out the details on my blog http://reneerunsmiles.blogspot.com/2012/07/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award.html.


thank you janae this is exactly the post I needed. I am trying
to fall back in love with running and it’s good to hear you
loathe the first 3 miles just as much as me.


those are great tips- thanks for sharing! i used to feel the same way about running with people. but now it’s the best way to run, ever. can’t believe she went for one f, right?!


I totally agree with this! Changing the route or tempo, adding in rest days and other workouts, and having a race or goal to ‘get’ there for it makes it all more FUN. Sometimes I hate running, not gonna lie. But you’re right–most OF the time I like it and enjoy that ‘high’ after a mile or 2 (once I get into my groove).

great post!


Hi Janae! I know you were feeling self-consious about your belly button sticking out, and I ran across these today: http://missoops.com/miss-oops/popper-stopper Maybe you should try them! It’s just a special little band-aid for pregnancy belly buttons.


JULIE!! Seriously, I appreciate you sending me this link so much! I think you have solved my problems:) You are the best!


Thank you so much for posting this, and reminding me that running (while in the process of doing it) is not always the most fun thing in the world–it’s the after-ness and the endorphins that make it such a great activity! I’m really hard on myself some times, and especially here lately for having to take walk breaks during my long run, but this was really encouraging! :)


Love this post, Janae!

#3 – seriously. That is the hardest part – getting over the soul-crushing need to PR so that you can get back to the actual love of running.


This is a great list!!!

PS – what is an otter pop?


HEY YOU!! An otter pop is the most delicious popsicle ever:) You need to have one!


LOVE your tips on running!!! i’m a newbie at it, definitely, and thanks to you, i am going to KEEP AT IT, even though i really am not loving it too much… YET!!!! fake it to make it; LOVE that!

and yessssss i cried happy tears last night at the bachelorette. SO HAPPY with the outcome!!!!!!! like, x’s a million. he was my favourite since forever. excited to see their little babies :)


A new playlist picks me up out of a running funk – can really make the time fly and make a run or workout so much fun! Only problem is if u happen to be in a crowded gym amd really feel the need to sing along to a favorite – but on the road, I’ve definitely been known to try and sing along and also keep breathing to run – I’m sure it sounds absolutely beautiful!!!


Love the post…I just did a post on the thing I want to add to your list, so great timing! :). I would add to run for a cause. This weekend, I participated in a 66 mile relay-style run to raise money for St. Jude children’s hospital. It made me love running so much more, because I was running for people who needed it–pace and PRs didn’t matter. The end of the run was lined with families and children who had benefitted from St. Jude, and words can’t describe how awesome it was. Took my love of running to a whole new level…it can do so much.


I’m BEYOND happy too! :) and you look so tanned! cute. Nice tips. I wrote a similar post about rekindling my love of running. so far it’s working :D


Normally I also rest on Sundays – unless I am racing. Your quote sounds similar to mine when people are going through a hard time and need to make a decision – be your own best friend. If you’re your own best friend you’ll give yourself the right advice.

Pssssst… team studmuffin Ari here!


It takes me about 2.5/3 miles to get in the groove and not hate every step, but the peacefulness that comes with running is only felt starting around mile 7 for me. I think that’s why I enjoy running longer distances.


Our best friends drove down to Texas to visit us last week and were leaving Monday morning, so I DVR’d The Bachelorette to watch Monday. That meant not getting on my Iphone, Facebook, Twitter or reading blogs for an entire day. Adam wanted to watch it with me, so I had to be patient and wait until he got home from work and the kids were in bed. He also watched all three hours with me and we were so happy with her decision.

It takes me about 2 miles to warm up my body, and after that, I’m the happiest girl running.


Thanks for this post. I needed that. Really.


You are welcome! I hope you are having an amazing weekend!


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