33.5 Weeks Quick Update

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-She loves my ribs.  She is very fascinated with (especially when sitting in the car for multiple hours on road trips) kicking them and trying to push them up to my shoulders.  It is a fun game she likes to play and she always wins.

-I am starting to get really self-conscious about my belly button.  I have yet to find an outfit besides a sweater with a sweater vest over it that will hide it.  People really do stare at it, it is awkward.

-As far as running goes I was able to run 42 miles last week but this week I will be starting to go down to 30 or less.   Running on the treadmill here in hot Utah to avoid overheating is not nearly as fun as running around Cali was last week.

-I don’t understand why the first trimester is the hardest.  I swear that almost killed me off and each week after that is getting easier and easier emotionally and physically (except for the ribs thing).

-Same cravings as always.  Lemonade, fruit, donuts and meat.  A new one to add to the list is fettucini alfredo, that sounds so good as I am typing this at 10 pm.

-My mom is throwing me a shower at the end of the month which I am beyond stoked for.  Nothing like oohing over baby clothes and all things pink for 2 hours straight.

-As long as I am okayed by my doctor and everything goes according to plan we have decided to have the baby in Cali.  I just couldn’t stand the thought of Billy not making it back to Utah in time for the birth.

-Picking up things is getting really hard to do which is perfect timing for moving;)

-We have decided on a name AND a middle name.  One thing done on the checklist of 4,902,987 to do before she is born.  I can’t wait to tell you her name but want to wait until she is born.


What trimester was the most difficult for you?

Did you have a baby shower?

Did you wait to tell people the name?

Anyone else have rib kicker babies?!?

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You look absolutely adorable!!! I definitely did not look that cute pregnant… My first trimester was definitely the hardest since I couldn’t eat anything but Cheerios, but I was sick the entire nine months so the whole thing was kind of miserable.

We also waited on sharing the name to avoid negative feedback. We only agreed on one name so we had to make it work! Can’t wait to hear what you have picked for your little girl!


I am currently approximately 38 weeks and the belly button thing can be a little annoying, especially when random people ask you when you are going to pop. They make flower shaped band-aids for pregnant ladies belly-buttons. Friends have used them and loved them. Looking good, and in the home stretch! Its a great feeling!


First trimester was hard due to morning sickness. Third was hard due just feeling so large and full all the time.

I did have a baby shower! My bff had one for me in a private room at a restaurant. It was perfect!

We didn’t wait to tell people the name, but I wish we had!


Looking good! We don’t know the sex and are having a hard time deciding on a name we both like – especially boy names! We are constantly texting each other names but very few have made the list :)

Most people around here wait until after the baby is born to have a shower. They get to see the baby that way and it makes it easier if the parents don’t find out the gender before hand.

The baby seems to have lodged its bum and feet in my ribs the last few weeks but at 36 weeks I’m not complaining too much because at least it’s in the head down position :)


you are a lovely pregnant lady!
the third trimester was the hardest both times because I broke my pelvis, twice.
I did not have a baby shower.
I did tell the names both times.
Yes on the ribs….and it was painful!!!


OMG. Your pelvis broke TWICE while pregnant?? How did you do that? I’m in my second tri, a couple of weeks shy of my third & am wondering how that happened. Sounds SO painful!!


it is very painful…it happened around 31 weeks both times..it is a condition that is hormonal and people who have that will have this problem at each pregnancy. the cartillage between the legs gets so thin that the pelvis seperate and then it is almost impossible to walk with the weight of the baby. it gets better after the woman gives birth. I was on bed rest both times. You will be fine! all the best to you Holly!


The rib kicking is the worst. It’s like they make it a game. We always revealed the name as soon as we found out what we were having. The first trimester was the hardest due to being so tired, hormonal, and sick. The third trimester mostly yormented my bladder. You look great and don’t stress over the belly button. You look beautiful!


You have got to be one of the cutest pregnant ladies ever!! For me, the third trimester was the hardest only because I was as big as a house…all while moving, trying to decorate a classroom, and enduring Houston’s HOT summer! I did have a baby shower…and since we didn’t know the sex until she was born, everything we received and/or bought was yellow and green. That was perfect because it went with our baby jungle animals theme (my hubby is from Bolivia so it was fitting). We had our names all picked out…but didn’t know until she popped out which it was going to be! :-)


You look amazing, and I’m so glad that your feeling great :) Can’t wait to hear her name!


You look A-mazing! I’ve never been preggos so I can’t answer. I do know that I want to keep the sex of the baby a surprise until he/she is delivered (except my hubby wants to find out as soon as we can, lol)….I hope I win that debate! ;) great job on your running as well…so impressive!


Never tell people the name til she is born…every one will jinx it some how b/c of some one they knew back in 1st grade who was a nose picker or bed wetter…its crazy.

My kids moved a lot…..funny now they love to sit and watch TV. Hmmm?

Beginning was always the hardest…being sickly, needing to eat bland all the time, I really never had cravings but when I felt the urge to eat I needed to eat NOW! (I usually carried crackers or granola bars with me everywhere I went)

You look great…what is the due date?


It depends on what specific complaint–but the 1st/3rd trimesters are hard for me.

This is baby #3 (and 3rd boy) so no shower this time around.

We have waited to tell names. #1 people knew our ideas, but nothing definite, baby #2, Daddy named him and I didn’t even know his name until the day he was born. And so far this baby doesn’t have a name, but we’re not telling until he is here.

Both of my children loved my ribs. They got themselves all wedged up there in them…very painful. That was a definite relief when they were born.


You are looking absolutely amazing, Janae!! :)


aww Janae you look gorgeous! And I love how you’ve been running through your entire pregnancy. I don’t see myself having kids for quite a few years, but when I do I definitely want to run the entire time like you did. I can’t wait to find out the name! :-D


You’re such a running inspiration!! I recently just set my goal to be 20 miles a week since I’m not as good a runner as you (yet ;) ). But I need to order new runners ASAP because mine are worn out!!

I found my first trimester the hardest too, but I’m only in my second still!! Right now, if my stomach didnt kick me and wasn’t growing, I wouldn’t even know I was pregnant! Obviously running is slower, but other than that I wanna take full advantage and keep running like you. I think baby secretly likes it too ;)


Ahhh you look so pretty and happy Janae! My mom apparently wanted to name me Whitney but then her sister’s little girl was born first and she stole the name haha.


You look so adorable! Ironically, the first trimester was the easiest for me! I had zero morning sickness, nausea etc. I felt different in no way at all until I hit my second trimester. Come late into the second and then all of the third trimester I had MAJOR swelling in my ankles/feet which was not fun.

We had a baby shower a few months before the birth and it was so fun! You will have a great time and LOVE all the pink you receive for your little girl. At least I love all the pink :).

Can’t wait to see your little girl and learn her name!


If I were having a baby, I wouldn’t want to tell people the name either. People are too quick to judge, and then I would second guess myself!


The #1 thing I fear for when I become pregnant is the belly button! You’re a beautiful mom – and I think that is a great decision to have the baby in California. This should be less stressful :)


You look absolutely beautiful!! Try not to be paranoid about the belly button :) I think it’s smart that you’re not sharing the name ahead of time, plus it makes it just that much more of a surprise when she’s born!


I think the first trimester was the hardest, too. I was SO TIRED all the time and SO HUNGRY… and although I didn’t really go through the whole morning sickness thing, there were only like 4 foods I could stomach. Plus, we didn’t tell anyone except family that I pregnant until I was 12 weeks, so it was hard to keep all of the tiredness & weird food habits under wrap. The last month was tough, too, though… due to not being able to move around!

We didn’t pick a name until Eli was born. We couldn’t decide! We took a list of names to the hospital with us and decided about an hour after his birth.


First trimester is hardest for sure. You just want to crawl in a hole and die. Okay, a little extreme, but really it feels like you will never feel semi-normal again. We didn’t name our daughter until 2 hours after she was born. We wanted to see what she looked like first. Plus my husband was so indecisive about a name, but after I gave birth he told me I could name her whatever I wanted! Yeah!


You are a smokin’! I’m so impressed with all the mileage you do while pregnant!


I’m excited to hear the baby’s name! I bet you guys picked something great.

I have no pregnancy experience because my only child is a very hairy black labrador.


You look so incredible. I would not worry about the belly button because you look overall amazing! Can’t wait to hear the name!


I’m having the ribs thing too! My doctor said yesterday that our uteruses (uteri!?) like to wedge under there (along with baby) and push on the ribs, making them sore, especially when we sit hunched over with poor posture. I’m trying to sit up straighter!


I think whenever I have children I’ll pick a couple names, just in case he/she doesn’t seem to fit the name when born. I can’t wait to find out what name you’ve chosen


You are stinkin’ cute!! I just love your belly button! Don’t hide it!! I bet other people think the same thing too! My belly (with all 4 babies….by c-section I might add) just got really wide and flat. But I just looked so huge by the time I was done…… definitely not cute and tiny like you! I should have tried the running thing while I was pregnant but I always was scared the baby would fall out! Yikes!! ;o)

Anyway, having your baby in California will be awesome! Just think, she’ll always be able to sing the Beach Boys song, “I wish they all could be California Girls!” I loved growing up in good ol’ San Jose….. things changed a ton since I left in 1993 to come to Utah for school. I miss it a lot…..especially skipping high school to spend the day at the beach and forge a note from my Mom saying I was sick!…….(Did I just say that?? That’s supposed to be my secret!!) ;o) Anyway, I think you will have such a wonderful time there! One of my fondest memories of Christmas is going outside for a run on Christmas day….in 70 degree weather!!! I miss THAT!!!

Anyway, enjoy your baby shower! So much fun!! I was blessed with one precious girl and it’s been so fun to play ‘dress-up’! :O)


My belly button stuck out horribly, and I discovered my own way to fix it! The outline of bandaids and little flower stickers show through your clothes, so I went to Walgreens and bought the larger (ish?) patches that are made for helping to reduce scarring. Sounds random, but they are thin and a soft material in a square shape and they are SUPER sticky! Once they were on, they didn’t come off until I made them come off (perhaps it’s kinda gross that I would leave one for like a week…but I didn’t care cuz my belly button was flat!). I told my sister to try them when she was pregnant last year, and they worked great for her too!


If I caught people staring at my bellybutton, I’d give them my evilest look and/or tell them to mind their own business.

You’re probably nicer than I am though – try a band aid?


My little girl is all about my ribs, too — it’s so uncomfortable! And I’m jealous that you have picked a name :) We’re still between two.


I waited my whole pregnancy for my bellybutton to “pop” and it never changed, aside from getting stretched, boo! You look soo cute pregnant!

One time in church when I was pregnant I got kicked so hard in the ribs (while I was singing) that it brought me to tears. I thought for sure that she had broken my rib, it hurt the entire day, I couldn’t turn or do anything, but lay down, LOL. I guess she really wasn’t impressed with my singing!


You are so so so cute! I am almost at the end of my second trimester (25 weeks), and I’d say the first was definitely the worst for me. I was sick the entire time! Luckily, I only feel sick every now and then these days.


The first trimester has been the hardest for me. I was exhausted all the time! I don’t know how I survived teaching and I had to start sitting, which I never do. I was also nauseous constantly, although thank god I didn’t throw up. Thank goodness for saltines and carbs that first trimester because I couldn’t stomach dairy, fruits, and veggies.


You’re almost there!
I can’t wait to find out what her name is! Super exciting Janae!!
I want to come to your baby shower!


Can’t wait to hear the name! You look so great :)


You seriously are the cutest pregnant woman ever! Hmm, it’s a toss-up; the first trimester was bad being nauseous, having no appetite, and not wantin to eat meat. The last trimester was more painful physically and hard to sleep. ;)

I had a baby shower but hate being the center of attention so when I was opening presents, I was sweating up a storm from the heat and nerves.

I told a select few but we waited until after to announce it to the masses. We didn’t want to be swayed by people’s reactions. ;)

Haha, I remember telling my aunt that I loved feeling them move and she said wait until they kick you later. I thought that was ride but she was right. Haha, way to be a mood killer, though. The thing I still miss the most is feeling them!


You’re baby is going to be so petite! I’d never guess you were 33.5 weeks by looking at that cute little bump! And you should be proud of that belly button!!!


That’s so exciting that you’ve picked a name!!


Yay I’m glad you guys decided to have the baby in Cali! If it wasn’t a 6 hour flight or a 3 day drive for me and if I didn’t already have good insurance here that will cover most of the birth cost, I would not be having her here. The thought of Randy possibly not being here is the worst thing ever. I just don’t think about it. I have to think positive and tell myself it will all work out.

I’m excited to hear your name!!

Not going to lie, this last trimester is by far the hardest on me (I should specify, the last few weeks, not even the whole trimester). The first was a breeze haha I found out I was actually 14 weeks along when I thought I was only 12 so I was out of the first trimester even faster than expected.

Oh yes, she loves my ribs too, mostly the right side.

We have told anyone that asks our 2 name choices but we haven’t decided on which we will use out of those. I never told people my whole list of names, but once we narrowed it down enough I didn’t mind telling.

I have my second baby shower on Thursday. They are so fun :).


You are so dang cute!!
The 1st and 3rd were both hard but for different reasons. In the 3rd tri…Oh the heartburn! I had to sleep sitting up. And the swollen feet!
My babies didn’t get named until our 4th day in the hospital! I’m so excited to hear her name!
I had a family shower, friend shower, work shower and church/neighborhood shower. Its so, so, so much fun! I would love a shower every month!
My girl twin was up in my ribs and I constantly tried to push her down. It didn’t work but I tried!


You are a picture perfect pregnant mama! Happy to hear you decided on a name. I’m excited to find out when the time comes! First trimesters were rough for me. We told names right after we settled on them. I had a few showers, but missed one. My son came the day before my family (surprise) shower, surprise!


He came the day before your surprise party?! Didn’t he know he should have waited until after the shower ha. Thank you for your sweet words, you are the best!


You may be the cutest little pregnant woman everr!! And 42 miles last week….thats awesomeee


Thank you so much Amy. You are so nice!


Every time I see a picture of you I think that you have to be the cutest pregnant woman ever. Embrace your belly. You are creating a miracle and your body is working so hard for it. Don’t try to hide it! I know it’s weird to have every passerby look at you – but it’s because you are so cute and people love everything baby! Hang in there. I had my oldest boy at 31 weeks and never had a big baby bump. Fortunately, my second son was born full term so I was able to have that experience. When someone is checking out your bump just smile your beautiful smile!


Nicole, I seriously can’t tell you how much I needed your comment. You are so right, no more trying to hide that belly button…there is a miracle going on inside and I need to rock it. Thank you for your sweet words, they meant a lot!


Can’t wait for you to move here and to meet her! Did Jess tell you I am moving into her apt?


I didn’t know that!! This makes my day. We are all going to have to hang out all the time mkay?!?!


Rock the belly button. Seriously. Don’t even give it a second thought. It’s liberating. Let. it. happen.


You are so right! Thanks Kara, I needed to hear that!


You look great! Is your belly button sore? I heard it can get painful when it pops out, mine is all stretched out but not popped yet (25 weeks).

First trimester was totally the hardest! I just felt so tired and yucky all the time. As long as I have mostly good,’normal’ days now I feel like its not so bad to be pregnant. I remember the first trimester thinking seriously “How will I have more children, how do people have more than one, this is so crappy!” And now I’m all like… “bring them on I could do this 5 more times!” haha We will see if my tune changes once our little boy is here.

We have told the name to family and friends, mostly because we told them even before we knew he was a ‘he’, as our boy choice. Its also a family name. But we are keeping the middle name a surprise! I kind of wish we kept the first a surprise too it seems more fun to tease people with it.

We are having a shower in late august and I just finished my registry, that was fun and also overwhelming! I can’t wait to see what your shower is like, I know the food will be AWESOME! Its so exciting!


I did not have a shower because I hate being the center of attention. I also thought the first tri was the hardest. I picked a name a few hours after she was born. I didn’t like to tell people the names we had picked out before she was born because I didn’t want to hear their opinions and make me change my mind.
i wish my belly button popped out, it never did, but it was pushed to the brink!


Girl, you look amazing! Are those even maternity jeans?!


Janea, Cherish it all, the belly button too! Love your HRG baby posts, you will cherish them later as well. And 42 miles at 33 weeks, wow, GOOD JOB!!

I didn’t share the names (both a boy and a girl name picked out since I did not know what I was having until they were born). Like it that way. I had a few issues each trimester, but that only made my memories stronger! With my first, I developed kidney stones at about 6 months. As he moved, so did the stones and yikes those tiny, little things can drop you to your knees. I delivered my son and passed the stones together, quite a time. Then my second decided he wanted to be 8 weeks early and I was immediately put on bed rest. That was hard, missed walking each day. I was given the OK to move again at 39 weeks and then the little guy got stubborn and stayed put until his due date. (He is still VERY stubborn).


First trimester is miserable, and the last 3 weeks are miserable. You are getting so close- I can’t even believe it. Try using a band aid over your belly button to push it down a little :). Excited to hear a name when she’s born (and see a face!) and to see you on Thursday for lunch! I think you are so smart to have the baby in Cali. It will be hard to be away from home and to switch doctors last minute (holy anxiety!), but you can do it. Really, the only people that you really need are your baby and Billy. You’ll especially start to see that once she gets here.


The first and third trimesters were the hardest for me. The first because I was beyond exhausted and the third because I was extremely uncomfortable and sore.


Belly buttons on pregnant women are ADORABLE, so STOP!! And seriously, you look great. Your arms are skinnier than mine & I have never been pregnant :-X haha


I think waiting is a good call! Two reasons – one, you don’t have to listen to people’s opinions that they may share when they think there is still time for you to change your mind (unlike when the baby is born and it’s a done deal!) and two, i am just not a fan of people referring to their kid by name when it is still i utero. I know that is a personal preference, but it just weirds me out when people are all “ohh, baby joe is really frisky today” or “baby joe loves ice cream!”. just not my thing :)

also, you are a beautifully adorable preggers lady!


can we get a first initial????? ;)


I was with my sissy 24/7 when she was pregnant, which was awesome. The first trimester was the hardest for her too, and she like the second trimester the best.
And as for his name, Seth Dean, well she was super proud of it and shared it with everyone, so it’s a good thing everybody loved it! I can’t wait to see your baby and know what her name is! Good luck with the ribs thing.
My sister carried really low since it was a boy, so she didn’t have the ribs problem. And sorry I’m just rambling on–I’m in a writing mood since I just wrote a new post.
But I have a cute story for you. The day before my sister had her baby, we were sitting in church and he just pushed his little feet as hard as he could against her tummy and we could see them through her shirt! We spent like half of the service playing with them and we figured out which end was his toes and which end was his heels, and it was just so cute! I wish you would share more baby stories with us (in a non-stalker-ish way!)


ummmm, I couldn’t do 42 miles in a week and I am NOT pregnant. Oh, but I am about 14 years older than you…

You look awesome by the way! I know everyone is telling you that, but I’m sure another nice comment couldn’t hurt!

Ok, so the bellybutton thing. When I was pregnant, it just disappeared. Weird right?

Oh the rib thing! Ugh. My daughter’s head found a nice spot up in my left rib and just didn’t move. Oh yeah, that was fun. I feel for ya.


Just wanted to comment on how great you look!
I also wanted to mention, only because I’ve commented several times that our little girl Naomi was born lifeless yesterday at 37 weeks. Hardest time of our lives right now, but thankfully we have lots of family and our 2.5 year old son that bring us so much joy during a dark time.
Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy and delivery. It will be such a miracle and wonderful time in your life!!!


I am truly devastated for you. Liz, I can’t imagine what you are dealing with right now. I just sent you an email. I love you!


How exciting on the move, having the baby in Cali, deciding on a name, you are on a roll girl and you look BEAUTIFUL!!!


Ahh I’m so jealous of you, you look fantastic!!!
I’m nearly 29 weeks and do not look that good lol.
No baby shower as it is the second time around for me. We are keeping the sex a surprise and haven’t decided on names yet but I won’t tell anyone that either. I think there are very few surprises left in life and it is nice to have one!
Enjoying my third trimester but it i am getting a little slower with my runs. I love it but I definately need naps to get me through te say sometimes!


Ahhhh you are adorable! I cannot wait to hear the name! You look darling as ever and I’m so happy for you!
Good luck with the last few weeks! I’m so envious that you will be able to run outside in the month of January in Cali while we are all stuck inside here in Utah..


you rock.

it is great to see the journey of a runner through pregnancy! thanks for sharing! you look amazing and are my inspiration whenever we decide to have kiddos!!


I’m loving readying all about your baby on the way! I just recently gave birth to our first baby, a little boy almost 4 months ago! The first trimester was the worst for me b/c I was nauseous. And yes I had a rib kicking baby, it was crazy…he always got all wild and crazy at night time! Can’t wait to hear your little girl’s name! We couldn’t decide on a name until he was almost born but we did tell people about a month or so before his birth! Hang in there, you look great!

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