Why can’t there be more birthdays?

I don’t know what it is (actually I do..it’s called cake, ice cream, presents and partying) but birthdays are my absolute favorite.

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Even better…3 birthdays to celebrate! My uncle, aunt and cousins bday = we sing the Happy Birthday song three times because it is not fun to have to share the birthday song with somebody else.  Everyone deserves their own verse.

Produce heaven thanks to my grandma.

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And delicious enchiladas thanks to my mom.

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We even had cousins come in from Cali to celebrate.  Isn’t that little boy the cutest thing in the world?!?

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That little boy was their first baby so it was really fun to talk to them about the transition, their experiences so far and any tips they had for me.  Basically I am preparing mentally to never sleep again.

3 bdays also equals 3 desserts.   I had the lemon cake and the apple pie.

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Because this is hungryrunnergirl I have to throw in some randomness.  From the Food Network Magazine:

DSC 1892Do you know the answers to 9, 10 and 11?!?!

If you HAD to choose between the two (which would be cruel), pie or cake?

Where do your cousins live?   How many cousins do you have?

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congrats to billy!!! what a fun running experience!
i totally agree: three bdays, you need to sing happy birthday three times.
for #11…salad?? thinking of all the produce you need to buy…
i choose cake, for sure!
three cousins, only – but they are the best!
have a great day, janae!


Pie all the way!


Cake > pie in my books :)! I’m curious about those answers but my guess is: C, B,C


I am so happy to hear Billy is home. And you are correct, no more sleeping. I can’t wait for V to get a bit older, then my naps will start again. :)


I love birthdays, too! I would definitely choose good cake over pie. I had a delicious strawberry cupcake with strawberry frosting last night! Yum! :)


Those desserts look amazing! So I’d have to choose my Mom’s strawberry pie, then carrot cake (or just the cream cheese frosting), and then any other cake.

Maybe you’ll get luck and get a kid who learns to sleep through the night early on!


So happy Billy made it home safely! I have heard Ragnar is an awesome experience.

Love, love, love b-days! Such a sweet little boy:-) (I think the first 6 weeks are the worst for sleep–after that its not quite so bad).

I say B, B, D? Cake all the way!

Have a fabulous Sunday Janae I hope you and Billy sleep in and have a lazy rest day.


AHHHH HOW DID IT GO BECKY!?!?! I need every single little detail!!!!!


ahhh are those “nothing bunt cakes” those are THE best! the frosting is to die for! now im drooling for cake at 630am :( haha


#9 B, #10 A, #11 C

I would choose cake for sure, unless it’s pumpkin pie!

I have 11 cousins but they all live too far away to see very often. :(


TONS of cousins. I adore them all too! The baby in the bjourn picture was too much for me to handle….too much cuteness ;) Happy Father’s Day to Billy!


I’m thinking cupcakes!


Hmmm…I’m guessing cupcakes, in the weeds (which I 100% know as a former expert waitress), and salad. Vegetables are expensive!! Good job Billy!


pie wins EVERY time.
2012 trend is def macaroons.
dunno about the chef thing.
I am going to guess steak is the lowest profit margin b/c restaurants it seems never use good produce in their salads they use cheap stuff like iceberg lettuce, and shredded carrots.


9. B, 10. A (I know this one for sure), 11. D; I’m definitely more of a cake girl, especially chocolate! I only have 5 cousins, but they’re all great and we’re pretty close which I love!


I love birthdays!! I’d probably choose pie over cake, unless it’s an exceptional cake, I don’t like dry cakes or ones that are sweet with no flavor.

I have a bunch of cousins, but rarely see any of them…


I am going to say A.A. then D. The only one I know is 10 from working in restaurants for years. I actually managed a fancy bakery in Los Angeles a few years ago and daily had a choice between the most amazing tarts, pies, cakes, macaroons, and handmade ice creams and chocolates. And I still believe that cake is the ultimate dessert :)


That spread of food looks DELICIOUS!


My guesses are B, A, and D? Lol no idea really. I’m glad Billy had a good time and that you got to celebrate so many family birthdays together!


My guesses would be C, A, and D.
Cake, I only like one kind of pie – pumpkin pie!
Are you ready for this? I have 0 cousins! Both my parents are only children!


I would say Macaroons. In the Weeds (I read Bourdains book) and Salad.
I would take pie. Pie. Pie.
I a not sure on the cousins. 6 on one side. The other side is harder. There were some divorces early on, the cousins went with the mom. Then there were step-cousins, half cousins, etc.

The Kidless Kronicles


Cake all the way!!!
Congrats to Billy!!
I don’t know the answers, they’re tough!


Definitely pie! I have 25 cousins when you count both sides. I’m going to say A, A, and B. I remember hearing somewhere that pie was replacing cupcakes as the food trend, even though I aren’t seen pie shops pop up everywhere. Congrats to billy! I would love to hear about how it went!


I’ve got 4 first cousins on one side, 47 on the other–big Catholic families and whatnot. They live all over the country, but most are in Wisconsin.

I’d take the cake. Yummm..


Pie, well depending on what type. Or a cupcake, but that wasn’t a choice ;)


Your food always looks AMAZING! It would be a complete free-for-all with me…


These are complete guesses but I would say : D – icecream, A – in the weeds, C – Pizza!

I have 38 first cousins….!!!! 25 on mom’s side (my mom is 1 of 16 kids!) and 13 on dad’s side (my dad is 1 of 8 kids!)

Hmmm…..no wonder I am an only child!!!! I think they both needed some peace and quiet in their life.. (HA they didn’t get that with having me haha)


Aw love the photos, what a great birthday(s) celebration! I’m going with C, A and D? I think I would choose cake but it all depends on the type…really my favorite is ice cream though! My first cousins live in Alabama, Maryland and Pennsylvania…I’m actually in Birmingham babysitting my 5 year old cousin today and he is a handful! By some miracle he is still asleep, I’m hoping I can keep him occupied for the rest of the day though!


Oh my goodness, those questions are tough!!

For the dessert trend, I was going to guess cupcakes, but I think that those may be getting less trendy now? In my mind, all desserts are IN!!

Happy Birthday to all your relatives :)


Those cakes look delicious!! I love the design on them, so cute :) I’d pick cake all the time, I can’t resist it. And I have no idea but I’m guessing the answers to those questions:

9. B -cupcakes. That is SO true in NYC. There’s cupcakes all over!
10. No idea, guessing A?
11. C – pizza.


yayyyy you got Billy back! love the sign you made for him.

3 desserts = heaven.

that baby is so precious. at least he’s getting lots of sleep!!

annnnd i’m gonna guess: 9. B, 10. B, 11. C ???


I say C, A, D!


hmm I have no idea what the answers are lol. If I had to pick I would choose cake! My cousins live mostly in Oregon and Arizona. I am not quiet sure how many I have, but its quiet a lot ! Hope you had a great weekend :)


Those cakes are so crazily frosted! How do you do that??

Welcome home Billy!


I was wondering the same thing!


Hey Janae! I was super worried about not getting any sleep once we had our baby (I NEED sleep like 9 hours a night). But it really isn’t that bad (knock on wood our baby is 3 weeks old). Our baby sleeps for 3-4 hours during the night and then wakes up and eats. And it’s nice because if you won’t be working then you can sleep till as late as she will sleep :) Plus you will be so in love with her less sleep won’t even phase you because you will just love getting up with her and seeing her sweet little face :)


I needed to hear this:) thank you so much and congrats!!! Keep me updated with how you and your baby are doing!


I have about a gazillion cousins on one side (ok, something like 69 – my grandma had 14 kids) and 15 on the other. Most live on SoCal or Kentucky so thanks goodness for Facebook.
Those cakes look like they cam from Nothing Bundt Cakes, mr new obsession that has replaced cupcakes. I would definitely take that over pie.


I would choose the pie! Served warm with ice cream, please.

I come from a large family. I have 30-something first cousins!


I would definitely have to go with the cake…the more carbs, the better!


Totally unsure of those questions.. except maaaaybe steak for 11? I think salad probably has the BIGGEST profit!

Never choosing between pie and cake and you can’t make me!!

I’ve got 43 (i think..) first cousins! This is what happens when your mother comes from a family of seven…..


I love the spread of fruits and veges laid out on the table. I’d be happy to go to your family’s dinner parties anytime *hint hint* lol


You are invited anytime!!!! Seriously!!!!!!


Congrats to Billy!

Those veggies and fruit look AMAZING! I’m craving those nonstop recently!


Cake every time, no trouble with that one! Pies are fine, but I do not dream about pie. I dream about cake, especially our wedding cake, which is patiently waiting for me to deovur it on our one yr anniversary, in Oct. I am contemplating getting a fresh one too, just in case the freezer has not been kind!

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