Top 14 things I am looking forward to.

Yes it is important to live in the moment but sometimes your day is consumed by thinking about the things that you are excited for in a few months.  Here is my list of things I can’t wait for:

1.  To finally get to dress her up in the adorable clothes that I stare at everyday.

2.  To like chocolate again, I have lost a lot of friends because of this one.

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3.  To lay on my stomach.  Don’t ever take that for granted, I miss it so dearly.

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4.  To eat tuna tataki or (non-cooked) sushi again… The last time I had it was HERE when I didn’t know I was pregnant yet.

5.  To be able to wear a tight shirt again without people’s eyes going directly to my belly button that sticks out.  At least it better go back to normal.

6.  To not have a stuffy nose.  7 months of a stuffy nose hasn’t been so fun, I read in my Mayo Clinic Pregnancy Book that your body produces a lot more mucus while you are pregnant hence the stuffy nose.

7.  To have a 24/7 best buddy to hang out with that enjoys naps just as much as me.  I will be napping anytime she is:)

8.  Medium rare steak.  But who knows, maybe I won’t crave meat every meal after I have her.

9. To overload you all with baby pictures.  Yes, I have already started taking a tutorial online about how to take awesome pictures of babies.

10.  To see Billy hold her.

11.  To love my beloved broccoli again.

IMG 3689 12.  To run fast and race again.

13.   To only get up once during the night to pee instead of 5 times…actually that hasn’t happened since 2003 when I started overdosing on water.

14.  To tell you the name….muhahahaha I think it will be the one secret I keep from you guys:)  The main reason to keep it a secret is because I just decided on it an hour ago and I am pretty sure I will change my mind by the morning.


What were things that you really looked forward to while you were pregnant?

Anyone out there have a surprise pregnancy?  How long did it take you to realize you were pregnant?

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I can’t wait to know the nameee :) And to see pics!


The number one thing I looked forward to was meeting my babies. They are more awesome than I even imagined. I also looked forward to being comfortable (I was always achy), being able to breathe (wore breath right strips at night), drinking wine and running hard. Once the babies were born, I looked forward to sleeping and not breastfeeding. Now the babies sleep 12 hours at night and I stopped breastfeeding when they turned 1 yrs old.


I couldn’t wait to dress her in her dresses either! So cute!
And I missed laying on my stomach. And now that I can, I don’t.
I couldn’t wait to see who she looked like! I was sure I would have dark haired babies, just like me. Nope. Both were blonde.

No surprise pregnancies here. Both were planned. First time, I got pg immediately. Like our first couple weeks of trying! Second time took almost six months of trying, but was worth the wait.


I just have to comment because I’m eating my second bowl of broccoli of the night right now.


Yes defiantly most looked forward to sleep any way I wanted, in the last months my midwife told me to sleep on my left side to get baby in a good position for birth. Both babies a surprise but not completly unexpected, I knew I was pregnant at 6-7 weeks.


I’m so excited about all these things too, for you!!! I can’t wait to see her, and you should definitely keep the name a secret! More fun that way!


Im so excited for you!


I’ve been loaded up with sweet princess baby pics since last Tuesday when my best friend gave birth! Stella Kate consumes my life from a (3states over) distance! Can’t wait to hear the name and see an overload of pics! Can’t believe it’s already been 7 months!


I can’t wait to find out the name!! I love hearing what names my friends pick for their little ones. :)


omg, my daughter is 18 months, and I remember the first night home like it was yesterday…. I was literally GIGGLING in bed with my husband bc I could FINALLY lay on my stomach, its the weirdest and best feeling ever! Like the day you get your braces off…. Im so excited for you. Motherhood is the best thing ever!


I had a list of 5 names, and waited until after V was born to see.


I am SO excited for you, Janae! I’m so glad I started following your blog last year because I have loved reading about this (and because you are awesome!). I can’t wait to see pictures and to find out the name. So happy for you and Billy!


You sound so extreamely happy! Now you could be absolutely miserable right now and your list is actual complaints idk but thats what I love about your blog, you always know how to have a positive outlook on life. Im excited for you and Billy and hope you have tuna waiting for you after her birth! :)


I always wondered how I’m going to give up all those foods (intentionally and nonintentionally) if I ever have a baby. Theres so much goodness that I won’t be able to have.. like sushi! I’d miss it so much.

Can’t wait to find out the name, I’m sure it’ll be beautiful :)


I can’t wait for the name, too!! I’m such a name person. I think my hubby and I had a boy’s named picked out before we were even married hahahah…2.5 years later it’s still the boy’s name option ;)

Couldn’t you lie on your stomach with pillows propped above and below your belly? I’m trying to help you out because I value my precious stomach lying, so I totally get it!!!


I missed lying on my stomach THE MOST when I was pregnant! It was so hard…I am so excited for you! Little girls are so much fun:-)


Oh man! I can’t wait to find out what name you guys chose!


I looked forward to not peeing all the time … but then, as it turns out, that late pregnancy fun doesn’t end until the baby is a few weeks old.

How about a list of all the things you will miss about being pregnant?


Definitely, keep the name a secret. I’m still stewing over here (one day shy of 41 wks) and everyone keeps pestering about the name and since we already know the sex we want to keep something a surprise, and I guess I’m surprised at how rude people are when you don’t tell them something… If you have already told your family members that’s okay! I also cannot wait until I can lay on my stomach, and I keep saying any day now but this little guy does not want to move.


Agreed!! Some people feel they have the right to comment on the planned name, make you feel bad if they don’t like it, and try to convince you to pick something else…its so weird. Keeping the name a secret can definitely protect your feelings because people won’t say anything once the kid is already named, only while she’s still baking;) Best wishes on a wonderful delivery, Jade!


I just read about the mucus too… I thought I was having horrible allergies (which where I live has a ridiculous amount of pollen) but it was good to know that no matter what ill have to live with a stuffy nose until this baby arrives!!! We find out in a couple of weeks what we are having and I can’t wait!!!

I honestly look forward to feeling better and not getting up all night to go to the bathroom LOL. Im in the 2nd trimester where I was told normally you get your 2nd wind for me that isnt the case :( But i know in the end this will all be worth it when I am holding my little bunde of joy!!


I love your list, so sweet. Things to add…when she starts to actually really look at you, all the cute little baby sounds, quiet time feeding her, rolling over, first smiles, starting to walk, first little words that only you can really understand, watching how much she will love her Daddy. Oh man it is all so much fun!

What I really looked forward to was knowing if it was a boy or a girl! We waited for the big surprise and I loved it. I told myself it was a boy and I was so happy to see she was a girl, totally surprised.

I knew right away cause we had been trying for 5 years so I would take a test day 28 most months, I was in utter shock and of course took about 3 tests that morning.


I’m still waiting to be able to wear tight shirts — and it’s been 2 1/2 years! Can’t wait to see your awesome baby photos once she arrives.


No surprises for us. We tried for a year for our 17 yr old and 3+ yrs for our 9 yr old. We had names picked out for years and still have 2 more that I want for my grandbabies. That’s not weird, right?


Awww can’t wait for the name!!! You are going to be such a great mommy!


We didn’t tell ANYONE the name till after ours was born. That way if people didn’t like it, we didn’t have to deal with their reactions and second guess ourselves!
I just really looked forward to having a baby when I was pregnant. I was surprised how much tougher it is than I thought it would be, but maybe because my daughter is a drama queen. But it’s so fun. You will love it and be a great mommy!


Such a fun time for you!! Loving your journey!! As for names, a must to keep secret! You never know, the name may even change after she is born. My 2 boys are adults now, so they were born ‘back in the day’ when we did not know before the big day. Had 2 girl and 2 boys names. Then when my oldest was born, we immediately knew he had to have his grandfather’s name as his middle name as he looked JUST like him, and still does. So even with ‘planning’ it changes.


When I was pregnant with my last I lived on hash browns with red pepper. It was my dinner. He is 15 and still hates potatoes of any sort. I just put that together a few days ago.


I looked forward to eating sushi too. I also looked forward to eating real cookie dough.
My second pregnancy was sort of a surprise. I’d had two miscarriages in a row and my doctor recommended that I not get pregnant for at least 4 months to let my body recover. Three or four weeks later I was in his office again confirming my pregnancy. Luckily this one didn’t end in miscarriage.


I like the comment about not getting up to pee. You will be getting be up all the time for feelings and diaper changes!


I can’t wait to find out her name!! And for all the baby pictures!!! So exciting!!!
I bet not being able to lay on your stomach is weird! I never even thought of that!


Can’t wait to hear the name and see her!!


I love this list! And I can’t wait for you to lie stomach down while eating gobs of chocolate and brownies. … hahaha


This is such a cute list :).


I so miss laying on my stomach…it’s so great to be able to again.


I can relate to this list so much. I haven’t lost my taste for chocolate though (in fact, I used to not be a fan and now I like it), but I cannot eat broccoli. That aversion started very early on in my pregnancy. At this point, I feel like I might hate it forever!


I two best friends delivered their babies just over a month ago (6 days apart) and they were totally just looking forward to seeing their babies’ faces! Now, they are waiting for their babies to get a little bigger so they can sleep a little longer through the night :P
It’s really quite amazing to look at the tiny humans and see the resemblance of my friends in their faces!


You can’t eat medium rare steak while pregnant?! WHAT?!


I am the SAME way with my stomach. It’s the ONLY way I have slept my entire life…thankfully I still can…she doesn’t hate it yet, but once my belly pops I know that’s going to stop :( boo!
& sushi. Oh how I miss sushi. YUM!


I’m looking forward to not feeling sick all the time.. This little guy has been rough on me, but it probably doesn’t help that I continue to eat,drink and do things that I know cause me to feel sick (I just can’t quit you, Greek yogurt!!). We’ve actually shared the name much more openly this time around because we’ve been having our (almost) 4yr old call him/speak about him by name, so it just kinda gets out there. But we just say it ‘matter of factly’, like it’s already his name, so folks don’t think we actually want their opinion on it or that we might change it. Mostly, though, it’s totally random acquaintances that have asked.. Seems like friends and family figure we’d tell them if we wanted to and don’t really ask. Strange how nosy strangers can be..


LOVE this list especially #10–bet he can’t wait either.

So crazy that when we saw you in Vegas you didn’t know!! It wasn’t the water!

I cannot wait to be inundated with baby pics–she’s already one blessed baby!


That dessert looks incredible! I can’t wait to hear the name and see all the fun things she’s going to wear! She’s going to be the coolest blog kid around! I drink a lot of water throughout the day and even at night (because it’s habit and because I love the stuff). I already get up to pee on average 3 times a night…it’s miserable! I don’t know what I’m going to do when I preggers one day!!


The morning after baby #1 was born I had my MIL bring me a ton of things I wasn’t allowed to eat while I was pregnant (caffeinated frappucinos, etc). Our first night home from the hospital we ordered delivery of a ridiculous spread of sushi from my favorite sushi place.

The steak situation makes me sad. I can only eat steak if it is as rare as restaurants will prepare it, so I’ve been avoiding it this pregnancy (baby #2). I can’t eat broccoli, but I think that’s more because I got food poisoning from it right before I found out I was pregnant. I had a huge aversion to chocolate and couldn’t eat that for awhile, but now I’m craving it again although I’m still off cupcakes and cake.


I looked forward to getting the baby out when I was pregnant and fitting back into my clothes!!! I didn’t have a surprise pregnancy but was still kind of surprised when the test came back positive!


I know you’re choosing Chelsey as the name – you don’t have to keep it a secret anymore!!!


Gotta say I can’t wait to drink coffee again….and lots of it! Also looking forward to running fast and working out hard! I get winded so easily now and my pace is very slow :).
But mostly meeting the little one :). We aren’t finding out before had so I’m excited to find out if it’s a boy or girl!

Hopefully your love of chocolate returns! And u should keep the name a secret! Makes it more fun.


I’ve never been pregnant, but I can’t imagine not lying on my stomach!! Also tuna steaks are my life. Good thing I don’t plan on getting preggers anytime soon!


How many weeks pregnant were you when you found out you were pregnant Janae?


I was wondering if you are going to do a post about Billy’s reaction to the pregnancy? I find it so cute when guys get super excited!!


I can’t wait to just not be pregnant anymore. I am not one of those happy, shiny pregnant people who gush about being pregnant – and it’s my 7th pregnancy if you count my one miscarriage at 4 months, so you think I’d have come to terms with it by now :) I can’t wait to eat more chocolate since that one has left me as well (the last pregnancy I actually COULDN’T eat it because it made my teeth hurt – how weird is that??) I am especially ready to stop feeling like I have to pee the second I start running. I don’t give in to it because I know it’s just in my head – that the baby’s pushing on my bladder, etc, etc, but I KNOW MY BLADDER IS EMPTY so I just “run” with it (pun intended) and tell my mind to shut up for 30-60 minutes so I don’t have to take off my stupid support belt and risk getting stinging nettles on my butt by peeing in the fields around here. :)


As a “tummy sleeper” I absolutely missed lying on my stomach during both of my pregnancies. It’s funny though, once I could lay on it again it felt abnormal – my guess is weak abdominals from pregnancy plus a c-section both times added up to feeling like I was sinking into whatever surface I was laying on…stomach first.

The food (drink, really) that I couldn’t wait to get back to with pregnancy #1 was white wine, which was my go-to drink hands down. And to this day I now will pick any red over white, weird, eh?

With pregnancy #2 I didn’t want anything to do with pizza. I know, how can one not like pizza ever at any given time in their life?! Thankfully that phase ended and pizza has returned to its rightful place in our family dinner menu rotation :) .

Keep the name a secret, even from parents. Even from best friends. It’s far more fun for them all to meet the little one while learning their name at the same time. Plus, you’re definitely going to avoid anyone saying anything critical of the name while in the presence of the new owner of said name ;) .


Hey Janae!!

I had 2 surprise pregnancies! Our son (the best little boy EVER) was born in July and then…oopsie…pregnant again. Our daughter (the best little girl EVER) was born the next June. They are 10.5 months apart! Everyone thinks they are twins. And–right now, they are both 3.

Although we knew we wanted children, we thought we would wait a little while longer before we actually started trying for them. One round of antibiotics later…and BOOM–2 of ’em. ALthough they were not planned that way–I highly reccommend having 2 close together. They are each other’s best friends. So cute!

Love your blog!


im so excited!!!

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