My Home Alone Activities

I have finally trained Billy.  When I got home from school yesterday he looked at me with really sad eyes and said, “Today I ate the little baggy of cereal that you took from your parent’s house to eat for your afternoon snack.”  As my eyes started filling up with tears he exclaimed, “but I went and got you 3 ginormous bags of cereal instead.”  (Not direct quote because billy doesn’t say weird words like ginormous)

He has learned over the past 5 years of being together that his life would be miserable for at least a day if he ate the rest of my favorite food without replacing it.

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All very nutritious choices.

Billy has this silly thing called finals this weeks which ruins my life because he is so busy doing ‘important’ things.  Last night I was on my own.

So what does a girl do when left alone (with a sister that didn’t respond to her phone calls or 911 texts to hang out with me, I am looking at you sissy).

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1.  First thing I did was a science experiment.  Billy told me that if you microwave peeps something cool happens.  Um..not so cool.  I left it on the counter for him to find when he gets home.

2.  I took  a one hour nap that felt so good.

3.  I ate a baked potato with cheese.  Not very photogenic and so I will show you my lunch instead.  A chef salad with a side of the best cornbread I have ever had and GRAPES!  I think the lunch lady must read my blog and accommodate my pregnancy cravings.

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4.  Spent some time on my beautiful spin bike while watching The Biggest Loser.  Drama City as usual…what is it with this season?

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PS you can read my spin bike review HERE just in case you are in the market for one.

5.  Stared at the pile of clothes on my floor, started putting them away and then laughed and went back to the couch.

6.  Ate a lemon flavored popsicle put it didn’t fulfill what I really wanted to eat and so I grabbed a string cheese and that did the trick.

7.  I wrote a new HRG Baby post found HERE!

8.  I made Billy dinner.  It consisted of turning on the oven and putting mini tacos in for 12-15 minutes.  I know, I know, I really shouldn’t overdo it.


What are some of your favorite things to do when you are all on your own for the night?

What workouts are you able to do at home?  Has anyone gotten their spin on recently?

What is the messiest room in your house right now?

Biggest Loser watchers:  Who do you think will win?

-Kim…that girl is intense and has a ton of self-motivation.

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I’m jealous of your magic stars cereal!
I went to Spin class last night. That stuff is hard!! There was no way that I could be on gear 14 or 16 and go 85 rpm. I’m pretty sure my legs almost fell off. Maybe I have to build up slowly.

I wanted Mark to win on the Biggest Loser! I’m sad that he left, but I think Kim will win. That girl is serious!


DANG HEATHER, you are hard core! Way to push it in spin. I wanted Mark before too!


How sweet of billy to get you cereal. My husband is always sure to leave me a serving of ice cream;-)

The only workouts I am able to do at home is yoga and 30 day shred. I try to do more strength training at home, but I really need the people at the gym/or a class to motivate me.


Now that is love…leaving the last serving:) 30 day shred gets me every time. It is amazing how much a class can motivate me too!


I always find the cheesiest reality TV show and watch it… the ones that I usually can’t watch when my fiance is home. :) My den is a mess right now with marathon stuff and wedding invitation supplies… ay.


Good idea! Why is reality tv so addicting? SO many fun things in your den right now:)


The messiest room of the house is probably the office. I should really clean it up.

When I’m on my own at night, I usually run, eat cereal for dinner, and read a book.


No need to clean it, it will just get messy again. Cereal for dinner is a must and I think I am going to start watching Buffy while I run because of you:)


Do it! All of the butt-kicking action makes running awesome!


poor peeps! i hope you put them in your cereal after. hehe


You better believe I did! Have the best weekend ever with James, I can’t wait to hear all about it!


Oh my goodness I have missed those bags of cereal!! I love Marshmallow Mateys!!


It is time that you get some more….it is even better than it used to be!


I like to hang out and watch tv or just mess around online. Workouts from home usually just involve some kind of weights and arm/ab work since I have to go easy on the knees.

My room looks like some kind of hurricane hit it. I should probably fix that soon. It is down to the last 3 weeks before graduation, and so I have books and papers everywhere!


AHHH 3 weeks until graduation, that is beyond exciting Ashley!


Ha, I watched BL last night too. Totally drove me nuts– those people all just need to be done with the show, I think.

I love the Peep experiment! I do that every year just cause it makes me laugh so much :)


Agreed! Do you think you will give next season a chance?


I am surprised you didn’t settle with cereal for dinner…I know I would have! All those options look GREAT! I love doing circuit workouts at home which only require my body weight – apparently burpees are good for something ;)!


HAHAH I had it for my pre-dinner snack instead! Burpees kill me…why are those things so hard?


My favorite thing to do when my husband is gone for the night is give myself a facial and watch all my girly DVR shows!!!


That sounds like the PERFECT night to me!


The Biggest Loser contestants made me MAD last night. They are just jealous that other people went home? Give me a break. It was harder for the people went home and now they have a problem with one of them winning their way back in. Read your contracts people! Kim will win.

The Kidless Kronicles


I KNOW…it was IN their contract and they still freaked out over it. The show is known to have random surprises/challenges etc….they just need to get over it.


Biggest Loser made me mad last night. I love how they kept saying ‘this has never happened before.’ Uh, did anyone watch the other seasons? Last season, the eliminated contestants ran a marathon on the episode right before the finale to compete for a spot in the finale. This group is a bunch of whiny crybabies. I do think Kim will go all the way. She is looking HOT and like she could kick my butt in half a second.


YES YES YES…you nailed it….this happens every season, get over it. Seriously Kim looks incredible. She looks so toned and STRONG!


An interesting diussscion is worth comment. There’s no doubt that that you ought to publish more on this topic, it might not be a taboo matter but generally folks don’t discuss these subjects. To the next! All the best!!


Lol I’m home alone every night, and I live in a studio so the messiest room is the whole thing! I should get on that… Eh maybe after finals.


HAHAHA you have a huge reason to have a messy studio right now. Finals used to kill me off!


when i’m home alone, i love watching whatever tv show i want, eating a dinner that cody will most likely not like much (i.e. baked sweet potato with various toppings), and calling my best friend that lives in california.
i have kind of a “mini gym” in our basement where i have a treadmill, various free weights, a stability ball, and some resistance bands, so it makes it pretty easy for me to work out at home. very convenient!
our “office”/junk room is by far the messiest room in our house. i never let anyone in there when they come over. :)


He doesn’t like baked sweet potatoes? Boys are crazy. I LOVE that you have your own mini gym downstairs, so cool!


When I’m home alone I like to leave my clothes strewn all over the bathroom and eat popcorn for dinner. I quit watching Biggest Loser a few years ago (too much product placement and fake drama drove me crazy!) and I miss it sometimes. Another friend of mine was just complaining about this season yesterday! Makes me kinda curious as to whats going on…plus I’ve heard the new trainer (Dulvet??) is a hottie;) I’ve never taken a spin class but it is on my list for when I join a gym after I graduate next year!


That sounds like the best night ever to me. Oh the product placement drives me absolutely crazy. Oh, Dulvet is the one reason you should watch a few episodes:)


It is such a rarity for me to be home alone that I can barely fathom the idea. However, usually the first thing I do is snag the remote and put on NCIS. I don’t really like TV all that much so my husband usually watches the TV and I usually read or study or cook or something (I hate his TV choices so hardly ever sit and watch TV with him)…however, when he’s not home I get so excited to watch NCIS.

I don’t really work out at home. Last week I pulled out my pre-natal yoga video and did it for the very first time. It was great. I was at my sister’s house though (house-sitting) and she has a DVD player. I’m not sure why I bought DVDs when I don’t have a DVD player. I just can’t seem to remember that tiny, important fact.

Our messiest room is the dining room because we don’t have any dining room furniture so that’s where I put all the boxes I was too lazy to unpack when we moved a year ago. Yikes! I should get on it!

I don’t watch The Biggest Loser – see explanation above about my lack of TV.


I LOVE NCIS…that show is so good! What pre-natal yoga video was is?


Once I get sucked into one episode of NCIS I can’t turn it off. My husband, who doesn’t quite speak enough English to understand it, does not understand my love of shows with dead people. He only seems to walk in on the morgue parts and complains that I’m addicted to dead bodies. He just doesn’t get it.

I bought the Element: Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga (2009). It was highly rated on Amazon. I enjoyed it because it was relaxing. I’m not sure it was all that tough of a workout though. Except for downward dog because I hate that pose with a passion. I guess yoga’s suppose to be relaxing though….

I also bought a strength training video The Perfect Pregnancy Workout Video Vol. 1 with Karyne Steben (she was a Cirque de Soleil). It was also highly rated on Amazon but since I have no DVD player I haven’t been able to test it out. :-(


I am totally going to get it, thank you so much for letting me know which video you got! Dang, I am going to have to get that strength training dvd too. You can always come use our DVD player:)


I don’t know how much more weight Kim can even lose, though. I mean, she’s already at a pretty good weight, in my opinion! And the drama was crazy to both me and Brandon. Didn’t they do the SAME thing last year … so why are the contestants so surprised??


I KNOW…she is already down to 147!!!! Seriously and they even put it into their contracts that they were going to do this!


Bake, read blogs, have a bath a read a book are my favorite things to do when I am home alone.
At home, yoga, workout DVDs, and weight workouts – no cardio machine yet!
The messiest – probably our bedroom.


I feel good about all of your choices for when you are home alone. Workout DVDs are the best. It is so easy for the bedroom to get messy because you can just shut the door and forget it even exists:)


I spend my days doing the work-from-home thing. But when I do end up at home while not working it is a lot of playing in the kitchen and having conversations with the dog.

I attempt to do yoga at home. My puppy tries to join in. Who doesn’t enjoy kisses while in downward dog?


You make me want a dog so bad. Kisses are the best motivation to keep going:)


ahahaha that peep looks like a sugar spider web. creepy! your husband is so sweet to buy you all that cereal :)


Ha, it really does. It was very sweet of him! Hope you have an amazing day Olivia!


Janae! The other day I brought a giant thing of grapes from BJs and consumed in 2 days. You would be proud!

I cherish my evenings alone so I can catch up on all my shows away from Tony’s whining about my crappy TV choices like Desperate Housewives, Once Upon a time, Fringe


Liana, I am beyond proud of you…atta girl:) You do NOT have crappy TV choices, I approve of all of them!


Messiest room? My daughter’s! She’s one and somehow manages to dirty it up just as soon as I clean it up. She has one of those toy kitchens and the plastic food is just everywhere. Highly annoying, but cute when she “bakes” me cookies. Favorite thing to do when I’m by myself? Take a hot shower (with no toddlers peeking in asking what I’m doing) and then curl up on the couch with a cup of coffee/glass of wine (depending on time of day!) and read a book. Or watch a scary show that is too scary for both my kids AND husband (American Horror Story, Walking Dead).


HAHAHA How old is she? I bet those cookies are delicious;) I guess I get to look forward to toddlers peeking:)


She’s 21 months old. Can’t wait to see hrcs baby!!


hahaha i love you, you are too funny. i’m on my own most nights since kevin has an opposite schedule…so that usually includes, eating, being lazy, watching tv, or playing video games :) nacho cuddling is incorporated in there if he’s not being a grouch.

SPIN! i’ve been doing a lot of spinning and cycling while injured and its awesome!

messiest room in our house is always our bedroom. i like to put out the appearance we are clean with our living room and kitchen, but the true hurricane of clutter is in our bedroom hidden away from the public. it works well for us :)


LAME that your schedules are so different. I am SO happy that spinning is working out for you while you are injured. You WILL get through this gorgeous girl!


I don’t buy it! I think there has to be more to the story and the producers are trying to spin it a certain way. I mean, if I am agreeing with Conda’s decision, I know something is up ;) I wanted Buddy or Mark to win – they are the ones that seem to have a sound head…and THEY went home. Hmmmm. I guess we shall never know.

Also, how the frick does Kim (who looks awesome, by the way) lose 15lbs in ONE week THAT close to her goal weight and after 4 months of dieting. That is cray cray…and if it is not, she needs to share some secrets with me!


SERIOUSLY!! I was thinking the same thing or maybe they are paying the contestants extra money to do it and act crazy for their ratings or something. 15 lbs…..yeah, I don’t know about that. She is 147 now, I can’t imagine her losing more!


Kim is amazing, I hope she wins!! Conda looks great too, but she was too whiny and drama the first few weeks, plus I think the reason she’s still there is her brother. I’d like to see him get into the finals, he’s worked so much harder than Conda.. I think he deserves it. Or Kim, that girl’s intensity is awesome.


I agree with you about Conda’s brother…plus he is pretty funny!


My husband lives in another state for 1/2 of every month, so I have lots of alone time. I’m such a social person that I suppose this is why I live at the gym every am and pm! I will admit to enjoy wearing my most comfortable (read: old and holey) pajamas when he’s gone!
I do TRX at home, but other than that I love being around people when I am exercising.
My bathroom is always a disaster b/c I am in such a mad rush getting dressed for school every am.
Kim better win BL! This has been the wimpiest/whiniest group of contestants ever!!!!


1/2 the month….WOW! HAHA I would live at the gym too. I bet our bathrooms look a lot alike. The whining needs to stop. Are you going to give BL another chance next season?


Billy is such a great husband! I’m on the bike watching the biggest loser as I type this and I can barely handle it – they are such whiny little babies! Can they just freaking suck it up?!


I KNOW!!!! Seriously, it was driving me crazy las night. Hope you are having a great bike workout!


I love an alone night every once in awhile! I can usually be found on my couch, watching shows I know my fiance hates, reading magazines and reading blogs. Relaxing and easy!

I have an indoor bike trainer at home. I was so excited when I got it but it makes so much more noise than I expected and I feel badly for my downstairs neighbor so rarely ride it :(

Our whole apartment is messy right now… :)

I miss happy/positive biggest loser seasons! The drama this season just puts me in a not great mood. I think Kim is awesome (and killed it last night!) but just doesn’t have much to lose. I would be so happy if Chism got a spot back and won :)


I bet your fiancé and Billy hate the same shows that we probably both love. BOO to a noisy trainer..I think you should still use it anyway. I miss the positive seasons too!


I’m rooting for Kim too!!!
I like to utilize home alone time for excessive amounts of baking. No one home=no one to witness the HUGE messes I tend to make while baking :)
They just got three spin bikes at my gym and I am SO excited to go for a ride this afternoon! I’m quite jealous that you own one.
Have a great day!


SO cool that they just got spin bikes, let me know how your ride goes today! HAHAHA send me some of your baked goods:)


Where r those giant bags of cereal from? I need them!


They are from Smith’s!!! You need to get them ASAP!


My money is on Kim for Biggest Loser too! That girl has changed so much … and is so strong, inside and out.

I do yoga at home! Continuing with the BL theme, I just ordered a Jillian Michaels DVD and a Bob Harper DVD to throw into my at home workout/I want to exercise in my pajamas routine. I’m tired of using videos online and that’s the only time of the entire day that videos decided to buffer and I get stuck in one position and don’t know what’s next hahahaha.


AHHH let me know how you like the Bob DVD, I have been wanting to get one of his workout DVDs!


I went to spin class this morning! My legs are like jelly!
My bedroom is always the messiest… I really need to get organized!


Great job going to spin at 6 a.m. you are incredible. Your blog is sending my comments to spam…save me!


You’ve been saved!! haha I’m pretty jealous you have your own spin bike! So cool!
I still haven’t sent your gift yet :-/ Soon! Soon! Soon!


My favorite thing to do when I am alone is usually go to the gym (for the second time) LOL or read or clean.

I went to spin and yoga yesterday b/c I was home alone too. It was the first time in spin where sweat was about to drip into my eye just like you always say. It was a great class ;)

I want to Kim to win, but I honestly don’t think she can as far as overall percent of weight lost, she is at a pretty healthy weight right now and the other contestants have so much still to lose. I guess we’ll see. Sick of the drama though!


messiest room is def my sunroom off of the living room because it has a bunch of boxes there right now that need to be brought out of the hosue.
when im alone at night i like to eat breakfst for dinner (cuz torr doesnt like it) and watch mindless tv! muahaha


My room at the moment is out of control and it’s driving me nuts!


If I had an evening to myself I would probably read and nap. I watched Biggest Loser last night. I am Team Kim all the way!


Don’t you love the names of generic brands of cereal? I always buy generic and seriously crack up at the names!


Oh I love me some spin, it is seriously getting me thru my running ‘issue’ right now :) It makes my legs very happy! I need to get a bike at home, pretty sure I would sit in front of the tv and spin the entire day away!


My husband knows the EXACT same thing! Don’t mess with my food ;) Haha.


Daniel worked nights last week (boo), so I was home alone every night after work. I cooked some new recipes, watched a lot of Food Network and Cooking Channel, caught up on my blogs, thought about laundry (but didn’t do it), and read.

I made our old formal living room into a workout room. I have free weights, elliptical (for sale), Bosu (2), steps, pullup bar, suspension trainers (homemade), resistance bands, stability balls, medicine balls, mats, and then a tv and dvd player for all my workout dvds. I love it!

The laundry room is definitely the messiest for me because it has all my clean clothes piled up on the deep freezer. I must put those away soon! My guest bedroom is also messy because it has bags of clothes that I’m donating (as soon as they walk to my car).


When I have the night to myself, I usually get a big bowl of something: popcorn, cereal, stir fry veggies. Then I plop myself on the couch and watch every trashy, smooshy romantic, and outrageous reality show I can find on the DVR. I will sometimes do something dumb like laundry, but that’s only if all my running gear is dirty.


I’m hoping Kim will win Biggest Loser this season as well! I still have to watch last night’s episode. Can’t wait!


When I’m alone in the evening when my boyfriend isn’t home yet or goes out with his friends I like to watch crappy romantic comedies and eat desserts haha. Or I watch all the shows he can’t stand to watch but I love. Or take a nice bath with country music in the background. I’m so cool.


What are some of your favorite things to do when you are all on your own for the night? I love to do what you did and veg out, watching tv. When I am motivated I actually clean like a crazy woman because I would rather do that when I am by myself anyway…only because I turn the music up super loud.

What workouts are you able to do at home? Has anyone gotten their spin on recently? I am a huge fan of Turbofire dvds from Beachbody. SO FUN.

What is the messiest room in your house right now? We just moved into our new house that doesn’t have an attic access (i know…just craziness) so until we put the attic door in, all of our crap is in the spare bedroom upstairs. I just shut the door and pretend all of our holiday, camping and spare junk doesn’t exist. haha!


Did you watch the peep while it was in the micro? It blows up and turns into a giant duck and looks pretty neat.


You are too funny!! Billy sure made it up to you for eating the little bag of cereal! My son would love to do the Peeps experiment but I don’t think I will tell him about it or else he will never stop!!


I haven’t been into this season of Biggest Loser, which is weird cause I used to watch it all the time…while eating cookies.

I have a spin bike too but sadly don’t use it as much as I should. I did get on it last night though, pretty weak workout but at least I got on there. I also have the Jillian Body Revolution videos that I do at home – love those. No treadmill though.


I watched TBL last night.. Kim isn’t one of my favourites.. I don’t find her overly friendly but I still think she will win.
I WISH my gym offered spin classes… can you believe they don’t?!!


Messiest room: The study … just throw stuff in there and shut the door … totally awful.

Loser was such a disappointment last night. I’m hoping for Kim, or one of the returning players to take it!


Talk about Drama City! I really have enjoyed watching Mark and Kim this season. It’s always awesome when you see a contestant “GET IT” and do really well. I’m just sad Mark left he was one of my favorites.

But, Peeps’mores are best variation of my favorite Easter treat. It’s as simple to make as it sounds.



I used to eat the magic stars cereal all the time!! It’s not the best, nutritionally, but it’s just what I want sometimes…

When I’m by myself (which rarely happens now since I have a 11 months old baby!) I like to just relax, watch my favorite Tv show/take a bath/take a nap… pretty much do things that are not productive but rejuvinating to my spirit :)


Good luck to Billy on his finals. I always hated finals when my husband was in law school. I saw him for maybe an hour a day for about a month.
When I’m home alone I like to sit and catch up on reading my pile of magazines while watching some sort of documentary that I know my husband isn’t interested in watching.
I watched Biggest Loser while on the treadmill this morning. I’m really sick of the drama this season. I hope next season is better. I’m with you though, I think Kim will win. She is super determined and driven.
My messiest room in the house is our extra bedroom. It’s currently an office/home gym/storage room while we finish moving in. It’s in an organized state of chaos if that’s even possible.


Sadly, all of the drama on the Biggest Loser forced me to stop watching it mid-season. :(
If I have a free night, which is most every night, I love to hit my workout and then relax for the rest of the night. :)


If I’m ever home alone, I bake. Can’t help myself, it’s an addiction! :)

I have a treadmill and a new spin bike at home (just got the same one as you). I also have a few weights and a bosu, so I can do quite a bit at home. I used my spin bike for the first time on Monday, and I loved it. I do have one “con” to add to your list…the seat is as hard as a rock…my butt still hurts! :)

I could not believe all the drama on Biggest Loser last night…seriously people! I think Kim is going to win also. I didn’t like her attitude in the beginning, but she’s grown on me. She’s so confident and I think she can win!


YES, the seat is hard as a rock ha but over time your back end will get very used to it! Kim really is so confident and that makes me happy!


Did you watch the Peep in the microwave? They, like, expand! Doesn’t do anything for the taste, though.


I did watch it but it didn’t get very big….I think that my microwave is broken:( Must try again at my mom’s house! Have a great day Molly!


mmmm lemon flavored Popsicle sounds dreamy!!!


Ahh! I just love you! This post was so funny! I love your ‘home alone activities!’ Especially the picture of the peep! hahaha :D
ALL that I’ve been wanting lately is grapes too. I cannot get enough. I will eat them with almost every meal & then have them as a snack too. SO good right now. Yum.


Ya know I love Biggest Loser but the drama this season has just got extreme, it’s like dealing with children! lol But of course I’m still watching….I’m secretly hoping one of my favorites will make it back on the show next week!


I want Kim to win too, although I like Emily. This week’s episode really bugged me. I was trying not to be judgemental, but I just expected more from the two who quit. :(
My office is an absolute mess right now. I cringe when I open the door. Does the back yard count? THAT is also a huge disaster.
When I’m home alone, I eat things like an entire box of mac n cheese or cereal for dinner. I also do most of my cleaning when the hubs is at work.
I have a TM at home. We also have the Wii Fit. I’ve used it twice… ;)


Whoa, thats a lot of cereal! Have you tried the Mini Chocolate frosted shredded wheats?! Amazing! —- Hahah- micro peeps.. good times.. I worked at a cafe with a friend a while back and we used to take two peeps- stick them with toothpicks like swords and micro them “battling” to see who’s peep would win.. An amazing way to waste time when your bored :)


I could do loads of workout stuff at home. If I wasn’t so incredibly lazy. I just can’t motivate myself to actually do it. But I did go to spinning class yesterday. I would love to have a bike at home, but I am not very confident I would actually use it…

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