Cravings and Aversions.

I think when Billy first found out that I was pregnant his biggest concern was the cravings that I was going to have and what he was about to have to endure in regards to them. Since the day he met me he has always had to deal with me coming up with some random food that i just had to have.  He knew that our savings account was about to be diminished by the pregnancy cravings.

I did have a few food aversions which made my heart cry because they used to be some of my favorite things to eat.

1.  Hot Chocolate, not because it is chocolate but because it is hot.  For some reason the idea of drinking a hot drink still makes me gag a little.

2.  Gum.  Coming from the girl that lived for gum, this one was really strange (luckily I can handle fruit gum again).  The worst is that green spearmint gum…..I can’t tell you how many times I made a student or my sister spit it out when they were around me because even the sight and smell made me lose it.

3.  Broccoli.  This one is still true.  If you have read my blog for a while you know that I went through a costco bag a week of this stuff.  I hope to someday be reunited with it but for now, stay away.  Other vegetables didn’t sound good during the first trimester but luckily I am fine with them now!

4.  Pumpkin.

5.  I couldn’t eat dairy after 7(ish) pm for some reason.

What did I want to stuff my face with at all times no matter where or what I was doing?

1. Hamburgers.  Add bacon and cheese and we will be soul mates.

2.  Bagels with 6 servings of cream cheese.

3.  Mac n cheese and pizza but I have always craved those.

4.  3 things of string cheese a day and a grapefruit.

Photo 18

5. Grapes with cottage cheese

6. Cereal until I overdosed and then it made the list at the top.

7. Cup of Noodles (same story as #5).

8.  Orange juice.  The more pulp the better.

Photo 17

9.  Lasagna or any other type of food that involved noodles, CHEESE and sauce.

10.  The purple bag of skittles and orange flavored vitamin water.  Must be eaten at the same time.  One skittle, one sip of vitamin water, repeat.

11.  Baked potato.  I am ashamed to tell you how many of these I ate a day.

12.  Chicken nuggets.

13.  Crumb donettes.

It turned out that Billy is actually in heaven with these cravings because I was always wanting to go get all of his favorite foods. Don’t worry, I take my prenatals and all of the other vitamins needed to stay somewhat healthy.

Our bodies are incredible and during that first trimester especially my body knew that I needed to be eating fatty foods because that is an important part of building the babies brain!  My body also craved iron and calcium like never before!


What did you crave during your pregnancies?  What foods made your stomach die a little to think about eating? If you are pregnant now what are you craving?

Non-pregnant peeps too…what are YOU craving right now?

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Up until about 20 weeks I could not eat meat, look at meat, smell meat, see meat on T.V., or even think about meat. The thought of meat made me gag. I too couldn’t stand gum in the first trimester and was so sad because I had the nastiest pregnancy mouth taste ever that made me gag. I hated pretty much anything sweet, which I was super sad about too because I LOVE sweets. Breads made me gag. I couldn’t have red sauce of any form my entire pregnancy. Throwing red sauce up was not fun at all. TMI? Oh well.

My whole first trimester I lived off taco bell kids meal and zupas for lunch. I kid you not. Basically just the sight of the kitchen and the smell of kitchen made me so sick. So cooking was not an option. When Shane left for work for an entire month and I had to stay behind to teach I didn’t cook a day. I ate zupas soup every single day for lunch and for dinner I had a bean burrito kids meal with no red sauce or onions from taco bell. If they put red sauce or onions on it by accident I curled up into a ball and cried. I think the taco bell people thought I was nuts as I came through their drive through every single night at the same time with tears in my eyes looking ever so lovely.

After about 25 weeks I could basically eat most things. I had to have a bowl of plain cereal every night before bed so I wouldn’t be sick and towards the very end I loved milkshakes and blizzards. Probably explains the extra weight gain I had… oops.

I for sure do not enjoy being pregnant. Some woman love it and I thought I was this horrible person for admitting I hated it, but now I don’t fear saying that. I learned it’s okay and doesn’t mean I don’t love my baby. Being pregnant was just super hard for me and I pray if I ever have another it will be easier.

I love seeing your pregnant though, super cuttttttteeeeeeee!!!!


Non-pregnant over here, but I crave avocado/guacamole EVERY SINGLE DAY. :)


omg – I could have written this post!!!!!!!

Hate broccoli. Hate pumpkin.

Craving/craved EVERYTHING on your cravings list!!


I cried because I couldn’t eat pizza. I was pretty sick my entire first trimester. Anything greasy I smelled or came close to, I puked. I was lucky to hold down crackers and ginger ale. Other than that, it was a puke-fest. I love PIZZA and could eat 5 slices. When I thought I was finally over my morning sickness, I hate 5 slices of pizza and entennmen’s chocolate doughnut and uh, I vomited like you wouldn’t believe. So yeah… no pizza the entire pregnancy. WACK!

I wonder if Lili will like pizza when she grows up?

Happy Cravings!


omgoodness, the GUM made me wanna dry heave in both pregnancies!!! I wanted citrus & sour candy. The worst is that I did NOT want froyo but it was like getting a raise bc we didn’t spend 2735283672862 dollars a week on it ;)

sosososo excited for u!!


Not preggo here, but that’s funny that you can’t stand gum. I used to be obsessed with gum and gave it up, I’m going strong it’s a miracle. Crazy that you can’t eat broccoli! I can understand the pumpkin and the hot drinks for sure!


I’ve been craving beets like crazy. I made a huge batch of them last night to eat all week…if they last that long :)


I literally couldn’t eat anything the first 2/3 of my first pg. I lived on very bland carbs for quite a while. “They” said to eat before I got out of bed, but just opening the saltines package would send me heaving into the bathroom. It was UGLY. But much later I craved sharp cheddar cheese (ate like a whole brick one week) and then just before I had my son, it was chocolate shakes from Sonic (b/c the local one made them super thick!). With my 2nd pg, I was sick a lot too, but the food aversions weren’t as bad (worst aversion the first time was to chocolate – right around Halloween so it was AWFUL). Mostly just ate smaller meals and threw up less if I didn’t get overfull. But craved fresh pineapple like crazy with her. Both pgs I survived my severe aversion to meat products through use of peanut butter. It was the ONLY protein I could eat for the first 2/3 both times.


I never was really sick at all when I was preggy, and never had any aversions that I can remember, but I craved pizza like you wouldn’t believe! And sugary things. But pizza I could eat every meal of the day for all 9 months. And let’s say that people around me allowed to me eat whatever, whenever I wanted and I gained SO much weight.


Definitely not prego, but ever since you started posting about baked potatoes, I can’t get enough. I’d, literally, never made a potato before in my life, but I’ve gone through three bags already! Mike thinks I’m insane, but I get so jazzed when he’s gone for dinner so I can just eat baked potatoes with salsa and cheese (also, I topped one with mac and cheese on Friday and it was glorious).


Every pregnant woman I’ve known has wanted OJ! I don’t know what it is about that stuff, but it tastes SO good when you’re pregnant.

I hear you on the burger thing. I discovered 5 Guys hamburgers when I was pregnant with my daughter and I was in heaven!

When you get to the end, you’ll crave cold stuff because you’ll be so HOT all the time. :)


As I believe I told you earlier, I couldn’t eat red peppers while pregnant, which is unfortunate as they are favorites. Early early in my pregnancy I made a Chinese chicken salad that featured them prominently. That did not end well and it was not until after I had my baby that I could even think about peppers again. Both my boys were built primarily on peanut butter. That was the only thing that could fill my stomach with fat and protein and not make me gag. I went through jars and jars of peanut butter. I also ate tons of citrus. The tart taste was just divine. So many clemetines! And pickles! Again, it was the tartness of the vinegar that I craved.


Craved bean burritos and steak like CRAZY. Lasagna too.

Could not be in same room as poultry. Turkey, chicken, pork = GAK! Not a fan of broccoli either.


I craved berries, I ate them all the time. I also ate pizza every single day. :)


With my first pregnancy and now with my second, cravings are in the form o tuna sandwiches with avocado. Can’t get enough. During my first trimester this time I couldn’t stand the sight of veggies.


The thought of eating chicken or corn made me want to vomit with all three pregnacies. I craved chocolate like crazy with my first two, but with my third it was lemonade. I went through gallons of Newman’s own, would make popsicles out of it and eat two a day.

Toward the end of my third pregnancy, I was watching my kids play in the sand table and started craving sand. So gross (and I didn’t actually eat it). It’s called pica, and in my case was from an iron deficiency.


I’ve never been pregnant, but things I crave frequently include Chicago-style spinach and mushroom deep dish pizza; sushi; burgers; chocolate; and guacamole. Oooh, I think I just heard my stomach growling its agreement with me. =D


I’m currently pregnant in a developing country that doesn’t quite have the produce section that the states has. In my first trimester I craved raw spinach salads (too bad spinach doesn’t exist here), and apples. You can find green apples, but they come from South Africa and are a bit tricky to find. I sent my housekeeper out to buy some, thinking she’d have better luck than I would, but she came back with green peppers…TWICE! Apparently she had never seen an apple before. I cried. Luckily my husband saved the day when he saw someone selling them on the side of the road. My housekeeper now knows what apples are.

I also love drinking apple juice cut with sparkling water. I practically lived off that stuff my first trimester. It was so light and delicious and the bubbles soothed my nausea.

My only aversion has been chicken shawarma. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over that one.


craved cheese nip crackers, dry cereals and watermelon

could not eat: garlic anything…still can’t since pregnancies…

now: chicken soup..homemade by my wonderful husband!
bon appetit!


Preggo here and I can’t stand the smell of spearmint gum! The husband chews it while I dry heave in the car, its not pretty at all. Most of my cravings have been mac & cheese and I’m obsessed with the Chinese Chicken Salad at Nordstrom Cafe. I got there once a week (by myself) and eat the salad for lunch. I must look like a lonely pregnant lady in the corner with her salad..hahaha


The one thing that I have not eaten since I got pregnant is ice cream. The thought of it makes me gag. However, I can drink milk shakes and protein shakes. That is the only aversion I have really had.

As for cravings; oranges!!!, cereal all the time w/ really cold milk, gummy candy (specifically Hot Tamales), I seem to crave lots of sweets. I eat a TON of vegetables too. Not sure if I really crave them or eat them because I know how good they are for the baby I am growing.


I’ll be curious to see what my cravings and aversions are when I’m pregnant one day. :) I have this feeling I’m going to crave like a bunch of fruits and veggies … the total opposite of what I normally crave! ;)


With my first I couldn’t get enough bread and cheese in any combination. This time around I crave Subway with an obscene amount of pickles and olives, which is weird because I’ve never been a big fan of Subway! Unfortunately, the nearest Subway is a 40 minute drive away. Also, the spicier the food the better right now (I swear I put hot sauce on everything), which is also strange because I’ve never been able to handle the heat before :) I’m with you on the broccoli though, I try to eat it but I swear it doesn’t taste the same.


Not pregnant but I’ve been on a string cheese kick lately too. Quick & easy way to get more protein & calcium in my diet … plus it’s just fun to eat.


A girl I worked with had pica and wanted to eat chalk. I don’t know if you still use chalkboards at school, but if you find yourself wanting to eat a stick of it, something is probably off.

Not pregnant for lack of trying, unfortunately. My opinion on cravings is to go with them because it means something in your diet is lacking. Usually I will get a craving for pasta with red sauce (rotini, rotelle or ziti…not a huge fan of spaghetti for some reason). Like another poster, I constantly crave guacamole and the great news is my local hoagie place (it’s called Wawa, ever heard of it? like 7-11 but BETTER) JUST added guacamole to its choices for additions to sandwiches, so now I’m in big trouble. :)

I’m so excited to hear more about your pregnancy and to hear how you are able to keep up your exercise! Sounds like you are doing really well so far!


Grapefruit was a HUGE second-trimester craving! Yum. I’m kind of sad that it’s passed now. :-)

My major first trimester cravings were cheeseburgers, cereal, and pad thai. Mmmmm. Aversions were salad and almost any Italian food. Fortunately I’ve gotten over both of those!

I’ve also noticed a greater weakness for sweets and candy in the last 9 months, but … I might be using the baby as an excuse. :)


Pregnancy sounds so fun :)! I was craving ice cream but none at home…I improvised with Greek yogurt and chocolate sauce!


No pickles?? Isn’t that what pregnant women love to crave! I crave cheeseburgers all day every day (non pregnant). I am usually good and will get a side salad instead of fries with mine :)


I had aversions to the smell of lettuce. If I could make it past the smell, then I could eat it, but it just smelled like dirt. Gross!

With both pregnancies, I craved snickers candy bars (the ice cream ones too!) and Taco Bell chalupas. Could not get enough of them! :) With my first pregnancy, I had to eat at least two cans of mandarin oranges a day. It was ridiculous how much I wanted them. I even dreamed of them!


I craved cucumbers and berries when I was pregnant. I was really sick the first trimester so greasy food and sweets were my aversions.


I am not pregnant (or ever was), but I HATE peanut butter or really anything peanut related from the bottom of my heart. I do not understand how anyone can eat that stuff.


I totally feel you on the gum thing. Anything minty makes me cringe…yuck. Its getting slightly better as far as toothpaste and mouthwash but minty gum still doesn’t sound good. And I use to chew gum ALL THE TIME.

I had a hard time with veggies throughout my first trimester. Never wanted salads or any raw veggies. Some still don’t sound good at times but its not as bad.

Ice cream doesn’t sound as good as before I was preggo.

I rarely drink hot chocolate anymore and before I drank it every single day. It makes me feel weird now…

We have had a lot of the same cravings.
1. Love pizza. Could eat it everyday. Also crave pretty much any other pasta dishes.
2. Hamburgers I’m on and off with.
3. Definitely loving cereal mmmm. Mostly Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds but also Kashi Honey Sunshine.
4. I craved asparagus with balsamic vinegar for a few weeks.
5. Craving more cheese than before (I never really ate cheese before I was preggo).
6. I love hot tamales, strawberry Twizzlers, and any kind of salty chips as treats. Went to Walmart the other day for shave gel and came home with all 3 of these things. Haha oops.


I am preggers too and I crave PINEAPPLE and FRUIT every second of the day!! Snaps Cereal, Milk and Dr Pepper are up there too! I also crave potatoes, popcorn, cottage cheese and chocolate chips quite a bit still too!!


i’m not preggo at the moment, but i am craving veggies like crazy right now. we’ve been on vacation this past weekend, which has meant lots of eating out and not-so-healthy meals. i totally enjoyed it, but i’m ready for some more colorful and healthier eats!


I couldn’t chew gum with either of my pregnancies. SO BIZARRE because I love gum. My aversion was to peppermint though — and truthfully I still can’t stand it. My husband was chewing peppermint gum (and who knows why because it was BANNED from the house) when I was giving birth to my son (as in, I was pushing and he was holding my leg) and I yelled, “Why are you chewing peppermint gum??” and my Dr. looked at him and said – “Umm I think you better spit that out.” LOL. Good times.


So funny what is good and what is terrible according to the hormones, isn’t it?

Each of my pregnancies were different (though burgers were almost always fabulous):
#1–total aversion to garlic & onions; craved deep-dish pizza, burritos, Whopper w/o onions; only held down lunch each day
#2, #3–needed gingerale & saltines
#4–oyster crackers & tomatoes & club soda
#5–nothing specific
#6–squash of all types; total aversion to the smell of my coworker’s chana masala that she ate every day for lunch
#7–scrambled eggs on English muffins every morning; pink lemonade-flavored Propel

The garlic, onion & Indian food aversions are still fairly strong, even after 14 years.


I understand about the food thing, at least as well as a non-pregnant reader can! My boyfriend and I were actually joking last night about what a monster regarding food intake…and schedule… I’d become if I ever got pregnant. He suggested we adopt. :)

The last thing I craved hardcore was pizza–last night! I found a bug infestation (EW) in a closet and had to hardcore clean my entire living room. Junk food was a complete MUST. We got one with pesto, feta, artichoke, portabella, and 3 kids of olives…I know, not your style, but SO GOOD! ;)


I have food aversions more than anything. Mine were chicken, potatoes, casseroles, and vegetables. I ate a lot of fruit and A LOT of cold cereal!


NOT pregnant, but I have been having mad cereal cravings which is driving my CRAZY because I can’t eat all my favorite cereals. Yea, there are gluten free cereals, but it’s just not the same. I want some lucky charms, captain crunch, cinnamon toast crunch, cheerios… the list goes on and on.


I couldn’t stand the thought or smell of Chinese food when I was pregnant. And really, it still sounds gross.
One day my husband put some meat in the crock pot and the smell of meat cooking allll day long made me so sick!
My biggest craving was fruit. I’d have a huge bowl every day. Towards the end I craved milk and drank a huge glass every night before bed. Which reminds me of the heartburn! Oh the heartburn at the end! Holy cow, it gets bad!!!


I had some of the same food aversions! Before pregnancy, I could eat an entire baking sheet of roasted veggies, but once I got pregnant, the idea of vegetables made me feel gaggy. Now I like them again, whew! I also had a hard time with oatmeal and pumpkin in the first trimester. They were both such staples before! And the whole comfort food (cheese, noodles, breads, potatoes) are things I still want to this day. And lots and lots of Mexican food! And things taste even better now. Must be that increased sense of smell!


Smart body, knowing what it needs for certain development stages of the baby!

I am craving pizza right now….or anything really! Just woke up from sleeping all day, about to go into work from 7pm to 7am, ugh….


Yep. I had the OJ the more pulp the better craving. You must be having a boy. ;)

I also craved peanut butter toast.


i still just LOVE seeing anything to do with your pregnancy! :) i am not pregnant nor ever have been but lately my cravings have been avocado, eggs, turkey, bread with olive oil and i have to have salt on all of those things.. sugary things do not sound good the last few weeks, which is a good thing after a 4 month binge of way too much sugar!


I JUST found out I’m pregnant and 4 weeks – curious when the food cravings/aversions start?? I’m almost excited for that part b/c it will make it “real”!


Mine started at exactly 5 weeks. Don’t get too excited! Cherish you love for foods NOW while you still can. I remember I woke up on the start of the 5th week and only wanted eggs with cheese. I couldn’t eat any of my normal foods and all of a sudden EVERYTHING sounded horrible. I finally realized it was pregnancy related when my husband and I went out for ice cream that nice and I almost puked at the thought of eating ice cream.


I couldn’t stand most food from 6-15 weeks. Even the smell of food made me sick so my poor husband would go and eat on the porch :( I would eat something once and then throw it up and not want it again. It was WONDERFUL to finally get my appetite back :)


Non preggers here and craving spaghetti. Must be all the extra miles I am getting in during spring break!


I can’t stand anything hot to drink either! Coffee, tea and hot chocolate make me super nauseous and I am usually a huge coffee drinker. I am currently in my first trimester and crave slurpees and iced tea lemonades from Starbucks :).
Also can’t stomach anything greasy (fries,burgers,chips etc…).


When I was pregnant with my son, I wanted things like steak, ribs, mashed potatoes, and oranges. I lived off of peanut butter and crackers at times. For some reason, I couldn’t stand Steak’n’Shake. With my daughter, I craved ice cream, cake, oranges, and chocolate covered peanuts. I hated my tooth brush with both of my pregnancies. I threw up every day for a few months just by picking up my tooth brush. My food (and tooth brush) aversions went away pretty quickly. The tooth brush was the worst for me. Especially since after I was sick, I would brush my teeth. I knew morning sickness was over when I could brush my teeth safely.


Gum did the exact opposite to me. I had to have it all the time to keep my nausea somewhat at bay.


Just so you know…cheese is in my diet at least once a day when I’m pregnant. Most of the time I want it melted on…anything really. Hope you’re feeling better!


I craved peppermints with both pregnancies, that’s it. But I counld’nt think of eating sushi which I usually love.


I am and was cottage cheese OBSESSED – during pregnancy I hated it.

didn’t drink milk – pregnant, started drinking it like it was water!!!!!!!!!!

also, and this is the best one:

pre-prego VEGETARIAN
post = CARNIVORE …well omnivore but you get the idea.
I distinctly recall a time when I was craving steak and I guess my face look disgusted the waitress kept asking me if everything was ok. I said – I hate eating this bloody flesh, but I have to – it’s what he wants :P


I totally understand about your cravings and aversions! I think I had/have a lot of your similar cravings!
My husband loves it because I always want pizza, nachos and chicken wings! It’s getting out of hand. I also love cottage cheese and pickles. But only Claussen dill pickles will do.
I used to LOVE ice cream, but now I really want candy and baked goods. It’s very strange for me!
I love your baby HRG posts! They are so fun to read.


I am not pregnant, but all I want to eat is chocolate peppermint stick Luna bars. mmmmm


From the non-pregnant. I am craving this veggie and rice dish from the caribbean place literally 10 steps away from my house. I’m surprised I haven’t given in yet…oh right, because you must PAY to eat out. I can’t do that after the grocery store robbed me!


Haha. Gotta love pregnancy and all the crazy that comes with it. When I am prego I can never get enough milk. With my first I looooved hamburgers. We went to Canada when I was eight weeks so we ate out frequently (not normal for us) and I ate a hamburger for lunch and dinner every day for a week. I started to feel guilty after a couple of days so I started getting meatless ones. They kind of worked, but it just wasn’t the same. My husband loved that craving though. Lol.

Other than hamburgers it had to be quick, bland and little to no smells involved. Like cereal and Mac and cheese. Similar to you, I guess. I hope your love of broccoli and your other aversions come back. Life just wouldn’t be the same otherwise ;)


I craved buffalo chicken wraps, yumm!! The spicier, the better!

I could not walk anywhere near the bread aisle in the grocery store! I could eat bread, but just the smell of it at the store, was horrible!


I knew something was up when you were eating all that cottage cheese. I craved pb and crackers–you know those NASTY little packs and anything salty.


Burgers! With lots of lettuce and tomatoes. And ANYTHING citrus. In the early weeks, I kept a lemon at my bedside to smell it when I felt sick.


I’m craving some really good ice cream! However, I’m going to be good and stay away from it for now. :)


JANAE!!! Congratulations. I have been gone forever and I can’t believe I missed this announcement. Congratulations a million times over, I can’t wait to watch your amazing family grow.


My first trimester I lived off cheezits and blue Gatorade haha it was awful but all I could keep down. Later I craved strawberry milk daily and always had sour patch kids and strawberries on hand!!


I am 32 weeks pregnant and my aversions/cravings have remained consistent this entire time. I always want beef and crave anything salty, especially cashews and trail mix. Oh and cold cereal in the morning is a must. My only real aversion is salmon and other seafood. I LOVED seafood pre pregnancy but not the thought makes me want to hurl.


I don’t remember having an aversion to anything……kind of unfortunate because my appetite went crazy and I’m not sure it’s gone back to normal!! I think I could have bought a sheet cake from the local grocery store and just munched on that for an entire week. Sweets, sweets, sweets… was like I had no threshold for sugar and watching my daughter go to town on her first cupcake made me realize that she created this monster! I started craving raisin bran and peanut butter sandwiches, both which I still eat a lot of post pregnancy. And I’m guessing I could still knock back a sheet cake or two if given the chance. :-)


Reading this reminds me of myself when I was pregnant! I couldn’t eat broccoli to save my life, whereas I would eat it all the time before hand. Then don’t get me started on baked potatoes..craved them, and ate them, like crazy!! Enjoy! :)


I couldn’t stand minty gum either. And I had to chew full sugar gum. None of that sugar free biz for me. My teeth had seen better days. Also, with my last pregnancy, I couldn’t stand any green veggies (which I normally love!). My love for them is back, so there’s hope for you and broccoli.


Just finished being pregnant. Spent the better part of my second trimester eating POUNDS of raw broccoli and cauliflower dunked in entirely too much bleu cheese dressing, and dunking whatever I could get my hands on into ranch dressing.

Third trimester was bowls and bowls of cereal and lots of guacamole. No, not together.


Oh goodness! You have quite a list! :) I definitely have food aversions to croissants! I can’t even stand the sight or smell or them, makes me want to gag!! Also I don’t like barbecue sauce or olives or fish and chips [all due to unfortunate flu sicknesses!]


When I was pregnant with our first child, I craved peanut butter sandwiches. I ate 2 or 3 a day for most of my pregnancy. And it had to be on white bread. So good!
When I was pregnant with our twins, my biggest craving was popcorn and Coke. And yes, I know I wasn’t supposed to have much caffeine, but I had a Coke a day with a big bowl of popcorn for nearly 4 months.
I also got hit with a huge craving for Cream of Wheat with the twins. It was so strange, I probably hadn’t had Cream of Wheat for 12 years. Had to have it, so the hubs ran out to buy a box at 10pm. He’s the best man in the world. :-)


Love your blog! I am currently preggo with my second (girl) and I totally craved orange juice and red meat! I also craved sour candy. Sour Patch Kids until my tongue was raw! I couldn’t even look at chicken or smell it. Blah!


With my first pregnancy (my daughter, now 7), I craved ‘kid food.’ Spaghettios, pb&j, toasted cheese sandwiches, mac-n-cheese. I OD’ed on broccoli, too, trying to feed a craving and then it totally made me gag for the rest of my pregnancy, even though I never really had morning sickness. It took a solid year before I could eat cooked broccoli again. With my 2nd pregnancy (twin boys, now 5), I craved super-healthy foods–salads, soups, veggies, fresh fruit, water. The funny thing was I had to pack in much more protein for a healthy twin pregnancy and didn’t really crave all the cheesy and dairy goodness that I needed to eat like I did the first time.


yippeee! I am not crazy! Right now (9wks) I HATE veggies. I was eating a TON before I got pregnant and now they make me gag. I can’t even say the word ‘Kale’…eww…burp. And bagels with cream cheese are my absolute fav and I have been craving red meat too. I managed to scarf down some veggies with a steak salad last night so I was proud of myself for having a meal with some green in it. What is with it? It seems like my body would want healthy things, oh well. I am so glad to hear some of your aversions have calmed down I am looking forward to some veggies again, when they don’t make me gag.

I also love anything that would be good in a pre-schoolers lunch box. Pudding packs, apple sauce, those crackers with peanut butter already on them, Annies mac and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, goldfish crackers. I feel like I am regressing to a child state of eating. Its kinda fun ;)


I bet your having a boy…… ;) I think I can tell from cravings–but I’ve never been pregnant, so we’ll see if I am right. Hah.

I love reading about little baby HRG!!


I am 22 weeks preg now, and i’m eating completely normal, but the first trimester was wacky! I craved beans, cheese, rice, and eggs like crazy! Bread was great – carbs were my best friend. Had aversions to anything sweet, no chocolate, desserts, ice cream – nothing! Which is super weird for me.
Love your blog, and excited to see you’re pregnant. Can’t wait to read about your journey!


With my first two pregnancies, I could only stomach salty carbs (pasta with butter, bagels, tortilla chips) and Five Guys also entered my life (only had it about twice a year before that and never got the burger, always got the veggie)—- but the nauseated feeling left me hating on veggies and most healthy foods.

What week did you start feeling nauseated? Mine lasted from week 6- 12/13 and it was all day everyday! I gained a little too much weight from all those carbs.


oh and I remember that I had aversions also to chocolate the first trimester and Candy corn!




Two odd things I craved for my pregnancies – instant oatmeal – the only time I have ever been able to stomach it was during my second pregnancy and I ate it twice a day for several months straight. I also craved meatloaf. I normally hate it, but ended up making it almost weekly for awhile during my last pregnancy.
Grapefruit and pickles made me throw up. And I gagged my way through brushing my teeth every night too.


I completly agree with you on the pumpkin…when I was pregnant even the mention of the word made me gag (a never ending source of wonder for my brother to say and watch me react). It is so weird how food aversions happen in pregnancy!


I am just entering my 2nd trimester now and my morning sickness is almost gone (thank goodness!!!). I only had two particular aversions: scrambled eggs and coffee. However, those were my favorite things ever!!! I usually only drink de-caf so it’s not like I was trying to limit my coffee intake and I missed having a hot beverage in the morning. And I definitely missed eggs. However, pretty much my entire first trimester I was never hungry. And I threw up at least twice a week. I knew I had to eat so the only things I could force down were Velveeta Mac and Cheese, bagels with cream cheese, frozen dinners, and baked potatoes with lots of butter and melted cheese. I wasn’t sure if they were true cravings or just me subconsciously picking all the foods I don’t normally allow myself to eat (could Velveeta be any more processed or salty – not something I would normally eat). I am now starting to feel a little better and can drink coffee and eat eggs but they aren’t as good as they used to be. I am now in love with Subway Veggie Delight sandwiches. I love them so much that I just bought the ingredients at the store and have been making my own all week. I am a little worried about how much weight I’ve gained by making such bad food choices!


OMG! GUM!! I am 35 wks preggo with #2, and with BOTH pregnancies, I could NOT do mint gum (and I am obsessed with gum – must have it on my person at all times). I am back to fruit or cinnamon gum, but could still do without mint…

I’ve never heard anyone else have problems with it – too funny!!


I’m not pregnant and I WASN’T craving anything….then I read all these comments!! Agh!! I need to eat STAT!


Each one of my pregnancies were different.
Child one: I could only drink chocolate milkshakes from Friendlys. Seriously..only thing. Everything else made me vomit all day! It was crazy. The people at Friendlys knew me by first name.
Child two: only hamburgers and pizza. Anything healthy made me vomit. Absolutely no chicken or fish. Could not even look at it at the grocery store.
Child three: Candy..I have always been a candy girl but it was crazy. I thought i had the flu but my friends were commenting on how i could eat a pound of twizzlers and not be sick. It was pretty funny!
Enjoy every minute of this pregnancy!!!


When did you start getting your cravings/ aversions??
& wait, what?! Did I read that correctly..YOU overdosed on cereal???! No way. I don’t believe it ;)


Are you ready for this one…..I didn’t want to look at FRO YO!! After eating it at least once a day for YEARS, I just couldn’t when I was pregnant. So tragic. haha. I forced myself to drink v8 because I suddenly didn’t want any vegetables. Loved olives and banana peppers and other salty condiments. It’s good you don’t want gum because my dr told me not to chew it when I was pregnant because of the aspartame (sugar free chemical that’s sketchy for growing babies).


That is going to be one smart and strong kid! I’m not preggo, but I also regularly crave burgers. I think my iron is low. My mom has had some anemia in the past so I should probably get that checked out. Thanks for the reminder!


Didn’t crave anything at all. Could not eat dairy :( Threw up every time I tried to eat ice cream. Also had the gum aversion and I’m a pack-a-day chewer. But I’m back at it 6 months post partum.


I wanted mac and cheese and fried chicken from kfc! I hadn’t been to a kfc previously in like 10 years. Then i became a regular! No big deal…

I am the same with hot chocolate / hot drinks in general! I actually still 2 years later haven’t gotten over that! Something about the smell of coffee was so nauseating to me then that I still associate hot coffee with that. However I can still drink iced coffee :)

umm and crumb donettes are good no matter pregnant, not pregnant, male or female. who DOESN’T crave those sometimes?


I craved for fruits and ice cream but never mixed together. For the fruits it would be a few weeks eating the same fruit every day. Like 2 whole pineapples I would eat in one sitting a day until I get tired of it. Then the oranges everyday till I get sick of it and so on with other fruits lol and to make up for all the healthy stuff was lots of ice cream. I sure did gain a lot of weight even though I was going to the gym.


I’m sooo with you on the cheesey-carb laden combos! pizza….mmm!! I’m still not able to eat broccoli, loving cottage cheese, fresh apple juice and laughing cow cheese triangles! pretty similar to you sweet pea!


OMG chica!!! I go to Hawaii for 2 weeks and come back and you’re preggers!!Congratulations to both you and Billy – you must be so thrilled! And you look absolutely beautiful at the Awards and Gala! Enjoy – and check out ‘The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy’ – I bought it for my sis when she was pregnant – and read it before hand – it is HILARIOUS! xxxx


Oh I love hearing about all the fun cravings! My best friend really didn’t crave anything weird, I was disappointed because she doesn’t eat red meat and I really wanted her to crave it lol
So sorry you don’t want broccoli..I would be sad too!


I hated ( and now 3 year later still hate) Chicken! And I mean no, chicken, not grilled , fried or nugget style. It made me want to yak! Before I got pregnant I ate chicken almost everyday.The first 2 months (before anyone other than my husband and I knew) all i ate was chips and salsa. From 2-6 months I ate relatively healthy. After 6 months till I gave birth all I wanted was baked Cheetos , Coke ( which I hardly drank) & olive garden.
Once my girlfriend from work & I were on our way to a conference and I got sooooo sick i had to make her pull over. I had eaten black cherry yogurt. I just last weekend bought a container of chobain black cherry and was actually able to eat it. Ruff stuff.


I craved pizza like a mad woman for the longest time. That and Mac and Cheese. I was never an OJ drinker but I drank it almost everyday I was pregnant. I had to take chewable prenatal vitamins because I can’t swallow pills and OJ was the only thing I could drink while chewing those nasty things. Other than that I seemed to want to eat all bad things like Bojangles!! Hadn’t eaten Bojangles since high school!!


Totally agree about gum – the only kind i can chew is the orbit bubblegum flavor that comes in a little tub thing


OMG! I’m late, but this is my kind of post! (I googled it BTW!)

Let me start with what I CAN’T drink/eat: saltines, eggs, bacon, grits, Chinese food, those French toast sticks from Burger King, smoothies, ice cream, soda (including ginger ale), candy…anything sweet for that matter, fruits are a hit or miss, granola bars, pretzels, greek yogurt, pickles, lunch meats, classic lays… Did I mention that I’m ONLY six weeks?

What I can eat: sunflower kernels, salt and vinegar chips (on occasion), chicken, cheeseburgers, quesadillas (with chicken, of course), hot dogs, seafood, fries, fish fillet sandwiches from McD’s, some fruits, oatmeal


All I want in my first trimester (10 weeks) is pizza hamburgers and French fries I used to be addicted to sweets now I could pass … Aversions not much into avocado right now I really can’t event think of eating chocolate I had a craving for Mac & cheese @ 3 am last night I can’t Stand the taste of artificial sweeteners I’m gaining weight I need to start working out but I’m nausious all the time and tired and lazy it’s annoying I want foods with lots of spice and salt and fat … This is goin to be interesting … Pray for my thighs please… Lol – kris

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