A Vlog, Tzatziki and a Snickers Blizzard

This is the last time I get cheesy on you for at least 24 hours…..your comments, emails and tweets made me so happy and I am so thankful for you.  I am sending you all a life-time supply of swedish fish.

If you are at work and can’t listen to the video I wanted to fill you in that I will be a spokesperson for eLIVE this weekend in LA and get to hang out with Apolo Ohno and Dara Torres!! If you have any questions tweet them to #elive12 and I’ll get those answers for you.  Other parts of the video that you missed: I really like chocolate milk now more than ever, I like to sit in the grass where I am sure millions of spiders live and I like wearing all black to make me look speedy and stealth-like.


I ended up teaching a spin class last night which was a party.  I really like night classes because everyone is wide awake and they yell, cheer and get crazy.  We did a series with three hills/sprints followed by a bunch of squats off the bike, our quads were screaming.

Two new songs that I really like, especially sped up a little bit:

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Two of my favorites:

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First stop, the most delicious Pita Pit for a philly steak pita with an extra side of tzatziki sauce, that stuff is insane.  If anyone has a good recipe for that, please share!

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Stop two, Dairy Queen.  I ordered an Oreo blizzard first and right before they started making it I begged them to switch it to a Snickers one because I remembered we had Oreos at home to add in myself.  Crisis averted.

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I was upset about two things:  1.  Some of my Blizzard dripped on the table.  2.  That may look big but it was not.  There is an even smaller size than this one available.  Why can’t I pick and choose which restaurants offer ridiculously huge portions?


Favorite Blizzard flavor?  (In case you aren’t a regular like me, that includes: oreo, reese’s, snickers, strawberry cheesecake, brownie, butterfinger, M&M, cookie dough, oreo cheesecake, heath, banana split, banana cream pie, french silk pie or chocolate extreme….wow, I have issues)

What time of day (asking for the exact hour) do you have the most energy?

-Usually for me, right at about 10 a.m. and a second wind at about 6 p.m.

Would you rather do hill work or speed work? (Thinking about this during the spin workout, random but not completely random)

-Tough call because when you finish a tough hill you get the best satisfaction (and you get to run downhill) but when you finish an 800 or mile repeat at goal pace you get that same feeling.  I choose hill work.

Pita fan?  Favorite pita combo of ingredients?

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I usually have the most energy at 5:47AM when I get back from my AM run/workout. After that, all downhill….Unless I decide to go to an evening spin class, which would re-up my energy at 7:30PM.
Have a WONDERFUL day! :)


I wish I had all of my energy then ha. Hope you have a great day too!


Congratulations! I think one date a week is certenly a must.
I love tzatziki too, so here is the recipe from far away Greece:
200gr plain full fat (Greek) yogurt (that’s the only one we have here…)
1 small cucamber minced
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 Tablespoons wine vinegar
2-3 cloves garlic minced
pinch of white peper

Mix together and enjoy!


Thank you!! Okay, I am stoked for your tzatziki recipe, we have all of the ingredients, time to try it out. THANK YOU!


First – I have to tell you Congratulations!! I am SOOOO freaking excited for you. I feel like I know you so I’m just as excited as when my in-person bffs told me they were pregnant! You and Billy will make awesome parent…plus if your little on ever gets in trouble you can teach him how to run fast and Billy can defend him…haha just kidding. He or she will be an angel!! Anyway…before I got pregnant (I’m 27.00 weeks along) my most energetic time of the day was 4:30 am believe it or not. I used to go to the gym before work. Now, it’s around 5pm. It only lasts until 8 when I’m ready for bed, but I’ll take three house of go-go-go if I can get it! Again – SO excited for you. I can’t wait until you add your baby tab. I loveee reading blogs where I can follow week-by-week! If you don’t already read her blog, Daily Garnish has a pregnancy page (along the left hand side). Her little guy is already a few months old but I still love to look back at her posts that match my current pregnancy age. Oh, and make sure you post what books you’re reading because I’d love to read more about pre- and postnatal exercise more. I’m DYING to back to my old running habits!


HEY LINDSEY!! Thank you so so much for your comment, it means so much to me. AHHH congrats on being 27 weeks along, is it your first? I LOVE her blog and it was so fun to read DGs pregnancy stuff. Keep me updated with how you are doing! You will be back to running in no time!


I tried to post on yesterdays post but kept getting booted –

I have a 12 week old and threw my fitness/running out the window around month 5… totally regret that now!

If you havent seen it yet I would check out the book Run like a Mother – its funny and oh so true.

Congrats again!


I just got that book and I can’t wait to read it! Thank you so much Christina and CONGRATS on your 12 week old!


Janae, I didn’t get to comment yesterday, but CONGRATS! I am so looking forward to seeing you become a mommy.

Glad you got some DQ last night… my favorite is french silk pie, made with chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla. (Would you believe the DQ in my town does not have chocolate ice cream??)


Thank you so so much Sara! NO CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM??!?! Can they even call themselves DQ without the chocolate ice cream!


Your post always come out as I am leaving work and they seriously put the biggest smile on my face…I want to spin with you- jst via the internet I can feel your energy…can only imagine you in person! And blizzards sound ridiculously insane- what am I doing living in Mumbai…actually its probably a good thing- choosing a flavor would be too difficult!


Oh GOOD! Let’s plan a spin Skype date! YES MOVE HERE so I can take you for a blizzard every day of my life:)


HILL WORK! Especially in spin. When I sprint on a spin bike, I’m pretty sure I’ll die!

Congrats on the interview– that is so awesome!


Thanks Heather!!! Seriously…sprints KILL ME ha! Hope you have an amazing day!


I grew up down the street from a Dairy Queen and now I live where they are hard to find. It’s very sad. But my favorite flavor will always be M&M. I had my heart set on a M&M Blizzard once when I was finally near one and they were out of M&Ms. I was heartbroken. How can Dairy Queen be out of M&Ms?!

Usually my most energetic time of day is between 10:30 and 11:30am and then I perk up again around 7pm.


I don’t know how you go without one now after living so close. Oh the M&M one is amazing! They cannot run out of M&Ms!!


There is a place by my work (in a gas station) that makes falafel pita’s full of veggies & hummus & “red” sauce – don’t know what it is, but its slightly spicy and amazing.


You better ask them what their red sauce is made out of, tell them your blogger bff needs to know so she can make it:) Have a great day!


Congrats to you and Billy on the little one! The best tzatziki is from Costco and once you have a large tub of it you can put it on everything. I usually have the most energy at 630 in the morning which is either right when I get back from a run or am waking up from sleeping in :)


Thank you so much! I forgot Costco had it, thank you for reminding me!!


you are tooooo cute! :D


You’re just too cute … I completely understand why you have such an incredible following!! ;) To answer your question … I LOVE Pita Pit, but I haven’t had it in ages. I used to get it all the time during college, because they had one in Gainesville. I always got chicken with lots of veggies, banana peppers, and honey mustard. Yum!


Thanks Kristen!! Your pita pit combo sounds incredible. I need it now, especially the honey mustard!


SO excited for you and Billy, congratulations on your exciting news!!! Love your blog and looking forward to joining you on this journey!! That blizzard looks delicious! Wish I could have one!

In regards to tzatziki, I’ve become addicted to the kind they sell at Costco (have you discovered it yet?!)……it’s soooooooooooooo good and this version is pretty healthy too!!! I’d recommend trying that if they sell it at yours.


KATY!!! Thank you so much for your comment!! I will send you a blizzard in a freezer pack:) I FORGOT about Costcos tzatziki. Thank you SO SO MUCH for the reminder!


I have the most energy around 10am too and that’s when I head to the gym! Blizzards are sooo good and Reese’s in my flavor of choice. Hope you enjoyed yours


Good call on the Reese’s:) Seriously, 10 a.m. is the best time of day!


Your weekend event sounds like so much fun–they chose the right person! It depends on my mood, but I love the cookie dough blizzard.

I would say hill workouts are my favorite, such a feeling of accomplishment when you get to the top.

Again, congrats! You and Bill are going to have one speedy baby. I was reading your blog the other day and I told my husband that you were ‘glowing’ in your picture. I told him maybe you were pg because I noticed you hadn’t signed up for any marathons;-)


I am so excited! Thank you so much Becky, you are so sweet and I love that you called it to your husband!!! That makes me really happy!


I haven’t been to pita pit since college! So good! And I once had a thin mint blizzard which was good, but I think Reese’s would be my favorite, although I’ve actually only been to DQ twice! And I definitely have the most energy in the morning!


I think you need to get to pita pit asap….they remind me of college too. They must locate near universities ha. ONLY TWICE, that needs to change:) Have a great day Katie!


1. I’m super jealous that you get to hang out with all those amazing athletes. 2. I’m super jealous that they get to hang out with you in my city and I don’t. 3. Congratulations again!!! Can’t say it too many times. :) Have an amazing weekend in LA!!


Erin thank you so much! Wanna come with me?


Blizzard: Mint Oreo. It is so good!

I choose speedwork. Virginia Beach is flatter than a pancake so any hills kill me! We train on a man-made hill but it isnt the same. So speedwork! Plus I love to see that it is making me stronger and faster.

I love pitas so much that I named my dog after them. I wish I was kidding :) I love them with hummus and veggies but I also love them with falafel inside! Yum!


I am jealous of your flat roads, I am going to have to come run a race with you there!!! YOU NAMED YOUR DOG PITA!!! That absolutely makes my day!


Hill work is my absolute favorite!! I honestly don’t enjoy the going up part when my lungs feel like they’re going to collapse BUT going down? Amazing!!
I am SO HAPPY for you and Billy, Janae! Wishing you all the best!


I have the most energy in the mornings, but not like crazy early! Like in the summers when I can wake up on my own around 730 or 8.

My husband and I both die for Mint Oreo blizzards!! We were also bummed when DQ downsized their servings…. who does that?!?

Tough call on hill vs. speed – I would probably say speed work cuz its fun to fly!

I am so happy to be able to post on your blog today! I am just soooo excited for you and Billy and can’t wait to follow you through your experience!!! My husband and I are getting close to wanting a baby too, so its great to read all about it! Congrats again and again!!!! :)


Long time lurker, first time commenter! Here is my recipe for tzatziki – it’s about halfway down the post! Congrats on your pregnancy!:



I LOVE PITA PIT. And tzatziki.

That is all. Have a wonderful day!


This is so exciting – I am loving every second of your interesting life :D

first baby now this! YAY!!!!

I love love love PUMPKIN PIE BLIZZARDS! however, they’re only available in October – so it’s best to shock up while you can ;)

and I don’t have any good questions to tweet over but I’ll be excited to watch. You look amazing btw – nice healthy mom to be glow! xo

PS: I’m pretty sure my mom won that contest thank you so much for your vote and tweet!!!!


Me too. Pumpkin pie. I live there during October. One year the DQ by my house didn’t get word I guess and they did it all year round. Then they were notified… *sadface. Now it’s just October. But that was a happy year. I was there a lot.


I’d much rather do hills. I always end up doing speedwork on a track and it’s soul crushing and awful.

I was just thinking about how when I used to take pump at the gym, I had a pregnant teacher a couple times who was ridiculous and I always thought how awesome she was for still teaching when she was pregnant. That’s totally going to be you!


I love me a cookie dough blizzard.


Yay, I’m still so excited for you!
I’m taking my first spin class tonight and I’m nervous but excited! It’s actually a mini spin class – it’s 20 minutes spin and 20 minutes abs.
My husband and I love Dairy Queen. It’s kind of sad actually because the lady knows our order by heart. I always get a blizzard with chocolate ice cream, snickers, and pb cups. I’m sure it’s only 12,001 calories!


Your so cute, I love your vlog!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE pita pit… I ate it all the time when I lived in Orlando, but we don’t have them here in ATL, we should though! I miss it!


Have you tried the tzatziki sauce from Trader Joe’s? It’s really good. We don’t have Dairy Queens around here so I don’t think I’ve ever had a blizzard. I like anything with Reese’s PB cups though.


gah that is soo cool you get to meet Dara Torres I love her! Have fun in LA I am jealous! MM I can’t remember the last time I had DQ, ours is only open in the summer so now I will count down the days until it is opened and I can get there mint chocolate brownie blizzard!


ha, what a cute video, you are too adorable!

first of all, tzatziki is a godsend. i buy tubs of it from costco, but i’m pretty sure its SUPER easy to make at home. i love dipping broccoli into it the best.

snickers blizzard all the way!! although the addition of oreos sounds droolworthy to me.

nothing is more satisfying to me then a workout full of hills. it hurts so good.

love pita, and while I’m a huge pita and hummus fan, i’ve gotta go with a gyro. that combo is just too amazing for words.

p.s. congrats yet again…i couldnt stop chatting to kevin about the news yesterday, i’m just so excited for you guys!!


i want a blizzard STAT – any flavor – but i love reeeses and cookie dough. and butterfinger. so exciting that you can eat subway and dairy queen for two now!


I have two favs – Mint Oreo and Banana Split.
About 8am and 7pm :) Before work and after the gym.
Speed work!
For some reason I am not a pita fan, I think I just need to find the right combo and then I would love them :)


I am so excited for you!!! My husband and I can’t wait to add to our family!!! I am really looking forward to following your blog to see what wonderful and “crazy” things I have to look forward to when God blesses us :o) I already know I am going to be getting Blizzards too! :o) – Who am I kidding, i’ve had one every night for the past 6 days and I’m not pregnant. ha ha! You said you’ve been reading a lot about nutrition and pregnancy… any recommendations so far? Again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Oh… and I wanted to answer the fun questions. I always love reading everyone’s responses but never post mine. So…
Favorite Blizzard flavor? Reese’s!!! I am sure I would love tons others like Snickers, Cookie Dough, and M&M, but I ALWAYS (as in never, ever stray) get Reese’s. Then, I make my husband get another one I would like and I eat bites of his too!

What time of day (asking for the exact hour) do you have the most energy?
Hmmm… I feel like I never have a lot of energy. :o( Maybe I need more water during the day… or less work!

Pita fan? Favorite pita combo of ingredients?
Love Pitas! Wish we had a place like Pita Pit around here. I’m jealous. I would love one with lots of hummus!


Pita Pit’s falafel pita with their tzatziki sauce sauce is the bomb dot com. You must try it! I get mine with so many veggies to pita can’t even hold em. Yum! Now for shakes, you need to go to JCW’s. Have you ever been there? You get A LOT (and that is saying something coming from me!) It toally depends on my mood, but I love mint w/oreo, pumpkin w/cheesecake, chocolate w/pb cups or key lime w/raspberry & cheesecake. I am all the sudden wishing the protein shake I am drinking now was one of those. lol. If you have never been, then I must take you. My treat!

I usually have the most energy around 6-7AM. When I am getting my workout on. My friends roll their eyes when I act all crazy during class, but when a good song comes on I gotta dance…even if it is in the middle of a class. Obnoxious much?

I love a good hill workout, but I would have to say speed cause I love seeing those numbers!


Pita dinners are the best! They recently opened one of those up in the Mall of America and it has become a mandatory visit for me whenever we go! I always get the grilled chicken with a boatload of veggies and sauce.

Good call on the blizzard! I haven’t had one of those in years but they are so, so good! My favorite flavor was always Reeses!

I have the most energy from 6am to 2pm

I’d rather do hill work I think!


Oh my goodness, there is so much to respond to in this post! I love Pitas and DQ too!!!! We are even more BFFs than ever now:) I may have to stash my lunch in the fridge and go buy a gyro because I am sure I will not be able to stop thinking about them now. I am so incredibly jealous about your event this week. I have had a girl crush on Dara Torres for ever. I can’t wait to hear about it! Now on to these extremely important questions:
Sadly for me, I almost always get a second wind around 10pm which is right when I am supposed to be going to sleep. I don’t understand it!
Favorite Blizzard = VANILLA ice cream with M&Ms AND Reeses. If I feel embarassed because my husband is just getting a small cone I tone it down to just adding the Reeses but I secretly resent it so much!
Intervals>>>Hills! What is up with all you people loving hills? I’d way rather go fast, even for a minute!


Again, congrats on the baby!! :o)))
Umm, I’ve never had a Blizzard, a pita, and I’ve never heard of that sauce. It sounds interesting and I may have to look up a way to recreate it.
I have the most energy at 4:10am (start aerobic classes), 7am (end classes), 2pm (God gives me this b/c I need it to last through 2 more classes of high school kids…and it’s after my lunch). The least amount….4pm…UGH right before I have to go teach 2-3 hours of more aerobics.
My spin classes are 60-70% hills!!! I grew up running and biking crazy steep hills.
Have a great day!!


Pita pit is the best! We have a bunch of them around my college, it’s definitely the perfect late night food run :)
That’s awesome that you are hosting elive!!!!
I used to love oreo blizzards but I haven’t been to dairy queen in forever and plus my new found gluten allergy wouldn’t allow oreos, boo =/
Most energy is usually between 10-2 pm I think. It’s not right when I wake up, but not the evening either.
I think I like hills! I love feeling the burn in my legs!


I’m still so excited about your BABY NEWS!!!! Ahhh!!!

Anyways… haha My favorite blizzard flavor has to be a tie between oreo and reese’s!
I have the most energy between 9 and 10am. I get so much done!
I like hill work. It’s super tough, but I love getting to the top and seeing what I accomplished!


I typically have a lot of energy ALL the time hahaha. I am a morning person, but I also like to stay up all night. The only time when my energy levels feel pretty low is around 2 pm (end of my last class, beginning of my planning period) – usually I feel like I could fall asleep right then, but then after school I’m good to go. I’m with you – probably around 9 or 10 am and then 6 or 7 pm is when I’m most energetic.

I love blizzards – I can’t choose between brownie, cookie dough, reeses, snickers, oreo, and m&m hahaha. Love them all!


my favorite blizzard flavor is butterfinger hands down!! i haven’t had one in ages… i really need to fix that!
i also have the most energy around 10 AM, and then i get a second wind after dinner which is usually around 6:30 or 7 PM!
and i most definitely prefer speedwork over hills! hills are brutal!


What kind of shoes are you wearing in the picture that you posted with the baby shoes? I showed my girlfriend that pic telling her how excited I was that you’re pregnant and that was her first question lol. I was like LOOK!! And she said OMG What kind of shoes are those??


HEY KARLA!!! You are so great! The shoes that I was wearing are Mizuno Waverider 15s. Here is the link:

Have a great day!


so many amazing things happening to you right now! that’s incredible, congrats congrats!

i LOVE pita, esp out of the oven, warm soft and chewy..yummo!


Janae, again let me just say that I am so freaking excited and happy for you guys. I had a smile on my face all of last night and today during my run thinking about you (creepy! lol) and how much you deserve this happiness because you are such a great person!

I LOVEEE pita’s! Greek food is my fav. I like chicken pita’s with lots of veggies, hard boiled egg, hummus, and hot sauce. McDonalds used to have butterfinger and heath bar flurry’s and i loved those.. anything peanut buttery/ toffee-y :) I think i like hill work better than speed!


Not creepy at all!! Thank you so so much, your comment meant a lot to me! Good call on the boiled eggs. I MISS THAT MCFLURRY….so good!


The Hawaiian Blizzard!! I enjoy speed workouts more — I don’t get the same satisfaction from hills since where I live seems to be an endless climb every day. Even though I don’t have a baby/am not pregnant – I love this baby blog – check it out –



Meghan…thank you so so much for the blog link, I really appreciate it! I NEED to try the Hawaiian one. Have an amazing day!


I’d go for hill work too – probably because I live in such a hilly region that it comes more naturally than having to run fast.

Living in the UK, I’ve never had a Blizzard because Dairy Queen does not exist over here. In terms of flavour anything with the words ‘chocolate extreme’ involved has to be a winner with me though.

You look positively glowing already in your video!



I am going to have to come and run with you in your area someday (not when it is cold though ha). Thank you for your sweet words and I will bring you a Chocolate Extreme when I come run with you:)


hold onto your hat-NYC has NO dairy queens. NONE. not.a.one. I used to LOVE the kit kat blizzard in Ohio, made with chocolate and vanilla ice cream, but it’s no longer possible.

I will cry myself into oblivion now.


That is just beyond wrong. How could they do such a thing!


oh i can’t get to your vlog yet on my phone but i am sure its awesome!! so stinkin happy for you!


I love those blizzards!!


Hi Janae, I tried to post the following last night but kept getting kicked out!
Such exciting news!!! I unfortunately couldn’t work out through most of my pregnancy due to complications, yet right after our baby girl was born (almost a year ago, yikes!) I was walking, and then running at 5 weeks. I am usually a big-time sweets person, yet throughout my pregnancy I just wanted all things dairy…cheese, sour cream…in other words mexican food was where it was at. I had a total aversion to raw vegetables and salads as well, which is weird because I happily eat two salads a day on a normal basis.
Anyway, what a very exciting journey for you and Billy, I’m so very happy for you! We are trying for baby #2 now and we’re taking all the good prayers and thoughts we can get! :)


ROBIN!! Thank you so so much for commenting, I really appreciate it!! Running at 5 weeks, you are amazing!!! Oh yes, the dairy desire has hit strong, that is all I want. I couldn’t eat salad/or broccoli until about week 10 and I still can’t come near broccoli ha….pregnancy is weird. YES, I will be praying hard for baby #2 for you! PLEASE keep me updated!!!


umm YUM you made me want a greek pita so so badly!!!!!!!!


I am loving the vlog!! Glad the blog is up and working again. I like the chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard but it has been a long time since I’ve had one of those! Cake batter frozen yogurt with lots of sprinkles is doing the trick for me right now. Squats during spin class?! You are one hardcore mama! :)


Out here in STL it’s all about Ted Drewes (frozen custard) I’m a heath bar & Tedad’s scotch oatmeal cookie gal.

I am a night owl, I usually have the most energy at 10 or 11pm.

-Usually for me, right at about 10 a.m. and a second wind at about 6 p.m.

Speed work these days, stupid ankle.

Classic gyro with feta please!


Snickers is my favorite blizzard. Did you know today is Oreo’s 100th Birthday? I get to share my birthday with my favorite cookie! I have the most energy about 9am and I get a second wind around 2pm. My favorite pita is a chicken ceasear pita! Really I love all pitas, the bread is delicious and stuffed with wonderful food. Btw, loved your video!


Love the vlog. I honestly do not enjoy hill or speed work until it is over!!! I am much more into long runs but I do a little hill and speed work just because I know it’s a necessary evil :) I love pitas and do not get them enough. Favorite blizzard is Oreo or Reeses! Have a great day and enjoy LA!


I like all Blizzards. I am an equal opportunity Blizzard eater. I eat them all.

In Chicago it’s very flat here so I don’t have a lot of experience doing hill work, therefore hills have become my nemesis! Just because it’s what I’m much more familiar with, I would rather do speedwork than hillwork!


My town doesn’t have a DQ (the nearest one is 90 mi away). Every time I go out of town, I search for a DQ en route. I simply cannot choose a favorite flavor!!! Please don’t make me! They all are soooo yummy.


I tried leaving comments for you yesterday, but I kept getting an error. I am super excited for you two. You guys will be great parents.


The turtle blizzard is my favorite. And I think I heard the DQ here is offering buy one blizzard, get a second for only $0.99 this weekend. I will check it out and let you know so you can be officially jealous! ;-)

I have the most energy late morning most days.

I try to avoid hills, but today’s run had a couple of long, gradual ones. And my run this Thursdays will be a lot of hills. I die.

Pita Pit is one of my favorite “fast food” restaurants! I always get the veggie on wheat pita. Spinach, black beans, avocado, grilled onions, cucumbers, olives, tomatoes, feta and tzatziki sauce. May need that for lunch today…


yayyyy! this post made me smile. i am working and testing someone right now but maybe after they finish i can sneak a minute to watch your video :) so jealous you will get to hang out with Apolo and Dara!!!! holy amazingness. Pita pit is sooooo good. it has been FAR TOO LONG since i have been there :) miss youuuuuuuuu! oh. and how could i forget about the ice cream…reese’s blizzard. i am craving one right now just thinking about it :)


First of all, can we please please please see a picture of your cute little prego belly? Is that weird I want to see that?! Please say no. :-) Second, I am SO jealous of your weekend plans! That sounds AMAZING, take a million pictures and tell us everything. Third, COOKIE JAR blizzard is the way to go. Sometimes it’s not on the menu but they always have it – it’s cookie dough AND oreo and it’s the best thing since peanut butter.


SUCH a fun way to meet up and tweet up! Rock on. SO cool that you get to meet such great athletes!

And CONGRATS again!!!!!! So happy for you both :)


Testing, testing…


Yay, I can comment now! I’ve been trying for two days to tell you CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so very, very, very happy for you guys. That little munchkin cooking in your belly right now has NO idea how lucky it is. It pretty much just won the parent lottery with you two! Much love to all!!!


So glad it finally worked for you ha! Thank you so so much for your congrats…you are the BEST!!! You are so sweet and made me smile really big!


The BEST Blizzard flavour (and it isn’t on the menu, but they’ll make it if you ask nicely!) is mint smartie… mmmm. I’m hungry just thinking about it!

I get my energy later in the day (though I’m trying so hard to change it!) I’m a zombie in the mornings (my bf tells me I’m a “sea creature before 10am”) I’m WAY more productive in the afternoons at work, and I get a rush of energy in the evenings. I was working until 3am this morning because I was on a roll.. meanwhile 9am yesterday I was staring bleary eyed at my computer incapable of thinking. Not good, but I’m trying to change it!

I’d take speed over hills any day! I love running fast, and I find hills very humbling. I feel like I’m going so slow, but I’m drained at the end! I guess I love the feeling of pushing hard and exhaustion, but at least with speed I feel like I got to run fast for all my hard work!


I cannot wait to read about your pregnancy food! You are so cute :).
I’m one of those ridiculously annoying morning people. Like on race days, when we’re all up at 4am, I’m bouncing around with oodles of energy. Fun for me, misery for everyone else :).
Have a beautiful day, pretty girl!


I bet your traffic was ridiculous!! It already is and you know every one loves a pregnancy! :) Especially with tow upstanding peeps like you and Billy. Janilly will be a lucky baby!

More vlogs!! I love hearing your voice-I can pretend we are in Vegas again! I just downloaded Turbulence too–great spinning song . I’m hoping my classes don’t tire of the techno mixes I like to use!

And, CONGRATULATIONS on being the #eLive12 spokesperson. I will spread the word on twitter!


Congratulations on your pregnancy, it is the best time of your life I promise!!! So much fun. Your announcement photo was the cutest I have ever seen. I am thinking perhaps a race bib with the numbers showing birth stats for your birth announcements…could be pretty cute! Have fun this weekend.


Not sure if you’ve heard of this yet, but saw this run and thought of you! I know there are a couple other color runs out there, but this is the original and it might be worth it for a California road trip to do it! Plus, it’s a good reason to not wash your hair since it might be fun to have pink hair for a couple of weeks afterwards. P.S. Congrats on the bebe!




I guess it would be a toss up between reese’s, or cookie dough.. Hmm.. if only they had caramel.. and one in RI! Sounds like your going to have an amazing time interviewing!! I LOVE Dara Torres.. I wouldn’t even know what to ask.. except maybe if I could swim with her :)


Georgia Mud Fudge all the way. And I love the mini blizzards best because they put more of the good stuff in them. Yum!
As for energy, I feel the best around 9am and again around 7pm. My worst time of day is between 1 and 3 pm. Sometimes I can barely keep my eyes open.


DQ blizzards are my FAVORITE EVER. I love cookie dough!!!


Wish DC had more no wait one dairy queen. I worked there in high school and managed in college. It’s amazing I didn’t pack on the lbs. I never really ate full blizzards but would make myself random little treat cups. I love the hot caramel. I’d mix that with Heath and rainbow jimmies. When all else fails rainbow jimmies will most definitely put a huge smile on my face. Do you like peanut butter? You can do a peanut butter Oreo. Wow you’ve made me want DQ so bad now lol. Too bad I gave it up for lent oh yeah and there aren’t any around. It’s a crime really.


PITA PIT!!! The town I went to grad school in had a pita pit, and I practically lived there! Oh man oh man…now I want some!

As for Dairy Queen, I can’t lie, that’s one of the places I miss most now that I live in London!!! Everytime I go back to the States I practically live at DQ. As a kid I was all about the chocolate covered cherry, and then for a while it was the banana split (but I would replace the pineapple flavour with cherry or something), but now I always get banana cream pie. Mmmmmm…so glad I’ll be back in the US on a visit in 6 weeks so I can get some!

And now I’m off to the Pita Pit website to see if they’ve opened any locations vaguely near my family for that just-mentioned trip! ;)


Ugh, I just re-read my comment and saw I used the phrase “practically lived” in reference to both DQ and Pita Pit. I guess those places make me VERY excitable! ;)


So happy I can finally get through to comment on your blog! I know it is late (and note related to this post) but CONGRATS to you and Billy on expecting your first little addition to the family!!! So so so exciting! You both will make excellent parents! :)


You are adorable. Congrats on getting to represent such an awesome product! Have fun in LA and drink lots of chocolate milk for me.

Hugs friend!


Ah, thanks so much for these songs! I need to keep updating my spin playlist otherwise I get soooo bored…these are GREAT! :-)


Dara Torres! that is my idol!!!!! do you need an assistant! I am less than an hour away!! :)
I am her age and before running I was a swimmer…a serious one..that was my first love. She is my favorite athlete. You are so lucky!


You sound like Amanda Bynes on your video! I love it! Thats so cool about meeting Dara Torres!


Gosh, you are really making me feel like I have a boring life this week with all your exciting news. ;) But I mean that in an awesome way! Congrats, I loooove Apolo, and Dara is crazy awesome, really defies the odds!


Ok Janae — you know you can get them to mix the Blizzard flavors, right? I get half cookie dough (with chocolate ice cream) and half M&M. Yeah… I hit up the Dairy Queen a little too much.

I would rather do speed because I live right at the top of a loooong 6% grade hill that I always have to run up on the way home!


That is super cool! Can’t wait to hear how it goes this weekend!


Congrats on the spokesperson gig! :) Looking forward to seeing it!

Strangely enough, I have the most energy around 8:30 am…my second hour class can attest to this. :)

And, I LOVE pitas…that is all. :)


Did you know today is Oreo’s 100th birthday??? Yummmmm


Favorite blizzard is a tie between strawberry cheesequake and reeces peanut butter cup depending on if I am in a more chocolatey or fruity mood. I couldn’t post on yesterday’s post but being 29 weeks along with our first (it’s a girl!). He are some things I’ve learned: Don’t suffer through heartburn ask your doctor if you can use Zantac (this helped so much!). Get a belly support band once you start getting a belly. I tried running without one and my underbelly was so sore! :) Get two body pillows to sleep with, one on each side. Don’t wait too long to get bigger bras :) Yogadownload.com has a really good one hour prenatal yoga video. At your glucose test at 28 weeks take a snack for right afterwards (cashews were perfect for me). I’m sure there are more but those are just a few things off the top of my head. CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!!


you sound and look kinda like amanda bynes!! LOL


Congrats on the baby!! And I think the experience of watching a bloggers Vlog is similar to seeing a radio DJs photo for the first time. What I imagined them to look like is not what they actually look like. But I’m pretty sure you were spot on to what I thought you’d be like in real life–just as happy and funny in your Vlog as you are in your blogs!


Sorry I can’t tweet my questions. Please, please, please take a ton of photos of Chrissie Wellington. She is my favourite athlete of all-time and is such an amazing role model!


I totally will wahooo! Thanks!


Have you tried the cookie jar blizzard yet? Best of all worlds with girl scout cookies, cookie dough, AND oreos.

Enjoy your weekend with the olympians. I am so jealous!!!


My favorite tzatziki comes from Annie’s Eats, as part of her chicken gyros recipe. I highly recommend it!! http://annies-eats.com/2009/06/02/chicken-gyros/

At Dairy Queen, peanut butter cup blizzards are the way to go! Maybe even with Reese’s Pieces as well if I’m in the mood for double the candy fun. :)

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