Recreating my favorite time of the week.

Since the Superbowl is on Sunday and we won’t be able to make it to family Sunday dinner I told my mom that we had to pretend it was Sunday night last night and recreate my favorite time of the week.

She made my favorite stew and I made the Bisquick biscuits.  I went back for another bowl of pure potatoes, I have an issue with potatoes, they are so simple but they are really one of my favorite foods….high starch tastes so good!

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The nieces got their new favorite toy in the whole wide world, a life-size moose.  It is extra fun when they tackle me with it, it feels really nice.

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Seven words for you: my dad is the best dad ever.

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Eaten with my Christmas socks and winter coat on.  Just because it is a little cold outside should not stop you from enjoying this goodness, just dress appropriately.

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I do have something to talk about that is kind of important.  Why do ice cream makers refuse to put enough cookie dough bites in their ice cream? If I was an ice cream manufacturer the ratio of ice cream to cookie dough would be 1:1, no questions asked.


Did your mom or dad make dinner for you growing up? Did you eat together?

-My mom cooked dinner every day unless she was sick or something else was that night, we always ate together.  The only problem was when my brothers and dad liked to talk about physics and engineering….I thought they were speaking another language.

Did you have a special stuffed animal growing up?

-Nope but I did have a blanket that I took everywhere.

What was the last dessert that you ate?

If you are a potato fan please share your love for them in the comments.

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How sweet of your mom and dad to have such a wonderful meal! that moose is HUGE, holy smokes.

My mom made supper every night, we always ate together, loved it!

haha, I agree about the choc chip cookie dough ice cream–my husband gets mad becuase I dig for all the cookie dough pieces. I had cookies and cream last night–I tend to ‘dig’ for the cookies too;-)

Love me my potatoes! My fav way is topped w/broccoli, cottage cheese and ketchup.

Have a fabulous Saturday Janae!!! I hope its a wonderful weekend even if you aren’t getting out of town and I hope all is well with your family.


My mom and dad always made dinner for my family… and still do! It’s a rule at our house to eat together pretty much every night :)


We ate a lot together which was good for me. My dad only grilled things but mom made a lot of great foods. Mom would actually be the one to take us out to ice cream because dad doesn’t have a sweet tooth at all! I don’t know where I inherited my terrible foodie qualities from.


I LOVE potatoes…especially sweet potatoes. I’ll eat a whole baked sweet potato in about 3 minutes it’s so good. Like you, I always up the percentage of potatoes in soup whenever I eat/make soup. Yummmm!
I also had a blanket I took everywhere. I actually lost it once! I was 4 and in Boston to cheer on Mom running the marathon, and we left it at the hotel. I was devastated, but luckily when my grandmother bought it for me, she bought TWO because she knew something like this was going to happen. It took me a while to “accept” replacement blankie, but I did eventually. (Hope you don’t mine my rambling here!)
Have a great weekend!


I have a stuffed turtle which I take everywhere with me now. I’ve only had him a couple of years but its nice to have something to cuddle especially when away from home (yes…I am 20 something and I like my toys :) ).

Fave potato dish would probably be really well seasoned fries, although a creamy cheesy mash is pretty tempting too.

Ice cream crimes!: One time I got a tub of Phish Food from Ben and Jerrys that had a solitary chocolate fish in it! I wrote to the company and they send me a voucher for a new one… all was good in the world again :)


The new kroger brand chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream from smith’s is LOADED with cookie dough!


That moose is huge! And probably seems even bigger to a little girl :-)

My mom made dinner and we usually ate together, but sometimes around the TV. My last dessert was an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. And I also had a blanket that I took all around! Still have it :-)


My mom still cooks.

With all of your talk of grapes, I am now addicted. I finally bought some and they are so good right now.

I am making a pork roast today if you want to come over ;)


My mom would always make us lasagna or traditional Danish food on Sunday night :) Good thing her Danish food almost always included POTATOES because I could honestly eat them at every meal and not have a problem with it :)


When/if Blue Bell ice cream ever comes to Utah they make not only the BEST ice cream, but their choc chip cookie dough flavor has TONS of cookie dough! :D YUM!


Mom cooked. And I also had a blanket that I took everywhere. And it still have it, tucked away safely.
I had some animal crackers last night.
LOVE potatoes, but I have switched my love to sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. YUM!

The Kidless Kronicles


My Mom always made supper and we tried to eat together, but with both my brothers in hockey and me as a busy teenager, we probably did not eat together as much as we would have liked.
I had a bear growing up that my Dad bought me when I was first born. Then the first Christmas I was with my now husband, he bought me a stuffed cat and until we moved out together I slept with it every night!
Its only 7am but I already had a Ghirardelli peanut butter chocolate square…oops! haha


Four words: cheesy garlic mashed potatoes!!!

I did and still do have a favorite stuffed animal: Mickey Mouse! Honorable mention to my stuffed Figment of the Imagination from Disney’s Epcot. I love Disney!


My mom always made dinner when we were growing up (still does for her and my dad), and we always ate together. And I pretty much love potatoes. I made hash browns the other night and ate two servings at dinner and the other two at lunch the next day. Clearly potatoes trump the main course.


That ice cream looks really good!!!

We loove potatoes here! One of our favorite ways to cook them is by boiling a bunch of new potatoes for about 15-20 minutes, and then putting them on a baking sheet. Then we smash them a little bit, and pour melted garlic butter on them and bake for another 3o minutes!


Aww, I still have my stuffed animal from when I was a kid! It’s a bear and his name is Tedd-I. My dad gave him to my mom when they were dating and then I confiscated him when I was like 3 :)


Potatoes are one of my favorite foods. It doesn’t matter if it’s a plain baked potato, fries, mashed… It really doesn’t matter. :)

Have a good weekend!


I love ice cream … it doesn’t matter how cold it is outside! I think we’re going to Coldstone tonight and I can’t wait!! ;)


Oh girl…I have an ice cream to share with you. I literally do not eat any other flavors anymore. Turkey Hill Double Dunker.
Best ice cream ever. and A LOT of cookie dough chunks! I swoon.


Your parents really love buying you goodies! You’re a lucky ducky. I wish I lived closer to my parents to take advantage of things like that. I would be leaving hints on my blog all the time :)


We never really had home-cooked meals when I was a kid. I sort of grew up on McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut! Ben’s mom always cooked for him though, so I have big shoes to fill :)

I had a blankie too. It had a huge hole in it and my mom tried several times to give me a new one, but I wasn’t having it.

A co-worker brought cupcakes last night- love free dessert!

I LOVE POTATOES! In any way, shape, or form. We’ve talked about having an all-potato potluck at work. Sounds amazing, right?!


My mom always made dinner until my sister and I were like 15 and 12 and then we took over the duty…….and it was awesome because my mom would just clean up behind us as we cooked. it was like having a cooking show now that I think about it. Good times!

I love potatoes! The cheesey funeral potatoes made a reappearance over Christmas and now I have them in a more regular rotation because I can’t get enough.


ohhh yes, i totally agree with you on potatoes and the cookie dough ice cream thing. i LOVE potatoes… my husband complains because i make some sort of potato side dish with dinner like every other night. they’re cheap too (that’s my excuse to him). as for the cookie dough ice cream – absolutely should it be a 1:1 ratio! we should come out with our own version. ;)


THAT MOOSE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! haha moose are my favorite animals, and life sized stuffed animals rock my world. I used to have a life sized elmo. And I still sleep with a regular elmo. I can’t believe I’m 22 either…ha


Haha, I had a towel! Two actually. They mysteriously disappeared when I got older, and my mom STILL claims innocence!

A baked potato+tuna+creamy bacon dressing can absolutely hit the spot for me.


My family always ate together at night. I think it’s so great that you look forward to those dinners enough to reschedule one :)


My mom cooked dinner every evening and every Sunday afternoon. We had dessert at every meal. I did not follow in her traditions unfortunately. But you have just encouraged me to create some new ones for my young adult children. I guess it’s never too late to create a “favorite time of the week” for someone! Your sunny attitude is so contagious!

The Extreme Moose tracks and Wild Berry Skittles are my favorites! Seriously, I’m not just making that up. My daughter laughs at me because when I buy the Moose tracks I just eat it all in about one sitting. I saw that picture and just laughed. (You can begin to see why I need to get back out there running!)

Last dessert I ate was just now for my breakfast after my 7 mile run. Two Krispy Kreme doughnuts. YUMMY!!

Favorite stuffed animal was actually a pink plastic pig. LOL!


Yup, definitely had a special stuff animal when growing up (and so what if I still do at the age of 30??) ; )

Ice cream? The def need to increase the ratio of cookie dough. That’s why I love those a la carte ice cream/yogurt places…you can layer on the cookie dough!!


I did have a special stuffed bear – Mr. Gertrude Bear (I was about 4 years old when I named him!). My dog thinks all stuffed animals are hers to toss around and rip the limbs off, but she KNOWS Mr. Gertrude Bear is off limits :)

Last dessert I had was chocolate chip cookies.. At 3:00am. I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep so I did what any normal person would do and wrote a blog post (which borders on lunacy) and ate cookies. It’s a good thing I run, I’d be huge otherwise!

We always had family dinners growing up.. Luckily my genius sister was the only one who liked to talk about engineering and physics at the kitchen table.. s naturally the rest of us gave her a hard time and made fun of her :-P


Solution: make cookie dough, stir the extra into your ice cream. All better now.

P.S. My boyfriend likes to cook me dinner (isn’t he so sweet?) and asked me yesterday want I wanted. My reply was ice cream. I don’t think he thought it was funny.


The lack of cookie dough in ice cream is sad. But Meadow Gold has the lowest ratio of all. I swear. You must try Dryers ‘loaded’ cookie dough flavor… I only buy it on sale. But for a cheaper version, Kroger makes a pretty good version as well (Kroger – just the Smith’s brand). While you are at Smiths, you should also get their ‘Butterzinger’ ice cream too. My fave. Their ice cream is even on sale for $2.50 this week. However, Meadow Gold makes a pretty good oreo ice cream. They used to also have campfire conundrums (chocolate ice cream, marshmallow swirl, chocolate covered graham crackers) that was a favorite, but they no longer make it. Any other flavors you like that you want to know which brand is the bext? lol. Cause seriously. I could tell you. I may have a problem….


My parents did cook for us growing up, granted it wasn’t always the healthiest, but we ate together. :) And I have always thought that about cookie dough ice cream!!
I had this Holly Hobby doll and a Mrs. Beasly doll growing up…. loved them!

Ummmm I had a Salted caramel coffee and a HUGE chocolate chip cookie from Starbucks last night! My tummy didn’t like me later, but I SO enjoyed the moment. :)
I am a freak for sweet potato’s! If I could have them every day I would!

Have a great day!


We ate dinner together as a family every night of the week unless my brother and I had some sporting event. I love that about my childhood and think its vital to building a solid, loving family unit. As a result, we are all still really close despite being ‘grown-ups’ now. I wish more families had the opportunity or understood the importance of sitting down at the table together.
I didn’t carry around a toy or blanket as a kid, I was a thumb-sucker so my comfort was attached to me ;) ha!
And I totally agree on the 1:1 ratio of ice cream and mix-ins, whether cookie dough, oreos, caramel, or brownie bites…
Have a good weekend!


My mom made family dinner every single night of the week and we were all required to be there and tell our days. We acted like we hated it, but personally, I loved it. Except the part where I wasn’t allowed to leave until I finished my glass of milk. I hated milk. And, we had a giant life-size Snoopy stuffed animal (still do!) and loved playing on it!


I live at home and my mom still cooks dinner every night. We’ve had dinner together every nnight ever since I can remember. I had a stuffed animal that I loooved And never went anywhere without it. Last dessert: those Keebler coconut dream cookies, they are so good.
You are so not alone in your love for potatoes. Just yesterday I had chicken stew and my sister asked who had eaten all the potatoes already knowing it had been me.


Class Mom dinners were Macaroni and Cheese with Chopped up Hot Dogs, Porkchops and Apple Sauce or French Toast Sticks!

Last dessert was a brownie with vanilla ice cream last night while catching up on my DDR! TGIF!


Yum! :) My dad always made the best sandwiches. I loved his Tuna and turkey melts :)


I was in a cake mood last night, so my son and I baked a cake! I haven’t done that in forever and it was good!
I agree with the the cookie dough 1:1 ratio!


Did you put skittles in your ice cream?? Haha.
My mom did cook dinner but so did my grandma and my dad to help out. My dad was actually more into cooking! We usually ate together when I was younger and then kind of ate on our own once I was in high school.
I had this stuffed bunny that I got when I was two years old after hurricane andrew. My grandma found it and I took it everyyyywhere I was obsessed.
Last desssert = chocolate.
I love potatoes. I’d rather have them than any other carb for sure, so good.


My mom always made dinner every night and we all sat together at the table. It was nice.
I had a baby blanket I took everywhere- and by everywhere I mean I took it to college with me.

I LOVE potatoes. All different ways. Have you tried the Pioneer Women crash hot potatoes? So easy and SO yummy!


I love potatoes, but I love SWEET potatoes even more! I just bake them until they’re baked through and even caramelized, then my mom and I will sit and eat four each (especially during the winter when it’s cold).


My mom made a huge meal every single night. We always ate dinner together as a family. The cooking gene skipped me entirely. I hate cooking. I don’t have the attention span for it. The only cooking I do is slow cooker and baking. Those I can mix, put in for awhile and then just listen for the timer. No need to be attentive!

I had a special stuffed animal that I actually hated when I got it. I wanted a dog so much for a long time. My dad started hinting I was going to get one for my birthday. Imagine my shock and disappointment when my new dog was of the stuffed variety. Oh the hurt! But I grew to love him and my daughters still have my “dog” around somewhere.

Last dessert was two Candy Cane Oreos yesterday. So yummy!

Love potatoes! Especially all dressed up with butter, sour cream, shredded cheese, sea salt and pepper. Think I know what I’m having for dinner tonight!…


FYI February is National Potato Month- you better celebrate well :)


My mom always cooked dinner for the family growing up–almost every night!! Last dessert: delicious chocolate cake with chocolate frosting! YUM! :)


We always ate dinner together but sometimes my dad cooked and sometimes my mom did. Whoever got home first started dinner.
I had a TON of stuffed animals and I loved them all.
I had Andes Mint brownies last night for dessert. They were quite tasty.


Yep,my mom made dinner every night and we ate together.It was nice and I try to do that as well,but we usually eat with my older child after the younger one is in bed.Sometimes it’s hard to fit in with all the school/work/basketball/little league etc.I love how you are so close with your family!!!
Ya,you need more cookie dough in there!!
I made birthday cupcakes for my niece’s b-day party(which is today)-chocolate with cream cheese icing,so I had one of those for dessert.Yum!!


I love sweet potatoes. Recently we have been picking up purple potatoes-those are delicious too!


One: I love that you have family dinner every Sunday, we don’t live close enough for that, I also have a small family, you look like you have so much fun! I love when I go home though my mother always asks me what special meal(s) she can make for me and she always adds some delicious surprise.
Two: I love potatoes too! I love just making a baked potato for dinner, or mashed potatoes, I’m the weird one that mixes her mashed potatoes with her mixed vegetables.
Three: I had TONS of stuffed animals growing up. I still occasionally buy them still if they are super cute, my mother still buys me them as well. On my favorite stuffed animals that my mother bought me was when for my freshman year of college, she bought me a huge stuffed animal Pooh. He even went with me shoved in my suitcase when I studied abroad in Spain. He’s the perfect stuffed animal to snuggle with and hug when you are sad. :-)


My mom cooked every night and we always ate together. As we got into high school it was harder with our athletic schedules, but we still ate the majority of our breakfasts and dinners as a family. If my mom was out of town, my dad always fixed corn dogs or ordered pizza. :)

I had a bunch of different stuffed animals, but I never really got attached to any one in particular. If I had had that giant moose, it definitely would have been my favorite!

I ate a chocolate chip cookie dough lara bar before my lunch, and last night after dinner (SUSHI), I had a Hershey’s kiss. Lame, I know. I will be having awesome desserts tomorrow at lunch and dinner!


Hard to believe but I used to not like potatoes. I would tell everyone I was allergic just so I wouldn’t get the weird stares. Now I love ’em! Pure starchy heaven!


I totally want one of those huge moose too! :) That is awesome!! Your nieces are adorable…& it’s great that you got your favorite night of the week to come early. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!! Xo


I’m so glad I am not the only ones who gets bundled up just to eat ice cream when it is cold outside!!!!


I love that you make the time to spend a quality evening with your family once a week- I need to get better about that. And those Bisquick biscuits look GOOD! Do you have some kind of crazy secret, like adding marshmallows to the mix? ;)


What nice parents!!!

I love when my dad buys me ice cream when I come home—such a sweet guy :)


FUN@! Yes, dinner together happen WHENEVER possible…I believe that’s HUGE for families, gather, center, appreciate one another. I really love that it is such a fundamental part of your fam.

I want that moose for COOPER! Last dessert= red vines and half a bag of them, thank you! ;)


Yum — looks like a great dinner, especially dessert!
Happy Saturday!


THAT MOOSE IS AMAZING. Oh I need one so badly.


My mom cooked a lot growing up. Not every night but most nights. Me on the other hand…I’m not quite as good about it. I’m happy with super easy dinners except once or twice a week when I actually cook. Maybe it will change after kids :).

You need to post the recipe for that stew! MMMM I love soup in the winter.

Last dessert I ate? I did ice cream sundays on Thursday for my mother in laws birthday. We had vanilla ice cream, crushed oreos, crushed butterfinger, chocolate syrup, and carmel for toppings and also brownies. It was very very good!


You and your family are too adorable!!!!! I always need to get extra cookie dough when I buy cookie dough iec cream…so I make my own 1:1 ratio since it never comes with enough. Last time I bought a package of vegan cookie dough along with the ice cream, people gave me strange looks for buying vegan dough and full on dairy ice cream but I was just trying to avoid raw eggs :)


That stuffed moose is insane. I want one. I would bring it out when friends were over and scare the crap out of them.

We always ate as a family and my mom would cook dinner.

I totally agree about the ice cream and now I want some.


My mom or dad made breakfast every morning when I was young. Starting when I was in Junior High, we had breakfast together every morning before everyone left for school or work. My made dinner every night, unless we were taken out to eat which was a treat. I still have the baby blanket my older sister gave me the day I was born. Actually, it has been passed down to my son and he loves it! It warms my heart. Didn’t have dessert last night, but I did enjoy a nice chocolate shake for dinner so I guess I really did. I absolutely LOVE potatoes! I could eat them fried, mashed, baked, or in soup. It’s really probably my favorite starch!


Ahh.. I totally agree..there’s never enough cookie dough!
My parents would always make dinner for my sister and I growing up and we always sat down and ate as a family. I think it’s so important for kids to have that and it makes for some good memories too.


I love your family dinners, and your mom is just awesome. And that moose is so cool! I hope I do family dinners w my kids and fam when I grow up (I mean, have kids-hah)…the only problem is I don’t really cook. working on that.
I love mashed potatoes so much.
And about not feeling like running….happens all the time to me! I think it’s awesome that you made yourself go to the gym and have a great sweat despite your non running mood. Hope Billy feels better soon. I haven’t exercised or run much this wk at all but am ready to go today. Need my endorphins.
love you, J!


Fun moose!

My mom made dinner most every night too, and we almost always ate together. I always really liked it and have carried on the tradition in my own family for the last 10 years.

I love potatoes too. Mashed potatoes, scalloped, toasted, baked. Funnily enough, I don’t really like French fries.


My family and I ate together most nights. My mom is a great cook. I sure do miss her meals and hugs. U r blessed to live so close. I live 2 hrs away. Anyways, the last dessert I had was last night(its the same thing every night)= biggest bowl of ice cream!! Its like 4 of your bowls u had. My mom always has the freezer stocked with ice cream when I visit. :) Lastly, I Love potatoes!!! I had one today from Chick-fil-a at lunch with my meal. It was smuthered with ketchup. We have soooo much in common= both teachers, ruunners, ice cream lovers,skittles lovers…there’s more, but I d say your favorite will be we both pray 4 snow days!haha


We always ate dinner together … we did not eat until my dad came home from work … I will always treasure that … dinner at home was always delicious and healthy … I cook for my family every night and love doing it.

Growing up I had a Snoopy which I still have today …

Dessert – Frozen Yogurt Original of course, mochi, lychees, blueberries, strawberries, ( no mango … :( … was not available)

Potato lover … french fry is first favorite then the list continues, roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes … etc. etc.


Potatoes? I am QUEEN of potatoes! Try this: peel and boil a few potatoes. When they are almost done, put half a can of chickpeas into a bowl and mash them up a bit (works the arms!) Take a skillet, add a touch of oil and then fresh kale. Let it crisp. (It doesn’t wilt like spinach, but gets nice and crispy.) If you like, add some onion powder and garlic powder to kale. Drain potatoes, add to bowl of chickpeas and mash with a touch of butter and milk. Then add the crispy kale, which you stirred a bit in the pan to prevent burning. Stir everything together until incorporated and then ENJOY!!!
It is my constant dish, as I am vegan and I have a love affair with chickpeas, potatoes and kale.

Also, to the other questions: Mom until it was grilling, then it was Dad; I have a bear called Morning Bear, which I still cuddle with every night; Enjoy Life crispy chocolate bar


My parents made dinner every night. It was usually Mon, Tue & Thur: chicken, Wed: pasta, Fri: pizza and a free for all on the weekend. The holidays were always the best. :-)

I have a stuffed elephant that my grandfather bought in the hospital the day I was born.

The last dessert I ate was a yogurt, apple and granola dish last night.

I love smashed potatoes with the skin still in them!


Yum I love potatoes too!!


Hi, where oh where can I get that moose??? I have a niece who is moose-crazy, has been since she was little, and now she is graduating from high-school. I have been buying her various moose things for years, and would love to give her a truly enormous one for her graduation present. Thanks!

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