How to unwind and free food makes everything better.

I think my mom has psychic powers.


Somehow she knew that I had parent-teacher conferences yesterday and that I would be at work for way too many hours and she KNEW that I needed to get away for lunch.  Okay, so maybe she isn’t psychic because I am the one that texted her asking to go to lunch but she is sure sweet for saying yes.

I had to start off February right with getting in for my turkey sandwich.  Beauty #2 of the lunch date was that my mom can only ever eat 1/2 of hers and wanted me to have the second half (sweet teriyaki chicken) for my lunch today…don’t mind if I do.

Our boss always makes sure that we are fed with really good food for dinner during parent-teacher conference.  Lots of fruit, vegetable pizza, a delicious avocado and bean dip and something else with cream cheese that was cooked in the crock-pot.

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Blurry because a parent was getting impatient with me taking pictures of my food (I am kidding…it was during a break).

After hours of talking and blurry eyes from looking up grades all night I came home and snacked on my new favorite combo: pretzel sticks dipped into strawberry cream cheese.  Don’t knock it until you try it.

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Billy got home from an awesome 5 mile tempo run @ a 6:50 pace and foam rolled.  His ITBS is acting up AGAIN and so he is foam rolling a few times a day and that seems to be helping.

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As soon as Billy got home he asked what he could do for me (after 3 years of teaching he has learned that I need a lil something something after pt conferences because I am drained plus I scored myself a winner) and all I said was ice cream.

5 minutes later, 2 cones, $1.24.

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Best way to unwind.


Have you ever had ITBS problems?  What did you do to help get rid of it?

Do you do tempo runs?  Favorite distance for a tempo run?

Does your work ever bring you food?  Do you ever have lunch provided?

Last time you had avocado and what was it with? What is your favorite avocado dish?

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AHHHH i feel your pain with the parent-teacher conferences. Longest days ever. And ice cream really does make everything all better. That dinner looks delicious. Especially that chocolate thing..mmm. Hope your conferences are done for a while! It’s almost Fridayy!


My school does not have P/T conferences…love that! They do feed us on workshop days/Open House. Not always healthy (chinese, pizza) but a lot of times we get great sandwiches/subs and fruit. I (heart) free food too!


Holy speed, Billy is a FAST! What are those 2 scoops on your plate- they look like vanilla/chocolate ice cream but chances are I am wrong! You have an awesome boss- such a yum spread of foods! Last avocado thing I had was in an egg-salad in lieu of the mayo…if you haven’t tried it, DO!


Chris has had ITBS problems and has a specific stretch her does religiously.

When we have non-student days my school provides breakfast. And one of them this year was eggs, sausage, french toast, fruit.

My favorite tempo run is 3 miles. It is kind of like my own private 5k race.


Your school bfast sounds AWESOME!! Private 5ks are the best! Have an amazing day!


I am having ITBS issues right now for the first time and it is driving me crazy! Its been going on for two weeks now. I’ve been foam rolling and running way, WAY less and working on strengthening my quad. If Billy finds any cures, be sure to fill us in.

I am lucky enough not to have parent-teacher conferences but I have to work with the parents everyday since I work at a co-op school, so I guess thats an even trade off. :)


I was out for 1.5 years with ITB issues which was really awful. Cortisone injections, a few physical therapists and rest all did not help. What finally clicked was really deep massage (brink of tears), lots of ice, foam rolling, a thorough rehab program and slowly coming back. It took me awhile to find the right doc… (he was in LA and I’m Australian!), but I am very very thankful.

I do tempo runs but not sure what pace I should do… what do you recommend for aiming for a sub 100 half? :)


I hate ITBS with a passion. I always seem to get it in the knee where I had knee surgery. I have some little pieces floating around in there that seem to irritate it. Have you ever heard of the Graston technique and ART? If you google graston technique their website will pop up and you can put your zip code in to find a provider. It’s basically a deep tissue massage with a set of metal tools. It hurts a little when you are getting it done, but it cleared up my ITBS for months.


I’ve never had an avocado. And my boss usually takes us out for lunch on special occasions or if we are super busy with wedding cakes that week.


Wow the Jacobs family is speedsters! For ITBS I use the the foam roller and +1000 to the Graston. It works wonders! I am going today for a session (for my feet not for ITBS). It hurts a bit, but its worth the pain.

Have a great Thursday!


I had ridiculous ITB problems right before my marathon in October. I did a lot of foam rolling, stim at the chiropractor, and got a massage. Not only did it all feel glorious, it helped :).

We have lunch provided today because it’s our company meeting, but every other day, I bring my own lunch.

That ice cream cone is awesome. I want one right now.


So great you can have lunch with your mom on a whim! I think the last thing I had an avocado on was in my salad a few days ago. Adds a fantastic touch!


Yes, ITBS is the worst! I had it really bad for my last marathon, now it flares up every now and then – knock on wood, it’s been ok. Foam rolling takes care of it every time! and stretching! I just did a tempo/speed run today – 6 miles temp0, 8 total with w/u, c/d. fun! It does make for a nice fast run. I love avocados and had them last week on these enchiladas I made. yummy!
Ice cream is a great treat for anything – can’t imagine having to be on the teaching side of parent teacher conferences – my daughter is only in kindergarten and some of the stuff they have to do is crazy to me!
have a great day!!!


We had decent food at P/T conferences, but I always had to plan ahead just in case since I am a vegetarian and the parent club would do like chili or something carniverous like that. Today are 3 mile repeats at an 8:16 pace (I know, that is slow for you, but fast for me) and it’s snowing so I am headed to the dreaded treadmill. I don’t enjoy it like most, but I am forcing myself to keep trying.


I had serious ITBS….the key to feeling 100% better was LOTS of foam rolling but, more importantly, a deep tissue massage!


I bet I have an answer that NO ONE will say to solve ITB problems! I went to a college where the XC and Track coach was an Olympian. Not any Olympian but an Olympic RaceWalker! So whenever someone was injured we racewalked. I racewalked for over a year (because I got good and was ranked nationally for college level). Either way I recovered from the injury but don’t share with many how until I started my blog! See blog post for pics.


WOW….RaceWalker…that is AWESOME! I have never heard of doing that, thanks so much Sarah and I can’t wait to check this out!


Last time I had avacodo it was with eggs! It was a winning combo :)


Ice cream makes everything better : )
I’m actually not an avocado fan at all : (


ITBS is the bane of my existence. I have been battling this beast on and off for over 1.5 years.
I foam roll and stretch religiously but the only thing that really helps is when I go in regularly for ART. And cut down on the mileage which makes me sad.
I really want to try the Graston Technique but can not find a provider in my area. :(


1.5 years…I am so so sorry Lisa! I hope this gets figured out ASAP! Keep me updated with how it is going and I hope you are able to find someone that can do the Graston Technique for you!


I love avocado! I smash it onto bread for veggie and hummus sandwiches. But I love to eat it anyway really.


I typically bring my own lunch, but we do have lunches catered when we have suppliers in town and have meetings in the office.

Yesterday I made my husband a wrap with avocado. Whole wheat tortilla with turkey, pepperjack cheese, avocado, and salt and pepper. I grilled it in a pan like a quesadilla and he loved it. He also dipped it in ranch…I don’t know if that was called for…but he did it.


I haven’t had IT issues. I don’t really do tempo runs, but when I do they are short. I work from home so the only person that brings me lunch is me. And I had spicy guacamole on my soft taco the other night!

The Kidless Kronicles


Graston! <- has been the only thing to help my IT issues.


We are totally going to have to look into this. Thanks so much Jen!


I had ITBS and had to go to physical therapy for about a month, now I foam roll like a made women, use orthodics in my shoes and never run the same route 2 days in a row!


I used to really struggle with IT band syndrome and saw a PT for it for a bit. The most important things to do are stretch, especially your hips, and to strengthen your quads and hips. For hips I would just strap an ankle weight on and do leg lifts both laying on my side and on my back. Wearing the proper sneakers is also crucial (if you tell the running store that you have IT band issues they’ll direct you to the right ones) and, if you go to a PT, you can ask about custom orthotics and a custom brace. Hope you’ve recuperated from parent teacher conferences!


I’ve been eating the pretzels and cream cheese snack for YEARS! It also goes really well with pumpkin or cinnamon cream cheese in the fall/winter. YUM! Best of luck with conferences! I only teach religious education at my church once a week (for 2 hours) so I don’t really have to deal with the parents. I don’t know how the real teachers do it every day! :)


AHHH good to know I am not alone in this combo:) I will have to try out your cinnamon cream cheese idea! Yeah….I will just have to agree with you on the rest;)


I have ITBS problems and I foam roll every day, not just my ITB but also my hips, gluts, quads, calves… basically every runner’s body part out there, LOL.

Favorite distance for tempo runs is 3 miles. Short and sweet!

Avocado… I LOVE guacamole! I could eat entire bowlfuls of the stuff. I actually have 4 avocados sitting on my countertop right now awaiting their heavenly transformation into avocado, probably sometime this weekend for the Super Bowl. =)


YAY for rolling every day! That is awesome! I think we should have a guac eating contest. ENJOY your avocados!


Have you ever had ITBS problems?  What did you do to help get rid of it?

Tell Billy he is right and smart to foam roll, but since it seems to be kind of a regular thing, he should work on strengthening his glute medius. It’s the outer part of the hips and traditionally weak in most runners. You don’t NEED them to run, but they are part of a strong core and will help maintain normal running biomechanics while running, hopefully helping alleviate stressors tightening up those darn IT bands. They are evil I think. -your friendly reader physical therapist.

Do you do tempo runs?  Favorite distance for a tempo run?

I do, I like 6 mile tempos.

Does your work ever bring you food?  Do you ever have lunch provided?

We had lunch yesterday! A vendor came in, and that and the holiday meal the hospital does for all employees is the only time we have free lunch.

Last time you had avocado and what was it with? What is your favorite avocado dish?

Guacamole! And guacamole!


Thanks Megan! I’ll try it out.


WOW…Megan, thank you so much for the advice for Billy! We really appreciate it! YAY for free lunch yesterday, that is awesome. Now I NEED some guacamole!


Yes! What Megan said really helped my ITBS. Tell Billy to google “myrtle”. It’s a series of exercises that help. There is a video on youtube too. I added more reps to mine and it really helps. :)


Pretzels & strawberry cream cheese sounds yummy! I love tempo runs. To me there is nothing like a strong tempo run where everything goes just perfect. I’d say my fave distance for a tempo is anywhere btwn 5 and 7 miles.

Yeah I would definitely foam roll for the IT and probably should see a PT if it keeps acting up. A nice massage always helps too! I am dreaming of mine after my marathon this weekend.


Try the combo:) I hear ya on the 5 mile tempo:) You better get yourself a massage after you rock your marathon this weekend!


Ugh, I had P/T conferences last night, too! And tonight! Nothing like two 12 hour days…and they don’t feed us! I’m moving to Utah! :)


BOOOOOO!!! No food…that’s it…come to my school!


Ughhhh I’ve been dealing with ITBS problems for the last month myself..I’ve been foam rolling and using an IT compression band during my runs and its helping…it doesnt flare up so much on shorter runs, but on runs over 10 miles, it kicks in. I’m going to keep foam rolling and see how it goes..if it doesnt get any better, might need to see a doctor. marathon training isnt for a few months but i’m trying to take care of myself :( i’ve been cutting back on my mileage too.

work constantly has food, i dont really eat it anymore though..most of its pretty crappy.

last time i had avocado was with a dip I made..i mashed it with lemon juice. my fave avocado dish is fresh guac..yumm!!


Can I come over for your avocado dip!?! I am so so sorry about your ITBS problems, what a bummer! Remember how you are RUNNING A MARATHON THIS YEAR?!?!


i’m SO excited and SO scared..i want to feel good by the time I have to train..i’m just praying it works out. I know I need to dedicate myself to getting better until then…might mean a little time off to heal :(

LOVE YOU though, your blog always makes my day!


i’ve been lucky enough not to have ITB problems, though I have my own ghastly back and shoulder injuries that makes up for it I suppose! I’m really interested to see the comments on this one, I have a good running friend who suffers from ITB issues too and hasn’t found much relief.

Best tempo distance (IMO) is around 5 miles! I LOVE tempo runs, they might be my favourite.. Just challenging enough without being too painful!


Your poor back…breaks my heart!! I agree with 5 miles being the perfect distance, kicks my trash but doesn’t kill me!


Thanks girl, you’re too sweet :)


I do have ITBS problems and foam rolling is the only thing that works! There is some stretch that is supposed to help but …. it doesn’t :)

The only time we get food at work is when I bring it for one of my employees’ birthdays! Sad. There is never any surprises for me :)


BOOO to your ITBS problems! You are so nice to bring them food….come to my work, my birthday is in two weeks:)


When’s your bday? Mine is coming up too! :)


Holy FAST batman…6:50 wowsers. I love that he is always so incredibly sweet to you…you did score a wonderful one! :-) I feel for you PT conferences seem so FUN (sarcastically) Glad your mom could brighten your day!

xoxo from Trinidad


I know, he is out of control! Hope you are having an amazing day Corey!


How blessed are you w/ such a sweet family and husband!! I HATE PT conf days….I hate being in my classroom for 12+ hours. hate, hate, hate. Oh, and NOOOO our work does not supply us w/ any food. I teach at a large public high school in the deep south…hence the work public and deep south (read: money only goes towards the football team…). Don’t get me started… Our PTO did provide the teachers w/ “breakfast” the first day of school this year. Are you ready for this….3 (old, nasty) strawberries per teacher. I am NOT kidding.


I HEAR YA….12 plus hours is no bueno….I lose my voice by the end! WOW, I can’t imagine only having the mull go towards football….BOOO!! WHAT…that is the worst bfast ever!


My ITBands hate me. haha The trick for me was stretching them ( you can find lots of ways on google) and strength training my quads to keep my legs strong and prevent ITB issues. Good luck to billy!


Good call on the strength training! Hope your ITBands start being nicer to you!


Pretzels dipped in salmon cream cheese is one of my favorite snacks! My husband thinks its nasty :)


Jenny, I am on your side with this one…I must try that!


I love guac (with tomatoes in it especially!) or avocados on tacos! yummmm
and that food looks fab, plus i will probably eat subway for lunch now :)


ALL SUBS are $5 for foot longs ALL month! Let me know what you end up getting!


I do tempo runs regularly, but I don’t think I can use favorite in the same sentence!
ITB is nearly impossible to stretch without assistance!!! I’m a fan of the roller or tennis ball and myofascial work.
Had guac last night. I’m pretty much a fan of avocados any way you make ’em.


Ha…agreed about favorite and tempo not going together:) Good call on the tennis ball, I will remind billy of that!


I stalk, well read, your blog. All the time actually. It’s entertaining…inspiring…and well, mostly entertaining. Funniest thing is… logged on my computer at work and saw this:

And thought of you. I’m not certain where you live. I haven’t paid that much attention nor stalked in real life. These locations for north a little bit. But, I just thought it was funny that I saw this for fro-yo from orange leaf and thought of you. haha.


STEPHANIE!!! Your comment made my day!! Thank you so much for thinking of me. I am in Provo but I am more than willing to drive up north to get fro yo especially with a deal like that, thank you! WE should go together!


ohhh I just got my foam roller in the mail yesterday! can’t WAIT to try it out! I plan to live on that thing…




I like 5-6 mile tempo runs, but I sure don’t run that fast! And I did have ITBS problems, foam rolling, stretching and doig some hip flexor strength moves with a resistance band really helped


Katie, I am so happy that you were able to get rid of your ITBS problems…that is AWESOME!


Okay…..I need to know how to use a foam roller. First and foremost!

I had the ITBS problem over a year ago. I just took some time off and biked a lot. I also switched to the Nike Frees and all of that together cured me. Of THAT injury anyway…

There is always food at my work…usually in the form of dessert or snacks…#selfcontrol

It’s been WAY too long since I’ve had avacado. I like it in sushi. And guacomole of course!! :)


I will post a video asap! I am so happy that the biking, time off and nike frees CURED YOU, that is awesome! Always food….I am seriously jealous!


Wheat thins & plain cream cheese is good too!


Oh my….you nailed it. I will be stopping at the store today for both items:)


I had severe ITB problems for a few months (wait wasn’t I just telling you about my broken fibula yesterday?! Too many injuries!) and I did EVERYTHING including minimal shoes, stretching a lot, foam rolling, ART, etc. but I think what ultimately worked was full 2 weeks off and an ibuprofen regimen (3 Advil 3 times a day for 10 days). I hope billy kicks it quick!


Every now and then they will order lunch for us (mainly during in-service or around Christmas). It’s always good! Yesterday they provided cupcakes for the entire school (prek-12th and faculty/staff) and it was a lovely treat.

Parent teacher conferences can make for long days. I am SO thankful that our school switched to group conferences. A parent can meet with all of the child’s teachers at one time (individual conferences can be booked if there is a problem or concern, but they only last 10 minutes, the groups are 30 minutes). They also changed our pt conf policy on time – you must book a conference between 8 a.m. and 3:40 p.m. so that we are all finished by 4.

I need an avocado right now!


I have never had ITBS problems, but one of the girls I run with has really been struggling with it for a couple of months. Poor girl.
I just started my marathon training and did my very first tempo run yesterday. The tempo part was only 2 miles, which just felt weird and short. Looking forward to some longer tempo miles.
I LOVE avocado. I made some guacamole a couple of days ago. So good.


This is super random but I that is me in the background of your Macey’s picture. I honestly feel honored!


*but that is me. Sorry I can’t type!


AHHH Karoline!! Were you at the Provo Macey’s at around 8ish last night?!?! That would absolutely make my day!! We should go for a run or for ice cream!!


Yeah! I’m mad I didn’t just turn around and finally meet you! I’m definitely not as speedy as you are when it comes to running but let’s definitely get together!


Whatever! I remember seeing u and thinking that she must be a runner:) we really should go for froyo! I promise I am not too creepy! Let me know when you are free!


We only get free meals during holidays, but we do have a break room full of snack foods. It’s actually kind of insane how much there is. I try to stay away from it all, but the Red Vines and peanut butter granola bars always call my name. They’re just so tasty!


At my old office where I interned I used to bring in baked goods every Wednesday. My coworkers loved me :D It was funny–when I left for my next internship they were all joking that part of interviewing new interns should be making sure that they bake. Glad to know I left my mark there! lol


I wanted to do Yasso’s last night instead of my tempo. But after a couple 800s at 6:40 pace I thought, eh, I’d rather do my tempo, so I threw in a couple miles at tempo pace and then a few more 800s at 6:40 pace and a final mile at tempo. I’m pretty sure I totally messed up my workout by disassembling it like it. Whoops. I ended up running 9 miles and 5 of those at random paces. Do you think I totally defeated the purpose of my workout? :( I hope not.

I’ve had IT band issues! I did a lot of foam rolling and hip and glute exercises. I think ALL runners really need to work on strengthening their hips and glutes to avoid those common injuries.

Question for you: Do you take cut-back weeks when you’re marathon training? Every plan I’ve been on has cut-back weeks after a few difficult weeks. How do you feel about that?


HEY YOU!!! Yes, I definitely do cut-back weeks during marathon training. I think that most of my plans have 2 hard weeks followed by an easier week. I think they are extremely beneficial in allowing your body to rebuild itself and get stronger!!! Your tempo/yasso run was amazing…way to go! I don’t think you defeated the purpose of your workout at all. You keep doing those exercises (I need to start) and foam rolling! You are going to rock Boston!


I have had problems with my IT band for about a year and a half. Foam rolling and stretching keeps it manageable, but the only thing that has helped to actually make it better is going to PT and getting this treatment called ASTYM. It hurts pretty bad and makes you bruise up, but it breaks up all the scar tissue and your helps your body heal itself. Painful but worth it!

Also I would add, the reason my IT band gets tight is because my SI joint is tilted so my hip leans out to the side and pulls on the band. I know of other runners that have had this same issue, so there may be some other issue causing Billy’s ITBS.


I have had IT band issues since the fall. What is working for me is massage therapy deep fascial work until I want to cry. I foam rolled, ice and do a bunch of stretches that I have incorporated into my every day life. I never read in a chair anymore..I am on the floor in pigeon pose or something!
I also tape my IT bands if I do a long run or intervals. Hope Billy can kick it!


YES my left IT band is awful and I have been foam rolling and screaming at the top of my lungs while doing so. It hurts SO bad but it helps. I can really only take the pain for about 25 seconds a day, and ive been running less :-( i feel your pain Billy!

ive never done a tempo run outside, just intervals on the treadmill..

You’d think working at Chanel they would feed us barely anything.. girls in fashion EAT more than you’d think. i love it! we have food ALL of the time! its mostly healthy too :)

i had avocado on my sandwich yesterday, and for dinner last night.. and will for lunch again today :) im obsessed!


I never think to eat subway and after reading your blog so much I’m like craving it!! And I could eat guacamole by the tub… I love avocados!!!


holy freaking crap Billy has gotten so fast!! Wow go Billy that is awesome. Everyone in my family teaches (except me I am clearly not smart enough to educate anyone) and I totally understand how awful and long parent teacher can be. At least you got it out of the way. :)


I’ve had ITB issues for over a year, after some PT I became addicted to foam rolling and upgraded to the Trigger Point roller. Now I’m working on strengthening my glutes & quads and always more stretching.

For work – they provide take-out for us but the trade off is it’s a working lunch.


kind of random, but in new york it’s “februany” at subway which means any foot-long is $5 all this month!!! too bad I didn’t realize that yesterday until after i ordered a ham sandwich (which is $5 all the time). i really wanted a subway club! this month is the best, except for maybe “anytober,” (same thing but in october). anyway, i sound like a walking advertisement for subway but i’m just obsessed with their sandwiches. hopefully you guys have it there too!


THAT IS HOW IT IS FOR US TOO!! Oh you better go get a club sometime soon! Ha, I feel like a commercial for them too but I cannot get enough…it is out of control. Enjoy your cheaper subs this week Jean!


I do have IT band issues, but only after a long run and too many workouts with no rest. I normally just foam roll it and force myself to rest, which is very difficult for me. 6.50 pace!! That’s fast!

Sometimes my work will have contests, and most of the time it’s for a free meal. :)

I am going to have Subway for lunch today too! :)


ENJOY YOUR SUBWAY and let me know what kind you get:) Boo to your ITBand and keep foam rolling! Isn’t it funny how we don’t like rest…we are kind of crazy to the rest of the world!


It was super good! I got the Roasted Chicken with veggies and some baked sour cream and onion chips. I also was able to talk the guy in front of me to add spinach to his sub! :)


GOOD FOR YOU!! Way to go:)


my main job is mom, so yes, E and A often bring me half-eaten foods, in fact, here comes E with a discarded pizza crust. Eew.


that girl in the background of the cone pic looks like a runner….you should’ve asked her to run! lol

and that is some pretty sweet free food. LOVE!

my mom never takes me out for lunch or dinner….I’m going to be speaking to her about this


I’m eating those pretzels right now at my desk! But now they seem a little plain with nothing to dip them in…


Isn’t day old Subway the best?

I’ve had a little bit of IT band issues. Not too bad but the foam roller is my pal. I have also started to do an exercise called the ‘clamshell’ that really has helped lately in stretching/strengthening.


I’m still subbing so no conferences for me!! How nice is Billy for getting you ice cream?! Avocado in guac. Hands down, best way to eat it!


We have parent teacher conferences in a few weeks. Those make for some long days! I’m considering using a personal day the next day so I can sleep in :-)


oh i LOVE strawberry cream cheese and pretzels! man i haven’t had it in forever. so glad you posted this as a reminder for me to bring that delicious creation back into my life.


Luckily from teaching P.E., I never had PT conferences…whew! But I feel for ya, I’m sure that’s never easy OR fun :(

I love cream cheese and pretzels…what a perfect combo! And that ice cream sure looked great too!


Aw that is so sweet he took you out for ice cream!! I hope the PT conferences went well!


Noooooooooo!!!!! Not ITBS! Poor guy. As you know, I fight this a lot. The only thing that can get it to go totally away for me is a visit to the PT. besides that, rest, lots and lots of slooow foam rolling, and slowing down on my runs. Speed and downhill will get it to act up big time. Tell him good luck- and have him do the strength training exercises I posted on my blog (you can find the link under my weekly RUNdown that I post on Monday). And foam roll the glutes too!


Your parent-teacher conferences are late! We always have them in the morning/ throughout the day [planning periods] or on teacher workdays… Every month there’s a “Cookies & Conversation” meeting and the principal gets some of the tastiest treats and we can all mix and mingle.

Avocado is a great addition to a quinoa bowl- makes it super creamy!


Free food, hands down, tastes better than anything else. That’s why you have to eat as much of it as you can!


I’m pretty sure my ITB is out to ruin my life so I can totally sympathise with Billy :( Keep on foam rolling and perhaps take a step back from running for a while?
Also, I found that when I had ITB problems starting from my knee, it helped me to wear a knee support when I ran!

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