Hair, Ceviche and Tips for the Long Run

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I got the hair did:)  I told her to do a melt (keep the top dark and have it get lighter towards the ends).  Bonus of this hair coloring is that there is no upkeep…just let the roots grow and grow.   It was my first time going to this hairdresser and she was the sweetest thing in the whole wide world and did exactly what I wanted.

Why I am including a picture of the back? I do not know…maybe it is to make you really jealous of the amazing interior design of my home and our beautiful tan (at one point they were white) drapes.

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Eleven days into the month and I have only take advantage of the February $5 foot-long deal three times, this needs to change.  Although, I was a little disappointed when they were cutting the bread and it looked more like a tortilla…I want my bread fluffy, I would go get a wrap if I wanted thin bread.

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Just make it up to me next time okay Subway.

We went to my BIL’s a little while later and he was making a signature dish from Spain.  He lived there for two years and was craving some raw fish marinated in lime.

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It is called Ceviche.

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Doing the long run with the sister this morning, running is ALWAYS more fun when you have someone right next to you that is suffering right there with you and wants to take a wrong turn and end up at Einsteins bagels;)

Sometimes I get nervous the night before a long run, I don’t know why after doing this every saturday for a few years but it just does.  Even though I know it is all part of the mental battle of running, I still have to remind myself of some things that will really help me to get through it happy and perform my best.  (Below tips from THIS article).  Hopefully you get a chance to see these before you head out for your weekend long run or race.

1.   Try Some Self-Talk: Make a little pep talk to yourself and remind yourself that you are mentally tired, not physically tired and so you know that you CAN push through it.    Keep reminding yourself about that incredible feeling that you have had after previous long runs.

2.  Break Up Your Run:  Divide your run into smaller portions.   Once I tried to divide a 20-miler up with .25 mile increments, don’t do that….it makes your brain hurt….believe me.  Try thinking 4 5-mile runs.

3.  Remember: It’s Not Always Easy:  (This is my favorite one) This one helps me realize what a challenging thing I am doing and makes me feel like a and that I want to prove to myself that I can do hard things.

4.  Make Post-Run Plans:  Sometimes this is all I think about for a few miles during a long run.  Take today for example…we have grand plans today of Pizza Factory for lunch, a movie and Cheesecake Factory for dinner.

5.  Play Counting Games: This is another one I always do!  I count trees I pass or play ‘Where’s Waldo’ with different things like a certain type of car or other runners.

6.   My own tip for the long run is to bring swedish fish or starbursts or skittles with you, these things make everything more exciting.


Are you getting your long run on this weekend?  Any tips that you use for a successful long run?

Do you eat raw fish?

Have you taken advantage of the Subway deal this month?

What are your post-run plans today?!?!

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Nice hair! It looks great. I get nervous about my long runs too, but once I get a mile or two under my belt, everything melts away.
One of the selling points to moving to our new place was when the husband saw subway less Ghana mile away!
I usually get the veggie but then have them add some meatball sauce for flavor. It’s awesome!


Yep, long run today! I have 16 miles on the schedule and its -17:-( I got nervous last night too. I think back to my last long run and how good I felt after. I always break my run down into 5 mile segments.

I love Billy’s face looking at your BIL making is raw fish…he looks highly suspicious about your BIL ‘cooking’

The husband and I are going away for the weekend (toddler free)! We rented a cottage w/my SIL and her husband. Looking forward to some snowshoeing, hot tubbing, hot chocolate and relaxation!

Have an awesome long run w/your sister!


Kudos to your stylist–that looks great!


From my understanding lime juice will “cook” the fish. So it isn’t raw when you eat it. I have used lime to marinate my beef for fajitas and the edges are “cooked” by the time I go to grill it.

Good luck on your run today, it will go great!


I am truly starting to appreciate running outside and running with someone else. I have a 12-miler today. Doing the first 4 alone and then meeting up with friend for the 8. This friend has really helped me with letting my mind wander on runs.

The plans after is for wings and beer!

No to the raw fish and to Subway. I am not a big fan of sandwiches.

The Kidless Kronicles


Already did my long run yesterday afternoon… 19 miles on the treadmill. Had plans for running with a buddy, but she came down with a cold. (Boo.) It’s nice to have it out of the way. Have a great run!


19 miles on the TM takes amazing mental strength! Great job!


My post run plans are stopping by the library for 5 hours of studying for my exam tomorrow. But now that you mention it maybe I’ll have to hit Subway up for dinner tonight! Can’t beat a deal like that :)

You hair looks great! Have a good run!


Race this morning! My 2nd half :). Very nervous but feeling good. There is a big post race brunch for the finishers so that will help get me across the finish line!!!


I am not the biggest fan of raw fish! Love the hair ;)


Perfect timing! I’m leaving to do my long run (12 – PDR!) in 15 minutes. I’m doing it on the dreadmill though because it snowed all day yesterday, is currently 11 degrees with gusts of wind up to 23mph. Um no thank you. I’ve loaded up my ipod and am hoping to just push through! Also hoping to remember to NOT run too fast, always my problem. My training plan say 10 min miles and I’ve been doing 9-9:15…


Love. Love. I love your hair!

No workout for me today. I’m sick and unfortunately I have to work. Enjoy your weekend!


gorgeous cut – keep that stylist around! my long run days are on fridays this semester since i have three day weekends…i always just tell myself i have a whole afternoon of lazing around and feasting once the long run is done! i find after about mile 8 i get the “i know i can do this” feeling and the 10-12 miles left just fly by. yesterday i got chocolate raspberry truffle ice cream from a local spot and it was delicious :) enjoy the cheesecake factory!


I love your hair! It looks awesome.

I do my long runs on Sunday morning so I am just watching the snow fall today!

Raw fish: no

Post-run plans: 7-11 hot chocolate! I think I have become addicted.

Tips for long runs: this works more in warmer weather but I like to play identify that smell: I can smell people cooking their breakfast and I try to identify what it is. I also can smell the dryer sheets when people are doing laundry and I say to mysel ” oh, that I Downey April fresh”. Yeah I am weird.


Gorgeous hair!!! I always feels so fabulous after a fresh colour.

Enjoy ur LSD w ur sister….


Your hair is soo cute I love it!! I do my long runs on Thursday, and did 22 this past Thursday. It was my longest run before my next marathon in a few weeks and I did it on the treadmill (for cold and safety reasons) and the one thing I always look forward to after a run is an iced coffee, yum!

Sushi is one of my favorite foods in the whole word and don’t really eat out including Subway, except for froyo. I’m having surgery on Tuesday and my goal for the remainder of the weekend is to find someone to have froyo with me, that’s all I want to do after my run today :)


The hair is beautiful! FYI: that look is called “ombré” – and not to be confused with Joey Tribiani’s side job as an “Hombre” cologne salesman… LOL! It cracks me up whenever my stylist says that to me. Ok, I’m a dork…:-)
I’m not a fish person, so sorry BIL, no es bueno for me:-) I’m cooking up some eggs, scrambled and HB for the week!
Have a great Saturday! I was just swinging over for a little inspiration for my run after slacking due to illness. It worked!


I love raw fish and I love ceviche – although I don’t know if I would love it in winter, I always think of it as a refreshing summer dish!


Have fun on your long run, can’t wait to be healed enough to go more than 10! I love ceviche but the fish has to be super fresh or I get skeved easily…that is a huge dish of it…we usually make it an appetizer. And kudos to all those of you who did your long run on the treadmill…you guys are amazing!


Your hair looks fab, fab, fabulous!

I’m getting my long run in tomorrow morning! I skipped it last weekend because of a muscle pull, so I’m a little nervous about how my conditioning has held up. For long runs, usually the hardest part for me is just getting out the door. What usually works for me is to tell myself that I will just do 3 miles and then if I’m not feeling it, I can stop there… but then usually once I’m rolling I keep going! It’s all about taking things incrementally, for sure. No run today – I’ll be cross-training on the bike, since I’m hearing more and more about how important cross-training is.

I do enjoy ceviche and I LOVE sushi – could eat sushi every day! It’s one of my three major food weaknesses, the others being Chicago-style deep dish pizza and chocolate. I had sushi this past Thursday night and deep dish pizza this past Tuesday night, and was contemplating having sushi for lunch today and deep dish pizza for dinner tonight. Would it be a bad thing to have both twice each within a 5-day period?!?!?


Omg looooooooveeeeeeeeeeeee your hair!!! I love the ombre hair style, it looks so good on you!!
Thank you for these tips! I need to go on my long run after my breakfast digests:)
I eat sushi and I’ve had ceviche before it’s pretty yummmy.
I haven’t been to subway in I don’t know how long but I maaay just have to make a trip.
Post-run plans, no idea! Eat, sleep?, hangout with people? we’ll see! happy saturday :)


I LOVE the new hairdo! I was thinking of trying colour melting – I keep trying to go blonde but I forget that I am too lazy to actually maintain it and it always looks ghetto :-P

Long run is tomorrow! I have a 5k race in the morning, then I’m going to try and fit in 10 more miles later in the evening so it’s kind of like I didn’t miss my long run!

Have a wonderful weekend!


I love your hair!!!! So so pretty and you are so so right–any coloring where you don’t have to worry about roots regrowing is awesome. I need to consider that with my own hair…;)


Nine miles today! I’m a little nervous too because this is the farthest I’ve run in my marathon training :S Luckily, I can look forward to making pies this afternoon so that should help me pass my time!


Your hair looks great!!

Long run is usually on Sunday for me, so I get to swim today (which is good because it is snowing!) I love ceviche! I ate that a lot in Spain and in Peru too. Tasty stuff, but I don’t trust myself to make it right :)


I use to mentally do long runs with no problems. But no I get so nervous the night before. Yesterday I broke i to eighth t up into two eight milers mentally but when I got to eight I changed it to ten and six then 12.5 and 3.5. The last part was so hard! I think I get nervous when I do them on the treadmil cuz there is only one in my apartment gym and if I don’t get there first I probably won’t waitaround and bye bye motivation. Hence why my alarm clock use to go off at six, now 5:49 so I can beat those ppl!


Your hair looks soo pretty!! I love ceviche, I take it you didn’t try it?


I usually do my long run on Saturday morning, but had to do it on Thursday this week because were having a birthday party for our 7 year old daughter today. I love ceviche and sushi. I’ve never made either of them at home though. I need to make it Subway for the footlong this weekend!


you are gorgeous! billy is one lucky man!
he should buy you froyo everyday to show his appreciation! hahahaha


I find that it really helps me to go out on those long runs to remind myself that they are ‘long easy’ so there is no need to worry about pace and just be comfortable. Although it doesn’t make it any faster, it makes it so much easier to get out there and do it, because I’m constantly reminded that it can be as easy as I want and there is no pressure!


It’s my birthday yay! :) I am going for a long run. I was planning on doing 20 something laps of an aths track… to celebrate! That is a long run ;) When I told this plan to some people that thought it didn’t sound like fun but to me, yes :) I am sure you understand too ;)

After the run, cake :)

p.s. your hair looks fab :)


Long run is really a long walk. But hey, when you are slow and overweight and just getting back into moving what could be better! I hope to go for a 10 miler today. We will see how that works out. It’s freezing here today (Georgia) and I don’t know that I have any warm weather clothing. May have to hit the local store to buy something to keep me warm. You know you love running when your favorite shopping trip is to the sporting goods store! After my run I plan to take a long hot bubble bath! Then probably eat a huge plate of spaghetti! Maybe a waffle for dessert!

Hate raw fish. Really don’t even like cooked fish! Enough said about that.

Your hair is gorgeous. I’ve never heard of a melt. But I love it and the idea that there is no root touch up involved is a tremendous bonus.


well, i have yet to do a long run but i will try to run a few miles lol!

i don’t eat raw fish and really don’t have the desire to do so. my sis got really sick one time so it kind of scared me off!

i’ve already taken the subway deal 2x! it’s great because then you have a nice lunch the next day.

going to a big festival in town later today so that should be fun.

i love your hair! i really want mine to grow long but always get impatient or bored and chop it off lol.


Medium run today, then ordering pizza and having a game night with some friends. I may not dominate my long runs every time, but I definitely dominate the scrabble board!
Love the hair, reframe from washing it for as long as you can…to get it styled like they do it, is not always possible ; )

Happy Running!


I LOVE your hair!! I did not realize that cerviche was raw fish until right now. I have eaten it a few times lately and LOVED it….but I don’t think I will be eating it again now that I know that it’s raw! ;) You will rock your run!


I did my long run yesterday (15 miles) because the snow came in today. I struggled with it big time. I was nervous for it before I began because I wanted a strong, successful run (have not had one in a while). Then during the run, the snow came in. It was dreary, cold, and I was not having any fun. I almost called it quite at mile 10, but I figured if I added my regular 5 mile loop I would be where I needed to-voila! I finished all 15 and felt fabulous


When I trained for my first marathon I “broke” my runs up. I would do two loops. Usually longer one and a shorter one. For some reason a 16 mile loop and a 4 mile loop sounded shorter than a 20 mile loop. Even though I was running and covering the same distance it made it easier for me. I was worried this would hurt me on marathon day but it didn’t.


Those are awesome tips! I’ve only run up to a half marathon distance, because I’m nervous about going any farther. I think your idea of bringing skittles (or sour patch kids in my case) would make the runs kinda fun! I just might try that :)


18 mile run done! I break my long run into several small goals. Get to five, then ten, and then from there on out 2 mile goals until the end. Lunch out with the hub was also my goal for finishing :)


I’ve been doing my long runs on Fridays lately so that I have more time to spend with the hubby on the weekends and so that I can have an active recovery. Yesterday I didn’t want to go for my 15 miler because it was snowy, windy, and quite cold but I decided that I would t think about it and just do it. The less thinking beforehand that I do the easier it makes it for me to head out the door wih a positive attitude.

Love the new do! I need to tame my locks, they have got a bit out of control lately!


Today I am running 8 miles, and I typically try to break up the run into 2 mile increments, or chapters if I’m reading. I think to myself, “if I can just get to the next even numbered mile, I’m a rockstart!”


A. Love the hair, gorgeous!
B. Ceviche is my favorite! I could live on that and guac.
C. Great tips! Thanks!


Love the hair, beautiful!
i get more nervous before long runs with people, then just long runs. I chalk the anxiety up to knowing I have difficulty with shared control. If I am there to run my way fine. If I am there to just be their running buddy, at their pace, their distance ….fine……it’s the gray area of making sure all people are happy including myself with the run that causes pre-anxiety, However, like clockwork…….5 miles in everyone is just happy from endorphins, suffering, what have you… never matters anyways.
Pizza, nap, and pasta are my post run highlights.


I just finished my long run and am now getting my hair done. All I can think about is food and your pictures of cerviche (love!) and Subway are making me drool!


I could not be reading this on a better day because today is the last scheduled long run before the 1/2 marathon…14 miles! Longest I’ve ever done!

Definitely need to make some post run plans though :) I have no doubt it’ll involve food.

Love your hair too. It looks amazing!


Today is a short run for me. We are celebrating our 6 year anniversary today!


I have a 11 mile run planned for today, it was supposed to be this morning but it was 25 degrees and snowing when I got up (I live in Mississippi!!) so I was not happy. I don’t know how you run in the cold! So I am postponing my run til this afternoon hoping 34 degrees will feel better!
Thanks for the motivation tips! Just what I need for this long cold run!
I don’t like ceviche, only sushi in terms of raw fish for me.



If I ever die suddenly, it is from over-consumption of raw fish. Dear sushi, I love you, xoxo, Diana.

Hope you are out enjoying your long run right now! :) I am postponing mine until tomorrow because it is currently 20 degrees but according to “feels like” 6 degrees. Ummmm no thank you.


I also had a long run this morning– 12 miles. It was fun! Now off to get some highlights for my hair :)


YOU are freaking gorgeous! :) Thanks for these tips, enjoy your weekend.


YOu went ombré!!! I love it. Your sis did a great cut too! Isn’t it so refreshing to have a new do??!


you have gorgeous hair janae! the color is beautiful!

have a great long run!! i am jealous…dont know what the HECK happened to my right calf, but it hurts whenever i walk so running is out for now:( i am hoping it heals in a few days because i can only elliptical so much before i go crazy


Running with candy is definitely my #1 to make it through. Close seconds are thinking of what I’m going to eat after. And I guess, feeling proud and accomplished when I finish ;)


I totally agree with your long running tips!! I usually run my long run on the same route, which is a 7 mile out and back. I break it up in my mind that the first out and back is just my “warm-up”, my second out and back is just “one loop”, and my third half-out and back I just tough it out. Totally works. Plus I can set up all my water/GUs/etc along the way. I don’t remember the last time I ran a different route for my long run so it’s become such a routine that I feel very comfortable when I’m running :-)


Not sure if someone’s already said this (too many comments for me to read!) but that hair coloring is called “ombre” and I just got the same thing done. Tho, yours looks way better. I’m starting to not like mine. But I never knew that had a name until I got it last week! Ombre means “shading” in French. So, now this is probably the most informational comment I’ve ever left. Hee! :-)
Loving your hair. I wish mine turned out more like that.


Your hair looks amazing! My boyfriend and I are both runners and before every race weekend, we make amazing plans of where we are going to eat. It honestly got me through my first few races :P I love having something fun planned for the afternoon/evening of a long run so I have things to think about (like what to wear!?) during the run.


Your hair looks amazing!! I love it.

I ran a 5k in bountiful this morning. It was fun!! I think my biggest long run tip is to break it up mentally, just take it a few miles at a time :)


Your hair looks awesome! I love it :) I’m vegetarian.. EXCEPT for raw fish which I will eat a little bit of every few weeks.. I will not eat cooked fish because it makes me gag. hah.. Go figure.. That actually looks really yummy.


Lovee the hair- really suits you! My post run plans today involved work half-day, a massage, dinner at a friend’s place and then grab some dessert with a few more friends…not too shabby! Hope you indulged in some cheesecake!


Thank you, thank you. These helped me get through a long run in the snow & wind! Thoughts of chocolate milk help get me through, and mantras. Today it was “fight for sherry”. Felt ok during the run but my tummy is pretty ticked off right now. Ugh.


Janae darlin your hair looks beautiful! The hairdresser did a wonderful job! Flaunt it! How was the Ceviche?

I was supposed to do my long run this morning but being insanely sick has stopped that plan! oi! Today will be lying in bed, utilizing my Hulu Plus account and catching up on my missed shows! Bring on Modern Family, 30 Rock, and Glee!


Your hair looks super great! :D
I don’t think I can run today, [my arch hurts so bad! icing now!] but I will walk for Sherry! So far my walking has consisted of walking around my apartment complex numerous times to try and catch/help a stray dog! :)


I love the hair color! I like that idea so you don’t have to worry about roots! I also love that beige sweater! How far did you and your sister go? HAPPY WEEKEND! Hope you’re up to fun things!


Your hair looks beautiful!!


I ran 10.5 on the treadmill this morning. My music is what gets me through my runs! I cover the display so I don’t know how far I’ve gone. It’s the only way to get me through my treadmill runs.

I love sushi – so yes I eat raw fish!

Your hair looks awesome! After the gym this morning, my sister and I went to get haircuts. I just got a little bit off – boring – then was totally blindsided by the price! ugh! Then we went to Target for workout clothes and then out to lunch. Now we are debating froyo or no…

Hope you are having a great saturday!


Your hair is gorgeous!

I’m still pretty new to running- I just ran 4 miles last week. I didn’t get nervous until half way through the run where I realized I had to turn around and run all the way back! lol


No long run for me–but those CAN be fun–just like you said :) I love a little bit of skittles action in my life whether or NOT I am running. Hehe!

Raw fish….ONLY if it’s sushi. ANd no heads.

No Subway yet….MUST change that!


Are you getting your long run on this weekend? Any tips that you use for a successful long run?

— I ran my 14 mile LSD this morning. Snow was coming down and blowing in my face. Was not feeling it. And honestly, most days I get fearful/apprehensive about my next planned run. This is especially true during my scheduled speed or tempo days. I don’t know why I get afraid – it’s not like I’m running for my life or something. “If you go above 11 minute miles – this BUS WILL EXPLODE!”. Hah.

What are your post-run plans today?!?!

— I have to go to the library, drop off my rental lease renewal (and boy are they chiseling me on the increase), and then pack for a drive to my mom’s for the week. But right now I am back in my pajamas from my early run and I don’t want to get dressed again. I wish I had less pride so I could just go out dressed in my leopard print flannels. *sigh*


Love your tips! I always break long runs down into smaller increments. I’m also crazy and like to run the same 2-mile route over and over, so I like to see how many times my neighbors see me pass by and wonder if they think I’m nuts.


My long run today was 8 miles. It was cold, cold, cold out there! I followed your advice and made up some games to entertain myself. :)


I don`t eat cooked fish. So I also do not eat raw fish. And no meat, for that matter :) But only since recently.
I`m a dreamer and procrastinator. It helps me on my runs. Since I am very visual learner (etc.) I will imagine something and then go through everything from beginning to end. eg. I wanted to change the details in my living room, so I thought about adding this pillow or that throw forever! I make mental lists, etc. Sounds weird. It probably is.
Love all of your tips!!


OMG. Your hair. SO PRETTY!
Is that awesome wave it does natural or do you curl it?
Tell me your secrets!


I LOVE your hair! I love that your stylist made it so shiny and vibrant!

After my 15.5 miles today, I went straight home and downed a glass of chocolate milk! I was definitely thinking about it during the last few miles of me run :)


Gorgeous hair! I love your curls too – super beachy! I’ve been rocking the cheap version of the melt look. I just didn’t have my hair rehighlighted for a last 2 years haha.

9 miles done today and my post run plans include being really really lazy for the rest of the day until going to a birthday party tonight. It doesn’t start til 9:30 so i hope i can stay up that late :)


Your hair is beautiful. I love the color!!

I did not know about the Subway deal this month! Gotta go….Subway’s calling!


You and your hair are beautiful! Love the color and the waves! Going for my run in a few minutes…great tips:)


Love the hair! And I have to say the Ceviche looks so good. I love raw fish…


Ceviche’! I thought I saw this recipe on Billy’s instagram and hoped to see it here. Your hair looks gorgeous–rich, healthy and the light color make me think summer!

Long runs ALWAYS make me nervous…haven’t done one in a while though! Sticking to shorter distances and repeats. Have a fabulous weekend Janae!!!


Your hair looks amazing. It reminds me that I need to book a re-touch on my highlights. I need to plan a long run soon. I actually like them and I feel pretty hardcore after. I think putting it into 3-4 mile chunks is a great idea. I didn’t run today so maybe tomorrow a long one is needed….


Remembering it’s not always easy is really important!!

“Nothing that has meaning is easy” is a phrase that gets me through tough workouts :)


1. Your hair looks fabulous!
2. I am kind of anxious of my long run tomorrow. I have no set mileage but I am hoping to be able to do another 10 miler like last Sunday … not looking forward to the cold weather in the forecast though!
3. I am a fan of raw fish and ceviche … I am partial to Peruvian Ceviche … (did it for Christmas Eve this year!) … the best!

… see you tomorrow …


Love your hair!! :)


Whoa! Loving the hair!

To psych myself up for a long run, I like to have a running buddy who will yell at me and encourage me at the same time. It takes away the freak out factor.

I definitely eat raw fish. It’s delicious!


JANAE!!! I LOVE YOU HAIR! SO GORGEOUS!! It matches your interior sweetie!! luv ya!! :)


your hair looks amazing! love it. and I love ceviche – Billy makes it at home every now and then. :)

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