New Running Shoes and All I Want……

You know you are getting old when the only things that you want for your birthday is new bedding (because somehow my bedtime keeps getting earlier and earlier and softer sheets just sounds amazing) and

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2 new work dresses from Old Navy that you buy purely for comfort and because they were only $15 each.  PS Old Navy had a really cute workout clothes section, I may have to go back!

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Let’s hope these dresses don’t wrinkle easily because they are still hanging out in the bag as we speak.

Dinner was the ultimate meal for a head cold sick patient:

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I really tried my hardest to convince Billy that he didn’t really NEED to go on his five mile recovery run after dinner last night and instead just watch Glee with me but he said, “Of course I don’t need to run but I really WANT to.”  What have I created?  I was looking back in my archives the other day and came across the post where Billy surprised me by secretly running for a month to get in shape so that we could start running together, you can read it HERE.

The best part was that he ate a hot dog within 30 minutes of going out for his run.  Stomach of steel, what would that be like?  I can’t even handle PB right before a run…..I am all about a banana and a plain white bagel.

Another reason that Billy was really excited for his run was because he just got a pair of Saucony Guide 5s in the mail today.  I know you aren’t supposed to judge running shoes on looks and colors but I think these ones are really cool looking and they make me want to get a pair.  How cool would that be to see a couple running down the street in black running tights and matching shoes.

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It really doesn’t get better than the first few runs in a new pair of shoes.


Please tell me that you have had a carmel apple sucker before.  I am sure glad I chose an apple flavored sucker over a real apple yesterday for a snack.  Don’t worry mom, I ate the apple a few minutes later but it was definitely lacking in a sticky carmel coating.

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This morning’s workout is brought to you by my latest randomness of just doing whatever I feel like when my alarm clock goes off.


If it was your birthday TODAY (maybe it is for someone reading, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY), what would you ask for?!?!

Do you ever shop at Target?  What are your favorite things to buy there?  Do you ever grocery shop there?

-I love their jewelry, shoes and workout clothes the most.

What color is your bedspread?  Is it solid or does it have a pattern?

How often do you buy new running shoes?

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Awe that is so nice that he surprised you by running for a month beforehand. I can eat anything before swimming but running certainly not!


Loved your post about fats today and the definitions of things:) Isn’t it crazy how our stomachs are so weak when it comes to running…when I bike I can eat ANYTHING!!!


Oh Janae! Ahhh thanks for making me smile. But first, is that thee trader joe on the pretzel bag there!? Soo nice to meet him. hah!

And. I love.Target.Love.Target.Love.Target…..

(Ive had coffee today.)



IT IS… least that is what I tell myself ha. Hope you get a target shopping trip soon and your comment made my day…I like what caffeine does to you:)


If today were my birthday I would ask for a Clarsonic facial cleaner. Now THAT makes me old!

I just bought a pair of Guides too! My first Sauconys :) Love them so far – but definitely different than what I’m use to.

Carmel apple sucker was probably the reason I have 4 cavities! So good!

Have a great Friday :)


I am so happy that you are loving the Guides!! HA…yep, I am feeling another cavity coming on after that sucker. I am going to have to look into the clarsonic facial cleaner, that sounds AWESOME!


Happy Friday! :)

New shoes! Billy your are a rock star! I love testing out new shoes….and really want to get some Saucony’s.

I love the colors teal and brown together. :)


Billy secretly running for a month to surprise you is the cutesy thing ever :)…abd those shoes are awesome!


Wasn’t it…I loved reading it again. Hope you are having an amazing day girl!


For my birthday, I would ask for more running clothes all the way. I don’t really ever want anything else. And a food processor. Does it count that Wednesday was my HALF birthday?!


I love ON’s workout clothes – cheap, but pretty durable….I also love targets section, but sometimes I think they are a little overpriced for target workout clothes! I’m a sucker for their kids clothes and shoes, just too cute…for the kids, not me;-) I would buy new running shoes every month if I could – love them. I don’t keep track of the miles on my shoes, so it probably ends up being every 3 months. If it were by bday today, I would ask for Lululemon anything or some sort of tablet, like an ipad or something. have a fun, random workout! Today is a rest day for me, but I might do some strength/XT.


Target is like the ONLY place I shop other than Old Navy :) I love all their clothes. Especially the sports bras!


If it were me B-Day…a foot massage, complete with lotion and a new phone and a Kindle Fire!

I shop at Target some, it does not have groceries though. Weird that they had to rebuild it after Hurricane Ike tore the roof off and they did not make it a Super Target. I like their boys clothes, (cheap and the boy likes them), and their workout bras and clearance shelves.

Solid red bedspread, it is a quilt actually.

I buy running shoes way to often. Right now I have 2 pairs “in reserve” that are like the two I rotate now, same brand and type, but different color because I got them on clearance at Running Warehouse. But I am phasing in one pair now, thinking about doing my half marathon in March in those!


How about you get a foot massage and Kindle Fire anyways:) I love quilts!! Good call on having ‘in reserve’ shoes:) Billy gets his shoes at Running Warehouse too…amazing deals! You are going to rock your half marathon in March!


I asked for clothes for work from my parents, so I went shopping with my mom for my birthday.

Our bedspread is white and then has a tree embroidered on it. It’s kind of awesome.


Love the old navy workout section :)


Oooh. I think I’d ask for a camera. I love mine, but it’s a little bulky for on-the-go shots. (And if anyone reading this is celebrating a birthday…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!)

I love Target! I like buying food and dresses there.

My bedspread is sea green with white and yellow flowers on it! (And also from Target, hehe.)

I buy new running shoes ever 6 months or so. I’m breaking in my New Balance Minimus shoes right now….mm, so good.


Target is on my top 10 things “I can’t live without” list. Obsessed. The new shoes are so colorful and happy! I, too, understand that you don’t buy shoes for their appearance, but if its between 2 pairs (of similar quality) , I will always go with the prettier ones.


Yep, you are so right….looks do play a little role in shoe buying. Hope you get to go on a Target shopping spree soon:) Have an amazing day!


I really like Old Navy’s workout clothes – they’re pretty decent quality and are a great deal when they’re on sale!


GOOD TO KNOW…thanks Clair, I was wondering about their quality!


First, I have stockpiled my Nike’s every time I have seen them on sale. But sadly, they are no longer on the shelves. So I have two pairs left that should get me through next season and then I have to find something else. I want to try the new Brooks Pure Flow that was just written up in Runners World.
LOVE target. Workout clothes, regular clothes, cleaning supplies, etc.
Bedspread is a block pattern with browns and blues (my FAV color combo).
Bday I would ask for workout gear, new kicks, or an Ulta GC.

The Kidless Kronicles


Don’t worry, I judge running shoes by look too! When I do find a pair, I make the sales guy at the running store bring me every color in stock so that I can choose.


Good to know I am not alone:)


I love those caramel apple suckers! I havent had one in forever.
Actually my sons birthday is Sunday, and we’re going to a waterpark hotel this weekend!


WATERPARK HOTEL….can we come!?!? Hope you have a blast and tell your son happy birthday for me!!!


Um those caramel apple pops are the bomb. I brought them to the school I was volunteering at in South Africa and I immediately became the kids favorite, they even asked me if I made them!


That would be awesome to know how to make them! That is really cool that you were volunteering in South Africa!


First, those caramel apple lollipops are my FAVORITE. I buy a couple of bags every fall when they are easy to find!! I am even know at work for having them in my desk lol…it’s nice to be popular!

I buy everything at Target. I went in last weekend for my organic bunny gummies and left with two magazines, baked salt and vinegar chips, a shirt that was on sale, a bright yellow sports bra and a weighted jump rope. And that happens far too often…!!

p.s. I downloaded that song you were recommending last week, the 300 Violin song? LOVE IT.


LAUREN…I am so happy you love that song, it is incredible and totally pumps me up! Your target shopping experience sounds just like mine. I hope you get a caramel apple lollipop soon. You are too nice to share with your coworkers!


Caramel apple lolli pops are AWESOME!!!! I usually only get to have them near Halloween. May need to hunt them down now b/c you just reminded me how great they are!


Love caramel apple suckers!
I’d ask for a bread maker and/or TOMS ballet flats.
I love Target, but we do not have them in Canada yet. I like buying shoes and bathing suits there.
Our bed spread is solid beige – fun I know ;)
When training I bought new runners every 3-4 months but now it is less.


I want the flats too and you HAVE to get a bread maker, it is the funnest thing in the world! NO TARGET IN CANADA…I will have to send stuff up to you:)


I just need to convince my husband we need another small kitchen appliance… it is a addiction ;)
I know! Rumor has it we will get Target one day but till then its my #1 stop in the States!


If it were my birthday I’d ask for a treadmill or an iPad ;) but realistically just time to spend with my family and to be healthy.

New running shoes (~400 miles) and new sheets are the best in the world. I would lvoe both at the moment. Target is my favorite store, gotta keep it classy!

My bedspread is black and white with pretty flowers on it. So comfy, I’m laying in it now :)


Those running shoes are TOO cool. I seriously want a pair!

I honestly try to stay away from Target because everytime I go I buy every single thing in the store. Things I don’t even remotely need. Baby diapers, I think I need those (I do not have a child), camping tent i seriously need that (i hate camping). seriously anything in that store I just feel like I need. It drives my BF nuts. I love it.


BAHAHA They really do have us hooked, it is impossible to spend less than 100 dollars there. The tent…you are hilarious!


It’s my birthday tomorrow!! :) I really want a pair of compression socks but can’t decide between pink and black. I also want cake ;) And maybe a mixer of some kind, to make more cake haha.

I love target- I usually go for one item and come back with a trolley-load.

I buy shoes perhaps twice a year- I think its almost time for some new ones :)


AHHHHH JOSIE!!! Happy happy happy happy birthday tomorrow. I hope you have the best day ever and get your cake, mixer and compression socks!


I love caramel apple lollies!

If it was my birthday today I would ask for new running clothes.

Target: Yes! I have a three-year old and I love shopping for clothes there. I also like their seasonal section. I was there last week and I bought Valentine candy and decorations.

Bedspread: It’s navy blue with thin white stripes. We have a black dog so we needed something dark.

How often do I buy running shoes: I try to buy them whenever I see a really good sale. I bought my current ones (Brooks Ghost 4) over the summer but didn’t start wearing them until October. I think I am about due for a new pair soon as they have about 300 miles on them.

Happy Friday!


I have to tell you that I never bought workout clothes at Old Navy before but I picked up some sports bras and capris from there and I LOVE them!!! I was very impressed and highly recommend their workout clothes :)

I’m jealous of Billy’s shoes, but if I had those I would have to buy new running clothes to match them, haha!


Good to know that they are awesome, thanks so much Kelsey!


Can you go back on DailyMile I miss following you and trying to keep up!


AHHH I totally need to. Starting today! Hope you are having a great day Martina!


I am! I hope you are too! i hope you feel better soon, I am actually sick as well (but still running too)! I use you as motivation, so I just wanted to say thank you for that!


My birthday is in July, but honestly what I would ask for as a birthday present would be race registrations for the Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon and/or the Las Vegas Half Marathon!!!

Those running shoes look awesome. I am loving how so many running shoes now available in colors other than just white with colored accents. It looks like Billy skips some of the eyelets when lacing up, yes?

I am currently rotating 3 pairs of running shoes and I am trying to restrain myself on buying any more until I really need them (i.e. when one pair is approaching retirement). Therefore, I’m trying to focus on putting primary mileage on one pair at a time so that I can more quickly buy my next pair. =)


Billy’s new sneakers are awesome, they look like they go fast!!

New bedding is awesome, I get SO excited about new sheets and spend more on them than I spend on work clothes for an entire year (that’s more because I hate spending money on work clothes than that my sheets are that expensive!) I love my current duvet cover- it’s grey with purple, white and black japanese-style flowers stitched into the lower part of it (plain grey on top) and I bought all purple and white bedroom accessories to go with it :)

Sneakers = replaced every 6 months or so.. Well I buy new ones and keep the old ones for the rest of time and wear them running when it’s wet/ snowy or running errands.


I don’t like Target, I love love love Target. Most of my wardrobe, shoes, and food come from there.
I spend way to much time and money at that store. My husband jokes and says they must pipe in fresh and clean oxygen because I love going there so much.


I read the first four words and almost died….thank you for writing that you actually really love it:) BAHAHA your husband is hilarious!


I love buying workout clothes at target too! I like to workout in tshirts so I always find cheap good ones there!


ohhhh my birthday is in a month, and i really want a Cuisinart stand mixer so i can bake more! or more workout clothes :)

target makes me poor i love it so much! i just bought awesome running socks, 3 pairs for $3.50!

my duvet cover and blanket are from west elm and they are cream and red – and gorgeous! and i have red 600 thread count sheets. i want to get back in it right now!


Um…can I pretty please have your bedding! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN A MONTH and I hope you get your mixer!


I would ask for anything and everything at Target — love it! The clothes are my favorite. I have to be careful, though. I can spend hundreds of dollars in minutes. Scary!

My new-ish beadspread (from Target) is solid grey… and I love it. It was my first actual attempt at using a patterned pillow for inspiration and creating a theme… and I kind of rocked it.



How about you come decorate for me…I don’t know how to do this whole them thing…save me:) Hope you get to go to Target soon!


I always grocery shop at Target. You can stack coupons there.

I currently have flannel sheets on my bed. What I recommend is a down featherbed (goes on top of your mattress, under your mattress pad).

I had bought some of the workout clothes from Old Navy without trying them on. I returned all of them.


ohhh man, i was trying to decide between the saucony guide and the mizuno inspire last week when shopping and i REALLY loved how the sauconys felt but I wanted to try out something new so went for the mizunos..i like them but i’m totally tempted to buy the guide just so i can have another for rotation…i dont rotate shoes, i usually just wear down one pair then go to the next. i run anywhere from 30-40 miles a week so i have to buy new ones like..every 4 months or so. how does billy like the sauconys so far?

GIRL i live at target..its like your obsession with yogurtland. i buy food, pet supplies, cleaning supplies, um..everything there ;)


Great way to put it! Target is my yogurtland too!!


BAHAHAHA Great comparison Theresa:) I think you should splurge for the guides too so that you can rotate them! He only ran once in them but he LOVED THEM! Let me know what you end up getting!


I’m obsessed with Target. That’s the only place I do major grocery shopping at. It’s cheaper than Smith’s and a lot nicer than Walmart.
I also am loving Old Navy lately. Inexpensive and cute!


I live in Target. My husband asks if the associates know me by name. :-)


BAHAHAH I wonder if they really do…that would be hilarious!


Omg I used to love caramel apple pops! If today were my birthday… hmm I’d ask for running socks, a gift card to Whole Foods, and a treadmill in my apartment.


if it were my birthday today, i would ask for a garmin (p.s. what kind do you have?!) and new TOMS! oh, and of course to go out to dinner with frozen yogurt afterward.
i LOVE target… i have to restrain myself from going there on a daily basis otherwise i’d spend way too much money. i love their workout clothes, regular clothes, shoes, beauty stuff, food, you name it. good thing there’s not one super close to our house otherwise i’d be in trouble!


It’s almost my birthday! I asked for a new pair of running sunglasses because my fashionable Armani shades are just not cutting! And yes, I LOVE Target! My first job when I was 16 was as a cashier there and I’ve been addicted every since!!


What day is your birthday HEATHER!?!?! You worked there..that is awesome!


Well, kinda sort almost– March 1. But I’m finally turning 30! Yikes!


Those are some sweet shoes! I love getting brand new running shoes, it’s like Christmas all over again.

I love those caramel pops they are so yummy!


omg I LOVED reading about billy’s decision to start running- you are a lucky girl!!!

when is your birthday janae?


It is on Monday wahoo!!! I am glad you loved reading about Billy’s running:) HOPE YOU HAVE THE BEST WEEKEND EVER!


Oh I wish it was my birthday today!! I would probably ask for money to go shopping, and new running shoes too! I’m obsessed- that or cross trainers :)

I LOVE target! I have to be careful of even going there because I love it so much. They have cute clothes, groceries, EVERYTHING! It’s so fun.

We have a colored bedspread from pottery barn. I like it- but we need a new duvet.

I buy them every 6 months or so. I’m obsessed- if I could I’d own 100 pairs!


Target = LOVE! Oh, and Old Navy has some adorable things this season. I just took my teen and bought a bag-full… good thing we can share!

New running shoes are the BEST! I always get fitted then ask for all the color available and chose the color I like best.


I LOVEEEE target. I feel like they have an $80 cover charge, but I love them. I buy everything from oats to bras there.

I change my runners every 500 miles. I should probably do it more often, but I run too much to do that.
Oh, and my bedspread is navy and gold with an abstract dandelion pattern.


BAHAHAH They definitely have a cover charge. Seriously, your comments always make me laugh so hard. I am like you and stick to 500 miles…we would be broke if I did any less.


Oh, you have to show us a picture of your new bedding that you want! I bet it is awesome!

AND I want to see your new dresses! What are you and Billy doing for Valentine’s?! Have you bought Valentine M&M’s yet? I swear the seasonal colors taste better than the normal ones!

My birthday isn’t for another month, but I really, really want a shiny iMac! I’ve got a MacBook Pro now and the small screen is driving me nuts when I design big projects.

I LOVE Target too much! I wish I could afford to do all my grocery shopping there but usually just buy produce since it seems fresher than the grocery store. Favorite things at Target = clothes, the c9 champion collection, seasonal items, and purses.

Our bedspread is charcoal grey and has white stitching on top in a box/squares pattern. Got it super cheap at Kohls thanks to a million coupons and finagling.

I generally buy running shoes each year–mainly because I don’t run much anymore…now I do cardio intervals and a lot of lifting. I burned out on running really bad after training and running some races a couple years ago. 90 percent of the time I purchase Nikes because they work well with my super narrow feet. Once in awhile I get asics! I want to get a new pair of black and pink Nike’s because my current pair has a hole in the toe!


Good call…I will have to post pictures of both. We are just going to get take-out and eat at home on V-day! What about you!?!?! I hope that you get a new iMac for your bday…what is your bday. Your bed spread sounds adorable!


Happy Birthday Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ummm, I LOVE LOvE LOVE caramel apple pops!!!!!! Do you pronounce it CAR-Mel or Care-a-Mel??? One year I asked for a bag of those and cashews for Christmas and I got them ;)

Have an awesome weekend!!!!!!


THANKS KIMBERLY!!! I pronounce is Care-a-mel…how do you!?!?


I LOVE those suckers!! I bought a lot of my running appearl at Old Navy. During the summer time, they have a friends and fmaily deal (it’s like 30% discount) for everyone!


That is AWESOME!! I am going to have to take advantage of that deal!


My birthday was yesterday! Had an awesome day – started it with a short run and some speed drills, got a new kindle fire (love it!) and favorite pizza out with the family.


It is my birthday today. I am asking for a foam roller (tight, tight calves and hamstrings), my mom to pay for the rest of my wedding dress and veil, and to not have to teach all day and take a course all night (that one is not going to happen). I am also asking for some lululemon loving but I guess we will see.


Happy Birthday :)


AHHHHHHH LYNN!!! Happy happy happy birthday. I want to see a picture of your dress and veil:) You are so busy and I hope you also get your lulu and foam roller. When are you getting married?


I have had one of those suckers and now I want one of those – if it was my bday today I’d ask for a car :)

and nice new shoes Billster !


Right now, our bedspread is this horrible army green and tan thing that Brandon has had for wayyy too long! We’ve been waiting until we move to get a new, king-size bed AND comforter! I can’t wait!

And yes, those caramel apple pops are amazing. I loved those in high school!


I am really wanting a NICE blender, like a Vitamix. Maybe also a trip to somewhere tropical.

Target is amazing. I go about once a week when we are in the states. Groceries are REALLY cheap there and they have coupons you can printable coupons on their website.


A vitamin would be incredible!!! I need to look into their coupons, thanks for letting me know about those Sierra!


I cannot find those candies anywhere!!! I am so jealous they are my fav!


A student gave them to me so I will ask her where she got them and let you know! Have an amazing day Jessica!


1. If it was my birthday today I would ask for… new knives. I love cooking, but my $10 grocery store knives are starting to show their age…

2. I don’t really grocery shop at Target because I feel like their produce section is lacking and kind of expensive. My favorite thing to buy there is candy after a holiday. February 15th, come faster!

3. I have a duvet because I’m sort of a clean freak about my sheets, and I love being able to pull off the duvet and wash it easily. I have 3 colors: flat white, white with some decorative stitching, and white with a big bold black pattern of vines

4. I buy running shoes 3 times a year or so.

Where in the world did you find your caramel apple suckers? I was just talking about them to a friend the other day, and we were both lamenting the fact that they were discontinued! SO GLAD WE WERE WRONG!!!


I need some good knives too…that would make cooking so much easier. UM…thank you so much for the reminder of the candy sales on wednesday! We have a duvet too but will you teach me how to be a clean freak like you. A student gave me the sucker, I will have to ask her where she got it for you! hope you have an amazing weekend!


Oh yes caramel apple suckers for the win! Sooo good :) If it were my birthday I’d ask for moneyyy.. college budget at it’s finest! My bed spread is red and white and I probably by running shoes twice a year.


Caramel apple pops are amazing. I’d eat an entire bag if my teeth wouldn’t fall out because of all the sugar.

Running shoes are the best new gift…but also, if I were you, I’d go for some North Face Better than Naked shorts. They make me want to live in running clothes.


Thanks for the recommendation Kathleen…I am definitely going to have to look into those…the name makes them sound amazing:)


My bday was Tues. I got to go see “One for the Money” and out to eat with a girlfriend while the hubby stayed home our 2 boys. It was awesome to eat a meal in peace with some great girl talk. I am also asking for an iphone. We live in the dark ages at my house. Hope my husband will say yes :).

I love Target. Not only do we live in the dark ages but in the sticks too. Target is about an hour away. So it’s a real treat to shop there. I love their kid clothes.


HAPPY BDAY on Tuesday Stacey, that is so awesome that you got to go out with your girlfriends…isn’t that the best! Let me know if you get your iPhone!


I seriously need new running shoes, ahh! I love the color on those.
I’d just ask for money to go shopping :)
I love everything at target! I go food shopping there, for makeup, clothes, etc. It’s dangerous.


Our bedding is white……think contemporary hotel room, thats our b-room.


My new favorite running long-sleeve shirt is from Old Navy!!!!

It’s neon yellow and has super long sleeves. Love it!


NEON….perfect!! They really do have the best stuff there:) Hope you have the best weekend ever Katherine!


My birthday is actually in 10 days and the only thing I asked for was new running shoes. :)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY in 10 days Patty!! What pair of running shoes did you ask for!?!?


Brooks Defyance 5. I LOVE my Brooks and really need new shoes! Thanks for the birthday wishes!


OMG – i used to LOVE those candy apple suckers! i haven’t had one since elementary school because they would give them out at my after school day care center. wow, now i want one!


Bedding is a very important and valid birthday request. We have had a king size bed for almost 5 years now and it wasn’t until a few months ago that we finally bought a king size duvet (we had been using our old Queen one the whole time). It is white because it was the cheapest, and because covers cost just as much as the duvet itself we will probably wait another 5 years to buy one of those :)


Happy Birthday!

I love target and buy everything there, too much.

I just got a new paisley bedspread at IKEA and I love it, love to make the bed in the morning now.


THANK YOU!!! Oh your bedspread sounds adorable. I am going to have to check their stuff out! THANKS!


I don’t ever buy new running shoes…I’m one of the luckies that work at a running store!

Target is an automatic $100 out of my pocket every time! I love the clothes and health and beauty section!!


If it was my birthday, I don’t know what I would ask for…maybe a kindle fire or running clothes. You just reminded me that I need to go to Old Navy! I buy EVERYTHING at Target. It also helps that I work there so I get a discount, but I think I do 95% of my everyday shopping there. Love it!


I ACTUALLY may celebrate my birthday tonight with my parents since they’ve been away since December. :) Weehee! I’m hoping for a nice Clarisonic. aaand maybe some running shoes. ;)

aand my bedspread is black and white in a swirly flowerish pattern.


It was my birthday yesterday!!! :) {thanks for the wishes}
It was pretty good- different, but good.
I felt like a real adult… going to classes, working… on my birthday.
but oh hey, I got a $25 gift card to Old Navy and I’m so excited to go check out their workout clothes!

My bedspread is solid sheets {magenta and grey} and a solid black comforter with a little detailed flower.


All my workout clothes come from Target and old navy! I love the skirts and bras and Target and compression capris at old navy.


LOVE those caramel apple sucker things. SO delicious!

I love Old Navy workout clothes too-so awesome. Happy birthday soon….when is it??!


The Saucony Guides felt really clunky to me, I have no idea why. Maybe I’m just not used to the brand but the forefoot sole just felt super wide.

I seem to be replacing shoes every 300-ish miles. Which means every two months or so I’m looking for a new pair.


Target is a bad place for me…I magically find a million things I “really need” and always end up spending when more than I intended to!


You two have got to get professional pics taken in matching running gear and then be featured in akward family photos!


That is a brilliant idea!!! We r totally going to do that!


I LOVE Target – I get a lot of plain t’s and tanks as well as sports bras there. I often pick up little household items there as well as some home decor!

I need new running shoes so badly…and those blue shoes are awesome!


Oh man I buy new running shoes ALL the time (I never buy different ones – I always stick with the same model of Saucony haha)! Your shoes are super cute though!
My bed spread at school and at home is from pottery barn – both are patterns and quite girly! One is white with flowers and the other is green with purple flowers!


I absolutely love soft sheets and fluffy pillows to fall asleep in/on. Since moving directly from our wedding reception to Alaska, we didn’t bring the bedding that we registered for; a double-edged sword having all things furnished for us. Our bedding here is blah, but does what it’s supposed to. It’s the equivalent of a 1993 Ford Taurus.


You need Trader’s Joe’s Fleur de Sel Caramel Sauce.
Cut up that apple and dip.
Better than a caramel apple lollipop and that is saying a lot because I can eat those lollipops like they are my job.


I live off target sports bars and their fruit snacks!


I love caramel apple suckers! I give them to my 1st graders during Johnny Appleseed week I love Target as well. I love everything in the store. I have to drive an hour to get there…:(


I probably need a Target intervention. I’m there no less than twice per week, and sometimes more than one store in a given day. I love their clothes (workout and “real people”), their store brand groceries, and their fun seasonal things. They also have better prices on just about everything under the sun that any other store around here. Plus, their clearance sales absolutely rock!!


Those are my favorite lollipops!


This is my first ever comment. I adore your blog! My birthday was 2 days ago…overall a pretty good day! I love Tarjay, desperately need new running shoes, and I do love Carmel apple suckers. Have I covered the bases? Ha!


I just read your post about Billy and I got tears in my eyes!!! That is so precious of him!!! Always enjoy each other this much, so great to see!!!
My husband and I are on a super tight budget and 2 yrs. ago for my b-day he took me out to eat and presented me with a Garmin pamphlet ( he went to the running store, didn’t know which one I would want so he was going to let me decide), I got so excited that he would just pick up on that on his own ( I didnt ask for it) P.S we never got the Garmin cuz I couldn’t part with the $250 for it, but it means so much when they are in tune with you enough to know what really matters!


oh my, I love those suckers! I can only find them around Halloween, so this Halloween I bought 5 of the big bags. I think I will go get one now :)


I realize I’m a few days late, but loved the post. What I want for my birthday, you technically can’t buy. I would love to move back to Houston. While I like the DFW, I would love to live closer to our families. I shop at Target way too much. They should give me stock for how often I shop there. I love buying baby and toddler clothes for the kids there. Cute stuff! Our comforter is teal and brown damask. I like it, but I like to change things up and often. We have had it for a couple years now, which is a record for me. Although it is one of the most comfortable comforters I’ve ever owned. (Bed in a bag, from Target). I buy new running shoes maybe twice a year. I would love to do it more often, just because I like a variety, but our budget doesn’t allow it.


target is the best store on earth, just sayin.


I know I am reading this a year later, but the 9th was my husband’s birthday and I was just talking to him today about caramel Apple lollipops! Crazy

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