A Delayed Workout and White Carbs

My voice is still pretty lame and the throat hurts so I got a sub for my spin class this morning.  I was bummed but I figure that people are waking up at a ridiculous hour, going out in the cold and showing up to spin wanting a killer workout which I just can’t do right now.  There is a difference between running on your treadmill watching tv while talking to yourself in your head and trying to yell and give energy to a class full of spinners.

Poor me, I have to sleep in until 7:22 this morning instead:)

I will be back next week spinners to make sure you get plenty of sweat in your eyeballs.

In case you were looking forward to a spin playlist today, you can find previous ones HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.


After school yesterday I decided that I would lay on my couch for a while and wait for Billy to get home before I took a run on the treadmill. Remember how just last week I was declaring my love for winter running and then boom….germs force me to stay inside.  Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?

After 9 miles of running while watching the Biggest Loser, Billy reminded me we were out of milk.

Secret:  I really love it when we run out of milk because then we go to Costco (where it is the cheapest) and end up leaving with a bunch of other stuff we have been feeling like.  We go through milk really fast between our after workout chocolate milk and our love for cereal.

Note to self:  After you and Billy both run, do not go shopping on an empty stomach because all you will come home with are carbs.

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A co-worker was eating a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast a few mornings ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it yet.  My new breakfast of choice for the next 12 days will be a bagel with cream cheese.  If that doesn’t get me excited to get out of bed, I don’t know what will.  PS don’t worry, I won’t die from eating white bagels, I promise.


For dinner Billy made us some Creamy Potato Soup (I am still playing the sick card and making him cook) for dinner.  Too bad the sick card doesn’t really work that well because I decide to still run and that means I can’t be deathly ill.

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In other completely non-healthy news….my sister found this bag of gummies (35.27 ounces) for $1 and gave them to us.  Time to call my dentist and schedule an appointment for next month.

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$1 of candy = $500 dental work.  At least there is real fruit juice in there and they are fat-free (I am being completely sarcastic).


Absolute favorite bagel and cream cheese combo?  Do you like cream cheese?

-You can find the best bagel I ever ate HERE!  I love cinnamon raisin (the other type I got at costco) and some type of honey cream cheese.  I also love Einsteins veggie cream cheese with an asiago bagel.

What is your workout going to be today?  What day is your most energetic workout….what about your least energetic?

-Mondays= most energetic.  Fridays= least energetic.

Did you ever fall into the fat-free fad diet trap?

-Yep, at the end of high-school and beginning of college I bought everything fat-free.  It took a few dozen nutrition classes that I took for my major to realize that was not a good idea and just because a bag of swedish fish and box of snackwells cookies is fat-free does not = good for you.

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I’ve been falling behind on reading your blog but I saw bagels and I think they pulled me toward the computer ;) NYC bagels are obviously the best! But I’ve never met many bagels I did’t like… wow, who knew I could rant about bagels so much! Hope you’re feeling better soon Janae!


HEY LIZ!! Seriously, I just ate my bagel and it was delicious but still not anywhere close to NYC bagels! I need to come back and hang out with you in NYC!


Oh man bagels are the best….are you a smoked salmon fan? If so throw some in your cream cheese bagel! I hate to say it but I lost all my weight on a fat-free diet…lord knows how I stuck to it considering my love for salmon, avocado, and peanut butter! I genuinely feel so much when I’m eating fats (healthy of course but a lil of the unhealthy too sometimes)!


I need to get some smoked salmon, SO SO GOOD! It really is amazing how much better we feel with fats in our diets!


Wow that is super cheap for all those gummies. Your sister knows a good deal when she sees one. :) I’m so sorry you are still feeling ill, this cold just wants to hang around. Oh, for your next weeks spin class you should add “Sail” by Awolnation to your playlist. It’s great for hill climbing!


I KNOW, so cheap!! AHHH thank you so much for the song recommendation, I can’t wait to check it out!


Panera has this spread for their bagels, that I think is like Hazelnut (or has nuts in it)– so good!! Hope you feel better soon.


That sounds amazing! I have never been to panera before but when I do, I will be buying that hazelnut spread!


I don’t eat them often (I never remember to buy cream cheese) but I like mine with a slice or two of tomato! So yummy!!

My workout today is a lower body weights workout.


Enjoy your lower body weights workout…you are inspiring me to lift weights now;) mmmmm tomato, that sounds delicious on a bagel with cream cheese!


Anddddd now I want a bagel

Today’s workout : running


I think you NEED to go get yourself one today. Have a great run!


I want those gummies!!!! yum!!!


Seriously…aren’t gummies the absolute best! I could eat them all day long. I should send you some:)


I love a toasted everything bagel with plain cream cheese…YUM!

Today’s workout: running outside, if it ever stops snowing.


Run in the snow;) Enjoy your run and hopefully a bagel after!


Heading to the gym now to do some tabata workouts. It seems soooo early but I’m forcing myself to move :)


WAHOO way to go Heather!! Hope you enjoyed your Tabata workout!


Hope you feel better ASAP Janae! I know it sounds weird, but I drink hot o.j. and take a cough drop. It helps the throat.

I love any bagel from Panera and strawberry cream cheese.

Up until 2 years ago all the food I ate was the fat-free version. There are still some foods where I just can’t handle the taste of the full-fat version.

P.S. I love how your blog is about moderation! If you read a lot of running/healthy living blogs you can get obsessed w/what you eat, should eat, never eat, etc. I LOVE reading blogs that balance working out, healthy foods and not so healthy foods! So thank you!


BECKY!! Thank you so much and I will totally be trying that when I get home. I NEED to try Panera..that sounds delicious. I am glad you are back to eating fats! Thanks for your sweet words. I am all about eating junk and healthy foods ha. Have a great day!


I love cinnamon raisin bagels with cream cheese – so amazing! I used to buy into the fat free thing but I actually feel WAY better with some yummy fats in my life!


I know…our bodies know that we need it and they are so much happier when we incorporate into our daily eats. Have a great day Vanessa!


You ran 9 miles while sick?!? That’s crazy! I love your comment on bagels not killing you haha so many blogger out there that would have a heart attack bc u ate white carbs!!!Oh noooo Best bagel combo is pump with either cinnamon walnut CC or veggie CC Feel better!


I am definitely crazy! Oh yes…love the white carbs! MMMMMM Cinnamon walnut cream cheese is incredible, now I have to go to the store and get some of that. Hope you are having a great Thursday Corinne!


Before I became a vegan I LOVED having bagels the Jewish way! Toasted plain bagel, cream cheese, onion, lox, black pepper, and maybe a slice of tomato—SO GOOD. That is probably what I miss most.. I don’t think there is any vegan salmon substitute yet! I hope you feel better ASAP!!
PS have you ever seen the movie “Running the Sahara”?


Um…I need to try them the Jewish way, that sounds amazing. OH YES…we love that movie! Did you watch it? What did you think? Those men are incredible…I can’t even imagine!


I just saw it on Netflix and I was just in awe the entire time! I agree, I don’t think I can even comprehend their strength and willpower and stamina… they are unbelievable and I was so inspired! I was reading about the men after I watched the movie and I read that Kevin just completed a TEN THOUSAND KM run of the Silk Road a few months ago!!!! That is over 3,000 km more than what they ran through the Sahara! I think they are superhuman


Yep! I fell into the the “I have to have skim milk trap” (I made sure you didn’t have skim milk in your cart before I typed this). I read that drinking skim milk has very little nutritional value at all. It takes the fat to absorb either the calcium or vitamin D (I can’t remember which one). If there is no fat in skim milk then there nothing to absorb the good things in the milk.


Ha…you are so right, we are all about 2%!!! I did the skim thing to and found out about the calcium thing! Glad we are getting smarter and wiser. Have a great day Jana!


My favourite bagel is cinnamon and raisin, with strawberry cream cheese- where the bagel is just warm enough to start melting the cheese- yum!

I used to be a real ‘fat watcher’, but I learnt that a) fats are good for you (avocado! olive oil!) and also b) that you can actually get fat without fats (hello carbs!) :)

workout: hopefully a good run :)


That is the kind that I just ate! Wahooo…glad that you learned about how great fats are. Enjoy your GREAT run today!


From Einstein’s (only in certain States) – honey almond smear- basically the only cream cheese I will ever eat and their honey whole wheat bagel or cinnamon sugar bagels – depends on how healthy I am feeling ;)
REST day!!
I did for a little while, after University but it didn’t last long!


You are so right about their honey almond smear…SO SO GOOD!!! Enjoy your rest day!


I love cinnamon raisin bagels. Top that with PB and you have a winner. I definitely fell into the fat free everything trap. I feel like almost everyone did. Thankfully I know now! Today’s workout is a run :D And maybe some at home yoga because I’m pretty sore.


I need to try it topped with PB…I will try one side with cream cheese and the other with pb:) You are right…I am pretty sure all of my friends tried the fat-free thing! Enjoy your run and yoga (you are making me want to do that now:)


I go through bagel phases- usually after I see someone else have one too. I even have a bagel slicer now :) Cinnamon-raisin bagel with plain cream cheese is the best, but they are also good with some peanut butter. Yum.
Hope you feel better.


I need to get myself a bagel slicer now. Thanks Maria and I hope you are having a great morning!


I am a new reader to your blog & am enjoying it very much!

I wanted to mention that upon reading your post about being angry when your husband went running while you were injured, I can relate! I fought plantar fasciitis so long I can actually spell it correctly. (Yes, it has those two i’s right by each other) Went right at a year not able to run & still can’t bring myself to bike since I was forced to ride it for so long. Childish, but the fact I HAD to ride it was just aggravating to me. I could not even elliptical. After having the plantar release surgery, I am just now getting in the groove again. Ran a half in December and I am ramping up training for a half in March. Still need to baby my foot a bit :0

I remember being so down and aggravated when hubby would go running….without me……

My workout today is my rest day, tomorrow is my long run that I usually do on Saturdays, but the boy has an 8AM basketball game Saturday & I run to dang slow to get in my miles before he has to be there at 7:30.

Thanks for your blog, I was in search of new, fun, running blogs and found it here!!!


HEY!! Thanks so much for commenting and I am glad you are enjoying my blog. WOW…your plantar was out of control and that sounds miserable! You even had the surgery?!?! I am so happy you were able to run a 1/2 and another one in March! That is so exciting. It was crazy hard to watch Billy go run but I couldn’t ask him to stop ya know?!?! I completely understand! Have an amazing long run tomorrow!


I love your logic about loving running out of milk to get a free trip to Costco out of it. I love going into Sam’s Club and day dreaming about a life where I had the time and energy to cook/bake with all the goodies in the large quantities.

I’m not a bagel fan – I have gotten myself in a place where I’m not a fan of eating such large pieces of bread in a bagel form. Weird, I know. Now, if those carbs were in slices, I’m all over it. So sad.


I love Sam’s Club too and who doesn’t love large quantities of food:) I will forgive you about the bagel thing..if you want to send me your bagels if you ever get any from people, I will happily take them off your hands!


Bagel and cream cheese is a total splurge for me, but it would be cin raisin and some type of strawberry cream cheese.
Monday’s are the best workout, Sundays are usually the worst for me.
I totally fell into the fat-free, sugar free diet fad. Now I try to make sure I get plenty of healthy fat in my diet!


That is what I had this morning. Do you take a rest day?!?! Oh yes…the sugar free diet…how did I forget about that. Such a sad sad time of life ha! Have a great day Katie!


I am a bagel person…not a cream cheese fan though! :D


What do you put on your bagels then? I will forgive you about the cream cheese thing just cause I love ya!


I absolutely love Panera’s Asiago Bagel. No cream cheese for me though! :)

I was on the way to the gym this morning for a run, but I didn’t make it there :( Got in an accident instead, so I’m not sure I’ll be working out today!

I hope you’re feeling better soon :)


What do you put on your bagel then?!?! I will take your cream cheese if you want:) WHAT….you got in an accident….are you okay!?!?!


I’ll put a little bit of butter on the bagel if it’s warm so it melts…absolutely delicious!

Yeah, I’m fine, a little sore though. My car is probably totaled though :(


I don’t put cream cheese on bagels. Peanut Butter. Favorite bagel is Cinnamon Crunch from Panera’s.
Most energetic is Saturday’s. I will head to the gym for some sort of cross training.
I never fell into that fad because I never really dieted until I was an “adult”.
The Kidless Kronicles


PB over cream cheese….hmmmm I don’t know about that. Wahoo, it is almost your Saturday workout.


all ive ever wanted in life is a big bag of gummy candy for $1. dream big, right?

are you doing red rock in vegas in march???


I will send you some!

I am 50/50. Are you doing the full?


I used to hate cream cheese, but now I eat a bagel and cream cheese everyday. My favorite bagels are asiago cheese.

I never go grocery shopping when I’m hungry because I usually end up hangry and then things go south pretty fast!


mmmnnn bagels! My brother is coming up from NY this weekend and I’ve made him swear to bring me a dozen bagels. My favorite are whole wheat everything bagels with scallion cream cheese. YUM.

Tonight’s workout is sppppeeeeeddddwork! I love it because it makes the treadmill time go by faster but man is it hard!


I am also most energetic on Mondays! I always get my long runs in and it feels awesome to know that I got my long in for the week on a Monday! And I am almost least energetic on Friday’s so I always use that as a rest day!


Best bagel I had was in NYC! Everything bagel with jalepeno cream cheese. So so SO good!

I definitely fell into the fat free trap. I ate everything fat free. Jello, pudding, candy – you name it! So not healthy!

Feel better soon! xo


I love gummies..can you sister pick me up a bag?

I also love Costco…have you had their frozen yogurt? It is really huge!


if i’m craving a sweet bagel, i love cinnamon-sugar bagel or blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese. if i’m craving savory, definitely an everything bagel with regular cream cheese. uh oh – i want a bagel now!

my workout today will be some treadmill intervals along with some stairclimber? we’ll see! haven’t decided quite yet. my best workout days are usually tuesdays or saturdays i think, both of which are my days off so i can workout whenever i have the most energy. why can’t every day be like that?! ;)

i hope you feel better my friend!


ahhh bagels, i seriously dont eat enough of these. my two favoritest bagels are an everything bagel with veggie cream cheese or a sundried tomato bagel with regular cream cheese! (now im thinking bagel for dinner on friday night, haha, thanks for the inspiration)

workout today was 1 hour elliptical, 20 minutes weight training. my most energetic workouts are mondays and fridays for some reason.

i’ve never been a fan of fat free foods, even when i restricted..i just never liked the taste of ANY of it! i’d rather do 1% or 2% then fat free. except milk, im fine with skim milk.


I love bagels with cream cheese and cinnamon raisin is my favorite too! It’s especially awesome how good it smells toasting up.
I fell for the fat free craze too. It’s no wonder people gained weight on that diet rather than lost anything!
Hope you’re feeling better soon!


I go through bagel phases for sure. Some last longer than others. Second year of teaching I went to Einstein’s every saturday for 3 months and had cinnamon rasin and plain cream cheese. ymmmmmmmy yummmmmy.

Pretty sure I will be having a bagel and cc in the next 24 hours. Woot woot, so excited!

Never did the low-fat thing……..and proof of that is one of my other bagel phases was plain, plain cc, and a slice of bacon………yikes…


I LOVE cinnamon raisin bagels…….and everything bagels. I am weird and don’t like cream cheese at all.


Fat free = sugar loaded = fat, jiggly body!! I learned this the hard way.
Good call on your part for not teaching spin sick. You are so right that as instructors we have to be 110% energetic so our class gives us at least 60% of their max effort. If we only give 1/2 effort the whole class will have a crappy w/o.
Oh, and my energy level on mon is through the roof… By fri I feel 6 feet under… Ha!! Saturday am I am the energizer bunny agin. That what teaching high svhool and an insane amount of group ex classes will do to a person!


Your work ethic is inspiring!!!


Oddly enough I’d say my most energetic workout is mid week. Don’t know why but I’m super motivated and just want to push through and get the week over with so I try to bust it all out on Weds and/or Thurs. Mondays are okay but since my long runs are on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays come Monday I just want to lay on the couch and have a glass of wine and watch reality tv. Terrible.


Mid week…that is AWESOME!! I need to get that from you!! Seriously, the day after a long run is always my rest day because I am so tired from it!


I looove onion, garlic, or everything type bagels with cream cheese. YUMMMmm!
I never really fell into the fat free or any type of fad diet, though I am trying to eat “cleaner” now (as in less processed stuff)


Onion or garlic bagels are amazing!!!


and give you really good breath and helps you make friends! haha!


Dear hungryrunnergirl,

After having noticed this running/”healthy” living trend you amongst other bloggers have carried through the years, I am more than sure you are hiding behind that empty smile with an excercise/eating disorder. I am also certain you might have heard that elsewhere, however, your hiding behind “huge salads” or “Frozen yogurt” does not show you are having the time of your life doing so. Be honest with yourself. Please do not mislead people and ruin their lives by posting on how you run 10 miles a day and then survive on perhaps 800 calories or so to compensate. It is patronizing to the blogger readers the way you portray this EXTREMELY HAPPY person with an excercise/eating disorder.


Thank you for expressing your opinion. I know and my husband and family know that I am more than okay and healthy and to be honest that is all that matters. I really do love to eat and to run. That is not fake, and I am extremely happy. Nutrition is a huge part of running and because of proper nutrition I have been able to achieve success in my running.

Feel free to email me if you have any other questions.


At its core this blog is intended to inspire, motivate, and generally uplift its readers. If you, however, find that reading about the musings of a competitive endurance athlete makes you feel bad about yourself, by all means, discontinue doing so. On the other hand, if you’d like to meet up for some froyo sometime, we’ll let you know next time we’re near Humble, TX.


Love your responses, and LOVE YOU JANAE!!!!!


Have you ever noticed that all good distance runners are thin? Maybe it has something to do with running all those miles everyday! Do not try to bring others down with your hurtful comments, why bother taking the time to write it when it’s mean. I don’t understand why You feel the need to write these hateful comments on HER blog. As a nurse who treats ED patients I despise others who make these comments.


A hamburger has been my ‘bagel with cream cheese’ all week- and I blame you in part :) After swimming this week a friend recommended that I eat some Wendy’s hamburgers to fatten up so I wouldn’t sink as much (I’m a sinker… straight to the bottom of the pool). SO then I start thinking about hamburgers. Then I get home and your Tuesday blog post had the most amazing looking hamburger. Since then I can’t stop thinking about them! I have a date tonight to finally get my burger :)

Have a fabulous day- glad you got your bagel!!


Oh Jenn….I think you need to get yourself a burger. I am sorry for making you crave one so bad but not sorry at the same time. Enjoy your burger…maybe get two so that you stop sinking!


Random, we had the same dinner last night sub bread for cornbread (cuties included).
My favorite bagels are the oh so healthy cinnamon sugar.


Amanda that makes me so happy…..great minds think alike!


I won’t die from eating white bagels! haha AMEN!
I ran this morning and am going swimming in a bit. Well, as soon as I stop procrastinating on the computer and find where I left my motivation. :-)


Glad you agree with me about the white bagels. Great job on your run and enjoy your swim! YOU CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT!


I LOVE cinammon rasin bagels with pb but always save that for my pre race fuel, it makes waking up at the crack of dawn that much more exciting!!!


Best pre race fuel ever and I agree…that would make me excited to wake up at any time of day!


omg I have been craving a bagel for ages! sadly I can’t eat gluten. I’m tempted to get a bag of Udi’s bagels at whole foods though… they’re just so darn expensive for not knowing if they’ll be any good!


I think you need to splurge. You need a GF bagel in your life!


I started laughing when thinking. Back about my low Calorie/ carb / anything cardboard-esk eating. Now I’m so traumatized I still can’t even touch Greek yogurt, laughing cow wedges or I can’t believe it’s not butter spray! Lol


Such a sad time of life right! Ha…that butter spray….I used it for everything. One bottle was a serving for me!


Fave bagel: cinn raisin or everything! Fave toppings: veggie cream cheese [on the chunky side], cottage cheese and jam, or pumpkin puree!

I did the glider [not an elliptical and don’t know what else to call it, help?!] and ran last night and it felt AWESOME! First run since having bronchitis 3 weeks ago- my lungs are still pumping oxygen hehe! Not sure what’s on the agenda for today…


YES, chunky veggie cc is the best. I am going to have to try the cottage cheese and jam duo, that sounds really good! Glider…I don’t know what that is but I am so happy you had an awesome run. 3 weeks ago you had bronchitis…AHHHH not fun!


Fav bagel: Sesame or Plain
Fav Cream Cheese: Plain cream cheese or the honey-almond cheese from Noah’s.
My most energetic day is Monday(coz I have this enthusiasm that I build up over the weekend) and least is Friday(coz the enthusiasm has fizzled by now)!


YEP…my enthusiasm definitely dies by Friday ha! Honey-almond…that sounds amazing!


Janae!!!!!!! I need a hugenormus favor from you. Can you please give a get well shout out to my “baby sister” and one of your biggest fans, AMY N. from Tampa, Florida!?! She had her wisdom teeth out today and needs a pick me up. If you could give her some motivation and some soft food ideas I know that will help her feel better.


I totally will put it in my afternoon post. Thanks Amanda!


Bagels bagels bagels!!! Yumm. Bagel pizzas are the best. Interesting that your Costco milk comes in a box…


Does yours not? It comes in packs of two…that is why we really love it! I am going to have to make a bagel pizza!


It comes in packs of two but they’re in the jugs wrapped together in plastic, not boxes! What a fascinating discovery! :-)


i bought 4 bagels on saturday and ate them all by monday. which is why i cannot buy bagels anymore, im addicted!

workout today is a treadmill hill workout – NOT looking forward to that. well maybe i am – im a glutton for pain.


HA…that is why I love you:) You are going to ROCK your hill workout!


I used to eat Snackwell vanilla cream cookies by the box back in the 90s. Oh, what? That’s not a good idea? They still have calories? Weird.


I do love bagels and cream cheese, and its even harder to resist them living in NJ with some amazing ones! I also had one in NYC one time, I swear it just tasted like cake..it was phenomenal. Also, I think my workout today will be the elliptical and bodypump!


My all time favorite bagel is an everything bagel with veggie cream cheese from Pick-A-Bagel! ( the place I took you to!)
I woke up early and went to the gym! 35 minutes on the elliptical while watching Bravo = perfect Thursday morning!


NYC everything bagel with vegetable cream cheese. oh lawdy, they’re good.

today I’m doing fartleks. I also just like saying “fartlek”


I’m more into eggs, ham, cheese, and ketchup on my bagels. Cream cheese just isn’t my thing. My most energetic workouts are usually on Tuesdays because I tend to extend my weekend and stay up too late on Sunday nights. Thursdays are usually rough workout days for me because I’m tired by then, but the promise of the weekend is not close enough. In college I was definitely all about fat free foods, I practically lived on Swedish fish. Today I try not to eat super fatty foods, but I know that low fat =/= healthy.


We used to have this amazing local bagel shop – I miss it so much! For something sweet, I loved the cinnamon raisin bagel with chocolate chip cream cheese and peanut butter (so healthy, I know) or honey walnut raisin cream cheese. Savory was the tomato basil asiago bagel with roasted red pepper cream cheese.

My workout is…an eccentric fitness class! It’s my first one and I can’t wait!

Yeah I did fall into the fat free thing for a bit, then quickly realized it wasn’t better for me (and in some cases was actually worse).


Mmm, bagels! The problem with bagels is I can eat 3 in a day and never feel full.

I think (certain) fats are so important so I never eat the fat-free stuff. I did, way back in the day, and once I got used to eating fat again I could never go back! In fact, I bought fat-free balsamic vinagrette from TJ’s on accidend and found it disgusting!! Balsamic vinagrette should have Olive Oil in it (AKA Fat) so if it’s fat free, what the heck is in there!? When I was less educated and ate almost 100% fat free I was also very irregular, if you know what I mean, and that changed the instant I incorporated some fat back into my diet.

Happy Thursday! Last night I did an 8 mile tempo and it was awesome. I agree — I have the least energy on Fridays for my runs.


Same here! I was very irregular with the lack of fats. AGREED about the olive oil…that is a necessity in balsamic vinaigrette! GREAT JOB on your 8 mile tempo…you are going to ROCK BOSTON!! I want to follow your bib number.


I love Panera’s everything bagels. I’m not a huge cream cheese fan, but I eat it sometimes. I like bagels with egg whites and Meunster cheese.


Hey, at least the candy has GREAT VARIETY!

I looooooooooooove bagels with lox and cream cheese. The Tabard Inn in DC has a brunch plate with homemade bagels and lox, it’s delicious.


Sad story – I read your post this morning and then realized that Thursday = Bagel Day in our office, and I haven’t had one in FOREVER! So then I hurried to get to work all excited, and there was NONE LEFT. boooo….I am totally getting one for lunch now, I have to satisfy the craving. :)

I never did a fat free everything diet…but I have certain things that I’ve always eaten Fat-Free or Low-Fat, and I just don’t like the taste otherwise. However, I don’t think I have any need to worry about getting enough fat in my diet, haha!


Favorite bagel combo…that is tough! I love cinnamon raisin and vanilla cream cheese, or an everything bagel with regular cream cheese. I also love pumperknickel bagels!

My workout today was a Tabatha workout (I think that’s what it called?) in my boot camp class. Reps of push-ups, squat jumps, tricep dips, etc. It was so hard but felt amazing afterwards. My most energetic workout day is definitely Monday too. Least is probably Thursdays or Fridays.

Yes, I bought a lot of fat-free items at one time…not the best idea. I don’t really fall into the fat free trap anymore, but I do prefer some nonfat items, like milk and Greek yogurt.


Your workout made me sweat just reading about it:) GREAT JOB!!!


I love bagels too!! I need to have one again soon :)

Get better soon <—it feels SO yucky to teach fitness classes when you're under the weather….actually it is HORRIble. Glad you could sleep in!


Great, now you’ve implanted the idea of an Einstein’s bagel with veggie cream cheese in my head… mmmmmmmmmmm


BTW, Thank you SO much for your help with the spin vocab! I’ve been applying the idea to a stationary bike at our teeny-tiny fitness center and it’s AWESOME! Such a lung-burning, sweat-pouring workout. I don’t last very long b/c the transitioning between levels of tension is awkward and slow but it does the job surprisingly well. ….a video of me doing it would be HILARIOUS but no effin way that’s gonna happen.

Again, thanks! You made cross-training during winter a lot more fun.


You are so welcome Mendy and I am so happy that you are using them in your workouts! WAY TO GO! I want a video of it. Hope you are having a great day!


OMG, definitely the French Toast bagel at Panera. Can’t fit them into my diet very often. ;)


A little too ironic…yeah I really do think.


So glad you picked that up:)


I love Panera Bread’s bagels. I buy a dozen of them at a time and stick ’em in my freezer thinking that will stop me from eating one every day. They are gone within a few days. :)

We were just talking about the fat-free diet fad. I totally was into it. I lived on bagels in college – they were fat free!


I love cinnamon crunch bagels from Panera and I actually had one this morning for breakfast. It was soooo good. I typically will just have a plain bagel with plain cream cheese. I’m cool like that.

Feel better!


yum yum yum! I’m a bagel monster! There’s this magical little gem called Herman’s Boy in MI that I am obsessed with! I go up to visit my parents and come back with a dozen cranberry walnut bagels and snickerdoodle coffee. It’s my comfort foood :)


Thanks again for the email. Looking back at my blog, I use to drink just half of that caffeine packet, so it was a problem at my race. I love Asiatic with veggie and cinnamon with honey almond cream cheese. Get better!


Haha I know- I always come out of Costco with way too much! That’s so great you’re teaching spin again!! Where at? I want to come!


What an awesome gummy deal! We go through a decent amount of milk but have to have 2 different kinds at all times because I’m a freak and like the way milk tastes when it is mixed. (think cows, almond, soy..) mm so much better when they are together!


Hope you get better soon!
I love shopping at Costco (or for europeans: Metro) too. Especially since IF you pick up something great, it usually comes in larger quantities, which in return will make me even happier!
On a sidenote, all I really wanted to say that now I`m craving gummi candy. Thank you Janae!
To answer your questions, I had to move my rest day and take it early, so I wouldn`t feel bad for skipping a workout during my first week of training for a half. Now I hate having to get through the rest, since I have still not 100% recovered from my cold, but I`m getting there. – For now just training on the treadmill (and staring at the same spot for half an hour ;) ).
Hope you have an amazing day!


Everyone is talking about Cinnamon today!! I have seen three other bloggers mention Cinnamon something or other today…must be something in the air….Or just all things Cinnamon are awesome… ;-)


I did fall into the fat-free trap. I woke up at 4:30 to meet some people for a run. They bailed at the last minute so I drove to my gym instead and only had time for a quick 3 miles before I had to get ready for school. Of course, I crashed when I came home from school since I was so tired.


I love the Everything Bagel from Panera Bread, with tomato basil cream cheese on it. YUM! I’m aiming for 2.5 miles tonight, circuit on weights and a good stretch afterwards. I’ve never really done the fat free diet thing. I like food too much. And candy. I just try not to eat the whole cake if I decide to have some. :)


You have to try a cinnamon raisin bagel with maple walnut cream cheese! so good!


My favorite bagel is cinnamon/sugar! So delicious. I am not a cream cheese fan (I know I know) but I love to top my bagels with PB or just butter.

I so feel victim to the fat free fad in high school and college. I totally forgot about snack-wells!! I would eat a million of those cookies thinking there were ok b/c the box said “Fat Free.” Not the healthiest of choice. Same with fat free hot tamales. Live and learn!


Einstein’s cinnamon raisin and cinnamon sugar bagels are pretty awesome. And I love Einstein’s chocolate chip cookies- one of the best out there in my opinion!

I hope you are feeling better, girl. You poor thing. I’m glad mister Billy is taking care of you.

I have some news – Ben and I are thinking of running a race (half mar) in South Africa in April! Nothing is set yet, but I can dream:) Miss you!


Okay, I have a very important question for you. Or questions… did you happen to get any of the strawberry banana Cold-Eez? And, if so, did they taste really disgusting? I got some last week and, well, I’ll spare you the analogy… but they were awful. And I don’t know if it was actually the drops, or the nastiness that was in my throat, or what it was…

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