After sleeping in and getting an awesome workout in, I was more than ready for lunch.  In fact, I was already 3 inches into my sandwich before Billy even sat down.

Let me introduce you to the $2 6-inch (x 4= $8 for two foot longs, wow I am good at math).  You can either get the cold cut combo or meatball marinara right now at Subway for 2 bucks and it was so good.  I didn’t think I would like the meat that they put on but I did, it was salty and delicious.  Don’t take my word for it because I love all food except for maybe 2 or 3 things.

Photo 2

After lunch Billy and I went on a date to the $1 theater and saw Moneyball.  I really liked it but it was a tiny bit slow at times.  The thing that drove me insane was the guy next to us was on his phone the entire time checking facebook, texting etc and talking to his buddy…..I almost went bonkers it was so distracting. Only a few things in this world really get on my nerves and that is one of them.

Photo 6

I mean, I paid a whole dollar to watch my movie in peace, how dare he;)

Next stop was to go ice-skating with my sis and her family.  It was the kids’ first time and they rocked it….after 28,993 falls.

Photo 4 copy

Holding up children and skating at the same time is quite the workout.

Photo 2 copy

That coat came off really quickly because I was sweating bullets.

Photo 1

Curly was so pooped towards the end that she had to sit out and ended up falling asleep on my arm while watching Netflix.

Photo 3


Have you ever been ice-skating?  Do you like it?

-We love to go and Billy played hockey growing up and so he is really good at it and can do fancy tricks.  I am proud of him.

Any pet peeves at the movie theater?  Or pet peeves in general?

-I understand checking your phone every now and then if you got an important text or something but not every minute please.

Rate yourself on a scale from 1-10 on how fast of an eater you are.  1 (SLOW) and 10 (FAST).

-an 8 for me and a 4 for Billy.

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Sounds like a great day to me!

I am a fast eater… probably a 7 or 8. Brandon is like a 3 or 4. I always finish way before him!! Need to work on that probably!

My biggest pet peeve is checking your phone/texting while driving. I mean seriously? Is your life (and the lives of others!!) not more important than your PHONE?? Respond to that text in 5 minutes when you get to your destination. You are operating a moving vehicle so just put your darn phone down and drive. Ugh. Ok… thanks for letting me vent this AM. :)


I looove ice skating! I havent been in years though.
And i cant stand people on their phone in the theater. That and eating ridiculously loud.


I LOVE ice skating, but I am not very good at it… I still stop by running into the wall, but it works for me!

I am a very fast eater, except with ice cream (crazy, I know), because that is the one thing I actually take time and savor.

also, I totally agree with people talking/texting during movies. and not using their turn signals when they drive. I might have a lot of pet peeves.


I wish I could ice skate but I tend to spend most of the time on the floor with my hands stretched out and asking for help!


I’m a super fast eater and my fiancé is SO SLOW. Not only do I finish before him… I even get in bed


I love to skate and I am a pretty slow eater.. :)


the movie theater phone checker drives me INSANE! I once got up and told management on some guy in front of me that was doing it because the light from the phone was annoying and distracting. I felt like a 5 yr old tattletale but I seriously didn’t care.


Yes, I love to ice skate but Adam has never been. I a cannot stand when people talk all through the movie. I used to be the slowest eater growing up and was always the last at the table. Somewhere in between then and adulthood I became a fast eater. I’m sure it was due to the fact we had 30 minutes to get your food and eat in High School and my High School had over 2000 students. Now I eat fast(8 to 9) because my kids either need help with their food or want to eat mine. My daughter loves eggs so much that if I make them for myself after she has eaten breakfast, I will hide in my laundry room and eat quickly to avoid sharing.


What a fun and inexpensive day!! I am very jealous of both the $2 sandwich and the $1 theatre!!

I am not great on skates but thankfully the BF is a fantastic skater so he can give me tips (and pick me back up!!)


Definitely sounds like a great day! I HATE when people are on their phones during a movie. It’s sooo rude! I would have said something haha ;D
I used to go ice skating all the time. I loved it!
Some days I eat super slow, and some days I eat super fast. It all depends really, but I guess I’ll say a 5 or a 6?


I am the fastest eater ever. People often comment on it. So awkward.

I probably would have commented to annoying guy at the theater. That would have driven me insane!

I love ice skating, but I hate having cold feet. It’s a real dilemma.


ah, Movies 8- so many college memories.
I took an ice skating class while at BYU, too- more memories. Basically you got an A if you showed up and at least tried :).
I hate people who talk in the theater during the movie and people who put their feet up on the back of MY seat.
My fast eating skills are at a 9, I’d say. The husband is a 2.


I am a really fast eater … maybe a 9 … it is sometimes embarrassing as everyone thinks I am always hungry … the truth is that I would eat just as fast if they offered me anything even after a full meal … probably not the best thing … I really need to move myself to the lower side of the scale …


Though I haven’t skated in a few years its huge in Canada and I grew up going to the outdoor rink almost every night.
Its drives me crazy when people talk through movies, I find teenage girls are the worst for it!
I am trying to slow down but am still a fast eater, I would say I am a 7.


I love ice skating! My boyfriend hates it, he always falls down! LOL

I am an average eater. About a 5. Sometimes maybe a 6.


Oh I took my 4 yr old ice skating and we only made it around the rink once. It was my second time going and his first. I was having such difficulty keeping me up and him up that I was drenched by the time we made it once around.

I normally get a $5 footlong in ham. My favorite is the subway club, but that sandwich isn’t $5 anymore.


i’ve never been ice skating but i am 110% sure i’d suck at it. i’m not very coordinated :)

i hate people talking in the movie theatre…especially when big groups come in and they are loud and obnoxious. no bueno.

i’m def around a 8 or a 9…i eat so fast, especially when i’m hungry (which is 90% of the time)…kevin is prob more of a 3-4. he gets real proud when he beats me though (which has maybe been around twice in our relationship?)


I’ve never been ice skating. It terrifies me!! I’m so uncoordinated and I’m afraid that I will fall and slice a finger off or something.

Movie pet peeves: people that talk super loud like they are at home. Whisper please! and strangers who sit right next to you despite the theatre being empty…

I am a super fast eater. It’s really bad, I’d say I’m a 9!


I used to be a competitive figure skater before I started running. It actually took me years to start running because the biomechanics are so different, and I still have to really focus on my form!

Pet peeves: people who don’t shut up or who rock back and forth nonstop, or tall people who sit in front of me.

I eat too fast too,but fiance slows me down.


subway + movies +ice skating totally sounds like the perfect day!! I used to skate competitively up till like 6th grade or so, it was good times :)


I love ice skating, but I’m pretty terrible at it. I can’t seem to get a hang of the whole “STOPPING” thing.

I can’t stand people who talk through the whole movie, or are on their phones. I want to throw stuff at them. Seriously.

I eat really fast… probably an 8 or 9…


oh girl, i feel ya on getting way annoyed by people being disruptive in the movie theater. the other night we went to go see the new Sherlock Holmes, and there were a group of teenage girls behind us talking the whoooole time. i almost turned around to ask them to be quiet… grrr.

i don’t mind ice skating… it’s not my favorite activity, but it’s fun every once in awhile! i’m honestly terrible at it too!

how fast i eat?? probably like a 7 or 8! ha.


I’m pretty good at ice skating but it hurts my ankles sometimes. My boyfriend used to play hockey too and he LOVES it.
I’m a fast eater – like an 8 probably :)


No phones in the movie theater! They have even added that to the previews, not only should you turn it to vibrate, don’t even look at it! They’re just so bright and distracting. I went to see New Years Eve a couple weekends ago and this guy in front of us did the same thing. So annoying!!!


I am a big ice skating fan. When I was little I always wanted to figure skate. Too bad my severe lack of balance ruined that dream!

It drives me crazy when people talk in the movie theater. I can understand whispering, but a lot of times you get a group of teenagers in there and all they want to do is play on their phones and make loud, obnoxious comments about the movie. Those are the kinds of people I want to throw my soda and popcorn at.


Janae! Hope you had a Merry Christmas :) I love your new spin bike btw… so jealous! Can I say that I WISH I could ice skate?! I used to be the best at roller skating, but I cannot manage to stand up on skates with blades. I also cannot rollerblade. I’m an embarassment. I went ice-skating once last year and ended up holding on to the sides of the rink while all the 4 year olds skated past me. Sigh.


I actually took ice skating as a class my senior year of college, and yet I still manage to be awful at it…


One of the hubby’s favorite subways is cold cut. I was skeptical of the meat until i actually tried it. yummy!

I don’t have the patience for ice skating because i want to be Michelle Kwan without trying.

The speed of my eating depends: eating standing in front of the refridge 9, out to dinner with friends and i want the experience to linger on 3.


i used to want to be a professional ice skater. now i just want your sister’s hair.


I swear you and your sister hit the gold pot of beautifulness gene pool. :) I have not been ice skating in forever! Looks like fun :)


I love ice skating though I don’t go nearly enough to be good!! Honestly, I cannot even stand when someone pulls out their phone at all at a movie theater. The light is so bright and distracting and it kills me (as does incessant talking). And, as often as I feel like I am exactly like you in so many ways (mmm… anchovies…), eating speed is not one of our similarities. I am the slowest eater ever. In college my friends would make me stop talking until I finished eating because they were always done way before me!!


Last time we went ice skating was at Milennium park in Chicago. So much fun! I eat fast. As in “9” fast. When you have children, they can only sit for so long in restaurants. By the time their food comes, we have to inhale our food.


I have literally eaten that $2 sub probably 20 days this month. It’s a little ridiculous.


I hate when people are on their phones during the movies! Why pay money to sit and play with your phone, just go to Redbox! Last year, the worst movie we went to was around Christmas, and a family let their kids (who were probably in the 8-11 year range, so old enough they should have been able to behave, at least a little) bring toys – that made noise, to the the movies! So for 2 hours we listened to video games, remote control cars and goodness knows what else…it was insane!


H-10k,Since America’s biggest HAARP Array is in Alaska, the most ceonevinnt place on Earth to turn it against is Canada.Couple that with clear evidence that the Globalists are finally moving in Canada too, such as the secret US Canada border deal to hides GMO takeover in Canada, and extend uber’ control and false-flag events north of our border it doesn’t take much to see that it’s part of a total north American control gambit.Wake up and smell the RF induced burning ozone.


I grew up ice skating on a pond by my house, which was never smooth and easy. So, when we take the kids to a rink I love it. I do miss being outside though with the snow falling. That is magical even when you are always on your bum.


OMG, I just started ordering the Cold Cut Combo at Subway because it was $2, and I LOVE it. It’s not the healthiest lunchmeat there is, but it’s salty yumminess on a sub roll. And it’s only $2! You can’t get anything for $2 anymore! And to answer your question, I’m an 11 on the fast eater scale. I scarf! I wish I could fix this, but I have tried to no avail.

When I was in 6th grade I took ice skating lessons, and then I was in a competition where I basically skated forward, backward and did a spin or two, and I got the FIRST PLACE trophy. I was badass …until I fell and bruised my tailbone one day and totally quit ice skating. Oh well, my ice skating career was short lived, but at least I have that 1st place trophy! :)


Oh Jeez, I have to be a 10 on the fast eating scale. Everyone is always shocked at how quickly my food is gone and then I become slightly embarrassed.

P.S. I am loving my training for Boston right now! Keeping my fingers crossed I stay injury free!!


I really really REALLY hate sitting next to a loud popcorn eater. They always seem to find me – at every movie. They crunch so loud. It distracts me so much.

We are going to see Sherlock Holmes today with a bunch of friends. I’M SURE LOUD POPCORN EATER will be there!!!!!!! :(


I get sooooo into any movie I’m watching at the theaters that I will go bonkers if someone is being chatty! but if I rent a movie and watch with friends/the BF then I am guilty of being the chatter :)
I’m a gosh darn slow eater :(
I hope you have a great weekend ahead of you! keep enjoying your well deserved break! xoxo!


I LOVE ICE SKATING. I used to go every day to an outdoor rink down the street. I grew up In Minnesota. Lol. I’m so mean, but I always love going with friends because I can skate circles around them. Lol.

Someone was doing that at a movie theater once and a guy yelled at them. I got scared too. haha

i’m a 9. my husband is about a 2. haha


We don’t need to launch into my pet peeves. Although I am recently realizing how much bad table manners bother me. Someone slurping is worse than nails on a chalkboard.

The last time I went ice skating was at Gallavan Plaza, 3 or 4 years ago. I am so bad at it, my husband just pushed me around the rink haha.


I haven’t seen Moneyball but I want to! It’s at our $1 movie as well and I seriously don’t get when people talk OUT LOUD during the movie on their phone?? Do they not get it?? At all?? I wanna smack the phone off their face…sorry if that sounds aggressive :)

Anyway, the sub looks subtastic! I love ice skating!


I hate movie theater talkers. Went to the movies with my mom last month and there were some women on our row who talked to each other almost the entire time! Even after I kept asking them to be quiet. People can be so rude!

I’m going to see Moneyball today at the dollar theater too! Our “dollar” theater is $1.99 though!


I loved Moneyball (Oakland A’s!) but also had a super-annoying experience while watching it in the theater. There was a kid, maybe 10, next to me who would HONK and shake with laughter and whenever he got the cue (from other people laughing) that he was supposed to laugh. I glared at him with all my might.


I haven’t been ice skating in years– how fun! I am probably an 8 as well… I’d like to eat slower, but it hasn’t been happening. :)


I am definitely an 8 or even a 9 when it comes to fast eating. I can inhale some food pretty quickly.

I haven’t been ice skating since I was in high school (which was a long time ago).


I love that deal at Subway! I’ve probably had it at least 5 times this month for lunch. I am usually a pretty average-speed eater – maybe a 5? Sometimes I like to eat really slow – especially if it’s a yummy snack or ice cream. But Steve eats WAY faster than me, and if we are sharing something it makes me SO anxious! Like I have to hurry and eat it all before it’s gone. Haha, he knows it’s one of my pet peeves.

Talking and loud, obnoxious laughing at the movie theater is SO annoying! Steve and I feel like we ALWAYS sit by people who just can’t sit and enjoy the movie in peace. I took an ice-skating class at that rink in college with my roommates, it was SO fun! I’m still not very good, but I love it.


i havent ice skated in foooooorever! since i was like 12 probably. we used to always do it at recess in elementary school though I remember.
Um I am like a 9, I eat too fast all the time haha


Cute kids! That looks like a lot of fun. I don’t ice skate and I think it upsets my husband, but I haven’t been since I was 8! I would probably kill myself.

My husband is such a fast eater and I’ve actually needed to speed up so that I can keep up with him. I think I’ve managed to slow him down a little bit but sometimes I have to ask him if he even tastes what he is putting into his mouth!


So I am doing research on kids’ hockey programs right now, but I feel like a fraud because most of these kids could skate circles around me! I’ve only been a few times (no major falls to report–thank goodness). But watching these kids is pretty inspiring!


tried ice skating once and i sucked! pet peeve at the movies….so many, people talking, people crunching, opening snacks, straw sipping noises, gum popping, tapping of the feet….this list is forever. on a scale of fast eating, i am definitely an 8 or higher. i’m a fast eater…especially when i’m super hungry. i don’t think i look up once :)


Ahhhh what a fun day! Subway and ice skating?! SO FUN!

I was a competitive ice skater when I was a kid. Now I would probably brake an ankle! I was so brave as a little one :)

I miss dollar movie theaters!!


Why go to a movir, if you’re going to check your phone the whole time?! We went to a movie once where a little girl was wearing light-up shoes and she keep kicking her feet, so that they would light up. During the whole entire movie. It drove me crazy.
I love Subway veggie subs – and they’re only $3!


Definitely was a 10, now I am more of a 4.

Pet peeves are when people pick their fingers, don’t hold the door open for you, suggest that “we” do something, but really mean “you go do it”, when your order something like an ice cream and they don’t fill it up and cheat you, and when people use the same knives to cut sandwiches with at restaurants and don’t change them and you get the after taste of someone’s salami extra mustard whatever sandwich in your all veggie thanks.


I’m horrible at I’ve skating! My friend jut got engaged while ice skating, it was pretty precious.


Where is your coat from? It looks super cozy!
Also, I always love the photos of your sister’s kids — so adorable.


I used to figure skate and I loved it! I miss it sometimes.

A 9 for my husband and a 3 for me. :-)


Your ice skating pictures remind me that we purchased a local online coupon for ice skating that we need to use soon!

P.S. We saw Mission Impossible last week and this [not to be rude, just descriptive] large man plopped down next to my fiance… Not only did he flop his legs into my fiance’s space, he had a large bag of popcorn that he was eating by the handful and missing his mouth aka it was flying everywhere! And he was a soda slurper… And whenever he laughed he shook the whole row… Too bad the theater was packed or else we probs would have moved :-Z


i want your gorgeous sisters hair!


I love Subway! I love their bfast sandwiches and I love the flatbread. uyum,yum! Oh, I’m making the lasagna you made when I have to go back to school(first grade teacher)=time to start doing my snow dance. My pet peeves are people who are always late, eating with your mouth open, and parents who make excuses for their kids (“O he peed,or hit,or cursed on another kid cause he’s adhd)=yeah I’m serious even in first grade!!!!


I’m a fast eater as well… probably an 8 or 9…I try to slow down but always seem to speed up again!


My hubby used to play hockey too and does all those fancy tricks when we go ice skating. I always tell him to stop showing off. Then he showers me with ice when he comes to a stop. So I have no choice but to pretend to fall so he catches me and I make him fall too. hehehe.
I HATE when people chat during the movies. Or kick my chair. Or get on their phone. It really is ridiculous. If they want to do all those things they should just watch movies at home. Grrr….


I am the slowest eater ever. A total 10 slow poke. I usually save my giant salad for last. That way I can take it to the couch and eat in peace while my husband does the dishes!


Dumb me. That should have been a “1” for slow poke eater.


J’ai appris beaucouop de optaron sur ce sujet gracia à vous.

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