If you want to cry + home…

We are home. It feels too good to be true. They were just as shocked as we were with this news. We have a bunch of follow-up appointments and antibiotics 3 x a day for 6 weeks along with plenty of resting, but we have Brooke home safe and sound.

Brooke and Moose:

I have a story.

Brooke probably won’t be walking until Sunday and running again will take quite a lot of time.

She loves soccer with all of her heart and has missed it so much between her tonsil recovery and then being stuck in a hospital bed 24/7.

Tryouts for ALL of the club soccer teams have been this week and next week for her next YEAR of soccer and clearly there is no way she would be able to make it to tryouts which are obviously mandatory to make a team…

Unless, your Dadda (what she calls Andrew) is the coach.

So, Andrew immediately registered and did everything needed to sign up for a position to coach and he has been going to tryouts the past few nights to select his team but he already has his center defender selected… Brookie.

It’s an unpaid position and the thought of how he just stepped up and decided to volunteer who knows, hundreds of hours this next year, to make sure Brooke gets an awesome soccer experience means the world to all of us. It makes me cry just thinking about it.

Here’s to hopefully never having to share a couch meant for one person to sleep on again!

Also, Andrew brought me the most gorgeous salad to the hospital and each bite tasted like complete heaven.

PS we came home to a house that has never been cleaner, kid’s dresser drawers completely organized and a stocked fridge and pantry. My in-laws are something else.

I can’t wait for a normal day.

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Yay!! So happy to read this news this morning! Keep getting better each day, Brooke! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Such Great News! I hope you all can rest up and heal. Praying for Brooke!
So kind of Andrew…
So kind of your In-Laws…


I am so happy for all of you that you are all home and safe together. It will take time to recover for all of you to recover from such a scary time. Get plenty of rest and snuggles!!


I’m so so happy you’re all home again. Brooke is a trooper and the strongest girl ever. ❤️


This is the best news! So happy for your family!


SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU ALL!! And Andrew is the best dad ever! Enjoy being home with your babies ❤️


So glad Brooke is home! Hope her full recovery will go well.
And wow, Andrew is the best, that is the sweetest thing he did


God is so good all the time. Happy to see you are home and Brooke is better. 🥰


Thanks for the early-morning tears and goosebumps. You married an incredible man. So, so glad you’re home and all together again. Sending love.


Thanks for the early-morning tears and goosebumps :) You married an incredible man. So, so glad you are home and all together again. Sending love.


So happy she’s home! The picture with her & Moose is adorable!


Does Andrew have a brother? I kid I kid

So glad she is getting better. How scary!


Since you are strictly a blog friend, it sounds strange, but I have been praying like crazy for you and Brooke! I have been praying that you would remember that God does not accuse us (you said at one point you felt guilty). I have been praying that God would strengthen Brooke and protect her bones. I am so happy with your good news! Glad you are home!


SO happy to read this update!!


welcome home!! so happy for you all. I hope she continues to improve quickly and the 6 weeks on antibiotics isn’t too rough for her.


That’s so great and I’m so glad to hear it!! Brooke has got this. And man, did you ever make a good life choice in marrying Andrew.


What amazing news! I’m so happy that Brooke is home and on the mend. Andrew is something else…his selflessness is beautiful. And his family doing all of that for your house–wow–what a gift to be able to some home to a clean, organized, stocked house. :)
I hope you’re all able to get some much needed sleep now.


I could very cry, I’m so happy and relieved that Brooke is home! That is just…well, there are no words for how good that is, but I’m just so thankful for this for you and your family.


I remember when you introduced Andrew to the blog, you said “I found the best of the best.” I would say Andrew has lived up to that description.
SO glad to hear you’re home and that Brooke is recovering so well!!! This experience will make her even stronger, both mentally and physically. You all deserve a medal for getting through it.


Janae, I am so glad to hear you’re all home after this nightmare experience. My husband recently had severe complications from a very routine procedure and it wreaked havoc for a long time. Kids are so resilient and I love that Brooke will be back to playing soccer within the season, thanks to your husband majorly stepping up for her and other kids in your area (and major medical intervention!) !!! You must be so incredibly mentally and physically exhausted. I hope you all can continue to recover at home :)


So kind Andrew! So kind of your in-laws! Thankful you and Brooke are home! Sending prayers for healing for Brooke. 💜


So happy to hear all of this! What an update! May you all be on the up and up! Sending big support from the Bay Area!


YAY!!! So, so relieved to read this this morning! I know Brooke still has a long way to go, but thank goodness she’s home!
And OMG… Andrew! The best! And hugs to your in-laws!
Keep recovering well ❤️


Love all of this!!! So happy you all are home!


Oh gosh all of this made me cry. You and Brooke won the lottery with Andrew. ❤️❤️
And I’m so glad she ok and you are HOME!


So happy to hear Brooke is home! My 10 year olds world is soccer too and we just finished tryouts so reading that story brought the biggest smile to my face. You really won the lottery with Andrew and his parents
I hope Brooke continues to heal and she can get back on the pitch soon!!


And somehow, “Home Sweet Home” takes its true sense doesn’t it? So incredibly happy for Brooke. Rest well all of you 💕


I’m not a crier but here I am crying.

I am so happy for Brooke.
I am so proud of Andrew.
I love your in laws and I will strive to be like them when I get the opportunity.

And of course, Janae, I am your devoted fan girl now and forever.


What wonderful news!!! I’m so happy Brooke is getting better each day! And so happy she gets to play soccer with Andrew as her coach! It will definitely be an extra busy and extra special season for you all! And what awesome I’m-laws! I hope you all get some well-deserved sleep, Janae! I’ll keep praying that Brooke makes a full recovery!❤️


The best news!!!! Seriously so beautiful to read about Brooke’s improvement and Andrew’s love for her.


Wonderful news all around!!! So happy for Brooke’s speedy and continued healing <3


Welcome Home Brooke!!
Great news for all …God is good all the time 🙏🏼


I’m so happy you all are home and what an amazing story of Andrew signing up to the be coach! I wish you all the best!


Yay!!! Enjoy being home!! I hope Brooke heals quickly, so she can get back to soccer. Sounds like she has a pretty dedicated coach :)


Best news I’ve read today!! So happy you’re all home again. Heroes = ordinary people who love us and show up everyday. You’re surrounded by heroes!


What a fabulous update!! So glad you are all home. Prayers for a speedy recovery!


Oh my heart!! So happy she is home. And the loving gesture of your husband stepping up…God is good! Sending you hugs


So happy for you guys :)
Such a happy making post .
You guys have been in lots of prayers.


Your family, extended and immediate are amazing people. I’m so pleased you are all home. Praying for continued healing, strength and recovery.

Big love



I have been reading your blog for more than 10 years now and while I obviously do not know you personally, sometimes I feel like I do! I read today’s post and felt compelled to leave you a short message. I’ve been thinking about you all, especially Brooke, these past several days and I am so happy to hear that you all are home and that she is mending. It sounds like a long road ahead, but you guys have built a wonderful community around yourselves and I know they will help to lift you all up. Continued thoughts and prayers for healing for Brooke and peace for your whole family <3


WELCOME HOME BROOKE!!!! You have had an army of people praying for your sweet little body. So thankful for this great news, continue to rest and heal!! Andrew & Janae you are amazing parents, get some rest!!!!


My heart has been hurting for you and your entire family! There is nothing more gut wrenching than your child being sick and then being scarily sick consumes your entire emotional and physical being as a parent to no end. I, like your entire community, am grateful that you are all home and together. :) xo

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