Tuesday Tangents!

(Tank, shorts)

Ten miles @ 8:24 pace to start the week.

Now for the daily randomness:

*Another tooth is gone…. The tooth fairy paid too much the first time because she didn’t have smaller bills on her, and I’m wondering if that motivated Skye to get another one out as soon as possible.

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*On my Saturday run, I saw three important things:  I saw a Bald Eagle (it was just perched and hanging out on a rock 15 ft away from me… I swear we were the same height).  I saw Connor Mantz running on the same trail and he passed by me.  I also saw the white light (I was hurting so bad to try to keep up with my friends) during my 15.6 miles w/ 1300 ft of climbing… the last few miles felt like the last miles of a marathon.

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*I want to be on the trails as much as possible this summer.  I attempted to do some squats after our run and almost fell backward… Trails work our legs so well.

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*Skye scored her first goal on Saturday!

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*Knox was very thrilled that Real Madrid beat Barcelona on Sunday!

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*The other day, I was asked how I get in protein throughout the day (mainly because I hate cooking meat), and my top answers: I drink a CorePower each day, I love to snack on really good deli meat, beef jerky, or hardboiled eggs.

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*Did anyone else’s kids make a Flat Stanley in Kindergarten?  The kids are supposed to send their Flat Stanley to someone they know and get pictures back of where their Stanley visited.   Skye wanted to send it to my best friend in Switzerland, and it has been so fun getting pictures of where he has been, like Dubai!

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*I dreaded the day that Brooke was old enough to fly back and forth to California to visit her dad on her own because I was so nervous about it.   I’m glad I wasted all of that brainpower worrying about it because it has actually been the easiest and best situation.  The flight attendants take such good care of her, and she always returns with a backpack full of snacks.   We would have started this younger if we knew how well it was going to go!

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*We had a discussion on our run yesterday about how everyone holds their hands while running.   I naturally tucked my thumb in while still keeping my hands loose.  I think this might be because we are coming off of winter, and I’m used to trying to keep my fingers close to each other to stay warm.

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*We got a new Target in our area, so Beck and I had to check it out.  We had fun looking around and grabbing some playdough that he had saved up for.

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*Does anyone else jump on Reddit for Bluey discussions? Haha… Knox and I had to after the surprise episode, and I loved that the new episode came out the same day as the London Marathon because Bandit was watching the London Marathon in the episode!

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Is there a word that you will always struggle to spell?

-Surprise (the above tangent made me think of this question because it took me ten tries to spell the word correctly).

Is there something you are worried about that you shouldn’t have because it has worked out so well?

How do you get most of your protein in?

How do you hold your hands while you run?

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I always need to help with rhabdomyolysis. I think I forget the o every time.
I have such respect for you running at altitude…on trails..with elevation! I nearly keeled over on my Sunday run. My legs and legs gave up.
Those snacks and note is so cute! I just flew Allegiant. They probably would charge for babysitting at the rate that they nickel and dime everything.


Our high school coach had all of us tuck our thumb under our fingers in as a way to control our arm swings – something about naturally keeping your elbows close to your body when your thumbs are tucked in vs wild, sideways arm swings when your fingers are all lose. I’m not sure if that’s all true or really works, but it obviously made an impression on me.

I struggle to get my protein in during the day so am following along for what others do. I have a major sweet tooth so naturally gravitate toward sweet snacks (which are not usually all that protein-rich). I will note that I have started eating more Greek yogurt and it does check both the box for being sweet and containing a decent amount of protein.

P.S. I purchased some Adidas shorts you featured a few weeks ago and love them! Thanks for all the great recommendations. And I completely agree on the simple nights being the best – too bad we don’t get as many of them as I would like.


I feel like I’m always worrying on some level about my kids growing up and reaching that next stage of independence, but they always handle things so well and life just continues to get better. So – I am going to keep reminding myself of this as my daughter enters her senior year in high school this fall. How in the world we got here so fast I still can’t figure out. :)

I hold both my thumbs up, like in the thumbs-up position while running. I’ll catch myself doing it and try to tuck them back down, but they just creep up again. I figure everyone I pass will just think I’m super happy to be running & having the time of my life lol.


I’m a worrier by nature. But leaving our oldest for college, half the country away was a huge worry. BUT, it was absolutely the best thing for him and I didn’t need to spend those first couple of months pulling up our life 360° app, ha ha
I love to grill chicken, so protein isn’t too much of a problem. Except, I am not super good about getting in protein right after a long run or hard workout. It takes me a good hour or more to feel remotely hungry.
Yay for Skye loosing another tooth!
Have a great Tuesday!


Words I can’t get right: absence and license!! I spelled absence wrong just then lol.

I worried a lot about sending my baby to daycare, but the transition has actually been easier than expected!! The only problem is he has a perpetual cold now…that’s not fun…

Wait I hate cooking meat too! What do you hate about it? I can’t put my finger on it, I just don’t like doing it. The grilled chicken strips at TJs are so yummy and are so easy to add to dinners so that’s my work-around!

I hold my hands in a loose fist with my pinkies sticking out :)


This post is so well-timed b/c I have been struggling with getting in enough protein! I had to quit dairy about a year and a half ago ☹️ so it seems harder to get all of the protein I need. I don’t eat a ton of meat either, which doesn’t help, but I do like fish and I’ve started adding protein powder to yogurt and smoothies. But it is hard! The deli meat idea is a good one!

I have a ridiculously hard time with the word ‘tomorrow’, I can never remember if it’s 2 ms or 2 rs 🙃
When I worked in special ed in an elementary school, the head teacher and I were frustrated with the fact that the kids kept figuring out the password for one of the computer programs that needed our approval. So, one day we were trying to figure out a new one and she said “let’s use the word ‘receipt’ nobody knows how to spell that word!’ 😂 Spot on. It totally worked. Haha.

Have a great week, Janae!


My sister has a saying about worry – “Worry works because 99% of the things we worry about never happen!” I think it’s in our DNA to worry and think through all the worst case scenarios. Glad Brooke had such a fun experience traveling solo.

I have been on the receiving end of multiple Flat Stanley assignments and it’s a lot of fun trying to find new places. One went to Hawaii with us, another got to go on a cycling trip and another took a business trip to Key West with Les.


I tend to think of worse-case scenarios when problems arise and my therapist asked me how many times in my life has the worst-case scenario happened and the answer was once. His point was worrying and planning for the worst-case scenario is worthless.

I love the core power milk to get in extra protein! I try and make sure to have a source of protein with each meal (even snacks). I love Greek yogurt. I also add protein powder to my green smoothies or even to my oatmeal.

I also hold my thumb tucked in when I’m cold; otherwise, I hold my hands like I’m lightly holding a potato chip in my hand :)


for some reason I’ve becme obsessed with all things Oregon Project and have just watch a Rich Roll interview with Mary Cain….
you know what, I worry about everything…..all the time. and yeah, usually everything works out..a few years ago I just said to myself do things no matter how uncomfortable I think it might be….and it almost always turns out okay..

that word…exersice?…..

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