Special Food Needs:

I forgot to tell you about how I made sure to pack my gym bag with one sock.  My bag was a little too full and so I opted out on bringing the second one (I never know if people understand my strange sarcasm so I will just tell you on this one that I was kidding and I just forgot to bring the second one).

Lesson learned: running sockless feels awkward and kind of good at the same time.

Billy, how do I photoshop my finger out of the corner of this picture so that people don’t realize that I still haven’t learned to not put my finger on the lense while taking a picture?

Photo copy

My shoe laces have definitely taken over my shoes… but I kind of like the feeling when they flap all over the place but on the other hand that isn’t so fun when I trip on them and roll off the treadmill.

So, parent-teacher conferences last night was interesting.  I will leave it at that.


I am not going to lie.  The food that they bring for the teachers to have for dinner always makes the extra 5 hours of work completely worth it.

As I was dishing up my chili/soup thing and frustrated with the fact that there was OLIVES (how dare they) in my soup I realized that there was meat in ALL of the soup choices.  So, IF there was a vegetarian/vegan that was relying on the food that was offered to save them from starvation during a long night (remember our Angry Hunger discussion from yesterday) and not freak out at people….what would they eat?



a roll?

Pretty sure, I would be hungry 46 seconds later.  I wanted to hear from vegetarians/vegans or people with food allergies in the comments if you run into this problem often or do you usually find an option to eat that accomodates your needs in situations like this.  Do your friends/family/co-workers/church groups know about the way you eat and do they remember when it comes to meal time?


And to celebrate the end of a long day of working.

Photo 2

A bag of butterscotch morsels and 2 hours on pinterest.  The ultimate way to zone out and stare at pretty things all night.




If you are vegan/vegetarian or have a food allergy do you feel like you always have an option to eat at get-togethers, restaurants, pot-lucks?  Are people accomodating to your eating needs?

Are you on Pinterest?  What are your favorite things to pin?

-Pictures of puppies, outfits and obviously recipes.

Have you forgotten to pack something important in your gym bag recently?

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I only eat chicken and fish so sometimes run into problems, but more or less I can work something out without starving BUT I cannot be shy and often ask for a substitute. I am also not too picky about the meat thing, so if there are bacon pieces in my salad I don’t mind overly.
Love Pinterest! Right now I am pinning Christmas stuff and baking :)
I haven’t forgotten anything in a while but usually it is my iPod when I do.


No special food needs for me, but I do try to be conscious of other people’s food needs if they come to my house. I’m still not on Pinterest, way behind the times here. I haven’t packed a gym bag in a long time because I quit my gym back in July.

When I was in high school I had a thing against socks, I refused to wear them with my running shoes or ski boots. I’m surprised that I never got blisters! My mom would constantly baking soda my smelly shoes. It is amazing how rank running shoes can get without socks!


Humm…I’ve left my sports bra behind which is always awkward!! Oh and I’m vegetarian so I constantly run into food problems. It sounds a bit gross but as a worst case scenario I end up just picking the bits of meat out of something or just eating around it!!


I was vegan for awhile and even though I don’t follow it strictly anymore, I would say out of habit I now prefer vegan or vegetarian foods. Some people in my family, including my sister, are very strict vegans, which is why I’m planning my engagement party and wedding to have vegan options (including dessert!).

Favorite pinterest obsession of the moment? Motivational posters and quotes! Especially running-related!

A few times I’ve forgotton to pack my hairbrush when I go to the gym for a swim session. Talk about having some ratty hair after that!


Ive switched to the running shorts with the underwear built in them and I alternate wearing them with and without another pair of undies under them so that I can wear the shorts twice. So now when I forget my underwear, which oddly happens more than I would like to admit, it is not such a problem haha.

I am a vegetarian and it happens very often that I end up just eating some type of bread for dinner at gatherings. Family and friends do tend to accomodate me but work carry-ins are never good. People always think I’m weird when I bring my lunch on “food day” but between gross casseroles and meat filled everything, I def. can’t bank on having enough to eat to fuel my lunchbreak workout and keep me from hurting people at “hungry afternoon hour” :)

Speaking of which… they are cooking about 10 lbs of bacon on a table next to my desk right now… I’m gagging at the smell. 30 more minutes and it will be over… I can only hope! At least I got fresh choc chip and blueberry pancakes for breakfast tho… can’t complain too much.


That makes me laugh that you actually wore one sock! I would have just not worn any. I follow a clean eating regimen and always bring my own food or eat before I show up where I know there will not be good food choices. Unfortunately, “running it off”, doesn’t work for me.


I forgot my running shoes the other day….sigh. Haha I love Pintrest, but don’t have an account :)


Ah, Pinterest. The ultimate time suck! I have boards for remodel ideas for every room in my house and I also have a wish list board that I made sure my husband has the link to so he can no longer use “I didn’t know what you wanted” as an excuse for buying me a lame gift.


I love running sockless! I usually do it when all my socks are dirty though.. it does definitely feel different!

I am a vegetarian and sometimes it is really not good (I had rolls and green beans for Thanksgiving with my ex-boyfriend’s family one year… they were not the most considerate people). My coworkers are great though, and on Monday I was welcomed back from taking last Friday off by being told “We ordered you a whole veggie pizza and then you weren’t here!” They’re the best!


I’m vegan and it’s definitely a nuisance. If I’m with people I know they’ll accommodate and choose meals and restaurants they know will work. But if say, I had school conferences all night, I’d make sure I pack something to go with my roll and fruit.


Your pins always are the cutest! I love your dog album. I’m really into pinning high fashion right now. :)

As far as food alergies and such, I’m prediabetic so sometimes it’s hard but that is one area I think they have gotten better in because of how many people have diabetes in the US.


I forgot deodorant. I went to the CVS and bought more. I don’t want people to die.

I am on pinterest! I like to pin food, kids stuff, more food, and cute outfits.


I’ve been a vegetarian for the past decade +, and I run into this ALL the time. I’ve gotten to the point where I just eat before I go or bring snacks with me. My family does know, and they will point out the things without meat at potlucks, etc…


as a vegan, generally their is no options. Even if theirs salad or veggies theirs usually cheese/dressing/butter already added. If its a family function they usually know i wont eat anything they have so i just bring my own stuff or make something when i get there.


All my friends pin all these crafty things and awesome recipes. I’m the person who pins the random funny things like this… http://pinterest.com/pin/546082550/ and this.. http://pinterest.com/pin/546085014/. Yeah I am a dork.

As a matter of fact I did forget to pack something important in my gym bag just this morning. A TOWEL! I wish I could say this was the first time this has happened or even just the second time… anyway I am sure I look really cute drying off with my little sweat towel. Gross but hey it’s better than walking naked to the paper towels and using half a roll! Oh and I have forgotten my bra several times… nothing worse than wearing a wet sports bra under your nice work clothes. Oh the consequences of being addicted to endorphins….


HEATHER….your pins absolutely made my day! Thank you for making me laugh so hard….any others, make sure you send them my way!


lovvveee to pin. I usually pin dessert recipes that i will never make but drool about and clothes. pretty much everything that i want but can’t have. haha


Oh man. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to eat the equivalent of a roll and fruit. (I’m vegetarian.) I have learned to always keep a backup cliff bar in my bag or eat before I go somewhere. Work lunches are the worst. The girl who orders always orders a few veggie sandwiches for me but if I don’t get in line right away, my meat eating coworkers will snag them. So rude! (They know I don’t eat meat!)

I forgot a sports bra once in my gym class and thought I could make it through spin. Baaaad idea. :)


I was vegetarian for a while, and my husband is allergic to wheat (I might be sensitive too) so I’ve gotten into the habit of asking what’s going to be served, and I ALWAYS offer to bring something to contribute. That way we know there will be something we can eat :)

I love pinning decorating ideas! We are still finishing up the new house, so it;s been fun to get ideas and inspiration from that.


why yes, in fact, today! i brought my bag to work to go for a run during lunch and forgot my make-up bag :( oh, and there have been a couple of times where i forgot my undergarments to change into after my workout…..shh…no one needs to know this one. :)


Was having this discussion only the other day with some vegetarian friends and we were saying that most places (which I now boycott) have a vegetarian ‘option’ but its usually a very bland/cold/under seasoned mushroom risotto (yawn!) as standard, totally un-inspiring! I demand more variety!
I love it when you can go into a (vegetarian/vegan) restaurant and order anything from the menu, such a rare and lovely treat!

I always forget my small gym towel and end up a sweaty mess. :(


I am unfortunately allergic to gluten, which makes life horribly challenging. I know I can’t rely on meals being provided (even if they look gluten-free, you never know) at meetings or cook-outs, etc, so I usually try to bring a granola bar so that I don’t starve.

I get a lot of ignorant responses when I tell people I am allergic to gluten. The most common ones are “well, I’m sure a little bit wouldn’t hurt you” or “oh, but you can still eat pasta/cake/cookies/insert something that isn’t bread here, right?” They seem to think that if it isn’t a loaf of bread, I can eat it.

It can be really frustrating, especially when I go out to eat. The waiters don’t usually seem to know what gluten is unless it is a place with a gluten-free menu. Buuuuut, at least I can still have ice cream :) I don’t know how people with dairy allergies survive!


My mother in law is very allergic to gluten as well, and it can be such a challenge! It has made me much more sensitive to it and how difficult it can be.


I live in a country where 3% of people have coeliac disease and have to eat gluten-free (me and my mom included). Every restaurant has a lot of gluten-free meals, you get gluten free bread if you ask for it and in most places the menus have their meals printed with G (gluten free) and L (lactose free). It’s easy to find gluten free pizzas and many stores have their own aisles for gluten free food. I’m happy that it’s so easy for me to keep my diet, even though travelling is sometimes hard. And of course I have to bring snacks everywhere because I can’t be sure that I’ll find something I can eat.


I forgot a bra and shirt for work! I had a yoga bralette and a tank top–and threw my scrub top on. My extra workout clothes saved me!


I don’t eat red meat, so barbeques are killer. I have to usually bring my own choices to make sure I eat :)

The fruit looks tasty though!


I am in love with Pinterest. I lose so much time on that site. I tried looking for you on there put I have no idea how to search for friends, so far everyone I follow added me first.


I like olives–but in soup?! Even that grosses me out.


I’m vegetarian. Usually it isnt an issue. We had a work potluck yesterday and there wasnt anything for me to eat except for the fruit and vegetable trays. Someone actually suggested that I “pick the meat out” of a dish so I’d have something to eat. In those instances, I just pass. I had a salad instead.

I pin running stuff. And Harry Potter stuff because I’m a big nerd :)

The last thing I forgot was body glide. Let’s just say that it was a very unpleasant run.


I really hate it when people just say “Pick out the meat.” My roommate did that to me one year when we were having pizza for a group thing. All the cheese pizza was gone (and this was before I realized my lactose intolerance) and she told me to just pick off the pepperoni. I looked at her like “Do you realize what you just said to me?” I decided I would hold out and eat when we got back to the room. But don’t they understand that that is the same thing as pretty much eating it?


I’m a vegetarian with a lactose intolerance and while I take lactose pills if I know what I’m going to be eating might have dairy in it, they rarely help.
While people do remember I’m a vegetarian, they rarely remember that dairy hurts my stomach and it kinda makes me more mad than if they forgot I was a vegetarian (because that was a choice) and I know I wouldn’t feed someone who was gluten intolerant gluten or someone who is allergic to peanuts peanut butter. This is why I don’t rely on people to feed me. I bring my own food and if they happen to have food there for me, I’ll eat it and save the meal I packed for later.


I’m severely lactose intolerant (hospitalization occurs if I take in a morsal of lactose) and Celiac. I never eat food that I didn’t prepare and there are only 3 restaurants that I trust. It was a challenge growing up and in college, but now that I have my own kitchen it’s much easier. My husband’s paternal grandmother hated me (no, really) and purposedly put cheese on EVERYTHING (honest to God….cheese on a Christmas ham…). Then she would always act so shocked and ridicule my “diet and picky eating” in front of the 20+ familiy members b/c I wouldn’t even bother getting a plate.
I left my sports bra the other day. Miserable.


OMG this is a NIGHTMARE! You poor thing!


Thanks for thinking of your meatless friend Janae, so many people don’t give it much thought!

I run into this issue allll the time at “pot lucks”!! I don’t eat pork or beef or any other 4 legged creature. Chicken sometimes if its boneless and fish if its wild caught. I have been forced to eat a lot of cheese and bread and veggies at these gatherings before. And desserts. I try to eat something before I go knowing most likely I will not have a lot to choose from. My closer friends and family have no problems accomodating me or letting me bring something for everyone. But work lunches, church pitch ins, random football tailgates… I just expect cheese and bread!

Haven’t gotten on Pinterest…. afraid I would stop exercising and pin away all my free time!


WHen I was a vegan it was REALLY hard. Everywhere I went, I would feel like I would starve unless I packed my own food. At family functions, I always had to do a lot of planning because I knew there wouldn’t be anything for me. Now that I am a vegetarian, it’s a little easier, but I still don’t get “complete” meals when I go places. Last night, for example, my mom said, “I made you roasted potatoes for dinner”…. Um, okay. Am I only supposed to eat potatoes??? It was super nice of her to make them for me and they were delicious but I always have to plan to make sure I get my protein in! Special events are hard too. I’m always either picking meat off my pizza, just eating side dishes, etc!


I forgot to pack a shirt yesterday! I went straight from class in a nice top and jeans to the gym only to open my gym bag and find a sports bra, socks, shoes, and two pairs of shorts. My gym requires full shirts, so I had to go home and get a top. I was so irritated!


I eat mostly vegetarian (i do eat eggs, seafood and fish) and run into this problem a lot. i try to eat before i go or bring some snacks with me. it can get annoying


This is a big one for me! I have celiac so trying to find a gluten free carb at any function whatsoever is pretty hard! My immediate family and my in laws will always go out of their way to accomodate me, but otherwise no way. I’m finishing up law school and my school always has these lunch lectures were everyone goes to get free lunch -pizza, wraps, cookies, drinks, etc, and when everyone goes, “There’s pizza, you comin?” I always stare down at my own gluten free wrap from home and get kind of bummed! I tell myself I’m healthier…sometimes I feel better ;)


I know, isn’t that depressing? Us celiacs need pizza parties too sometimes!


In my country they have gluten free pizza in most places where they make pizza :)


the time I forgot a sportsbra and had to wear my victoria secret t-shirt bra. And it’s not exactly that I’m well-endowed enough for anyone to notice, but it was SO FRUSTRATING to run with no real support and straps slipping down my shoulders. Yikes.

Also, I am obsessed with the peanut butter chips. To the point where I can no longer allow myself to buy them because I could potentially eat the entire bag in one sitting. So gross, Melissa.


I’m 24 years old and have been a vegetarian since I have been 12!!! Crazy, right? No one else in my family is.. just me!! It’s actually half annoying to eat out with extended family (uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents) because they don’t quite understand, so everyyyytime we eat together I get the question “So shannon, what did you eat today? or Shannon, how do you get your protein if you don’t eat meat? I don’t get it?” haha So I have to sit there a reherse the types of food I eat and how I make them (Half of which none of them have even heard before!) “Quinoa, Greek Yogurt???? whats that?” hahaha so yes I find it hard to eat things when I go to one of my relatives places for dinner but I just load up on the sides!!! Salads and rolls and dessert ha! but sometimes I’ll bring some tofu myself to have along with it or something like that!! I find restaurants are getting better with having vegetarian options though!!!! So I usually don’t find it hard finding something at a restaurant! Even if I have to order 3 appetizers as a meal haha!


I am pretty severely allergic to shellfish-major bummer, I know-my friends and family are the best at remembering that though. I’m always given a big heads up if something has shellfish in it. Usually they are better at remembering to keep
Track of it than I am!


If I know I’m going to a place that probably won’t be able to accomodate my non-meat eating ways then I always come prepared. I either eat something before so that a small side or appetizer can fill me up or in your case with the parent teacher conference I would have just brought my own dinner (and stole some fruit and rolls of course! :) . It was hard at first but I have great family, friends and co-works who remember to leave a few items meat-free for me!


At work, a lot of times, they just sort of assume we vegetarians can “figure it out.” So we end up having to make sandwiches out of a piece of cheese, a hard roll, and mustard…not exactly filling or nutrient rich. I’ve started bringing my own food to events when “meals are provided.”


BAAHAHAHA – love that you have only one sock on. You are awesome!!!!

Parent teacher conferences are interesting, that’s for sure. I’ve had a dad hit on me in one of those. Oh, and helicopter moms are the craziest! I love the moms who used to bring me TCBY (fro-yo) to school. They knew how to win me over.

I live in a cave and don’t know what this whole pininterest thing is about. Those butterscotch chips look pretty incredible though. xoxox


I’ve forgotten my shoes (and you can’t really do a proper workout at the gym in knee high boots… people stare) and my ponytail holder before. Ugh!


UGH food allergies are annoying for me because i am allergic to a majority of raw fruits. I cant eat apples, peaches, pears, plums, or carrots (among other things) and it succccks. sometimes i can pick them out though and eat around them if they are mixed into other things.
And on pinterest i love to pin decorating ideas (since i lack creativity) and PUPPIES too!!


Ah I once forgot to pack socks period and it was a painful experience..blister galore! It’s now the first thing I pack without fail…socks>running bra! That’s a shame that there were no veggie options; even airplanes offer at least one!


being allergic to all dairy and whey deff has its complications…because EVERYONE cooks with butter…and that is just a NO GO FOR ME! so usually if there is a community food thing i usually eat before hand or cook a dish to bring that I know that i can eat.
Also not eating meat besides fish usually isnt all that big of a deal because usually fish is always an option…however alot of times its with a cream base and then again a no go!
so yes it becomes a problem but ya just gotta find a way around it<3

and hahah totally forget socks all the timeeeeeeeeee


I am so jealous they at least had food for you at school! During out parent-teacher conferences, we actually closed the school for an hour and we left for lunch, but I think that’s inconvenient for parents. Also, yes I think they should have more options available for eating, and for the kids! What if the kids are gluten intolerant???


The most allergy friendly place I’ve been in Subway. Their tone changes, they wash their hands, change their gloves and knives..makes life easier. I think the whole vegetarian issue is that you have to really hold your ground and be confident. People can get nasty and make you feel like your putting them out. Sometimes I wonder if they get like that because they think that by you being a vegetarian/vegan they are second guessing some of their decisions.

Vegetarian fall backs are usually salad, pizza, pasta, and a mix of side dishes (especially around the holidays)..veggie burgers are always really exciting to see on a menu. Bread gets old fast.

I pin.. Christmas gift ideas, dessert recipes, cute little crafts, or cartoons.


I’m constantly amazed at the lack of vegetarian options that are available. I’ve been to any number of restaurants that have meat on every single item on their menu. Even all of the salads have chicken or bacon. It drives me insane! I guess I’m just surprised that in this day in age, they aren’t more with the program and realize they need to have other options available. I also always bring my own food to any kind of work function involving food because people don’t pay attention or think about it at all and if you’re stuck and hungry it’s not a good combo! Wake up people!


I’m not vegetarian but I eat like one a lot at company meetings or catered events and it frustrates me that the options are so slim and it always seems like people get annoyed when you ask for something. I want to scream in their face: Sorry I want to be healthy and not eat your crap! haha


I’m a vegetarian, and usually if I know that there might not be something I can eat someplace, I try to either eat a much larger lunch/early dinner, or bring some bars for the event. It sure is frustrating, but for the majority of my family & friend events, they all know I’m a veg and always have options for me. =)


i dont have any special food needs, but my best friend is a vegeterian, so whenever we do anything, i ALWAYS make sure that she has a couple of options to eat. she also tends to bring her own food sometimes..like if we are having a BBQ, she will bring her own veggie burgers or if we do a potluck she will bring a veggie dish (on top of me making things for her as well) i eat like a vegetarian for the most part myself (except for the wing exception…but I eat alot of veggies and fish) so we’re usually on the same page.

i’ve browsed pinterest but have yet to pin anything! i could browse for hours easily though.

HA, i’m always forgetting to pack things in my gym bag. there have def been times where i’ve forgotten socks. thankfully they’ve only been short-medium runs anyways, but yes…a very odd feeling running sockless :)


yikes! did you get blisters from the non-sock foot?

I don’t eat red meat or seafood other than fish; however, I’m okay with eating around it or just noshing on salad until I get home. I feel bad for people with allergies–I feel like I would be paranoid to eat anything I didn’t make.

YES for Pinterest! What’s your user name?

I always tend to forget a sports bra when I hit up the gym! ahhh


That is why I ALWAYS have to have something else with me…otherwise yep, I shall starve. My mom and dad are always good about having something else for me that I will eat whenever we have dinners there, but my grandparents just do NOT get it. My Grandma will even lie to me. At Thanksgiving last year? “Grandma, does this stuffing have sausage in it this year again?” “Why of course not.” “*takes large heaping and sits down, goes to eat*….there are large hunks of sausage in this…”


Love pinterest! I pin food, inspirational quotes, home decorating, um.. everything.

I am notorious for forgetting my swimsuit when I head to the gym. Ugg that is so annoying and they really frown on skinny dipping. ;-)


I feel like I’d get blisters running without a sock! Haha, and don’t worry, I definitely get your sarcasm. My favorite thing on pinterest is finding quotes! There are so many good ones!


I’m a vegetarian and have often run into the problem of everyyything having meat in it. If there are things I can eat (like fruit and rolls) I’ll have some to not totally starve, but usually I either end up really hungry if I haven’t planned ahead and supplied my own snacks.


I’ve been a vegan for only a few months (and yet, I still cave sometimes on Fro yo, but I won’t touch cheese/eggs usually) and a vegetarian for much longer and I find its usually not hard to find vegetarian options but veganism is terrible. every “vegetarian” option has cheese in it and usually well.. people do not care. none of my friends/family ever wants to go to all vegan places so I usually end up ordering some sort of salad or caving and eating a veggie burger which I know probably has cheese in it and getting really upset at myself after. It actually makes me really upset that people don’t seem to get that not every eats meat.

I’m not a very big eater (i get fully very fast) so I don’t really mind eating salad (bread often has dairy in it but i’m not that strict so I usually eat it), but it pisses me off more on the principle of things. and the fact people always think im REALLY strange. (“what? You don’t eat pizza??”), so yes i would be very upset if that was me at the parent teacher conference!!!


so ive never been on pinterest. i hear everyone talking about it but i just cant get myself into the 21st century yet. maybe next year…


Ha! Love the one sock- also love that you added the comment about people taking you seriously..and actually thinking you MEANT to not bring a sock- I swear some people take things WAY too literally!!
I had weird food issues too- just because of the Crohn’s disease. Usually I have to avoid any greasy foods..and sometimes anything with dairy does a number on the belly :/
I hope the parent teacher conferences weren’t TOO bad!!
Have a great day! Xo


ARGH! I am running into this problem. There is a get together tomorrow night with a bunch of wives. I was told to “just bring my own dish”. It makes me feel a little like an outcast, since no one else is going to be doing this, and the host is making all the food. Eating gluten free is easy, I just feel like she didn’t want to take the time to learn about this, and that she’s dismissing even trying. OH well.

With that said, I’ll be making something I KNOW I can eat, and I can only hope there will be more around.


Pinterest is awesome! I admit I’ve zoned out many evenings with that. I forgot my headphones at home once, it was devasting!!

I have a friend who’s a Veggie and she seems to get left out of office functions a lot, she thinks it’s delibrate but I really don’t think it is, she’s just the only vegetarian in our Corporate Office of like 150 employees, they often forget to supply a veggie lunch for her. :(


If I am going to eat something i don’t prepare, I honestly say to myself “there is a chance you will not like what is served, or will be disappointed by the dining experience” If this is not a chance I want to take…..I pack my own or know I will just eat later. On conference nights I always pack my own just because I gotta go into those with the right mind set, and the right mind set is not obsessing about the sub par dinner I just had to eat.


I ALWAYS forget to pack things in my gym bag and it is the worst. I have been known to show up for work braless and underwearless on occassion. he he Sure not going to cut my workout short to drive all the way to Payson to get a darn bra. tmi?

ha ha! Me and Julia are taking over YL Friday at 4:30. You should come!!


I was vegan for 6 years and in the beginning it was really hard to go places, but I got use to eating something before I went anywhere and/or always being prepared just in case.

Unfortunately my family members (not my momma) were the worst and refused to make anything “special” for me since it was a choice and not an allergy ( I have cousins who are allergic to eggs and family has no problem making them stuff so sometimes I could eat that, but they are 2 and 4 so I sometimes got caught and in trouble). I always had to bring my own meals and even had to cook an entire vegan thanksgiving for myself.

I’m not vegan anymore, but it has definitely gotten easier. Most places have an option or are really considerate of making changes. When I went to people’s houses that didn’t know I was vegan or didn’t exactly know what was considered vegan, I tried super hard not to be rude or insult them so sometimes I would eat a dish that had chicken broth or cheese. It wasn’t a big deal to me and I personally felt it was more important to be polite and grateful than not eat something “off limits”. The “off limits” part messed with my brain and caused some disordered thinking and eating so that’s why I had to get out of the vegan boat.

I love that you wore the single sock anyway.


I forgot my running shoes the other night when I went to body pump! Of course, I was wearing heels so that wasn’t an option, and the only other thing I had in my bag was my mountain biking shoes, complete with clip-ins on the bottom. I thought about going home, but nope! I did the class in the bike shoes! I figured there wasn’t much moving (it is bp, after all) and at least they were mtn bike shoes with tread instead of the slippery road shoes! Score 1 for creativity :)


Olives in a chili soup? That just seems weird!

When I’d go to a gym regularly, I’d always forget a towel (they didn’t provide them) and my hairband. So I’d always be a sweaty beast with hair sticking to my forehead. Not pleasant!


Since I will pretty much eat anything, I don’t run into many problems ;). I got lucky and none of my kids have any food allergies… I’m not sure how I would have handled that.
I don’t go to the gym much, but when I do it’s usually my headphones that I forget. I often forget to wash my running clothes and end up wearing something really stinky.
I am on Pinterest and I believe I have posted 3 things. I don’t really get it.


I’m wheat/gluten intolerant (aka mildly allergic) and allergic to soy. I’m often challenged to try and find something to eat when at company functions or group catered events. In restaurants, I’ve gotten pretty good at piecing together a meal, but when I do have any input into the menu, it’s usually bad news. Yesterday, I was in an all day Board meeting and the lunch was not something I could eat. Thankfully, I had been warned of the menu the day before so I brought my own lunch. Yes, it would have been nicer if they had just amended the menu slightly, but at least I had a heads up and wasn’t starving all afternoon!

For me, most of my friends know about my restrictions and make sure there’s at least something I can eat. I also bring snacks/food with me to most places because of the challenges and HANGRY experiences I’ve had in the past.


are those your shoe laces or are you just happy to see me ?? :)

that sock story made me cry a little (also not true) but I would HATE running in no socks as I dislike my feet feeling sticky and/or sweaty.


I don’t eat meat, but during the whole time I’ve been vegetarian, I usually find something to eat. Especially these days, almost every place has vegetarian options, so I never starve. And get-togethers, potlucks and church events always have salad. :)


love pinterest but it’s a total time suck…wrote a post on it, can’t remember the link, it was pretty funny (i thought)


My Dad is a vegetarian and can usually eat around meat or find something to eat. We’ve been having a harder and harder time finding something for him at our church dinners (the cook knows he is a vegetarian). I have a hard time eating there too because I’m pretty picky. They used to have a salad bar but now they premake salads that usually include bacon.

My dad has made more than a few meals out of side items but there are those times when there is NOTHING for him to eat.


I’m a vegetarian and I find that you can usually find something at restaurants. Even if the entire menu has meat, they will usually leave it out of a salad if you ask. You just might end up paying for something you didn’t eat. My immediate family has been pretty good about it. I am the only veg. but there is always an option for me there. At extended family gatherings I don’t think they do anything differently, but there is always so much food that I can find enough options. Now when we visit my boyfriend’s family it is amazing because they are all vegetarians and we can eat anything without having to analyze!

I’m seriously impressed with you Janae. If I had forgotten a sock I probably would have just called it a day.


I live in the Texas Panhandle, 30 minutes away from “Beef Capital of the World” (Hereford), so being a vegetarian isn’t always easy. I’m mostly on my college campus, so I think that makes things a bit easier because we have so many international students/diversity, but I do have to remind people if they’re serving us a meal that we need a vegetarian option. But there have been several instances when I’ve ended up with bread and fruit lol. You can’t always trust the vegetables, especially if they’re roasted or in a sauce because it could be chicken broth. I guess I’ve just gotten used to eating a good snack before going to something I’m not sure will have food for me.


i keep forgetting to pack a headband! its so frustrating that i’ll make the extra trek home before going to the gym first!


My husband, kids, and I are vegans. Not only that, but we follow the Dr. Esselstyn/Dr. McDougall version of veganism which also limits oils. We do it for our health; any moral issues are secondary.

It is next to impossible to have a get-together with friends or family without some planning ahead. If we’re invited to a party of some sort (Super Bowl, picnic, whatever), I make sure to make enough food for MY family, and bring some extra (and don’t tell people it’s vegan until AFTER they eat it and rave about it!) Just having a veggie tray or salad doesn’t work for us, because the dips and dressings that most people use are loaded in oils and/or dairy of some sort. We’ll also make sure to eat before we go to get-togethers.

My husband has issues when there are training days or big meetings at work; if they order in pizza, for example, he doesn’t get to partake. Luckily, his co-workers are okay with him suggesting ordering in from places where he has some options, and if they all want to go out to lunch one day, they will work with him to choose a restaurant where he can find something to eat.

My daughter, on the other hand, was tough. She was in Kindergarten in public school last year, and it was a CONSTANT struggle with her teacher, not just because of the veganism, but there are lots of crap foods that are technically vegan that we don’t allow our children to have. Of course, since it’s not an official food allergy, the teacher said she couldn’t accommodate my daughter, so she was constantly an outcast. It was one of the major contributing factors in our decision to homeschool.

I can put up with having to bring my own food, if it didn’t mean I’d have to listen to people try to convince me that eggs and cheese aren’t animal products. ;)


Right after I started my job I forgot my pants when I had gone running in the morning before work and got dressed in our work locker rooms. I had to wear my sweaty gross running crops all day.

I don’t eat red meat which is usually not a problem. But I could imagine that if I was a full fledge veggie, vegan or celiac it would be problematic a lot. Thank goodness I’m not!


I became a vegetarian last year while in school in Vermont. Since my school and the state of VT in general is jammed pack with vegetarians/vegans/raw foodists/etc I never encountered a problem and there were always options available in restaurants and at events and such. It was quite shocking to go home to PA and go out and so frequently not have any options.


When I first when vegetarian almost 9 years ago, my family didn’t understand and didn’t necessarily approve of my choice. Now they do and it’s a lot better. My in-laws are very good too and always make sure I have something to eat and sometimes my MIL will even make something separate just for me. I do find it hard when we go to other functions though. Friends often forget and some restaurants don’t have much for veg peeps. I mean, no, I don’t always want just a salad!
I’m not on Pinterest because I don’t need anything else to get hooked on!
I forget stuff all the time. One of my blog search terms was “braless Friday” because I wrote a post about forgetting a bra. LOL :) xo


I am not a big red meat fan at all, I will eat it if I have to…just don’t prefer it. I forgot my belt for my pants today at the gym…grrr so all day I have pulling up my pants..hate that!


Funny that you asked that question about vegetarians. I just got back from a work lunch at Champps. As a vegetarian my only option that wasn’t an entree was French onion soup and a caesar salad. At least I didn’t have trouble making up my mind.


hate to tell you but French Onion soup is made with beef broth and ceasar salad often with anchovies!


Good job running without a sock! I forgot both socks once and it ended up being a very unproductive gym session :( I always forget either a water bottle (so I have to run to the fountain every 5 min.) or a towel. Haha! And I loveee pinterest a little too much. I have about a million recipes and home decor ideas pinned as well as wedding ideas even though I’m not engaged (yet!)


I’m on the pinetrest waiting list.. gee a waiting list on a website :/ If I have people over, yes I make food that they and I would eat.. :)


I swear we are meant to be friends!! I just got done baking 3 different desserts and making homemade chili because I am tapering for my marathon on Sunday and going crazy!! I had to laugh because I just used the same exact butterscotch morsels!!!


Blech olives!!!! It’s one of the foods I can’t stand the most (sounded right in ma head). If there’s olive juice on something, I freak out like a baby and make my guy eat it instead. So far it’s been working pretty well ;)


I was a vegetarian for 3 years and EVERYONE would forget. So usually I would just have to eat sides like potatoes, veggies, etc. Although I don’t mind eating a bunch of veggies, I never got enough protein! And dairy sometimes upsets my stomach so a lot of times I have to find something else to eat. People should be more aware! I’m not sure how I’d feel about running with one sock on but I’m sure you were still speedy as ever! haha :D


I work in college admissions and when I go to college fairs, the food that is provided is the highlight of most of the admissions counselors’ conversations that night… somtimes. Hehe. I’m not a vegetarian but I love when vegetarian options are available because they usually wind up tasting better than whatever else is available. I was at a conference where everyone at my table ordered the “surf and turf” option except one person. The fancy “surf and turf” was disgusting and inedible, and the girl who ordered veggie said she ONLY orders vegetarian dishes when there’s an option because of experiences like that.


If you are vegan/vegetarian or have a food allergy do you feel like you always have an option to eat at get-togethers, restaurants, pot-lucks? Are people accomodating to your eating needs?
**I am vegetarian and gluten-intolerant. Going out to eat or being invited to other people’s house for dinner or work lunches…all of that is a disaster! I just bring my own food all the time – or make sure I know the restaurant BEFORE we go there so I can check out the menu and know EXACTLY what I am going to order. People always feel bad that I am not eating and they try too hard to be accomodating. I am used to it. I know how to deal.

Are you on Pinterest? What are your favorite things to pin?
**Pictures of long, curly hair – I have hair envy! Cool organizational stuff, window seats, cool kitchens…Pinterest is the ultimate time waster!

Have you forgotten to pack something important in your gym bag recently?
**I forgot my sports bra on Monday. Had to work out in my regular bra. Thankfully we were just lifting – not doing cardio – but still, I hate to sweat in my “pretty” bra.


Uh, yeah. People don’t care that anyone is vegan/vegetarian! It can be hard!

You need to swing by my blog today..I think you will appreciate the type of run we did today!


my list of things forgotten at the gym is lengthy: a shirt. Bra. Clean undies. Towel (sweat). Deodorant. Pony tail holder. Socks (this week). Shoes (ever use an arc trainer in street shoes?). Pretty sad.

I do not have food preferences other than no seafood. I try to accommodate guests in my home, but forgive me, I do not feel that it is a church group’s responsibility to make sure that there is food to cover every dietary need. We are having that issue at our congregation right now, as 2 families have recently moved in totaling 7 kids with celiac/gluten issues. Previously, we had one child on the autism diet (no gluten or soy or dairy) – whose family very graciously provided his food for every function. If we plan ahead for it, I am happy to help with the special food for church functions, but I do not think it is reasonable for this type of gathering to be expected to be prepared to meet every dietary need. Sorry, a little bit of a hot button for me.

At our elementary, the women who coordinate the meals for teachers during conference time do plan ahead for dietary needs. I’m sorry that your school didn’t :(

One of my Tday guests is vegetarian; I happily make sure she has plenty to choose from.


As a vegetarian, I always come prepared with a meal or snack to events like that, because meatless entrees are usually not provided with much forethought. Such is life!


I had parent-teacher conferences all day yesterday, tonight for 5 hours, and again tomorrow all day UGH!

If you are vegan/vegetarian or have a food allergy do you feel like you always have an option to eat at get-togethers, restaurants, pot-lucks? Are people accommodating to your eating needs?
-I would say I usually have an option most places I go (vegetarian here). Its easier at restaurans because you can almost always get a dish made without the meat, lik pasta. Ive run into some problems when the food is premade, like when all they had at a luncheon was sandwiches with turkey or ham!

Are you on Pinterest? What are your favorite things to pin?

-I’m a pinning addict for sure! I pin a million recipes, pretty hairstyles, teaching stuff and lots of totally random things!

Have you forgotten to pack something important in your gym bag recently?
I thought I forgot my socks yesterday but thankfully they were just hiding! One time I forgot shorts so I just wore the leggings I had worn to work that day!


I have been a vegetarian for six years or so, and I try not to step on anyone’s toes in regards to eating at other people’s homes. Even in my own home, I try to adapt. I’ll eat the vegetable prepared, but I’ll make quinoa for me, or a salad with a ton of veggies and beans in it…ya know. Or a tofurkey sandwich. I LOVE tofurkey sandwiches. haha.

My favorite dinner, though? Whole wheat pasta with Morningstar soy meatballs. They.are.so.good. So yummy after long runs :). I don’t like the fact that it’s so processed, but once in a while, it’s okay! I usually eat pretty raw, though.


I’m a vegetarian, sometimes pescetarian, and I run into issues like this all of the time. I’ve learned to never rely on provided food at work or events, and 99.9% of the time bring my own foods, stocking up my purse / desk drawer with substantial snacks to round out an incomplete meal.


Girl it must be the day today!! I rushed out to babysit this morning and brought my waitressing stuff with me and only brought one sock too!! The day sucked with no socks.. let me tell you


Please please please keep up the sarcasm!! that is why i love your blog!! :-)
I have definitely forgotten my sports bra at the gym – that is a hurdle that just can’t be overcome…


I have a variety of food allergies (dairy, soy, egg, peanut, spelt, wheat) so I do run into this alot when food is provided for me. At restaurants it isn’t an issue (order a simply prepared protein, veggies and rice or potato). My group of friends doesn’t do a lot of dinner parties, but when I have attended one I notify them of the issue ahead of time and offer to bring my own food or part of the meal. (much better than showing up to a hug vat of lasagna and sitting there with nothing on my plate – bad for me and awkward for everyone else). I live in Austin, and we have a lot of vegans here. Luckily, my office is very aware of food issues so we always have other options available for office events.
So – yes, short answer – it is an issue.
(Also – some people think you are kidding or just being difficult. My mom has similar allergies and has been hospitalized before due to complications, so if people don’t plan, no big deal, as long as they don’t think I’m making it up)
I’ve forgotten socks before too – problems!


That part really gets on my nerves, when people seem to think I am making a choice to eat gluten free and that it “wouldn’t really hurt me” if I ate some. I get that a lot.


Completely relate when I order breakfast butter-free people assume I am doing it because of a “diet” they don’t consider it could be an “allergy”.


Can i just say how AWESOME it is to see so many vegetarians! makes me smile!!


I have fructose malabsorption (still not sure on the spelling) and that just about rules out every damn thing that people cater for.
I cannot eat apples, pears, watermelon or mangoes.
I cannot eat onion (in EVERY. SINGLE. CASSEROLE. DISH. IN THE WORLD) garlic, cabbage, leek etc…
I cannot eat wheat either.
So… I would have been eating grapes from your plate there.

But. I tend to bring my own food wherever I go. I am just used to it now. I always have something in my bag to eat just in case, because I know people either don’t know/don’t care.
Even my best friend forgets and adds onion to stuff… sometimes I suck it up and eat it, but 24 hours of suffering later I realise it wasn’t a good idea…


I know someone with similar allergies…what kind of reactions do you experience ?


My favorite thing to forget is my sports bra – really hard to accomplish much without that one! Incidentally one time I hit the gym before work and forgot to bring a real person bra for after my workout – awkward times ahead. Luckily there was a Victoria’s Secret right by my office!

Last night I actually attended an alumni event at my high school at which all I could eat was pineapple, strawberries, and Diet Coke. Dinner o’ champions!


Mmm, butterscotch! You’ve mentioned it a few times in the past couple days, so when I saw this pie I thought of you :)


I’m be soo down if you wanna come over and make it for me, er I mean you


I don’t eat red meat so it gets pretty tricky. I usually go with the roll but I just found out I might have celiac disease…so that would leave me with fruit. It gets complicated and then I I suffer from low blood sugar aka really foul mood. But luckily my friends/ family are amazing at making food I can pig out on. I think parent teacher conf are always interesting, I do speech and not too many parents come so that’s nice but those sure are long days.


I hate the feeling of big, floppy shoe laces, and tuck mine into my shoes after I tie them. My sister always makes fun of me for this!

I have diet restrictions because of an overly sensitive tummy…but I understand it’s my problemo :) I usually pack some type of snack bar or almonds with me whenever I know I’ll have to eat away from home, and don’t think it’s a big deal when there aren’t options that I can eat when a meal is offered!


Well it hasn’t been recently, but let me tell you this: it is extremely unpleasant to have a nice shower after a very sweaty workout and realise afterwards, that you forgot to bring fresh underwear for changing and that you have to wear a very sweaty bra and slip… And no, going commando was not an option. I’m definitely not going anywhere without a bra.


Don’t worry, I full on forgot to pack socks at all for the gym the other day. Okay, I had the ones I wore to work which were mid-calf, black with white flowers, but I opted for no socks instead. I actually didn’t really notice until I got home and took my shoes off. My feet felt kinda weird and sweaty afterwards….

My brother in law and his wife are both vegetarian and don’t eat any processed foods or sugar so my mother in law always has to be conscious of that when they come to dinner. I literally don’t know what I would make for dinner for them if they came here! But olives in soup? Yuck :p.


I’m a vegetarian and have run into this problem from time to time which is generally awkward because I feel bad not eating what is being offered to me. Overall though I can usually pull something together if there is a lot of meat on the table, but it definitely isn’t always tasty!


This must have been some kind of foresight. I forgot my pants today…


My friends and coworkers sometimes remember my allergies, sometimes not.

I try to be prepared with my own emergency food or snacks if it comes to it. I usually try to make due with what it available.

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