Reliving the first marathon and fries.

You’d think that you would need to rake up all of those leaves…..

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Don’t worry, we haven’t for the past two falls and it all ends up okay.  It is really good for your joints to walk on 1 foot of leaves on the way to and from your car.  Added bonus:  You know how we have a snake that lives in our backyard? I love playing, ‘Try not to be constricted by the boa in your backyard because he can sneak attack you because you won’t see him in all of those leaves’ game.

Billy and I headed up to Salt Lake City last night because….

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Once again I broke one of my electronic devices.  I have bad luck with any type of technology and broke my computer charger for the 2nd time in a year.  Thank goodness for Apple Care.

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Being on that little street going through the outdoor Gateway mall reminded me of my first marathon where I felt like I was really going to die and tried to figure out why in the world I paid money to run 26 miles and the really crazy part is that I have been hooked ever since.

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As we were leaving the Gateway we received the best phone call ever.  Mom + Dad + Wanting to go to In-N-Out for dinner = yes, no questions asked.

I feel good about a whole tray being dedicated to french fries.

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I casually mentioned a trip to Yogurtland after dinner since we were only a block away.

Guess which fro-yo is mine…..


Okay, technically the bottom two were mine.  Billy had the one on the right but said it was TOO sweet for him….blasphemy.  Is that even possible?

The one with all of the marshmallows is my mom’s cup…..can you see where I get my marshmallow love from now?


What is your Saturday workout?

-I am going to attempt body pump.  Sleeping in and taking a Saturday off from long runs.

Did you have a delicious dessert last night? What was it?

Brain has just crashed from my sugar high so tell me something that you REALLY want to do today?!?!

-Go to Costco for samples and more broccoli.

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My workout is a 15 mile long run which includes a 20 mph wind that I did not ask for. Yay Oklahoma… And if chocolate milk counts as dessert, then that’s what eased my sweet tooth craving


Laughing at the leaves…you have to preserve your energy for running right!? I miss Salt Lake, but now that AZ is coollng down…not so much. Wish me luck, I’m off to my first 10k and I’m scarrrred (as Oprah would say)! Sad right, it’s only 6.2 miles but still. Laters.


My dessert was a strawberry & banana smoothie topped with cereal & chocate chips–> it filled the fro to void in my life! Have a great Saturday, girl!


Fro yo**


Attempting a 10 miler today…

We totally have the family thing in common! Glad I’m not the only one who hangs out with my parents on the weekends :) haha


I slept in to almost 8am. Todays workout will be the 30 Day Shred followed by a short jog around a lake.

Today my mom and are hosting an early holiday part of shorts. We are preparing a traditional Italian lunch. Then I’ll watch hours & hours of football before convincing my boyfriend to take me to the county fair again.


noo you should totally rake those leaves so you and your neices and nephews can jump in them! I mean that pile would be huge – every kid’s dream!! lol. So did Billy even get froyo? because it looks like he just put a bunch of candy in his cup…I mean not that there’s anything wrong with that, but….hahaa.

My saturday workout will be pool-running!! I got a free month trial (I have no idea how I got a full month for free but I won’t complain lol) at a gym with a deep enough pool, so now I can work out impact-free until my next sports medicine appointment woot! Annnnd something I really wanna do today…me and my sister are thinking of going to a Paint-Your-Own-Pottery place!


That is a good point–why rake the leaves if you don’t have to?

Saturday workout starts in 45 minutes–elliptical intervals plus strength circuits!
Let me know how you like body pump!

No dessert last night–ate cheese and broccoli ravioli with alfredo sauce and garlic bread at 9pm while watching Zookeeper though!

Something I want to do today? Go grocery shopping early this morning before the crowds come!


Hahaha! I just totally pictured a snake jumping (do they jump? Leap, maybe?) up out of the leaves as you walk to your car… Like he was waiting all day for you to get home from work. I am headed out for a short run before heading to Portland, ME for a girls weekend. For dessert (and dinner) I had one of the cinnamon chip scones I baked for this weekend. What I really want to do today is go to the Shipyard Brewery in Portland and have a delicious Pumpkin ale! Have fun at Body Pump!


Dessert last night were these bits of deliciousnish! So easy and so good. I may or may not have had one with breakfast this am. I heading out for a run, but coffee first. Have a great weekend!


Dessert “was” …where were the grammar police when I read that comment?


My yard looks like that, too, but instead of an overabundance of leaves there’s an overabundance of black walnuts.

Today may or may not be a rest day…

And I don’t really want to, but I really need to go to town and get me some groceries… I’m out of just about everything.


I love that marathon photo! You look so happy to be running and kicking butt.


I REALLY want to run today! I have been sick for a whole week and have only run twice i the last 8 days. NOT COOL! I’m still not 100% but I;m hoping as the day goes on I feel a little better and can manage to sneak in a run without dying!


I met up with JULIA (Pain, Pride, Perseverance) yesterday!! She is in TORONTO! We didn’t get to do dessert but we are hanging out again TODAY and I cannot wait to see her!! I’m thinking of taking her for froyo :)


That fro-yo looks ahamzing :D


It’s a goal of mine to make it to an In-n-Out before I die – things we don’t have on the east coast!

My Saturday workout was going to be swimming but instead I’ve decided to bake. if I move quick enough I like to think it gets my heart rate up!


Saturday plans? Teaching Bootcamp at 9, baby shower at 2, then ironically, RAKING LEAVES! ;)
Happy Weekend lovely!


I went out to dinner last night with my hus, his sister, and her bf. My meal was disappointing, but dessert made up for it: salted caramel brownie with vanilla ice crea, raspberry sauce, and whipped cream. So yummy!


I had frozen yogurt last night, too!! Red velvet + pumpkin spice + vanilla + cookies and cream with as many chocolate toppings (and brownie bit) that I can fit on there. The nearst fro-yo joint is 45 min away, and of course we drive there just for it (well and some dinner… there are not good resturants near my school!)


leaves are meant to be reabsorbed into the earth. It’s good for it. Today is bodycombat and running. Also? I made cookie bars. I also may or may not have eaten them for breakfast. Just sayin.


I’ll either go for a short run or/do some weights today. Have a great Saturday!


Im about to take a BP class right now! And i probably look really weird while stretching and reading blogs on my phone…oh well!! Have fun!


I love your posts so much. They are so motivating. It’s crazy that you posted about your first marathon today because I’m running my first marathon tomorrow. CRAZY! I’m so excited and I hope I love the experience as much as you!


Your too funny!


I think today is gonna be a yoga class and an easy run :) Unfortunately, I’m stuck doing homework all day after that!


My workout today will be 30 minutes cardio and some weights! I’m really looking forward to it because yesterday I took it easy.

We had ooey gooey warm delicious brownies last night!!! Yummmm.

Something I really want to do today (tonight) – use our Cold Stone coupon to get some delish ice cream in my belly!


Got a spontaneous call for dinner with friends last night too. It is always good for me to step away from my planned health food to some on the fly grease! Fries dipped in ranch here…..delish.

Dessert last night: Chocolate Long John. Yep, still on this kick you see.

run this morning: 10 miles. It almost took me as long as the time I did my half in.
Headed to the spa to get pampered in a half hour.

Have a great Saturday Janae.


mmmm…. fries. My delicious dessert last night was leftover Halloween candy. This morning I had a doughnut, though.
The husband randomly had to go to work on Saturday for a few hours, so hoping for 7-10 miles after he gets back.
The rest of the day is for cleaning! My mom and dad are coming into town from Oregon for a few days! Yay!!


My saturday workout was a 13 miler that felt like resistance training the whole time. We’re having some record winds around here and being the genius that I am, I decided running by the water was a good idea. I’m exhausted now!

No dessert for me, I’m attempting to wean off of them again. Yikes.


Did a nice slow 7-miler in the rainny mist. Very relaxing.

This afternoon hubby & I are going to meet my parents, siblings & their spouses for an early dinner at Taggart’s, a restaurant in the canyon east of Morgan. Never been there, but my s-i-l from Morgan swear’s by it.

No dessert last night :(


Your froyo looks excellent! Last night we had caramel sundaes from McDonald’s for dessert (perfect dessert).

Today’s workout: 6.22 miles outside. Fun fun fun!! :)


My workout this morning was a 10 mile race here in Chicago! It was my furthest distance ever!


YAY for AppleCare…electronic’s and I do not understand each other, I’m convinced it’s not me it’s my computer! :) the 2-guys that work at our Apple Genious bar know me by heart because I am always breaking something! enjoy your Saturday without a long run! I’m pretty excited about that too…about to re-kindle my love with my road bike if the weather stays nice.
I <3 u!! xoxo!


Question totally unrelated to this post. I your hair. What are your styling secrets? Is your hair naturally curly or straight? It always looks great.


You are so sweet! you made my day because usually it is greasy!! I have pin straight hair but use a curling iron and LOADS of hairspray. I will do a a vlog about it. THANKS AGAIN!!!


Today I really want to: go for a run, get my hair done, catch up on some school work, do some cleaning, and relax later. Its going to be a busy day! Happy Saturday :)


I love Body Pump! I used to aim to do it twice a week, but switched gyms a few months ago and my new one doesn’t have it…but it’s a much better gym, so it’s okay. No dessert for me yesterday, hoping for a froyo trip tomorrow :) And every time you mention In-N-Out, I’m SO jealous that you have one close to you!!!


My mom said that if you leave leaves out and let the snow over them they eventually act as fertilizer for your grass. I guess some trees act as toxins (oaks) but I chose not to hear that part and just get the “leave the leaves” message :)


This morning I ran as much as my leg would tolerate (4.25) lifted weights (chest & back) and then did a turbo kick class. I looove turbo kick. I ended up burning 1100 calories during my 2 hr work out this morning. Holla! Which totally justifies my pumpkin spice & cheecake fro yo last night, right? And perhaps tonights too ;)

And now I REALLY want to finish my book today. Rain = perfect book reading weather.


those are such sweet memories. You gotta relive those for sure! happy saturday, hope youre pumpin iron right now.


my workout was a 22 mile run–the peak of my training before my first marathon on December 4th!! I am beyond excited and ready after that run today!

what exciting memories to look back on!


I am so stoked for your first marathon!! CONGRATS on your peak run, 22 miles is incredible!! Relax, stretch and ice today!


half marathon goals, i can’t wait to hear them! maybe soon?


I ran 6 miles today and did some lower body strength!!

I had a mini pumpkin cheesecake last night! I don’t really like cheesecake but the pumpkin made this goood.

Now I really want froyo, thanks a lot! :D haha


Today’s exercise was my first 5k!! and now I think (which is all that matters) that I deserve an in-n-out burger for doing so… maybe if I leave now I can run down to Cali and grab one…


AHHHH CONGRATS on your first 5k…that is so so so exciting. You are the best! Go get yourself something yummy!


Aw, THANK YOU!!! I’d be lying if I said you weren’t a bit of inspiration :) and now if you’ll excuse me, I hear a margarita calling my name !


Bahahaha enjoy! You deserve it!


I did another cross country race this morning (my second). They’re really starting to grow on me and I totally enjoyed it.

I think there is something special about first marathons that will always live in infamy in our minds.


I attempted to run this morning, but the moment I was outside it was over. I ran/walked 2 miles and walked 1. The walk was the best because the weather is fabulous today!


I REALLY want to go get pumpkin frozen yogurt but i’m talking myself out of it. what else is new haha.

Dessert last night was greek yogurt + cake batter protein frozen yogurt from my freezer if that countssss.

And I love the fact you drowned things in marshmallows. I think the fluffi-ness just fluffs up your brain. That’s my conclusion. haha


I’ve never been to an In N Out. Sounds like I’m missing out!! No delicious dessert last night. Ran a NON-PR 5K this morning for my Saturday workout. I’m pretty sure 3.1 miles equals 5 slices of pizza and a full fat latte….


In the theme of this post, my Saturday workout was RUNNING A FREAKING MARATHON


Did a short 4-miler. I love Saturday morning Body Pump..for some reason it makes me super excited rather than tired..maybe its the music. Last night had a twist soft-serve frappe. Definitely went to BJS since we do not have CostCo here..and there were definitely 10x more samples than normal today…maybe their products were about to expire and they needed to get rid of them..dino chicken nuggets, chocolate eclairs, everything even chocolate syrup samples..nothing like a 9am chocolate syrup shot..


JANAE?! YOU WERE AT GATEWAY?!?! I live RIGHT next to it! I literally just walk out the door and there it is!!! =D


Ahhhhhhh we should have played!!! I want to plan a slc get together…can u come?



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