Since we are leaving in approximately 49 hours for California there was no chance we were going to go going grocery shopping yesterday.  My number one goal (I am an overachiever obviously) is to eat every last inch of perishable food so that I don’t waste a cent.

Today’s creation:  (every piece of produce and cheese in our kitchen on top of a baked potato).  ps the carrots look dry cause I roasted them.

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Dessert after a cat nap: (apple, banana, whipped cream and butterscotch chips)

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As you know, in the past I have been the queen of injuries.  Maybe it is because I want to run way too much, too fast or maybe it is because I am a klutz.  Whatever the reason, I do want to share what I have learned when it comes to recovery.

At one point during the past year I had issues with Plantar Fasciitis.

“Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot. This tissue is called the plantar fascia. It connects the heel bone to the toes and creates the arch of the foot.”  (source)

As a runner, our feet strike the ground 1,500 times PER mile.  ‘When the foot impacts the ground during running, the plantar fascia stretches to allow the foot to flatten and roll and then retracts to its normal length by force of its internal tension as the foot leaves the ground.’ (source below) This repeptive action can strain the plantar fascia which is close to the heel bone and that is where the pain in the heel comes from.

……..Plantar Fasciitis in the 3rd most COMMON running injury (after IT band injuries and runner’s knee) according to the book below that Billy and I read every night before bed.  This book can be found on our GEAR PAGE and it is an excellent running resource.

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What worked for ME to overcome my Plantar Fasciitis issues:

1. I learned something VERY important over this last year: If something hurts, stop.  I immediately stopped running for a few weeks and didn’t let the problem get bad by continuuing to run on it.  I stuck to cycling and the elliptical.

2.  Talked to my doc of course.

3. Night Splints……. I have matching socks on for the first time ever.

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My mom got me these really hot boots that I wore every night and I noticed a huge difference within just a few days of wearing these to bed every night.

“Most of the healing (of the plantar fascia) occurs at night, when the fascia is relaxed.  Wearing a night splint may accelerate the healing of your damaged fascia by limiting the setback that comes with standing for the first time each morning.”  (from book above).

3.  Stretching, I would perform THESE stretches every morning before getting up out of bed or after I had been sitting down for a while.

4.  Rolling a FROZEN golf ball under my foot helped to stretch the connective tissue and made it feel a lot better.

5.  I also had shoe inserts specific for people with plantar fasciitis.  I think this helped but I am not positive.


Have you ever suffered from a foot injury?  What about plantar fasciitis?  Anyone you know suffer from plantar?  What did they do to overcome it?

Do you use a stability running shoe or a neutral running shoe?

If you are wearing socks right now, are they matching?  Be honest.

-Yes, for the first time ever.  I was trying to impress you in that picture.

What was the last book that you read?

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Yes my socks are matching! woohoo :)
I dealt with a broken big toe from an indoor soccer game and then intense ball of foot pain right after the toe was healed. I ended up getting orthotics b/c the ones I had were from high school and didn’t fit properly anymore. My feet instantly felt better. Best $500 I ever spent :)


My socks always have to match! Hahah the last book I read was a textbook about Early Modern England in the 15th century….yeah… haha :)


Matching sock today FTW!
I haven’t suffered a foot injury yet *knock on wood* but I did get diagnosed with runners knee thanks to patellae that don’t face straight ahead. Originally I went to see the sports medicine doctor because my feet were bothering me so much training and then the knee pain after a 5k pushed me into her office. I now have orthotics that I love to hate but everything that hurt does feel better.

However I now have shins that get tight while running which is new for me. . .

The last book I read was Joan Didion’s Blue Nights but I’m always reading my running magazines :-)


I had stress fractures in both of my legs after my first marathon a little over a year ago. Took a while to heal & was very annoying. But no plantar fasciitis for me yet. I run in a neutral shoe since I have high arches & tend to supinate a little bit (the opposite of pronating!) I’m totally wearing socks (it’s cold!) & my socks always match, it would drive me absolutely nuts if they didn’t!


The only person i knew to suffer from planter was an ex from my early 20″s. I since learned how painful it is, but at the time i thought he was being overly dramatic……and i remember thinking there can’t be two body drama queens in this relationship. Yikes, just typing that……I’ve come a long way.

There will be a picture next time, absolutely!


My socks have to match too! and im not wearing any right now, I hate socks and only wear them when I have to (i.e. shoes)
And I use a stability shoe ever since I had my feet analyzed and was told that I should use one, and it seriously has made it so much more comfortable!


I just had to miss my first marathon (Philadelphia) today because I got plantar faciitis two weeks before the race and still have severe pain. It has been really hard to read everyone’s updates on the race after so much training went into it. You are a real inspiration to me because you have overcome injuries and realized there will always be another race and we need to take care of our bodies. I am still trying to learn this!


A friend of mine is suffering from plantar fasciitis right now…I’m going to share your post with her.

Yes, my socks match!

The last book I read was The Department of Lost and Found by Allison Winn Scotch. It was OK.


I always buy stability running shoes. My PT suggested them to help with IT band issues I was having. I’m not sure if they’ve helped….but they haven’t made it worse!

And let me tell you about my socks. I’m really really bad about matching my socks. My friend ALWAYS mocked me for it. So, for Christmas two years ago, she bought me these socks that come in a set of three and are color coordinated but in different patterns. I’m wearing those today–they are both pink and blue but one is striped and one has hearts!


I just went to the Doc for my second case of PF! Yep had it really bad on the right and it is now better but a few years later and now my left foot wants to experience. I think I caught this one a lot sooner than the first time. Once cortisone shot and stretching and hopefully I will be on the mend. I always wear matching socks. Sometimes the sock do not match my outfit, but they always match each other! lol


I don’t really care whether my socks match or not, and I am not above stealing my Mum’s or my sister’s sock if I need them to go for a run :)
I use a neutral running shoe I had myself tested a little while ago and apparently I do have some balance after all!
The last book I read was ‘The Forgotten Garden’ by Kate Morton. I definitely recommend it – great holiday read!


When I first started running back in college I went through a strong bout of PF. Luckily though it did not last too long. Now I am dealing with achilles issues. X rays don’t show any major fracture or tear, which is good…but at the same time no matter how much stretching and foot work I have been doing..the pain still comes back once I gear back into running. Grrr! I will not give up though!


as a dancer, I’ve had plantar fasciitis a bunch of times! it REALLY does hurt.


I have plantar fasciitis like MAD! I am glad that you are sharing about your experience. It’s been a struggle finding the right shoes, icing after every run and dealing with the pain.

Luckily, finding the right pair of shoes was key to dealing with it. I just wish one day, I could be completely pain-free, but it hasn’t happened yet!

Oh, and the night splints are just SO AWESOME. I feel like they’re like orthodontic headgear that people have to wear at night. Haha.


That may be what I have had this past year in my left food. I can’t remember what the doc called it. Guess I should DO something about it. It mostly acts up when I’m wearing heals/platforms/flip flops…in other words unless I’m in my supportive running shoes. It’s right at the arch area on the bottom of my foot, sharp pains!


My mom had trouble with this a year or so ago. She did a lot of the very same things that you did to treat it.


Have you ever suffered from a foot injury? What about plantar fasciitis? Anyone you know suffer from plantar? What did they do to overcome it?

I had PF and got a shot in the foot. It hurt like the dickens, but have not had pain in the food since the shot.

If you are wearing socks right now, are they matching? Be honest.

They always match.

What was the last book that you read?

The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes. A student loaned it to me and I finished it in 5 days!!


what kind of shot!?!!? im dying from the pain!!!


I went to my orthopedic doctor and he gave me a shot of cortisone. It was probably a mixture of medicine, but by that evening, I no longer had pain and a year later, still no pain!


I loved that book!


PF sounds so painful. I’ve worn a similar boot for achilles tendonitis- it works but so annoying to sleep in.
no socks!


my mom suffers from feet issues & the doctor pinpointed it as plantar fasciitis. i will be sure to send along the tips & information you posted! she will be grateful :)

not wearing socks because i painted my toe nails CHRISTMAS THEMED! bright metallic green with shiny coloured polka dots to resemble a christmas tree with decorations :P yes, i have time on my hands.

aaand the last book i read was sarah’s key. it’s about the holocaust/that time period & a girl and a secret and family ties that leads to so much action! i couldn’t put it down! julie from PBF read it as well & did a review :)


I think it’s some kind of fate that you blogged about this. Ever since my half last week the outside of my foot has been hurting. All I did in the past week was one three mile run. Today I went on a 5 mile run that turned into 3 because my foot started hurting so bad :(

I’m the kind of person who usually runs through pain and I NEVER go see a doctor but today I stopped and I’m going to try to get into the doc because Thanksgiving. Thanks for making me feel like I’m doing the right thing!!!!!


I was diagnosed with PF last fall right before my first marathon. I had to get a cortisone shot in my foot. One of the most painful places to get a shot- btw. I rolled my foot on a tennis ball every day and iced after runs. I also wear orthotics in my (stability) running shoes. Losing weight has helped keep it controlled too.


After my first HM I seriously bruised (supposedly, I think I did something to a muscle or tendon) my foot, but other than that, no foot injuries… BUT runner’s knee for sure… aarg, still working on that one… kinda about to the end of my rope with it.

If I wear socks they HAVE to match or I’ll go mad. Up until a few years ago I couldn’t even wear any other color of sock besides white.

I wear stability shoes, but I’m thinking of making the transition to a more minimal shoe to see if that helps with any of my injuries. I figure, I’m still getting injured with my stability shoes so it can’t hurt to try, right?


I have super flat feet and overpronate like crazy. My feet used to get torn up really bad at the arches until I got shoes with more stability. Sometimes I’ll get lots of muscle pain right in my arch (or lack thereof), but more-so when I’m doing workouts other than running. Sorry to hear about your painful PF!


I had PF when training for my first half marathon. Of course I didn’t take care of it and ended up needing a cortisone shot after I almost had to crawl to the bathroom one morning. I also did the night splint, a ball with massaging nubbins on it, lots of calf stretches and perscripton strength anvil. It is the worst!!


I hate injuries!!! Your advice is really good, especially to stop running and that applies to all running injuries! I’ve never had many problems with my feet, my knees are what get me :(

As for the whole sock thing, it would drive me CRAZY not to wear matching socks….I am barefoot right now (and kinda cold), but if I had socks on, they would be matching :)


My socks DO match. They are Halloween socks, though- so that’s not good ;).
I don’t personally know anyone with plantar fasciitis, but am always reading blogs where people have had it. It sounds terribly painful.
I wear neutral running shoes. I wore heavier, more cushioned asics for a while, but have since transitioned.
The last book I read was Devil in the White City. Interesting but a tad creepy.


I always wear matching sock…my daughter tells me how “uncool” that is. She is a freshman in high school and never wears matching socks…maybe I’m just “old” ha!


my mom suffers from this, pretty badly. she had the boots, does the stretches, has inserts, but still has issues every day. she probably needs surgery, but it just isnt in the cards (work, money, etc). she isnt even a runner, or walker, but is on her feet all day at work, so maybe thats what did it? along w/ poor shoe support? we still dont know, but i feel so badly for her!
i only wear socks if i’m wearing boots or running shoes. i really hate anything on my feet.
last book: chelsea chelsea bang bang (by my beloved chelsea handler)…funny, but not as LOL as her first 2 books.


This post could not have come at a better time. I have just started my treatment for this after a month of pain and missing a half marathon. I am definitely going to try the golf ball stretch in addition to all of the treatment methods that my doctor also suggested. I can’t wait for my cute night splint… Thank you!!!


I got plantar fascitiis when I first started running and it was because I didn’t have the proper running shoes…but man it was so painful, I surely got fitted for new running shoes almost immediately!


I actually had that when I was in college, and I wasn’t even much of a runner! Now that I’ve really started picking up running though, my IT bands have been my big issue!


My socks NEVER match. My husband hates it. I love your socks don’t match

I am going to go back and read the rest of you post now… I had to jump to comment on that


Those booties are supper hot, but hey if they help… totally worth it. No socks on! I wear a stability shoe because that’s what the shoe peeps say I need. So far, so good. I just started reading The Hunger Games… had to see what all the hoopla was about.


janaeee! i have had plantar facitiis for 2 years now on and off but mostly on- i am too stubborn to take time off — ehhhh—— but now i have developed a stress fracture in the front of my foot from over compensating……ahhhh awful! what to do!!


I actually have never had this running problem! Well, I take that back – I did until I got orthotics, but it cleared up the second I put those in my shoes!

The last book I read was The Shadow Wife by Diane Chamberlain – SO GOOD!


I have had nearly every injury known to man… except that. But I’ve got plenty of others to make up for it, so no worries!

I use a stability running shoe because I have all kinds of structural problems that end up with a very unstable gait.

My socks actually do match today… this is rare.


Vere nice post on plantar fasciitis! I couldn’t watch the video from my iPad, but I saw it included at least toe ext stretching. May I add calf stretching to the mix too? :) anyhoo, to answer your questions…

I have four plantar fasciitis off and on for the last few years. I wear a stability shoe on concrete and a neutral on trails.

I am not wearing socks right now! Just my Sanuks! The last book I read/am currently reading is The Omnivore’s Dilemma.


Fought* PF. Not four. Oops!


ahem, excuse me, did you say you are coming to California in 2 days? Might that be the Northern side of the state?! Let me treat you to a yogurt or hot chocolate if you have any free time……


Hahaha, no my socks aren’t matching. They may have matched yesterday but not on Friday, either.

I’m dealing with some sort of ankle issue right now. It might be peroneal tendinitis so I have been taking it easy for the last week. I hope that this isn’t the case and that I just need to rest for a little while.


I am the queen of foot injuries. I have had PF before, but my most recent foot injury was a stress fracture. I wear a neutral shoe. No socks for me right now. I only brought five pairs with me to India, so I have to conserve them and only wear them for exercise. The last book I read was “The Four-hour Work Week” it is about how to stop working a traditional job and have more free time on your hands to do the things that you really want to do each day.


you know about my plantar fasciitis—i bought the night splints (cheap ones from cvs) and they worked like a charm!! thank youuu!! :)


You are SO welcome! Keep me updated on how you are doing Kristin!


I had PF last year too and my doc wanted to give me those corticosteroid injections, but I rebelled. I rested it, stretched it, and took Ibuprofen and it went away. Apparently ex-dancers get flat feet a lot so they in turn get PF if they convert running. What a pain :)


I never match my socks! I try to listen to my body as well, that if something hurts I just stop running. I wear brooks adrenaline and they have a good amount of support so I love them!


HEY BRITTANY!! I tried to comment on your blog but I think it went to spam….SAVE ME!


Ahh I will check it out and fix it!!


I have such ridiculous feet – super long and narrow with high arches so I have to wear neutral, narrow shoes with the green superfeet. For some idiotic reason a few weeks ago I decided to take out the orthotics (I think I had worn them too many hours at once and was having calf pain) so now my right achilles is really buggin me. I’m trying to rest and give it a chance to heal – haven’t run in about a week and a half and I’m going crazy! Putting the orthotics back in has definitely helped though. At least I can walk now. Injuries suck!


BUMMER ABOUT YOUR ACHILLES! Please keep me updated with how you are feeling!


PF has never gotten me…thank goodness. Scares the bajeezzers out of me to think about it.

I’m wearing the ugliest socks in america right now. They are thick and brown and wooly. But since it has decided to be arctic outside in SoCal (pack your snuggie) I have to keep the feet warm somehow!


The Runner’s Body is totally on my Christmas wish list!! I’ve never had plantar fascitis, but I’ve recently dealt with achilles tendon issues – massage, stretching, and physical therapy (mostly strengthening exercises) helped a LOT. after I started the strengthening work, the pain went away within like two days haha. I run in a really lightweight cushion shoe – I tend to land on the outsides of my feet so I can’t have stability shoes – I actually need help pronating lol! I’m bookmarking this page in the even that I ever get plantar fascia pain – I’ll be prepared! :-D


My husband has major issues with plantar fasciitis. He has this one sock that is kind of like your little booties. He does the golf ball thing but he doesn’t freeze it. We have a frozen water bottle that he rolls his foot on as well. He hasn’t been running but he’s still struggling with it. It’s such a bummer.

I wear a stability running shoe and a supportive insert. My feet are so flat and it really make running feel so much better.

My socks are definitely matching. They’re the wool socks I wear in the winter when I’m at home to try and keep my little tootsies warm.


Your poor husband! That is so sad. Has he tried the boot. I heard that they are a little better than the socks because they really hold your feet in place!


My mom had really bad plantar fasciitis, she was in a walking cast for a few months! No bueno. I’ve had knee, hip, shin, ankle, but not too many feet injuries. Knock on wood… My shin splints are another story :(

My socks don’t match at all… haha. My washing machine broke, we’re in a dire situation here!

I am reading Kara Goucher’s book right now. Amazing. I need to check out that book you have though, maybe I will stop being an idiot and running through the pain.


Did you ever make it to H&M? I went and it was a mad house! I did snag a really cute sequin skirt that was perfect for the new natural history museum gala. All Utah locals must go to that museum btw it is amazing! You can see picks on my blog.


As a runner I have never had plantar fasciitis , but my husband worked at a specialty running store that they sold a lot of The Strassburg Sock (or “The Sock”) that you can wear at night. I don’t know if you have heard about it or even tried it. Oh, and I never wear matching socks. I wear costco socks and I usually have a polka dot with a stripe.


The frozen golf-ball trick is my absolute FAVORITE. I have metatarsalgia (plantarfasciitis’ rude 2nd cousin) and the only thing that makes it feel better is that frozen golfball. Sweet “boots” – me-ow!


Wow – I had no idea you had those foot problems, but it looks like you did an awesome job of researching and finding some practical solutions. It’s great you are feeling better! Love, love. Can’t wait to hear about Cali!!


You just tripled as my running inspiration- given the amount of injuries/problems you’ve faced, I can’t believe how motivated you still are to run and also at how fast your speeds are….building back up isn’t easy but you’re proof it’s possible!


i love bare feet. read: i hate shoes and socks. i try my best to stay away from them as long as I can; sandals until dec [or in Utah… when it first snows] and back out in feb.


Another running friend was just talking about that book! I want to get it :)
I am wearing matching thigh-high compression stockings…super sexy ;-)
I wear neutral shoes. My only foot injury from running was a long time ago…I think it was a stress fracture but probably not since I ran on it anyway.


I have suffered since summer. I had to stop for a month. I do those exercises religiously – but I use a tennis ball – I even take it to work and do it a couple of times under my desk!! One thing I do which I have noticed REALLY helps is stretching my calves. I noticed my calves were really tight a few weeks before the plantar came on and am convinced there’s a connection. I do extra stretching and it’s really helping. :) There is hope! Thanks for the post.


Rache!!! I completely agree with you about the tight calves! Mine were the exact same way before plantar! GOOD LUCK and keep doing those stretches!


Right now I am reading, A Race Like No Other. Its about the NYCM!


I’ve had quite a few injuries myself and I’m getting over a stress fracture now. Thanks for sharing your PF tips!
that milkshake sounds delicious – hope you got to enjoy it!


I had PF once after doing two back to back races; I got an elastic arch brace for $6 and it worked wonders. I haven’t had trouble since that one healed in about a week.


I have had PF for about 6 months and it is getting better. I have some insoles also but I was wondering if you would share what kind you bought?


HEY KENDRA! I am so sorry you have been struggling with PF too, but I am glad it is getting better. I have the Super Feet insoles, you should try them out! They were about $30 on Amazon!


I’ve never had real foot issues, but those boots are sexy, so maybe I should just get a pair anyway :).

I’m not wearing socks, but my shoes match.

I wear a stability shoe.


im pretty luck i havent had any foot injuries (knock on wood aka im knocking on my head now) but ive had lower back issues so ive definitely listened to my body more and not push it when it hurts and stretch…idk what kind of running shoes i have but i think they are stability shoes…surprisingly my socks matched this morning but sometimes they dont oh well..oh and last book i read was tina fey’s book “bossypants”…absolutely hilarious book! if you ever read it (which you should its a quick fun read) we can discuss my favorite part where she talks about titanic lol


I suffered from plantar fasciitis about…. 6-7 years ago. I was just starting back into running & went too far too soon. I did a long run down Provo canyon & it felt great- I was so happy! Then in the morning I got out of bed & OUCH! I was a dummy & kept running on it (I was training for my first 1/2 marathon). It hurt quite a bit while running. I was able to do the 1/2, but then took the entire fall & winter off of running to recover. I’ve been much more cautious since then & haven’t had any problems.

stability shoe

non-matching!! Same brand, but one toe is black, the other is gray.

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Way Back to Health [very interesting read!]


Oh Janae, it’s like you read my mind. I LITERALLY was just typing “plantar fasciitis” into google, but also creeping blogs at the same time and then I see that your post is titled “plantar fasciitis” so I’m like, screw google I’ll just listen to HRG and YAY! I am so happy. I don’t have it, haven’t had any pain there but just wanted to know about all sorts of running injuries so I can attack them ASAP :D thanks


Way too many people are running in minimalist shoes and the incidence of lower leg injuries has increased as well. Go figure. Very few people should or can run long distances ( ie over 6 mi) in shoes that, tho cute, do not provide enough support. Footwear coupled with weak or non firing glutes = PF, Achilles tendonitis, you name it. Keep the cute footwear for short runs, not the everyday training.


In addition to stretching and massaging, Ultrasound helped me :) That combined with rolling the scar tissue out. Holy smokes that hurts but it helps so much!

I couldn’t sleep in the splints, they made me nuts lol.

I still roll and stretch to prevent it. That is one injury that loves to resurface. STAY AWAY PF!

Neutral shoes for me. I do have custom inserts that I love. They flex with my foot and are not stiff or bulky. Bonus!


i have those socks…in every color! but i rarely ever wear them matched. just ordered that book from amazon last week and i’m anxiously awaiting it’s arrival, glad that you guys found it as a quality read.


I dont know if it counts as a ‘foot’ injury. But i tore ligaments in my ankle walking down the stairs at school in heels.. oh ya.. i have mega coordination as well!


I had planar fasciitis. I still get sore around the bone spur occasionally but my heal pain is completely gone. When first diagnosed I got custom orthotics and wore them religiously, a night splint, and did the stretches. It was pretty well under control before I had weight loss surgery, but I’m sure losing 100lbs has helped it not come back. :)

I run in Brooks Defyance 4’s, they are neutral. I also have a pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 7’s (bought 2nd hand but practically brand new) they are a stability shoe. I only wear them on the treadmill.

My socks always match exactly.

Finn Throws a Fit


I am still dealing with stupid Plantar’s and I’m getting a little frustrated. I know I just need to stop running and doing impact activities for a few weeks but that’s hard.
I just switched from a stability to a neutral and I’m loving it so far. We’ll see how it goes as my training continues.
My socks always match. However, I don’t really have regular socks anymore. They are all running socks.


Hey there…..I had a question about Plantar’s……does it really get better? How long did it take before you were back out there running? I had been running consistently, up to a total of 11 miles, training for a half….then got pregnant and stopped running for 10 months……just now getting back into and up to a mile comfortably again, so discouraging, wish i could just jump back in the game….but now I am suffering from I believe Plantar’s. This week I decided to stop any high impact, but dread it, considering I only could run a mile……so any encouragement that it will get better would be great!?



HEY JILL!! I am so sorry that you are dealing with Plantar….NO FUN!!! I believe that plantar can completely heal. The thing that helped me the most and that my doctor recommended was the boots at night! The healing of the connective tissue occurs at night and the boot really has helped me allow it to heal faster. Good luck and keep me updated!

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