I have something very special to share with you today.

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I haven’t told you about my new love in life.

Altra’s INTUITION running shoe is absolutely incredible.

Besides the fact that they are the cutest running shoes I own (I know that isn’t supposed to matter but it does for me) these babies are made SPECIFICIALLY for women (don’t worry men, you can enter the giveaway for the men’s INSTINCT).

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A few of the reasons I am hooked on these babies:

1.  They are drop zero (the heel and the forefoot are the same height from the ground).  This helps to improve running technique = less running related injuries, um sign me up.   These shoes have been proven to reduce heel strike and help your posture and alignment.  (Please note that you should slowly build up your mileage in these because they are very different than your normal running shoe).

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2.  I feel cool in them.  I didn’t have to tell you that one.

3.  They have a wider toe box.  Finally, my toes are able to spread out naturally with each foot strike without having to go up to a size 34.  They are dang comfortable….be prepared to see me in these babies daily.  I wonder if my job will allow me to wear these as part of my professional dress, they would look great with a dress.  I think I counted and I have told BIlly that they are SO comfortable approximately 2,456,432 times.

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4.  They are made just for woman!  I took this from their website:

Female Specific Shoes: Ladies – Finally a shoe designed specifically for you! No more dealing with ‘shrink-it-and-pink-it’ shoes! Altra™’s Female specific lasts account for a Woman’s narrower heel, smaller instep, longer arch, and different metatarsal positioning. This unique fit allows your foot to be more girl than any other running shoe on the market.

These shoes were designed by accomplished/elite runners that really know there stuff – people that I trust and are in the business to help you become the best runner you can be!


How to ENTER giveaway for your own pair of Altra Running Shoes:  (Giveaway ends October 12th, 2011)

1. Tell me why you run.

2. Blog or tweet about this giveaway (please tell me in a separate comment if you did).

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I run to stay in shape, as a stress relief, and the feeling I get from running! :)


I run for stress relief and for the feeling it gives me when I’ve finished a tough run. Thanks for the chance to win!


I run because I love it and I hate it. I want to love running unconditionally, but I’m coming to terms that I may never. It might have to be enough that I just run: sometimes consistently, sometimes not. Does that make me a runner?


Woo hoo! I run for sanity and vanity. I feel strong, confident and awesome after I get a good run in!


I run because it makes me feel alive!!!


I run because it makes me happy:) It’s also a great workout to I guess;)


I started running for a patient ( I am a nurse). I had never even run a 5k and decided to run the Rock N Roll San Diego Marathon and raise money for the leukemia and lymphoma society (LLS). I ran in honor of my patient and raised over 5 thousand dollars. That was 2009 and am I am still running- second marathon was this past weekend in Corning NY- Wineglass Marathon. Around mile 20 I was reminded of a quote I heard from LLS- “when your feet hurt, run with your heart”. I crossed the finish line 11 minutes short of qualifying for Boston- but it still felt amazing! Running makes me feel alive, without a care in the world. I have met the most amazing people through running~ I truly believe runners are some of the most caring, genuine people in the world! This sport has taught me much about life- how to respect your body and know your limits when you are battling injury- and taught me patience. I do not have a twitter or blog but wanted to share :)


i run because it is one of the few times during the day i can be alone and think!! also endorphins are a plus :)


I run to relieve stress and have fun with friends!

Amy Lauren


I run to de-stress and have some “me” time! :)


i run for mental health!!! i never been happier or more confident in myself in my life than i have been in the past year since i started running.


I run because it makes me feel so refreshed and energetic- and it gives me time to think and have some “me” time! :)


763 comments Janae!!! Jeeze I am impressed. You are seriously awesome!!! I would love to win these shoes, I have some funky feet and these sound amazing.

I run because the runner’s high after is ALWAYS worth it :-)


I run to get away from it all and appreciate it all at the same time!


I run to be in shape and stay healthy!


tweeted!! @cripple15


I run because I can! I run because it is fun( yes I think running is fun!) , relieves stress, makes me feel good, keeps me in shape and looking good :)


I run for my health, happiness and sanity :-)


SOOO CUTE! I run almost everyday to relieve stress from my course work and because of the endorphins; my favorite (& safest) high ;)


I run because it is a form of meditation for me…On the long runs when I find my groove anyways:) The rest of the time I am running to push myself.


I tweeted…


I run because no matter what I can count on running…It’s always there when I need it, never closes for holiday, never gets too crowded, and never has it ever left me feeling unsatisfied or unaccomplished. No matter how hard life gets, running is constant and the best mental therapy out there. People call distance runners crazy, but the real crazies are those who dont run at all.


I posted


I tweeted!


I run so I can eat! I love to cook, and I certainly don’t cook the lowest calorie food…
Running is also good for my mental health – it’s my ‘me’ time!


i love getting a runner’s high, and it really helps clear my mind!


I run so I can eat a lot.


I run to stay fit and also to see how far I can push myself. I am always amazed when I run farther than 3 or 4 miles because I never used to think I could.


I run because it makes me so-so happy. And so I can eat more PIZZA! And pancakes! And FRo-yO!


I also tweeted about the giveaway @ashthornock


I run because

1. To get in shape not to lose weight
2. I run for those who can’t
3. You inspired me to start running


I also mentioned the giveaway on my blog !


i run because it makes me feel strong and grateful for my body and all it can do!


I don’t run, but I walk daily and hopefully I’ll start running more if I can get some cool shoes :)


I run because I can. And I try to never forget how blessed I am, that I am able to!!


I run to stay fit! I run to be strong! I run to inspire my daughter! I run to experience a runner’s high!


I started running to lose weight. Now i’m simply obsessed. I read blogs, follow running forums, listen to podcasts….and when I wake up and it’s a ru day, I get up right away and can’t wait to get going. I run now because I love it.


I run to stay fit and for stress relief!


I have just started running. I am hoping that it will help me deal with some things that are going on in my life right now.


running empowers me! It gives me strength and independence that spreads to every aspect of my life. it’s a gift I tell u :)


I run to get an hour to myself = sanity.


I run so that I don’t run away. 5 kids=I need alone time!


I run to have good bonding time with my husband.


First post on your blog that I read religiously!

I run for me. Because I feel like I am flying, and the high I get with my feet off the ground is like no other feeling in the world:)


tweeted it! @bgfuino


I run for so many reasons! I love challenging myself (I used to not be able to run to the mailbox and now I am a marathoner), stress relief, spending time with my friends, but most of all…I used to have an eating disorder and running helps me not obsess about what I eat in order to stay thin. I eat to fuel my body so I can run and the thinness comes as a direct result of running. Running very important to me! I LOVE it!


I run because no matter how awful or great the run is the rest of my day is going to rock!


I started running after realizing that after being so active with sports in high school I needed a fun way to workout, even though it was not so fun at first. I keep running as a way to rehab my knee after having major knee surgeries last year, and also because you cannot beat the feeling after a great run. LOVE it! : )


I run for stress relief and to get that runner’s high! Everything is right in the world after a good run (even after a not so great run) and I love that feeling!

Also, how do you lace your shoes?!


Posted it on my blog!


I run because I love it so much. I feel happy when I run.




I run because it keeps me sane and happy! And I would love new shoes because my feet and knees are desperate for some and I CANNOT afford them!


I run because no matter how much I am dreading getting out there I always feel a sense of accomplishment and feel great the rest of the day.


Like most people I run because it keeps me sane!


I run because I love it and it wakes me up more than a cup of caffiene ever could!! Rain or shine, it’s like a 16 ounce of java! I tweeted too!


I run because I can.

I grew up with asthma and took daily medication until my mid-20’s to control it. I remember not being allowed to run the mile for the annual fitness test at school because I might have an asthma attack. (so embarrassing!) As an adult, I walked regularly and took fitness classesl, but imagine my surprise when I tried running on a treadmill one day, and I could do it. That moved to running outdoors, and now I run just because I can.


I run because it really helps me burn off anxiety! Plus it’s a great workout :D


I run so i can eat cupcakes:D




I run because it gives me the bestest, biggest high ever!


These shoes are super cute and sound interesting and high tech! I run because it’s a great way to start my day – endorphin rush – and gives me time alone with my music and the outdoors. And it makes me feel GOOD.


I love to run because it gives me time to think.


I run b/c my daughter and son started running XC for school teams…and I am learning to run to spend more time with them.


I run for the runners high I get. I run against myself to improve my time.


I race because I physically can (even though it hurts sometimes and I’m terribly slow), and to enter events with my husband (healthy, quality time together). I tried on this pair of Altra Zero Drop Intuitions and fell in love with them. The guy swears I’ll hurt less in these shoes, so I’d love to win them!


Also, I tweeted about your giveaway. :-) #pickmepickme


Awesome shoes, friend! I want to try a pair!! I started running to get healthy and take care of myself. Now, I am still doing that, but I also run to honor my mother and her memory because she can’t run anymore.


I tweeted this and shared a link on my blog! Thanks!!


I originally started running to lose weight, but I discovered I loved it, and now I run for stress relief, thinking time, and to get to run awesomely fun races!


I’ve always loved running. It’s gotten a bit harder for me to run again after having each baby, but I do it and love training for and competing in triathlons!


I tweeted! I’ve never tweeted anything before!! yay


I run to get stress out and work out my thoughts while also feeling and strong and proud of myself and looking good. I’ll never regret a run! Best feeling EVER. Thank you for doing this giveaway, Janae. Anything to lessen runners injuries is an awesome thing!!!


I run to clear my mind, release stress, and because it makes me feel good!


Even though I’m a terrible runner I run to feel better about myself. I die during but feel amazing after!


I run because it makes me feel STRONG! I run because it keeps me healthy! I run because as a wife & mom of 3 it gives me something JUST FOR ME!


I blogged AND Tweeted this giveaway!


I run for FUN!


I run because it makes me super happy (aside from cookies and skittles!) and running is gonna get my in shape so I can go to the Army!


I love to run for the stress relief and “me” time. I continue to run because i have improved so much and love to see the progress I make daily.


I run to keep up with my kidlets!(Ages 21 months, 21 months and 21 months.)


I tweeted this giveaway. @wordsbykara


I saw an ad once that got me started running. It said, “I run because no matter how much I love my mother, I don’t love her thighs.” he he! Keep on running!


OOO my gosh!!!!! I REALLY want these shoes! I have never seen/heard of them before but they look and sound super amazing. Even if I don’t win, I think I might buy them because I super finicky feet.

Janae, I run because I LOVE it! My boyfriend says he is impressed by my motivation to get up early in the morning to run. But it’s not motivation that gets me moving in the early morning, it’s my love of just hitting the ‘mill or the street. I NEEEEEED these shoes! :oP


Hi Janae,
I was wondering about the fit of the Intuitions…I have really narrow feet and all I wear are mizuno wave riders. Do the Intuitions work for people with narrow feet??? I really am thinking about getting a pair they seem really great!
Thank you!


I run because it’s the only thing I do for me. Not for my husband, not for my daughter, not for my boss…just me. :)


I run because it feels amazing and helps maintain my sanity!


I also posted on FB!


I run as a way of setting goals for myself while my husband is deployed!


I run so that I can be in shape to keep up with my 5 children :-) and because it feels great!


I don’t have a blog or a twitter acct but I did post to FB :-)


I run because it makes me feel better and clears my head. It makes me so I am not so stressed out. I love to run.


I run for me.


I just left a comment on my facebook status. :)


I would love a pair of these! They are so cute :o)
I run because every breath I take while running refreshes me from the inside out. It allows me to think more clearly. I’ve written more than one essay while on the treadmill!


i run to loose the baby weight from pregnancy #2.


Tweeted about the giveaway!! :)


I run to relieve the stress of my job and kids!!


I run …because I’m doing life. because I can. for everyone that can’t.


I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life. I run so that I can eat like a normal person and to get time to myself. I work out a lot of problems out there. I hurt my back a couple of years ago in a car accident and have struggled to stay with it ever since. Partly because it’s so hard to find comfortable shoes now!


I run because it makes me feel so good…challenges me, keeps me sane, etc. etc. etc.


I tweeted!!!


I run because it makes me feel strong, and I just feel SO good physically and mentally after running.


I run for stress relief and fitness!! It makes mr feel good!


I run (I use the word run loosely) to be healthy.


Oh my gosh I need new running shoes so bad but don’t know what to get. I would LOVE to win these! So cute and I need shoes to help with heel striking (have been thinking about getting Frees but haven’t yet).

1. I started running after watching my dad lose 30 pounds from it and become a total marathon junkie, and although I haven’t gotten to marathon (or even half marathon for that matter) status, I love the way I feel after I go running!
2. I will definitely blog about it now!


I run for fitness and fun :)


I run to stay sane :)


I run to eat…and to have that amazing crossing the finish line feeling.


I run to live, to eat and to see the sky everyday.


I run to feel freedom and to raise my energy vibration! :))


I shared and commented on FB and on your site! :)


I run to soak in beautiful weather, to relieve stress, and to feel great!


I run to soak up fresh air, to relieve stress, and to feel great!


I tweeted!


To get away from my kids! Haha, actually to clear my head and have some me time!


I run because I can.. and I run for those who can’t..

I’ve been running consistently for a little over a year now and I’ve never felt better! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is in my opinion the most important thing we can do for not only ourselves, but for those around us- friends, family etc.

My goal is to be a role model and to encourage those around me who are currently living sedentary/ not so healthy lifestyles in hopes that they too will someday give running a try..AND perhaps fall in love with it the way all of us have.. :)


I run because it gives me the chance to get out of the world and just think. About nothing…or everything… I think I love running because I know that when I’m running I am doing the absolute right thing and there’s no way I can make a wrong decision or fail while I’m running. If that makes any sense… =)


One of the main reasons I run is to clear my mind. I typically run early in the morning– it helps me find peace and start the day on the right foot.


I run because I like to challenge myself, and running does NOT come easily to me. It’s something I have to work at, which makes the accomplishment that much better.


I run because I can!! Long story but the short version > junior year of high school + bad car accident + spinal cord injury + partial paralyzation. All better now thanks to my fabulous doctors and therapists. Don’t want to take these legs for granted!


I run to take some time out for myself….it is great to escape from everything else and dedicate an hour to me. It is such a great stress relief!


I run because I’ve had knee surgery to fix my problem and have no excuse not to. I also need to relieve my stress from being a stay at home Mom with a husband in college who is gone all day with school and work and I never see him. I run because I think of those 20 pounds I need to lose so I can fit into my skinny girl clothes again!


I run to lose weight from just having a baby! Hope I grow to love running!


I run for my mental health!


I started running bc a boy broke my heart, but I now continue running because I am addicted to collecting medals… and endorphins!


I run to clear my mind, to think about whatever, to feel strong or fast, to win, to race myself, to race others, to eat copious amount of froyo, to get the race shirt, and I run for the endorphins. I simply love running.


I run b/c I love the challenge and the feeling of accomplishment. :)


I put your giveaway in my status!


I run for clarity…and, also, for skittles.


p to the s. i tweet, tweet, tweeted.


I run because my dog had too much energy when he was little…now it’s just a habit.


I run for the awesome feeling of completion! And to eat anything and everything….


I run for fun! And for my sanity, my health, to have goals, to get out of the house, and so that I can still look decent after popping out a bunch of kids. :)


I run because walking just feels so dang slow! ;) LOVE the wide toe box on those shoes!!!


I run b/c it keeps my mind straight and I love knowing my body is so powerful.



I run because its something I never thought I could do. Now I love it. Most of the time :)


stress relief!


I run because I love the feeling of accomplishment when I am finished running!


I run because it’s the only time I get to think!


And I tweeted about it here:!/jshira09/


The reason I run depends on the day. I run to clear my mind. I run because it is usually the only time I am not doing something for someone else. I run to lose weight. I run to feel strong. I could go on and on …


I run to stay healthy. :)


And I tweeted!


I run because it’s a part of who I am … and for the ability to eat a few more cupcakes, spoonfuls of nutella, peanut butter and fluff sandwiches, and reeces cups!


I run so I can feel like an athlete… and there’s nothing like being an athlete!


I run because I love it! Well, not every time. but I always love how I feel after a run!


I run because I love my husband and he loves running. Sharing his passion has brought us closer together.


I run to keep me in tip top condition, and keep those skinny jeans fitting!


I blogged about this! Check me outttt!


I run because it makes me happy and I am super competitive! I love to challenge myself to run my fastest(:


I run because it make me feel free, strong, and happy. I run because I’m blessed to be able to and I want to run the race for Christ. I run because I love ice cream. :)


I run to battle culture shock in this strange new land I inhabit: Hokkaido, Japan. It conveniently helps me orient myself as well and I’ve just discovered that running in the rain might be my new favorite activity :)

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