I have something very special to share with you today.

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I haven’t told you about my new love in life.

Altra’s INTUITION running shoe is absolutely incredible.

Besides the fact that they are the cutest running shoes I own (I know that isn’t supposed to matter but it does for me) these babies are made SPECIFICIALLY for women (don’t worry men, you can enter the giveaway for the men’s INSTINCT).

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A few of the reasons I am hooked on these babies:

1.  They are drop zero (the heel and the forefoot are the same height from the ground).  This helps to improve running technique = less running related injuries, um sign me up.   These shoes have been proven to reduce heel strike and help your posture and alignment.  (Please note that you should slowly build up your mileage in these because they are very different than your normal running shoe).

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2.  I feel cool in them.  I didn’t have to tell you that one.

3.  They have a wider toe box.  Finally, my toes are able to spread out naturally with each foot strike without having to go up to a size 34.  They are dang comfortable….be prepared to see me in these babies daily.  I wonder if my job will allow me to wear these as part of my professional dress, they would look great with a dress.  I think I counted and I have told BIlly that they are SO comfortable approximately 2,456,432 times.

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4.  They are made just for woman!  I took this from their website:

Female Specific Shoes: Ladies – Finally a shoe designed specifically for you! No more dealing with ‘shrink-it-and-pink-it’ shoes! Altra™’s Female specific lasts account for a Woman’s narrower heel, smaller instep, longer arch, and different metatarsal positioning. This unique fit allows your foot to be more girl than any other running shoe on the market.

These shoes were designed by accomplished/elite runners that really know there stuff – people that I trust and are in the business to help you become the best runner you can be!


How to ENTER giveaway for your own pair of Altra Running Shoes:  (Giveaway ends October 12th, 2011)

1. Tell me why you run.

2. Blog or tweet about this giveaway (please tell me in a separate comment if you did).

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I run to push myself and feel stronger!


i run because it is time for just myself!


I run to get back in shape. I have a long way to go but the perfect shoes will help me get there!


I run to stay in shape, clear my mind, and to have fun!


I run because it builds my confidence! Exercise should make you STRONG, not thin.


I tweeted about this giveaway :)


i run because it challenges me so much and gives me goals to work towards!


I run because it builds my confidence! Running should make you STRONG, not thin.


Therapy. I have 3 kids and it gives me sanity, makes me a better, more patient mother and wife.


Running is the best stress reliver! It’s also a great way to enjoy nature and the added benefit of smaller jeans! Oh, and the excuse to eat froyo….x10.


Consider it tweeted :-)


I run because it makes me feel strong! Every new distance I achieve makes me feel more and more like I can take the world on. I also run for stress relief and to stay healthy. Thanks so much for the giveaway chica!


I run because it makes me feel awesome. :)


I run because it’s cheaper than therapy.


I run to feel energized to relieve stress!


Too many reasons to count….I have 8 kids with # 9 on the way….that should be enough right there….it’s solo time that I don’t get any other way.


I Run to stay in shape, keep up with my competitive drive and most importantly deal with the stress of a career in sales. It keeps me sane!


I run because I love it. It makes me feel better in so many aspects of my life. I love running!! I would love these shoes too!!! :)


I run because it makes me feel good. Simple. :)


I tweeted! :) @tessaholshouser


I run because it is part of who I am! I run in minimal shoes because I want to run forever.


I run because it is a part of who I am. I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, but most importantly I am a runner! Plus, I lack coordination so running was the one sport I could do in high school, =)!


I run for a lot of reasons, obviously for my health, weight control, stress relief and all of the other benefits….but more than anything else, because I just love it!


“I like run because it’s a challenge. If you run hard, there’s the pain – and you’ve got to work your way through the pain. You know, lately it seems all you hear is? Don’t overdo it’ and? Don’t push yourself.’ Well, I think that’s a lot of bull. If you push the human body, it will respond.”
– Bob Clarke, Philadelphia Flyers general manager, NHL Hall of Fame.

That’s why :)
Come visit me in MA this weekend, OKAY?!


I run so I can eat what I want. New shoes will make me go further!!


I run for exercise! I slack off when I’m not training for a race, but I have a half marathon this weekend so I’ve been running often for a while.


I tweeted about it too!


I run to challenge myself!


I run, so I can eat what I want.


I enjoy being outside and the time alone to think about the day.


I run because it makes me feel free. It started as a way to lose weight. Now it’s a way to stay sane!


i run because it makes me feel so good!!


I run because after that first run I felt unstoppable. I run because I couldn’t have it any other way.



I run Because……
it makes me happy
I feel strong
and It gives me an excuse when people ask me why Im eating so many cupcakes!


Okay, I don’t have a chance to win, but I run to reach new limits! I love challenging myself and running is my method to do so! thanks for hosting this giveaway j!


Tweeting @blondeponytail


Tweeted @gabsbatist and tumblr it



I run for sanity. On those crazy days where everything is totally crazy and overwhelming, running keeps from spontaneously combusting (which would be gross for everyone invovled). :)


I run because it clears my mind…even when I am having the worst day ever! Running renews me.


I like how it makes me feel. refreshing in a way..


I run for me. It helps relieve my stress, lose weight, and pray. I love how I feel accomplished after a good run. I try to pray for at least part of every run. Running helps me feel I have done what I can to be with my kids as long as possible. When I check on my kids at night before going to bed, I want to know that I have done all I can to stay around as long as possible. Running helps me get healthy.


I run because I love being on the trail with my trees and canal next to me. It’s a slice of heaven!


I run because it is the time I can have ALLL to myself. :)


I run for shoes! Ask my running club….I LOVE shoes (and I really love running).


I run for me and me alone.


I run because it’s the only time of day for just me. I’m not at work or having to be a mommy, wife, sister, friend, etc., I can be alone and do something just for myself.


I run because of how it makes me feel: strong, liberated, healthy, and empowered.




I run because it makes me feel healthy and strong. I also enjoy mental benefits. It just makes me feel good.


I run to be with nature. When it’s too icy and cold to run outside, (Wisconsin) I run to keep my sanity.


I love your blog!! You seem so cute! I am a new reader/commenter. I love the idea that food is to be enjoyed in a GOOD way because it is FUEL for your body. Such a good way to look at it, I didn’t always see it like that either.

I RUN because it makes me feel ALIVE!


I run because my husband hates running and isn’t good at it and because I love to run!


Wisconsin runner here too!


Sorry…that comment was supposed to go under Emily’s comment.


I run because I love how I feel afterwards (mentally and physically) and enjoy training for races and having a goal. Also, I totally pulled a “Janae” this morning when I opted to stay for the shoulder and ab tracks at BodyPump in lieu of washing my hair :)


I run because it’s so peaceful to be out on the trails first thing in the morning when everyone else is still asleep. Great way to start the day. And it’s hard not to feel like a bad a** when your legs are covered in dirt and you finish a sprint to the top of a steep hill…even if you want to puke when you get there!!


I run for stress relief, and because it makes me feel so much better! It also means I don’t have to be a stickler about my diet. :)


Tweeted!! @cravetherun


I run because it’s my therapy!! Nothing can replace that runners high after a 5am run or the conversations I have in my head as I truck out those long miles. Running has become a way of life and I love it!


I LOVE running because it helps me think and gives me time to clean out my brain…


I tweeted it too!


I tweeted!


I live to run lol jk seriously I run because I just can=) Why not run?


I run because I counsel terminally ill children everyday, and it’s the only want I keep my insanity!


I run because it allows me to have on selfish act that is all about me! I’m running my first marathon in 4 days, and I cannot WAIT!


I have a question outside of the sweepstakes I have always been an avid runner so I am used to running. However i just moved to a very hilly area I mean its just all hill I was wondering if you have any tips about running hills for an entire run. I love long distant runs but i am worried that these hills are going to hinder my long runs=(. There are no flat areas its either up or down.


I run because I hate it. I run because I love that feeling of reaching that last mile and your feet are burning through the soles. I run for that instant gratification when your finished. I run to pass all of the people who are’t running. I run to forget all the issues in world and live in bliss for a short time. I run for spirituality to figure things out. I run to hear my heart beat fast and I run to hear the pounding on the ground.
But In saying all of that I just run, for me.


I run for mental and physical health. :)


I have just started running to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. I just had a baby ( umm 6 months ago) and want to be as strong and as healthy as I can for him! That is why I am starting to run!


I run because I LOVE it, I run for the runners high, I run to race!


I run for fitness and to clear my mind when need be!!! (Ah the joys of being an attorney!)


I run because there is no other feeling in the world quite like it. I feel like my mind and body connect with the earth around me as I move forward. Love it!

Great giveaway!! Thanks :) :)


I just blogged about the giveaway!


I run because I feel so strong and capable of ANYTHING once I’ve hit the trail. Those endorphins are no joke!


I run to feel good. I just had a baby 8 weeks ago, and I love having that time for myself. There’s nothing like hitting my runner’s high and getting energy so I can be a good mom.


I blogged about this awesome giveaway. You can read it here


I run because I can and because I love it! The feeling you get is like no other.


I run for many reasons. I run to test my bodies limits and to see what I can push myself to do. I love to race! I run as an outlet. It is a time during my day when I feel completely free from all worries, obligations, stress. I run for health. I run because I love it and it truly brings me joy :)


I run because it’s a wonderful excuse to own a lot of kickass shoes ;)


I run for the sense of accomplishment it always brings, to feel good about myself and what my body can do!!


I run because I need the exercise. I’m hoping to someday love running. I’m working on it. :)


I tweeted the giveaway! @fanatic_foodie


Running gives me a wonderful sense of accomplishment! Love it!


I run because it keeps me sane :)


I tweeted it.


I run to be fit and strong. I run so that I can live to be a zillion years old and embarass my kids until they are at least 100! I run because I LOVE IT!


I run for running’s sake: I just love to do it.


Annnnddddd I tweeted!


I’m running to get into shape! And I cannot find shoes that work! So I am crossing my fingers!


I run for my SANITY! Also for fitness and because I love it! I don’t know what I would do if I wasn’t always training for something!


Just tweeted!


I run because of the way it allows me to work both silly problems (what toppings should I put on my oatmeal?) and serious problems (where’s my life going?) out in my head :o)


Just tweeted the giveaway @melpeabody


Running is my time to reflect, relax and destress!


I run because it’s new to me and is a challenge. I love feeling improvement!


I run because it allows me to escape whatever is going on in my life at that time. It is “my” time and no one can take it away from me.


I recently started running. At first, I ran to get in shape, because that seemed like the right thing to do and my boyfriend is a runner. Then after it being terrible and extremely hard, I started to enjoy it. I could see improvement quickly (which is important so I would keep trying) and now run to relieve stress. Nothing better! :)


I tweeted about this giveaway! :)


I run because it gives me a sense of accomplishment!


I run for sanity. I run for fitness. I run to feel strong.


I run because I love the runner’s high! Having a bad day, go for a run! Plus, it gets me outside!


I am naturally a swimmer and have swam competetively since middle school. I am not getting into running and I love running because I love the feeling of the challenge it gives me that swimming does not. You don’t feel wind through you hair in the pool! :-)


I run because it makes me happy, it’s the greatest stress reliever ever, and because it is fun to reach my goals!! :)


And I tweeted about this! :) @kmarkham678


Are you serious? Another shoe giveaway! I run because it makes me so proud of myself. :)


I run b/c law school and now my career require stress release! It’s the best and most positive way to de-stress I can think of.


I run because I can…so many people can’t. I’m taking advantage of my healthy body :)


Running makes me a better person to be around : ) free therapy, time to think about the day, plan how I will handle situations and organize my thoughts!


Cute sneaks! I run primarily for stress relief and the feeling of accomplishment I get post-run!


I run because it makes me feel GREAT!!!


I run for pure, uninterrupted ME time… and a sexy bum and legs :p


I run b/c I can eat afterwards!
(Those mountains are gorgeous in the background!)


I run to challenge my body and help build strong lungs so I don’t have to rely on an inhaler all the time! Asthma won’t keep me down!


I run because it makes me feel so awesome! Like I have really done something gooood… Love the endorphins.





I run for the endorphins and the thinking time :)


I started running because it gave me something to do with my daughter. I keep running because I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I am finished.


Running is a great way for me to relieve stress and get a great workout!


Love the shoes! I run because it’s the one time of the day that it is ‘all about me’…even if I have the little one in the jogging stroller;-) It’s my escape!


There ain’t nothing wrong with getting a pair of running shoes because they are cute. I may or may not have paid way too much money for a pair of shoes that weren’t right for my feet because they were pink.
P.S> I blogged about the giveaway.


I started running as a replacement for boot camp classes. But, after a while, I started running for ME. I run because it helps de-stress, I run because it makes me feel strong, I run for the constant challenge of it, I run because I like carbs, and I run because I CAN. :)


I run because it makes me a better person in so many ways!


I run because it is good fitness cross training for rowing. It is a much more enjoyable way to build endurance other than the rowing machine.


I run as a way to relieve stress, because it makes me feel good, and because it allows me to eat extra dessert :)


i run b/c i’m addicted. low mileage but i can’t stop. just being honest.


tweeted! (@thebalancedbean)


I run because I love the feel good endorphins it gives me
Awesome Giveaway!


I run because it’s a stress releaser!


I run to challenge myself!


Whoa that’s a lot of comments! I WANT TO WIN SO BAD! I run to stay sane! And eating more is a plus too.


I am a Mom to three young kids….4, 2 and 5 months. Running is one of the few things these days that I do for just ME. I spend all day, every day taking care of my family, so you had better believe that when I hit the pavement I switch off Momma-mode and turn on “Think I’m A Way Better Runner Than I Am”-mode. I don’t care that I’m slow, that I can’t make it as far as I’d like (yet) or that I don’t look real pretty doing it. I’m getting some ME time….doing something for ME. And that makes me happy.


I mentioned your giveaway on my little blog :)


I run because it makes me happy!


Why do I run?! Well I started running when I quit smoking as an alternative, but now I run because I love it and I love how I feel when I am done!


I run because I can. I did not start until the tender age of 39 and did my first half marathon at 40. It has helped me lose 100 pounds and find out how strong I really am.


I run for several reasons: 1) I have an insane sweet tooth! 2) it makes me feel less crazed and stressed and 3) I like thinking that I am a total BAMF as I run!


I run to get some “me” time and stress relief, primarily, and it just plain makes me feel better to do it. Runner’s high, it exists, who knew? It also wakes me up first thing in the morning, gets me some fresh air and exercise, so I can eat more. I love to eat.

The math geek/type A side of me really likes setting goals and watching the miles rack up and looking at my stats, such as they are. No matter what the rest of the day brings, I can at least come into the office secure in the knowledge that my short legs and I already conquered three to six miles.

And the less type A side feels there’s nothing quite like catching a really beautiful sunrise when you’re finishing up an early run or at least just enjoying the scenery in the park.


I run because it makes me feel good. Simple answer but true.


I run for the great feeling afterwards! And also, now that it is cooler, to get some fresh air in my day!


I continue to run for a different reason than the reason I first began running. I started to lose wait but I continue to run because I was once told it is the most effective way to battle mood disorders. I find it helps me with my anxiety and depression far better than any pill ever did!


I run so I can stay in shape. It gives me energy in the morning and it make me feel like I dont something for me. So momma is happy.


I run because I love it & it gives me some time to myself. I also love doing something that most people think is crazy. Who runs for fun…. ME :)


I run because it gives me a chance to clear my head. I have an emotionally demanding job, and I need some time to clear my head so I can focus on my family instead of bringing work home!



i run because running makes me feel AWESOME!


I run to take time for myself and clear my head. Oh and it’s my favorite form of exercise.


I run because I love it, it gives me a sense of accomplishment, and it is my passion!


I run to stay fit. :)


I tweeted:!/collifornia/status/121769660348768256


I run for ME time. As a mom of two littles, it’s my time to do something just for me.


i run mostly for mental clarity, time to myself, sweaty endorphins, and brownies/cookies/frosting!
these shoes look awesome…i’m battling a few injuries right now, and wondering if its posture, stride, foot strike?! i’ve been taking it easy the past few days in hopes to heal fast, but miss my running highs. will be looking into these shoes though; cute and functional!


I run because it is one of those things where you can truly see the progress you’ve made. It isn’t always easy, and it isn’t always challenging, but it is always there. You can run anywhere and all you need are shoes. :)


Woo hoo! I run for sanity and vanity. It makes me feel strong, confident and awesome when I get a good run on!

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