I have something very special to share with you today.

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I haven’t told you about my new love in life.

Altra’s INTUITION running shoe is absolutely incredible.

Besides the fact that they are the cutest running shoes I own (I know that isn’t supposed to matter but it does for me) these babies are made SPECIFICIALLY for women (don’t worry men, you can enter the giveaway for the men’s INSTINCT).

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A few of the reasons I am hooked on these babies:

1.  They are drop zero (the heel and the forefoot are the same height from the ground).  This helps to improve running technique = less running related injuries, um sign me up.   These shoes have been proven to reduce heel strike and help your posture and alignment.  (Please note that you should slowly build up your mileage in these because they are very different than your normal running shoe).

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2.  I feel cool in them.  I didn’t have to tell you that one.

3.  They have a wider toe box.  Finally, my toes are able to spread out naturally with each foot strike without having to go up to a size 34.  They are dang comfortable….be prepared to see me in these babies daily.  I wonder if my job will allow me to wear these as part of my professional dress, they would look great with a dress.  I think I counted and I have told BIlly that they are SO comfortable approximately 2,456,432 times.

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4.  They are made just for woman!  I took this from their website:

Female Specific Shoes: Ladies – Finally a shoe designed specifically for you! No more dealing with ‘shrink-it-and-pink-it’ shoes! Altra™’s Female specific lasts account for a Woman’s narrower heel, smaller instep, longer arch, and different metatarsal positioning. This unique fit allows your foot to be more girl than any other running shoe on the market.

These shoes were designed by accomplished/elite runners that really know there stuff – people that I trust and are in the business to help you become the best runner you can be!


How to ENTER giveaway for your own pair of Altra Running Shoes:  (Giveaway ends October 12th, 2011)

1. Tell me why you run.

2. Blog or tweet about this giveaway (please tell me in a separate comment if you did).

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I run because it makes me happy!

I blogged about this on my blog


I just started running to help lose the weight I put on during pregnancy.


Why I run:

My job is stressful and I work even when I am not at work. Running is ME time. I can think, clear my head, work up a sweat, etc. ALSO, I am not a “natural” runner. I love the fact that if I put my mind to it…I can do it. One foot in front of the other. Just keep running. I still cry every time I cross a finish line because I feel strong and totally impressed with myself!


I run because it is one of the only times I feel totally free, is great “me” time, and allows me to either zone out or take time to reflect! Hopefully I will be able run again soon :( Great giveaway!!!


I tweeted!


I love to run because its a great stress releaser and a time to be just by myself!


tweeted (@LaughOutLilly)


I run because I can! I mean seriously who can wake up in the morning and decide to run 10 miles just because they can? Not everyone that’s for sure. Its a great sense of accomplishment.


I run for a lot of reasons: to stay fit, to get out of the house, and to relax. Running keeps me sane!


Hmmm…didn’t post.

I run because it makes me feel strong!


I tweeted.


I have a desk job, so I run to stay in shape, destress and keep my sanity!


I run because I love the incredible feeling it gives!!!


I run because it reminds me of how strong I am as a woman! It’s extremely empowering and rewarding, all while getting me in shape and being able to enjoy myself (especially on trail runs :)).


just posted to my blog ;-) CUTE shoes!


i love running because it helps me clear my mind at the end of the work day, its really great for my overall health and fitness, and i get to spend some quality time with my pooches (ie my running buddies).


tweeted (@hungry4living)


Why do I run? I run because I can’t imagine life without it. I run to celebrate the healthy body God gave me, I run to maintain peace of mind, I run to feel accomplished and fit, I run in an effort to keep my heart and insides healthy so that I can be with my loved ones for as long as possible, and I run because it is FUN and it is my PASSION! :)


I tweeted!!! :)


I am running to make it through the Seattle Marathon next month. This year, I am finishing my first races of 10K, Half, 5K, then the marathon. yay!


I tweeted!


I could use some new shoes.. the hubs won’t let me buy new ones till christmas.. boo. I love to run because I crave that high I get after a long run! I just posted about all the reasons I run on my blog! ;)


I run because I have a place in the 2012 London Marathon, and also because I love it again :-)


I run for stress RELIEF!! Its amazing how much better i feel after a nice run. it helps me re-group and re energize. running is also my “me” time – which i need from time to time!




Tweeted it too!


Like everyone else, I run for stress relief. It’s also nice to get outside, be alone, clear my head. My boyfriend runs too, so I took up the hobby so we would have another physical activity to do together. ;)


I tweeted about the giveaway!


I run because it makes me feel strong and happy. :)


I run because it makes me ME!


i run to test (and break) my boundaries and to relieve stress :)


I run because it’s hard!!! It is my ultimate challenge, so I know accomplishing any run is hard-earned growth. :)


I run because I love the feeling of walking out the door on a beautiful morning like today, to watch the sun rise over the mountain and to continue challenging myself on a daily basis.

Also, because I need to keep myself sane and I love to eat ;)


I run because it’s the closest I can get to flying. And so I can wear cute shoes. (just kidding, that’s a joke. I personally don’t think ANY running shoes are cute.)

pllleaaase, random number generator….pick me! me!


I run because it makes me feel good. I can have the worst day ever and get home from work, leash up my dog and go for a long run to clear my head. It sets me free from all the negativity in the world.


I run because it is something that I never was good at when I was little. So many of the people I went to High school with who were athletes are not, umm…to put this lightly, not so much athletes anymore. I am making it my mission to not be that way AND to be a good example to my 2 girls. They both tell me to have a good run and my 4.5 year old LOVES to run and has run 1 race and can’t wait to race more!


tweeted here!/ihatetreadmill


I run so I can eat…… ;)


I used to run to keep myself in shape and because the Navy told me I had too. Now I run because it makes me happy :)


I run because it makes me feel like a stronger person…physically and mentally! Being in college, sometimes it’s the only time I have to myself and I love every minute of it!


I run because it makes me feel good, inside and out! Aaaaand because it is a great way to reduce stress :)


I run to clear my head and sometimes when you are pushing yourself really hard to finish, you can’t tell the tears from the sweat. Running never gives up on me, its always there just in case. Running is a good excuse to get from Point A to Point B and be allowed to wear shorts and a mismatch tee shirt. I also run so I can eat lots of carbs (more potatoes please!)!


I first ran to lose weight. Now I run to get faster!


I run to feel accomplished and healthy!!…but I can’t right now because of… a running related injury! Looks like I need me some new shoes :)


I tweeted your giveaway:)


I run because of the rush that I get by going fast on my own power. I’ve done other endurance sports like biking and swimming, but neither gives me the same thrill. Thanks for the giveaway!


I run for the sense of achievement. I love setting goals for each run, pushing myself (read: hating & cussing at myself), and then feeling awesome afterward for doing my best :)


So I started running to tone up but in the end I just enjoy that it gives structure to my life. It helps me keep what’s important and take out what isn’t, on pretty much all levels.


I also shared via twitter


I added your giveaway to my blog:)


I run to surprise myself each day with what I can accomplish.


I just blogged about it!


There are a ton of reasons that I run, the main one is for me! I do it to stay healthy, sane and fit.


I run because I can!!!!


I just shared the giveaway on my blog


I run for relaxation, reflection, and “me” time. I always feel more at ease and calm after a run.


I run because I love that unstoppable feeling I get on mile 2!


I started running to deal with stress and grief after my mother’s death. I kept running because it makes me feel happy and strong!


I run to escape, breathe, and find myself


I tweeted the shoe giveaway. Good luck to me!


Running is like a girls night out for me, its like therapy! Also I want to be healthy and get fit!


I wrote a blog post about the giveaway, here it is:


So many reasons… therapy, the “high” happy feeling I get, it gives me something to be proud of/sense of accomplishment, time to think, it makes me feel strong.


I run because of the way it makes me feel. I absolutely love it:)


I tweeted!!! :D


I run because it’s freeing, empowering and altogether enjoyable : )


I run for my kids to show them how much fun fitness can be :)


Stress relief! I started after my second baby was born. It is the most efficient way to get in shape but I messed up my rear end by running on the same side of the street for 10 years and am still on recovery. Perhaps new shoes would help!


i run because it helps me build my endurance. & because I hope to get runner’s high one day!


I don’t blog or tweet ( I know, I’m a loser…) but I do run which makes me a winner!
Why do I run? Because it makes me a better person, wife, mother, nurse, daughter, friend and over all human being! I run to make me a diva. I run to for better health. I run to be FABULOUS! Please enter me in your sneaker giveaway! I promise to rock these new sneaks if won!


I run to feel good about myself and my abilities!

Reply I blogged it!!


Oh yeah. I want these babies!

I run because it brings me so much pleasure. Plain and simple!


Off to tweet!


I run because it makes me feel alive, gives me time to think, relieves my stress, and truly makes me happy! This giveaway is INCREDIBLE – I need a wide toe box, love minimalist running shoes (and have built my mileage up in them) and haven’t had a new running shoe in ages (except my Vibrams)…thanks a ton!


I run because I enjoy it, it makes me feel healthy, makes me happy, and makes me feel alive :)


Also, just sent a tweet out (@bonnielang) …what a great giveaway! Thanks Janae!


I run because it’s great exercise and my husband likes it too. I am just a beginner, but I’m doing something I never thought I would be doing and that makes me feel good.


I love running because it is free and has no monthly fee! Haha. No really, it is the most simple form of working out and anyone can do it. I like simple!

Get Up & Go


I run because I enjoy it, it makes me feel healthy, it makes me happy, and it makes me feel alive :)


I run because to take breaks from studying! And I LOVE it


I am reposting your give away on my blog and FB!

Get Up & Go


whoops… got an error message and actually ended up posting… sorry about that… I also posted your giveaway on my blog :)


I run because it makes me feel invincible.


I tweeted about your giveaway here:!/denisedoeslife/status/121652520434155520


I run for me. Running makes me happy and feel free :)


I run for “me time” & to keep myself sane with stress from work/life, etc. :) Plus knowing that I am doing something that is good for my health is always a plus.


Tweeted about the giveaway @larawiltshire


I run for stress relief and to satisfy my endorphin addiction!


I run for me! A) It keeps me strong and healthy. B) It’s a stress reliever for me and a chance to escape from reality. C) It helps improve my self esteem, I have used running to get through hard times in my life. I love it! :)


I run because I love my new Garmin!


Hello Beautiful. I run to be more like YOU. :) I also run because it is free entertainment (for those who see me) and free exercise for me. No $40 gym pass required. :)


I blogged about the giveaway here… I THINK I SHOULD PROBABLY WIN. My huge bunionated toes need these wider toe boxes!! PLEASE!! Help a size 10 footed sista out! ;)


I run to keep me sane and healthy!


Great giveaway! I run to clear my head. I don’t run with music and I try to enjoy the scenary even if it’s just neighborhoods. I try to plan out my day during my runs since it’s my only time to myself – no screaming kids! Thanks for your awesome posts!


I run to keep me sane and also in shape!


I found out a year ago this month that I can’t have any children of my own. Up to this point, I had been putting off losing weight because I thought that getting pregnant would just wreck my body anyway and that it would be a waste of my time to loose weight beforehand. Since getting this life-altering news I have joined a gym and am working on C25K for the second time (first time resulted in a knee injury). So that’s why I run, to move forward, grieve in my own way, and loose the baby weight that I will never have.


I run so I can outrun my lazy friends when the zombie apocalypse happens.


I run for my sanity and for the fun!


Two things:

1. I spelled lose wrong in my last post every time I used the word…awesome
2. I tweeted about your giveaway (


I run because it’s “me time” and I love how it makes me feel. I have two baby girls and that keeps me very busy, so I need my running time to unwind.


I run because it leaves me with a feeling of accomplishment no other physical activity provides!


i run for so many reasons – for exercise, for sanity, for me time, for fitness…and i love it!


i run for my sanity and to be a better person to others. it helps me focus and brings out more positive energy. there’s no problem i can’t solve when running :)


I run because it makes me feel like a better person & I can eat everything I want!


I usually joke that I run because it justifies my relaxed wardrobe, but really (lately at least) I run because it frees me. It’s the only time I don’t have to worry or stress about what comes next. It’s just me and the road.




I run to see how far I can push myself, for fun, and to alleviate stress!!


I just tweeted


I run for HEALTH! I began running about 2 years ago after a family member was diagnosed with cancer. While exercise of course doesn’t prevent cancer, I wanted to improve my overall health both for myself and for my family.


I run to enjoy life! — for the long haul.


I’m trying to start running because I hear so many great things about it. These shoes would be a great start!


I run for some “me” time! :D
I love those shoes!


At first I ran to maintain my weight and though that still is one of the perks, the main reason I run is how it makes me feel mentally. It makes me feel great all day long and even though its hard to get my butt on the treadmill every morning, its the best way to start my day. My family can usually tell when I haven’t run for a few days, cause I start to get cranky!


I run because it’s joyous to continue to do things I previously thought my body wasn’t capable of (like run a 1:30 half marathon) and for the lifelong friendships I have gained with my teammates/running partners!


I run to clear my head. It’s my time out of the day to forget about everything I have to do and just escape for a little while. :)


I run for the high, and it’s cheaper than therapy!


I run to prove everyone wrong! I am not a natural athlete, but I try!!


I tweeted!!


I definitely run for the challenge…especially taking on marathons or ultras….I run to get out of life for a while , and I run to stay fit for my kids and to set a good example for them on determination, not giving up and taking hold of God’s blessings in our lives! :)


When I run, it’s the only time of day when I can relieve stress, clear my head, and just enjoy the beauty around me!


i definitely run for the challenge, especially when taking on marathons or ultras… i run to get out of life for a while and I run to stay fit for my kids and set a good example of determination, not giving up and taking advantage of God’s blessings in our lives! :)


I run because it helps control stress, empowers me, gets me focused and centered for the day, allows “me time”, and gives me a calm place for praying every morning. The fact that I don’t really have to worry about what I eat is also kind of nice… haha.


i run because i love it. and it keeps me fit


I tweeted about the giveaway


for a burst of energy and uplift that you need some days.


I run to stay sane and thin! When I’m having a horrible day I run the stress away :)


i run for cardio and stress relief!


I run for ME. To accomplish something, to feel good about myself, to set an example for my kids.


I run because my oldest sister was (and still is!) a fantastic track and field athlete. She ran for Penn State and then she started running marathons. Just like any good little sister, I copy everything she does!


I run to help me be a happier, more patient, and energetic mom/wife!


I run for a million reasons but here are a few :) Stress reduction, endorphin addiction, fitness, health, fun, to explore new areas, to see neighborhoods in different ways, to be active with my bf, to get medals in races :) The list goes on and on!


I just tweeted about your giveaway!


I run to stay fit, stay sane, and do races with my dad!


I run for myself. I run because it gives me confidence in myself. I run because it helps me deal with all the stress of life. I run because I care about my *health*. I run because through so many unexpected ways it has brought me happiness. I am not the best runner, nor the fastest runner, but each time I run I am the best runner I can be and that’s what matters :)

Wow I just got all weirdly mushy…

What would be funny to note is that 4 years ago I would not spend serious money on an athletic shoe nor wear them anywhere outside of the gym… now I own three pairs but am still trying different brands to see which one works best for me :)


I rarely sit down at work during the day (I’m also a teacher)! So, ironically, I run to spend even more time on feet, but it’s time that I get to zone out and forget about the rest of the crazy day!


tweeted. :)


I run cause it’s fun and like to rhyme all the time. ;-)


I run because it makes me a better mom….


I run for my sanity!


I run because I respect what my Heavenly Father gave me, and because I want to stay healthy enough to keep up with my kids and be active with them.


Such Cute shoes!! I have been looking for a comfortable running shoe! I run because it helps me re-focus and makes me stress less!


I run mostly because I like to eat. And also, it makes me feel strong. But FINALLY I run because it’s probably the only place and time where my mind stops thinking and it’s “me time”


I run to feel powerful :)

Those shoes are so beautiful!!


I run to stay sane >8D It gives me something consistent everyday (or six days a week) when everything else might be messed up.


I run to keep me happy, sane, healthy, trim, less stressed, a better wife, and better mother to my two kiddos. Because of all the reasons stated above I LOVE to run! :)


*blogged* :)


I run for fitness, and happiness with my body


I run for my boxer dog ! He loves/needs it just as much as I do.


I run because I love the feeling of being free and not having to prove myself to anyone. Definitely a de-stressor, but also my favorite way to get time outside!

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