Let’s talk about yesterdays run shall we.

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My sister looks asleep and I could only muster up a half smile.  She told me to crop out her feet but I am too lazy to do such a thing as I am sprawled out on the couch babysitting my neices as they are watching Arthur talk about Biotic Bunny, yep I definitely still enjoy watching cartoons.

Usually the sis and I talk for the majority of our runs but yesterday we said a total of 8 sentences……consisting of me telling my sister to slow down or telling her that I feel like my body is about to blow up any second (no pain injury-wise just really tired).

I am thankful to be running again but dang….getting back in running shape is hard to do.

I couldn’t help but compare myself to my old fitness level and get really frustrated with myself.

I am really missing my old awesome form….either my arm swing is really good, I was trying to show Billy my sexy elbow or I was getting swedish fish out of my sports bra to eat.

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Why was a run that used to be considered in my weird brain to be an EASY run feel like it was the toughest thing in the world?  This was both of our longest run since last march so at least we were both feeling like death…misery loves company.

I don’t think I would have finished without her and she said the same thing!

All you newish runners…..I am right there with youl running is tough work but let’s stick with it okay:)

Running is hard.  It feels awesome afterwards and once you build up a great base it feels a lot better but getting there is another story.  It just gets easier right?


Anyone want to share if they think running is ridiculously HARD…..come on, help the sis and I feel a little more normal:)

Do you compare yourself to previous fitness levels?  How do you avoid doing this?

I am in charge of dessert tonight for family dinner….WHAT SHOULD I MAKE?!?!

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How far was the run?

No matter what the distance, be proud of yourself and your sis for completing it. I’ve torn myself up over losing form too, but all we can do is be the best person we can, ‘be’ being a present term. It’s futile attempting to be the best person we ‘were’ because…well, time travel ain’t possible (duh, I know) Transcending old achievements when you’re as good a runner as you were, and can be again, is tough. When you start so close to the top, there isn’t very far to go in terms of improvement. It might be hard, but I know you have the dedication and drive to find your happy-place with running once again.




HEY YOU!! 12 miles:) You are so right about being in the PRESENT!! Wait, we can’t go back in time…dang it! Girl, I am proud of you for how you are still kicking trash after such an awful injury!


Aww, shucks. Thank you – I don’t know about kicking anything though, as I still have days where the injuries like to remind me that they’re not quite ‘right’.

Twelve miles? That’s great! I thought you were going to say like, 8 or 9? You definitely have a shot at NYC if you can run that far without pain. Tiredness after a long layoff is normal (I should know lol) – rest up and I am sure the next run will be a strong one <3

P.S It seems a lot of people can read my blog in Firefox when it freezes other browsers, so if you did want to read then I think that's the solution. I don't expect you to waste time on my blog changing browsers though!


Running is so, so HARD!! Some days worse than others but hard always!! Bt the awesome thing is the pride that comes from getting up and doing it knowing its so hard. If it was easy everyone would but its not and it takes a pretty kick ass person to power through!!


I love thinking about that….everyone would do it if it was easy. Lets take pride in it:) Thanks Samantha!


YOU are amazing Janae, not me!! Getting back out there after injury and powering through is SO HARD but you are doing it and you will be back to your old form and EVEN BETTER before long :) <3


P.S. For dessert I say chocolate chip cookie cake. I had it for the first time yesterday and it was to DIE FOR!! :D


That sounds amazing!! Thanks girl, I know you know exactly what I am talking about!


Did you run St. George? After having a baby and going out for a run I realized how bad it sucks getting back in shape! I bet you did awesome! It was a hot day :)


No, we just did 12! I bet after having a baby it is crazy hard to get back in shape! You are my hero!


Wow! That mention to Arthur and Bionic Bunny really set me back! Haha :)


I love how you mentioned this! I watch Arthur almost everyday!


BAHAHAH We are on the 8th episode in a row…my niece is sick and this is all she wants to watch:)


Here is a link for an awesomely moist chocolate chip cake. I use 1/2 cup of applesauce instead of the 1/2 cup of oil which makes it melt in your mouth even more! http://allrecipes.com/recipe/chocolate-chip-snack-cake-2/detail.aspx


JENNY!! Thank you so much, I am drooling! That looks incredible!


I have been out running regular weekly milage now since late July due to my Achillies. About a month ago I tried vamping up my milage again and it started to act up, but man were those miles tough! I am looking forward to running again, but not looking forward to how hard it is going to be to get back into shape. Although, I have heard your body remembers your exercise levels pretty quickly.


NOOOOOOO!!! I am bummed about your achilles and praying it heals completely asap! You are right about our body remembering…I just hope it starts remembering fast:)


Great job getting out there!! Is your sister usually super speedy like you?

Running used to be so much easier for me, I would go out and kill a 20 mile run but I recently took 2 months off when I first found out I was pregnant, and now at 4 months pregnant, I ran 2.5 very slow miles Friday and I was DYING…it takes a long time to build back up to being in great running shape. Unfortunately, I won’t be doing that until after this baby is born, but I look forward to reading about your journey and racing success to come, you will be back at it in now time!!


CONGRATULATIONS ON THE PREGNANCY!! That is so so exciting. 2.5 miles is awesome but I totally understand how the time off makes it feel so hard! You will be back after the baby and have the cutest little baby to push along in the stroller as you get back to your kick butt self!


I was just going to post pretty much the same thing. I’m 29 weeks and still trying to run like I did before. Stupid! Today was 11 miles in a cold rain and I swear it was the hardest run I’ve ever done. That said I’ve already told my eldest I’ll run 5k with her on Tuesday and I’ve got my four runs all planned out for the week so… it can’t be that bad, right?

Stick with it Sara, even if it’s only to make me feel a little less crazy ;)


Running fitness is hard to build up to! It’s easy to compare my current running to previous distances or speeds, but it doesn’t really help. It’s much better to look at improvements in current running instead of getting frustrated that you can’t run 5 miles when it used to be so easy.


You are right…comparing doesn’t help but CELEBRATING the improvements does! Thanks Lauren!


Running is hard for you?! Oh that is so good to hear. I thought my body was malfunctioning because I don’t really love it all the time!! How long is it supposed to take to get a good base under your belt? And what does that really mean mileage wise?? I’m glad you are back at it! You deserve to use those beautiful healthy legs again out on the pavement!!


BAHAHA! No way, our bodies are normal. I don’t know how long it takes to get a good base but for ME it was when I hit about 40 mpw comfortably and then starting building up from there! Thank you for your sweet words, you are the best!


Thank you Brit for that comment and Janae for that reply! I totally thought running MUST be somewhat easier for you, since you rock! This totally felt better, and your comment about a “base” makes so much sense to me now too. I’ve just gotta keep working at it =)


You will get back there, it’s just going to take some time! Getting back into any kind of shape is hard, whether it’s running, biking, lifting, etc. Stick it out, stay positive, and you will be running sub 3:00 in no time ;)

I say you make either a chocolate chip cookie cake (like Emma suggested) or just plain old chocolate chip cookies. Then eat them warm right out of the oven with your favourite ice cream! Yum! That combo never disappoints :D


THANKS GIRL!! You are so right…any kind of shape is killer. Okay, you look adorable in the compression shorts. I wanted to enter your giveaway but then decided I probably shouldn’t ha!


Running IS hard! I wound up giving up on it this year – now I get schweaty by biking or doing the stair-climber or cross-trainer at the gym. Still, it is SO inspiring to see you working to reclaim your love – you are a brave knight and running is the princess in the tower.
GO Janae!


Girl, I am so happy that you have found what works for YOU when it comes to working out. Can we go biking together someday?


Yes, please :) I live in Canada though, is that a problem?? :P


Um…running IS TOTALLY HARD. Seriously…and why are some days so much easier than others? A few weeks ago I ran 7 miles and felt really good, and then last week I tried to run 2 miles and I felt like I could barely make it. And you should totally make something chocolatey for dessert :D.


Isn’t that crazy how week to week it can all change so much! Chocolate is always a good idea!


You’ll totally get back into your old running shape – bodies are so smart and transformable!!
I’ve questioned my ability to get back to “old fitness form” with every pregnancy, and have been lucky to get EVEN STRONGER afterwards! Only by God’s great grace!


I love watching the videos of you because girl you are INCREDIBLY STRONG and SO SO FIT!! Bodies are smart…I love that you said that!


My long run this weekend was CRAZY hard, I felt like I was dying the whole time and it wasn’t even a long long run because I’m in taper. I hope that doesn’t mean bad things for the marathon!


Girl, I remember two weeks before my marathon my long run felt like death and it was something like 12 miles or something, I questioned everything about my training but DON’T WORRY….I think that is normal and it is better to have a bad training run and awesome marathon than an awesome training run and bad marathon…you just got the bad run out of the way!


Today I ran a half marathon, a distance I’ve done so many times in training and had no problems with. Today, however, was hard! My booty totally got kicked. I felt incredibly out of shape and really struggled to even breathe normally. It’s funny how running can be like that sometimes.


Everyone has those days, no matter what fitness level! After those though runs I always feel proud that I ran and stuck with it. Great job to you and your sister!!!
Ice cream sundae bar??? Those are always great! :)


Running is hard, but I think the hard is what makes it feel so good when you’re done. If it felt hard, that means you truly challenged your mind and body.

I vote anything Pumpkin flavored for dessert; totally in an Autumn mood with the weather here!


Running IS hard! Especially when you starting (or starting over again). Great job to you and your sister for getting in a longer run after so long.
Fitness level comparisons? A few months ago I was up to 60 push-ups in a row! And now I can do maybe 15, tops! Pretty discouraging but I have to keep working back up to it!


I just remind myself that where I was and where I am are not where I want to go… and that it all will get me to that place. All I can do is what I can do.

You’ll get it all back and then some :)


I just started running 5 weeks ago after taking a year off with a broken foot (I broke it three times with 3 surgeries). I am doing the Run Less Run Faster plan, which I highly recommend. At first it was incredibly frustrating, because all I did was compare myself to what I used to be able to do. But, 5 weeks later, I ran 12 miles today at a decent enough clip and felt as if I could have done 15. Now that I have 5 weeks under my belt I can compare myself to 5 weeks ago and the progress makes me feel good. So hang in there!


sounds like you are doing amazing!!!! congrats


Not comparing old fitness levels is HARD. I always give myself a focus that is better this time than last so that when I do the fitness comparison I can always say,”but this time………”

and remember everyone has the dang this is hard day. Last weeks long run felt amazing from start to finish, this weeks i just had to focus on 15 minute incraments….cause thinking about the whole thing at once seemed too much.

Happy sunday. Dessert:carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. had me a biggie piece of that today. delish.


Running is freaky hard sometimes. I have to work really hard at it. Yesterday I almost quit entirely. I was supposed to do 20 miles but called for a ride at 17. My body just hurt. Even my hips hurt which has never happened before. Not sure how much is mental. But next Saturday I’ll ake up before the sun and I’ll be back at it again. I may have to crawl across the finish line but I will cross it.


before baby I was super strong in my upper body and now I am so weak. I always feel defeated, I don’t know how I would cope if I was like you w running! I already get down on myself if my last run wasn’t as fast as my previous. But I usually just try to remember why I started to run – to get rid of stress and feel free, with some time alone. So why stress??

Running is hard all the time, that;s why I love it. You can always challenge yourself further :D

PS: you should be proud of yourself ….and so should Billy ;)

PPS: thanks for bringing some colours back for my add attention span :) I appreciate it xoxoxox


Running is HARD. I totally feel proud of myself whether I run for .10 miles or 1 mile. Great comeback for you! You and your sister are lucky to have each other :).


Oh my gosh…some days runs are soooo hard! I don’t usually go that far, and unless I’m training for something, usually cap out at 6 miles or so, but there are days when that’s unbearable. Today was one of those for me too. I had a soccer game yesterday, and felt like I could hardly walk this a.m. I thought running would help me “shake out my legs”…WRONG…I did 2.5 miles, came back to change sneakers, did another 1.5, and can barely walk now. Still proud I did something, but you’re absolutely right; no matter what shape you’re in, it’s hard in some way or another.


I always compare prior, present, future fitness levels of myself… and then after I’m always just HAPPY I can run. But I feel you girl… it’s so EASY to get frustrated with yourself, but have the best advice and motivation to others’ confidence levels. Why do we beat ourselves up!?

I could totally go for some kind of peanutbutter chocolate related dessert… :)


Running is super hard. I try to stay in 1/2 marathon race shape at all times since it is so difficult to build up the mileage if I don’t stay in that shape. However, I am training for my first marathon and am definitely feeling the toughness. Keep it up, you know it will get easier eventually! Congratulations on the run though!!!!


My running feels all over the place. I’m training for another half. Last weeks 9 miles was great and I had that Runner’s high. Yesterday 6 miler was awful: hot, feet hurt, and not into it! Hang in there.


Lets be honest with ourselves, running is always kind of hard, even when you have a good base going on. You struggle with speedwork and sometimes even the easier runs can seem hard. It takes a bit to build the base up but of course, it will begin to feel easier. Before you know it, you will have those runs that leave you feeling amazing :)

I always think, the beauty of exercise is that the journey never truly ends…you are always evolving. Dont think of it as a loss in fitness level in running…think of it as a gain in fitness level in elliptical, in swimming, in spinning, in stairmaster…etc. Think of yourself as an incredibly well rounded individual!

Seriously, i am so excited for you to be running again. thats absolutely amazing and i’m incredibly happyface! :)


I think running is hard even after a few days of non-running. Seriously. I havent ran in a couple days and I feel like tomorrow will be difficult. BUT you know after you’re done you feel like a million dollars!

xoxo from Trinidad


oh man, i always say that coming back after an injury or break is H-E-double hockey sticks!! but the hump lasts only about 2 weeks where at least the easy runs start to feel more manageable. workouts take longer, and i’m in the same kinda boat. i’m trying to get my workouts faster, and i did a fartlek today with a friend that was a cold slap of reality. i’m just grateful that i didn’t know the exact pace and went off of effort. fartleks help a lot with the comparing urself to ur past self.

great job to u and the sis, and u know u’ll be feeling better on those runs soon. :)


have the same as meee!!! poached pears with chocolate sauce, whipped cream and cherry/raisin sprinkles :-)


my first run after only 4 weeks felt like I lost a lung, but honestly those are the most rewarding post-run…you contemplate why you are out there but once your done, You realize how strong you are to push through it…you will be back to running shape like you remember sooner than you think!


When I first started running a friend told me that it never gets easy, and I remember not believing her!! She made it seem easy! Now that I run every day I see that she was right, and that’s what I love AND hate about running. Running is as hard as you make it. Sure, you can run every day at the same slow pace and never really push yourself, OR you can push yourself to your limits and see how good of a runner you can become. I always choose the latter – because that’s precisely what makes running so rewarding.


I felt the EXACT same when I started running longer distances in September (and by long, I mean like… 7km. Ya.)! I would get so frustrated and want to punch myself in the face with my running shoes when I was done. Every run felt like death. It’s taken about a month and there’s still some serious off days.
p.s. your sister’s feet are hot.


Thanks so much for this post. I haven’t been running regularly for quite some time now (March 2009). My break started after an IT band injury and then continued out of laziness and how hard running felt. Congratulations to you on getting back out there. I hope I can do so this week!


Story of my life. I did 2 miles of almost running the whole thing last week, and I called my husband in tears because I didn’t think I could finish…. Mentally I am SO THERE to be rocking out 5 miles no problem, my body just needs to catch up :)

You guys are rock stars though, getting out there and pounding the pavement!


Oh, and you should make pazookies, don’t be worried if a weird girl shows up to eat them, it’s just me :) hahaha


I’m struggling with this right now, too. Yesterday I ran ten miles with my fiance and it felt SO hard even though we were going at a 10:00/mile pace which used to be easy as pie for me. I had patella realignment surgery fourteen months ago (google for terrible mental images) and it painful getting back in the game.

As for dessert, I made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies from How Sweet Eats and they were amazing.


Oh yes, running is crazy hard!! I have building up to running all summer, and its still hard. I have to take walking breaks still. I wonder when I will ever be able to go out for an “easy” 3 miler. But I tend to always push myself, so it may never get easy for me. I am all about the post-run endorphins!! You are such an inspiration for all of us! And it helps me sooo much to know that an experienced runner like you has off days, too. Here’s to a better run next time!!

PS – I loved watching Arthur when I was younger!!


Running is super hard. I’ve struggled with it a lot and I know when this stress fracture heals I’ll be back to square one :x


Running IS most definitely hard! I’ve never had an injury that’s sidelined me before, so I can’t imagine how hard it would be to come back from that, but I do understand the idea of comparing yourself to previous “selves.” It’s brutal! It’s hard to not look back at runs of the same distance that were faster and easier, and for me it’s less running and more of my body image….there was a time when I was thinner and more defined but not as healthy overall as I am now. Although it’s hard for me not to compare myself to that image, it’s encouraging and AWESOME to see how my husband says “I love your body!” way more now versus then. I need to trust that and let my body be. As for running, if moms can come run faster and farther post-babies, then for sure you’ll be able to get back to your running form! Looking forward to that progress; stay with it and be positive – glad you have your sister too! Some runs just are hard, and it’s nice to have someone with you for those runs. ;) May your runs, even the difficult ones, be laying a great foundation for your comeback! …and good luck with the dessert. ;)


OH MY GOODNESS!! What a beautiful comment. Thank you for sharing your struggles that are a little different but very much the same. That is so sweet what your husband says and he is a lucky man to have such an incredibly beautiful woman! Thank you for sharing…you are the best!


Oh my goodness…YES running is HARD!!!
I am in the same boat as you. I had to stop running, well, at least not run as much because of my Crohn’s disease (i’m sure you already know this from my blog..but I just thought I’d write it again- lol) & getting back into it is TOUGH! Right now I’m alternating a lot between walking & running, but the other day I did a 5 mile run with no walks & I was such a happy girl, but it definitely takes time to build back up..but we CAN DO IT together :D I’m sticking with ya girl!! :)


WE CAN!! Oh girl, I need you! I can’t imagine what you have been going through with Crohn’s but you have stayed so optimistic but no matter how optimistic we are…it is HARD getting back into shape! Congrats on the 5 miles free of walking, you are the bomb.com


Yes, running is hard! I think that when people say they hate it, sometimes it is because they haven’t done it long enough to actually feel “good” doing it. Whenever I used to take time off in-between seasons or when I have to take time off due to injury, it is so horrible getting back in shape – even in just enough shape to do a decent mileage run, not to mention hard workouts! I can understand why some people hate it so much because it is hard!

It is also hard not to compare ourselves to our past fitness levels. Of course we want to be as fast as we ever have been :) This can be a good thing, though, because we know we are capable of being that fast and know we can get there again (if not even faster!) and it can motivate us to get back there.

It is also important to remember that we don’t lose our fitness overnight, so we can’t gain it back overnight. It will take some time for you to get back to where you were, but I think you will still see some improvement with each workout and with each week you keep running. I love doing tempo/threshold runs on the same route when I am getting into shape and seeing how much further I can go each week. It can be surprising sometimes (and also depressing at other times when I have a bad day haha… but…. that is just part of running and it happens).

I have been injured recently too and it has been almost 2 MONTHS now since my last run (and I was already cutting down my running before that). It has been getting better, but I can tell that if I run it will still be painful after… I haven’t seen a doctor yet bc I figured I would just pay them to tell me to rest (which I have been doing), but I think I am going to this week because I can’t take it anymore and I need answers!! Anyways, I have been trying to do some other things to stay in some kind of shape, but I know that running is going to be so hard and painful and SLOW when I try getting back into it. At this point, it is just going to be amazing to be able to run, no matter how far or how slow.

You are doing awesome and have been doing a lot of cross training to stay in shape, and I think that helps a lot. Don’t worry, you’ll be your normal speedy self in no time!


I love that you said to think about the fact that we are capable to be that fast again rather than feeling bad that we aren’t right now! I am going to try out your threshold idea so that I can see improvement over the next little while! TWO MONTHS…girl, I am so sorry. Please keep me updated with how you are doing and thank you so much for your amazing comment, I needed that!


good luck to you, i finally had a good run today that didnt suck. It had been a few weeks.


WAHOO!! Jeff, I am so happy you got in a good run!


OMG running is so hard. I am finally starting to enjoy it. I’ve always been a fast twitch/sprint/jump/power type of person. Anything endurance-y has always been hard for me. I have lost so much fitness-wise over the past year or so but I guess that happens when you have a failing organ. I AM greatful I can do what I can do, and that I have the opportunity to do so, but sheesh, going from super fit to immobile, then trying to work your way back up sucks major donkey balls. Me no likey! Oopsy, sorry to post such a long rant. Misery loves company, and it eases my mind knowing somone who is really a runner finds it hard sometimes, too! :)


So happy you are starting to enjoy it! WOW a failing organ…girl you are my hero for coming back from that. WOW!! YOU GO GIRL!


My run yesterday was SO. HARD. too…It was supposed to be an easy run to start to taper for my 1/2 next weekend, but I didn’t have water after mile 2 (was a 10 miler), and I seriously felt like DEATH.

Running is almost always hard…I like to think that it’s the “pain you enjoy” type of hard all the time, but sometimes a lot harder than other times, and you just have to say it’ll be better next time.


Oh girl, I am so sorry about your run! No water KILLS me!! Ha, pain you enjoy, that is PERFECT…you nailed it. Good luck at your half, you are going to rock it! Let me know how it goes!


This is my first time commenting and I love your blog! I am so glad you admitting that running is hard- you make it look so easy. Best of wishes on returning to it! I am also getting back on the wagon after minor injuries and a ridiculously hot summer. I am so slow but I know it will get better. Thanks for your honesty and inspiration!


HEY ALLISON! Thank you so much for your comment! You made my day! I am sorry about your injuries but stoked you are coming back. Keep me updated with how you are doing and we CAN do this together!


Thank you! I don’t have a blog but I will!


Yes running is hard but rewarding and allows you to eat lasagna and cookies and lay on the couch all afternoon. At least for me today it did as I finished my second half was trying to shoot for under two but a left knee issue after mile 8 put me a minute and a half over. Hang in there you’ll get your run back now that my half is over I will probably taper back on my mileage for the winter but want to try to stay in form so training is that much easier next year.


oh Janae, i feel ya. I run about 2x a week and its hard, but its slow and steady and it will get easier. At least we can run! You are right, you gotta start somewhere in order to get further, right?
love you!


i shared this before, but i had a baby 5 weeks ago and getting back into running is harder than i remember it being 10 months ago :( i’m not comparing myself to before though because I’VE GIVEN BIRTH SINCE THEN and my body needs time to recover!


Gotta be honest … it’s sometimes nice to hear other people say how hard running can be! ;) I definitely have my good days and bad days. But man, those bad days can REALLY stink! My calves or shins will hurt, my knees will hurt and my whole body will just feel heavy. But there are other days when I feel like I could run forever. I wish I knew the “magic” solution to make every run a good run!


Remember when I sent you an email that said HELP, I’m afraid to run outside. I always ran on the treadmill at the gym, and could go 4 or 5 miles, but I stunk at running outside and had a mental fear about it. Well, I’ve been working at it, and today I ran 4 miles (with lots of hills) totally outside and only stopped to tie my shoe-lace (two times…grrrr) and that was after a 9 mile bike ride earlier in the day. I felt so HAPPY….and the feeling you get when you finally do something that seemed so impossible, is what keeps me going back to running day after day. :)

Thanks for always being so real and supportive on your blog. You motivate me to do more. :)

Kelly in Michigan (p.s. my first ever 5K OUTSIDE is this Saturday. ) I CAN DO IT (I’ll double tie my shoelaces)


I’m having a hard time comparing myself to what I used to be able to do just months ago. Between lack of time to run and my HILLY new running routes, I just cannot seem to be able to go as fast as I used to or as far. And then I’m so exhausted when I get home. I feel like a new runner all over again.

I made baked apples for dessert! Apples are aplenty out here and I get such a great deal buying them in bulk. So I’m trying to find all the possible uses for apples. Remember Bubba from Forest Gump and his shrimp recipe skills? That’s going to be me soon, but with apples.


Running IS hard. While in high school, college and grad school I worked out regularly and was in awesome shape. During grad school I started to over exercise to combat stress, started loosing weight, kept over exercising, kept loosing too much weight, etc etc until eventually I was in a really bad spot.

After grad school I moved home (before getting married) and my parents became really concerned (duh) about my weight loss and obsessiveness with exercising each day. So what did I do? I stopped exercising all together, you know, to try to prove that I didn’t have a problem. But I did not stop loosing weight which = a 2 year period of absolutely no exercise but severe eating disorder issues.

Last month was three years since I decided to recover (and I have come SO far, Praise GOD) but one thing I have not conquered is how to work out in a healthy manner. I guess in a way I am fearful of becoming so obsessive about exercising that I just avoid it all together. But I know that doing this is not really a healthy decision either. Ya know? I have learned to balance the food aspect of recovery but not the exercise portion. When I do muster up the courage to work out I begin to compare myself to my previous level of fitness, become discouraged, and then it is another 4 weeks before I attempt any form of physical activity. AHHH vicious cycle.

Sorry for the novel of a comment. This is just where I am right now. Running seems really overwhelming but I guess it’s just about taking it one baby step at a time right? Thanks for letting me get all of that off my chest! :)


OMG i feel ya on the getting back in shape!! I’m just coming back from injury too and was excited about running a whopping 17 miles total this week haha. I definitely compare myself to my old fitness and I get frustrated when my old “normal” pace feels more difficult….but I think its just cuz our bodies are like “oh HELLO again running…nice(?) to see you too??” and they’ll remember what they’re doing soon. I’ve heard the first two weeks back from an injury are usually pretty bad, and then boom! back to normal!

You’ve probably made dessert already but I think you should make pumpkin blondies with butterscotch & white chocolate chips and obviously have them with lots of ice cream! :-D


I ran my first 8k on Saturday and that was my longest distance to date. It was a little challenging but my long term goal is to run a half marathon some day!


Girl you will get there!! Running IS hard – if it was easy, everybody would be doing it! You know what else is hard? Patience. Really, really hard. But I know you will be able to master both – running and patience with your progress!! :)


When I first saw the pic of you and your sis on your blog, I wasn’t sure which one was you – you guys look so much alike in that photo to me! It’s great you are getting back to running. Your getting up to go to the gym in the mornings has inspired me to do that every day this week before work – which is a big deal, as I start a new job tomorrow, and I am not a big morning person. But I can do it – and will feel so much better for it, I know it. Thanks, Janae!


WOW!! Thanks Courtney…I have always wanted to look like my sis:) AHHHHH I am so happy that you are working out before work, it helps my day go so much better when I do! CONGRATS ON THE NEW JOB…I hope you are having the best first day of work ever!


I am trying to build my miles back up but my own legs are refusing to do so. I cant figure it out other than i’m not getting enough sleep, but that’s hard with work right now. i just can’t win!


Running is hard! I think so much of it is mental though. I ran 4.8 miles yesterday and my body is in pain today. Now I know there is a difference between being in shape, and being in running shape. I still need to build up a tolerance for it!


Heck yes, girl! Running IS ridiculously hard! I compare my times now to previous times and it makes me frustrated too. All you can do is the best you can and remind yourself that you will get back to where you were. And then, you’ll blow past that previous self and be even better. I think the key is patience. And trust me, I’m not the most patient person.
Hang in there!! xo


Running sucks sometimes! But after injury people usually come back faster, stronger and smarter. Soon enough you’ll be back to where you were before. Just focus on the fact that you are healthy and doing what you love!


Holy cow…you’re posting my weekend. I’m 4 weeks out from a hysterectomy. And 5 weeks away from a half marathon I wanted to PR at. Now I’m wondering if I should even do the half and only do the 10k. I can’t believe how hard it is to get back into the running-groove. Not that my groove was super speedy or anything, but darnit… Yes, I compare myself to previous fitness levels. And then I actually think that because I’ve let my body rest, that somehow I’ll come back faster than before. Oh, us runners are a silly bunch.


Hey girl! I’m just getting into running but I seem to be improving pretty quickly which is encouraging. I had a question about long runs. It seems like whenever I run 9-10 miles, my GI tract just shuts down and I feel sick the rest of the day and am not able to eat much. I make sure I am well hydrated before and drink water/coconut water while running. I always feel fine for about an hour after but when I try to eat I just get really nauseous and then feel sick the rest of the day. The next day I am fine and back to eating normally. I really love long runs and I want to keep doing them but I hate feeling so bad afterwards. Any ideas?? Thanks!! Love your blog!


Oh girl….. I totally know what you are talking about. It is called runners flu and it is not fun! I used to get it after every single long run and over time it has gotten better and better and your body adjusts to shaking it’s intestines around for ten miles straight! I hope that helps!


Thanks for the reply! It definitely helps just knowing that other people experience the same thing and that it will get better with time. I think for now I will stick with liquid calories like smoothies and things after long runs until I can stomach more normal food.


Great job on that run Janae!! I so know how hard it is to come back from injury…I ran the Chicago Marathon last year with an injured IT band and injured hip flexor, most painful marathon EVER…i had to take two months off to recover and heal, and getting back in was hard, I felt like other injuries kept popping up all over my body, then I came down with severe tendonitis in the same leg i had the first injury…it was in my shin all the way around my foot, and i thought I would be in serious trouble for the Chicago training this year, but i cut way back on mileage and took pysical therapy before the training ramped up. I have healed, but running has definitely felt harder this year because i had to start all over and get my speed back, plus fitting the training around being a mom…running is hard to begin with and anyone who runs and signs up for marathons are winners for finishing! You are amazing at running and you will bounce right back, and you and your sister are blessings to each other :)


OH MY GOODNESS…I can’t imagine running an entire marathon INJURED!! I can’t imagine trying to come back to running at the same time as being a mom and trying to fit it all in. You are my inspiration. Thank you for sharing your story with me.




I know exactly what you mean. I got so, so impatient coming back from an injury. I hated thinking “Gosh, it used to be no thang to go run 10, but now I can barely get up the stairs.”

It helped me to take off my Garmin for a while so I could just get out and have fun running without stressing about my pace.



Holy cow, can I relate!!!
2.5mos ago, 3miles was HARD! 5 miles was PAINFUL and to even THINK about running 8 miles was out of my ability to concieve. I was REALLY frustrated, feeling like I was broken and that it would take FOREVER to get back into shape.
10wks later…I am not there YET….BUT I am so much closer! just be consistent, REST LOTS and don’t give up!!!! I ran my 10K this past weekend at a 6:55 pace…so it WILL COME BACK! I promise! hang in there and email me! I can totally relate and am STILL in my comeback mode….lets keep each other going!!! xxx


Running is SUPER hard!! it makes me feel better to hear you say that — I got in 4 miles the other day and it was everything I had lol.. I just keep telling myself I’ll be able to go a little further each time :)

I had a surgery on my legs once and it was super hard not to just think of how much better I used to be… I’d instead try to focus on how much better I was doing than *last week*. Just improve each week :)

OMG I just tried Chocolate Covered Katie’s 4min coconut macaroons.. they were super quick easy and delish :)


Runnig is HARD! i have days when I love it and days when I have to force myself during every mile! But it pays off right? Yesterday I did 3.5 miles at an 8:35 min pace… my normal pace is around 9:30!!!!
Your body just needs time to relearn how much you love it!


Love this post! No matter how experienced/fast you are, running will sometimes still feel hard. That doesn’t make you a weak or a bad runner—> it just means that the success of finishing will only feel that much sweeter! Running doesn’t happen by reading about it, drooling over it, or remembering how well we used to do so in the past. It happens by working our asses off regularly to reach our goals! Well done for getting through it! You are a rockstah!!

My run this morning felt hard initially but I forced myself to suck it up…by mile 3 I got into the groove and finished the 7 as planned- wahay!


I totally hear you. I’ve been out since July with plantar fascis (however you spell it!) and I’m just starting to come back now with mini 4 mile runs. It’s quite simply torturous. Whereas before I was tired but I felt strong? Now I’m tired, aching, huffing and puffing and feel like a human marshmallow. NOT good :)


BOOO to plantar!! I have been dealing with that a tiny bit but I got those boot things and sleep with them every night and they help big time!! FOUR MILES is huge. I know exactly how you feel but lets stick with it and we will be back to our old selves in no time!


“it just gets easier” I love that perspective!!! :D


dude, running will ALWAYS be hard and ALWAYS be a challenge. Some days are going to just plain suck.

But every once in a while, you get this really great run… Maybe it is just a normal everyday run, or maybe you’re lucky enough to have it happen during a race… But it’s those moments of pure running bliss that make us keep coming back for more. :)


Running is so hard for me. It always has been and now that I am back into it (after having a baby), it feels impossible. But it’s not and I am dragging my fat behind and stretch marks around for miles (furthest to date = 6 miles) in the hopes that they will shrink and fade. :) I want my baby to be proud of me, to know I take care of myself and that I’m not afraid of doing something challenging. Lead by example, right?


WOW!! SIX MILES!! Girl, you are awesome. I could not agree with you more about leading by example. My sis is like you and wants her kids to be proud of her and your baby IS proud of you:) You will be a better mommy if you take care of yourself:)


I love Arthur and am grateful that it was my niece’s favorite. So cute.

I compare a lot, but I recognize that the reason I’m in less shape is also due to circumstances (change in jobs, finances, etc). But it also inspires me to know that I can get back there.


Ugh, I feel your pain. Sciatica that came on last Sunday has hauled my marathon training and I am so scared that it is going to be a hard road back… when I can actually run. :(


Late to the party but I know where you’re coming from. I had to take over a year off from running, during that year I had knee surgery. Getting back into running was hard, but the hardest part is not getting frustrated that I can’t run as fast as I used to (not even close). I’ve been back in the running game for a year now, and while I still get upset, I have to remind myself about things like ‘a year ago I could hardly do the elliptical, now I can run 13 miles!’ or reminding myself that I can run without a knee brace for the 1st time in 4 years! Good luck!


WOW!! Thank you for sharing that with me. You are incredible and have come such a long ways! THIRTEEN MILES!! You go girl. You are a huge inspiration to me!


Girl you are preaching to the choir! I am coming off of an ankle injury back in May and it’s SO frustrating building the endurance back up! However, for every seriously crappy–why did I ever start running–kinda run, there is also the “awesome run” you can pull out and remember to get through it. For me, it’s those fall runs when it’s sunshiney and the wind is at your back and you feel like you could fly if you just had the wings :o)

Here’s to both of us continuing to recover!


Getting back into running from ground zero is definitely super difficult! I remember coming back this January from 5 months off and it was almost as if I had never run before.
Annnd running is so much more fun when you’re back into it, always takes a little while to get to that point.


i am so glad you posted this! it makes me feel better. i don’t care how much you work out, i swear that running is a different story and so much harder than any other exercise! last week was my first week back at running in a loooong time (i told you this already. but i know you get like 483 comments a minute and don’t probably remember who’s who. or you probably do. because you’re the bomb.com) and i thought i was going to DIE. 1 mile. actually, teh first 2 days it was a half mile. 4 minutes or 5 minutes or whatever speed i was on have NEVER felt so long. and then i did a mile on a 6. 10 minutes blogging is one blink. ten minutes running was 39 years. i swear. i died. but actually didn’t. and felt good after. and now today i am going to want to die again. let’s hope i don’t!


okay. now i feel like a weenie becasue i just read other comments and people talk about 4 miles being their short runs. what?? i think i will probably never be to that point. ha. my 1 mile is lame.


You are awesome! :) No matter the shape you’re in just because I love your attitude. I’m having a hard time with my running just because of climate change. I just moved from Korea back to Arizona and the heat/dryness are KILLING my runs. I know it’ll get better though. I’m rooting for you chica! :)


Running just IS hard. ahaha


Okay, I know your dessert thing was forever ago and I’m way behind on reading this, but you should make this:


Although I make it with a cookie mix AND a brownie mix. Which makes it totally easy. And super yummy.


I find it very hard. Both physically and mentally. It gets very frustrating trying to ‘get it’ right.


Comparing yourself to a younger self or someone else when it comes to anything is never a good thing. I think the best thing to remember is that we all are different and move at different speeds.


Awesome run, way to push through!! And yes, running is HARD!!! You know those days when everything clicks, and a run can seem effortless and gasp…enjoyable?! Ugh, well I haven’t had one of those in a while and it gets rough, but I know that if I put in the work, I will get to where I want to be!

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