Before my sister even said hello to me when I walked in the door last night she directed me straight to the kitchen.  A few weeks ago my brother sent out a mass text about the BEST. ICECREAM. he has hever had and that he hadn’t lived until he had eaten it.   He is the one with that gave us that S’MORE BAR recipe….we trust him when it comes to sugar, cream and butter.

The sister even had the perfect bite (that contained all of the key elements of the carton) scooped out and ready for me to eat.  Do you now understand where I got my weirdness from?

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The ice cream literally tasted like vanilla ice cream with REAL, FRESH red-velvet cake mixed in and swirls of cream cheese frosting.  We had to make an emergency run to the store to get more of the Blue Bunny masterpiece.

My sis EXCLAIMED that she loves this ice cream so much because it is like eating cold baked goods (our biggest difference…she prefers baked goods over ice cream or candy…I know, I think it is crazy too.)

I decided that a diet of ice cream alone is probably not the best idea.  I got out the salad ingredients for my dinner and as I was getting out some frozen corn the Brownie chunk ice cream fell onto the table, opened up on its own and clearly had its own gravitational pull because I could not step away.

Hopefully my mom isn’t reading this but if she is, don’t worry mom….I used a clean new spoon for each bite, wouldn’t want to have bad manners or anything.

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Finally, my mixing bowl salad was made and contained every piece of produce I could find along with a chicken breast.  I used Italian dressing and it was pretty awesome.

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Seriously, Utah….I love you.

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Guess who picked out her outfit all on her very own…..

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Last but not least my sister shared something with me that may in fact be even better than the ice cream.

Every season of Felicity (best 90’s tv drama ever created) is now on Netflix instant watch.  See you in a month Billy…..I will be in bed, under the covers re-watching my favorite story-line ever from the beginning with a side of brownies dipped into carmel sauce and sprinkles.  Between my latest Adelle addiction and Felicity, I think I am covered in fulfilling my estrogen/sappy/dramatic/emotional needs for a while.

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Any other Felicity fans out there?

Would you rather have some sort of baked goodie or ice cream?  Do you ever eat ice cream straight from the container?

-Ice cream for me….I think the addiction started when I was trying to overdose on calcium to heal my femurs. I am going to answer no on the second part because my family and husband read my blog.

What is YOUR workout today?

-Ran yesterday so today is CROSS-TRAINING….even though the treadmill calls for me, I got to stick to my plan!

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That ice cream does sound AMAZING! :)


I’m going to have to give that flavor a try. Our big brand in Texas is Blue Bell and it’s awesome! I know they really don’t have it in some parts of the country, it’s a bummer. I tried the banana pudding flavor and it was amazing! If you can find it it’s totally worth a try. :)
I’m doing a 5 mile interval workout on the ‘mill after class today! I can’t wait!


Another Felicity fan, yeah! I absolutely love that series and even have it on dvd. Whenever work gets a little too stressful, I pull them out and start watching from the beginning. It definitely fills up that happy place again!

ps – I haven’t commented before but I love your blog. :)


CHRIS!!! Thank you so so much for commenting and your sweet words. I am SO happy to hear that you are a Felicity fan too!!


ADELE is the best. I can listen to her all day everyday.
& that ice cream looks amazing. I’m not a fan of red velvet, but I might just have to try it.


I would have to stick with baked goods since dairy and I are not getting along. But in my ice cream days I would eat it out of the container.
Workout today is torture trainer Victor. Yesterday was a 3 mile walk/run.

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


I LOVE Felicity! Thanks for the tip! I know what I’ll be doing during the kids’ naptime.


I loved Felicity!! My whole family used to watch it together!


I love ice cream but baked goods win every time. Although, baked goods TOPPED with ice cream is of course the absolute best. :)
Today is strength training + stretching after yesterday’s long run!


oooo why do you have tempt me with netflix when you know I can’t watch it here.


That ice cream sounds amazing!! Now I really feel like some….at 9am! Haha :)


Baked goods over ice cream any day. Chocolate cake with homemade chocolate frosting is number one! Followed by brownies. I do love a good chocolate malt and, of course, a peanut buster parfait from the Dairy Queen is my favorite ice cream treat.


I’ve wanted to try that ice cream for FORever! I would rather have baked goods dipped in ice cream…

The scenery ain’t too shabby at su casa!


Currently watching season 3 of Felicity…oh the drama!! :) Love Tillamook ice cream. I personally think it’s the best brand. Going to Zumba tonight, but mostly looking forward to spin tomorrow.


Hmm how about warm baked goods (preferrably a brownie) COVERED by icecream and then topped with chopped up candy (like chocolate chips and reeses pieces)?


Felicity is on Netflix?!?!?! YES!!! I think I’m suddenly feeling ill and need to go home and rest and watch tv :)

That ice cream sounds glorious. Also, I think I want to try eating meals out of mixing bowls from now on.


I am so looking up Felicity in the next few days — I have a friend who loved that show when it was on but I never watched it and I have no idea why!

That ice cream sounds amazing!


I am ALL about the ice cream!!! SO YUMM. Or fro yo, I love that TOO!

My workout yesterday was : teach BodyPUMP, and teach Zumba. SO great :) I love teaching fitness classes. Are you going to get back into teaching spin at Golds?


Ice cream, definitely. Except for during the holidays… During Christmastime I love pie, cookies, various bars, and cupcakes. But for convenience and all-around tastiness, ice cream is where it’s at.


Sorry, I have to go with baked goodies ;) But ice cream + baked goodies = perfection!
I am going to do a HIIT routine on the treadmill and abs after work :)


Definitely ice cream! And almost always something praline. Like the one with pecan praline and caramel running through chocolate iceacream (though I’ll accept a good vanilla). I always eat from the container too, but then, it is my tub so I figure it’s my right ;)

I’ll be doing some yoga later today after work. I’m trying to get more toned muscles. My legs are good from all the running but I feel weak almost everywhere else by comparison.


I know it’s blasphemy but baked goods! I love orange sherbet equally though! I dont ever eat ice cream out of the container, but i have eaten icing out of the jar way too often! Fail.


Ah!!! I discovered Felicity last night too!! I am the most excited to re-watch all of the Felicity-Ben-Noel drama! Eeeeek!


Ben or Noel?


Ahhhh!!!! Such a hard decision!!! Ben is just so hot. But Noel is such a dear!!




Felicity is my favorite show in the whole entire world.
I don’t have netflix, but I will probably subscribe now.
Ben or Noel?
Ben all the wayyyyyyyyyyyy




baked goods just recently trumped ice cream in my book!

I love your shirt in the ice cream pic! Where did you get it??


I second that. I just tried Googling it. No luck!


OHHHHH It is from, I will be doing a full review on them soon!


love your shirt. :) so cute.


never got into felicity – sorry. though I did have a friend in highschool that looked just like her :) I prefer chocolate. I know that wasn’t an option but I’m actually not a huge baked good fan (as in cakes, muffins cupcakes – they aren’t my thing) but until recently I didn’t eat much ice cream either – NOW I see what’s happened me starting to bake + finding your blog = too many sweet treats :P


Oh those blue bunny buckets are awesome! I really liked the Monster Cookie flavor too. I definitely prefer ice cream. We grew up eating it EVERY SINGLE DAY for lunch. What can I say? My dad is a hard core runner. He needs the calories!!! :)


Janae – I was (AM) a huge Felicity fan!! I saw every episode when it aired and then re-watched the entire series from start to finish a few years back. I LOVED that show. Everything about it rang true to me. The music got to me every time – it just fit every scene it was used in. I miss my weekly does of Ben! If you never watched Friday Night Lights – I highly recommend that one too.


Chrissy, because of your extreme love for Felicity I trust your opinion 100%….I have never seen Friday Night Lights but now I will be!!! Thanks so much girl. Oh, and Ben:)


Trust me…you will be saying “Oh and Riggins”…


Just kicked out a killer 4.5 mile run and an awesome ab workout… Funny, I never got into Felicity….maybe I should check it out now… :-)
Happy Tuesday! I had a killer day yesterday…did a photo workshop in the jungle…just posted AWESOME pics…
xoxo from Trinidad


oh yea about felicity! i was never able to watch it (too young) and now i can!

that ice cream looks awesome! i can’t keep any in the house because it would be gone in a flash!


Ahhh! I’ve been EYEING that ice cream in the grocery store…for like a month. I’m like do I really NEED to get it?! ..since red velvet cake is my favorite..and is it worth it?! Oh, now I WILL be buying it on my next trip to the store!!!! :D Thank you very much!
& I LOVE your little niece’s outfit- oh my goodness- she is going to be a fashion QUEEN! Love it!!


You DO need it gorgeous girl!


OMG — I wanted to BE Felicity. I loved her! She made me want to go to school in NYC. Univeristy of Tennessee is practically the same, right? :)




OMG! If you read my blog you must know that I am the BIGGEST Felicity fan. She is probably 50% of the reason I decided to move to NYC…just kidding. sort of. I actually OWN all 4 seasons. Yes, true story. Freshman Year = the best. I would totally follow Ben Covington across the country , and I relate so much to Felicity’s feelings of being lost in NYC. Junior Year is my least fave. Senior Year is the 2nd best and Sophomore Year is decent. Yes, I LOVE Felicity and it is in my dvd player right now.

I eat ice cream out of the container most of the time, which is, as I have been told, the healthiest way to eat it…right? portion control is for losers.

Today I ran 3 miles in my new orthotics! Woohoo! Here’s to recovery :-)


So I might just have to visit Utah for the sunsets…I am slightly obsessed with sunsets, so it has just been added to the bucket list, who cares about skiing and canyons :) (kidding…but the sunsets would be a big pull to get out there).

Also, I am a baked goods kind of girl, but I LOVE icecream (it doesn’t really like me back), but when I do have ice cream, I usually scoop once or twice out of the carton, so much better than a bowl of it :)


SOO excited about Felicity! One of my favorite shows of all time. I am going to watch it RIGHT now on Netflix.

I’d rather have ice cream than baked goods, for sure. But they are delicious mixed!


Girl, we are soul mates!


OMG! If you read my blog you must know that I am the BIGGEST Felicity fan. She is probably 50% of the reason I decided to move to NYC…just kidding. sort of. I actually OWN all 4 seasons. Yes, true story. Freshman Year = the best. I would totally follow Ben Covington across the country , and I relate so much to Felicity’s feelings of being lost in NYC. Junior Year is my least fave. Senior Year is the 2nd best and Sophomore Year is decent. Yes, I LOVE Felicity and it is in my dvd player right now.

I eat ice cream out of the container most of the time, which is, as I have been told, the healthiest way to eat it…right? portion control is for losers.

Today I ran 3 miles in my new orthotics! Woohoo! Here’s to recovery :-)

(ps my first comment didn’t post for some reason so i did it again – i just had to weigh in on felicity!)


You already have 40 comments but I simply must respond. First of all, I heard about this alleged red velvet ice cream a couple of weeks ago. NOW, I’m seriously going to buy it like tonight. I can’t wait!

Secondly, I heart Felicity…so much. I’m so happy to hear it is on Netflix instant streaming. I can’t wait to sink back into the over-drama of Ben and Noel! I was definitely a #1 Felicity fan so thank you thank you for giving me this very important information!


Oh girl…. Will you please buy the ice cream and eat it while you watch felicity? Heaven!


haha, I love that shirt!!! Ice cream is way better out of the container!


Team Noel for life. (And follow through with that “Friday Night Lights/Tim Riggins” suggestion. Trust.)


Wasn’t the sunset GORGEOUS last night?! Ahh, I loved it! Utah is pretty great, except during January through like May when I just wish Winter would go far far away.

Oh my, asking whether I like ice cream or a baked good better is the hardest question I’ve ever been asked… I think I’ll just have to say it’s a tie. Maybe that’s cheating, but I don’t care. ;)

My workout will be a 4 mile run today…can’t wait to run in the beautiful weather!


I’ve made it through almost all the Desperate Housewives, once I’m done I’m going to watch Felicity. Thanks for the recommendation!


I looove baked goods! Hahaha I wish they sold blue bell here… sis would be ALL over that! :D


Felicity on netflix?!? Ahh thank you, that is the BEST news I’ve heard all day!!
I’m STILL torn between Noel and Ben! Noel or Ben??
And Felicity’s hair! I’m a huge fan of her hair (pre-dramatic hair-cutting episode when she chops it all off)
I’m very excited about this, all this 90’s drama is totally going to eliminate my elliptical boredom for the next week yes!


BAKED GOOD for sure!!! I could do without ice cream and be just fine, sorry I hope we can still be friends :) I love your cute little nieces outfit, she should be a fashion consultant. I did some chest and triceps with a looooong session on the spin bike, recovering from a marathon is hard work ;) Do you ever go to Steve’s spin class on Wednesdays? Holly and I are going to it tomorrow, if your crotch can handle it you should come. I forgot that after your century ride you could probably do without sitting on a blasted bike for a while. But if you are interested you won’t be alone.


Oh that ice cream sounds so good! too bad I don’t think I can find it around here…sad!

my workout today is swimming a little over a mile.. trying to keep on top of cross training during marathon training :)


now I need to run to the supermarket and see if they have this available, AMAZINGNESS!

i love felicity!! i’ve been debating if I would want to buy the whole series on DVD, but I think Kevin is still shaking his head at the fact that I already own the whole series of The O.C. and Sex and the City. hmmmhmmm.

I think i’d prefer ice cream too, but being completely honest, can we make it so that the baked good is TOPPED with ice cream, because that would then be my answer!!

Todays workout will be 5 miles on the treadmill and weight training after work…fun times.


Would you rather have some sort of baked goodie or ice cream? Do you ever eat ice cream straight from the container?

– One hundred percent baked good over ice cream. Ice cream is nice enough, but give me chocolate cake any day!

What is YOUR workout today?

– 3 mile easy run. And it was easy – easier than I wanted. I think that I have to move my Tuesday morning runs to the afternoon because my Monday Body Jam class is so late that I have no energy the next morning. My runs have sucked on Tuesday, and this one was awful. But – I got my butt out of bed and out the door, plus finished the distance, so all’s good!


Yah! Felicity is currently in the queue, just waiting for a day when I have nothing else to do but curl up on the couch and watch episode after episode!
Have you ever tried the Haagen-Dazs Bananas Foster flavor? It’s AMAZING!!


Red Velvet ice cream???? Heck to the yeah!!!



I’m thinking of making shirts to sell on life of blyss.. with awesome sayings like that. ;)


It is from! Full review coming up!! Ps u totally should!


I prefer to watch old episodes of The OC on SoapNet whenever I am home. :)


OMG! That Felicity news is the best news ever! I remember I was starting high school when that show came on and I wanted to be in college SO BAD after watching that show. I’m so going to watch all of Season 1 tonight!


We have mini Blue Bunny ice creams at work, but I haven’t ventured closely enough to see what kind. Once I go down that road, there is no turning back.

I think I would go with baked goods if I had to have one.

My workout was supposed to be a run, but I am feeling a little icky, so I am going to wait and see if I am feeling better in the afternoon and go from there.

(PS I love your shirt, and yes Utah sunsets are amazing!)


I have to say I’m with your sister on this one… I love ice cream and candy and really all sorts of sugary things, but I am definitely a baked goods girl. Big, soft cookies or a gooey piece of cake with a huge glass of milk is perfection to me. I’ve heard about that red velvet cake ice cream before, and I have to admit I’m a little sad to hear that it’s amazing. Just because that means my pants aren’t going to fit me soon.

I am planning on doing some Turbo Fire today, including some strength training! But I’m still crazy sore from my run this weekend, so we’ll see if I make it through or if I just go buy red velvet cake ice cream. Lifting a spoon to my mouth totally works my biceps, right? :)


You must try it, it really is HEAVENLY. I think you should pick it up right after your turbo fire workout:)


You are full of GREAT ideas!!
I am having a Felicity watching, ice cream eating night tonight.

Totally easy workout day today, either 30 minute X-train or 2 miles.

PS. I actually find the color combo of your niece’s outfit kind of stylish.


You’re sister has DRASTICALLY improved my life while also being the demise of my marriage as I LOVE FELICITY! I have been looking sporadically on Netflix to see if they would make it a watch instantly. My prayers have been answered. Too bad I didn’t know about this yesterday as I was home from work with a cold and that would have been perfect for a day home from work! Oh well! I will enjoy it today when I get home!!!!!!!!!!!


Love Felicity! My mom and I watched the whole series from start to finish last summer (awe, miss summers at home!), and I couldn’t get enough. She watched it when it was originally on, but I had never seen it before and I surrrriously can’t compare any show to it. I’m also kind of in love with Ben. And Noel (at times) haha!


You and your mom watched it together…I am extremely jealous! What a fun memory and team Ben all the way:)


Blue bunny has THE most amazing flavors ever. If you think the red velvet is tasty just wait until you try the monster cookie!!

PS Love your niece’s outfit, hahaha hilarious.


I never thought this day would come!!! I’ve been waiting with no patience for Netflix to have Felicity. I can already feel my productivity dropping.


BAHAHAH ME TOO…..I am now scheduling Felicity watching in my planner as number one priority!


Love Felicity! Such a great show and now I have added it to my instant que list. I prefer a baked goodie. I like icecream, but it’s rare for me to eat it. Weird, I know.


Ice cream is best straight from the container! ;) Or maybe in a cone. Gorgeous photo of the nighttime sky in Utah!


Ice cream straight out of the carton–love it! I am teaching HIIT and Abs Blast tonight which means I better kick my own butt, right?!


oh my gosh, I didn’t notice ANYTHING in this post except your SHIRT!!! I LOVE THAT!!! And this is coming from the girl who develops tee-shirts for a living. (seriously) I have millions of tee shirts and never need another one but I WANT THAT ONE!! Where can I get it?

Reply!!! I will be doing a review soon!!!


Is frozen yogurt in the ice cream category or all on it’s own? If it’s not, I’d say frozen yogurt, baked goods, ice cream, in that order. Of course, mix-ins can always change that order!


That sounds SO good. I am more of an ice cream girl. Preferably FROYO I haven’t actually had real ice cream in AGES! I know, the horror. I never watched felicity because I was a little kid in the 90s and was watching the amazing cartoons :) MY workout today is a spin class later. My favorite!


OMG! I love Felicity! I own all of the DVDs! It is probably my all time favorite show! :) And I am going to have to go find that ice cream!


Ahahahahah I seriously freaking love you and belong in your kitchen. I am going to sneak away from school for like a few days and sleep over and we can watch girl movies and eat froyo all the timeeee


Oh my gosh that ice cream sounds awesome!! I’m an ice cream person in the warmer months and a baked goods person when it’s colder out :). And Felicity is awesome! They used to play it all the time on WE…but sadly, no more.


um. neither. i like candy. Lots and lots of candy. right now I am on a tootsie roll pop kick. (the brown ones)
Tonight is BODYPUMP and elliptical. BORING!!! (the elliptical-NOT bodypump)


wowza- that sounds amazing!!
My workout today was a 6 mile run. Took everything in me to finish it! :P


Nae Nae I LOVE LOVE LOVE Felicity. This just made my whole morning. Seriously my favorite show ever made. I LOVE that news. I love your blog and I read it everyday. I love that I really know you! Thanks for always writing. I keep thinking one of these days I am going to run into you (Really I just keep hoping that will happen.) It will be a great day when I see you!


EMO….I totally remember that you loved it and we watched it in your basement one time together:) I think we need a REUNION!! Seriously, when can we go to lunch….PLEASE!


I’d rather have a baked goodie with lots of icing! Red velvet with cream cheese frosting, specifically.

Today I was supposed to do a recovery run from my half on Saturday. For 31 minutes I recovered and then I just couldn’t take it anymore so I tried out a 6:18 pace because I’m aiming to do a 20 minute 5k and you need to be at a 6:19 pace to do it. Well, I practically died – of both exhaustion and happiness.

Then I headed over to my new favouritest yoga studio for 75 minutes of heavenly intermediate vinyasa that stretched out my hammies and hips and almost made me moan out loud, it felt so good. Life is beautiful.

Have you decided whether you’re going to do NYCM?


I think I prefer baked goods over the ice cream, maybe? Hmm… This is tough. I really like chocolate chip cookies/batter but there always is cookie dough and cake batter ice cream…

My workout wassss elliptical for an hour and lifted some weights. Then tonight, I have class from 5-9:30 so I’ll be exercising my brain. Yay.

My banana bread has the same gravitational pull, btw! HOW STRANGE! Maybe desserts are starting to take over the world! ;-)


yay SO PROUD OF YOU for sticking to not running every day i KNOW how hard that is for you! but you are AMAZING and gonna def run in NYC and ROCK IT! um your niece is SO CUTE and i am SO JEALOUS OF THAT VIEW i want to move to utah!


Why are you always asking us to make such awful choices?!? Again, I propose the ultimate third choice of baked goods AND ice cream/candy. Brownie bottom sundaes anyone?


Will you please forgive me;) Okay, you nailed it….brownie sundae always wins! How about we add some twix bits on top with some whipped cream?


YES!!! A brownie sundae is not complete without whipped cream and candy toppings. A Twix brownie sundae sounds so amazing. At 11:06 AM. Maybe this will have to be our recovery meal when we do a century together (er, with me far, far behind). Oh, and that Utah sunset picture is amazing! I meant to say that the first time but I was too distracted by sundaes.


That ice cream sounds awesome. If I was able to bring that stuff into my house without downing an entire container, I would totally be picking some up. Yum! :)


P.S. Be sure and stop by my blog for my first giveaway. It’s a yummy one! I promise.


That is awesome ice cream. There is a brand called Blue Bell that is the most awesome!!!!


That picture of your neice is adorable. She is such a doll. And yes your sister is crazy because icecream always trumps baked goods, however together they create heaven. :)


I’d take ice cream over baked goods any day.. I just love it! Though I tend to be kind of plain- I love vanilla- but cookie dough rocks too.. Either way I think its all pretty rockin- :) No one greats me when I walk into the door with spoons of ice cream.. damn it.. why didn’t I have siblings?


I LOVE FELICITY! When we were in college, my roommate and I watched all of the seasons back to back over spring break. Man I love that show.


I just recently tried Ben & Jerry’s Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream so as of right now, I’m an ice cream person fo sho. It’s ridiculously good and tastes like fall!!! YUM

and yes, I do eat out of the carton b/c when I decide I want ice cream, taking out a bowl doesn’t even cross my mind!

My workout today was a 4 mile run with one of my co-workers during our lunch break. Later I might do some ABS…we’ll see how motivated I am on this cold rainy day when all I can think about doing is getting into my bed and watching Gilmore Girls!!


BAH!!! i LOVE felicity! my roommate and i used to watch the seasons. we got all 4 and watched them day and night until it was finished. my husband (who i was dating then) thougth we were RIDICULOUS. he will die when he sees me tune into netflix. so glad i found out! also, that ice cream is my very very fave! we love love it. and we’re out. looks like i’m headed to hell mart today..


My husband just groaned when I exclaimed out loud about Felicity and Netflix. We were just dating as well when it came out and he watched it then as the new boyfriend. I have a feeling that now as the husband of 11 years, he won’t be quite so enthusiastic…


BAHAHAH that is hilarious! Billy did the same thing with me and Greys Anatomy and now he refuses to ever watch it again!


That view!!! Ohhhh MYY! Can I come visit?!




I’m pretty sure ice cream is BEST out of the container. But then I always eat half the container.


I can’t even tell you how excited I am about this!!! I LOVE red velvet cake so much and cream cheese frosting even more… And ice cream the most… I need to find this and buy 10 cartons… Mmmmm.. I’m so happy you posted about this! You always have the best food (treats) advice. I love you for that… And bc you’re just so darn cool. :)


I just read your triathalon inspiration post in Google Reader, but came here and it’s not on your home page. Anyway… I need some serious advice. What do you think?


gah I LOVE FELICITY!!! i own all four seasons on dvd and constantly re-watch them! i’m OBSESSED. =) and i’d choose noel. every time.


Aw Felicity was such a great show – I was obsessed with her gorgeous curls and so sad when she cut her hair short!

Not to rain on your ice cream parade but ice cream and milk (and all animal protein in general) pulls calcium out of your bones and actually leads to osteopenia/osteoporosis. There are lots of studies and books which talk about this: Food Revolution, Eat to Live, The China Study, etc. It’d be a lot better for your bones if you stuck with some of the dairy-free ice creams – turtle mountain is especially yummy!


I love your t-shirt slogan, lol! :-D And I trust you completely on this one ;-) xyx


I am a baked goods fan, with side of ice cream, or maybe ice cream sandwiched between baked goods, or maybe….don’t make me choose. It’s like trying to pick a favorite child, impossible.
Today, I had a run and a swim.
Love your shirt!


Any other Felicity fans out there?
I am a HUGE Felicity fan! I am so excited it is on instant now!

Would you rather have some sort of baked goodie or ice cream? Do you ever eat ice cream straight from the container?
I think I’d pick ice cream if I could only have one. But a nice hot brownie with ice cream over it is the best!!

What is YOUR workout today?
Did aerobics on the balance trainer today.


My problem is that I love baked goods and ice cream equally … I just can’t choose. So I can never say no to ANY sweet treat placed in front of me!!

And I was not a huge Felicity fan … sorry! I was more of a “Gilmore Girls” fan myself! ;)


I saw that ice cream at the store tonight! I almost got it but ended up with a pint of chocolate sorbet and a 1/2 gallon of moose lake fudge instead! I’ll try it next time!

Love your shirt! hahaha, that’s hilarious.


LOVED Felicity!

Have you tried Blue Bell Tiramisu ice cream? You will never be the same!


No….okay, that sounds like heaven. Bye, got to go to the store;)


Why on earth would anybody NOT eat ice cream out of the tub?? It’s like a BUILT-IN BOWL! Clearly it’s made to be used for that purpose :)


ALSO that flavour sounds INCREDIBLE. Would you believe I’ve never had red velvet cake? :( It’s not very common here… hmmm maybe I should make some. Then chop it up and put it in ice cream! YES! :D


Ice cream any day!! Although I recently had to go (mostly) dairy free which makes my heart hurt. I have tried a few of the coconut milk ice creams & they are good, but do not compare to Blue Bell or Ben & Jerry’s. And yes my husband and I both eat ice cream out of the carton – same spoon – continuous doubling dipping occurs.


your niece has got to be one of the cutest little girls I’ve ever seen!

as for your questions, i’m all about baked goods AND ice cream…I’m convinced there’s nothing better than a warm chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream. :) I’m also guilty of eating ice cream straight from the container, that’s why I had to do a combo of treadmill intervals and stair master tpday that kicked my butt!!


i totally eat out of the container, but i prefer baked goods (MUFFINS!)

your niece is just too cute!


I’m old, so was a little older than Felicity during the original airing but my BFF and I watched this show religiously. So glad to know that I can find it on Netflix! I know what I’m doing during my kids’ naptime today. :)


SWEET! Thanks for the heads-up about Felicity! Love that show!

Right now it’s ice cream- raw goat’s milk ice cream! Actually not too bad (can’t tolerate reg ice cream right now).

My workout today: group Power (lifting weights to music- LOVE it!)

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