McDonalds Saved My Life

I am not even joking here.  McDonalds showed up at the perfectt time to hydrate me with a large rootbeer (I know soda actually dehydrates you, but it was all I could think about for the previous 2 hours) followed by a large powerade….it only took me 3 minutes to finish them both and before I knew it I was singing again.

Photo 1

70 Miles…..Personal Distance Record…..I feel proud:)  More details to come later but now I need to refuel every single last cell with glycogen before I even think of doing anything else:)


What was/is one thing that you have done that you feel proud about…..come on, brag a little bit:)

What have you been doing this LABOR DAY?

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70 miles?!? Congrats girl!! You’re a beast! :) I am proud of completing a 1/2 marathon only 5 months after my first 10k. (and now I’ll run a marathon on the same day I ran my first 10k last year!)


good for you!!! you deserve to brag :D


AHHH Michelle, that is absolutely amazing!! CONGRATS!


What? No ice cream cone?


Bahahah….I save the cone for dates with you:)


OMG 70 miles?? That’s freaking amazing! You rock my socks off :)


Thanks Lindsay!!! Hope you are having an amazing day!


You are so awesome! 70 miles is crazy far! I love getting their giant cups and using them as a normal person would for 3-4 days, gotta love hydration :)

Last proud thing: finishing my preceptorship at work and being without a preceptor for the first time this week at work!!! (pray for the kiddos at my hospital…)


CONGRATS on finishing your preceptorship, that is amazing! I will pray for the kiddos!


holey majoley!!! Awesome job, Janae!


Some cyclists doing the tour de France were drinking cokes in the feed zone, so your root Beer is proof you are an animal just like the pros. :)

My tennis game gets bragging rights this weekend. Haven’t picked up a racket in forever and I was hitting winner after winner on my Hubs…….it was awesome and felt sooooooooooooooooooooo good. Then we came home and spontaneously decided to make breakfast for dinner together. Fun times.


ERICA!!! Ahh….you are so right, now I am just elite huh:) CONGRATS on your tennis game, I played tennis in high school too….could we be any more alike? Bfast for dinner=heaven! Have a great day!


WHOA! 70 miles?! That is totally rockin’ missy! Congrats!

I can brag that I added weight to almost every muscle group in BodyPUMP today-woot.


Girl, that is HARD CORE!!! Pump is no joke, especially when you add weight to EVERY track!! Way to go…you are ripped!


I think a lot of professional/elite cyclists actually drink flat cokes during their rides (caffeine+sugar), so not a bad choice! And congrats, btw :)


That makes me feel a lot better, thanks Liz!


YES! My boss from the gym is a marathoner. She always goes to 7-11 for a “Diet Coke the size of my head” after her long runs!

Congrats on 70 miles! I have a road bike I bought off my friend…now I just need to get air in the tires!!


Congrats on the distance PR! It was a beautiful day for a bike ride in Chicago! I spent my labor day setting a distance PR of my own…a 16.2 mile run. Enjoy your peaches…you should def throw a few of them on the grill.


Okay, you are brilliant…on the grill, that sounds incredible! CONGRATS ON YOUR PDR!!! You are incredible!


Awesome job Janae! I too had a big workout accomplishment this weekend: my first 20 mile run!


KRISTIN!!! CONGRATS, that is awesome! 20 miles of running is HARD CORE!! Hope you refueled with lots of ice cream!


WOW!!! Congrats on 70 miles! So exciting! I was so happy when I ran the Disney and Boston Marathons within 1 few months of each other :-)

This labor day we did volleyball at the beach, Pool BBQs, and a Beach Day.


Within one month….um, Hannah you are my hero!


70 MILES?? You are absolutely AMAZING. Great job!!

And let’s be honest..after a hard workout, soda taste GREAT, hehe.

Since you gave me permission to brag…I ran my FIRST HALF MARATHON THIS WEEKEND!!! EEEEK! I just posted about it if you want more details, but yay for a weekend of PDRing!


AHHHH ANNA!!! You are absolutely incredible, congrats and I can’t wait to read all about it!


I’m just wondering why there wasn’t an amazing picture /w you, that root beer, and Ronald on the bench there ;) lol we don’t have him sitting on the benches at our McD;s

PS: I can’t believe you did 70 miles. You are amazing


Ahhhh Ali, Why didn’t I think of that!?!?! Oh yeah, my head was spinning due to dehydration ha! Don’t worry, I will never do that again… time Ronald and I will be hugging!


ya I can imagine you’d be wiped. but I WILL look forward to that hugging picture in the future :)


WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I bet you rocked those 70 miles. Good for you, that’s amazing.


Thank you so so much Lori, you are so nice!


Wow! 70 miles?! Congrats girl :)


Congrats, 70 miles is no joke! You’re gonna rock this century race, and just think how much fueling you can do after that race.


Dang woman you’re on fire!


You are such a star :)

Things I’m proud of: remembering to actually get my lunch out of the fridge at home to bring it to work!!! Yes, it’s a small achievement, but after forgetting for the past 5 days, it’s one I’m VERY pleased about! hahah


Ha, I hate when I forget my lunch so YES that is a huge accomplishment:)


Nice work! I was at a trail run today and they had coke on the course, so I dont think the root beer was a bad idea at all.
I ran a 1/2 marathon and set an 8min course PR. I am actually starting to love hills!


Thanks Ida….good to know that my root beer craving was not a bad idea;) EIGHT MINUTE COURSE PR…you are absolutely amazing!!


I set a PDR of 16 miles on foot this past Saturday…this coming Saturday is 18! Woohoo!


DANG KELSEY….that is AWESOME!!! You are going to rock your 18 too!


You are a beasttt! 70 miles is amazing. I’m dying to bike outside! You are my idol for sure :)


70 MILES?! OMG! Girl, you’re a superstar!


Ummm I set a 5K PR during a training run the other day – 23 minutes!!! That’s fast for me. I thought I was going to die but was SO SO happy at the end.

A helmet looks good on you ;)


CHRISTINA….you are incredible.That is so so speedy!


I was able to run 40 miles this week. It’s my longest weekly distance since developing plantar fasciitis almost 8 years ago. So proud!


DANG ROSA!!! You are incredible!! WHAT…your plantar lasted 8 years!?!?!


I’ve run on and off in that time, but since I’m impatient, I would end up re-injuring it because I would increase my mileage or speed to quickly. Darn owies!


Nice job on the 70 miles girl! I ran a 10K race today, that’s what I’m proud of :)


oh my goodness what a great way to spend the day! :) awesome job! :)


You did it!!!!!! Of course I knew you would/could. :) Congrats, Janae! Can’t wait to hear more about it. xo


Go Girl!!! Yes. yes. yes!! YAHOOOOOO!!!!!


You’re a rockstar!


You’re awesome! 70 miles is no joke! I didn’t ride at all today, but I did WATCH a bike race. It’s totally the same thing. :)

I did a speed workout (10x400m) and then watched my hubby in a cyclocross race. Not super exciting, but it was a great day!


WOW! 70!! I am so proud!!! I did nothing I was proud of this weekend. Except eat some good eats and spend some qt with my husband! YAY!


You. RULE! Yep. You rule.

I’m proud of running in 95 degree heat this week. (Ugh.)


I spent my day working. I work in a call center for a large insurance company. I got very frustrated today when people would get mad at me because their agents had the day off for the Holiday. I wish I could have spent the day riding bikes with you!


Awesome job on the 70 miles! You are going to rock your Century! The furthest I have gone on a bike is 25 miles, and it was ugly.

I am proud that I ran 2 half-marathons this weekend! And that I ate an entire pizza by myself after the second one.


Hey girl! I’m so proud of you and your long ride here! Even if you are at McDonald’s. :) You’re too cute in that helmet. And something I’m proud of is being an awesome mom today with my girls and making their last day of summer break a memorable one. shopping, girl talk and fun stuff!


Good Job Janae!!! 70 miles is AWESOME!! :)


70 miles, you are my hero! I shouldn’t be shocked tho, you are super hardcore…. but that is so awesome! I hope you got some ice cream or fro yo too :D You are going to rock that century no doubt!!!


Thank you so much Lilly, I didn’t get any ice cream yesterday but I will make up for that today:)


You are such a rockstar! And root beer is obviously the newest and coolest recovery drink, haven’t you heard? :)

I’m proud of running 8 miles yesterday – it doesn’t look so impressive next to all the marathoners, but it was my first 8 mile run ever! I’m also proud of getting through 40 minutes of yoga today because whew boy, are my legs sore!


Um, Jessica YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR!! 8 miles is a long way!!! Seriously, congrats on the running and the yoga.


Are you training to be the female Lance Armstrong?? CHECK YOU OUT ;)!


I cannot believe you did 70 miles in one ride. That makes my brain, my legs, and most especially my butt hurt just to think about. YOU ARE AWESOME! And after all that you could still look that gorgeous sipping on rootbeer like it aint no thang. Impressive.
I want root beer.


Awesome job!! I can’t believe you rode 70 mi!! :hail:

I ran a half marathon, without a Garmin….and I ran CONSISTENTLY, never got in my own head or negative, and I ran it in 1:43:18. Woop! I am still riding high from Sunday’s race and so excited to start fall training.


Thanks Ash!! OH MY GOODNESS….congrats on your amazing 1/2!! You are incredible!! I am so happy you weren’t negative, that is the best news ever!


You are nuts I feel proud when I bike 17 miles for cross training!! I bet you will be sore today:)


Um, 17 miles is crazy long. I just randomly signed up for a century and figured that I had to get a long ride in:)


haha, love it! Nice ride–wow! That is impressive!

I spent Labor day at my in-law’s!


70 miles? Nice!

Labor Day I raced, then napped, then ate :).


70? You are a rockstar….but I feel like I tell you that every week so you are AWESOME! :-) Way to go!

xoxo from Trinidad


I ran 20 miles on Saturday! That was the farthest I’ve run in my life!
Awesome job riding 70 miles!!!


DANG CATIE…you are absolutely amazing, congrats!


Congrats girl! You are going to crush that century! Now this marathon I got coming up, is a whole nother story! Great work Janae!


I am most proud of running my first marathon this weekend! After training last year and getting injured the week before, I was devestated! This was about redemption and I had an amazing weekend!!!

70 miles is awesome! The most I have done is 60 and I was thrilled!! Yay…we both had good weekends!


Holy laborious Labor Day!! 70 miles is a total feat. I see IM in your future. NO.DOUBT.ABOUT.IT.


70 miles!! You are amazing!!! :)


Congrats on completing the ride- that’s awesome! My biggest accomplishment most recently is surviving my first day as a first-year teacher [yesterday]!

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